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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2023 5:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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the world-famous astrologer tamara globa on her birthday for the first time frankly about herself and her family, unique shots from her personal archive and the fateful video of 1983, after which she wakes up famous like tamara globa, no one has ever seen. malakhov tomorrow at 16:30 on the channel, russia on the air program 60 minutes about the most important thing. hello dear friends, comrades , let's start with urgent news, so for the first time the usa and russia directly collided in the special operation zone, 227 russian aerospace forces intercepted and
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shot down the american reconnaissance drone mq9 ripper translated from english reaper for information. the united states a pair of su-27s in every possible way interfered with the spy flying. fuel was dumped in front of him, and then a harmless propeller damaged it. the us air force promised to declassify the video of the attack on the drone. but by this moment, only a cartoon from myself has appeared; our soup literally ap kerosene with the permission to say the americans after which the wet car sadly collapses into the black sea. the russian defense ministry said that the drone itself fell arrest maneuvered the enemy bpailah. in addition , he flew with the transponder turned off and created threats to air traffic. washington has already accused russian pilots of reckless
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behavior. after all, the american drone was only performing routine tasks. he was simply followed by our troops in our crimea and did not interfere with anyone. well, that is, moscow treacherously attacked washington's russian borders. it’s even funny, but in the incident, the biden was immediately reported to the state department. they summoned the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov, and expressed sharp protest. breaking news russian fighter jets shot down us drone in the black sea after damaging it with a hit yes, a us reconnaissance creeper drone was flying in international airspace in the black sea when russian
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fighter jets quickly approached it and began michael's reckless aerial harassment that lasted 30 minutes. this happened early in the morning in the international waters of the black sea, according to the u.s. european command drone. the reaper mq was flying over the black sea when russian fighters made an unsafe and unprofessional interception and this is just the beginning, as the us air force stated two russian fighters repeatedly flew in front of the ripper drone, apparently trying to interfere with its flight pattern, intercepts are commonplace . russian fighters have never been on such a drone not only pursued a drone, they flew dangerously close 19 times. fuel was repeatedly poured onto the uav , one of the fighters climbed vertically , flew to the bottom and then touched the propeller.
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drona. the propeller is in the tail of the plane and the drone controller had no choice but to let it fall into the sea. they collided with the drone, damaging its propeller, creating a situation where the file could not be controlled. the pentagon said the russian fighter jet that collided with the drone was damaged but was able to land. the main question is whether it was a reckless interception that got out of control or the brutality happened on purpose obviously it was unsafe. unprofessional. and i think the actions speak for themselves the russian claims that the drone flew southwest of the crimean peninsula towards the russian border and crashed and over sharp maneuvering. and that the russian fighters did not enter into physical contact with the drone. by no means are us officials convinced that the russians were dumping fuel to damage the drone. now the pentagon wants to pick up the wreckage before
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the russians get it, but they are not in an advantageous position, since there is no one in the black sea right now. us navy ships broke kirby said that the reaper did not pose a threat in the air to any armed forces in the black sea region , in particular to russian ones, and also that the drone operated in international airspace, according to kirby, the united states continues to fly in the region and they do not need to ask russians when they fly over the black sea. the us has summoned the russian ambassador to the state department, the white house said. this happened as part of keeping diplomatic lines open to joseph while still american officials. told me that they're worried about a future confrontation, despite the fact that we're talking about an unmanned vehicle. this may entail warfare, if there are any consequences for russia, the united states will say what they will be, regardless of what
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exactly happened and whose fault it is that this is how wars of war begin. in the past , russian and chinese pilots started out for less, and are becoming more and more aggressive towards american aircraft . the main thing is here. will our answer be symmetrical in other words, will it attract russia to be held accountable for its aggression, one of the pentagon officials described the incident using the word bullying in general, yes, here russia constantly does this in international airspace, in addition to international waters, russia considers the black sea to be its state lake, which is fundamentally wrong. mr. putin again beats his chest and says, look, i can control the black sea. are there any expectations? that president biden will want to approach
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russian president putin to talk about it and try to reduce tensions. informed the president about the events that took place in the black sea, but no white house and other us officials gave any information about whether the president is considering addressing president putin directly , the two leaders have not spoken since russia broke away to ukraine although the president said he was open to negotiations with president putin but this is only within the framework to end the current conflict now, judging by the statements of us officials, they do not have no desire to aggravate the situation. right now in the black sea has unfolded, a real hunt for valuable wreckage by american drones is sounding the alarm on the nvc channel, russia can get to the wreckage faster than any us ship and this will be our super-booty, a high-ranking pentagon official has already reported that the drone software, it
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seems, , it seems that they managed to destroy at a distance, but the so-called electronic communication nodes, control nodes and networks are centric systems. as a result, intact or greedy the seas have already appeared on the internet, allegedly records of negotiations between russian sailors, and to raise the participation of the american submarine there is information that a floating crane has moved into place. chernomorets three, however , there is no official confirmation of this information. so, we are waiting for new statements from the russian ministry of defense in the near future. in the meantime, the ring road that were at our disposal putin tested a heavy multi-purpose helicopter, however, not in real life she is a simulator, that is, one more item on the list of vehicles was closed before fighter. we remember the hang glider underwater bathyscaphe. well, behind the scenes, for sure. it remains, how putin works out
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a strike on the target of scamming, such a function is also present on the simulator, but official reports. and on this account, too, no, that is , just a guess, look. and let's see, let's have an automatic decision mode. everything works automatically, right?
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we turn it off and with such a prompt it is better to go for a landing. then she offers us a landing. how to do it? and let's go, but a little step down, so there is nowhere to press and the mouse is already for me let's go to the decline and while it is possible to make a left or right chart there, because we will not accumulate. that's the right speed, right? there is a left hand, and
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a little bit away from you with the right hand. thanks , the production technique of our russian dynamo manufacturers is being worked out. thanks a lot. well, right now , we are getting real-time shots of putin in the kremlin meeting with syrian president assad , the way he said that the earthquake in syria aggravates the humanitarian situation in the country and moscow is helping in every possible way to eliminate these consequences of a major natural disaster. almost 8 1/2 thousand people died in syria, tens of thousands lost their homes and russia is one of the few countries that help damascus.
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the west officially refused this, focusing on helping turkey, the turks are more sorry for them than assad , among other things, because syria officially expressed support for russia in a special operation in ukraine well, in parallel, another russophobic gathering in the rammstein format is already the tenth meeting since the meeting in the kremlin it goes through the account in an online format. so minister of defense reznikov today no luck. wave your pocket square with the aspirant. but just before the meeting, reznikov went to nikolaev, climbed aboard the soviet cruiser ukraine and sang a beatles song about a yellow submarine there , right now reznikov says that he expects to receive ammunition from the allies, as well as even more infantry fighting vehicles tanks and the key to receive aviation on the eve of us senators moreover, both parties put pressure on
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the pentagon and demanded that american f-16s be sent to ukraine, according to senators. quote the war right now is now at a breaking point and the fighters will help make a difference to the senators. we turned to the head of the pentagon with a request to provide an assessment of various factors by the end of this week. necessary for a successful transfer and his f-16, well, in the teacher himself for the first time they officially announced that the united states does not mind other countries of the alliance providing their aircraft to ukraine, but even now prime minister mateusz marowiecki polsky announced that he was ready to supply ukraine with the mig-29 fighter over the coming weeks. more immediately
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supported, finland, a lover of san namarin parties, said that helsinki could also raise questions about the supply of fighters, we are talking about f18 attack aircraft. well, and the most productive pilot of the us air force, a retired lieutenant colonel with a court call sign, that is, two dogs , in an interview in the state department dump, the voice of america said that it was time to train ukrainian pilots in the administration. there are no american planes, but there are a bunch of american mercenary pilots ready to offer their services to the air war against russia already
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for some time asking for the supply of multi-purpose aircraft during a press conference, prime minister mateusz marowiecki said that poland could possibly supply mig-29 aircraft to ukraine in the next 4-6 weeks. president anzhi and duda also mentioned these aircraft last week, so in the meantime , the prime minister of finland announced that she would discuss the issue of deliveries of fighter jets to ukraine. however, such a comment surprised the finnish government. it is clear that ukraine needs heavier weapons and it is good that we succeeded to negotiate with partner countries, and the supply of tanks to ukraine and, of course, a new big question. this is the supply of fighters and, in a broader sense, air defense systems, we must discuss. how can we help in this matter? president zelenskiy asked for tanks and got them. of course, it took quite some time. he also asks for fighters. i want to ask you whether it is possible to assume that the west will certainly supply them, given that now at least two ukrainian pilots are training on f-16 simulators at an american military base? i think f-16 will
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it’s hard to say when but i think they will be provided , air defense is an area in which the ukrainians should have the most modern weapons and get them in order to withstand attacks like the one that happened a few days ago. so, yes, i think they will be given at 16 and they will play a big role. wow, the ukrainian air force published messages on social networks. we need f-16. they say the fighter jets will help them secure the skies, how carefully do you consider the supply of f-16 fighters ukrainian military, of course, when it comes to f-16 deliveries. we take this issue seriously. as far as you know, the current administration is against it, however, at the moment. we provide more urgent assistance, such as drones and cruise missiles.
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we also supply them with earth-to-air missiles, which shoot down a lot of those missiles that hit ukraine but, unfortunately, some of them still reach targets of 16, which could make a big difference depending on the pilots. i am not against the ukrainian pilots, they are excellent pilots, but this is a completely different type of modern fighter. i think it takes a little time to get used to a new type of aircraft , especially one as advanced as the f-16. another possible short-term solution for the ukrainian government is to hire private contractors who are already f-16 pilots. and this is a political issue. this is what the government should organize, but this option is extremely likely. i think the way out is anti-aircraft missile systems, but also at least consider hiring private military contractors to fly over ukraine anywhere, in the skies over ukraine i would say there are enough american pilots who
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are willing to do it. i'll even go myself, i'll be number one. you can count on me. and against this amazing background , washington said that it did not want to turn the situation in ukraine into a real conflict between russia and the united states, the white house officially announced. wherein america's allies do not agree with this position . elwood, chairman of the defense committee of the british parliament, said that if nato does not stop putin in ukraine, the west may be drawn into a larger war. and not only with russia, but also with china, against such a background, zelensky today complained about the washington post article, in which ukraine is forced to divide the country according to the korean version and stated that the world is wrong. when he does not expect courage and strength from ukraine, he said nothing about dementia , although today it has become. it is known that the so-called headquarters
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of the supreme commander of the so-called ukraine demanded to continue to hold the city of bahnu, that is, the last ukrainian is never a joke. well, right now kiev is sending under bakhmut, reinforcements of russian attack aircraft continue to push through the defenses from the south and north, the complete encirclement of the city is only a matter of time. in the meantime, you are poking around losing a huge amount of manpower and resources to supply the troops in the cauldron. today , the russian volunteers posted these shots on them, attack aircraft are walking inside artyomovsk plant about steel foundry. and this means that most of the plant is already under the control of russia, as all the roads from artyom to the fabric are to one degree or another under the fire control of russian artillery, there is an advance in the central part of the city, according to
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the statements of the attack aircraft command. the advanced positions of our troops are already not far from the city administration, and the battles are moving to the west of the nuya part at night . which supposedly were supposed to go under bakhma. so the storm is coming . russian units continue to fire at chasov yar, which are located 15 km west of bakhmut, according to the kiev leadership, the ukrainian military should also keep directly involved in the war. they are shelling
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russian positions in the bakuta, if the whole city surrenders, then it threatens the uyar now, but this weekend both sides are shooting, only in different ways. since there are few cartridges for ukrainians, ukrainians need weapons in order to have the ability to defend places such as bang and hours of fury, as well as, as kiev claims, for the upcoming counteroffensive of ukraine in bakhmut , there is a fierce battle for everyone for the first time called complete nonsense. the president said that another bomb could have been planted on the nord stream pipe. gazprom specialists found , 30 km from the explosion, a certain device according to its characteristics, very reminiscent of an antenna that could receive a signal to activate the bomb explosion. . and the same famous boat. the reporter will be saved, but he did not
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manage to get inside the same ship from the side, which, presumably, the divers dived to the baltic sea and blew up the nord stream gas pipelines. this is what the boat looks like from the outside. but the frames inside everything look very, ordinary and in a simple way the ship, it would hardly be able to transfer everything , the amount of explosives that would be needed to undermine the twenty-sixth of september 2022, an unknown person blew up explosive devices on the pipes of gas pipelines, the culprits, so and not established, but according to german media , all traces lead to ukraine. these bubbles in the baltic sea appeared after the explosions on the nord stream gas pipeline in september 2022, the incident prompted several international investigations by western officials. at first
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russia was accused of sabotage while moscow denied it. it is now beginning to emerge interesting details of the investigation, the german prosecutor's office announced a search of a rented yacht, which is possibly related to an attack on pipelines, that the ukrainian may be responsible grouping, but ukrainian officials deny any involvement. the first findings say that the bombings were deliberate and caused leaks at four locations and the investigation is considering the possibility that russia is the mastermind. moscow has repeatedly denied
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involvement. in early march , german prosecutors announced that two months earlier , investigators had searched the yacht and found traces of explosives on board, and that it was no longer a secret to anyone. it is quite obvious to be committed at the state level, because that no lovers of such an action can commit, but nevertheless, gazprom received permission to investigate the site of the explosion. gazprom is not limited to the study of the place itself, and went further and at a distance of about 30 km from the explosion site , a chair was found that stood in the same place where the explosion occurred. and what is this place? this is the most vulnerable place that holds this joint in this
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place. experts believe that this may be an antenna for receiving a signal to actuate an explosive device, which may be argued, but may be several explosive devices were laid under the pipeline system. laid on something exploded something didn't. for what reasons it is not clear that a group of foreigners rented a boat. some of them showed ukrainian passports, which could be forged in the kremlin, they said that western researchers refused to allow russia to the site of the explosion. we turned to the danish authorities with a request, we did it quietly, silently. just a request to work together, or to form an international group of experts, specialists, which could go down together transparently. yes for everyone, i understand, but follow this place and, uh
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, if there really is some kind of explosive device to try to blind him, well, the answer was not certain. well, if you just say that these investigators no longer believe. that russia was behind this as for the damaged pipelines, there are no indications yet that they can be repaired any time soon. well, the service of the armed forces of norway reports that at 12:45 moscow time two f-35 fighters with everess viabase was caused by the approach of two russian mig-31b fighter planes. we are a su-24m bomber , supposedly combat penguins, that's what the f-35s are called , intercepted the russians in international airspace near norway. although it would be more correct to say that our aircraft
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allowed the norwegians to approach the distance of visual contact. after all, the maximum speed or understanding of the mig-31 is 3,000 km / h. and the limits are f-35. a little less than 2,000 is a difference of more than one and a half times, but our pilots behaved politely and not only they let the norwegians in, but they didn’t pour their kerosene on them, although they could. well, in norway itself, it’s not calm right now. large-scale nato exercises john viking are taking place there with the participation of more than 20,000 military alliances, as rear admiral tim henry, deputy commander of nato forces in norfilk, said, in this way the alliance is holding back nuclear-armed submarines of the russian northern fleet. at the same time , according to bloomberg, nato admits that it is not yet ready to fight with russia in the arctic, the military bases of the arctic countries are not suitable for
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conducting active combat. operating beyond the arctic circle in the cold the us and canada face endless engineering challenges. something, somewhere, somewhere , endlessly freezes the teachings of john wickin personally. the fifth norwegian king visited. he thanked the military, who guard the country's only land border with russia, for defending freedom. norway at a military base near the border town of kerkenes, and this is by the way the most northern grouping of nato, the king of norway visited for the first time already in 54 years. harrel fifth said that there was a special situation on the border, because in europe since the fourteenth year there has been a war. as noted by the chief of the general staff of norway, christofferson. at the same time, in the fourteenth year, all military cooperation with russia was completely stopped, the dialogue sometimes persists only between border guards, and
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only on the issue of search and rescue operations in the barents sea , the head of the norwegian foreign ministry spoke with these same border guards and even rode a snowmobile under the wheel of a snowmobile along the russian borders. well, at least not on tank, like the famous lisa track, thanks to her for that. i haven't been here in 1969 for a long time. then i was in tula and now it's time to come again. the king visited today the land border of russia with nato and visited the border garrison in the province of the server, as well as the nato
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joint military exercises taking place there we are honored to receive here our supreme commander and, moreover, to receive praise from him for the tasks that we perform every day. a special situation in europe is going on war and this region. now it has also become very important for the norwegian armed forces for nato in our work to protect the borders and our freedoms, the fortress, where he received instructions on the viking military exercises in which more than 20,000 norwegian soldiers from the allied countries will train in the defense of our country exercises taking place in the region . the intrigue began before march 16th. cause the war is on
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ukraine and the tense situation in the state security sector train the nato armed forces to defend norway if necessary, we can talk with lieutenant general egel gullo. you are the head of the ongoing exercises, what exactly is planned here, we are starting the torment john viking for this we are gathering military units here, primarily norwegian, but also military units from other countries are now uniting in order to participate in the exercises jointly in maneuvers for the next 2 weeks, great britain is leading and we coordinate these exercises are held simultaneously on land. here near the coast this way. we are conducting joint exercises on land at sea and in the air. roscoe prepare for
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exercises that relate to military operations. as you think, some participants may not be uncomfortable with the fact that they are essentially training in order to fight on norwegian soil with the russians. we are now in a difficult political situation. there is a war in europe our neighbor is a state that has occupied part of another state. that's why we have an army. ensures our safety. and we must master this science well. you are not afraid that moscow will say that you are approaching our borders because of your visit. no, we are not afraid of the few commanders of the troops. nato who has a direct line of communication with the command of the russian northern fleet you informed severomorsk about the visit of your colleagues from other nato countries to the border with russia
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this channel is used to communicate in case of security problems to inform about actions we use other channels, but i'm pretty sure the commander of the northern fleet is more than aware of what we're doing. norway is on nato territory and this is very important for nato in terms of defense and deterrence. it is the central part of the nato alliance in this region. we are standing only tens of kilometers from the nearest submarine base with static nuclear weapons. we are a nato alliance that works every day and adjusts its response based on what it sees to the border patrol on the border with russia, all
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this is happening against the backdrop of growing tensions there is tension around ukraine on the russian side of the border and we are carefully monitoring the situation in this area. service border guards on snowmobile border guards well i have very urgent news right now coming from podsasovo. yara there is a big column. vyso came under fire from incendiary munitions according to francepress. true, the french news agency does not report the main rear, the bakhmut groupings are no longer safe at all. this means that the offensive actions of the russian
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attack aircraft. not only are they advancing the front , they are opening up new spaces for the work of artillery and for the work of reconnaissance groups. but also as soon as bakhmut falls. the storm of the sentinel yar will begin immediately, preparations for which are already in full swing. well, it’s simply impossible not to tell about another, as it were , touching story , the father of a british mercenary who fought for the armed forces and died came to kiev to understand. and why did his son return home to me with the head of a russian, and in general, why now he will never return home jordan gatley was 24 years old a year ago, he left. the british army and went to ukraine fought near nikolaev , according to colleagues, the mercenary was a real hero , worked in a dangerous russian rear and killed many russians last summer, he was transferred to severodonetsk where he
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was eliminated. in our special forces. the details were shown by all the british media but the emotional journey of a british father who followed in the footsteps of his son's last moments fighting for ukraine last june. money goes to kiev, his path repeats the one that his son did when the invasion began. we are going with him. he wants to know more and better understand why jordan didn't come home. this is the last footage of him his family allowed. we show
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them on tv. here he is walking behind this group, a 24-year -old man anton, a canadian soldier who fought with him that day, who survived and who can tell what happened in the infamous battle for severodonetsk , the situation was very difficult for one
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to make more shots from the window. and received answer. the radio tells the soldiers to come down can you see jordan in this video? nogo fight on the jordan hit.
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well, right now, back to the main news of the day. just happened. known to have commented on the incident, as they call it. we say that an american drone just flew, the black sea crashed. so the chief of the american pentagon commented on the incident, the head of the american military department. loi tostin, he condemned the actions of the russian federation, of course, saying that moscow officially acted recklessly and recklessly. let's go directly to the united states of america , ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the russian federation to the united states of america anatoly antonov anatoly ivanovich hello, i know that you were at the state department at night, they called you to
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the carpet. but this is if you quote the american media spoke to you harshly spoke to you strictly. i continue to quote the americans and protested to official moscow. how it was? what did they look like in general, these behind-the-scenes, if i may say so , negotiations and an attempt to scold us. olga good evening. thank you for the opportunity to present e. our point of view on what really happened yesterday. uh, i was invited to the state department, where i had a 30 minute talk, uh, deputy secretary of state katherine dong and 15 minutes. we spoke directly on this story and 15 minutes 15 minutes. we talked about russian concerns. with regard to various aspects and activities of the united states of america , indeed, the americans protested to us
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in relation to, allegedly, unqualified e rash action in the black sea. uh, the actions of our pilots, which led to the crash of the u.s. drone, but said that, uh, if this continues, they will regard our actions, but as deliberate a-a actions against the united states of america, but strictly speaking, i calmly did not listen very much and the conversation had a very calm feeling. it was like that just a colleague read out. uh, the document that was before her eyes and uh, i categorically denied all accusations, and made a brilliant statement to the russian armed forces. colleagues from the ministry of defense, uh, when the opportunity uh on the fingers to explain what
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really happened. by the way, when i came to the state department, the americans did not yet know about this statement, and i handed over the text of this statement in english to my colleagues, and i thought that just what happened speaks of the professionalism of the responsibility of russian pilots, because we had no contact with this, but with an unmanned aerial vehicle. uh, the object or apparatus of the weapon was not used, and only as a result of some kind of kardavalet in the air - this is, uh, a drone. uh, changed course. and how the americans themselves say that it was they who were forced to shoot him down. it's not us, but they shot it down for sure, eh! at the same time, i said that it is unacceptable for us that american forces
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are near the russian border. if you remember all your programs, which where you have repeatedly said in danger, and the approach of nato and americans to our borders. i repeated the same, in fact , theses that were voiced at your transmissions and told the americans to do nothing in the waters of the devil's sea for a thousand kilometers, moreover, the americans are american, uh, the drone was flying with transponders turned off. it is absolutely makhina when she flies, and my military colleagues suggested to me that it can carry 1700 kg of explosives or several bombs . it is absolutely incomprehensible to us what kind of makhina is flying towards the russian federation and interesting. i brought a simple one. it would seem an understandable example if a russian drone was next to san francisco or with new york. what would be the reaction of the armed forces of the united states of america
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of course, in the head of the tough, irreconcilable, they introduced a break into the airspace. uh, the united states of america did the same thing, russian professional pilots did, they carefully suggested that it was impossible to fly further towards the russian crimea. we, a, exchanged our positions, and the american insisted that we had offended. ah, the drone. and on this, in fact, we parted, it was not at night. it was 16:00 daytime as i said 30 minutes for general conversation. anatoly ivanovich, from that moment on, in more detail, where did you say? but imagine we fly up on drones to new york and san francisco your actions, how does washington react to this kind of suggestion that she answered this wonderful american woman? she said nothing.
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uh, because, as i understand it, some points even about what a drone is, which , uh, the americans shot down in the water area, whether she didn’t know the black one, and those tactical and technical data, which, by the way, are widely presented in internet, i submitted the same, as well as a written statement from the ministry of defense. she didn't say anything. she said the same thing. i spoke earlier about uh the us military navy, which uh, often or the air force, which often checks and tries to enlighten, and air defense uh, russia to see where there are vulnerabilities, where to probe us, where we are ready to repel . er about a possible attack, or we have some kind of slack. i warned against such actions, said that we will no longer allow anyone to break through uh, uh,
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the water area that belongs to the russian federation, and in this case, by the way, if you pay attention to the statement of the ministry of defense, and it was said there that, through international channels, our military designated this zone as a zone in which a special military operation is taking place and did everything to ensure that to avoid these incidents. by the way, this reminded me. uh, remember, uh, some time ago a british ship. there he tried to get in. u on our territory and our border guards are soft. here, so to speak retested by showing e the true direction. where is he supposed to, uh, you told her in proper words that if something like that flies again, this something will fall again and drown. and in general, what does the atmosphere of this kind of negotiations look like, it is similar to the pre-war one, they are with us from a position of strength or hello goodbye, how politely. describe and yesterday
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i said one phrase that the conversation was constructive and, of course, the media grabbed this phrase later, but it was in the context of the whole conversation, and the conversation was respectful. we are not the first time we meet. we have these problems, no one took out a shoe and did not hit the table, threatening with something , a position was voiced, to which, for my part , i answered how we react to such provocative actions of the american armed forces near the russian border. we exchanged again, i say the thesis, but wrote it down, and for me it was very important, because my visits are in the state house. unfortunately , they are very rare and, uh, we have to admit that not always. i can instantly complete the center's instructions that come to me at in terms of communicating to the americans, but our position on one or another. and questions, well
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, that is, you told her that she would fly again, and it would sink or not, you said such a phrase that it would not sink. and maybe it will crash somewhere in the mountains, maybe on the territory. i said one thing, that the russian armed forces will not allow a breakthrough. the air or water space of the russian federation, anatoly ivanovich, the feeling that the third world war is approaching as a result of what happened is in the air. i'm on purpose this morning i know that we will meet on the air. i looked at the press and looked at what the capitols say at the capitol you know there is a russophobic consensus about russia erm. i even made a few shots for myself. today he said that it is necessary to shoot down russian planes, and in neutral space, if they approach
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american planes, but planes, but along with this kind of remarks, there are others. for example, legislator mag gats warned biden from continuing, but such a provocative line towards the russian federation that now the united states of america is losing dollars and in no case should we consider the loss not in dollars, but in human lives. i think this is that kind of statement. they are single, they are single, but they are extremely important, because they make their way into the american media and yesterday, by the way, saying, uh, the americans themselves leaked that they invited me to the state department. large group of american journalists. eh, i was expecting entrance to the state department. of course, russian journalists also went. who is, unfortunately it. uh, we can't get a visa.
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uh yes for our uh journalist so that he comes back and back uh washington well, i did an interview gave an interview in russian and in english so that there is no distortion of what it is. the essence of the being uh, the russian position and a was very much attention and as far as i know that the american media were forced to call it differently, but to quote uh, the statement in regarding the nature of the activities or actions of this very drone, which collected intelligence information for needs, including, uh, asu. anatoly ivanovich, the last question, the most secret video that washington promised to make public today, they showed you how it flies, and we are either from above, or from below, or with kerosene, or somehow it falls.
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have you seen him yet. i really want to believe that they will really show it to us, and i will immediately demonstrate it to you, and also forward it, of course, to moscow no further information to date. no, thank you very much anatoly antonov for direct communication, united states of america washington ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the russian federation to the united states of america, thank you. thank you well, from everything that we saw, we can state that the american drone and the norwegian king are, as they say. in one field of berries, only one berry is already lying at the bottom of the sea, and the second berry cannot be named, the second dried fruit is still in place. and what is this is actually a new step in escalations demonstrate to us, for the time
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being veiled on the floor, nato's readiness to enter the war directly. here is how these signals are read while in semitones. why because the concept that let ukraine fight, we arm it? has some difficulty. here are the ukrainians, their master, this week, just a few times mercilessly clicked the cone. well, the first is the publication of the washington post, in fact, an official statement to the united states of america that things are bad there, ukrainians are indignant, the second, which caused indignation in ukraine, is surprisingly, the fact that at the oscars they gave a prize for a film about navalny why it would seem so, because at the same time
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some ukrainian documentary filmmakers went there for the prize, they say, how can we say so, as it is said in the film beloye desert sun, beloved wife. why, so to speak, they gave a prize to a film about navalny because the americans showed everyone, including their ukrainian ee partners, who were slightly arrogant, because they are constantly flattered that they are great fighters there for democracy, that they are actually fighting not for any, not for ukraine, but they are fighting with russia for the liquidation of the russian federation for its destruction in this war. they have different means. one means is called ukraine, another means is called navalny today, one wife, beloved in the harem, tomorrow another . so, moreover, official kiev is offended by the fact that the wife of the prisoner did not remember ukraine. well, damn opposition to
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hell with it. let the ukrainian politicians sit further, but the ukrainian politics. well, what to do, and such is the fate of the one who became a concubine, how exactly a and b in this case leaves. and for this, and for the owner for the owner, there are reasons to be dissatisfied. no, there is no success, the promised success of investments in the ukrainian army , investments in the ukrainian economy do not give the necessary returns. and so they start thinking. what to do next? as a step they demonstrated showed us on one side a drone on the other side of the king. by the way, this is also great. here's what i thought, so that we can clearly see that we we fight totalitarians, we fight democracy with freedom. we were shown the supreme commander, who took this post in accordance with democratic traditions,
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because he gave himself the trouble of being born. here it is real democracy against us a totalitarian regime, in fact. i think that now, while they are just trying to scare us, they have not matured. yes, the decision is about direct intervention in the military conflict, so different opinions are expressed, different positions are being discussed, only congressmen are discussing. they said one another another london runs as always, ahead of the locomotive, taking the toughest positions. we, too, finally identified our paint and answered, we clearly answered the guys. and if it's life, then we are also ready for everything, of course, i don't think that this round is the first attempt of the boxers to meet directly. they indirectly this round by our armed forces certainly. won. i mean, including the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, endless reports that washington does not mind that
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ukraine will try to retake russian crimea meaning an attempt to probe our air defenses. we also finally gave a decent answer in the sense that we showed what is really here. our red line we will tell you that he fell, but you are adults. you understand everything perfectly, how it was look. breaking news: russian fighter jet shoots down us drone over black sea after damaging propeller minutes local time, that is, at 9:00 a.m. moscow time, a russian su-27 fighter intercepts an american
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drone. reaper drone, crashed in the international waters of the black sea, a russian plane flew up from below and began to dump fuel. the tv channel simulates the fall of an american power supply unit. the fighter dropped fuel, flies around the drone from below, according to the official version of the pentagon, the russian su-27 flew from above , literally flooded the bod with kerosene. blinded it and then dropped it officials believe that he had to go around the drone in front so that it flew into the cloud of fuel, but slowed down too early and clipped the propeller. the drone, which is located behind the uav, was launched in romania to carry out the usual, as the pentagon said, operations in the russian crimea region , the action of fighters was called reckless, and washington's targets 120 km from the russian borders were exceptionally safe and good at the time of intercepting the psu. it was at an altitude of 7.000. m. the american new york times reports that the ripper is indeed equipped with
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equipment that allows reconnaissance in to russia, russian warplanes repeatedly circled around the propeller reaper, dumping fuel on it, apparently trying to blind the drone's cameras or damage its sensors , a senior military official said . in the operational center of the new base rammstein germany nsky, they train transponders, that is, it flies without identification signals and signs. and me an escon target for the russian ministry of defense with the goal of identification of the intruder, the air was raised by fighters from the personnel on duty at the ppo, forces as a result of sharp maneuvering in the region of 9 hours 30 minutes moscow time by an unmanned traitor with the q9 apparatus. went into uncontrolled flight with loss of altitude and collided with the water surface. i want to emphasize that russian fighters
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did not use airborne weapons with an unmanned aerial vehicle, they did not enter into contact and safely returned to the base airfield to communicate with the russian ministry of defense , the pentagon did not contact the russian ministry of defense after the provocation according to the official representative of the department , patrick ryder, an attack drone capable of carrying a warhead was treacherously attacked by russia, we continue to find out. what exactly happened is based on the actions of russian pilots. it is clear that it was unsafe and not professional for these actions. they speak for themselves. i will not go into the specifics of this particular aircraft. well , as you know, mq9 has the ability to carry weapons. he carried out the mission of intelligence observation and reconnaissance in the international airspace. this is what we have been doing for some time, in terms of types of tactics, techniques and procedures. which we follow to ensure the safety of our aircraft,
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i am not going to go into such details. details are published on the official website of the us air force mq-9 ripper what in translation, the reaper was created in order to literally mow down the enemy in size, the drone is barely inferior to business, the length of the device is 11 m, the wingspan is 20 m, the weight of an empty uav is more than 2. t. maximum flight altitude 15 km. the range is approximately 2,000 km in the case of six suspension points, which can accommodate an entire arsenal weighing 1700 kg. among them are smart bombs. the unmanned aerial vehicle can carry up to eight laser- guided missiles and air-class missiles in the helfetr lands. other weapons include
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a suite of gps technology-based equipment that converts bombs into guided munitions, a 2006 usaf press statement the reaper is described as the first hunter-killer designed to stalk moving targets as well as destroy them with 500 yard bombs and rockets. one such drone costs the us budget nearly $57 million , according to flightradar data. right after the airbase incident. a us black how helicopter took off in romania, along with it , a poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft took off . the purpose of the mission could be a visual inspection of the crash site, whether the us military will try to save this drone at the moment. they don't have any lifeguards around.
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courts. and as we see on this map , the only way to get to the black sea. it is to pass through the bosporus it is controlled by the turkish government and in recent months. it resisted the passage of warships through it. russia is able to get to the wreckage of a drone faster than any us ship , citing sources, the tv channel tells itself . chernomorets 3 all of these appeared, alleged records radio communications, from which it follows that the rescuers crew lifted the drone engine out of the water to the ministry of defense, this information was not confirmed by the dirt. it is a casing of an internal combustion engine, the pentagon
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claims that russia has not yet received the details of the apparatus, according to the official representative of the us security council kirby, the united states took measures to return the fallen power supply to flights and reconnaissance operations in the black sea. washington promises to continue you need to resist the failure to send there, another patrol plane with or without a pilot. i don't know but for in order to establish the principle that you cannot be driven away. these are international waters. we have the same right to be there as the us russian fighters urgently call the russian ambassador and express a diplomatic protest to official moscow about the incident. urgently informed joe biden. if you see how the same russian drone approaches, for example , san francisco for me, this is understandable. for you, too, this is an unmanned aerial vehicle.
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and that means. no, but i'm sure president biden will think about trying to avoid escalation with russia, let me remind you that his first goal in this war was to help ukraine and the second to avoid an escalation that could lead to a third world war, however, what happened tells us that russia is ready to take big risks to prevent america get more involved in the war in ukraine lieutenant general i want to say that we have fallen into the sea. after all, we say that a drone is a drone for ordinary people, in general, some kind of quadrocopter flew there. this is a formidable weapon. this is a combat weapon. the only thing that isn't the pilots are not people, but these are weapons and reconnaissance and, uh, strike combat strike on reconnaissance today. uh, svr director sergey evgenyevich naryshkin said, we know in detail what you
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are doing there, americans, we all know what you are doing there, and we know that this drone. this is the most dangerous weapon involved in the uh war vsu in the war of kiev against russia because it does not just fly , carries out uh, as americans like uh, say all sorts of beautiful phrases reconnaissance mission. this is real intelligence, this information goes to the center in romania, and can at the same moment enter the center near kiev, and as a result of this information, strikes are made on our troops on our people and our people are dying. this is an active participant. uh, fight killing our people. we e thus liquidated. uh, or mine was liquidated. uh, here, this is uh, a weapon, what else do you need to say? you look at the actions of our pilots, by the way, uh, our plane, which, uh, peed gasoline
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kerosene sorry for this one. uh, the drone is cheaper, and the cost is noticeably cheaper. this is , uh, a huge mahina, this drone and very expensive about kerosene. yes, it sounds prettier to russia, but i want to say. you watch this. it lasted almost half an hour , the americans admit it, and he flies. yes, he is given a course, but this course can change the center. our pond is being forced out by the americans anyway, our one manev flies, the second third, as they say, not ecological coins and unprofessional very professional task to force it out. and uh, remove the americans from this course until the very end, trying to bend into their line. and we continued them with kerosene. yes, and he fell, that is high relations for them now
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for the americans, who are waging war not only with the help of ukrainians, but they are practically, but in the second line, in the second line is at the front, there, in the second line. for them. this is a blow to a military weapon. this is not just a blow to some kind of aircraft. this is a blow to their active operations and we should be talking about disruption. the military operation of the united states of america against russia is not just a disruption of the elimination of expensive and very effective weapons, but a disruption of this military operation, and we are on the other side. we have to understand and know. uh, the americans, of course, will answer and answer somewhere unexpectedly and not directly. well, indirectly, they have already made a lot of meanness explosion of the nord stream. well, well, here you can say whatever you want, but our president said a short word explosion at the hands of some
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ukrainian group. this is nonsense , only the united states of america did it. this is clear , and of course they will. uh, look for an opportunity to answer us. we need to continue this line. this operation failed them. they will try. here they show how said. mr. isaev, dried fruits in the north, here, which he promised that nato would be active there, uh, move in some other part. uh, they're going to try another brazen operation like that, see how they're naked- they're just being brazen all politics. now all the actions of the americans. they are characterized by this word impudence, but it is such after a fall and drowned. uh, a drone after such a fall. eh, maybe there will be less impudence, and we need to continue not to do this line. so we did this action. well now okay
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let's wait and see, they will climb again and we have to answer. well, that is, this is me and me almost for the first time in recent times from a position of strength, with regard to lava's bp absolutely right, they said to many, it seems, a drone, especially against the background of the fact that it is now common in war, they will think something small compact . this is a giant aircraft. i saw it with my own eyes even before it came under all sorts of american european sanctions we came with our film crew to the nato summit in warsaw there is the pentagon presented this uav mq-9 ripper in 2015 - this giant aircraft 11 m in length is capable of flying at a distance of up to 2.000 km. it is also capable of climbing to a height of
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15,000 m. it is comparable, perhaps, in size , plus or minus. like our dry superjet 100. well , that is, it is a giant. ntsky plane the only difference is that there are no pilots. and then, after the events in the fourteenth year, the americans promised to supply such drones, including to the baltic states and poland, then it was one of the official presentations of this aircraft. the former chief of the pentagon says that the most serious incident can end all sadly. we need to contact putin and look. first of all, it's definitely reckless, in my opinion. this was done on purpose the question is whether this intention came from the pilots themselves or they were given the order and yes indeed it could lead to an unintended escalation if left unchecked. you know, during my tenure as minister of defense and similar cases, for example, when russian planes flew over our
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ships or flew very close to our bombers, but nothing like that. what happened today didn't happen, so i think it's very serious. we certainly shouldn't be overreacting to this. i 'm sure that now the pentagon, from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff down, are contacting their counterparts in moscow to find out. what exactly happened, you need to contact them and find out the russian explanation for what happened and depending on it. i think the answer to your question will be determined, but nonetheless the behavior of the pilots was reckless and professional and unsafe. they shouldn't be dumping fuel on our planes. it breaks the rules and i suspect they tried. fly so close that the reaper drone gets into the jet stream from the engines and then, perhaps. could have fallen by itself into the sea, but they made a mistake and collided with a drone. that's it, this is very dangerous behavior that can lead to unintended escalation. that's why i i think that communication with russians behind the scenes is very important and we will certainly learn more over the next 24 hours.
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the russians were very offended and did not dare to slander us. hello please no rhetoric. we don't hear threats from washington. to strike back no bolton shouts anymore that we will strike at putin's army in the crimea , they are immediately concerned about the reckless behavior, they are ready for consultation, as soon as the smell of fried for these people, they are immediately ready. what is called chasing advice, a that's when we demonstrate gestures, goodwill . so, then they naturally become impudent and begin to push even harder, comrade professor for our viewers has long offered us to be tougher with them. well, you see, the reaction. which immediately went, as soon as they became tougher with them, as they have no
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right, they immediately went to us. eh, to squeeze out from somewhere, as i always said, the anglo-saxons respect only strength and nothing more, what the reckless russians told you the chief. the russians immediately became reckless, but only there were no threats in response, we are from how very much i like the way it is called from loyd afghan we didn't hear any more. something in this is the truth of lawrence of arabia. well , now about what they will answer. i still think that this is not the third, the world war is by no means more of a rehearsal for future wars, like some kind of franco- prussian or russian turkish. the petitions of the world wars of the 20th century, so they consider. it's just like a rehearsal, what can they do? and here i would like to draw your attention to two statements. the first is about the pilots for uh, vsu. and airplanes. for some reason we think that they don't have time to teach them. i have plenty of time for them.
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let me remind you that a very large ukrainian vyazma lives in canada, and in the united states, by the way, they are also among them . of course, there are officers and pilots, that they should put a ukrainian uniform on a conditional canadian with a ukrainian surname tomorrow and send him to us as a ukrainian f-16 pilot. and he will seem ukrainian to chir both by name and surname. it's just that he grew up in canada and is trained to fly such an aircraft. this is the first thing they can do to us or imprisoning some poles is also an option. the second option, let's pay attention to the dangerous and interesting statements of serhiy krivonos, who is a major general in the ukrainian army. he said yesterday that it is necessary to carry out strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles on our cities. well, let me remind you that they have already made several attacks on the russian territory for us, when we left
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the kiev chernihiv sumy region on march 30 last year. it seemed that military operations would not affect russian territory until we seen, and so almost to our volga already cents. but most importantly, even this is not an unmanned aerial vehicle. let me remind you that historically the ukrainians have a tremendous experience in waging sabotage and terrorist wars. therefore, we need to prepare for possible terrorist attacks much larger and more dangerous than those that we remember from military operations in chechnya, and the west should also expect subversive and subversive actions from ukraine. will do everything for them there to provide them with ammunition for these weapons and see how russia will be on this to react. uh, how strong we are, how ready we are to go to the end. up to what step? we are ready to escalate.
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i think they will be the hands of ukraine in rehearsing here with us for the future of a larger war already on the baltic sea, exciting and the arctic region in terms of historical experience, if someone does not remember i remind you that bandera after the great patriotic war. we drove mash through the forests until 50, the sixth year, that is, another 10 years, as for krivonos, i came across such information , i also listen to this version. real folk ukrainian ukrainian-made, if these uavs number in the thousands, if these thousands simultaneously rise and begin to strike at russian targets not only at a tactical depth, but also further 300-500-600-800 km. then it will force the russians to give up directly the desire to attack the russians of the seventh from spreading something or supporting the attack, so we can set fire to moscow and st. petersburg and other
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cities and their objects then it will be able to stop them. this is just an adequate ability to fight, and just then the exit to the border and our ability to reach a great depth of destruction of objects on the territory of the russian federation will force the russians to sit down at the negotiating table, the only way the federation will procrastinate the russians is here at the table, so the pure liberation of the territory will give absolutely nothing in the understanding that the war will not end the war on this will continue. our task is to burn all the factories of the russian federation, all warehouses that produce military products or dual-use products. please, without a doubt, this incident on the black sea is probably deserved the attention of the chinese liberation army, which will most likely fight on a large scale with both taiwanese and american drones, not only in taiwanese law in the south china sea and so on, and will most likely be more decisive. well, no one had any doubts that
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nothing means any additional negotiations behind china's back in the united states. we have a very sharp confrontation. we are ready to go to the end. that is, this incident will be absolutely perceived in this way, as far as it concerns. well and, by the way, of course, it takes place on the eve of xi jinping's visit to moscow. and what amazes me? i don't know, maybe, uh, here's the historians in the studio, they'll correct me. well, such a repetition of the day on march 22, 10 years ago, like clockwork, that is, a visit, 10 years later. well, many have confirmed this. i think that this is already izyugano blabbed today. all that prepares for the meeting and so on. but it's actually very symbolic. that is, after 10 years. the same day he goes to his friend vladimir putin, xi jinping, of course, it is difficult to overestimate. well, of course, i already lost count. it's good that someone wants to. yes, a lot, yes meetings. this is more than any other leaders, that is, a very interesting
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relationship will be something wow, yes, and pina is sitting like a military man who loves chinese. ah, well, not exactly military, but related to the military. he has his current rank, by the way, saying there is , his first position was assistant secretary to the minister of defense. here his first position was to litter, that is, well, in general, how would his life be connected with the army, and i think that there the army supports him, he likes a b, so it's possible, an insurance meeting. here is such a four. it also means in chinese that military men are not afraid of death, that is, they occur in this regard. most likely it will be 2 days to visit some symbolic places, such as the sixth congress of the communist party. china, moscow region. this is the only one. the congress, which was abroad at the company in moscow, we then sheltered the chinese communists, it will also maybe visit some region. i don't know what it is most likely, maybe this is tatarstan, where there are consulates in kazan, which speaks on the moscow metro in all this. so there semyonovich will show us a ride, maybe, uh, on the moscow metro, but what i
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want to draw attention to. just a decade. here in the thirteenth year sitin. penn brought contracts on the strength of siberia we have a lot of liberals scolded cheap gas. we pay some kind of tribute there, we really found out american gas that all of siberia went to beijing and we ahead of schedule, uh, gasified shanghai, including these are port cities, which, in theory , were supposed to consume american lng; they are protected by our gas for their energy population. and in principle, the price that we supply is adequate, it is normal. it is the lowest, but not the highest. why because gas fractions are taken and processed products are then delivered to china at a high price. all this very effective cooperation, there are rumors that something like this is some kind of large economic projects. i don't know which ones. to be honest, we will find out everything, which means they will be announced within the framework of this major visit. and so many observers have met on such a connection, which means that on february 4, vladimirovich and a dolphin. yes
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, er, it means a special military operation began, then it means mobilization in samarkand. why why is this happening chinese partners. it is their close stance of support that gives us the confidence to move forward. new contracts new industrial interaction and so on. and now i just want a horse- well, completion. yes , many people here say that we coped with good indicators, we are going, which means, uh, in periods its budget surplus, positive trade balance somersault, who helped us, china buys this oil, positive balance somersault budget surplus, and this is not only it, but in many ways it should not be underestimated, that is, it remains to answer the main question. after meeting. something important will start or end or something will end, we'll be back in minutes. it's all over, surgeon zuev i need a patient i need a premiere on
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vesti nedeli analytical tv program number one in russia news of the week with dmitry kiselyov sunday 20:00. i didn't know he was married. excuse me, forgive me, ah-ah, by the way. boo that's ahead of the day on saturday and sunday at 12:45 on the russian channel this spring that i fell into a trap. you hit my melody, they only need one song to open their misha. i wonder what my melody of the show awaits me, which opens up new emotions at 21:30 on the russia channel
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on the rossiya itak channel, berlin does not understand zelensky’s decision to continue defending the german bakhmut writes that the united states, even the united states, are concerned about the strange approach of the ukrainian president, who, according to sources in the german government, did not give a damn about the advice of the general staff to leave the bakhmut at the beginning in rammstein 10 video format , pentagon chief austin said that western countries should transfer more than 150 tanks to ukraine. leopard, the reality is less rosy for the apu, the german veld write that the tank coalition is a one-time alliance in nato, somehow scraped together exactly 60-7 leopards for the apu. and this is much less than necessary for the counter offensive, which the zelensky pole adviser announced, but ukraine will no longer
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receive. deliveries of kiev weapons calls for the lithuanian president to sit down. according to him , nato countries need to prepare for a long-term war with russia at the german training ground. altmar. tankers of the bundessphere are preparing to hold back the russians in lithuania. just in time for a leopard. weather conditions and terrain here are like in lithuania, and yet. we are not in the baltics, but at the bundeswehr training ground in the german altmark, here the 363rd tank battalion is preparing for an operation on the eastern flank of nato and the first task today is to disguise the leopard 2 tanks 60 tons in the forest is not easy absolutely right. we decided to ask one tank crew. what exactly are they preparing for in these exercises.
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let me introduce the lieutenant colonel, the drug commissar of our tank battalion, and the exercise is officially carried out with the aim of intimidating russia if lithuania is attacked, it is precisely this german tankers who will be tasked with delaying the russian retreat on the eastern flank of nato, we will indeed carry out combat missions on heavy tanks leopard-2 of the 363 tank battalion and one and a half thousand soldiers of the stormy sphere walk in the composition of the nato rapid reaction forces, which , if necessary, will be transferred to lithuania at a training ground with an area of ​​​​more than 200 square kilometers, german tankers can calmly work out various combat situations. it’s just possible that the bundessphere unit, which will lead the nato multinational battalion in lithuania, will not be equipped in the best way bundeswehr equipment the pressing problems are, to put it mildly, your battalion will have to go to lithuania not in the best way do you have everything at your disposal the necessary task, at least, was set to equip us at 100%, so that our tankers would receive all the necessary
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weapons for today's exercises. one side is attacking the other is armoring just like that, everything is quite simple. the tank has taken up defensive positions, closely monitoring the terrain and trying to detect the enemy as early as possible. we are standing next to each other, but there is not a damn thing in the distance. not to mention the enemy tank in the course of practicing the action, the defending side, according to the scenario of the nato unit, quickly encountered a powerful enemy pressure from four tanks were swept up. white lights - this means that they were destroyed, a special technique that simulates shots and hits and fixes them with red, meanwhile, continuing their attack and in real conditions our tanks would have serious error problems, then they are carefully analyzed so as not to commit them next time. that's just in case of war , the chances of correcting the mistake of our tankers are unlikely to present themselves. we ourselves signed up to do everything in our power in the worst case, we will simply die both in the baltic states and i’m leaving, i understand perfectly well that at any
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moment a bullet or a shell can overtake me. another russophobic initiative is a joint idea. estonia lithuania poland they proposed to lower the price ceiling for russian oil to $501 from 45 cents per barrel , bomb reports. this supposedly will immediately reduce russia's revenues from oil exports by $650 million a month. warsaw, which until the end of february continued to receive russian oil through the district through the water. friendship is not limited to this polish example muravetsky said that he would give ukraine its mig-29 fighters in the next month. well, in the united states, 8 senators sent an appeal to the pentagon demanding to give kiev f-16 fighters among the authors of the letter, both democratic senators and republicans. but the main candidates for the presidency of america from the republican party are former president
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donald trump and the governor of florida besa. ncis, on the contrary, believe that ukraine is not included in the list of america's foreign policy priorities and assistance to kiev should either be cut , donald trump says, or stop altogether reads desantes. and this, of course, is a shame. gov. ron de sanntis's announcement marks a shift in the republican party's priorities. now desantes says support for ukraine is not top us priority ron desantis deserves national scorn for saying the us and the west should look weak in the eyes of vladimir putin here's what he said yesterday and should be nailed to the wall for it if we treat it as different approaches to foreign policy. and if they win this publication stop supporting ukraine no because it's about our security it's about us security about the security of the entire west previous republican and democrat presidents both agreed with
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this, but apparently donald trumpsis wants to compromise our security and the security of the west in view of their political rejection the current administration speaks of something worse than our retreat. he speaks of the rejection of the present world of order. he says it's not worth it. pay attention to full scale invasion of a european country he calls it a territorial dispute. it's just irresponsibility. we are talking about the questionnaires that tucker carlson sent to the republican presidential candidates, which says it all that the statement of trump and the airborne troops about the need to cut aid to zelensky and stop the war will receive even more support after the incident with the us drone in the black sea speeches about the reconnaissance strike drone mq9 and now the interception was carried out by a russian su-27 fighter. and take a dip. in the black sea, as
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according to western journalists, the drone was sent in the most humiliating way , our pilots did not use weapons, but simply dropped fuel on the propeller, and the sensor of which then fell on the pp and how it was. see breaking news russian fighter jets shoot down us drone over black sea after damaging it 12 hours after organizing the provocation , the command of the us armed forces in europe comes out with an urgent message at 7:00 am 3 minutes local time, i.e. at 9:00 am morning in moscow russian su-27 fighter intercepts an american drone. reaper drone, crashed in
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the international waters of the black sea, a russian plane flew up from below and began to dump fuel on the cbs channel. simulates the fall of an american bp la, according to the graph, the fighter dropped fuel flies around the drone from below, according to the official version of the pentagon, the russian su-27 flew from above literally filled the bod with kerosene, blinded it and then dropped it, officials believe that it had to bypass the drone from the front in order for it to fly in into a cloud of fuel, but too soon slowed down and clipped the propeller. the drone, which is located behind, was launched in romania to carry out the usual, as stated by the pentagon of the radio in the region of the russian crimea, the action of fighters was called reckless, and washington's targets 120 km from the russian borders were exceptionally safe and good at the time of intercepting the uav was at an altitude of 7.000. m. the american new york times reports that the reaper is indeed equipped with
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equipment that allows reconnaissance in russia. russian military aircraft have repeatedly circled around the screw reaper, dumping fuel on it, apparently trying to blind the drone's cameras or damage its sensors , a senior military official said. without identification signals from the signs and being in the area of ​​​​the conduct, it becomes a legitimate target for the russian ministry of defense in order to identify the intruder, the air was raised istra biteli and the composition of the air defense forces on duty, as a result of sharp maneuvering around 9 hours 30 minutes moscow time , unmanned aerial vehicles flew q9. went into uncontrolled flight with loss of altitude collided with water surface. i want to emphasize that the russian fighters
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did not use airborne weapons with an unmanned aerial vehicle, they did not enter into contact and safely returned to the base airfield to communicate with the russian ministry of defense the pentagon did not go out after the provocation , according to the official representative of the department patrick ryder's strike drone capable of carrying a warhead was treacherously attacked by russia, we continue to find out. what exactly happened, but based on the actions of the russian pilots, it is clear that it was unsafe and unprofessional, these actions speak for themselves. i will not go into the specifics of this particular aircraft. well , as you know, mq9 has the ability to carry weapons. it was on a reconnaissance , surveillance and reconnaissance mission in international airspace. this is what we are have been dealing, for some time, with regard to the types of tactics techniques and procedures. which we follow to ensure the safety of our aircraft,
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i am not going to go into such details. details are published on the official website of the us air force mq-9 ripper what in translation, the reaper was created in order to literally mow down the enemy in size, the drone is barely inferior to a business jet, the length of the device is 11 m, the wingspan is 20 m, the empty weight of the uav is more than 2. t. the maximum flight altitude is 15 km. range approximately 2.000 km in the case six suspension points, which can accommodate an entire arsenal weighing 1700 kg. among them are smart bombs. the unmanned aerial vehicle can carry up to eight laser-guided missiles and air-to-air missiles
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. the ground half-filer and other armament includes a set of equipment based on gps technology that converts bombs into adjustable munitions. killer designed to stalk moving targets as well as take them out with 500 ounce bobs and missiles. one such drone costs the us budget nearly $57 million , according to flightradar data. right after the airbase incident. a us black how helicopter took off in romania, along with it , a poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft took off. the purpose of the mission could be a visual inspection of the crash site, whether the us military will try to save this drone at the moment. they don't have any lifeboats nearby, and
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as we can see on this map, the only way to get to the black sea. this is to pass through the bosporus, it is controlled by the turkish government in recent months. it resisted the passage of warships through it. russia is able to get to the wreckage of a drone faster than any us ship, citing sources , the cbs television channel reports. according to the service for tracking ships from sevastopol, a floating crane headed to the crash site. chernomorets 3 all of these appeared, alleged records of radio communications, from which it follows that crews rescuers raised the drone's engine out of the water to the ministry of defense, this information was not confirmed by the object. this part of the reception is a casing. internal combustion engine the pentagon claims that
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russia has not yet received the details of the device, according to the official representative of the us security council kirby, the united states took measures to return the fallen psu to flights and reconnaissance operations. in the black sea to washington promises to continue, you need to resist the failure to send here. another patrol aircraft with or without a pilot. i don't know but for in order to establish the principle that you cannot be driven away. these are international waters. we have the same right to be there as the us russian fighters urgently call the russian ambassador and express a diplomatic protest to official moscow about the incident. the show was urgently reported if you see how the same russian drone approaches, for example, san francisco or new york. what will be the reaction of the united states for me , it is clear to you too. this is an unmanned aerial vehicle. and this means that to
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fortunately victims no but i'm sure presidents biden will think about how to try to avoid escalation from russia let me remind you that his first goal in this war was to help ukraine and the second to avoid escalation that could lead to a third world war, nevertheless there was a talk us that russia is willing to take big risks to prevent america from becoming more involved in the war in ukraine, comrade general, despite all the noise about this incident. senators are speaking there. graham there something threatens some answers. but in general, they offer to shoot down russian planes and fly russian planes. well, let it crash. let him try, so, uh, the reaction is actually pretty calm. uh, the official reaction was rather calm . ambassador anatoly ivanovich was summoned to say that the conversation was constructive without hysteria. well , because the americans are well aware.
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uh, they take risks, this is a risky combat operation, because, uh , the flight restriction zone that is announced during the exercises during the testing, and even so more during the transfer of hostilities, the zone adjacent to the zone of the special military operation was declared dangerous for the flight of the americans. this is well known, so all references to the fact that we are in international airspace. yes it is, but the russian federation has warned that fly in this international. hello dangerous to health, i uh don't think the goal of our uh videoconferencing was to shoot down this uh drone. i think it was the task to really blind him there, pour kerosene on it, yes, fill the sensors with in order for him to carry away in good health. but how it turned out very well. now we need to get it. and uh.
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the most important thing is to try to get electronic brains. this drone has a so -called self-destruct mode. what americans are basically, uh, no, well, the self-destruct mode of the whole drone doesn't exist there. uh, how certain blocks can, uh, self-destruct. uh, as a rule, these are blocks of identification of one's own alien, but uh , after all, uh, in principle one of the uh basic uh. let's say u functional uh? instruments this drone is the command line, which is uh, through which, via satellite , the operator who sits in rammstein and controls this drone. this is exactly when you need to study this equipment in the future. i think to do what the iranians did, they landed these drones. they planted at one time black
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copied a number of american drones that they planted. here it is necessary. uh, i think that's the next challenge. and it is necessary, of course, to get this drone therefore. i repeat once again that, uh, there is no hysteria, thank god moreover, i think that the americans will now be a little touched by their activity in conducting reconnaissance of our crimea, because we don’t know if this is a reconnaissance drone. this is the same, uh, the second generation of the first was the predator, a very good drone, it's a little more. really. e carries enough. uh, it can carry a lot of weapons and smart bombs and helpers, and other missiles, so treat it like some kind of harmless toy that flies around our crimea, this, of course, uh, is completely unreasonable and what our pilots did
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very professional, by the way, very knowledgeable. in general, if you talk to combat pilots, but approach the plane, fly around it, this is quite such a difficult task, it requires. uh, a very good level of training and skill. now here's another one. the plot that i would like to touch upon is general krovonos e. well, it’s clear from the frost that the blood-carrier is a crook-bearing blood-sucker . here's what he says, uh, right point to ukraine, and moreover, it needs to be done for a long time. now, after the energy infrastructure, we have already begun to destroy objects of the military-industrial complex. that's
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all you need to destroy. here, as he says, this krivonos needs to know where drones can be produced and can be produced in the same kharkov in the same. uh, dnepropetrovsk everything is needed, everything is subject to destruction. everything needs to be really razed to the ground. we have the means for this. our intelligence is working, so i say again that we need to put aside everything these, so to speak humanistic such we do not destroy, then we do not destroy. it's gotta destroy everything since, uh, we're in real combat once uh. and we admit that they are fighting. they desperately need. we, too, in general, must show that toughness and sometimes even cruelty, which requires the conduct of hostilities that war requires. as for the uav, as we have repeatedly assumed in
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our studio, any of our gestures. good will, the americans are seen solely as a sign of weakness. any of our requests for a conversation with a position of power is perceived by them, as an application for success from here, including such an adequate, restrained, very, very reasonable reaction, which differs from everything that has been said about us russians, moscow, russia lately. if there is even loi's possibility that is very restrained very restrained the reckless appearances of the russians. let's be a little more careful, the chief of the pentagon suggested when we heard this. i know that everyone has already heard that the russian aircraft participated again in a dangerous and irresponsible and professional maneuver in international airspace over the black sea, two russian fighter jets dropped fuel on an american mq9 drone conducting
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a routine operation in international airspace . one of the russian planes intercepted and hit our drone, causing it to crash, this dangerous episode is part of a pattern of aggressive risky and unsafe actions by russian pilots in international airspace , make no mistake the united states will and continue to fly and operate wherever international law allows and russia is obliged to operate its military aircraft in a safe and professional manner. the united states will continue to fly the russian federation will continue to drop our answer the pentagon please continue the topic, of course, i would like to say in general, i think, in general, the last week. this is such a week of, uh, global provocation, which we are seeing once again from the anglo-saxons and the west, we are now talking about drone well, typical provocation from a specific task. and i would not quite agree with you that the reaction is restrained.
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it seems to me, and if this is a reaction and it is restrained, it is only because something did not go according to plan, perhaps the americans expected that this runes would go astray, which means that with some kind of our missiles a and such a stupid fall is inglorious . well , apparently, something may have confused their plan. provocations are generally part of the policy that has been going on for a year, and long before that, in the twenty-first year, we will remember two big provocations by american courts military british americans americans in the far east british ship passed through our territorial waters near the crimea , remember the eighty-eighth year, when the space of the soviet union entered the american ship. only with a blow from ours, and the ship was forced to leave directly, that is, they do it all the time. and if we let's remember. at least once we provoked something. at least once we have done something to ensure that our reaction is always judicious, as far as provocation is concerned. this is a new type
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of investigation about northern streams, because, well, it's funny. president putin yasny clearly speaks in order to carry out that operation, the results that we see could only be through state efforts. finally, today, maria zakharova drew attention, and the english representative of the english mission , he came out today, began to broadcast in russian, and i must say in disgusting russian, and at the same time stated that this was an example of the fact that there is no russophobia in england, forgetting about the fact that in their war doctrine it is written that russia the main enemy well, finally, a few days ago, belgium belgium, let's delve a little into history, recognized the holodomor as a genocide of the ukrainian people. i want to remind our viewers that at one time the belgian congo , the congo that is being invited, belonged to
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the balti people. it belonged. first, their king leopold ii was not a cartoon, but a real one during the reign of the belgian king, the population of kong is an established fact, it has halved, it was 25 million. in 30 years it has become. there are a little less than 15 million. king leopold is bloodthirsty. yes, and then by what methods they mocked the population , the husband speaks of only one thing. it was the real genocide. here is an example of belgium - this is an example. this is the real thing about political provocation, that is, to admit it. holodomor genocide crazy there is no other word. i will say that the roots of fascism, which were observed in germany now in ukraine, they are all from there from the colonial policy that all western countries led. they are essentially fascism there, as it was, and it remains only periodically pops up from somewhere. and of course, with this external provocation, i would not want
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any actions to take place inside our country that would also make us think again. we have already talked about the fact that we need to be the whole society, we are consolidating, that everyone should think about their role and master the contribution to our victory. i brought here the request that i sent to the prosecutor's office today. the attitude of, so this is what our children can listen to, what we can listen to, and so there sounds a musical composition of our father bandera there sounds a musical composition glory to ukraine which contains calls for war against russia on the musical composition of chervona kalina sounds, that is, this song is the unofficial anthem of the ukrainian nazis. i do not understand, it seems, as if the search engine is ours or not ours. if the owners are somewhere out there, let's kick them out, if the managers are ours. let's plant them, and
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it's okay to spread such things. why it has not been blocked yet, we will figure it out, and who needs to have information that the office is located in new york, most of employees working remotely after the well-known events from somewhere in armenia , some stormed, including the upper lars, it is necessary to really sort out the news, the urgent news has just appeared on the tapes of the inform video camera agencies. you won't believe it was installed on an american drone that accidentally fell into the black sea. allowed to monitor crimea from international airspace. that is, the very americans who allowed zelensky to try to win it back are watching crimea. in general, the answer to the question. why he collapsed now back? hello igor
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, we could not reschedule our session. maybe you won’t go to see her, i’ll make sure that i’m fired altogether, if we get fired, we get divorced new episodes today at 21:20, my melody of the show, which opens new premieres at 21:30 on the russia channel, heavy purchases are not with me back pain package.
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even after the war, people were still happy, they got married, they were happy to have a place for love. let's say card if ace let's get married. yes, life goes on love always forever touching very touching. even weeping human should
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always remain even more correct to advise him to others, because he is very important to us. i want to watch again yulia was struck by the news about the crash of an american drone, that they immediately announced the start of the third world war, the predecessor of the pentagon chief , the current head of the us military department, mark esther , that russian pilots allegedly behaved in a reckless danger in order to did not happen. two russian military aircraft made an unsafe interception of a us reconnaissance drone that was in international airspace on the black sea, this interception was so dangerous and brazen that
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the american bbc. i had to deliberately break my drone by sending it into international waters. this is another reckless act of putin and his army. i want to say to mr. putin stop acting like this before your actions lead to an unintended escalation. from the russian army before, and it will not interfere with the conduct of us operations in the black sea , these aggressive actions of russian pilots are risky and can lead to repeated escalation. and without an expendable invasion of ukraine, i am confident that our army will continue to do so. the us state department has just announced that, based on
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the results of a cursory investigation of events over the black sea, we see at the bottom of the black sea. they concluded that the action of the russian federation further direct quotation most likely was not deliberate here arises question. why did they manage to investigate so quickly at the bottom of the black sea, but with the baltic sea, well, nothing comes of it at all. of course, about the terrorist attack on nord stream , putin called the new version about the ukrainian version nonsense, but here it is generally clear that this is sheer nonsense in dmitry gabitovich. well, it should be noted that, firstly, the democrats are trying to soften the situation, because in this case, how exactly the position of the republicans is connected, as if with a direct confrontation from this point of view, of course, how very convenient the starting position for the company, in which it reminds us of the promise to reduce the conflict as much as possible and, as it were, to get away from the open confrontation. in addition,
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accordingly, the position of the republicans is that the resource should be redirected to china in the near future. in fact, what does it do to me. in fact, the budget is so busy looking, so from this point of view, of course, how would it be an argument in favor of the republicans, even the landing of which before that i remind myself trump chiseled that there, naturally, it seems to oppose the conflict, as it were everything else. he changed. he changed his shoes because tucker provided the data, and because he looked at the sociology of his main nuclear electorate, a significant part was tired of the conflict. this is seen in internal sociology. by the way, this concerns the european union with partial amounts to other countries, so the advice from the point of view. accordingly, this is, as it were, an important position of politics, which will separate the election campaign, which is still trying. get the moderate electorate are starting, respectively , this position is being actively worked out, therefore, from this point of view. the very fact of the same landing here was in the lead with a trump, which a direct competitor says that, as it were, with logistics, which is through forged, the second very important point. it is as follows, of course, all the main news from this to this one, the component does not concern the economic component, people were really afraid of the crisis year, which also began with financial organizations. everything looks not bad. this is not entirely true now that oil costs
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as much as 72 brand. how much do american banks cost, respectively, and now i'm talking about them, respectively. how much does wti66 cost respectively. and what is it worth happened happened happened? i remind you today that europe collapsed, it just fell sideways and for a loan, there is such a wonderful bank, the second one, which we got out at the beginning of this week. what happened i remind the bank at one time over the past year all my profits over 10 years in one year you know who saved him with boards 99%, and 9.9% of the shares were bought by the fund, and the americans could recoup in the european union in baku that the europeans agreed that european companies in the american market would be given benefits. just like the car companies. it's cool that the question is different, respectively, the same thing. why did he collapse, because they asked, what is the legend here not to go, how to prop it up like that, respectively, the bank. one second largest, remaining switzerland they said no we do n't want to do something because we have already lost there 1/3 of their funds. they bought it for 1.5 1.6. let's count with the francs.
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so, accordingly, a has already brought losses of 540 billion billion for 540 million. that is, they have already lost a third of their investments, they are still asking for china to help them, they do not want to let them go there, which, respectively , slept, respectively, in due time. and volvo saved, by the way, china, if someone does not remember, he saved financial institutions. he selected a number of financial institutions in such judges, which funds put their shoulder. now im saying guys. don't want to save again. what are they, what is it? i don't want to. and that's where everyone got scared. why all this business? everything fell. why did everyone get out of oil. why did everyone switch to bonds, because everyone was afraid that it could be 2008, only accordingly, as if with inflation, cheerfully recalls in 2008. the rate was, respectively, five percent. 5% - it's all close. in fact, everything to this whole thing is, that is, the people are so scared that they believe that the means of tightening the credit policy will not be this means that, as it were, for gas last year, this is so inflation, that is, this is inflation plus low growth. china is happy, in principle, because as a result, it turns out responsibly and the return of demand and , accordingly, low energy prices. i find the axes wonderful. it's kind of played
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this year. that's why the set is in the past too, so from this point of view. these are the risks , everyone is afraid of this, that this conflict can turn over against the backdrop of serious economic geopolitics. consequences and now it's all scare. and for us. this is also a serious difficulty , due to the fact that, as it were, we have one thing, and, accordingly, not in our budget, we have curtailed it by 70, respectively, they sing. here it is brand now 72. we have a discount from brent. that's why it's a big problem for you too. we are all in the same economic boat, the serious consequences of this conflict, which continues, at least, according to the european union y. usa in the future, too, in fact, because that we are all the same, as it were, in a single, component and bydnu. we'll have to put out this fire. he is already engaged in the fact that he actually walks, separately taken banks saves, and there are quite a lot of them they will not endure, respectively, for a few more months with this rate already, as if he has to turn back. so on may 3 they have the first one now, uh, they will have it from march 22. naturally. the first meeting of the fed and the third of may will be the second state. so they already
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believe that by the third of may, they will stop raising the majority rate. it thinks so investor market because of these banks. that is , we do not bring inflation to what it is all about, to the fact that in fact this all has very serious economic consequences. these economic consequences are very many who can be affected. and here is a very important factor in terms of. as if the definition of what is happening and such, respectively, this type of incidents do not add, as it were, calm to this process, with regard to the nord stream, respectively. well, of course, this also does not stabilize the situation. in anticipation, respectively some of the difficulties that may still arise to put gas pipeline systems in the world at risk. therefore, these risks are quite dangerous. as if they are much more serious than what we see in the black sea. putin said that the nord stream still has a future. we can repair it, although there were no precedents in history. the main thing is that the europeans could gain sovereignty and agree to work together. and here is the problem with this. the 21st
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technique and approach to few people irina goryacheva i have never loved anyone. you don't know what this feeling is maria kulikova want something on the side, go ahead, but you will be next to me on saturday and sunday at 12:45 on the channel russia to the black sea drone 2.212 meters. i
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will not go into the specific characteristics of this aircraft. as you know the mq9 can be armed as far as the types of tactics methods and procedures we use to protect our aircraft. i won't go into details. i think the key point here is that while the interceptions themselves are not unusual, the fact that this behavior by these russian pilots is an unusual unfortunate and unsafe fighter jet leaked fuel before it was, and then close so close to him that he actually damaged the screw on the mq9, as for the conversation between minister austin and his russian colleague , he was not present this time. as far as i know , the pentagon officials did not specifically talk to the russian authorities, so the specific incident. american bureau valentina bogdanov in direct contact new york valentine hello, it is clear that the news is in the top of all
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american news. in general , world news, including why the video was not declassified and the third world war, as i understand it because of the incident, it didn’t start and apparently we won’t start with good evening olga the third world war, if it starts somewhere in the washington swamp, because there is absolutely nothing good for the biden administration in this story. and uh. you mentioned here that kirby said the black sea. e is too deep to reach the wreckage of the reaper. that is the name of this drone. and i thought, what is it? well, why not turn to a group of ukrainian activists who, as you know, are famous for infiltrating the most depths and can solve any problems there. here's a hint to the pentagon. there are such people. you just need to find them and go to their trail to talk. i think that they will be happy to provide all possible assistance in this case. they
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are such professionals. but seriously, it really is, in addition to the message that the mq9 drone did not have any weapons, by the way, speaking about reconnaissance equipment for some reason does not mention. yeah, uh, the state department said what? and their opinion. uh, this incident was uh unintentional, that is, the actions of russia were unintentional. although uh, all day yesterday, uh, they were talking about the opposite, that they say russian pilots, almost on purpose , flew there and the fuel was flying nearby, why they say so is very clear because uh, as i myself said at the beginning, no. uh, no good options for acting out this story. well, here's what 's happening on the one hand. uh, there are, uh, people in the same republican party, where a colleague was just talking about them who are building. in general, their election campaigns are already completely rejected. e of the entire all-ukrainian
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the conflict on the part of the voters is trump-desantis, if the other wing of the republican party is people a-lam, who , uh, think that biden behaves very poorly. lindsey graham literally said that the current us president reminds him of a deer in the light of car headlights. frozen and does not know what to do from horror. yes, but lindsey graham , if he were president, and if the president, all the more suddenly, uh, resurrected and became ronald reagan again, then he certainly would have started to shoot down. uh, russian warplanes and, in fact, lindsey graham to this is what it calls for. if somewhere in the international space there is another fact of some kind of rapprochement, then let's shoot down. well, apparently, or viciously trolls at the level of the joker, such a laughing bloody one does not understand that any attack, for example, on a strategic aircraft carrying nuclear weapons on board, is understandable what is fraught with even then in south carolina lindsey graham in his native. eh, the sky will seem like a grasshopper. yes?
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by the way, south carolina was shot down there recently, uh, off its coast. uh, white, as you know, this chinese balloon - this is such another test of strength that the biden administration does not pass. after all, who is the most attentive. now following these incidents. uh, this is beijing yes, this is the chinese leadership and it is understood here not only by republicans, but also by democrats, because uh, we are talking about international waters, albeit near the borders of russia uh, part of the south china sea, china this is considers beijing to be its own, and it will be interesting, uh, there is a whole genre. yes, it is very popular with american journalists to sit down on some kind of anti-submarine orion and, together with the crew , fly and participate in these joint provocations of chinese pilots, then film it all, post it and tell it, like with a chinese accent. there, they are addressing from the earth with reports of approaching
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airspace, but these games, they can end badly. and here, as it were, a bad scenario for the biden administration too. well , what all republicans are united in is that the us air force, in general, is not doing its job, but in an interesting way. eh, history. the drone coincided with reports that it has been in the us air force for uh, more than a year there are positions of officers in a variety of these are the people who are engaged. um, well, i don't know about transgender or some racial issues, yes. and these people. many of them receive six-figure salaries. moreover, the position of an officer has been introduced in almost every american air base in various ways. and it's interesting at that airbase. where mq9. uh, took off from romania , there was also such an officer, he would have listened to his opinion, as they say, he would have listened the head of the transport department, also olga , a huge thank you to valya the chief of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, is on
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are the jews, these are soviet people , we won’t find the best candidate for the operation to save the soviet population of belarus, but there’s nothing to look for. so kiselyov will calculate everything , figure it out, put it on the shelves, he sees the righteous man four moves ahead, and again we will see and show more than the rest moscow the kremlin every
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sunday at 22:00 named his cat in honor of the american jet system hall in fire highmors photo on your screen and asked in all seriousness from washington a special song about the yellow submarine. in general, of course, a clinical idiot, especially against the background of the fact that he is laughing like
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a meat grinder now in the literal and worst sense of the word, please, olga is not quite. so he's not a clinical idiot. we just forgot what is chauvinism and hatred after the second world war. there was such a phenomenon which swept europe at one time, it was called chauvinism. this is a cult full of hatred and the main thing in feminism. it has been taught since childhood. to rejoice at any grief of your potential enemy, as a people, then, after all, all of europe was covered and the second world war was only the finale of this process with fascism and completely lasting. but we see in ukraine how quickly this phenomenon has resurrected, how quickly the transformation of a whole nation into a nation that lives on the same idea of ​​dos is taking place. give to reward the enemy, but in any way, even though this is the name of the cat, but
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it's just pleasant from what is unpleasant for you, here is the essence of this world of sensation and worldview , we turn it over in ramstein. just finished, they said that they would not give zelensky a submarine. it was a 60 minute program, watch it right now. on the russia channel, the time of the main news of the day on the air of the big news in the studio is bitter. hello what happened to the american drone on the black sea collided with the water surface, what did it do at our borders. this is a real provocation.


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