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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 17, 2023 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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well one thing pleases that in your case, here is a nutritionist here bariatric surgeon. they will take you by the hand and guide you through all the stages, and i really hope that today your life and the life of your son will change dramatically. and we will meet again in this studio, you will be a completely different body. therefore, for today, everything is exactly in a week here in the live broadcast studio. we will again discuss issues that concern everyone and everyone goodbye. hello dear friends, comrades, beloved,
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60 minutes program about the most important thing, and so the minister defense shoigu presented with a state award the pilots of su-27 aircraft, which prevented the invasion of the american throne into the airspace, which is used for the needs of its own washington believes that russia has already recovered one part of the valuable wreckage that fell into the black sea pp secret american technologies fell into the hands of moscow composite materials and fragments of fiberglass, which are used to cover the drone, but of particular interest to the russian military are naturally engines and brains. that is, electronic stuffing pp la, this is how the crash area looks from space on the spot , eight ships of the russian black sea fleet are on duty at once , they, in turn, are closely watched by american satellites.
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cnn reports that washington is now trying to assess whether flying reconnaissance drones over the black sea is worth the risk of a real war with moscow the wreckage of the drone was raised from the bottom of the black sea by russian ships today, however, they left these waters because they are in range of ukrainian missiles and how became known cvs news usa are reconsidering their approach, unmanned operations in the black sea are worth flying. intelligence risk, possibly escalation, as our tv channel also became aware and the pilots acted on the orders of the russian military leadership of the american official familiar with the intelligence information, on this issue instructions to terrorize. this is a drone. i would even say that the order was given by a russian fighter pilot to the highest level of the russian ministry of defense
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to terrorize to interfere in any way with the operation of this american breeding. uav officials say they do not know. was there an order? yes, even at a higher level, i learned that the russian pilots did not break the chain, but followed the military leadership to terrorize. this drone senator from florida proposed that aviation escorted unmanned aerial vehicles. i think our answer should be to have more of these drones fly in this region and be escorted by american fighters who have pilots and are able to respond, but officials the white house says this would be a big risk to us pilots and could potentially escalate the crisis even further. the us is evaluating its drone operations over the black sea and whether intelligence gathering is worth the risk of escalation. he also revealed where the intercept first took place, where the collision occurred, and where the drone fell into the water. us officials say
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the russians are in the area where the drone fell and collected some of its parts, but the pentagon says the sensitive information was remotely erased by the drone. and even if the russians can restore it. it will be damaged russia insists that the drone was in russian airspace. but the pentagon says the reaper kept 80 or more kilometers from the russian-occupied one. crimea pentagon says this drone video clearly shows the moment when russian fighter jets pour kerosene onto ritter, then contact occurs, as a result of which its propeller was damaged amazing video from under the drone's fuselage is visible a russian fighter jet that flies up behind the suze at high speed. thanks a lot of kerosene. on top of the drone, which instantly interrupts the video feed, but you can clearly see the back of the propeller , followed by a near-vertical approach and again draining gasoline, this time
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the fighter is getting even closer, and then unloading from the camera stops for about 60 seconds. apparently at the time of the collision. the pentagon released this declassified video to make it clear what happened. tuesday at the black sea. we didn't apologize. again, our attention was. focused on highlighting the fact, as we have made it clear public in private, that the united states will continue to fly and operate in international airspace with conventional fuel draining emergencies. before landing the plane, russian pilots do it, it's not for this reason. they are trying to use kerosene as a weapon and they are trying to completely douse this drone with it, especially its engine, located in the tail, which can either explode or simply fail. that's why they fly so close to him, this pattern that was common for a russian pilot even before the war in ukraine to terrorize our pilots of our bombers and always these actions were reckless and dangerous. they are
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19 times. flew over this base drone. this drone, by the way, so that our viewers understand, provided significant intelligence information to the ukrainians about the location of the russians, their preparations for committing movements, this information is publicly available. so i don't give out classified information. that's why they terrorized him, because he 's a threat to them, there's a real fear that one day things will go wrong, there will be direct contact, and this will lead to cascades. now the main political news of the day is already on monday in moscow with a three-day lucky. it flies over chinese president xi jinping putin’s communication and everything will begin on march 20, in the afternoon , negotiations will take place with an informal tête-à-tête dinner, including the faceted chamber, as putin's assistant ushakov said, the russian delegation
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will include the chairman of the security council medvedev , deputy prime minister chernyshenko, minister of foreign affairs. lavrov, chairman of the central bank nabiullina, head of roskosmos, borisov and defense minister shoigu well, that is, the negotiating track is as wide as possible. perhaps the most important, perhaps, is the presence of minister of defense shoigu in our delegation and the attention of the director of the federal service for military-technical cooperation shugaev, that the issues of this the military-technical cooperation itself, moscow and beijing will still be officially confirmed by ushakov much attention will be paid to the energy component , representatives of the largest energy companies of russia have been officially invited to a state dinner with their chinese colleagues , and they will not do without the traditional exchange of gifts, as they said in the kremlin gifts not very expensive, but they will make sense
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last time putin gave the leader of the prc a real russian bathhouse, and xi jingfin, as part of chinese diplomacy, brought baked goods for two chinese pandas and handed them over to the moscow zoo over the 4 years that have passed since the last visit, the leader of the prc panda, by the way, gained more than 20 kg in weight. in beijing, they said that on the upcoming trip of xi to moscow , friendship is being carried, which further strengthens trust and understanding between russia and china . i like the settlement of the conflict in ukraine, they say, it will mean the official recognition of the territorial acquisitions of russia by the way, putin will personally go to meet, si-vo vnukovo-2. brave news that could
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influence the course of the war in ukraine came this morning. it is known that the chairman of chinese-vin will visit russia next week in order to show his support for russia officials say that xi will meet with putin from monday to wednesday next week. this is the first meeting of the two leaders in six months. it comes after xi jinping secured his third term as chinese leader on his trip to moscow is sending a powerful message to washington amid the complicated relationship between both china and russia with the united states, while white house spokesman john kirby said that china should think twice before providing or lethal weapons to russia, we believe that china's decision to be on the side russia in this war, the best way meets the interest. china is not in their interest to help putin kill innocent ukrainians, but the choice is theirs just a few days ago russian. exterminate. teli collided with an unarmed american drone, usa i want to ask you about this
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drone incident in light of xi jinping's visit to moscow. he is publicly calling for peace in this conflict. what do you think he will say to vladimir putin about the current escalations? i think that xi jinping will give him something like cards, blanche, it's hard to say for sure. however, i think that the chinese are not very happy that the russians are so inept at fighting, nevertheless. we see that the chinese have increased their support for the russians. we must remember that this is the fortieth meeting of the fortieth, personal meeting between putin and xi jinping. and it says that they are close shizen ping may say one thing or another, but the bottom line is that both countries are working together. they formed the alliance, they are the central players in the new cold war, and they are our opponents. while we are talking about nato , how the united west and europe in protecting
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zelensky our enemies are gathering in the other corner of the ring today has become. it is known that the president of the people's republic of china will probably visit the moscow kremlin next week. we have also seen that over the past few days, china improved relations between iran and saudi arabia. south africa can also be attributed there, and this worries me. we are pushing russia into the arms of china i think this is a very dangerous saying enemy of my enemy, my friend. and that's exactly what china is doing. i think china is manipulating russia; they are helping russia because they understand that they are weakening the west when britain and germany send their leopard tanks to ukraine from the us, they run out of artillery shells. this makes the west more vulnerable. china russia cooperation which getting only stronger is not the only headache for the united states at the monticello nuclear power plant in minnesota, one and a half million liters
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of water flowed down the street with an extremely dangerous radioactive isotope of hydrogen, however, there is a small nuance the water, it turns out, leaked in november. why did people decide to notify only after 4 months , the representative of the electric power company excel anner, who owns the administration, is today answering if at some point there were concerns about public safety. we would, of course, immediately provide everything information, that is, the principle, simple know less, sleep better, also xl reports that in 4 months they managed to collect as much as 25% of comfort, company representatives believe that there is no danger to local residents, the leak does not represent the fact that the nuclear power plant is located right on the river . sisipe , which flows through 10 states of america, they are not embarrassed by another nuclear threat to the united states - this is of course, to the mts, chinese scientists simulated
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a north korean missile attack on us territory as a result of a north korean, intercontinental ballistic missile hwaseong, 15 hit the central part of the united states 1997 seconds or 33 minutes on cnn they immediately sounded the alarm saying that if the american air defense attack could still stop it, and if beijing moscow tehran agreed on america, it would not be possible to repel the missile strike, that is, fu .
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and not in the usa all scientists have done a simulation of a north korean attack according to the self-propelled guns with tea municosis, the simulation showed that 33 minutes would pass from launch to direct strike if us air defenses could not shoot down an icbm in time, if not interception or it will be unsuccessful, then the flight of the missile and north korea or the us territory will take no more than 30 minutes, depending on which coast was the target. western or eastern us leaders convinced the people and allies that their air defense system. can protect them. however, in practice, all ballistic missiles fly five times faster than the speed of sound. sometimes. even faster attempt to bring down the warhead. you can describe how trying to shoot one, a bullet or two does not actively produce ballistic missiles. he knows that the us may not be able to endure a flurry of icbm strikes. if
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north korea does decide to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile against the us, we cannot be sure that our air defense will be able to prevent the deaths of millions , the worst thing that many do not know. this is that yes, the us air defense system can still withstand north korea's strikes until their nuclear program increases, it can carry strikes early, but china's russia's size to the arsenal is such that if they and the united states mutually launch missiles there will be no way to bring them down. and in kiev, the pechora lavra, after the service of raskolnikov, the crosses turned black about such a frightening sign of heaven , the metropolitan of the lavra spoke. pavel in an appeal to the authorities of ukraine and today a video has appeared according to the governor of the lavra, the blackening of the crosses means that it is necessary to protect the holy catholic apostolic church and preserve peace on earth in early january, the ukrainian authorities
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handed over the main church, laurels of the assumption cathedral and the refectory church to schismatics with a dog, well, who now attend worship there. as they say, god does not see a little horn. now let's move to the front. this is how the consequences of unsuccessful reconnaissance in force, undertaken by the armed forces in the zaporozhye direction, if nato instructors taught ukrainian soldiers this, it’s scary to imagine what will be the losses of deportation after the planned spring offensive? at the same time, if you believe in new york time 100 , there may not be enough shells for kiev's spring offensive. the newspaper refers to officials from the pentagon, one of them clarified, that the united states looking at what is happening in artyomovsk warned ukraine against wasting ammunition at a key moment, the counteroffensive is called the last attempt, and the stocks of weapons are already depleted even among ukraine 's
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allies. choose to send units to artyomovsk or prepare for the upcoming offensive. in addition , units are now being withdrawn from the belarusian border to hold the bakhmut. in in particular, we are talking about the forty-seventh brigade of the armed forces of the national guard of ukraine, these ukrainian formations are being transferred by the zelensky command under artyom under coal and bribery, and they are also actively using the weapons of the times. just imagine the first world war
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the battle for bakhmud, it turns out, is the longest in the conflict to date, the stakes are very high for both sides , the city itself is a key, a node in the donetsk region. and now it is practically surrounded by russian troops. regardless of the difficulties that everything here is experiencing this earth should be about your back that it will notice the advance of russia make it difficult for both sides the enemy is difficult to attack because nothing moves in the mud.
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assault brigade means to go a long way, moving as fast as the territory allows, they are in the range of the russian gunners. which even the grandfathers of these fighters would recognize and it’s not just about the ancient weapons that ukraine uses in the 21st century used them at the beginning of the twentieth he is 120 years old, and he has
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a great story of killing russians this weapon was used. this is the longest battle in the war at the moment, but in the north in the east and here in the south russia is making great strides. this is a city that although no one believes is of strategic importance for both russia and ukraine, if we lose here far, we
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must fight. the nose of the head in a bag sick fools passed in riga, another traditional procession in memory of the latvian legionnaires of the vafeness of course, the flags of ukraine were present at the march of the ss, of course, there were flags of ukraine, but another deputy is important city ​​council. andrew pagor. he look decided that one in the field. still, the warrior came out against the nazi coven and stood with a poster on which the latvian legionnaires are written. in the fss they swore allegiance to adolf hitler, they did not
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appreciate such a truth in the latvian police, they detained a man for a provocation from the latvians, and the poles are not far behind. duda announced that warsaw would deliver several mig-29 fighters to ukraine in the coming days, and reuters would write off that they would not deliver in the future, and had already delivered four mig-29 fighters to ukraine. that is, duda decided everyone. 29 slovakia in total ukraine will receive 27 aircraft, but there is a nuance the fact is that out of 13 slovak fighters on the move, only cheats suggest that things are no better with polish aircraft in the face of a shortage of spare parts, but the cherry on the cake is in the sky over the lnr. today, an mig-29 of the ukrainian air force was shot down, it is possible that from a freshly delivered polish withdrawal. more
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has become the first country of ukraine's allies to commit itself to send fighter jets, polish president duda said that warsaw will deliver four mig-29 fighters in working order in the coming days, the rest of the batch will arrive in ukraine later, as soon as the remaining aircraft have passed all the necessary checks and pre-flight preparation. for several months now, ukraine has been asking the west for modern jet aircraft to help its troops keep the defense; these fighters came to poland back in the nineties from the gdr , according to government statements. poland mig-29 aircraft are still in service with the polish air force , however, over time they will be replaced by most recently, president duda stressed that fighter jets should be handed over to the ukrainian side only as part of an entire coalition
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of the country. i, yes, this is exactly what we are discussing with our allies a common opinion on this issue. we definitely have. i would not like to delve into this issue, but fighters . one of the most important desires of ukraine so far , only two countries have declared their readiness to supply aircraft to ukraine, these are poland and slovakia over this aircraft. for about 30 years now. yes, they were updated and even more than once, but still it is relative, the old technology is the service life of these fighters. according to the president himself, the dudes are coming to an end, but as he noted, all combat vehicles are still in working order. sleep less. when he actually finds out about it. these are the planes of the times of the ussr at the present time. there is no reason to think about whether the western european allies will new aircraft. we are talking about only four combat vehicles, what this can
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change, however, something else is important, perhaps. in soviet moments, ukraine will get the most important readiness of western countries to supply aircraft in the future, this is more important than four soviet aircraft the united states is not yet ready to supply fighters. this is a clear line that seems to come from the white house. john kirby, along with other colleagues , formulated the thesis, saying that poland's sovereign decision to supply ukraine with these fighters and the united states respects this, firstly, this already something, not a denial. secondly, it does not affect the decision of the states on whether they themselves are ready to supply modern f-16 fighters. so i think that now that poland has broken through this kind of blockade, which is to some extent an emotional and psychological obstacle to sending these types of weapons. you may well see other countries. such as the slovak minister. sana marin , during her trip to kiev, also said that finland might think about sending
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fighter jets, but not because they want, but because it is necessary, yes. france today on fire macron in sadness deputies from the faction of national unification, marina le pen nominated the president and the government. here he is of distrust the fact is that french prime minister elisabeth born announced to the national assembly that the approval of the deputies she does not need to raise the retirement age will be dragged through under article 49/3 of the constitution. she article allows the president to approve any laws. even if parliament rejected them. surely the french parliament is not a place for discussion, conservatives, fent, did not appreciate and drowned out the speech. born marseillaise another faction at that moment left the hall with cries of democracy and shame. but after the government decided to raise the retirement age, the marseillaise was not limited by the number, the protesters exceeded a million, the french began to live everything in their path, including, look at
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the harness that very paragraph of the constitution the government took advantage of the footage we receive in real time. this is the center of paris now they are burning garbage trucks, scaffolding police, eventually used to disperse the fire brigade, but to put out the fire, what is called in the hearts of the protesters, this does not yet help in social networks. here and there flashes, hashtag, revolution, french politician aurora berger. she even called on the ministry of internal affairs to mobilize civil services to protect the parliamentarians. however, instead of protecting the deputies, the french police began to disperse a crowd of free europeans, from the same freedom-loving water cannons with the help of democratic batons and no less democratic tear gas, the protesters in response burned a little the beginning of the macron and three of his ministers. also left and
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right-wing politicians call on prime minister elizabeth born to resign. however, despite the seeming scale of the protests, no one is going to leave yet, but most likely they will not. the opposition called the adoption of the law a vole in the face of democracy, and the macron justifies the law with great economic costs, but it is not clear either. why haven't lectures been delivered yet, and human rights is not a borel, not ursula fonderly, although a democratic shower is likely, they can literally see ursula and the barrel from the binoculars of his office. in sense that from brussels to the center of paris exactly 260 km. this is
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the scene of what happened tonight. in the very center of the french capital, french riot police throw stones, and they, in turn, illuminate with tear gas and water cannons. concord square, today does not reflect its name at all. in france , you can intervene in changing the retirement age only at your own peril and the result of this was felt in his own skin by president macron, an attempt to force the french to work 2 years more infuriated them. thousands went to protests, gathered right on the opposite bank from the national assembly building , madam prime minister. the reaction
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of the parliamentarians was loud, someone began to interrupt the speaker, someone to sing songs, and someone even left the hall. and when she managed to outshout them, here's what she said, we can't risk spending 175 hours debating. we cannot take risks and bet on the future of our pensions. this is the reform needed by right-wing politicians. marina le pen has announced that her national rally party is going to put forward. here is the univee, the government that they used the third paragraph of article 49 bypassing the vote once again shows illegality. to the action of their incompetence and disregard for democracy, resigning in the next
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presidential election should lose the confidence of the association of the left is going to do the same about the results. today's events have infuriated parliament, but rage is also growing in the streets of the cities. that's right , right in front of the national assembly building on the other side of the river. you can see an ever-growing group of protesters, mostly representatives of trade unions and left parties, and they are protesting against the application of article 49. this mechanism of the constitution has already been applied before. well, in this case, we are talking about a reform that met with widespread opposition, uniting union leaders and rallying opponents like never before. i talked to a few students who came here and they said, yes, we are still far from retirement. but we want to protect what we consider to be the social values ​​of france's social history, of course, elizabeth bourne said that this
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reform is necessary so that there is at least something left in the pension fund by the time these people retire. the denial of democracy by our government and emmanuel macron and, in fact, this is a declaration of a social war when three and a half million people take to the streets. you cannot run a country like nothing is happening. i believe that the confrontation will continue and that the hatred of this government will also continue, what can i say, they are enemies of democracy the government insists on reform and behaves like a cast in the face of public opinion. it is disappointing and above all it is bad for our society for our democracy. and in
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neighboring germany , 1,000 doctors went on strike, demanding higher salaries and more staff. they say if they are not heard, then the whole department will soon be closed and the bed will be reduced against such a background , oloffsholz boasted of germany's success in abandoning russian energy resources. we have made ourselves independent of the russian gas. no one had to freeze, the hanser said in winter. true, schultz shyly forgot to mention one very, very important nuance, that one dependence of germany simply changed to another dependence of germany. i mean the very molecules of freedom on which the whole of europe was joyfully planted . ursula von der lein general secretary. nato agent stoltenberg today visited the oil platform troll off
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the norwegian coast, i don't know who invented the name of the gas platform, but troll this trinity for their light green suits of sanctions heroes. there will be a very long publication of stoltenberg to these photographs that the field is key to reducing dependence on russian gas. in addition, he stated that the alliance will step up activities to protect critical, critical infrastructure facilities and interact on this congress issue. even funny. in the sense that after the informational stuffing of the american univer times that the saboteurs allegedly carried out the undermining of the northern streams from the 15-meter yacht andromeda germany only the lazy did not undertake their own investigation of the german journalists. it does not fit in my head that an underwater special operation requiring huge resources was carried out with the help of. oh,
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the propagandists from the cdf tv channel even rented a copy of the andromeda on a tiny boat and set off on it in the wake of the terrorists, six saboteurs, a huge amount of explosives of 400 kg of tnt . diving equipment, how did it all fit on board the andromeda verdict, which the resourceful german reporters of their american colleagues endured, is the mission unlikely to suit? well, it's definitely not feasible. thirteen-meter well , is it really her saboteurs used to undermine gas pipelines in the northern streams. which belongs to andromeda we rented a similar yacht 15m long with space on board the equipment. everything is almost exactly like on andromets. traces in the baltic sea on september 6
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, andromeda went to sea from the rostak. a day later, the yacht moored in the port of vik on the island of rügen, as the locals told us. they saw how the andromeda crew loaded various equipment on board, then the yacht set off towards the danish island of bourne holmes for some time disappears from view on september 16 to 18. i also saw it near another danish island not far from the site of the sabotage on the nord streams. explosions on the gas pipelines sounded on september 26, where exactly andromedov was that day. as we managed to find out, the yacht was returned even before the explosion, since the lease agreement was concluded until september 23, in january andromedov was raised by criminal police investigators. right now the yacht is in the former military port of dramsk on the island of ryuken, as
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confirmed by the attorney general of andromeda. traces have been found. explosives 6 crew members a huge amount of explosives, diving equipment and other equipment, how it all fit on board the 15-meter andromeda well, just some kind of mission impossible was limited to one small yacht. you are complex planning financial resources material the technical part of all this speaks against the fact that only one ship participated in the sabotage but most of all, the saboteurs, perhaps, had to do with explosives. it is supposedly about hundreds of kilograms very expensive and extremely difficult not to attract. at the same time, not only the police, but also the special services are paying attention to themselves. for several decades now
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, an extremely tough surveillance has been carried out using a variety of methods, it was not possible to discreetly purchase an explosion, deliver its kit, and then take it to the right place. after all, it still somehow needs to be submerged to a depth of 780 m. however, only absolute professionals at such a depth, when making equipment subjected to terrible pressure, we do not forget about the cold and poor visibility. even the most powerful flashlights illuminate only a few meters under water, meanwhile the public continues to grow to the version. scandals on a global scale only one yacht is involved, more and more questions appear six months after the sabotage, only one andromeda case is clear, only, whether as a crime drama in the baltic sea, in which the us reserve service has not completely fired up
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the printing press since march 8 issuing to their banks 300 billion dollars, this is the largest one-time injection into the economic sector in history, which means we are waiting for hyperinflation. well, according to the old, probably american tradition, as soon as everything starts to go wrong in the usa, they go to the podium, the talking head and begins to scare the townsfolk with aliens was no exception, and this financial crisis, the head of the pentagon commission on ufos exists today said that the ministry us defense managed to find extraterrestrial civilizations in the pentagon. this is not a joke the pentagon launched that among the planet stars of the solar system wormed their way into one artificial object. ufo station such data appeared in a special research report compiled together with the country and harvard, the director of the pentagon's department for the study of anomalies, sean kirk
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patrick, in all seriousness stated that perhaps this is the same base ship from which aliens launch their mission to earth to find aliens to the pentagon. i had to spend 30 million dollars, and all this under the closed military budget item. well, no one will know. what exactly were they spent on? money, and information about the latest ufo station. few pentagon clarified that the probe is undetectable from the ground, as they reflect insufficient sunlight to existing survey telescopes. they could be noticed, but aliens still exist and they are among us. if life on other planets is a question that many of us are asking pentagon officials suggest
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that aliens can visit the solar system and release probes, the pentagon paranormal activity department has released a draft report on this topic. i don't even knew that they have such this department observes objects in the sky under water, and in space their report says that alien ships may be conducting missions similar to those that take us to study other planets in this report, the movement of unidentified craft, and it came out right after several similar objects, including a chinese reconnaissance balloon, were seen over the us, we just found out that there are balloons monitoring the weather behind us. and the other day, drones were also shot down and it turned out to be ours, but they are still don't tell us the truth about what's going on, do they? forget about a chinese spy balloon or whatever, there was a us fighter jet shot down last month that harvard released a draft report on mystical flying objects the other day sounds like science fiction. i think we're not the most
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intelligent civilization in the universe harvard scientist, huh. in response to anomalies of any kind, together they stated that extraterrestrial objects seen earlier can serve as evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, and current technologies in space exploration areas such as the james webb telescope may not pick up such objects. it can be a carrier ship that releases zombies into habitable areas around the sun, the logic is this, if you need a visitor to look at you. first , to study it, the professor lay down wants to create an improved sensor in order to detect anomalies. however, he says that at the moment everything is only at the theoretical stage, and in his report. he urges the ufo hunters not to forget the laws of physics. while catching up with the military intrigues and motivates me to work. i want my knowledge to tell me what is really going on at the same time the ufo documentary and film maker has gotten more
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videos showing strange objects. he recently posted an image showing a round object over mosulam. and this one shows a cylindrical object flying over iraq our military pilots, some of the best in the world detect such things, but they are forbidden to talk about them during congressional hearings, the chairman of ufo affairs in the pentagon, once again we are talking about the pentagon and the man who heads the department of astronomy at harvard released a report on tuesday in which he writes that the spacecraft can be a launch vehicle that releases many small probes as it passes near the earth, that is, the pentagon is really talking about the existence of some carrier ship flying over us and dropping probes. i saw an aircraft . unlike any of our or our allies and adversaries. i saw how this device was assembled by a certain team that managed to get close to it. so the question is
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why isn't more information available to the american people about this? in 1947 , the pentagon lies to us and the ufos about what is happening to them. i think they see it as a way to get rich. this is an attempt to get more taxpayer money. i don't trust the pentagon. i think they smelled the dollar, why didn't they release the jfk assassination papers then, it's about control they control the finances. well, the news of the last minutes, russian president putin just congratulated the crimeans. yes, and congratulated all russians today on an important anniversary of 9 years, and in the russian spring, putin announced that all programs for the construction of roads in the crimea and sevastopol had been overfulfilled
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. crimea was fully provided with gas; electricity ; we know ahead of time. we obsessively importunately announce the ukrainians their attempt to attack the russian crimea, let's. we will be transferred to the front conversation, our very important war correspondent alexander sladkov on the line connections. hello sasha, which indicates the impending counteroffensive. how many reserves have the ukrainians already collected, what resource have they pulled up? i mean both human and military. hello counteroffensive, can only be organized in the course of something offensive. we haven't
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arrived yet. yes, we are moving forward, but in the traditional sense , this is not yet a good, solid, powerful offensive. although , in general, we are gathering forces in order to completely liberate the donbass and those lands that a during the referendum moved back home in russia is a part, zaporozhye itself is a city and kherson e with the remaining territory, well , about the offensive of ukraine yes, ukraine is preparing a force. she gets vehicles, boo tanks, and supplies. and the fact that the personnel is being trained is the usual infantry personnel, both abroad in poland in england and in other territories, for example, germany on the basis of the countess. in m-m ramstein , the american base in germany is exactly where we met with the americans on the elbe in may 1945, so. uh, there are three
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my mind making four. even this is the main force that it is, well, the remaining part of the armed forces of ukraine is a territorial defense that was deceived and recruited to protect their territory, and in the lesser motherland, but then formed and transferred to the front, the fourth is hmm absolutely hmm the mercenaries who are represented today, well, let's say in the nikopol area in uh, zaporozhye, who are against us, there are a lot of polish hmm, so to speak, employees of private military companies of mercenary organizations. i don't know how they name how they are made. right there in death. and nato which uh provide
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the activities of these organizations. well, definitely. these are the specialists trained in nato countries. i don't think that the ukrainian troops can now boast of the number of trained specialists. mm, after all, uh, this is the main strength of the ukrainians - this is the main strength of no hope for specialist mercenaries. they will not be able to west in this confrontation. uh, well, show yourself as brightly as you could show in a war with some small nations in africa or, uh, in the arab world, intimidating everyone with information then, and having wiped out the entire infrastructure from the face of the earth, and then victoriously, entering the same baghdad, i remember how they entered, without removing cigarettes from their mouths, wandered around e, the ancient capital of the iraqi state. well , then first of the high-explosive war they closed and did not
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stick their nose out into the street. here is a completely different war here. indeed, the most difficult opponent is the ukrainians. they are getting ready. they get ammo. but in fact, we are doing exactly the same work , plus everything, we and the perfection of our defense on the threatened directions, one of them is, of course, the crimean direction. let's not let them get through. sash on fighters , explain the fact that slovakia and poland have either delivered or will deliver 14 aircraft. in the near future, will it somehow radically affect the situation in the war in general . is 14 fighters for ukraine a lot or a little? why so much talk about weapons is not so, it seems not so much. uh, aircraft are designed for air combat, they shoot down air targets.
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they uh have a certain, well set weapons weapons control, including from the ground in order to fight with other fighters with our dogfights any chance against our aircraft. no, this time we have the latest, and the latest, er, fighter planes. we have pilots who go through, uh, multi-stage training, but these fighters can be adapted to conduct assault operations in support of ground forces for participation in new activities, uh, which usually conduct ground attack, bomber aircraft reconnaissance aircraft. here, uh, well, we have a serious system air defense, i'll tell you, so air defense is people. for which , uh, here we have uh, they raise the first glass at the table, this is already becoming a practice, so
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to speak, in rare cases. eh caseh, well, some festivities, because these are hard workers who do. well, such a job is shot down by rockets in batches here, including hummers, including uh hmm rso uh, missiles rockets, so challenge the russian air defense today, but it’s just not with the slovak fighters that are there, well, i don’t know, they fly there on parole, because the technique of which is not operated has no practice, but replenishment of parts. well, these are our fighters. this is the former soviet. that’s why it’s difficult here, in general , we won’t throw such hats on the question, but we’ll see. the fact that defense minister shoigu here for days entrusted two production of high-precision weapons. as i understand it, these are the very missiles with which we strike, including on ukrainian critical
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infrastructure, the fact that we strike these strikes somehow affects or has already affected combat capability, the same high task stood as i remember. well, of course, they have less influence. they also shoot, as they say, we have ammunition in the yard on suction and the fact that the intensity of the work of enemy artillery has decreased, especially here in the zaporozhye direction, this is unambiguous. this is clear. uh, it's the same in donetsk. and these are attacks on warehouses. these are attacks on transport hubs. it's hitting the uh, the uh hmm well object. eh, energy structure. naturally , it is more difficult to transport, it is more difficult to store , it is more difficult for us to grow. yes, we are talking about the shortcomings of reconnaissance equipment, but we have the level of intelligence is still growing. we will know. uh, those people
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who are helping us in those territories that we have not yet liberated from nato and the west are becoming more active, uh, so, of course, it is more difficult for them, but this must be taken into account. uh, the cumulative effect of those hits. maybe it doesn't work right away. we killed one, uh, transport artery. uh, we are moving to another well, we put the heating plant out of action , moving to another. but, when we begin to break them in the order we know, approved by us, we did not randomly recognize they hit. here you are seen killed. no, this is also technologically advanced on our part, therefore, the potential moves out with the dough. we feel it at the front, we feel it here, we feel it in the rear areas. naturally, an asset. nost falls a lot of talk was olards, and british dances were tanks, then
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american ones appeared there. something somewhere someone saw, maybe destroyed. what are they hiding? i would like in this question, i would like in the answer to this question. interesting, i would like to emphasize, i do not see massive monetary rewards in relation to to our military, which destroys the personnel and military equipment of the enemy. so it will be interesting for me to report here in our favorite program 60 minutes absolutely, and that the reward process has begun, so that there is a queue, i knocked out the tanks. i destroyed the guns. i we know what our businessmen have announced. uh, cash rewards up to 10 million for the destruction of foreign tanks. here is a leopard and if with them we would like to have
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confirmation of these data. and so, of course, they are waiting for scratching their hands. they even laugh that if 10 million will pay rubles. for the killed tank, then they will start to knock them out in mukachevo here. uh, so yes, ready ready, what is there to say ready, you understand, each territory is adapted, the defense system of each territory is adapted to ours. uh, well, the features of the mountains, some river crossings, water obstacles, the desert, there are forests. we have a strip here , the same as in russia, the one we are used to, tula voronezh rostov so, uh, we have special equipment. we came up with t-72 and 64 62 and 80 or 90 not because we didn’t want to, so that they are powerful and weigh, 64 to 7:00
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to 80 t no, we didn't, we didn't save. it's just that we cannot use them on this territory, but they brought their own. tanks from that powerful e -road network of transport sudak can we grind them right to the line at the firing line on a trailer? and if anything, throw a bridge, there is a spare car going. here, and we have a technique that works independently. well, there are tractors, and then the tanks are pulling each other. you understand, we have everything adapted for this territory, they brought their equipment to us and i think that they will be able to use marshy. locality. the crossing bridges are so small. here. well, let's see, of course, everything adapts. well , we will fight at the special forces university. this is the one that the russians are in gudermes on the courses for the extermination of leopards. they conduct such courses there. i saw with my own eyes 3 million for the exterminated leopard.
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what did you buy it for? but that's how i sell it. the teacher spoke at these lessons. well , the teacher knows for sure those prices, but we are talking about those posters that hang in siberia in transbaikalia in other cities and regions of russia when posters it is necessary to show that such and such promises so much so much. thank you very much sasha , our military reporter alexander sladkov is on direct communication with the front line. by the way, uh, on the internet, they immediately threw the cry every day and collected a million of our pilots, who were able to destroy the american air strikes in the black sea. well, they managed to sink it. he is not destroyed. i hope we get it soon today became.
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it is known that the heroes were presented as a state city, see the statement to the minister of defense of the russian federation, general of the army sergei shoigu presented for the award of state awards the pilots of su-27 aircraft, who prevented the violation by the american unmanned aerial vehicle mq-9 of the borders of the regions of the temporary regime for the use of airspace, established for the purpose of conducting a special military operation, the borders of the region were brought to all users of international air space and published in accordance with international standards, the flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle was carried out with turned off transponders in violation of the boundaries of the areas of the temporary regime for the use of airspace, established for the purpose of conducting a special military operation, communicated to all users of international airspace and published in accordance with international standards in order to identify
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the intruder, fighters of the air defense forces on duty were raised as a result of sharp maneuvering around 9:30 moscow time, mq9 unmanned aerial vehicles switched to uncontrolled flight with loss of altitude. collided with the water surface, russian fighters did not use airborne weapons with an unmanned aerial vehicle , did not enter into contact and returned safely to their home airfield. ivanovich let's give you some money. you 're all talking about money 3 million million situations. i would say, now, going through your stories, i’ll start with the crimea, which alexander touched on in particular, we won’t let you go there
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, yes, but i, these days, yesterday i also congratulated the crimeans of some of my acquaintances with telegrams, letters in particular and aksyon with telegram by konstantin. sent on this date. now let's look at these e, pictures of the crimea and pictures from the donbass, they understand that the crimea, if it weren’t for the fourteenth year and no one came to what, now it would be a battlefield, not now, but 9 years not peaceful. eh, such a life happy. and it would have been such a battlefield, because then it was even more difficult there was no bridge , there was one line connecting it with the mainland with ukraine and, thank god that they were found , including, and above all. i was just there in the crimea at that time, people like fionov, like konstantinov. like many other businessmen , whom sasha is talking about today, who promise in russia, they risked something, these businessmen, like aksyonov
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konstantinov, risked their own lives, and not money for certain tanks or, uh, the destruction of these they lived there all their lives and they understood what they were getting into by creating a russian party about a russian party. you understand that trains are coming to destroy russian people millions of people in the crimea have been under threat all these years these people fought, but for their lives, first of all, and for their luxury, but today i always do not forget to say this, they must be given their due pay tribute to those who left , such as zakharchenko, such as today in the dnr lc, the guys are fighting and don’t forget about those, because unlike yesterday, i’m looking at uh, spp’s sister, there are some sitting there smiling contented life goes on as usual. but unlike these businessmen. these businessmen. the guys 9 years ago risked not only three million, they risked their own lives
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, we must not forget about them and tell these guys of ours who are businessmen who are begging for 300 or how many 500 billion there. yesterday they chose 300 times. yes, but they are not there yet. yes, we all, well, agreed to agree, but i would be in their place. here i would look at the back more often zakharchenko at aksyonov at konstantinov i would look at because they will also come for them, not only there in the west they will be arrested. well. if they behave like this, then they will come here to russia, because you understand, there seem to be examples, of course, such as the shish kebabs said, they promise, guys. they don’t promise, but they give and carry, and here i have it in samara and here in moscow, and the same, by the way, crimeans, that is , now they are sending them there to the donbass, they are creating , among other things, a formation that dresses, but it happens, but, uh, i i often see other examples as a deputy, and they spoke to you in the program several times, yes, well, i'll say it again sometimes. it revolts me to the depths of my soul when these
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businessmen who suck are not necessarily oligarchs, but oligarchs too. and they still have a bunch of all sorts of units there. for example, the krasnogorsk power grid issues an invoice in perm, which they always paid there, well, no more than 25,000 rubles. for electricity per month. suddenly half a million can imagine? and letters to me from boats, which means that my acquaintances there are just like that, it can’t be. i'm calling, really saying, are you out of your mind? they changed ownership three times. and say, let them go to court. go to court, that is, besides the fact that they will rob them, hire a lawyer. go to court. and these rich people are a very rich family, rich and well-known in our country. so their subordinates, who own these krasnogorsk power grids, who bought these krasnogorsk electrical networks, are mocking like this in their country, and yesterday, when i looked at it, i thought, the war is on, but they are still mocking stuffing here, you understand? i say i want to comment on the plot, which you are in french, which means, of course, now and
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now i understand even more deeply what i was talking about before said. why did the ussr fight like that and why is the fight not over yet? the soviet union , which first freed you women, gave you the right to vote, gave you many other social rights smile, and the west forced the workers then and kind of this way, well, many people know. this is a well-known classic scheme, then they gave the trade unions the opportunity to raise wages, they gave the soviet union collapsed but the battle is not yet lost. rather, the battle is not yet lost, only the battle is lost. we won't now analyze. why, like in the ninety-first year so, now they are no longer looking back at the ussr, and now they no longer talk and talk, as before. remember, they're negotiating with unions all the time. and let's like this and let's like this they accept. here are the solutions. they do not negotiate with parliaments. actually, this is a consequence of what happened with us. that's why this
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fight isn't over. she in confirmation of this i will say. moreover, it has been transferred to us, for example, in russia and the latest against religion. against crosses. it continues now in the lavra in kiev precisely because there are no more communists. but those uh uh church that was for justice. she is also a danger to them. that's why cosmopolitanism. why values? that's why you take orthodoxy from where, and why is the war again? in the ccp , it was first announced not china about whom the party of china in which park of china a few years ago you understand, because it is the same, the same danger is the communists, religion, many others today's russia which proclaims this these values. well, let her not say that we are for communism. well, in fact, this is the value of our collectivism, communism, justice. and this is the fight. don't smile. you don't
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smile. in vain you smile. it's not a fight , you know? it's not a fight. e two capitalist powers. you see, you see, they are what they are doing with gas. they take you to hell, first, orthodox limbs, gratitude, just human communists, will come back. you see the ccp will come. stop, i tell you about religion. just said that there and everything was so smooth. between communists politely, to put it politely , this is now we have the communist party of the russian federation, by the way, there are approximately twenty percent of believers there. well, the communists are coming. not again, not a damn thing , come here, to whom we are waiting for, so i personally know him thanks. that's the fact that gennadievich introduced me to him with vegans when he became chairman of the cpc. well, he became isolated, like
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many. here come the communists, met with us. although already a leader. uh, the state should not meet, as if meeting with the parties heads of state, he it will not necessarily arrive that we will receive tomorrow an agreement between russia and china expressed in a certain set of some kind of exchanges of sales for help. uh, i know that china is good, i don’t even assume it, but the very symbol of the arrival of the court of china, he says, we stand with you shoulder or like them, well, they may have back to back, but he’s fine these people understand perfectly well when i told you about what they took for the communist party of china with our nuclear uh, so we will be an adversary by the name of russia. they will, of course, take on china. this is about this sense of the russian
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federation in this sense, your stories. e canadier. they may seem ridiculous to some, but china today has no choice but to also build up your strategic weapons. here they are for a long time. they had about 60 stories about a nuclear strike there, well, they showed one missile , it’s possible to intercept it in the center of the united states, but you won’t intercept, uh, you won’t intercept, these strategic missiles, if there are hundreds of them, but then 1,000, how are they like we used to have them, right? now china has no other choice. and the way out is building up its own, including strategic nuclear stockpiles, including the possibility of using our ties with them, and, perhaps, our ties with the dprk should be used. uh, who knows, i'm not distributing, by the way, and without leaving the non-distribution agreement, uh. well, what remains to be done not only back to back, but also arming, preparing for the fact that we
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are already using these connections, as you are right noted not to spread a second, literally about weapons, it’s very important yesterday e on the front line in the donetsk direction in the part that is under the control of ukraine , the ukrainians shot down chinese bp la, which belongs to the russian army in this regard, of course, a grandiose scandal. here it lies on the ground and the destroyed drone. the first proof that something chinese exists in politics in the war comes out today with analytical material on the topic that there are chinese events in the war and chinese helmets. there are in the war, and including chinese bulletproof vest, if possible, show it matters. according to trade and customs data obtained by the policy, chinese companies, including those affiliated with the chinese government, sent russian organizations 1,000 assault
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rifles and other equipment that could be used for military purposes, including parts for drones and body armor, deliveries occurred between june and december 2022, according to the data provided by the aggregators, customs data. one of the largest state the country's defense contractors sent the rifles in june 2022 to the russian company techkrim, which cooperates with the russian state and the military, cqa rifles, modeled after the m16 but labeled in the data on civilian hunting rifles, are reported to be used by china's paramilitary police and military forces from the philippines to south sudan and paraguay according to data at the end of 2022, russian organizations also received 12 shipments of drone parts from chinese companies and more than 12 tons of chinese body armor via turkey although the customs records do not show that beijing is selling a large number of weapons in moscow specifically for assistance. military actions they show that china is supplying russian companies with previously unrecorded dual-use equipment and commercial items that can also
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be used on the battlefield in ukraine by joining the party. well , firstly, i would like to note that in the near future there will be a vote for the resignation of the prime minister, two have already been submitted to the investigative franz, and to the question of how they are now deciding with this world there, respectively, well, firstly, not on the first working monday, but i repeat honestly, and they now have two resolutions on the door, respectively, two decisions. they are just features they-they-something of parliament can leave the prime minister. they cannot confirm the responsibility of the bill to cancel, but they can change the premier to remove these democracies. and why do we need a french parliament, if any law can be dragged through interesting, by the way, regarding france , one of the examples of a presidential form of government in which the president has very serious positions. this is just one of the important components, because it can lead by its own decision, some countries have such a system, respectively, there is a super. fucking classic. the french component , here we have the elements. that's just never used it before for the reason that there is a great experience of protest. i’m embarrassed
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, of course, about the hypocrisy about double standards, as if it set my teeth on edge, but, but not a single bastard said about a water cannon, including democratic cannon batons, bullets too no one looks still have not said, i remind you that last week macron was the first to scold. tbilisi for toughness in dispersing the demonstration is not up to the end. it is clear, yes, france is home to 68 million people. this includes married territories, if there is france and castles, it can be beaten. but look at the 3 1/2 million that came out all over the country at the moment. this is approximately five and 14% of the total population. if we were to extrapolate this to the usa , this is 17 million people who at the moment above would have left in the country. i remind clinical changes in the us respectively, march. like washington for the rights, respectively, it's about 100-200.000. the march to the pentagon during the crow test in vietnam which i then drove off a little bit is 100.000 , which went to the pedagon itself 35.000 35.000
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100.000 17 million, if you have 17 million went to the usa at the moment such shares do not exist at all. she just announced that the strikers will go to jail and receive municipal fines in a very adult way. here, i brought the capitalists to the issue. what kind of capitalists do you have a capitalist. here alone sit you entrepreneurs complain about this on the power grid, in short, the point is that there is massive, respectively, protest activity. it is very wide, that is, this was not there before, in principle, respectively. let's assume the same france in 1968. there were not such numbers. can you imagine how much at the moment to get out in such a population. this is the same as in the russian federation to get seven five million at the moment we have the biggest mama- the biggest share, respectively , of the masses, in principle stories of existence, as to the immortal regiment. he doesn't count that much. in principle, that is, the problem lies in the following: it is a completely different scale, completely different volumes. 600 tons of garbage are on strike for the tenth day against the pension reform, everything including garbage.
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well, i’m not very good there, separate sectors are moving off, as if there, respectively, they gather there the main task, respectively, with the trade unions it’s worth it to block the french economy, i also remind you that, as it were, accordingly, as if there is no majority of the lower ones correctly, when in past year it was said that this would come to colossal problems in the spring. why because due to the fact that there is no majority, everything, the previous time , the whole french system rested on the fact that the president always had a majority in the lower house, and because of what the majority had it, neonating correctly due to the corresponding economic component due to protest activity, and this majority fell apart, therefore, accordingly, such activity was the same thing is happening now, for example, in the uk there is also a large number strikes, respectively, there at the moment, it turns out one and a half million. for example if an array to take similar. why is she doing this? everything is correct, because there are elections in the twenty-fifth year, or boris the left is dispersed, respectively, active protest actions. in germany the same is in perspective in italy in perspective. that's selective. the company's body, that is, actually the problem lies. in the next year, the population is under very difficult pressure , you can hold out like this for a year, but you can’t last longer. when inflation gradually returns to you,
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the second very important point, the risks of finance, which make up that we have a responsibility today, so to speak, but came out separately, and the assistants, respectively, of the ministers spoke about the fact that now 75% of russian energy companies are supplied with sudden systems. this is the position of assistant secretary of the treasury 25% only in the insurance system before it was 80-90. that is, the world is already changing logistically, already a significant part of the transport, that is, already a significant part of the flows comes outside this system. i'm already not i'm talking about dollar components. why today, respectively, all the markets there are also, as it were, depressed everything else. yes, because this whole financial story, which tried to put under the rug, but continues with us again and the bank began to fall again. in our country, respectively, the main shareholder of this bank, by the way, filed for bankruptcy. today we have so we live. it's dragged to who matters no no no good, oil prices. we have oil prices with us, for
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which they pay you a salary, including in state duma, so these oil prices 72 have now fallen. from these oil prices we read urals from this to calculate the experience of oil revenues, including the bank fell, not with us and declared bankruptcy not with us we are now talking about the swiss, for example. no, we're talking now. we are now speaking in accordance, after all, about the united states in the first place, but with all this, this has affected, of course, this has affected energy prices, of course, the exchange rate, including 76 so far, that is, the problem lies in next we're all in one big giant boat. you are in one and we are not. we are with you we are together all the time in the yursa, and in this oil, and we want to get rid of it, from this you finally go the way that the ussr went oh, the bank collapsed. ah yura ah you dreams. i remind the soviet union the soviet union problems. you will suffer well, soviet losses well five will not
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reconfigure your economy. found well. okay, going back and forth again. the soviet union received oil to sit and dance at one time. the blow precisely in oil to energy made a mistake in the seventy-third the year when i asked for this then arab war with israel. here is such a crisis. you have an oil crisis, right? that's when the soviet union decided. unfortunately, he made a mistake in those brezhnev times, shayta became attached to this oil and decided to live on this oil and decided. eh, so he became attached and began to buy and close his mood. i would have needed grain in 10 more years, and also, you understand, instead of what i'm telling you now. i am now talking about what flies and vietnam is yours dearly loved and even the dprk is a terrible secret to you i'll tell you. now it depends on the price of an energy carrier, china is now the same one, which has more than 700 billion to fight, respectively, and, accordingly
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, they trade dollars and a cake, including the united states, including with the european union and with us. of course, it depends. now set the prices for the carrier to 200, for example, $ 300 per barrel, everything will collapse for him without it means what a wonderful communist system he is there inside of the main topics for the negotiation system from the fact that your country is in a state he has from this circulatory system not disappears. she also works also works, vietnam he also sells also works, the light of some china someone was told by many people it is worth returning. to me is the following, if we understand that everything is in the next few weeks, apparently a few months. well, in short, at home in may, it will be sort of decided for us to understand that we are an excellent partner who buys a significant part of our oil, he buys it at a price that, damn it, is now in banks , so we need to understand how to build remove these relationships. we have already signed an agreement with them, i remind you, for example, for a 10 billion supply, but you know , we have agreed to the end of 10 billion. gas supplies, i recall, are about a third, respectively. well, a little less, the third is all our
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gas supplies to counter pipelines. in china, we supply 38 rows according to the strength of siberia. and we raised it by 10 billion, if we at least drag it through, these are serious tankers, separate negotiation trends. this is stated by the official coal. the most important thing is that it is now necessary to add fertilizer to everything through the largest buyers of fertilizers in the world , please, have not been producing fertilizers for a long time, but i will leave this topic, because there is still a war a serious war is an important topic. yes, but don't discuss it. let's go back to the backside, let's return the same to the soviet union, well, in this period at this moment. well, what is there to discuss? i just want to pay attention to how e sounded today. so that shoigu presented the pilots of the state on the verge, we all need to understand what happened. why are the americans so turned on? why are they talking about everything? because we broke a serious one. isn't this a
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nato military operation represented by the united states against russia, it's not just an aircraft shot down. the drone is a large aircraft drone. this is what we liquidated or stopped or ousted the pride of the american military aircraft industry. this is a very effective weapon, both combat and reconnaissance, and they removed it during a most serious operation at a distance of a maximum of 90 km, from the crimea of ​​which we spoke , this is part of the operations, part of the preparation of this offensive, from which he spoke both mr. kalashnikov and sladkov e. this is the part preparations for this operation and the pentagon, we are doing serious work to protect the crimea , but this is part of a possible operation with a nuclear one. with
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the nuclear component, this drone also worked along this line, and it’s very good that we will get it now, and it’s very good that it was said and is. uh, clear information, personally, i have uh, and the show said ego of the year, lieutenant general. well, for tvs. clearly clearly said, guys. this is really a red line. you crossed it, we did what we did, and today i read a new message drone of another type american 150 km. deep yes, 150 km, not 90, but 150. that is, we, uh, still often criticize, especially we are in
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social networks, but we do our job, we stop them and that we will raise these debris and this composite material and these fibers, about whom you spoke, perhaps partially and we will decipher what was like they say, we will share with someone. yes, you won’t share it with anyone, we’ll leave it to ourselves, we’ll usually don’t share it with anyone, we’ll unite with china right away, so we need to work faster because of this here. such noises, they will certainly do something. now let's put a hiver safe in poland against kaliningrad. yes, this is such an answer . there will be attempts to answer more, but now i'm sure there will be answers. here are the ones that we saw, with regard to the attempt to raise, the drone of patrick ryder, this officially the representative of the pentagon has already stated that
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the russians are making progress. it is not unusual for us to post videos of unsafe and unprofessional incidents. we have done this in other situations as well. this case, given the reckless and dangerous behavior of how the russians took action. we felt it was important to provide this video. here are the signs that russia is likely to try. find wreckage q9. it's highly unlikely that they'll be able to recover anything useful given a couple of factors, firstly the fact, i won't go into too much detail, that we have taken steps to secure the information on board this aircraft. and secondly, the fact that it crashed into a very deep depth with russia we want to escalate with russia and therefore we are going to focus our main mission on the territory of ukraine which is to support ukraine in its struggle.
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we'll be back premiere on the channel, russia
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how will the road be mastered by the walking one, where to go, and what to do for many? i would like to now hear me say, i'm afraid, i'm afraid, i'm afraid of everything i was afraid, i would not do anything. hello, you already have a lot of questions. can i tell you two more new ones. it is their business to understand what not to understand. we can't get into their heads. in ukraine and the donbass today the supreme command of the president of russia is broadcasting
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in the northern and southern directions , pushilians confirmed that russian units have entrenched themselves in the buildings of the vostok masha plant and are now going deep into the bakhmut industrial zone, northwest of the city of dobrovolcheskaya assault detachments expand the zone of control in the area of ​​​​the liberated village of zheleznyanskoye to the south of this settlement, russian units continue their offensive in order to surround the apu grouping, but one of the first goals for the russian army after bakhmut may be the liberation of sentry yar, this is
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a very small town 10 km away to the west, ukrainian propagandists are outraged. the people stayed there and people are waiting for the russian military dryers, who put up tanks, they send a resident at their houses in three letters literally the lad of western ukraine is advised to go to lvov because of the seriously write the place is on the icing. shot with three whole hits fired now with 3 vintage here we really should provide. hmm native, leave. i don't know i'm rooted to
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this place. and leave. i'll be there alien and everything will be alien to me someday, if it started, so it must end. well, where can they stand here in the house of your mother and children. if there is, and then you will understand what i am talking about, what i am talking about, you understand what arrives in the city. everything, son.
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hello as a mother, says my all i have to lie somewhere from my house. so what do you want your grave to be here, god forbid , or what under such circumstances?
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the frigate admiral gorshkov with hypersonic zircon missiles in the iranian port of gorshkov, along with other ships of the northern fleet, took part in a trilateral russian-chinese naval exercise in the gulf of oman , joint tactical maneuvering was practiced with chinese destroyers nadzhinka iranian frigates with sahanta jamaran daily mail. at the same time, he writes that in the uk he spent 10 million pounds on his next- generation fighter, which supposedly will be able to fly without
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pilots. there will be artificial intelligence for this fighter, as stated with deep learning. this is a joint development with japan and italy. here are the aircraft in operation scheduled for the thirty-fifth year. will the new unmanned fighter be equipped with additional protection against kerosene ? there are no drones in the black sea. naturally, they did not stop spying on the crimea, but according to flight data, the radar now keeps at a distance. the forehead was a metal hook today 150 km from the peninsula. although earlier american drones. approached in the crimea for two less distance. tonight, the united states presented compelling evidence that russian fighter jets were the aggressors in a collision with u.s. air force drones over the black sea. no. there is no doubt about where the order came from to pursue the american drone kent gets on the radar
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russian air defense crews at 8:00 am moscow time. an hour later , the crews of the su-27 overtake the drone and at exactly 9 hours and 20 minutes they drop water 75-90 km away. from crimea , the pentagon announces the minute-by-minute chronology of the drama. after 3 days. after the operation, russian planes make two passes behind the drone, plunging it into a cloud of fuel, before one of them undercuts its propeller, a us official said that one of the russian pilots intended to douse the throne with kerosene, but got too close russian drying, twice. lucky rosinov would be flooded, the american picture crumbles into pixels, the so-called gcp appears on the screen. the color stripe generator, the last thing that the camera captures, the water surface of the black sea, the fish did not get on the video. look at the footage where the russian
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fighter jet starts dropping. the spit usually planes have an emergency release system to save weight. before landing, pilots use it for another reason, they try to use the fuel as a weapon and completely douse the drone, especially the engine in the back with jet fuel, which will either explode or cause engine failure, and that's why they 're trying to get so close. - this is good, it can be seen in the last seconds, despite the official version of the pentagon, the representative of the kirby security council continues to rotate , confirming that washington cut off something on the video of some kind of marriage or, in television language, gluing, that is, traces of editing. it is not known for certain which episode the pentagon is hiding from the viewer, which is the first in the history of the sand of a tactful battle russia usa washington publishes to convict russia of a lie what is a lie, if the drying did not damage the propeller remains a mystery?
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no, i think we were transparent enough when we said that we have footage of this interception and that we are working on these shots to make sure they are suitable for publication and clearly reflect our statements about what happened in order to expose and show world the manner in which the russians lied, simply lied in their claims. so what exactly, therefore, in accordance with best practice, we lay out these images by the russian military, allegedly already managed to pick up fragments of fiberglass and several small parts of the reaper, according to cnn spy equipment. the engine lies at a depth of 900 m, the seabed is examined by underwater robots. us intelligence publishes a satellite image dated march 15. eight ships of the black sea fleet are on duty at the crash site at once, an underwater robot sank to the bottom of the sea, which discovered mq9-3per at a depth of about 850,900 m,
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a deep-sea branch of the gas pipeline passes not far from this zone. south stream forpost reported this to his own source close to the ministry of defense of the russian federation and familiar with the details of the operation. according to him, now experts are developing a decision on further actions to lift this drone from the seabed, the depth where the drone lies is quite decent, in order to carry out the rise it is necessary to use means used in the recovery of sunken deep-sea submarines. we have information that russia is probably trying to find the nq9 wreckage, but we believe it is unlikely that they will be able to recover anything useful, given a couple of factors , firstly, i will not go into details, but we have taken steps to protect the information on board this device of his second, he collapsed at a very great depth. diode. the pentagon claims that before the fall of the black sea, a drone, what is called reset or erased via satellite, the software was already reported by the us department of defense more than 10 years
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ago, when the cia stopped communicating with the newest sentile drone, the most invulnerable playla on the planet of the islamic republic , state television showed footage of a us drone that iran claims was shot down near the afghan border. while washington says almost nothing, the american press claims that the aircraft was part of a secret mission to monitor iranian nuclear facilities, the unique stealth technology allowed the drone to freely overcome existing air defense systems and its characteristics. outperformed advanced american f-35 fighters the operational center was considered the most secure in the world, but the drones were able to land and copy the iranian cyber units based on saint-chinel, at least six types of air force drones were created.
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sir, originally released the prototype at 15% in the corresponding drone rq-170 for scientific. and developments to get the design and details of electrical wiring. after that, in 2014, the prototype, already 40% corresponding to the rq-170 drone, was named shahet 141 and shoket 161 , according to american intelligence. now breaching ukrainian air defenses and hitting critical infrastructure in kiev white house announces new military aid package and urges to go to crimea u.s. officials say they haven't decided on a strategy yet, but it essentially has two options to move south via kherson to crimea, or move east with its northern position and then south , cutting off the russian land corridor, according to officials. the first option is unrealistic, as russia has strengthened the defenses on the east bank of the dnieper and ukraine
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there is no manpower for a successful operation against such forces, according to officials, the second option is more likely to regularly supply kiev with pictures from nikov and dronov , citing sources from the washington coast , the us department of defense claims that they allegedly do not allow the use of intelligence to strike at intercepted american ripper to russian objects, while spying on the phase of the black sea fleet in sevastopol and the belpex air base, so the american drone really came close to the base of the russian federation at in this case, he could conduct optical reconnaissance, thanks to the camera , not only the main military naval base of the russian federation, but also the air bases near sevastopol, in particular, american officials were familiarized with intelligence information, on this issue instructions to terrorize. this is a drone. i would even say an order by a russian fighter pilot was given by the highest level of the russian ministry of defense to terrorize interfere in any way with the operation of this american reconnaissance drone, according to cnn, the us sent
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another drone to the crash site after losing a draw. at a cost of $55 million to stop provocations near the russian border in washington, d.c. there is no plan for an aggressive game-changing approach not what the russians end up doing is conducting very aggressive maneuvers against manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. this could have very serious consequences not only in the black sea area, but also in the baltic sea and other areas along the russian border. china will be watching to see how you respond to this, including because of their own illegal claim to the pacific. with you legendary absolutely american. we have been waiting for a long time, do not scare, people, please, huh? for several days , an event takes place that, in my understanding
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, changes the climate very much. and as a reflection of this climate change russian federation how was he joking? and, of course, this reflects the situation that has developed. the dolphin is coming soon. just just a few while ago. how many weeks have passed a little more, completely epoch-making agreements can be signed. which the chinese helped negotiate between iran and saudi arabia. we start here by looking at what
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happened to the drone. well, not only is it enough to behave. well, let's say tougher what we have been waiting for a long time. but i have a feeling that we felt like a country even. that we were drawn into that confrontation that we have been pushing for years. we are used to it. we realized it, we understood how to win and now we will slowly build our strategy trust, bringing her to victory if it were not so. then i think our chinese friends. they wouldn't have come to us. now they feel the temperature very well.
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after all, they take care of property in the country correctly. and even if, after the key decisions that were made in china , the first person of the people's republic of china visits moscow very quickly. this means that there is understanding. this means that there is confidence in the partner, it means that there is confidence in where the two countries are going. and china also began to demonstrate. i even would say this is an epochal point where china has shown itself to be like? new leader or one of the leaders of the future world. completely seizing the initiative from the united states of america in that theater of the global theater in which
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the united states considered itself not only indispensable, but generally dominant. and this changes the whole picture. i would say this from a point of view. here is a great alignment of the new world, this is the time of the great break. when is the new player? claims its right to build the right to build a new world. he certainly doesn't. alone, if things were going badly for russia, he would never do it alone, the chinese never. as far as i understand, they do nothing without thinking. and i have a feeling that we have found that line of conduct, found this strategy and are now defined. the key
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points that will allow us to rebuild the country to rebuild our economy and start i would characterize it like this. here we had a period when we adapted, this year passed under the sign of that, there was a huge pressure on us and there was a period of adaptation, when it was necessary to plug the holes that were formed to solve some very urgent issues. and now, judging by what i heard from the president, and because of what is happening and because of the way the government behaves, and so on, such a fairly systematic period of construction has begun. and in the international arena, the construction of a new world here has already started talking about preparations for our president brix and what has not been canceled at all, as ours thought big
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meeting with african summer yes, and when everyone comes to us here russia africa please yes? and we see that systematic work is underway to build the kind of world that we need both inside and outside the country. this is the feeling of understanding that the situation is under control. it is in stark contrast to the situation of total uncontrollability that we see on the streets of paris, that we see in the banking system of the united states, that we see in the hysterics of the nato generals, and so on and so forth. yes, and that makes me happy. because
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they start to panic. on the contrary, we we are drawn into what russia does best we endure and do we endure and do we endure and do we go to victory. if we get involved, it means for a long time. and this is for a long time. i'm just philosophical a little. we are now, uh, if i may, the last time there was such a hypochal break in the world, it was 100 years ago with the first world war with revolutions everywhere. and this period from the empire of all sorts of different british french there russian and so on, which later fell apart to another world in which we lived for 80 years, it two nuclear powers. it was a period of perestroika from the fourteenth year to 45-30 years.
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and that perestroika that has begun now, it will also take a couple of decades, at least, until the remnants of that world that was built after the war fall apart, and the west itself had a hand in making them fall apart faster, by turning on the full speed of the chaos of all of europe and in asia, escalating tension arranges conflicts everywhere breaks that world. eh, and having accelerated this process, he began just here the forced process of restructuring, which, of course, the year will not end and in 5 years it will not end. there will be different phases. this is not the last ukrainian conflict. this is not the last conflict to be unleashed, but we need to prepare for the fact that we will have a certain period of non-prosperity survival.
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we must endure it. and after a while we will come to a perfect world, where we will have a completely different position. the opposition will be good. why. because in this turbulent world, unlike many other countries, everything is a trump card. when there's such turbulence, what do people want first? all the basic things. feed the population , keep the population warm, protect the population, yes, and we have it all, we are the world's leading food manufacturer. even with a huge potential, we can feed our partners. we can warm our partners. you will always be the largest producer of energy. we are an exporter of security, leading on at least the eurasian continent, we can protect our partners, and they know it, to whom they are drawn to us and the arab world and all of eurasia, and
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we can give them the connection of this of a large continent, to bring them all together together with china, together with iran, together with india, to build the rules of the game of the new world. this is our function, and we are in this new world in this turbulent, especially its first difficult period. we are an island of security, despite the special military operation, despite the sacrifices that have to be made. us and we will. by definition, an island of common sense is an island of safety. where in the end they are already stretching from burning europe, in fact, already burning now looking at paris people will be drawn , money will be drawn, because here we are calm. yesterday's meeting with the rspp was a very calm meeting. there, the word ukraine
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was never even once, in my opinion, it was about how we will work, how we will build the country, and so on, because they see it. and our task is to make our country the safest and most comfortable just when the world is uncomfortable, there really was only a part of the military special operation , not a word more, please, i agree with my colleague. indeed, now there is moment that we will need to survive. we will need to be patient. this is a really difficult period. and, no matter how the situation develops calmly with us, no matter how the situation develops in our relations. uh, with china and other partners. this will not change the attitude of the west towards us. and uh, you know, if the british are back in 1609, while we had the time of troubles. e lilia or thoughts to make a colony out of russia in the image and likeness of india
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, why should they change? now they have been doing this, uh, for 4-400 recent years. yes, i'm trying to bite us here, then bite off here. in general , in the eighteenth-twenties after the revolution , it came to the direct occupation by the british, first of all , of the tidbits of the former russian empire of the future soviet union, so, of course, they are serious. they are determined to fight to the end. and, when i hear some soothing speeches by some of our politicians, er political scientists, and that the west is tired, that the west does not want to fight, that people do not want to. i want to tell them all the time. listen. stop stop misleading russian people that the western has become . in general, probably yes, but since the western average is pretty. he is calm about the fact that his child is being sold books about how his uncle and uncle got married and finally they had happiness, and from two e, from the second grade,
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sex education was introduced in schools and they explain about the same thing about that bytiki they are not just normal. in general, this is the only normal way , you understand, if a layman sold children, yes to the devil, well, well, they made some noise and what on what will it affect? and the western elite is just very determined to fight, because, as a colleague correctly said. they understand that it's not about ukraine at all. ukraine is an enterprise for us. it's a foothold for the west, and it's not about russia, it's about the fact that the configuration of the world will change. and now they are close to the systems that they have been building for years, robbing everyone in general, and everything will break or it will not break; there is no guarantee that the new system will be super fair, it still exists. those who are stronger those who are weaker, but one way or another, but break a situation where the small does not rule. a handful of states, and yes, the question for them is the question of the same economic survival for us. uh, people's yes, as a nation, as a state, but for
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them an economic one, that's why they just launched their vk, uh, they just uncovered factories to pump weapons into ukraine, not ukraine, so someone else will not taiwan taiwan doesn't matter. yes, they will still light some fires. i don’t know, maybe they will try to set fire to afghanistan again as a transit country. yes between us, iran and india, china is unimportant, and therefore we must understand that where we are, including in the production of modern types of weapons, including, a in the field of military skills, because yes , you said it right, dear colleagues. bezrukov is a struggle. for a long time, this is a war for the survival of russia for us, they are about grandmas, they will be for their money. we are fighting for the survival of the russian people, somehow for the preservation of the russian people and the russian state, and therefore, if we understand that today we are faced with the fact that well, here we are we storm the fortified areas of the enemy despite the fact that most of the fortified areas are just well-dug trenches. well, yes, near
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donetsk. there they managed to concrete in other directions. they don't, okay. so, let's create engineering storm units, as was created in the forty-third year of the prefix from the reserve of the supreme commander, if we understand that we do not have drones yes, including kamikaze drones, then they need to be launched. and so , let's say i know a group of volunteers who make these drones, and they are now slowly transfer troops, prototypes, you understand, but if you are volunteers, dron sochi has good characteristics, i don’t want to say it out loud. but otherwise the villains will find out and they won’t be able to find out back with good characteristics and good combat characteristics. believe me, uh, wait, 50,000 rubles. and in some official documents, we see unthinkable numbers 500.000 150.000 300. you see, if such a fork exists, and people have done it, they say, well, we can’t get more than 50. well, no, it didn’t work out more than 50, a receive somewhere. well, we have to get rid
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of it. well, it's impossible. so somehow we can’t win or win, but you understand more with blood, we are for some kind of busy frontiers with new clothes than we pay for the health and life of our people. just yesterday , in the telegram channels, there was a feat of just, uh, a russian fighter. my age-mate of 1975, a mobilized peasant won back in the caucasus, once in the first company alone took the entire trench alone. filmed from a copter. yes, yes maltsev yes, he died a few days later, well, an absolutely russian hero fine. how many of these maltsevyh, and you can somehow differently? and you can be highly precise where the red fields are, you can set up production, if we are serious, if we understand that we are talking about the existence of russia of the russian people , it’s time to stop dealing with this nonsense, which we still have these individual comrades, when suddenly estimates grow into 20 times suddenly explains that it is very difficult to start production. how is it that volunteers manage to simply start production and it's worth it. well, literally there
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is not even 5 million rubles. you will not believe production. there, 100 drones per month costs much less. maltsev's feat on your screen please show us we must know our heroes of the senior ed channel yesterday in one navigator, a fortified ukrainian trench. three were shot, two are taken prisoner by a real russian hero. died march 13th. well, in the west , they completely went astray and completely crazy the international criminal court - this is the one that in eider, if someone does not know, issued a warrant for the arrest of the president of our strange russian federation peskov commented we consider the question itself to be outrageous and unacceptable. listen. russia and the people of the states do not recognize any decisions
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of this kind is for the russian federation would like to tell him, therefore. in a minute we'll be back weeks central events, the best correspondents more knowledge, a clear position and everything to be honest with dmitry kiselyov sunday at 20:00 heavy purchases not with my sore back. try the cream of debts in a yellow package with cream. dolgit that i want to raise 150 g at a bargain price on this day. i realized that a real piano will help your son open up in a completely different way.
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it is necessary to endure someone unexpected meetings, maybe not hidden east, inexpressible feelings, will not be mistaken at 21:30.
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anastasia panina can no longer walk alexander makogon still amazingly sensitive fingers deserve anatoly rudenko i i miss you so much. everything is fine with me, housing, a great job, new relationships. beloved let me introduce you to my ex-husband, don't be my wife premieres tomorrow at 21:00 on the russia channel in western reports called unarmed and desirable. here they draw a hit point near
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the turkish coast. although this drone is a shock friend, that is, an mq9 ripper. it can carry missiles and, in general, the area where it was located 90 km from the sevastopol base is exactly the place. from where these missiles can be launched, moreover, this is exactly the same place, where the black sea fleet intercepted the british one is a sore point that western countries are constantly checking, trying to question our sovereignty around. and these are all the statements of western countries that they allegedly do not conduct intelligence-reconnaissance activities against the territory of the russian federation. at this moment, crimea is constantly taking out of brackets, considering its territory, allegedly ukraine and understandably. what is the fact that the throne was intercepted, that the dron was thrown into the depths of the black sea. where is it from for sure
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get it? this is what we showed that this activity will be suppressed in the most cruel way, moreover, it is interesting that this happened just before the visit. ah. i will explain why, because the americans are now selling about a dozen of these drones to taiwan and are well aware that these drones will be used against china and, accordingly. if now we are raising this drone. i think that not only iran will be interested in the technologies that this nine keeps. and in the reverse word, when we heard in the reports that there somehow some rifles are in customs declarations, some helmets are not . the main thing is now just high-tech cooperation, which will definitely begin now between the russian federation and the people's republic of china. it is now much more important for us to get chinese machine tools, chinese semiconductor devices
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, chinese rare earth metals. that is, those things that we need in order to unleash our own military strength. i agree with my colleagues here. this conflict is not for six months, and not for a year, and ukraine - this is one of the episodes to which we will later recall and speak. remember , this conflict began then in 2022. and now we are relatively speaking, in 5 years after this conflict, we will probably even forget about ukraine. we will discuss taiwan, but there will be the same players in taiwan, there will still be the united states, they will not go anywhere. from the map of the world, they will cling to their hegemony to the last. it will be necessary for them to throw france completely under the rink and throw the uk and squirrels there, like says they will eat. how exactly in the same way as they are now agitating their population, but this is the reality of the new world, in which the departing. uh, the order, the global led by the us will cling to by all means.
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and they will try to destroy everyone who fights him, but it is impossible to destroy us squirrels and turnips, according to the official statement of the minister of trade of great britain washington just said that they hope that after negotiations with putin xi jinping everyone will certainly meet with president zelensky please yes by about helping the chinese. uh, us microelectronics. i didn’t have time to fly to moscow, when the microelectronics industry grew out of the blue in belarus. you also noticed that right away. i sent trains to moscow, i think that belarus still has us. well, after a visit with these foam to moscow, it will please you again. that same belarus, not only in belarus there are shrimp. well, there is everything there, there is a factory of the world, one can say that it is located in belarus. here's what's really downed. ah, the drone. this is a signal. well in general, this is an approach to the crimea - this is
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a signal to the united states. tries to scare. china through us and here it is. uh, it means that it has no legal force. is this the accusation, then, or is there according to the arrest warrant? after all, this is also not only to the 1.11 signal, first of all, i pin the signal that, in relation to him, exactly the same things can produce, that means, but this did not start yesterday. and remember what the whole world remembered on august 8, 2008, not because the olympics began in beijing in what was a provocation was unleashed in south ossetia and the americans smeared the olympics and this time the same olympics in beijing on february 4, 2022 and in. at the same time, the troops of the ukrainian army are being drawn to the donbass, that is, all the time they are trying to scare the chinese through us. that 's about the visit, but i told you a week ago that america is called senzinpin arrived, it's up to america
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really. we are waiting for what, uh, i know, we are waiting for what will come with dolphins and in this cooperation it will last long enough and not 10 years or more like that, what is already planned there is large-scale and investment and so on. my colleagues and i do not agree with everyone that it is necessary, as it were, to be afraid of the west. yes, but if the west would be strong, but the sitsin would not have flown to moscow. well, this is also absolutely true that the climate is changing. the west would be strong, the northern streams would not explode. he wouldn't let those northern streams be built and so on. that is, in this case. i think that we are now at a key turning point, and it hardly means that the west is so strong that its layman endures, this is all to the end. now, patience is over for everything, and the more our combined power with china, including, becomes greater, i would here cast aside all doubts about the chinese. this is some kind of syndrome that lasts for the sixty-ninth year, that they allegedly experience some kind, which means, uh, the expressionist has plans for us, hardly everything, this
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is absolutely the last century, this does not work. and, accordingly, well, there is nothing to be afraid of. eh, don't. nothing accordingly will continue cooperation and so on, therefore, let's be optimistic in this regard. and i think there will be a lot after xi jinping's visit. what's new? when we are here we will discuss with you. we'll be back in a minute . it's not clear to the child nesya where we all strengthened ourselves, because the child was kidnapped in the hospital. let's just say this is our chance. shaya new series at 21:20 this is my melody my melody show that opens new ones. emotions premiere today at 21:30 on the russia channel pain can become an obstacle walking up the stairs not with my knees. for knee pain
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to survive and reach and there is no choice, but chance is the tears of experience, what they do, they pray, comrade kiselyov and i am pleased to know that such a hero was only of two things a jew, tomatoes somewhere, that is, they take on quotations floats. so it’s better not to watch, everything is amazing, there are no words amazing great film righteous now the wreckage of the drone was lifted from the bottom of the black sea by russian ships today, however, they left these waters because they are in the range of ukrainian missiles and as it became known cvs
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news usa are revising their approach to unmanned operations in the black sea fly intelligence risk, possibly escalation, as our tv channel also became aware and the pilots acted on orders from the russian military leadership to terrorize. it's a drone. i would even say the order was given by a russian fighter pilot to the highest level of the russian ministry of defense to terrorize and interfere in any way with the operation of this american reconnaissance drone. officials say they don't know. was there an order? dan is at a higher level. we didn't apologize. again, our attention was focused on highlighting the fact, as we clearly stated public in private. the new states will continue to fly and operate in international airspace. valentine hello
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terribly worried in washington there is no way on their own. good evening olga but really, if hmm go up at all, here's one more level. yes, not only to talk about the drone, but in general about the whole process and special military operation, perhaps for the first time the united states was here in role, catching up in the role of an outsider. now they themselves admit that they cannot influence the events in any way, therefore, well, such a smoke, information screen is created, a lot of emotional comments of repetitions. uh, in general, commonplace facts, but uh, no, they have no support in this story. well, look at these endlessly repeated phrases, for example, that the pilots acted for some reason on orders, but these are
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the words that captain evidence could have uttered well, yes, military pilots always operate in all countries on someone's orders. they have mediocre leadership, they have commanders. flight directors are the people who give them orders. this is not a private initiative. if so, yes. these are not the same people who launched little children's balloons there. e from alaska yes, there are aeronautics enthusiasts. no , this is the air force, uh, the americans, uh, went for this escalation for a long time, they faced opposition. ra-russian air force now what to whine? we must talk about the fact that, well, yes, that's how it happened. yes it happened moreover, this will continue to happen if the boundaries of the air zone are violated from here, the following, theses that they will lose the race, most likely, to get these wreckage. well, yes, they will lose, because the united states does not have any opportunities.
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uh, i mean naval in this region of russia there is the black sea fleet. uh, you can talk for a long time about what russia considers there to be almost the internal black sea, but america has a fact. no, there is no group that could get the wreckage. yes, you have to admit it. well, and most importantly, there is none. in general, uh stories, how to get out of this situation, uh, talking about how the information was deleted, but it seems to me, again, it looks more like these tales. e about divers, yes, who can use improvised means with a backpack, diving on a yacht at night, to blow up the northern streams. how long was he in the air for? yes, indeed, or something, if he had a bent blade of operators, there was time, but the removal of all this. so it's all serious. no, that's also an attempt. spread straws here in the internal information space of the united states in order
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to make it clear that yes, guys. we have everything under control. even if it happened, the russians won't get it. uh, sorry for the tautology of access to pre-intelligence data, a most likely it will be the other way around and most likely something interesting. yes, for sure we will raise from the bottom of the black sea and we will see something interesting. well, definitely. probably the most important thing in this story. she provided additional arguments for those who are increasingly active positions. uh, critics, in general , the ukrainian project of the biden administration. it's not just republicans. eh, the funnier the arguments sound. the so-called hawks here is another florida senator who agreed to the point that it is necessary to send manned military vehicles accompanied by drones. well, that is, the very idea of ​​drones, or something, to nullify or endanger the lives of american pilots . the american administration has no answer to this question either. thank you very much olga,
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to our american choice valentine bogdanov on direct contact with her, please. everyone has decided to be in debt, but in order to accordingly, it is necessary to reach this debt in the first place. these three months, how to solve specific tasks in the economy, first of all , the main task will be to survive the financial heap that is now happening. i remind you that the price of oil has fallen, accordingly, the rate has gone, everything is happening, and the financial crisis is quite likely in the european perimeter, first of all, a property loan, which, of course, received 54 billion from well from the government of switzerland , they will not have enough money to understand the swiss regulator, most likely. they only have about 80 c collateral bonds, something in the billions. if we count in dollars. that is, there all the funds begin to breakdown very large , as it were, that everyone reacts, that today it was growing today, they found bonds, everyone rushed together, as if everyone together stopped believing in the currency in the most protective assets and the crypt, but not everyone, of course , as if it were a witness that, as it were, a very dangerous procedure and precedent long-term confrontation, respectively,
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in the open phase of the long-term open. in the open phase, it will come to very serious economic consequences, which we hardly imagine. in fact, that is, how to get, as it were, a financial crisis against the background, respectively, of inflation, additional e fuel is a very, very, very, very high risk, so all fairly smart countries are now trying to agree, and, accordingly, access to energy carriers is engaged in this, china is engaged in this, respectively, there is a european one. union b in the case of norway, that is, in fact , the future will be logistics, who will correctly shoot the supplies for it will be the main struggle because of it will be the main conflict. who runs this very swiss bank immediately after the advertisement, to defuse the machine, will we return? in the interview, the president gave you a generalizing assessment. the more, the lower they bend their smile wider statement about northern pathologists who discuss the whole world an antenna for receiving a signal, but the world has not yet heard the question of concern to so many. after all,
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probably, much would be easier, but only our program set it. shouldn’t it be possible to start a special operation then in the fourteenth year , which putin answered and also the defiant ignores the american grievances at the interception of the drone, the fuel was dropped into the sea and maybe it wasn’t necessary to fly there, then everything would be environmentally friendly, the key comments of the week directly involved in the war we painted more than the rest what is a house? yes, the release is stuffed with exclusives, what do we get from this about in all senses, a very strong program almost left. i continue to exercise this week. we'll show you a lot more than the rest, so we'll be fine, and they'll be sad. moscow kremlin putin watch on sunday at 22:00. the vtb team will offer a solution. open a deposit with a maximum
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50 billion dollars by the national bank of switzerland on wednesday, the shares of the country's second-largest creditor collapsed by as much as 30% the bank called the loan a decisive action to preventively strengthen its liquidity the famous but troubled bank, founded in 1856, is one of the largest financial institutions in the world and
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is classified as a globally designated bank. along with thirty others includes gp morgan chase banks of america and bankchan. well, putin and lukashenko talked on the phone right now, the main news releases of the country together, look, it was a 60-minute program. bye. on the russia channel, the time of the main news of the day on the air, big messages for adults, the anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, i want to congratulate crimeans to sevastopol residents of all citizens of our country. what new facilities are open? what are the main problems now, we will do everything to
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stop any threats?


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