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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2023 11:00am-11:41am MSK

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see you again. denis lunchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. vladimir putin made his first trip to the donbass, which is now being actively restored vladimir putin heard
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a report that the russian military successfully repelled ballistic missile attacks by ukrainian militants. the screams of the crowd the sounds of sirens and the sound of breaking glass in paris opponents of the pension reform broke into the square of consent in vladikavkaz launched a large-scale program to upgrade public transport in the khabarovsk territory vaninsky will be expanded the coal transshipment terminal and in the krasnodar territory are preparing for the second harvest of cucumbers this year.
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so the first working trip to the donbass was made by vladimir putin, the president of russia visited mariupol, which, after liberation, turned into a grandiose construction site , the ukrainian menu was actually wiped off the face of the earth by the nazis, the city is being revived literally before our eyes, the president flew to mariupol by helicopter and drove along new roads by car, the road of the state looked how is the construction of new residential microdistricts and even looked at the rehearsal of the philharmonic after a trip to mariupol. the president went to rostov-on-don, where he listened to the reports of the military leaders of the special operation about everything . we have enough building at the mariupol airport . the fighting was actively destroyed strip, more or less preserved, we plan
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that there will be a full-fledged airport there with the ability to fly to all cities in russia and abroad, when we put it on the 25th year. the car goes exactly on the road illuminated by the task. last year we completely made the route between donetsk and the sea of ​​four, in my opinion. yes, it was a two-lane road in places there were four, well, right now there is a full-fledged road between mariupol. fence 600 km to nikolai to bring 6280 and so and now, in the distance , the lights of a new residential complex are burning brightly. he called nevsky built by builders from st. petersburg. vladimir putin inspects the playground he is greeted by residents of mariupol did not expect. can i at least say hello,
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how many times have we seen you on tv? that is ok. so you need to start getting to know each other better. yes, such a job. yes fine. we waited, this is a small piece of the edge. we will expand the area built at a record pace. 12 houses in 4 months, the president was invited to one of the apartments. pass bought everything was and the walls were there a stove and
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all. wow how much room is there. excuse me please. thank you very much to see you by the start of the school year. schools and a kindergarten will be opened here just after the battles, 300 residential buildings had to be completely demolished according to the nature of the destruction, said marat usnulin, it is clearly visible who purposefully destroyed mariupol where we attacked from our side there were no shells at all. from their side, straight in appearance, they hit with tanks straight, as if on target, here you can clearly see how they retreated straight, they hit at home, they simply destroyed, yes, here, i would as a builder i say. how did i see the house? they hit the houses with direct fire on purpose, no war, nothing had to be hit. they were just destroying, destroying everything around the deputy prime minister spoke about what he saw in
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the mariupol hospital. after the ukrainian army left it. you know what they did, they even dominated the corpses, so as not to clean them up, so it's here, yes, the refugees lived in the same room. i did not see it with my own eyes, which means that in one room the operations in the other are sick. the third one means people who they live here, and even all the medical uh devices and equipment were all there. not the so -called normal people did not do something in the hospital. but now russian specialists are building a new hospital with 300 beds, the building is almost completed. so you gave instructions to build a federal medical and biological agency for the hospital. started 3 months ago 3 months ago 33% completed to date. here it is by the end of the year. we want to launch the first of all , khusnulin, who oversees the restoration of the city, says
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that temples and swords have already been opened in mariupol launched, public transport, 110 buses drawn up a plan for the reconstruction of the central quarters, and the embankment people began to communicate when they saw that they were coming. recovery on the growth of activity there, in the first place, social facilities are now being repaired. for example, priazovsky university for 6,000 students. here is the historical building of the university uh-huh. here, from red brick and all the buildings around it, is another fully restored object in mariupol. the philharmonic society told the president that the corpse already had a new leader from stavropol to musicians, purchased instruments , rehearsals began.
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driving off the philharmonic building, vladimir putin managed to greet someone and again the report of the deputy prime minister is now about the prospects for developing business in the city from small shops to large enterprises, if the entrepreneur , the owner of the shops on the first floor, claims his rights and confirms that he is launching jobs. we give him a loan in good condition. corruption. now they put it into operation, it starts to work, like a construction fracture of a manual base. we start building materials to ship, but the main task is the construction of residential buildings. thanks for the solution . the cream here is good. here it is necessary to create jobs and good transport provision. this is the people to move. we will have the sea on the left side also vladimir putin visited the restored memorial by the liberator of donbass dedicated to those who fought for these lands in the great patriotic
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war. thanks a lot. after a trip around mariupol, the president of russia went to rostov-on-don at the command post of a special military operation. he was met by the chief of the general staff valery gerasimov of the russian federation, the operational staff of the childhood calculation was replaced by the commander of the comrades. vladimir putin heard reports from military leaders on the progress of the special military operation. and in the latest data from the russian ministry of defense, the artillerymen of the southern military district struck at the positions of the armed forces. they defeated the fortified area with
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enemy manpower and enemy armored vehicles such as non- reactive installations are corrected from drones. in the southern donetsk direction , our air defense managed to successfully repel missile strikes by ukrainian militants. russian anti-air defense systems shot down five sosos and seven projectiles fired from rzzones. also a subspecies of the american drone. the valkyrie of our servicemen successfully worked out in other sectors of the front. in the donetsk direction, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of pervomayskoye, an attempt was crossed to conduct reconnaissance in combat of an armored group of the armed forces of the armed forces, consisting of two infantry fighting vehicles, operators of anti-tank missile systems of a separate special-purpose battalion of the first donetsk army corps destroyed both combat cars along with crews. having lost cities and towns, kiev formations every day hit the peaceful quarters of donbass tonight, after shelling the capital of the dpr , a powerful fortified area
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of ​​​​ukrainian neo-nazis again died, from where they attack civilian objects, this is avdiivka but our forward detachments. closer and closer they move deep into the enemy defenses and knock out the militants. further from donetsk, a report by our war correspondent oleksandr ottsomba under attack from ukrainian neo-nazis, kirovsky district. donetsk at least 25 rocket projectiles. they blew it up here just last night. we were at home sleeping, then just an explosion, a flash of screaming. just to check living relatives and immediately call everyone on the phone, who was in the apartments immediately ringing alive did not suffer, a 19-year-old young man died. at the time of the shelling, he was in a car parked in the yard right. near the car, residents are already clogging their windows. employees of the investigative committee of russia are carefully recording the crime of militants of the kiev regime. it can be assumed that it was
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also struck with the use of sezograd, fragments found on the spot that hit directly on civilian infrastructure. this is a residential building of russian troops, meanwhile they continue to push the enemy, who have dug in the surroundings. donetsk , the advancement of our assault units is supported by the artillerymen of the southern military district and our artists are well-camouflaged guns. this is a hyacinth. b cannon trunks, turned to the north direction. there in deevka, a powerful fortified area of ​​ukrainian nazis, and therefore a fortified area. our artillerymen use direct fire to help the advancement of our assault units, which, just at this very moment and in such a position of ukrainian soldiers
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, were sending shells, high-explosive fragmentation against the enemy infantry, received the coordinates of the target, and now combat work will be carried out. the battery strikes again and again, the coordinates of the targets are transmitted by our scouts, and after working out the target, it happens that it comes out directly and very often words of gratitude. there was a stronghold of militants and sniper leshka fighters from the back of a unit of the armed forces the russians defeated the enemy, while destroying an entire unit from the nazis. opornik taken accurate strikes on the fortified positions of the armed forces of ukraine in avdiivka, planes and helicopters of the army aviation of the russian aerospace forces destroyed
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several points of temporary deployment of ukrainian nationalists, as well as an arms depot alexander katsuba konstantin piunov andriy rudenko and oleg bondarenko rescuers in the donetsk people's republic are inspecting the waters of the sea of ​​okhotsk off the coast of sakhalin, where an ice floe with fishermen broke off this morning. according to the latest data managed to evacuate 12 people in the search continues, and in the case of heavy fog disrupted air traffic canceled already 94 flights. visibility. in the area of ​​​​the runway does not exceed a thousand meters, according to the transport prosecutor's office, the delay in flights in different directions ranges from 4 hours to a day, the weather in the region is expected to improve only by lunchtime by monday. in kazakhstan , parliamentary elections are being held today in the morning , more than eight thousand polling stations have opened there, voting has already taken part. head of state oblique dzhama arkaev, kazakhstanis elect deputies
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of the majoris of the lower house of parliament as well as heads of local authorities . voting takes place according to a mixed system . so according to the local cycle , the turnout in the elections by this minute has already exceeded 30% in russia, today they celebrate the day of the submariner; ships. right now, the northern fleet is preparing a generalissimo for an inter-naval transition to the far east. suvorova is a new generation nuclear submarine cruiser that can reach speeds of over 50 km / h and is armed with 16 ballistic missiles bulava from gadzhiev report by my
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colleague dmitry petrov gadzhiev go to sea, and here they are on combat duty, like these two cruisers 955 borey yuri dolgoruky and project 955a borey and prince vladimir the first ship of the new project and its further even more advanced modifications to protect the borders of the motherland on guard of peace. we go down, as the submariners say , into a strong hull to see how the crew lives. on the eve of the holiday , damage control exercises are conducted daily on the warship. even when the submarine is in the base today, prince vladimir has announced a firefighting exercise. scream, 271 conditions started extinguishing the fire extinguished cabbage soup, leni ignition is not observed. and this is a completely new ship of the same project, only from the factory generalissimo suvorov arrived in severomorsk to prepare for the inter-fleet transition to
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the pacific fleet. they're loading rocket weapons right now. you have seen missile ammunition up to full standards. we will practice under-ice swimming. we go under the ice. and after that we will make an inter-water transition to generalissimo suvorov already has a successful rocket launch in last november on his service list. this is reminiscent of the sign on the missile silo number 11 sailors. every day he sees it several times live next to the rockets , there are also cabins for personnel, equipment with everything necessary for living, comfortable beds with mattresses. uh, storage closet. washbasin commander of the northern fleet alexander moiseev himself sailed the entire arctic ocean, he does not have the slightest doubt. in the successful solution of the problem is not the first ship. it will already go there, so there is confidence that with this task. we will manage, the preparation plan will be completed in august and september. he will be
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right. serve russia on a member. the combat strength of the submarine forces of the navy is replenished every year with new ships to replace the veteran strategists of project 667 bdrm, their multi-purpose boats of the animal series 971 have already received bares armed with bulas and ash in the arsenal of which church and calibers, diesel-electric varshavyanka in the ranks have received a rebirth 10 boats in the pacific and black sea fleets and a completely new series of diesel boats is on the way, 677 lada dmitry petrov yuri marchenko and oleg dubinin lead the northern fleet. now a small advertisement, and here's what we'll tell you about. further, in our program to return, residents built new apartments for them and the sound of breaking glass in paris
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, opponents of pension reform. they broke into the square of consent. russian danil medvedev continues to set records at us tennis ports. in the interview, the president gave you a general assessment, the more the bonus hits, then lower, they bend and smile wider statement about northern streams, which are discussed by the whole world antenna for reception signal, but the world has not yet heard the question of concern to many, because, probably, much would be easier. come on, come on, it's just our program. shouldn't it be worth starting a special war operation, then in the fourteenth year putin answered defiantly ignoring american grievances for the interception of a drone, the fuel was dropped into the sea. fell hmm maybe you shouldn't have flown there, everything would have been environmentally friendly, the key comments
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get tempted blossomed, papa. here 's who i didn't expect to meet. that's what spring and surprises do to people. i'm really in shock premiere at 21:30. lord, we continue the release and now we are returning to the first topic with the release of vladimir putin visited mariupol on a working trip and personally watched how the city was being restored. this is
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the first visit of the president of the russian donbass mariupol is now actively under construction and one of the president's meetings in the new residential complex nevsky it was built by the builders of st. petersburg district built at a record pace 12 houses in 4 months. vladimir putin looked at the playground, and then he was invited to one of the apartments, where he talked to the new settlers in another fully restored facility. it was the mariupol philharmonic society that told the president that the corpse already has a new leader and the first rehearsals are starting. vladimir putin also visited the restored memorial by the liberator. donbass it is dedicated to those who fought for these in addition, the head of state visited the spices command post in rostov-on-don, where he held a meeting and listened to a report on the combat work of our military. russian specialists are now establishing a peaceful life in all new regions of the country, from where you have already knocked out
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militants in the lpr flagship of construction work. this severodonetsk in the city gradually began to return residents for them are ready to move in apartments already for 35,000 people. at the same time, earlier the population of severodonetsk was 5,000 less, and further plans to restore the city pavel prokopenko two suitcases with such luggage tamara filippovna left severodonetsk when the ukrainian army was in charge in the city, it returned, as itself, says into the unknown i was driving and did not know that here in the city and that’s it. well, when i saw this stove, i already knew that someone lives in our neighbors. and that's when i came up, it's me in this salvation, you have never had water or windows, there was nothing, and we were cooking here, a recent reality. severodonetsk those who could not leave their homes spent the winter in the basements, warmed themselves by the fire and went to the column for water, gas light, and water in most apartments - this is the day today, the windows are light.
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gave gas gave repaired water , please, always water that would be from the water how much to severodonetsk the flagship of construction work in the lpr, the city suffered more than others during the fighting, 95% of the buildings were destroyed. now it's one big building. this is the work, uh, that we do after the fighting. that is, these are damaged roofs, which we we repair this damaged windows, which we replaced, this is the restoration of the in-house heating system, water supply , sewerage system. it is natural, the restoration of the slopes of the doors, which were damaged, the restoration of the external appearance of the building, what is not conveyed by the television picture is the smell of gary, he is here everywhere the houses were on fire during the bombing. the main task is to clean the apartments from garbage to remove to get. this apartment is even finished. here is
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a balcony block, a wooden frame, where the span remained, you have changed and changed. here this is our job. now cozy comfortable warm nothing blows. raises severodonetsk, like other cities of donbass, the only customer of the ministry of construction of russia last year, the company repaired 150 facilities here, among which this clinic is the only one working in the city with a small child. children's doctor. only here takes we come here every day. we have a baby for a massage. here the massage therapist has children's plans. for this year, no less ambitious plans have already begun to carry out work on twenty-eight houses and two social facilities, 23 years old. currently approved. this is exactly more than 40 objects. now in severodonetsk apartments for 35,000 people are ready to move in. at the same time, the population of the city is now about 30,000, it cannot be said that there is no suitable housing in severodonetsk
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, a maneuverable fund of specifics has already been formed, with the frontal territories there is no internet and communication sometimes the owner of the apartment left. he may not even know that his housing has been repaired, then it turns into a mobile one. they populate those who have lost their roof over their heads, if the owner returns to temporary guests looking for a new home. we have already been issued uh , 13 acts in the 14th e-settlement, acts are waiting , let's say e, for their owners, 97 apartments are in operation in the city, waiting for a massive return of residents large repairs and spring are the engines of this process, a confident positive temperature. now, both outside and inside these renovated high-rise buildings andrey skiforov to lead, severodonetsk luhansk people 's republic in paris this night again passed under the screams of the crowd, the sounds of the siren and the sound of breaking glass, the french, indignant
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adoption of pension reform. they broke through to the square of consent, despite the fact that hundreds of policemen blocked all approaches there, how the barricades and garbage cans burn in france are cautiously watching on the other side of the landscape in foggy albion, british trade unions insist on raising wages against the backdrop of record inflation and threaten the government , bitch, new wave of protests and strikes report by alexander khabarov protests against pension reform in france are increasingly taking the form of civil disobedience in order to stop the dissatisfied in paris, they decided to use water cannons. the law promoted by the government to raise the retirement age may eventually turn out to be a time bomb mountains of uncollected garbage are on strike, public utilities and the promise of new protests, evidence of a worsening crisis, this does not end theoretically, the matter could reach the resignation of the government next week in
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the national assembly will be discussed the issue of confidence in the cabinet of ministers is closely following the developments in paris in london, where the ruling conservative party is also struggling with its difficulties, next week, the parliamentary commission on privileges will interrogate the former prime minister. boris johnson he is accused of deceiving parliament, claiming he knew nothing about illegal parties at his residence during the lockdown period. although he himself took an active part in them, based on the results of the commission's investigation , the future fate of johnson will be decided by parliament in the worst case scenario to johnson. loss of the deputy mandate it will be more one blow to the ruling conservatives, but the main problem for the government of the bag remains the deplorable state of the economy, the wave of strikes in britain continues to take over more and more parts of the public sector. before the government had time to come close to an agreement with doctors,
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the employees of the structure that issued new passports to the british announced their intentions and to go on strike. easter holidays are going not to go to work the guards, the largest airport in london , the cunning in england, have not yet had time to recover after the turmoil of the rail teachers and london underground worker strikes, the government's announced general sentiment budget has also failed to raise the national fiscal responsibility office predicts that british real incomes will not return to pre-pandemic levels for a long time, while the british cabinet can only boast the fact that the country's economy has managed to avoid technology. recessions tough fiscal measures are aimed at stopping inflation, but this does not make the population feel better before the general elections. less than 2 years are left here, in order not to lose power, the ruling conservatives need dizzying successes. now they are ready to vote only 27% of the voters, while the main
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competitors of the labor party are almost twice as many as 46%. alexander khabarov ilya murdyukov news, london and in the us, hundreds of people protested outside the walls of the white house at a rally on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the us invasion of iraq, demonstrators carried dummies of wooden coffins wrapped in iraqi flags to remind the biden administration about the victims of us foreign policy as a result of the actions of the us military, hundreds of thousands of peaceful iraqis died, the participants of the rally demanded to stop financing the endless us wars and stop supplying weapons to ukraine against this background , the white house has already announced another package of military assistance to the zelensky regime about which weapons will be handed over to ukrainian neo-nazis , they promise to announce the other day between the whole canadian ministry of defense has distributed footage of sending heavy military equipment to ukraine. a set of military transport aircraft loaded leopard 2 tanks, as well as
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a german-made armored vehicle in moscow , have previously repeatedly stated that any western military equipment that ends up in the hands of the apu will become a legitimate target for our military. and it will be destroyed. and the main events of the last seven days in the news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, see today at 20:00. this is the song of the week and i'm dmitry kiselyov, see on sunday. the incident over the black sea, like a loud bell in the us do not interfere. this is what it turns out russian pissed on our drone but why did the american drone circle in turkish a stream of coincidence in ukrainian follow sneer? her crazy
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europe, having lost its independence, successfully covers up the traces of its masters. even a cut man will never become a real woman some guy. hey stop it always from the crimean spring to the crimean summer, the holiday season will soon be more than a year old . this is how the classic method of producing champagne krym looks like our self-propelled artillery mount
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kaskadovtsev strikes this is one of the possible directions of the counterattack of the kiev regime, our military correspondents from the combat zone. 50 m is an anti-aircraft missile battery operating in the south-donetsk direction, what is on the front line now? they will work. you are now briefly about the events in the russian regions , modern trams began to run along vladikavkaz street. they were purchased as part of the public transport renovation program by the end of the year , 28 cars will arrive at the plant in yekaterinburg, which will replace their outdated rolling stock. transported in parts and assembled on site with
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a heavy crane. in the air conditioner. electronic scoreboards. tv a special platform for people with disabilities is expanding the vanino coal transshipment terminal. this is necessary to cope with the flow of cargo that will go after the completion of the construction of the eastern railway range, the volume of 12 million tons per year should increase. to expand the terminal, the two built a whole system of bunkers and conveyors. when designing , everything is taken into account from the intensity of transshipment to characteristics of coal and possible risks. for the sake of ecology in the krasnodar territory, farmers are harvesting the second crop of cucumbers this year on plantations. they installed gas heating and installed capes. watering and special lamps that replace the sun, all processes are controlled by special computer programs, thanks to the created conditions, vegetables grown in winter do not differ in quality and taste from summer producers are already planning to expand and build new greenhouses. three-year-old gleb khlystov from yaroslavl
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needs help from a rare boy a genetic disease that affects the development of the brain and vision. this is the first such case in russia in the world. such a pathology was detected from only 30 people, gleb's relatives did their best so that the child could eat on his own and keep his head up rehabilitation needs to be continued, but this will require unbearable for the family. sum. how can you help tell vesta black-haired well done yet, maybe he is shy. but the brave and patient gingerbread for 3 years, two of them, the doctors figured out what insidious disease this blue-eyed baby resists. he is so began. yes, he was about a year and a half old; intimate segmental dysplasia of the brain does not allow the baby to properly control his body, even swallowing has to be learned. another manifestation of the problem with the eyes. at the age of 8-9 months, the boy almost
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lost his sight; now he has only photosensitivity. we smear three times. ah, drip, do not even count. how many times, if this is not done, the baby’s eyes immediately become inflamed, pantile segmental dysplasia of the brain is a disease, not that it is rare at all, it occurs in three dozen children in the world in russia , her first official victim was gleb khlystov from the yaroslavl region . uh, did a full genetic test on their kids. and no genetic mutations were found in a family where there are such children from all over the world share their victories with their family and gleb freddy 2 years he sits and has already begun to crawl evelyn 2.5 knows 40 words in the language gestures. leo also comprehends speech walks on a walker. and they even participate in competitions.
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of course, i want the child to be the same as everyone else, so that he goes to kindergarten there , goes to school, what does he play with his sister? well. and she did not accept and said that no, this cannot be. my child is normal. he, like all disability, already waited for some kind of acceptance, yes, it’s true, but i can change it and change every day exercises with specialists , examination doctors for six months of active exercises , gleb began to better keep his head more confident feel your body getting ready to get on all fours to support the family. decided by a charitable foundation. you can help people beacons in many ways, for example, send an sms to number three four, three four with the word beacons 300, where instead of three hundred, there can be any other amount of donation go through the cord that you see on the screen or through the official website of the foundation such a complex the approach will cost one and a half, a million rubles , this will be enough for a year, during which, perhaps,
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doctors will find a way to cure gleb instead of the black-and-sieve mikhail flask to conduct, yaroslavl russian daniil medvedev continues to set records for us tennis jackets in indian wales. he reached the fourth final of the atp tournament in a row and extended his winning streak to 19 matches. earlier, medvedev managed to win three titles in 3 weeks in rotterdam, doha and dubai at the semi-final stage. to which it was not natural that the representative of the usa, francisan tiafa and a, came in two colors and in the next few hours to fight with the spaniard carlos al-karas for the main prize. all news is always available on the media platformer application or on the site we are watching for developments and do not switch.


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