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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 29, 2023 2:30pm-2:48pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] so take this one there is a system , and at 16:30 watch the program of andrey malakhov, the most popular music program on post-soviet television, a mound in the studio of her permanent leading love terekhova, who after many years returned to the air touching meetings with the heroes of her programs 30 years later only in our studios. and tonight on our tv channel , the continuation of the melodrama polar waltz, do not miss immediately after the big news. well, then the release will continue regional things residents of moscow and the moscow region, literally after a few seconds. don't switch.
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they warn high floods will last in the moscow region until the weekend, where dangerous levels of animals in stores have already been noted and bird markets continue. why is the law not working? more than 1,600 moscow courtyards will be landscaped this year, and each quarter will have its own style. the last minutes , vladimir putin is meeting with members of the government, as the head of state noted , the russian economy is demonstrating positive dynamics. however, this should not discourage anyone. russian economy since july of last year shows positive
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dynamics, including due to the development of the business of western companies formed in nis in our market. well, at the expense of those who left asks, and also thanks to the active development of ties with the fast-growing countries of the east and south. however, the return to the growth trajectory should not make us relax. we need to support and strengthen the positive trends in our economy, increase its efficiency , ensure technological, personnel and financial sovereignty, and we need to act quickly without unnecessary bureaucracy and delays, since the medium-term restrictions imposed against the russian economy and legitimate. indeed, they can have a negative impact. and now, to the news in the capital region, weather forecasters warn of a high flood in the moscow region, a particularly difficult situation is expected in the south and east of the region,
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as well as in the vicinity of mozhaisk in these areas, the water has already spilled over some village streets located along the rivers, you can only move on tractors and boats with details by igor geenko. into the camera it's a pity, big water is a big problem in the south of the moscow region, the flood continues, the element spares nothing. and this is the area south of kolomna , it is here that all the water from the upper reaches comes. you can’t tell aki right away, but 3 days ago cars drove here with might and main, now the sign is main road. similar only for those who travel here by boat-motor transport , special equipment and drones are used by power engineers to prevent power line breaks. they constantly monitor not only the water level, but also the level of inclination of electrical installations for several villages cut off big water, electricity. one of the few remaining, the benefit of civilization, is there around the clock with us. uh, that means
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the staff is on duty and, accordingly, we, with the help of our special equipment, ensure its change and delivery of the material if necessary. all supports - they are designed to deepen the foundation. eh, that is, in the ground. they have a fairly large size of about 3 m. while some are checking, others are looking for ways to overcome water barriers. flooding workers are not a hindrance. this is how tractors are now farming, transporting a milk carrier, when the leash mine is reloaded there to another car, roads, ferries are flooded due to ice drift, they do not always go. but as the locals admit , this situation does not really scare them. here since childhood, they teach how to drive a boat? we are used to. for us, it's like going to brush our teeth in the morning, when this is the situation by our standards, it's not a spill. so little things. well, as they say about seven meters, it’s probably scary for the village when the spill approaches the figure of 13 m. then yes, it rises, as they say, it reaches houses, but if in some
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areas of houses are still far away from others, part of the building has already been flooded and is still the first guy in the village, only special equipment remains the tractor driver. now it is possible to overcome such spills; they brought food and reloads it into a cart, because the car will not pass to the other side for a long time already for five years there was no such water, there were small ones. but this year it’s a little more. here, uh, well, 670 centimeters. here is the distance to the village depth, and there 30 meters somewhere approximately farther there, moreover, even in such natural disasters, some manage to find inspiration, it turns out good flood. the 150th anniversary of rachmaninov's birth and his works have a lot to do with the spring flood this year. what contemporaries were talking about , never listened to his preludes, they saw literally. visibly. this spring spill, according to forecasts, residents
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of the southern and eastern regions of the moscow region will have to observe such spills for at least a month, the players of the cavalry alexander filatov and anastasia roif will lead them. to be ready for any non-stationary situations, large-scale complex exercises rescuers and employees of moscow city services in total more than 500 people worked out in practice joint actions for the emergency release of floods and the prevention of natural fires . each settlement today is provided with the entrances of a secure necessary life providing energy issues issues of food delivery, and yet it is always necessary to be ready to come to the aid of the population in order to save the necessary, other private state property in russia
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came into force of the law, tightening the rules for trading animals in pet stores and bird markets, meanwhile, the list of requirements for sellers has not yet been approved, so many do not they rush to create the right conditions for the animal for the live commodity. in addition , puppies kittens are often sold sick, alena lavrov understood. why is the law not working yet? pet shop in the suburbs among bird trills are heard a subtle sound. it's the whining of a puppy locked in a plastic container. this store in a large shopping center has repeatedly come to the attention of animal rights activists in a cramped cage, lack of air , water and food is detrimental, affecting the health of kittens and puppies, the situation should have been changed by a law that tightened the requirements for the conditions for keeping animals. there is a law, but there is no result, but it is sluggish. here lies. just white. you are faithful to pushkin's space, so that she runs and runs, well, the new conditions
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for keeping animals are registered on the mino website nature, for example, the size of the cages for kittens has increased significantly, 12 months should be 1.5 m², according to the new rule of animal rules. every day the veterinarian should examine the animal. animals must have access to fresh air, maybe where they ate. there, on a diaper next to go. that is, it must be two different places. these are antiseptics with the advent of the new law, many stores refused to sell live goods. installing huge enclosures is too expensive , they want the proceeds from the sale and only five percent of the total puppies income, dear, the little animals often acted as bait for buyers, but in the bird markets, trade continues here in a tiny container of three spitz at once. i don't want to do it all together. why are they still garbage? is it cold? well why cold girl? well
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you don't have candles burning access to water and food for puppies no water. here she sing periodically food. here, she fed a package of eggs and a neighboring seller also has three dogs in cages, as they look like girls. and it's because of the heat. yes, of course, because of the heating , they pee and all this rises in animals. no not a drinker of water. e no no food and how so they can eat cotton no very often when people buy animals. uh, for pet stores, or especially in general, than markets and it’s hard to be sick 100% unscrupulous sellers take advantage of the fact that, despite the final list of requirements for animal welfare , the law has not yet been approved, the government has entered into force. approved in time by-law, he was criticized, including by us, because he did not arrange for us to change in any case
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this list is downgraded. no one intends, most likely, definitively. it will enter into force in september. and then the business of selling animals is waiting for total checks , by the way, in order to get a pet , it is not necessary to pay at all, perhaps your dog or cat is waiting for you at the shelter alena lavrova sergey zanin. vladimir pavlovna gassiev and olga grina to conduct. an oncoming policeman detained scammers who deceived 120,000 rubles. an 82 year old pensioner. it all started with a complex accident report involving relatives of an elderly man and the demand for money to compensate for the harm, the extortionate amount received was not enough, and he requested funds for the treatment of the imaginary victim to contact the police, they advised the bank where he came for a loan. as a result of operational measures, the criminal investigation officers
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detained the suspect. he turned out to be a nineteen-year-old visitor; fraud in relation to the suspected chosen restraint in the form of detention. residents of new moscow and the moscow region, located between the kiev and minsk highways, complain about the terrible state of the road that connects these two routes, a section several tens of meters long is broken, but no one is in a hurry to do patching. why maxim parin found out i want the inscription have a good trip. many drivers passing here are perceived as bullying or at least. like a laugh. the fact is that now we are in the new moscow, but there, after 10 m, the odintsovo urban district, and for some reason at this point solid pits appear on the road, the road is narrow. it is, however, bilateral. i wouldn't even go around. so car owners are forced to make their way off-road and break the suspension of their cars. the last time i spent 15,000 i spent repairing the suspension, i tore off the ball
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joint there, it has been on the toyma for 4 months, the road is in such a state of emergency in this area due to potholes. everyone slows down, as a result of traffic jams, when the snow came down it became more worse. this route connects the minsk and kiev highways of trucks whose owners do not want to pay tolls on the minsk highway, bypasses the toll section, this is where they break the road if they go to the south so as not to be stuck in traffic jams on the moscow ring road. they go around this section here. that's it. well, we walk and suffer, not only drivers for there are no sidewalks near the residents of the neighboring residential complex chord to the store or to the bus stop they are forced to walk straight along the roadway or through snowdrifts now this coffin a letter barely back here there was a road, how they cleaned and dumped everything on the side of the road, that is, in fact, there was no roadside. i'm being honest, i'm on all fours in front, or else i have to climb the undergrowth. i did not have time to jump out of the truck when people asked to bring the road into proper condition. did you find out what to do?
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this is simply a piece of land 50 meters long, allegedly does not belong to anyone. here is the answer of the moscow dorozhniki that this is not their territory. and this paper is already from the regional mosavtodor. they, too, disown the road , the locals at some point decided that i, we will have to patch ourselves moscow says, this is not our area, the region, he says, this is not our area, and this piece is nobody's at all. i do not know, maybe another state can create after dozens of letters from residents of the road builders. still, we found out that the site belongs to the regional highway. they even did pothole repairs. but this did not help in the near future, he promises to carry out a major overhaul of the site, which caused this misunderstanding of who the road belongs to, because the complex site borders on the new moscow and new moscow. you understand, there were discrepancies not so long ago, but according to the cadastral map, everything was looked at, everything was found out in the plans , this repair is planned under favorable weather conditions,
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repairs will be made immediately. will sidewalks appear on the highway in the mosavtodor? residents of the surrounding residential complex were not informed that they were looking forward to the start of work at the maximum . the richest collection of the mineralogical museum today is available for free such an action for visitors traditionally held on the first and last wednesday of the month, the museum is one of the oldest in the country; its history began in 1716, when peter i purchased a collection of minerals for the cabinet of curiosities in st. petersburg. the collection was moved to moscow in 1934, placing it in a 19th-century building. more than 14,000 exhibits are exhibited in the boring garden today, and
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more than 150,000 samples are concentrated in the funds. and light rain by friday and precipitation in the city will stop and with the north wind they guarantee us frosts. but during the day the air
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it will warm up to almost 10 °, and on the weekend the rains will return, but now the frosts will go away and the sun, the sun will be more for us. thanks to the weather, said viktoria chernikova, more than twenty historical buildings will be overhauled in moscow this year. what technologies allow you to save or recreate the unique style of facades, ahead, a few minutes of advertising have been given, be sure to continue
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don't remember anything. who are you? sergei yes great, you scared us all. vladimir yaglych elena zakharova on
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the channel russia to any surprises when lenya appeared. well, it can still be, but when the second linen and
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