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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 1, 2023 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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the territory on the left bank of the dnieper near the antonovsky bridge was completely cleared; in the zaporozhye direction, our military stopped an attempt to conduct reconnaissance in force in isa. we were asked a thin word for
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registration of land by an accident or a suitable housing and communal services. what other changes await us on the first of july? blazes on fire. vegas clubs and radical politicians demand a state of emergency in the country. a powerful explosion at a chemical plant in china in the southeast of the country, clouds of black smoke rise above the shops at the site firefighters rescuers and long-awaited direct flight moscow-baradero passengers fly to their destination in 13 hours, this is the fastest way to get to the island of liberty the servicemen of the dnepr group of forces completely cleared the territory on the left bank of the antonovsky bridge, where
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ukrainian saboteurs tried to create a parade ground for nothing to transfer their units of heavy equipment about today , the authorities of the kherson region reported that after a high-precision strike with a complex iskander , special forces soldiers carried out a surprise attack from the rear, destroyed the militants who barricaded themselves in residential buildings and hotels in the zaporozhye direction of our war stopped an attempt to conduct reconnaissance in the forest in yuzhno-donetsk repelled a new ukrainian attack situations. they will open fire on the enemy, provide assistance to the wounded and evacuate the crew . the army corps in the pouring rain is covered by artillery crews 339. yes
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level 29 98 places 56 32 56 32. yes, the installation commander hyacinth receives the coordinates of the targets , the artists are preparing for the tasks. the guns were in the shelter. now work will begin on the fortified area of ​​​​ukrainian militants, positional battles. here, near the avdiivka cox chemical plant. from time to time they turn into attempts, attacks from the side of the militants of the ukrainian state received a combat mission, the task of leaving at 4:30 in the morning to work was an attempt to break through. here we went to work on a live enemy force shooter, twenty-fourth, separate mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine eduard kolesnik was sentenced to 15 years of strict regime a year ago his combat position was located on the ninth floor of a residential building in a dangerous militant , they watched civilians who were hiding in the basement, shot to kill
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2022 was in the city caught saw. as the citizen went to his side during the rotation, the dpr servicemen pass. add. tactical medicine courses skills in tactical medicine to deliver self-help, mutual aid, and also we collect humanitarian aid, uh, and buy medicine, uh, which helps to save the lives of military personnel. charge the artillery works in conjunction with the easel workers of the first slavic brigade correct the fire. from the uav direction artillerymen do not stop working for a single hour to strengthen the enemy stanislav azarov vitalik ivanovich
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andriy rudenko oleg bondarenko lead, donbass collected information about strategic objects and locations of russian units to the enemy, the enemy used the information to inflict missile strikes on the coordinates of one of the suspects by the ukrainian special services, recruited with the help of blackmail, and the other independently contacted the sbu report. oh graganova. we are working, another walk with a mobile phone for a resident of the city of stakhanov ended in detention fsb special forces are arresting a man suspected of high treason, according to investigators, a man reported foreign intelligence information about the locations of the russian military, and the number of people in equipment, as well as the movements of units in the luhansk people's republic, a man in his own defense. he says that he was blackmailed into becoming a criminal. he has been transmitting information since february
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of last year. to do this, she used instant messengers on the phone against the fsb man in the polugan people's republic , a criminal case was initiated under the article treason, the suspect faces up to 20 years. deprivation of liberty. i collected and handed over to the sbu officers information about military victories in the city of sukhanov. and this is a frame of detention in the donbass of a ukrainian citizen . we initiated a criminal case against the woman under the article espionage based on operational data. she, on the instructions of the special services of ukraine, also monitored the military, who moved around the territory of the lpr. face building. there is also in the interests of the main intelligence directorate for a long time carried out the collection of transmissions of an autumn military nature, namely data on the locations of the movement of the people's militia unit in luhansk people's republic and the armed forces of the federation in the city of luhansk according to the suspects. she voluntarily contributed to ukrainian intelligence for personal reasons. and the fact that
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ordinary people could suffer from her actions did not bother her, she communicated with her curators. more through social media. i have watched. well, what did i observe in detsky proyezd warming up ? for years, foreign intelligence services do not hesitate to use even drug addicts and underage young people to collect secret data. they were hooked on the use of potions, and then used for criminal purposes. igor pikhanov. vladislav mirzoyan to eat and the lugansk people's republic russia is ready to build its new orbital station together with the countries of africa, such an offer has already been made to algeria, egypt was told vladimir putin about this by the head of roscosmos yuri borisov , a partner in the corporation may receive its own full-fledged modules in the russian station o, the current iss in its
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current form will cease to exist after 2030 was discussed at the meeting. and russian experience in the field, manned cosmonaut training programs and roscosmos plans for the near future. we paid attention to the issue of creating and using a low-pitched grouping. it was two hundred kilometers. oh well, there are problems with the engine to keep the date is a private company. we recently said that private companies need to be attracted to space. how are you evaluate this proposal, which sounded yesterday. i know what the issue is. well , first of all, yesterday the islamic scholars from the posada family immediately arrived, he is actively working as a festival attendant, we will meet with him. well, there are objective problems. we have to keep the spacecraft
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in a given orbit. it is precisely due to these small plasma engines that we have acquired some of the best competencies in the world for creating such engines. well, and more lo for a number of issues, please, we support the glonass constellation in august in our plans are to launch a new generation device glonass k2 which will have a longer period of active existence and better technical and accuracy characteristics. we are returning to the moon. after a 46 year break. so we have to launch a lunar glot on 25. lenders have simplified the registration of road accident benefits on new laws. let's say in more detail military pensioners from the new regions will begin to receive payments according to the federal speech standards for everyone who lived there as of september 30 last year and everyone who served in the donbass c april 2014 and first in the zaporozhye kherson region, the opposition of microfinance
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organizations was cut down by new places per day by no more than 80%. the maximum load per year is not higher than 130%. the functionality of public services is expanding from july 15 , it will be possible to issue an application for compensation for damages for an accident in electronic format; all documents on usago automatically appear in the personal profile from july 1, through public services, you can receive and send documents to the tax inspectorate. and also apply for the far eastern or arctic hector and also through public services. now you can apply for benefits for housing and communal services and payment for housing. from this day on, the standard for all regions is the same from vat. the medicine for seriously ill children is about drugs that are not registered in our country and are administered through the krug dobryi fund. sweet drinks will become more expensive; an excise tax of 7 rubles has been introduced. per liter, if the proportion of sugar is honey, glucose syrup or fructose. the composition exceeds 5 g per 100 ml. the ministry of transport is launching a portal for subsidized transportation, it will simplify the search and purchase
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of air tickets, prices that are lower due to state date, and today the distant and friendly cuba has again become closer to the russians. there were no regular flights to liberty island for more than a year due to us sanctions, now russians can again stroll through the streets of havana, ride in retro cars and see the endless beaches of the sunny varader, report by alexander evstigneev 13:00 in the air, the longest among aeroflot flights, the fastest and most profitable when compared with other airlines. there , at least two transfers and a day on the way, a direct flight to cuba is launched in the midst of tourist season return ticket and certifiers flight to cuba not new renewed aeroflot has been flying to liberty island since 1962, air traffic was interrupted only during the pandemic and after the imposition of sanctions against russian aviation.
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now the route is not laid over europe , but over neutral waters, the direction is served by the daughter of aeroflot, the airline russia, this is a long-awaited event for all tourists, because cuba has always been such a place of attraction, not only for tourist, but also for business traffic counting on certain and strange transit latin america the decision to resume flights to cuba was made in may at a meeting of the russian cuban intergovernmental commission, which was held in the harbor , subsided. a key partner of russia in the central american region, or it is quite logical that we should develop our economic relations in all directions, but also cuba is a traditional e , a resort where our russians are used to relaxing and we need to understand that cuba is the future friendly side for us safe affordable visa-free resort rader week in september will add another non-stop flight day directly in 13
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hours cuba near cuba near alexandria. evstigneev vladimirovich news. the plan of tourists in sochi, the authorities of the resort city do not recommend to rest the water, after a night storm, all utilities work in an enhanced mode , operational pants are organized on the black sea coast, a thunderstorm, which was accompanied by a heavy downpour and large hail. public transport vehicles struggled to navigate the flooded streets tornadoes formed such funnels were filmed by eyewitnesses in several areas in sochi according to information from emergency services. destruction on earth. no. in krasnodar, lightning struck a private house. the roof caught fire on an area of ​​150 m², the inhabitants were not injured. in the irkutsk region , a damage assessment commission was created. in the area that ended up in the flood zone, according to the latest data, 120 people were evacuated, the water is gradually receding, but the significance is still critical report by aleksey klovra. they cross a stormy river, risking their lives
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so they get into their homes after evacuation residents of several settlements at once in the north of the irkutsk region. now the most optimal transport is a rubber boat. after heavy rains, a large leash flooded in a village in the kazachenskorinsky district, the water arrived for several days, until it entered the underground and the houses now gradually began to decline near me, already shallow until the water receded a little, people at their own peril and risk trying to get into their houses on rotten boards . assess the damage to the boat i will pull out the gates will open the furniture and household appliances are badly damaged in the houses. and how does it smell awful? as here the level of the foot in the katanga river is still above critical values, the state of emergency has been introduced on the territory. under water, more than 100 household plots and 60 houses are flooded. gardens and basements, crops are partially destroyed. here , potato cole is all under water. further.
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corn did everything, tomatoes suffered from the flood and livestock. ah. we went again to the islet of the horse. they wanted to break home, but it didn’t work out, the river washed out the roads and cut off the paths by car immediately to five settlements. everything will not fall cut off on carp, and here, in general, civilization , the water level in the flooded villages is gradually decreasing by 4 cm per hour, but it still remains above the critical values ​​\u200b\u200bto eliminate the consequences of the flood at the place of emergency , additional forces. rescuers mi-8 helicopter with special equipment and the operational mobile group of the regional ministry of emergency situations evacuated more than eighty people from the flood zone. special attention to families with children and the elderly organized work rescuers provide targeted assistance to the affected population continues to alert the population
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from the shearing situation of the strength of the means, a rather unfavorable forecast in the north of the region raises concerns about the negative hydrological situation now and in neighboring territories in the zone of possible flooding , the village near voloshin, which was badly damaged by floods just a month ago , it rains all over the region, the situation is under special control of the emergency commission alexey kilevra. eduard strangers viktor strofsky news, irkutsk region. 120 children from the new regions were transferred to federal centers for treatment following the results of medical examinations more than 300,000 people have already undergone preventive examinations. well, as it turned out, many people need urgent help, including high-tech later, how is it provided in moscow by alexander basteritskaya's report? during his four years, arseniy, who was born in lugansk , woke up hundreds of times from and fell asleep with the sounds of shelling rocket strikes for health, boy. it didn't go unnoticed. he got sick. in november, as usual, but began to complain. well, as if the tummy hurts, that it is colic, we went to the clinic. they we were advised to come on a certain day,
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when the doctors from moscow arrived, they prescribed an ultrasound for us. we saw that there was a formation , these formations turned out to be a tumor in the liver with metastatic lesion of the lungs. mom, without wasting a minute and risking her life, transported arseniy from the lpr to moscow , the blokhin pale oncology medical center. it's probably not that scary. for us as for taxpayers. uh, hmm the fact is that he was lying in his mother's arms, and he does not react at all and they removed his lungs , uh, in total. 36 metastases were removed on the removal of metastases was only one of the stages, in order for the child to survive , a related liver transplantation was also necessary, the donor, which was anna's mother arsenia, the child fell ill. she has a way out of this situation to be a donor, and that's it.
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now the boy is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, the situation was complicated by the fact that the disease was detected in a child for the first time. the fact is that there was no such large-scale screening on the territory of the dnr before joining the russian federation, but today all the necessary medical care for children. it turns out that both federal and regional health care institutions this year have dozens. children received help in our center. these are the most difficult operations. chemotherapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, patients with relapses, sometimes advanced stages , who, due to the current situation, could not receive treatment on time since november 22 in new regions of russia on the direct instructions of vladimir putin, are coming. thousands of medical workers examined more than 330,000 children. the results of these examinations were disappointing more 12.000. children needed treatment in a hospital, and 8.000 i need surgical intervention alexandra bystritskaya alexander merkuriev. antona darchenko and georgy stadnik together. this is his message, what will happen next in our program in
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france, for the fourth night, the riots do not subside , a powerful explosion at a chemical plant in china, 15,000 passengers in a week personally and electric trains in moscow are gaining popularity. and today restorers celebrate their professional holiday. all the details. see you in a few minutes. let's figure it out as a matter of fact, this year, as in the previous year, we have too much fresh milk. what are we going to do, vote? who for the cottage cheese votes are counted decided to do. all the milk is so much, what we want, then we make cottage cheese, fresh cheese, real strength, green card halva opens the door. fantastic shopping even during sales period any
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purchases for 10 months and cashback up to 10% halva just one card for all purchases wow say you see a juicy summer sale on buy instant coffee egoist with discounts up to 40%. pay less coffee veneto 179.90. rollton with love and care makes mashed potatoes from natural potatoes, so it turns out so delicious . come for money post office bank. draw it i
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am often asked how to prepare for a vacation, st. petersburg, just pay for purchases online using the st. petersburg button or using a qr-code from bp to the checkout only needs a smartphone. pay for purchases through the system of fast payments and participate in the drawing of cash prizes. pay less bars. rot front 34.90 per 100 g pyaterochka helps out. it needs this north seas, great events. tomorrow her heating, and she will take a new name, great people think that changed fate.
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love story history of russia from monday 15:00 on the russia channel
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21:20, despite the fact that a thousand additional police officers were brought out in the streets , it is still hot in the cities, the rebellious youth do not calms down. emmanuel macron's calls to parents to restrain the young protesters have not yet led to anything, either the children did not listen to their parents, or the parents themselves did not heed the persuasion of the french president . for the fourth night in the largest cities of france , pogroms and street fighting continued. it's
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the rioters in lyon on the attack, armed with firecrackers, hard-won policemen now trying to move under cover of armor. in lyon, protesters smashed the office of the red cross and robbed several expensive stores in one of the districts of this city, shooting was heard. moreover, the authors of the video called it fire from a kalashnikov fox, several hunting rifles were stolen into a weapons shop, but the cartridges for them remained in place. a pistol was found in possession of one of the rioters during the arrest. in total, in just the first hours of confrontation with the police on saturday night, more than a hundred young people were arrested throughout france, riots spread even to relatively quiet cities such as pele and gas, where
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teenagers were caught with molotov cocktails. trying to suppress the protests, the french authorities brought 45,000 police officers and gendarmes to the streets, despite the advantages in armament and armored vehicles attached to the police, it is not easy for the police, in these shots the crowd is beating a man. one of the plainclothes agents was suspected of him. among the protesters there are casualties in the damage a young man crashed falling from the roof of a supermarket, which was carried by the crowd to pacify, the protesters in france are trying not only with the help of the police clubs. the captain of the national team, kylian, mbappe, addressed the french with a call before it is too late to stop, the time of violence must stop and give way to sorrow for dialogue and restoration before these calls are realized , far radical politicians,
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on the contrary, demand that the authorities declare a state of emergency in the country due to ongoing violence, a number of western countries have decided to warn their citizens in france, the us embassy in paris urges americans to avoid crowds, british authorities warn compatriots of possible disruptions in the transport of france , while emphasizing that the riots are chaotic and it is difficult to predict where and when they can occur. large cities in france, it was decided to stop the work of public transport in the evenings in some places introduced a curfew after dark teenagers are forbidden to go out without parents according to the french police, the backbone of the protesters are young people aged 14 to 18 years. this means that the 2005 riots are exactly the same broke out and for the death of a teenager. they know only from the pictures, but judging by the effect in
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france, little. what has changed in that pair alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and polina fedorova. he does not want to occupy significant territories, as well as place artillery, a missile system near the crimea, move east and before the end of the year for part of the negotiations with moscow about this, as the washington post writes, representatives of ukraine told the head of the cia, willen burns, it turns out that he made a secret visit to kiev in june. there , the american met with zelensky and also with the top leadership of ukrainian intelligence , the newspaper refers to its sources officially in the cia refused to comment on the publication of this information, the authors of the article, in turn, express doubts about the feasibility of ukrainian plans. a powerful explosion at a chemical plant in china in the province of sessions in the southeast of the country immediately it started a fire above the shops, clouds of black smoke rise, firefighters are working on the spot rescuers the cause of the incident is not yet clear. later regional emergency management. she reported that everything plant employees were evacuated,
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there were no casualties. how many people were at the enterprise at the time of the incident are not specified? the authorities of moldova have strengthened security measures after the tragedy at the chisinau airport the night before, there a passenger who was denied a detour pulled out a gun guard opened fire, two people were killed, a border police officer, an airport security guard, another person was wounded at the airport, police special forces were called, who neutralized, the attacker during the capture. he was hurt all the time. bye the operation was underway, the airport did not work passengers and employees evacuated flights, did not accept and did not depart, the attacker turned out to be a forty-three-year-old citizen of tajikistan who arrived in istanbul in his homeland, he is wanted on charges of kidnapping a banker. a volleyball center is planned to be put into operation in saratov by the end of the year. proton needed funds to complete the construction found from the reconstruction of the sports facility. inspected by chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin arina is being completed
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with his support the site will be be used for training and competitions of the women's volleyball team proton, which this year for the first time became the bronze medalist of the russian championship. we really need a volleyball center in the city. this last long-term construction was abandoned for more than 10 years, if it is possible to complete the first work before the end of the year, and georgia was a good gift for the residents and the team, which shows a wonderful result, is already the third in a row among policy participants and scientific experts entrepreneurs in orel. you are the best achievements, including number in the agricultural sector. introduced itself, the oryol region only more than 40 types of ice cream at the plenary session discussed the topic of russia's economic independence in the context of western sanctions, as well as military aggression by the nato bloc.
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the forum is taking place under the conditions of the war that the anglo-sacions and nato announced to the russian world here on the oryol fields on the oryol-kursk bulge exactly 80 years ago the great battle began, which predetermined the defeat of nazi germany, but we must perfectly understand that in that in a battle with modern nazism, that is, a battle with nato americans, we can have only one outcome, only victory, and we must ensure this victory with the efforts of all peoples by our huge power. guests of the capital are actively mastering a new type of urban transport just a week after the launch of electric ships, more than 15,000 passengers made river trips for tourists. these are chances to see the main attractions from an unusual angle, and for residents of new quarters, the opportunity to save time in


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