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tv   Kogda vse doma s Timurom Kizyakovim  RUSSIA1  July 2, 2023 8:35am-9:26am MSK

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keshik is already an artiodactyl racketeer himself, who already felt like khanans, looking at the area nobody knows alexander karpov alexander kucherovsky. pavel glaciers eugene lapidus a week in the city it will grow from a son of pigs, if the son of pigs, it was a week in the city we will return exactly seven days later to tell the story that happened next to us. see you.
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good morning on the air of a warm spiritual program, when everyone is at home and today our beloved marina yakovleva marina is responsible for all her beautiful big family. hello, i am very glad to see you, why should i take care of your personal affairs in my free time? i take out blank forms of the other heads of the bundle and pass it on. but there's money big money, whose money is it? did you know? well, what did you find out? marina today you are awarded the honorary title of three times the heroine of our program, but we have such a regularity of meetings. 2000 2008. you will see documentary evidence of that, and now marina is all at home now at home everything is very nice that everyone
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has gathered. understood, please introduce and imagine all those gathered, because in the 8 years that we have not seen each other in the country, so many newborns have appeared, you need to get to know them. for the rest, it’s easy to imagine the incredibly changed ivan, a mother who has not changed at all. yes, this is my mom polina fedorovna how old is mom mom is ninety- two years old about 91 years old. that will remind this land hmm yes 901 years ago the earth was different. yes, that is, now let's start a simple mathematical equation, what is better than two sons, no husband, two husbands, no son, or two sons brother sister mom and a huge army. well well one last tip for those who are trying to solve the equation of happiness in life meditates. here's how to build a personal life. is it correct to say that the main thing
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is to continue our life? they are children. yes, of course it’s right, but our parents had the times in which we were born, they were not sweeter and not simpler, however, in your seven there are three children, an older sister, a younger brother, and the place of residence is not the warmest station in the winter of the irkutsk region, but lived we are in the city of shelekhov the irkutsk region, 20 km from irkutsk, was such a city half a degree warmer. in general, yes, the living conditions, for sure, were ten-room unburied at the beginning. house the house that my mother and stepfather bought and they all earned all the money. they are this house. uh, they paid off the loans. then somehow they got tired of repairing and patching it there. and then they got an apartment , they sold the house and there was a three-room apartment , where my brother now lives in the city of shalikhov , irkutsk region, what a peaceful
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profession he has and, like dad, she is at the factory irkutsk aluminum plant, although i also dreamed of being an artist, but somehow it didn’t work out. my mom said no, that's all. she came and looked at polina fedorovna, she said, maybe she has such a voice, you immediately understand that you will not obey when you leave. i can ask strictly. yes, it's kind of quiet to say so strictly. i know when to do homework. what time what? what a lesson all is well. can forgive. they can tell. oh i can't. i'm mom tomorrow i'll get a deuce. you can have breakfast, that is, we agreed in advance which deuce i am said tomorrow. deuce tomorrow i will not be here. just let the deuce say so. so i say, wow, if i say a deuce, then he will bring it or they will allow it. i will allow no, if you leave, these are hungry
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childhoods, and torn, not fed , evil animals that bend around the apartment. i can handle everything in such a leash. i'll go. i something. well, i now and in general, these were fears, and we me and i, where am i with two children where? and i have a job. but what about how to be? well, i believed. yes, for three children the salary of two adults, who are still trying to raise the house, but never moved, well, to please, what were the joys that parents tried to everyone this yellow beak, which looks out from the nest to give this such a toy. it dreams about it it about it. and our mother, of course, indulged in her sister, in general, she was a little afraid of what the shrew was and that was all. eh, tatyana, she was jealous. so his mother was very good for him. when to appease her, she did not accept everything at all. yes, uncle vanya, yes, uncle, vanya remembered his father. and i responded to
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kindness. i would not be very kind, and now i understand that, well, you can be rich, you can earn somewhere to wrap yourself up there to work. everything, like, i'm bringing you everything, no. warmth and words of love are not spoken and there are no any sweets uncle vanya's salary was an obligation, and there was always a kilogram of sweets with chocolate. e. here is the salary he brought. well, he made a lot of money. he worked as an electrolyzer at a plant in this irkutsk production. yes, yes, yes, he was such a southern person; there were children, dear. his brother was born the youngest, but he loved, in my opinion, more all ivanovich yes ivanovich yes vladimir ivanovich i named him in honor of vladimir lenin e, volodya i named him born, brother , they thought how to name him vova was born that's how vladimir i didn't need everything and uncle. vanya gave a lot of warmth. this
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love is warm in childhood, as he read the adventures of dunno on a sled, he took me to the clinic there, as we watched films at 10:00 in the morning, we went to watch a phantom. we watched french comedies by sluy de funes, my grandparents were very interesting. and this is how the dream is born. yes, how you want to become an artist mother, a strict mother will not spoil such a one, as she says everything, and my grandmother has free will on baikal and the village of ilonians 40 km from baikal surrounded by such names. yes, such gently sloping plush mountains around are overgrown with thyme. i know these mountains and climbed mushrooms, a river, some smells. here is this thyme and grandmother, kind anastasia zateevna with pies. kopylov was started by anastasia for you and fedor is a seed of ardour, which means that he was from the kulaks of the dispossessed kulaks, a hearing impaired person
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, was ill all his life, and he sat at home there for something did, and the grandmother worked 10 children. she was a mother heroine, a very respected person in the village, she was like, yes, there is a local de debut deputy, she somehow pronounced it so funny. so she had a mother-heroine star medal and three orders. in total 10 children. he was a very respected person. here, although he has a disabled person of three classes of education, or even grandfathers of three classes. in general, in short, she could type there, only put two letters there and that's it, but nevertheless. here was some kind of respect in the village and all the advice with her 10 children. she taught five at the institutes. that's all the power for children. and when someone came the postman neighbor. well, anyone came. she always fought at the table, seated and always laid all the best from the chair , such hospitality was brought out. it burned me up. eh, i, too, i ca n’t let a person out without tea. somehow this,
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apparently it's still huge with my grandmother. that's folk's sense of humor and i've always wanted to play. these are the characters that the deaf grandfather was ill with, he must be pitied for the woman. shka worked, uh, came home, children and grandchildren. well, just work, no end, grandfather sat decorously making a rake. and when he drank tea , so he carried a saucer, and his hands were shaking. here it is well, he is a sick man, an invalid, and then the grandmother says, look , your hands are not shaking and you do it, when you put it. i mean, that's how he played. well , i’m more sorry for me, the unfortunate patient is drinking everything and look at your hands, they don’t shake. i drank tea. well, that is, he saved such humor, it was very funny to watch. i sat all the time laughed at my grandfather. ha-ha-ha, and he says, why are you laughing, some kind of haha. well , just a very funny relationship exam were. so i wanted to, then always play them in love is not a potato, there is somewhere else. well,
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here are the folk characters. for example, i remember in the station , and you were there the wife or the cranberry or the yolk of someone zheltik, when the cranberry light bulb was with this cutter, what did she do, well, i, well, you i don’t care about it from there these echoes, as he said. you grew up in that language environment and it was very difficult to overcome it, because it is understandable. that your goal, a special struggle with the city, was so thorough, and you see about the same year, you immediately entered the reading, some passages struggled with the dialect. alexander ivanovich ushakov, we had a teacher. in the river he worked , he spoke, as he did not speak, but he spoke, so he inspired he worked. well, somehow, over time in the theater, if you don’t rush, dialects, no one is forgotten at all, but i love folk roles,
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where you can, on the contrary, still give in to the dialect, i really love these folk characters. and if look like this, well, at viktorovna mordikova minus the mustachioed one. they have such folk intonations, and they are so warm, close to the people. i love them very much, so i especially eradicate them. it seems to me that it is not necessary and such an individuality is such. you see , this is how it seemed to me. polina has a fedorny , she has a distrustful attitude towards life. and when you only secretly admitted to her that i want to go to an artist in moscow, the reaction was the most sober, there are enough of them. there are people who live closer. and who is faster than you she will get there, that is, at first there were absolute doubts, but she allowed me to go at 16 years old 17 by 17 the difference is a little girl completely in moscow, the horror around nemirovich and danchenko go, who are just waiting for how to attack. i
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thought, i think, like a child at 17 years old. how i would let it go, in general, i have no idea. well, i'm just aries, i was born on april 1st. i'm very stubborn. hmm grated in a good way. and if i hit something on me, i will hit it in one point and i will achieve it. i will say no. here, i would go. and here i go. i, for example, well, let the rides fail and come, it's okay. just in case, i also stuffed my suitcases with history books. the history of the cpsu, i think, i will enter the history of korkhina if i fail, because indeed , well, somehow it was unrealistic to enter novosibirsk, and i told everyone that i was going to enter the novosibirsk electrotechnical institute. well, you did the right thing, because share your plans to make god laugh, you know, i still took this suitcase to play it safe. shelekhov laughed at the return, would have applauded and shouted on the sly, apparently, the girlfriend also knew, apparently she knew. mom probably somehow whispered , could not resist, but somehow no one believed it. how can this be done in a thrashing. yes,
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it was not unrealistic. it's like flying into space. this is now pressed to moscow, it can be seen, shelekhov from moscow no no it seems that this is a different planet. yes and now, apparently, here's how i didn't do it. and i had such doubts about how i would enter the institute. well, it looks like this one is dumb. faith is probably some kind of stupidity over the rank. it was just destined, probably, that's fate, when everything up to the house drops are told helps fight the five symptoms of varicose veins favorable price. i would like to warn you, do not trust your head do not understand people continue to live tomorrow at 20:120 represents mm gone. in the world of hundreds, you can't. iota says
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nato demands a victorious contrast from kiev and will break in. not counting the losses, as it opposes everyone, they said that we were liquidated in no way. no. we are alive task the technique was completed every day of the wives. and what is ahmad's battalion doing in the belgorod border area? france has never seen such a thing, and we found blood on many platforms in social networks, calls for the organization of aggressive actions.
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today i'm going to dig in, what's with the lines of defense. it's not just one frontier. it was blocked in several places, so that there would be, as it were, stepped protection, so that not one cockroach would crawl into moscow, as eyewitnesses recall. and what is biden's inadequacy in the bottom line, as the main pre-election theme of the competitors, future presidential races are measured by torsos? to the embankment of derbent is another point of attraction that offers tourists, dagestan here is a great conversation for tourists about development russian tourism in derbent to the night
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squares of the city is exciting and you are relatives, and i don’t know, mom, in general, what i was hoping for. do not listen to him. calm down, i'll leave tomorrow and figure everything out myself, don't, rest, rest, lie down, rest father. well enough already. we continue like this from one time instantaneously, we can move on to another and family life into work. but this life must be continued, not because you have to force yourself to do it, but because you need to find pleasure in it. there is
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a very good phrase. what does what you love or you love what you do, we don’t always do what we would like, what is ideal, but in this you can find something to attract yourself, for example, damn it, just before the start of the meal, they said to you that when everyone is at home, but we seem to be sitting together, but after all , we mean the audience, who are all at home so that you can look from the other side, and everything will make sense. yes, it was difficult to get together. here the shooting, somehow everything somehow all the same happened. well, it worked out, how did your boys not fall under this dangerous influence of this illusion. such a hallucinogenic acting life, because in youth it is so easy to instill the fantasy of a dream, and here it is very important to instill the right dream in childhood somehow right, because, get up, they are on this acting thieves now they would stand in this multi-kilometer queue for the role. yes, or
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offended by fate or something else, how did you manage? it was i who specially drove them to the music school, one graduated from the other and stayed there for a year at the lyceum of cultural education of cultural education. but although they weren't kids backstage, that's why they got infected. to me it seemed that if you're a fan of your business, if you can't live without it, if you're just not the same as obsessed, but here you will beat beat, and in the end, as you achieve this, you will enter the theater institute. well, you will have this dream that you have found. and if it's just, well, i'll go artists, well, he earns a lot of flowers. here's applause, there's money, there 's villas there and all that. well, no, well, there are, attached children are sitting. so, it's kind of a pity. well, yes, he works as artists, well, somehow there is no spark of some kind when you attach or will it no longer be? they will be cut immediately. some kind of persecution will immediately be reduced or started. oh you lived it's so difficult. a very difficult
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path. here to be children and artists, and so when the computer won, although it is also like that. i consider it a big evil, but what to do something already, now they are a computer hmm and this has become their profession. yes, that is ivan they are computers in one software developer another too. how to say on the iron, as they say, he can collect there, disassemble everything, they wrote it down. well, yes, we need them. well, yes, so they chose, such path. damn, it's very difficult. there were times when you were the breadwinner and your little sons and your parents helped a little, and there were times when it was very difficult to earn. eh, how not to despair, how not to give up and say, well, that's it, i'm a woman, i no longer have the force. i love quotes. i remember someone studied there. at konstantin raikin's, he said, the stage cannot be betrayed by the theater from my profession, my
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profession is a profession, yes, yes. well, i'm like a person, yes, how impressive, but it's impossible to convey. i'm in the theatre. well, even if snow maiden is also a role. this is what, this is a performance of this snow maiden , they helped me. you mean, christmas trees, that is, snow maidens yes, i used to refuse any snow maidens yes, i'm a white fair one. well, it seems not. no, i'm not a snow maiden, i'm not an artist, and now they came without holding out their hands. yes, i am everything. stretch your legs, as ibrahimovic said when they offered you there? yes yes, i agree. everything, and these performances were three performances a day, and someone went on purpose, they say, we saw marina yakovleva specially went to look at you snegurochka for years, but for me she is the main role of the heroine, there are all the characters there, everything played in the snow maiden. well, the snowman
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helped me. thank you very much. in these difficult times, yes, to build some kind of one hut on chicken legs at that time , some kind of earnings, creative meetings. just. well, i was famous a lot of us filmed, so first we work for fame, then glory works for us happy to stay. you already said goodbye. goodbye. goodbye today. you never loved me. i you didn't love i never loved. to make a provincial fool on the cook, which you are already a happier topic, that you wrote down only yulanins in your last name - this is unworthy, the elani does not lead to you, yelan himself is something, yelan is silent. all the time , some, or meetings with the audience met on a trip with premieres. well, in general, such that all the time really. well, they baked pies. in general, somehow they planted some kind of carrot, there, uh, currants in the country. something
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like this, some blanks were made to survive. that's how i know a lot of examples of people who the vast majority live for others. that is, not for yourself. i ask myself a question. and here i am, more for others or for myself, i hesitate so far with the decision, what do you think? but we arrived at the cottage? and fedya tells me, mother of feelings does not rest. i say no. if i don’t have time, i don’t have time, then i need to mow, i need to plant there. here it is necessary to nail there to do it here to follow how to work here, to do it. well, i don’t have time to lie or walk with a book or read, lie on sun loungers, or go somewhere to rest? at i don't have time but don't know for myself. i do it or not for myself, probably for myself, because the task is to collect something while there, while they go, but someone should do it anyway, like for me. she is for me at the same time. and for whom it seems to me, one of the answers to this question is in two sons. if one of your lives is given to them, yes, then this is
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for at least two. you definitely live, of course, everything is subordinated. uh, in the family, children and grandchildren all the time think by and large. everything for them, of course, who overtook whom, giving you a grandson the younger vanya gave birth to vasily ivanovich they have such a family, they love to travel and we are friends from mother-in-law with a beautiful daughter-in-law sister-in-law, even masha, in general , everything. well, in the case of such a friendly family turned out. vasily ivanovich we, of course, had a center of gravity in the bass for half a year. they gave me a trip to kolomna for my birthday. we went there to the museum kalach also observed. uh, in a wheelchair, then to the pastila museum is now a moot point. here i am against the fact that we showed him the world from a stroller from a stroller, he only needs to see the ceiling of his children 's room and the walk that is around the house, because when they start to carry the child as luggage, take pictures and
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report to everyone. i am against it personally and some people support me from the audience. well, probably, of course, vasya does not understand anything. it’s just them, and my grandmother would have been against it, for sure my grandmother couldn’t have it was a birthday present for me on this trip. it was they who just starred the old lady, on the run uh played the main role there of the season and therefore, and they wanted me to do pleasant, so even now they dragged vasya with them. of course, i understood that he didn’t understand a lot there and all that, but he was with his parents. and now, too, they sailed on a boat for the birthday of alikovna, and vasya looked at the surroundings in such a wig with an important look. yes, yes, then when he grows up, ask him. well, how do you remember that trip, tell me how the trip is, right? i started. i remember years probably, from four to three. i do not remember only five, as a person from how many years i remember. for example, i did it so that they gave my mother, well,
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dad's apartment. mom couldn’t take maternity leave until i was a year old. they took me to my grandparents in a village near the nizhny novgorod region, and i remember how a horse sleighed through the snow, st. petersburg, the smell of this heated house. in winter, as a child, i was never in the village again, so, remember, it could only be from up to a year, and the next picture memories never led me to kindergarten. and uh, the manager asks. how many boys years mom says 3 years. and this is what i remember, which means that i have postponed 3 years. and you like in kindergarten. remember, we ran away with a friend from the kindergarten, we lost you, then we found something scolded, well, kindergarten. that is, it is from 3 to 5:00, so until five, yes, then at my grandmother's. i remember this childhood life, such a difficult little money. there were lines for bread, there was no bread, why not bread
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? i remember it was whole. she was looking for, went looking for it was some huge money 3 rubles. it was just something. well, it's an experience grandma know me just remember well, about the memory uncle vanya is kind with these beautiful books at the age of 6 , these are already some kind of childhood memories there once was a black cat around the corner. this perky some good songs were now the food will turn on. well, some texts, well, not that i'm old there. i don't want to be the nearest some kind of imbeciles there, like, well , what is there i'm pregnant this time, well, some or idiots, well, a song should be a song. she should. hmm better wake up in you. i don't know what they are, no, i didn't want to creak i want it, i need some, i like some, sometimes even such violins were born. and how is such a well-deserved honorary family title? grandmother. this is how young,
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young colonel, grandmother, yes, how is it to try on yourself? i am a grandmother i am a grandmother. now you have shown it very accurately, but absolutely. i seem to be a grandmother, i will not agree, not at a young age, my grandmother became. you know, children were also born. there already in 28 in 30 years. they also gave birth at 30 two. vanya had a son. that is, i became a grandmother already at such a retirement age. according to the passport, it could already be great-grandmother. by the way, i told someone somewhere, i say, and i'm young to you, grandmother. well , i meant that only a granddaughter was born. and that’s all, well, yes, a young grandmother, well, my grandson will be 2 years old in this conversation, that i somehow want to tell, evaluating the past , the present future, but not to creak while not grumbling. here is our life experience, besides us , someone needs it, life experience, of course, is needed. here you are. well, you can
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teach in this area now, when these are already big big guys. no. this one is broken. forehead itself smashes with advice too. i used to love advice so much. there was a useful adviser column on television, there was such bread, they took it from us, yes, when the tv presenter goes somewhere to play on the stage, the actors are like that. yes, they are clearly and why is it when the actors are on tv? no we are glad no no tv, come you you paint yourself. no, no, well, this body of attraction personality is also important. yes , there was such a woman’s life, i kept a column of useful tips, which i didn’t do anything homemade at all. well, all of a sudden i started advice that viewers read letters, and it was the most rated rubric. in this program , the transmission was excellent. well, then the information changed, but there were a lot of direct letters from all regions. and now i also have a children's program is
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a fairy tale. well, a little, yes. here, though it's a gift. it's me, i can't take your bread. if i don't consider myself leading all editions of our program. you can look on the internet in the application or on the site we look at the dot ru when everything is up to the house. to strengthen the great the moscow throne of the world as a wife zoya izurodopolyaogov, such is my will, i will not marry the orthodox prince of sweets when you have a love story. history of russia sophia tomorrow at 15:00 on the channel russia diclofenac in a package with a man contains a maximum concentration of the active substance 5% 5% gel.
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folk remedies. and i have been fond of it for a long time, therefore. you're singing autoslesty. what cars are most often repaired, even domestic ones , for pulling us out of our shell creative holidays. songs from the bottom of my heart andrey malakhov's evening show today at 17:50 on the russia channel so what, you didn't know fate today 12:45 let's go
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far, far away, i remembered, my pearl, you are mine. well, there is nowhere for you and me to run and you nursed me all my life, lord, don’t tear, you won’t give me a heart. why? do i love you only? oh darling, you my lord won't. i'm not young anymore, i get sick often. well, there is no way to put yourself on your feet. she will just give me to other people. good. let's go tomorrow, let's talk, something come up with. now let's go to sleep. yes, in the morning in the evening for 3 days we went to reflect on the topic of life experience and professional experience, including, suddenly such an analogy came. and here is what rybak caught more fish rybak , an experienced master of a hundred years ago or now
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an extra modern fish, something else is sure that he would have caught much less than now with her, because now there is an extra fish. it's like the acting success of the fish is the symbol of the goldfish . here it is necessary to lure it there, yes, such a fishing rod, yes, such a fishing line, such a float such-and-such and a nozzle is no longer just a worm now a sandwich. now it's already a mess. these white, white, red, yellow ones need to be exactly like this and the sequence will be mixed up and not bite. that's how it is now, uh, you get success. he's a salary. so you need to change. you don't have to be. there is no shady grumbling about old grandparents, you have to be young and modern to love young people. i love youth very much. i study and they love me too. i love to shoot with young people and somehow help them. it's just important. i need to remember in advertising. i
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filmed somehow. it was a new genre. then. it was a shame. e for folk artists. it was someone in the sense of a disgrace to folk artists who are advertising. what do you mean, this is generally, but advertising gave me a new round. i began to speak the same language with young people even before other films were excellent, but advertising gave me some kind of new step. you see, that's why you need to be modern advanced, and you don't need to learn. so there is the mesozoic layer, there and so on, and all sorts of nazoic there are layers. yes, and they do not climb into one another. here are the remains of dinosaurs. mammals appeared there, and so on and so forth. now now the superfluous is not a cultural layer of garbage. basically, these layers did not climb one another, it may be that they remain contemporaries in their own layer. steven someone understands you, with whom you can both remember and reason, who will share your feelings. or you have to race against time in a wheelchair to try to keep up with dyeing your hair and putting in perry's teeth. well, it is necessary, but yes
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, it just depends. can you calmly look. well, to, of course, it’s interesting if someone is mothballed, if someone is sitting there at that time, and he will somehow broadcast stanislavsky to you. but in our time it was. and it seems to me that you need to mix the mix, because you need to take it. eh good something from that real. that's it, living, burning , you say everything, but in the theater, but at the same time , learn from the youth. well, that is, somehow mix it all. no need to deny. here are just a few. so let's mix it up. this is to mix the beautiful old russian language, what is our trend? what else do we have there ugly and this is a sign of modernity, when a person who has received a classical education
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and suddenly begins to use these words, and sometimes swear words. now it has also become customary with us, and adding mother tongue where necessary and not necessary and even in children's stories that are on the internet and there it is the leading muzzle. sometimes it rattles. not now. just some girls boys all go. it's simple, yeah, what have we come down to? no, you know, it was there in siberia. well, you heard it. it's someone who sat down on you, and i somehow quarreled before. they are pillboxes, loved. i was such a soul of the military company, it seems that i was filming jokes, i knew everything. all girl. and then the teacher began to play. somehow i got away. all of a sudden, all this flew off like a husk, and then the priests said, it is in theory. here is not present sometimes, and here will slip. that's how he says, now on the word it's the language of the devil. no need to speak. i say, but as it were, it happens already, as he says, after every word of indecent speech. lord remember to cross three times. god besides. and now, lord, have mercy. i have unlearned. at all. i can't even hear.
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this. yes, i found such a phrase that will not be said at the table, but very, but demonstrative phrase. eh, what words do you say, the topic will smell great from your mouth. yes, go mother. well , i would like it to be forbidden at school to punish cursing, mom. there is a proposal , and, perhaps, one of us from the deputies is looking right now there are electronic means, which, by the way, ivan fedor owns. i'm proposing a gigantic business. a program is currently being developed that the internet easily tracks the product of these words. this program is very easy. wool something computer same instantly. everything checks wool these all sorts of sites are public. if the word sounds there, there is a fine in favor of the state for the first time, for example, 20,000 rubles. second time 50.000 rub. and they themselves will clean and clean everything and erase all these words. and what is the use of the state, because look at the benefits. we're not saying
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you know the opposite budget. here we are talking about experience, i didn’t want to be old, some kind of educator, we say something we force. no, it’s just that they themselves went through their own experience, they were convinced that this evil is harmful and you can live perfectly well without it. we don’t know our fates, to whom he is like a wheelchair to someone in a rocking chair, even to marina you, and two supports are two sons, a wand is not needed, no two sons are like that and from your lips the words you will have a child will sound, since us, dear friends, our children. the greatest wealth the greatest joy and meaning of life i want to please you you will have a child you will have a child you will have a child you will have guys
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which you will. today we are going to one of the orphanages in the kemerovo region. hello meet everyone, when everyone is at home , this is a large and very friendly family, in which there is an older brother. hello sasha, sister violetta hello and sister sveta hello sasha, how old are you? no, we have violetta, you are 11. tsvetik you are nine children in your orphanage there are a lot of different circles. and you are in almost everything . i go to the circle, i also go to sew. i go to the photo circle to sing rugby. i go to modeling clothing or aircraft modeling. clothes participate in all sorts of theatrical
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circles, alexander, where do you have time? i go to hand-to-hand combat to cycling to simulation participated in a chess tournament and won second place. and there are some photos. where are they in the computer room? where we have a photo circle. we learn to draw on a computer, make pictures, color in, you go somewhere in nature, take pictures of beautiful places. here in the summer. we are there most of the time. we also like to take pictures other guys. everything is clear with your photo circle with modeling circle. modeling clothes for both boys and girls, and then i realized you also show clothes.
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caring good beautiful, so that they love each other you are so strict when he brings the bride. it's you who will bring them to the sisters to introduce the bride to the swipe. watch her in the kitchen to see what she can do. and if she still doesn’t know how to do anything in the kitchen, then i can teach her some skills, i can teach her to cook, i can to teach housekeeping can be taught kindness can be taught can be. it is impossible for a person
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to mi, because retraining is a thankless task. let's look for the good ones. and then choose the beautiful ones from the good ones. and all these girls will also bring their suitors to you. one day, what requirements will you have for the girls' suitors to protect my sister, that he be beautiful, know how to cook , help clean up the house, and that he be not lazy. i understood your principle that everything should be fine in a person. sasha sveta and violetta are very friendly cheerful and creative kids. sasha's older brother. he is an authority on girls. sasha is very
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fair, he will help with homework, he will tell you, he will support the girls violetta and sveta, artistic cheerful girls. they love their older brother very much. they always turn to him for help and support. at the meeting. they always hug and are very kind to each other and i appreciate it. y. i like the fact that he is kind and calm , he never raises his voice with us to his sister , you value something, violet. she is always kind and loves to help. if i don't have time somewhere, she can help me with this. i appreciate the violet, i love her teacher very much, i appreciate the life, in general, it’s good that you have each other. this is the most important thing.


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