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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2023 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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the ship will be towed nikita mordovin artyom gevorkyan news, yaroslavl heavy rains caused cataclysms in several countries in southern china at once after a week of rains , floods in chongqing killed 15 people. missing rivers have turned into powerful streams, washing away everything in their path. destroyed hundreds of houses, the water carried away dozens of cars in the disaster area, nearly 40,000 people in neighboring india, the rains caused a landslide, part of the rock collapsed onto the highway, where at that moment there was a traffic jam two cars literally crushed there are dead and injured. and now footage from the netherlands is there due to field storms, a red alert level has been declared due to downpours of gusty winds, visibility on the roads is zero at the hip-hole airport in amsterdam, more than 30 flights have been canceled, dozens of trees have been felled. some of them collapsed on parked cars. all news is always available on
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the media platform. well, we continue to follow the development of the main events in russia abroad. stay us. anastasia volochkova says what happened the victim of a pseudo-lawyer who stole half a million rubles from her, oleg pavlivtsov. he became so close to me in trust that i already considered him my friend and really trusted him very much. he was a guest in my house. we had a great time, and i treated him, just like a human exmo, the ballerina of the bolshoi theater entrusted the fate of her astrakhan apartments to the wheelchair lawyer oleg pavlitsov, but instead of resolving issues, he only used his acquaintance with the star for his own purposes. rubbed in trust took pictures with celebrities to
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create a name for myself as a star lawyer when i found out that oleg pavretsov was disabled. i felt sorry for him very much, because, you know, we dads are disabled, there are already 15 years in a wheelchair, so oleg really touched my soul, but i never thought that he would turn out to be a swindler, a thief and a swindler. as it turned out , the former candidate for governor of the vladimir region, oleg pavlitsov, had dozens of deceived victims and several millions embezzled for an impressive amount, he promised to help in obtaining a residence permit in the united arab emirates took the money, after which we disappeared we went in search of oleg pavlitsy vladimir and found out that wherever he appeared he left behind him debts, deceived people and empty promises. he took out loans but didn't pay them back. i think it is necessary that the movement will increase and extinguish it. they threw it out, it moved forward from there. he is who i can't see him like that. he promised everything to everyone. we conducted
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our own investigation and found out where the lawyers are now hiding from numerous clients whom he scammed for money, what oleg will tell his star clients in the forest anastasia volochkova and what compromising evidence he is ready to speak against her, but most importantly, who brought volochkova's star house as an arist and what kind of people seized her mansion is our investigation today? honored artist of russia anastasia volochkova today in our studio in search of a lawyer who deceived her. how do you look in general? tell amazing. you understand forbidden social networks do not convey all this beauty. but now i'm serious . tell the truth, how this
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meeting first happened. who recommended him to you this lawyer, whom everyone is now looking for, everyone is very a kind person. therefore, i always find myself in some kind of situation when i find myself deceived, well, you know, it’s better to be deceived than, i would do it myself, but when i first i endure all this later, when i turn on volochkova it doesn’t seem like much to anyone, i always know how to seek justice. in short, the fact is that we received a message on our work phone saying that there is such a proposal for the services and assistance of a lawyer. i didn't know then that it was a man in a wheelchair. it's been a year back. i'll say we met in april. i had a trial, there was a very large-scale press conference, and i, well, agreed to a meeting with this oleg povletsov when i saw that he was in a wheelchair. i just felt sorry for him and oleg pavlintsov was able to convince me that his legs do not work, but his head works, and he is a very literate person. we even took him
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to a press conference. that is, i took pity on him and said, oleg let's go then. we will invite you to sit with us on the presidium. that's just be there, and he was very fond of pr and said, i really want to light up, that's all, and then he is a personal dad, who is also chained. yes, 15 years. my father is in a wheelchair. in general, i have a special trepidation for such people with disabilities. i invite them for free, both adults and children. e in wheelchairs to his performances and concerts. in general, i’ve been inviting everyone for free for 20 years in a row, that ’s all, and that’s why he got into trust in this way and, uh, when he turned to me with the fact that he would solve my question on astrakhan apartments, uh, which i sold and i sued the astrakhan company for 8 million rubles. so he said, give me 400,000 rubles. and i will answer your question in 2 days. although he was already an executive. yes and now oleg informs me in
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person. nastya, you know, i didn't resolve the issue in astrakhan, because, well, there somehow the question shifts a little. something is going wrong. it was not checked at all for you by some man left wrote on the phone. it could also be a murderer and a swindler and a swindler, how it turned out that you can unwind a swindler like this if it’s a person in a wheelchair, tell me you had a confrontation with him, i had a confrontation with him, when this oleg pavlintsov calls me and says, i will not refund your money question. i will not decide. moreover, i will tell you something else. these 8 million rubles were sued from me. and they were arrested by bailiffs from a construction company that owes me three apartments for this amount. so he, after he said that i owe you nothing and that's when we started to break through him and it turned out that he had a contract. they forbade talking on these 300,000 rubles. that is, they simply transferred the money, and that's it. i gave him the money to solve my issue
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, moreover, he promised me this publicists that this money would be dedicated to me, because this money would be just entered into the contract, which he had to be correct. his fee for his work. yes? accordingly, you understand, when we found out we already began to break through that he was deprived of the status of a lawyer, we found out. who is oleg pavlyutsov oleg mikhailovich, born in 1976, a native of kazakhstan, the city of nikolsky, karaganda region, claims that he is a disabled person of the first group uses a wheelchair, graduated from the baltic institute of ecology, law and politics in 2001 since 2014. oleg oblikov was the founder of a company that provided microloans, legal and consulting services, and also managed a center for helping the disabled and business clubs, all organizations are currently liquidated. in 2018 , he held the position of human resources specialist at
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the balashikha rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities . rosinka was also an assistant to a member of the federation council from vladimir region alexander sinyagin in 2011 ran for the council of people's deputies of the kolchuginsky district in 2015 , participated in the elections to the council of people's deputies of the kirzhachsky district in 2018. he ran for the post of governor of the vladimir region in 2020, applied for participation in the elections to the council of deputies of the city district, balashikha is currently oleg povlintsov, deprived of the status of a lawyer, today he has an outstanding debt on the website of bailiffs in the amount of 5 million 38.000.462 rubles. like this, perhaps, this is a fruit, i would say, you understand, and most importantly, as i know that he was detained, but he escaped and despite
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a written undertaking not to leave. he escaped, he is now on the wanted list for oleg pavlitsov, a criminal case has been opened, and he told you the story of how he ended up in a wheelchair, he told me. there is no oleg pavlintsov. uh, elena is a kind woman who came home with him. here we saw in the photo with alexander she said that well, again, i can say from the words. here she is, by the way, next to the sweetest woman. here she is told that some girl or woman had set up a car accident for him. yes, and then e came to him at the hospital and said that you would even lie in bed or be in a wheelchair. i need you, but even the weak. well, in short, this is some kind of story. that is, i was constantly put pressure on the patient, that a person was badly offended , you know, well, but you don’t have it. so you didn’t get the impression that he was really promoting on you, so that having photos with you would go on to the following well-known of people. and like him, of course when i found out that it turns out i'm not alone, he deceived a large number of people. he escaped, well, supposedly we
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can't find anyone, nor are we an investigator. eh, supposedly. he ended up in the arab emirates in the arab emirates and deceived people there. i don't know how he got there, but he moved out oleg pavlitsov. another one of the deceived. e clients. eh, here. how does he create an image for himself? uh, a category v lawyer, one of my yip clients. e moscow, and on the other hand, my moscow driver and security guard. sasha is standing. and this is mine client girl. this was drunk in her cottage. we are a friend of da nastyuha, my long-time client , it is quietly kept there from the other side. i'm glad, of course, very happy your photos with volochkova and how does this relate to our meeting? tell me, please, or how the contract has now been thrown, just, uh, comrade.
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listen, he says, acquaint me, i’m unhooking the game with her about now i’m deciding andryukh with the car, while there are additionally all the questions from the car, including now it will be within half an hour than and most importantly, you saw his photos with your bosom friend ksenia sobchak no longer knows how it turned out to be the earth next to his photograph with sergei mikhailovich mironov. that's what i saw in his social networks there, and he just boasted about it and that's it. well, i won't speak for others. i don't know what he did to these people. he just spoiled me. e, he thwarted my winning court cases for me by turning them into anti-win cases, but in our studio daria ivanov, uh, another victim, as she says, of oleg pavlitsov. hello. and how did you come to him already through the photo of the gear. a no, i knew about the story of anastasia from volochkov in general from youtube. and i met him on the internet from the nineteenth to the 20th, and the end of the xxi is 22. in general, he ruffled
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all my nerves, money and courts, too, and repeatedly from his words. he tried to put me in jail, and then he tried. steal a car here, but in the end, the finale of this whole story should have happened. and here is a miraculous healing with my participation. that is, he can walk, as it were, he can walk. oh, well, of course. unbelievable but look, there is one subtle point, he can't. here's how to go here, we go there, right? well, here we got up, as if pochapali from wall to wall with pain. i'm not sure, uh, with the well stopping problems. he will calmly reach the word to the girl, because we conducted a special lawyer's investigation on the subject of whether this gentleman has a disability in general. this is open information. we made
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the appropriate requests, and nowhere did we find confirmation that this person is disabled, but he generally has a mental disorder, because for the period of my communication with him. that is, i do not know how he communicated with other people at 10:00 and he was trying to cooperate. we actively engaged in my pr. here is the story from his rise. this includes two o'clock in the afternoon. he read that all the women deceived him, betrayed the entire female race, just terrible, and from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am, he choked, poisoned himself and said goodbye to me. and so, 19 of us somehow got off lightly. it seems to me that there are no people of us, listening that's all you know. i want to say that scientific stakes with me. he confessed to the investigator that he deliberately took these 500,000 rubles from me. well, not 500, 450 turns out. well, there already it was my prerogative. oh well, he first loaded me with 80 dash 120. i said
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30 friend and goodbye. well, in the end, so much more on the little things. there for travel expenses. on the strelka, 30 thousand in my case is unprofitable. and tell me, they also say that he was also the owner of some closed clubs. he said that he had some kind of club adrenaline suggested that i also come to this one, adrenaline i say, comrade, you seem to be very specific about this whole thing, well, it seems, like a woman, on the one hand, do some intimate tasks for a fee from men, but on the other hand. let's , let's see, and we found this club, it's called the closed club golden rose, and that's what we managed to find out about club a, which oleg held in his face.
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the golden rose club was created for people who love and know how to not only work effectively productively, but have fun and tastefully relax after a difficult work week, a member of the golden rose club will be pleased to attend theme parties and relax in a comfortable closed environment, like you dream of getting into the world of big money luxury and the power of limitless possibilities, then apply for participation in the reality game adrenaline in the group of the golden rose club , services of an esoteric nature were also provided dear our beloved friends, members of the golden rose club and just guests. i want to introduce one more of our friend, the esoteric magician, a parapsychologist with vast experience and a voluminous baggage of solved human problems. guo my name is and for more than ten and a half years we have been engaged in esotericism. however, such
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services were provided for a short time. we inform you that for gross violation of the rules of the club with this partner, any business relationship has been terminated. what kind of nastya were you offered to join the golden, thank god it didn’t come to that. it’s you, sorry, now the grave. it's just me, but we met on the internet, he provided legal services. i provided really esoteric services on a completely different resource. only i didn't. i'll cure you there with a tambourine, there heels with natru salt and so on without without , this is what services you provide, in general none of this is a separate story, just connected with his disability. and he, it means he wrote the text, said that i voiced all this, but i voiced it and he posted it on this video, yes, then he calls me and says, let's play a story about the fact that you
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kind of cured me, and i here we put the camera and i mean, he walked, and he just wanted to make a pr on this, that he began and went to stand on one side. i will get up and go. to you with open arms, and i will meet him there with a tambourine and a broom, relatively speaking, here but this whole situation, you understand, it twisted at the moment when the country was in quarantine, when well, everyone urged to stay at home , get vaccinated, go to the doctor, and so on, but keep my head down and i was one of those people who, well, just led propaganda to turn only to paid medicine, there were no esoteric e cures, and i told him, you are just like a fool . all these actions that andrey we see are observed. clubs appear esoterics, magic psychics and laughs anastasia she laughs. well, first of all, above yourself, because to use
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the services of such a lawyer. this, of course, is ridiculous, but our viewers who watch don't know, it seems to me that there are already so many programs in this studio. andrew was not learning anything from me. we have to break for a short commercial right after it, where the lawyer is hiding, who robbed volochkova and dozens of other victims of millions of rubles for sucking. we found it through our own investigation. full-time bid will be very hot. sash, i’m literally a minute found from the premiere on the channel, russia can help you russia
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more bonuses for your favorite three categories every month. poorer up to 50% is not simple, alar, treatment of cystitis without overpayments, treacherous behavior is the difference between a man and a woman. i noticed we then get that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent beings even in their orientalism. parallel agenda continuation of the conversation in the new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything. subscribe to listen and look at
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the videos we watch first. we are watching the weekend and soon you will be introduced to the groom. well , was there really no person in your life with who you could be happy to eat alone and met. recently, i met nothing and scattered, soon there will be happiness premiere on saturday at 21:00 on the channel, russia people who we saw here balancing a living person. it was incredibly difficult, but i would trust. and then
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amazing people are the best at 21:30 only on the channel russia cinema on fridays you can’t. only you decide only you and no one else you have to play. yes, number. 17 on friday at 23:55 on channel russia just joined us coming from the beach anastasia volochkova stated that she was the victim of a swindler who robbed her of half a million rubles , a wheelchair user in the face, who appears to be a first-class lawyer, took money for legal services, and also promised assistance in registration in the engineering emirates, after which he hid earlier in the program
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, the ballerina said that on the public account of several dozen victims and multimillion-dollar debts, as it became known to publicists , was used by celebrity to create an image of lawyers and attract more victims. in this list, it turned out that ksenia sobchak and lena yanakaeva, who worked as a driver. oleg pavlitsov. for a year i drove him on all matters and knows what he was doing. oleg is in our studio today hello, it’s you, a kind woman with a photo that nastya is talking about and you went to astrakhan together with the policeman as i understand it, yes, we went with our husband with this alexander who you see, he is also in a wheelchair he rode or walked in a wheelchair, but even if he licked it off the wheelchair and licked it into his car. that's how the legs were shaking, that is, you think he couldn't walk. you never saw how he got up and walked, because dasha says that, like, he walked normally with me. no.
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he just somehow, if she somehow says that they agreed that if she advertises her services there and gives him money, then he will take three or four steps from this stroller, as if she were his improved, and in the end it will then lead to clients. but it was you who told you this yourself, i told you that i gave him 30,000 rubles. take the question and then we said what happened a year after listen. well, hate not on ours, what did you oleg tell you about, how he got there. into an accident. yes, he helped some woman who fell in love with him and it was offered to live with him, but he refused her in every possible way, and she set up an accident for him , and she paid the doctors to specifically make him disabled. in order for at least the disabled he will be with her, but when all this happened, he and she came to the hospital bowed, many mothers, allegedly to him, which she was very
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sorry she did that. i didn’t believe it at first, because i probably judged by my bell tower that well, i don’t know, i didn’t like him. just like a man, let's say, i didn't understand how a woman could do this because of him. but when i saw him, when we drove him somewhere, i saw how you girls look at him. they really liked him. i thought maybe i'm wrong in my thinking. well, as it were, i think, okay , i’ll believe it, volochkova probably looked at him like she looked at him. that’s how a person of sound mind can give away 400,000 people. that's just the way she looked at him. maybe the question is something else. how can you contact a lawyer or a lawyer, since he is not a lawyer by sms when such mothers send messages, in no case never, do not choose a lawyer like that, let's, let's see how the ministry of internal affairs of the moscow region comments on the case of oleg pavlitsov attention in the production of the investigative department the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the urban district, krasnogorsk
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, there was a criminal case initiated under the third part of article 159 of the criminal code russian federation on the fact of fraudulent actions committed against a local resident by police officers on suspicion of a crime, a resident of the vladimir region, born in 1976, was detained, who was given a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave and proper behavior in november 2022, a preliminary investigation was completed the indictment approved by the prosecutor was sent to the krasnogorsk city court for a decision on the merits. at present , the police officers are carrying out the necessary measures aimed at establishing the location and detention of the accused who fled from the sudan did you hear propolitsov when talking to him, huh?
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well, even if by sms i was with him the last time when sasha and i realized that we were just everything he said, it was a complete lie, and then he wanted to destroy my family, let's start with this, how it is before we go . in astrakhan, he says, and i went, let's say, so he was sitting in the car and waiting for sasha, i went to carry the trash heap. let's say so he says lena he climbed into the armrest, what will you see there now, and i see a push-button phone, he says that sasha bought a left phone for himself, but i climbed there and looked at some contacts. i 'm saying where he got them from, actually let's start with this for such a short period. he went to climb on his phone. but, look, i have this hello, this is this, this is this. it's her. he says i understood when his father died his father died in august 22 at the end of the month. oh, and he allegedly brought cognac, and to hangover, supposedly oleg fell asleep and wakes up like this oh, where is my phone? allegedly
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sasha takes from his feet. where do you get this phone and give it to him? i say you are now hinting that sasha climbed into your phone , says, well, lena, i have no other options, but she says, just please, my sister, please don’t tell everything, but i did the detailing of the numbers. all i saw was sms calls and all that, and when it already started, we have quarrels between us with sasha i say, let's talk, i speak frankly, at least for the last time you will tell me everything you know about oleg, you and i will tell you what i know. i and when we talked, our hair just stood on end. it’s just that he says lena . he dictated all these contacts to me himself and asked me to write it to this alexandra whom he met earlier, but it’s not clear that he is such an active guy in a wheelchair, right? well , he believed that he was that everyone wanted him, that everyone loved him. well, really, he tried to prove it to me all the time. for some reason i don't know i know what surprises me the most. such a serious situation. nastya is sitting laughing at her
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, everything the predators have now taken with money, and the other i can't choke. that's all you let into the house, understand your entrance yard. you are all of them. please come , not all of them will climb into the bedroom. uh, now prokhor chaliapin is there . judging by the latest uh test-d. hello another victim of oleg pavlitsov , alexander sorokin, the lawyer in a wheelchair threw a million rubles, we meet alexander hello regular sms met. ah. our situation, uh, was the following, so we needed legal support for the company. they were looking for a strong specialist, and on the recommendation they turned to this specialist. uh, we met and signed
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a contract, and the amount was hmm, in the region of a million rubles. here is a man who received an advance. so after a while, the person simply disappeared and did not provide any services. how did it appear and who recommended it? a? who invented it, of course, i remember, i know, this is my friend ah, like, look volochkova sobchak exactly. yes, that's exactly how he presented me that a specialist of a rather high profile, very large. he has pretty reliable clients. no doubt about it. i didn't have it for him. as if see what, and then you already found out that he was deprived of the status of a lawyer, and at a meeting the person showed. eh, shall we say, siwu lawyer. here, yes, yes, it was also recently . yes, relatively, and this was recently in 2019, please, i don’t understand if a person shows the strength of a lawyer, where we ordinary people should see if he really is a lawyer. or is it in every region in every subject there are chambers of lawyers
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and open information. there is a site. you can enter the last name, we are the patronymic potential lawyer and check if the bailiff, to whom he came in person in astrakhan under the power of attorney summoned by me, did not check in the database and told them ok. sasha, do you think he is coming out or not? oh, you had such suspicions. i have such proposals that he walks? yes, but i'll explain why, because the office where his team was, let's say, and specialists. uh, so he left there literally in 3-4 months. and when the office was hiding, uh, well, not by us, but by the landlord. uh, accordingly , they discover that she has left the stroller, and of course, a person is unbelievable to a person. we managed to talk with oleg pavlitsov's ex-wife natalia, as it turned out, they divorced in 2019, and every day she
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thanks fate that she broke up with this man. here is what she comments in a telephone conversation in the course of all these events there. well, i didn't know until lena called me. i say that lin ya thank god i do not communicate with him. i saw him for a year back when they came to our boarding school in a concert of fairies. and that's all about this girl, who saw the sawdust, he promoted it. as i understand it, as a producer or how, i don’t know who, and they came to us on the internet with a concert. i don't know anything about him. he is not interesting to me as a person, as a person, in principle, he doesn’t communicate with me like that at all, because we had a fight with him last august in i mean by phone, but because he didn’t want to give up the child, and i decided that they don’t know mine at all, how it ended and didn’t appeared and did not ask for a child, as i understand it.
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grandma grandmother asked, this is his mother for me, how would these people disappear from my life, thank god they divorced in the twentieth year and left him in the nineteenth, so i can’t say how everything turned out for him. god knows. well, in general, when you were married, there were no such stories behind him. is there another child? so i understand, yes, yes, he came to my performance with his son. well, 9 years. yes, he is about, but we went in search. oleg pavlitsov at several addresses in the vladimir region, where he was once registered. uh, but as it turned out, some of the addresses were non-existent at all. here is what lana brought from a business trip in search of any traces or in the face we arrived in the vladimir region, when sowing with lawyers , several addresses were indicated at once, where he had previously been registered to check, the first house. we realized the search promises to be difficult.
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apartment number 18 a in the face he's just registered in this house somewhere, they had to shove him in. he invented such things our courts dragged, as if we gave us money, so that we went to vote for kharitonov, it means he got loans. and they didn't pay. i think it’s necessary that it will advance, increase and extinguish it, they threw it out, from there, here is a stop in dubki well , there vladimir is on the road. e, it's like he set up a bench to call you everything, so he set it up,
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he's good, he survived the red fence. we checked one more address from dosey, as it turned out, some neighbors still remember the former candidate for deputies. everything was put forward , put forward, but no one chose him like that. he he promised everything to everyone, but they made it all overboard so that no one could see them in the jar. we owed the bank, then i sold this apartment. well, in short, when my son bought something, they cursed everyone who bought an apartment, i think we curse, and we made some kind of slanderer. well, please tell me, this is the dubki stop. yes, this is the dubki stop, but someone out of their own need made our stops go, kiev to the village of dubai. and you know, yes, oleg mikhailovich. yes , he came to us many times and told us that he would change everything. change with us, and
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change yourself old these pillars will change them to concrete. all cables are old not in person. don't remember. i don't know how it should be. the main question he offered you to get a residence permit in the united arab emirates no, he just disappeared there and when he really is, our correspondents contacted him under the guise of clients who want to get a visa, uh, in dubai, his arabic number was found through the victim who gave him 170.000 rub. he promised to give her, uh, a visa to poland, nothing. it's a sacrifice, never got it. that's what oleg pavlevtsov talks about his collaboration with anastasia volochkova and why the hell didn’t you interfere when the cops pressed me at her request for musarne, when they then somehow let me out of me and i rushed to all the journalists until i left russia for the first time i’m not going to hide anywhere. and at least
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based on the fact that even when it was necessary to communicate with the family in krasnogorsk. yes, i uh called from an arabic number. i knew perfectly well that i was talking to the investigator who was pressuring me, uh, from an arabic number. it's already says that i'm not hiding from anyone. i didn’t steal anything from her house, as she says, i have a lot of witnesses, including moscow judges, who confirmed the investigative committee, krasnoborsky, who will confirm that more than once. i worked on the case of this e. ladies, let's call it that, but in the end i didn’t receive a penny for my work from her . i have a lot of information not voiced, which i am ready to voice on your channel. believe me, she touches. uh, well, let's say so and specifically my case, where is she screams that i stole money from her house, and she touches on how volochkova does things.
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uh, in particular with ekaterina, katya herself told me, oleg, i'm sorry if you are a good guy, that's all, i understand, but uh, i don't want to mess with volochkova because she immediately bribes and crushes uh with her people in uniform. yes, this program will reveal the light on this madame, how i worked for her and the things that she assigned me and how she wanted me to do some of these things in particular, how to throw sums on people with some money ttp well, listen to some nonsense, really, yes, the person took 350, at least he is lying that he says that i open it is a lie, if we saw the appeal of the official representative of the facility, a criminal case was introduced, and he, uh, was in the united arab emirates into the mouth. i'm shocked. because of this, my lawyer roman popov and i were in court. i came to all meetings and people. yes, moving around quietly does not mean that there is a ban, and you are simply a person abroad who had to fulfill any requirement of court investigators and appear.
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no, he doesn't, let's go. what kind of katya about whom he speaks is considered nonsense. i don't even know what katya is. well, look. there is a very interesting history here. uh, in general, a story that, on the one hand, leads to the fact that nastya is constantly, uh, neurotic repetitions from year to year of the same stories, when she, in fact, is in very little contact with reality. that is you are a kind good person who is happy. in general, it is always focused on itself and , by and large, the whole world around has never strongly. this story is also interesting about how it is, however, in fact, i am focused on my work. excuse me, please, at your age. yes, yes, and in the end. as a result, it turns out that when she sees a person who touches her with pleasure. she sincerely believes this, she is constantly suing and constantly scammers. she appears with them, but at the same time pleasant constantly. yes, let's say
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it constantly puts pressure on pity and tries to beg too. eh, money. watch another call to our office when he realized that this meeting, which they did, and our correspondents are not customers at all, but journalists framed by the fact that if your person honestly said that he was a journalist. i would reschedule the meeting for tomorrow. and today i would have done the job, received the money, and my family would not have remained on the street, and now because your man lied and pretended to be a client. and i figured i'd do a job for them to get the money and pay the rent today apartment. i counted on the fact that i was going to refuse to travel to another city, because here it is closer to me, and the amount is even the most for me from participating in programs. no, let's say the weather. let's and not to get that i wasted i lost. lsya you are not ready
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to pay a fee. i need to solve it today by 9:00. i say, i'm just stupid on the street because of you left you need filming. you ripped me off today. completely disrupted a meeting with a client where i could earn and pay i think if your child was put up for street and you, if i were still at least an absolutely healthy person. in general, there are no questions bag on the shoulder and went. yes, the child is outside, but he knows that i'm in a wheelchair, like, uh, damn it, guys, it's not pretty. be never he is now and he is interested in one of you, he asked for help he who, who provides assistance, has also developed now your film crew is just another victim, and he is experiencing excitement. so now we will do another short advertisement right after it, the denouement of the investigation, where we found a swindler lawyer who robbed anastasia volochkova and other victims of millions. face-to-face confrontation in front of the viewers of the
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russian tv channel, do not switch your husband, let us go. in the coffin you are not afraid, for every year. you owe 15,000 silver rubles and the tatars will be here, you know what was here in the old days, what was there will be no more. well, times. thank god sophia tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel pentalgin extrigel. it has the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin-extrogel against more inflammation in the muscles and joints of the russian lotto victim mobile at any time bet on luck at work in training win millions without
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receive regional support measures, the status of a veteran of military operations, exemption from land tax, compensation for payment of housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year , and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here.
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today at 21:20 once again good afternoon, all the troubles of anastasia volochkova and the honored artist of russia declares that she became a victim of a pseudo-advice who stole half a million rubles from her, oleg pavlivtsov, a wheelchair lawyer who now lives in the united arab emirates, we found him there, let me remind you , that one of the last victims of uh, a lawyer literally a month ago ordered a visa from him to poland, he took 7,000 from her. dirham visa did not make the money did not return. you saw his girls on the block in their neighbor. yes, i , uh, we live next to nastya. i just treat her very well, bright, because we see her, we feel her, unfortunately, too kind too. kindness is worse than
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theft. you know, nastenka, only you could find such an oleg in a mean way. here, you understand? the fact is that he would not have come to me in life, you understand? i'm fine. so you don't believe it. and you understand this swindler, well, believe me, well, well, according to his physiology, you can see i regretted it, yes, that’s all. you just can't be that hot, you know not, girls. i want to say that oleg oleg is in touch with us because of the united arab emirates, he is not hiding anywhere and is ready to look into the eyes of anastasia volochkova easily. nastya says that the whole country is looking for you , what do you say, where are 450,000, uh, which she is looking for here, firstly, not 450, but 350. this is the time that anastasia gave to solve it question. this is the first moment, and the second moment , where is this money, where is it. after that, everything
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is completely in the documents that i have. after anastasia connected all her connections, these documents were confiscated by law enforcement agencies. i have witnesses who gave 350.000 to you not only andrei and i will also say that i, uh , contacted the police from my phone , contacted the judge, contacted a lawyer and said that i was hiding. i'm not hiding first. i want to explain. andrey the whole country is looking for me. this is nonsense, which once again carries anastasia let it remain on her conscience. i want to say andrew is average for a long time. i worked for this woman who didn't pay me a dime. they probably still fell in love with her when they came to you and for sure, they were ready for free. just being with her is not like many men who will become you say lately for some reason. constantly, constantly, he comes out to anastasia
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only one of her young people, he cheated, he threw it for money, the second person, he cheated, he threw it for money, the third person, he threw it for money. everywhere he comes down to the fact that everyone is deceiving her, everyone is throwing her. why is there no mention of your disability, not one. and the base and the people who sit in the studio say you can walk. i don't know andrey who says this, and who is such nonsense, and our dasha is here at the studio, which, uh, which you owe 30,000 rubles. the psychic daria ivanova must be a member of the golden rose club in the first place, this is some kind of complete nonsense. uh, starting with the fact that it's a woman as you say, yes, it's a woman. uh, provides illegal services provided and was sent a number of calls to the site where these black magic services are provided, so this question is here. i don't owe anything at all, because you are my photos. after parting, you have
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some kind of e proof. i opened. stop talking nonsense. i do not arrange anything for me to ever do this. yes, i'm a professional. okay, but zenith sorokin, uh, million, you owe him looking for you too. e, he asks who sorokin is. he refuses everything for the first time, even sorokin, e. how can i say on the basis of what documents i owe you this money? what what a million i owe you what are you talking about, sasha sorokin has documents, i worked with you. i don't know you, i see you for the first time, and with whom you have at least some documents with my competitions. well , your driver, lena, you will find out that you threw up the phone and tried to divorce her from her husband. what kind of horror? come on, tell me, why did you
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do this to me sasha told me? what did you dictate? here, lena, shut up, please, but please, i'm not going to divorce anyone from you. and i'll say white fluffy, it's very interesting to know, and sasha sorokin why uh such statements that he owes a million rubles? who is sasha sorokin we have an agreement with you louder, say the agreement with you, come backstage. and if you are such an honest and correct citizen of the russian federation, come back here. prove your innocence to monkey you. tell me, it’s not my fault here i’m being deceived, you took you left for another country and deceive people. that's all. very. it is not clear what kind of contract i am asking you to deal with me to figure out that you have a debt of five
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million. ah, recruited. uh, different people half of the region is looking for you and also want, uh, to return their money, but already no 5 million. andrey is documented. can you send me this and show it to the courts at pc 5 million in the vladimir region, they are looking for you kochugin , nastya has a snowstorm of millions of debts, which i closed the court as a lawyer, for which you paid me nothing? don't give him 8 million. and the whole issue was settled in some way. i have a room for athos who saw me go to the courts and work, beat off your debts from the bailiffs, spoke the office urban area. shut your mouth, please, the source of the neighbors. they say that you owe 200 to them, where you lived with your mother and child, and there is a debt for light due to the fact that they still cannot re-register the property, as i, as a non-owner
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, cannot pay, it turns out, as a member. snt money. it's just that they had to draw up a contract with me, until now. andrew was not registered. you didn't have. it's just that this person here, who is sitting still, you can't hear. i said this one, which this madame made me hang money. other people, increasing the amount in the same astrakhan , apply for them to the people, because there are no people, is there a lawyer or not? i need you to file a lawsuit and write this amount in there so that my lawyer can cover the debt. why is she sitting silent about this, why is she silent , that how many times i came to her house with law enforcement agencies, when she was interrogated, introduced all these cases, and i wasn’t paid a penny for this time. why is she silent about this? i hear good people now, but you understand are you taking anyone? no, you were working for free then. what purpose have you pursued for so long to work the body i will pay i will pay. i need a job and that's it. i am working. well, you
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're working without legal status as a lawyer, because you don't have one. i don't work. andrey, here is another such moment of volochkov, the whole meeting began. he came to me and said that i was a lawyer. this is bullshit. i worked twice, but after i left, therefore, i believe that you came and said. nastya i love you. yes, and her heart trembled, because we are in a wheelchair wheelchair. here, most likely, it was nonsense, even if you just close your eyes at everyone. what kind of environment is there with her and i will talk here. i love you. nastya that she kissed me, climbed and tried to confirm it. the driver who is sitting, who came in at one moment, let's go from here. lena let's go from here, you kiss him. ask the driver if she saw it, let her say it in the room. engine moment andrey, i
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want to say, e, about the years in general, he will give you a few more questions. it's about looking. that's why he says kiss. i'll tell you the truth, when i saw him, i thought, well, lover showed up in a wheelchair. i think it's probably kind of decent that i walk with cats there every day and i watched how often he came to you. and how do you meet them? he was driven by several suits. yeah, you're a little addicted to this case, sometimes you kiss and hug everyone. i had the impression that she really had them roman hug and kiss everyone, because i thought man, how did you hang. well was a little under it. remember how you see kissing. well, near your house. you said goodbye to him, after all. i just, but escorted people to astrakhan, so the point
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is that no, that's it, bring food with you, i tell you, and we are also asking ourselves that we are always going to return. oleg tell me under what business of my gold not to fall under the hammers, which she arranged for me unconditionally. i'm not hiding from anyone, you know, and who works with uh, nastya saw lolita said administrator anastasia volochkova here in the studio today. let's invite her to conversation. bastard, i'm sitting there listening to the feeling that he did not take the money. i myself brought it with my own hands and gave him money. i say nastya, as if you don’t know him, it’s not worth it. here it is all at once. let's do something here. he you then the rest. no, he is in a wheelchair, you should feel sorry for him, because next time, yes, when
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he gets there in a wheelchair, it’s not necessary. come on, come on, let me this time and i came up to take you to the wheelchair, that you are trying to take you out, that you are cheating , he was on the wheelchair trying to tell you said. yes? we are no longer interested. he tries everything, of course, that's enough. i never covered myself with a stroller with him, just now he works. oleg will be back. you should talk to him, but in kiev, i think i 'll talk. in fact, i want to say something more decent, honest and open person than nastya, i don’t know that business can do anything, the country really loves to write anything. yes, because she is sincere. she is one of the few so, but, unfortunately, constantly used. i've even been friends for 8 years, constantly watching such pictures of how these heated nastya. here they asked for shoes here for free, and she always agrees. oh well, these are good people. what are you doing there? lately
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i have cleared it there, because he also wants to promote it, everyone let me in. i was eating his face, and you understand my channel, lena today , the audience, literally a flurry of calls and messages , a lot of people write protection and support for anastasia well, look, what screen have been sent to us several times already. let's show, and did you know that this is lola, which is volochkova always puts up bought herself a plot on novorizhskoye highway and builds a house there. you imagine what the cost of land in the area. and that is not all. recently. lola also bought a dacha in the tver region. i don't know if this is true or a rumor. you think it's all on the assistant's salary everyone lives off. nastya use money to drive kindness. all of them are needed in three necks. listen. it's just the best friend. nastya, as i understand it, wait , i get a salary plus another bonus, every month i also get my husband. we
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work together. naturally, we can afford house. tell me, dear, please, after all, we all know you, how you will help nastya to get food. for cleaning like yours, all of a sudden such a career growth was fussing, what happened, because and now, as it were, i’m leaving, she continued me as an administrator, working for me i will pay extra, in fact , she brought me a large amount of money and yes, at the expense of e my name. i make money. lol he helps me, what's wrong. it seems to me that we all need to pray that nastya has a really close man, who, you understand, loved her, you know, not for the house, not for the title, not for her batman. it's just that this man has a high rate, my guys are golden, so that such a leverage herself appears. this should be a man in whom, in terms of the strength of the spirit of help, in all respects, not two, but three drags can be found somewhere. he was surrounded by another one
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, no, you have nastya's friends, the time of the program ends. i want to draw the attention of the ministry of internal affairs that oleg is wrong. tsov, who is on the federal wanted list, as we were told, he got in touch with us from the united arab emirates. i hope that, nevertheless, by joint efforts this the case will be solved, please, dear viewers. and check, check, check again . check everyone you deal with today, everything. take care of your loved ones, goodbye. hello dear friends ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live.


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