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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2023 11:00am-11:41am MSK

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you are a dirty quiz. hello hello, russian troops are slowing down any attempts by the enemy
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enemy listen, we didn’t sleep all night, because he knew that the icon would come . we will try, of course, so that as many servicemen of ukraine as possible recognize the responsibility of kiev for blowing up the crimean bridge last fall. in the krasnodar territory stormy rivers on the streets of khosta, at least ten cars were carried away by a stormy stream of water and thunderstorms yet to return the bolshoi theater in honor of the great writer once a year these modern constructions appear here tolstoy's festival in yasnaya polyana this year
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opened with a ballet. anna karenina and this festival, the audience is very much looking forward to thank you. uh, and they say, we specially came from st. petersburg. we specially came from moscow from ryazan from kaluga fisherman's day in kaliningrad is a folk holiday, well, like the new year, only in the summer our family holiday remembers history, they honor maritime traditions and delight each other with five varieties of fisherman's fish soup the fish that was recently caught, and it is already on the table, and the guys in general the best nadezhda grigorievna is over 80, and her vines are over 200 years old. she fed and raised more than one generation of danes, or what? the russian aerospace forces hit at once three points
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of deployment in the liman direction, according to the ministry of defense, destroyed an ammunition depot in places of concentration of manpower and weapons of the enemy. dozens of large-caliber shells of militants of the armed forces of ukraine explode every day in the peaceful quarters of donetsk and its environs. ukrainian neo-nazis hit the roof of this residential building at that moment there were two pensioners in the room, the building was completely almost destroyed, so the area was hit early. in the morning people slept in their houses. and right
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here is a hit right directly. here, here , at the beam, it shoots at civilians, this is pans. i do not know that the employees of the investigative committee of russia carefully record every crime. fighters. kyiv regime. the shelling was allegedly carried out with the use of artillery, 155 caliber nato model, and testifies that fragments found at the site of the shelling, which will be further sent for examination. the shelling was carried out on a private residential sector, where at that moment there were people with a massed strike of ukrainian neo-nazis. petrovsky kuibyshevsky kirovsky and kievsky district of the city, one of the shells hit the roof of the shopping centralization works. several people were seriously injured by the yesenovaya, that
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a 24-year-old young man died as a result of shelling near donetsk, a shell flew straight along the way. and you see how much damage the cheeses flew at him from people and in this area of ​​​​donetsk there were several victims. but the scouts of the fifty-eighth separate special forces battalion spotted a column of enemy armored vehicles through night vision devices. all the spetsnaz are going to storm our positions, the commandos hit the lead vehicle with an anti-tank guided missile, exact hit alexander katsuba konstantin perunov andrey rudenko and oleg bondarenko to lead. donetsk people's republic in the kupyansk direction , our artillery opened and destroyed sabotage and reconnaissance group, and the crew of a su-34 fighter bomber launched a missile bombing attack on the point of temporary deployment of the armed forces in the area of ​​​​the village. the petropavlovka also of the ministry of defense today showed footage of the combat work
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of a ka-52 attack helicopter oligator armored vehicles were liquidated in the yuzhno-donetsk direction as a result of an accurate hit by a guided missile in the area, the transporter with the crew was completely destroyed. another accurate blow already on the zaporozhye sector of the front, inflicted by a russian drone on ukrainian armored vehicles on the road were discovered by a drone operator. as a result, a direct hit and no chance of salvation for the crew. in kiev , they recognized responsibility for the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, a statement was made by the deputy minister of defense of ukraine anna malar. in my telegram channel. she listed this blow among those inflicted by ukraine. in addition, the painter explained that the purpose of the explosion was to disrupt russian logistics. earlier, the head of the main intelligence directorate, budanov, denied that the kiev special services were behind the attack , the bomb on the crimean bridge was activated 8 october 22. as a result, four people died, the investigative committee opened
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a criminal case on the attack. that night there was a torrential downpour. this is how meteorologists call the strongest rain with a squally wind, which lasts only a couple of hours, but manages to flood half a year. so it happened in the khosta area, the water flows washed away parked cars from several streets. dozens of cars floated downstream, colliding with each other and forming dams that made it difficult for water to escape from the streets flooded basements and first floors in the morning , traffic on the dzhubga-sochi highway was practically paralyzed in residential buildings . they dismantle the rubble from the car trees, according to preliminary data, no one was injured. a storm warning has been issued in the event. forecasters predict more showers, strong
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winds and hail. today , an early election of the head of state is taking place in uzbekistan, and as stated in the cec. they are already recognized as having made their choice. made more than 33% candidate voters. i will remind four, including the current leadership from the mirziyoys. this is the first vote after the adoption of amendments to the constitution of the country, which extended the term of presidential powers from 5:00 to 7 years, about 11,000 polling stations are operating, including outside the country , seven polling stations have opened on the territory of russia on the course of voting robert frantsev since the opening , that is, from 8 o'clock in the morning , tashkent time , queues lined up at polling stations uzbekistan makes a choice. who will lead the country in the next 7 years , the presidential term has been extended. after this year, following the results of a nationwide referendum, significant changes were made to the constitution of the country , four candidates
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nominated by the parliamentary parties favorite of action are fighting for the post of head of state. president shavkat mirziyoyev was elected for the first time in the snap elections of 2016. in 2021, merzyoyev received more than 80% of the vote in a few years , a number of life-changing reforms in the economy and social sphere were carried out in the country. republic of recent years there is a lot of construction work going on. uh, to create working conditions for the people, everything is done for the people. just like everything was before, so that it develops even better, i therefore continued behind our president and i hope that my children, while growing up quietly in society, is like a city very large cultural buildings, good old ones in the 2020 program to double the gross domestic product of uzbekistan up to 160 billion
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dollars, a. p per capita up to $4,000 in plans to attract foreign investment support for business creation of workers local economic growth should improve the well-being of citizens and ensure the main principle enshrined in the new constitution. the social orientation of the state, international observers highly appreciated the organization of the voting. i want to note that the voting is going on quite actively, and in those polling stations that we visited , they report to us that from 40 to 50%, uh, of the voters have already cast their votes. uh, everyone is in a good mood, uh, fortunately and much to the satisfaction of the observers as well. i think there are no comments on the process for the organizers no vote to win the election , the candidate needs to get more than 50% of the votes the cec plans to publish the preliminary results of the elections on july 10, robert of france forman
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bayduletov. dmitry shcherbakov uzbekistan central asian bureau of children. belarus is in full swing preparing for the second games of the cis countries, the opening ceremony will be held on august 5 in minsk and the competitions themselves will be held in several cities of the country in their participation. 18 countries have already confirmed one of the features of these games is that they are open, that is, they can host participation of all countries that express a desire to participate in total expect more than 6,000 athletes with the details of anastasia sakhovskaya. golden swords to show off the skills of the belarusian juniors, two workouts a day a new generation in rhythmic gymnastics competitions in graceful plasticity will be held on this carpet among the strongest teams in the world, the fact that the russian team will be at the games of the cis countries, this adds to us the status of the competition of the spirit and the main struggle that we can certainly
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count on. nitsy cis credited to the national team the united arab emirates mongolia vietnam bahrain lebanon and iran malaysia egypt and cuba and the status came out in some sports not only juniors but also pros will compete in the same gymnastics there will be an individual championship for a long time there has not been such a big tournament in the current realities. it is very important not to lose competitiveness and continue to perform at a high international level, noise at a height is promised, and at the opening ceremony, a multicube under the ceiling of the scenery transformer light sound, the largest arena in the country of minsk served stages to world stars and has seen many sports victories, a multifunctional complex for 15,000 spectators. minsk arena. already hosted the second european games of the ice hockey world championship. right now the national team is training, the ice can be melted or covered with a thermal coating. unless the pool has not yet been made here, but in fact the site can be transformed. at anything, in the shortest possible time, sports arenas will become, the whole
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country will pass 11 cities in the capital. competitions in volleyball field hockey bullet shooting thai boxing in vitebsk karate in mogilev judo in gomel swimming and handball in brest weightlifting in grodno and light in minsk on the tracks with a coating like at the games in beijing rio and on the lawn, which is just being refreshed for the competition. see places of residence good good places. we are at the sports facility. these are the preparation elements of the legendary stadium, dynamo still remembers the 80 olympics, when world sports have already begun to politicize the games of the cis countries with their open format can become a breath of fresh air. we're trying to prove to everyone sports functionaries that today it is necessary to remove the concept of politics from sports in sportswear. people should communicate, even be friends and should sort things out. here here on the football field on the treadmill swimming pool.
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17 m in 17 seconds here, the highest climbing wall in the country is the olympic discipline in the games of the cis countries is not yet included, but there are already two dozen sports in the standings up to beach volleyball, of course, we are not trying to create any alternatives here, but in those conditions that occur we believe that the cis games have great prospects. here we see these are only the second games, and the response is already great, that is, from year to year the number of participants is growing and the competition. will gain their prestige holiday. no restrictions. entrance to the competition will be free, and for fans from abroad, ticket games will replace the belarusian visa at the border anastasia sakhovskaya alexandra aleksandrovna oleg belinsky vladimir menyailov, minsk local glade opened at the tolstoy international theater festival in the program of performances lectures films shot based on the works of the writer for the first time in the event.
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the bolshoi theater will take part in order to transfer the production of the anna karenina ballet to the homeland of the classic. near the estate, part of the stage and the auditorium were recreated, one of the main theaters of our country, the festival was organized on the initiative of the governor of the tula region alexei dyumin and takes place as part of the project culture, reportage, vitaly motorin. it starts like a regular tour, but from the house of leo tolstoy it is no longer the audience, but rather the participants in the theatrical production. when everything is done in other circumstances, the audience becomes co-authors of the performances, the scenes of the festival are simply amazing in that forests and meadows, lakes and gardens are clear. the meadows looked exactly the same as they did during samovo's lifetime. leo tolstoy is given great attention here. after all, even the landscapes here are memorial and once a year these modern structures appear here only to embody this unique theatrical performance of almost one and a half thousand visual places, light, sound, scenery of such
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large-scale productions on an open stage in there was no history of the tolstoy festival yet. we are a complete performance with the historical stage of the bolshoi theater in the field and we were able to build for the bolshoi theater in fact a replica of their historical stage in moscow, only backstage rooms, including dressing rooms, and dressing rooms occupied 3,000 m², of course. this is not the first time the bolshoi theater performs in open areas, but when i learned that such a huge performance as anna karenina of the dagger boys in the pit was being taken out, of course, at first i was very surprised. anna karenina choreographed by john naimar a modern take on the classic novel, which turns 150 this year. actually, the whole festival is devoted to the love story of karenina and vronsky this year, in addition to the fact that we also show cinema, we also show theater in cinema, we have
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one of the films, for example, from my plisetskaya tolstoy festival this year takes place in all of yasnaya glade nine locations more than 50 events in 3 days and fidelity to the tradition of surprising guests with ideas worthy of the scale of the personality of one of the most significant writers in world literature vitali mo torin alina konovalova and oleg antonov lead the restoration of the city is in full swing, and for the first time after the liberation a circus was opened, scientists from the shatov region are reviving the lost grapes. more than 8,500 people took part in a mass night run around moscow a bright and interesting
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presidential button with the inscription reception is only at the most important negotiations details of the most amazing meeting of recent months. work and manage to be a practical
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housewife, and a mother for different you is one magnet beautician magnit beautician cares, it means to love this year, as in the previous year, we have too much fresh milk. what are we going to do, vote? who for the cottage cheese votes are counted decided to do. there is so much milk, what we want, we make cottage cheese, fresh cheese, real, village green pasta, shebekinsky 450 g in 44-99 sale on yandex market katana, at a discount more favorite artists waiting for you at the main event of the summer, back fest place
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eldorado meetings are a sale of discounts on new equipment and free disposal of old, for example, candy air conditioner for only 14.99 video i love the moscow coffee house on shares and i will tell you why the moscow coffee houses are a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, and the taste of the pleasure of the moscow coffee house on shares i love recommend. what is the most cost-effective medicine for cystitis is not simple and malar. not up to fifty percent is not simple, alar, the treatment of cystitis without overpayment with the original boiling water and water is enough.
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well, what did he ask, asked if i can work? you just studied at the olympics. we need people with real experience, we teach those who are hired, movies on weekends, marry me. i agree. i just want you to be happy, to enjoy the earth all the time i feel, i am a presence between us. maybe i would recommend you a course of chemotherapy sister general, bechevsky fate at 12:45 on channel, russia this is together we continue
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to release germany intends to delay ukraine's application for nato membership as the british telegraph writes according to the publication, the main goal of the frg is to buy time to block ukraine's membership in the bloc in essence. in addition , the german authorities are against immediate membership so that kiev cannot demand help from the countries participating in the alliance directly on the battlefield. moreover, everything is going to the fact that the ukrainian counter-offensive will end in failure, and in this case, zelensky will have to sit down at the negotiating table and give up part of the territory. so the newspaper columnist thinks, if the breakthroughs don't work out, face the depletion of the stock of weapons, and ukraine is waiting for the winter energy crisis. western support will fall even more and the ukrainian leader will have nothing else to do. how to exchange territories for peace is stated on the pages of the publication. well, in the meantime, the west
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continues to pump weapons to kiev, as journalists found out recently, the wall street journal. poland handed over to an independent batch of mi-24 helicopters, it included about ten soviet-designed combat vehicles. earlier , this information was not disclosed anywhere at the official level, but in the spotlight. now they are, of course, cluster bombs. it is possible that washington himself is already regretting that he made the decision to transfer them to kiev, because he was not supported. even allies in the north atlantic alliance. so the minister of defense of spain, margarita robles, said that this type of ammunition should not be. in kiev, under no circumstances, according to the head of the spanish defense department , the supply of these weapons is by no means a decision of nato, but exclusively of the united states anastasia popova the decision of the americans to supply weapons banned under the un convention blew up the european political field
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on the eve of the nato summit in vilnius , it is obvious that the issue of supplying cluster bombs has already come to the fore a little, moving it. even the question of ukraine's accession to nato is a sensation. the expert is not expected. well guess. will the united states be able to enlist unanimous support for such a controversial decision, while its few allies one by one speak out against the use of shells, the percentage of marriage, which, as the americans write the media is incredibly high above 14%. no matter how sluggish the counter-offensive of the armed forces is, london does not approve of such an escalation. great britain signed a convention that prohibits the production or use of cluster munitions and does not encourage their use, italy is ready to express all support to ukraine, but cannot agree to cluster bombs within the framework of the value expressed by the atlantic alliance , italy hopes for universal application. the principles of the convention, however, in the united states themselves, far from everything will be
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democrats at once 19 people issued a written statement, where they reminded the biden administration that these bombs are not safe. whatever written assurances, whoever gave a vivid example of history, when the americans used these projectiles themselves, the reality is that there is no such thing as a safe cluster bomb and the use or transfer of them for use harms international efforts to eliminate these dangerous munitions, taking us away the wrong way. history of us use of cluster munitions, especially legacy years of damage to civilians in southeast asia should prevent us from repeating the mistakes of our past politics magazine indicates that nato is very worried about how long and at what cost it has to support ukraine if you take the eu as a whole, it has already exhausted its seven-year budget . in just 2 years and waiting for new contributions from member countries , to which i do not agree to these funds, brussels also intends to use the conflict for kiev, they promise
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to give another 50 billion euros over 4 years, however, hungary is blocking such an initiative openly, relying on the public mood, the position of hungary is clear that the war should not be financed and stopped . according to the last question, 77% of hungarians oppose the financing of ukraine by the european union hungarians and unanimously oppose ukraine bulgaria makes similar calls for peace talks, but so far such countries, a minority, have invested too much money in maintaining the ukrainian conflict by the hosts in nato. so, in many ways, it is from it depends on them, what wording will sound at the end of the upcoming summit anastasia popova or bernadsky maria egorova lead
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brussels belgium . well, now this image will be carried out in all positions, so that every soldier can pray before the savior not made by hands. this is the canonical face of jesus christ, it was depicted on the banners of the russian army, and the icon itself belonged to one of the most successful ministers of defense of the russian empire , peter ivanovsky. in mariupol , the restoration of the city, which was destroyed by ukrainian formations on the site of ruins, is in full swing. now the school's new kindergartens and kindergartens are being restored using the most modern technologies, and for the first time after the liberation , a circus has opened in the city. big top report by stanislav near the match of the tent circus not far from the coast of the sea of ​​azov , queues of spectators gather in mariupol for the first time after the liberation, a big holiday for children rosgos circus came to mariupol until the end of summer , the classic tent whispers with
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valera's dressing rooms for animals. in the middle of the city blocks, we will build a real artistic town, along with props and equipment , 15 trucks and four sea containers were brought here. there is a standard set of equipment that was brought for the circo-sepito. that is flood light. here we will drink and so on. a total of about 100 units. sveta here, the artists live in trailers near the main tent for the russian state circus. this is the first away chapiteau for last 10 years. this is our ballet dressing room. we are coming. we put on makeup here. we are preparing for the release of animals that are unique for this site, this bison and eggs, bears, because usually all these are small animals, and they take part in work , and we just brought here peaceful life. shops are open here , production is being launched, large-scale restoration work is underway, but much on the streets still reminds of the horrors of war and hard times.
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liberation of the city from neo-nazis, the situation is not easy and the city is still tense, which is probably why we accepted this. uh, the right decision is to bring to mariupol uh, the circus so that the children return from childhood again. with such a mood, with such a desire, i came here four times. i've been here for a long period of time, but i've never met a child. today we will have a full hall and a full hall will be children today. six months ago, when there were still power outages in mariupol, it was hard to believe that it would be so quick to return to the city attributes of peaceful life. returns a peaceful quiet life. thank you. thanks for all. this is generally the first performance that we
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sat after the war is very cool. thanks to the show of the russian state circus with the support of the zapashny brothers, stanislav nazarov vitalik ivanovich sergey truskov will show here 50 performances andrey rudenko oleg bondarenko to lead, mariupol donbass people took part in the mass start of the night run around moscow, both beginners and professional athletes could test their strength the start was given in luzhniki closer to the small sports arena the route ran along the picturesque embankments of the capital. well, the runners finished already at the walls of a large sports arena, the participants ran 10 km through the night city and for the first time in many years five men at once covered the distance in less than 30 minutes. all those involved in the fishing industry in russia celebrate the day of the fisherman, workers and veterans of the industry congratulated vladimir putin in a telegram, the president noted that their work
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plays an important role in the domestic economy and makes a significant contribution to the development of regions in kaliningrad region today is a holiday. special. after all, almost every family has its own rybak report by marina naumova. a fisherman in kaliningrad is met not only by everyone who has connected life with fishing, but also by those for whom fishing is a favorite hobby, this is a national holiday. here he is celebrated. all the fishermen are better, but like the new year only in the summer we have the whole family of fishermen sailors. yes, the man of the sea walks. the children followed in the footsteps of the master's dad from the ships. my dad has been at sea all his life. this holiday is our traditional family holiday welcomes guests neptune himself, who for this leaves the sea kingdom of his retinue , russian heroes, to the delight of tourists , meet god, the seas, on the beach in pionersky , which in soviet times is considered a city of fishermen. the base of the oceanic fishing fleet was located here; trawlers with local crews caught mackerel, tuna and
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shrimp in the waters of the pacific and atlantic oceans, there was enough fish and seafood. not only for the entire kaliningrad region. well, the whole soviet union is pioneering on its own. here on the zombie went days of transition. it's here the products entered the canary islands and entered around africa and there on the other side this day in the country began to be widely celebrated in the mid -sixties, the second sunday of july was chosen well at this time it ends . the so-called spawning ban on fishing and anyone can celebrate the holiday with a fishing rod in their hands taste. the main thing here is fisherman's fish soup made from fresh head. here in this rich, five varieties of fish that were recently caught, and it is already on the table , chef valentin tumash knows fishing tales and the secrets of cooking all fish dishes for 40 years. as kok, he went fishing on various fishing vessels, but he was not
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tired of the fish, and still his favorite product is the fish soul, i love fish very much. i eat at sea. only fish, not meat, not sausage , 700 liters were cooked for the holiday in pionersky. fish soup is treated to everyone for free for the smile of the guys, in general, the best tukha is real, just such a baltic fish soup today at fish fairs in coastal cities you can try different baltic fish and baked spicy baltic flounder herring and crispy fried herring with a golden barrel marina naumova evgeny begishev alexander naumov led the dolgachev news, kaliningrad region. and the capital museum-reserves kolomenskoye celebrated isaakh, the main national holiday of the republic of sokha, it is also called the yakut new year, it is believed that from this day the real summer begins in the north, the guests saw a bright, theatrical performance, parts of which were traditional rituals, national dances. song organizers also prepared an exposition dedicated to everyday life
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indigenous people of the republic of sakha and an exhibition of handicrafts and jewelry everyone tried yakut delicacies dishes of national cuisine special guests of the holiday were the heroes of the special operation, who are undergoing rehabilitation of moscow in the rostov region, scientists , winemakers, local historians explore the compound to revive the lost varieties of grapes, the expedition was organized by the russian geographical society. today there are 15 varieties, but experts are sure that significantly more as a result, er, they intend to publish an atlas, where will collected history recipes traditions with details veronica bogma nadezhda grigorievna for 80 she is younger than her vineyard. almost three times this loophole. experts give more than 200 years such she was in girth, until the hostess began to uproot her, thinking that she could not endure the cold winter. well
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pity last year you were so for a twig. i’m still lying on that one. here’s mother dear, and he already gives. sometimes you give such a harvest that you can’t reap, grapes are a companion, all her lives in famine were saved by them with dried fish, when the ax walked through the state farm vineyards, this one was saved. and what was it to cut fools, or what? we did not get up to cut the word autochthons, it is not in use here. but the varieties of grapes that they designate are in the middle of the last century , there were 46 of their third-party native varieties on the don. how much is left for them to live? the expedition of the russian geographical society will answer timed to coincide with the 270th anniversary of its founder matvey ivanovich platov ataman platov, uh, he was engaged in viticulture and winemaking on the don when he was the ataman of viticulture. winemaking on the don gave the largest income to the treasury the roads of the don autochthons. will be scientists historians of local lore. experts will shoot a documentary and publish a book. atlas where
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behind each point on the map of history are the recipes of the traditions of these traditions. well, they used to be everywhere. now they are spinning and preserved. and we need to raise this plast, well, i listen perfectly, amateur shooting. lyudmilacheva expert and author of a future book. marina horiva on one of the private selection, not repeatable 22 varieties. we have already collected grain and grapes from the villages and farms. well, since ancient times, bread and wine biblical, a symbol of a unique carved wooden horse-drawn carriage in the village of starocherkasskaya 300-year-old wax cossack cathedral, all pierced with vines. there, probably, it was especially and how to say, it is interesting and joyful that the region where they live is located and winemaking is in it, maybe i remind you that christ says there is a true vine, and that we are these berries that are on this laser the first thing that grows on the body to restore on the don after the liberation from the nazis in the vineyards, grapes are recognized
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as the necessary raw material for the red army soldiers, which lie on the restoration of the necessary products, winemaking needs red wine. it allows, uh, to restore blood and everything else, and in this field in the forty -third year, uh, to raise the colossal money, the motto of the autochthons, where the village of staro-zolotovskaya was born there and came in handy, gave the name to the most famous don autochthon in the world. here it is being revived, you can take chepuki, get seedlings, plant it in another place, as grapes do, or not only don but also kuban volga. you can even transfer entire bushes and achieve their fruiting, but only this steppe air. the composition of the soil and even the angle at which melt water flows into the don allow the grapes to acquire the very unique qualities that make it the character of this variety. do not just require a special attitude of knowledge a lot of manual labor. it is very tasty, of course, because it is an old zolotovsky grape, definitely it. try it when it matures, the expedition
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will last 2 years and this project is not about alcohol. he will highlight forgotten at times deliberately destroyed contexts, cultural historical spiritual things that from time to time have become dusty like a precious vessel in the old cellar veronica god , my eduard ilyin vladimirovich shumakov and denis denisov are news of the rostov region, and the main events of the last 7 days of the news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, see today at 20 :00. and i'm dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday the terrorist attack in kiev at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant , deliveries by washington, banned cluster bombs to ukraine to buy. what else threatens the world with the failure of the counter-offensive and the coming garden of nato zelensky twitches. heavy battles for the heights of the forest belt near artyomovsk, we move at
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maximum speed, as we repel attacks along the entire front line, and that no one lives in our rear in this house. the latest from our correspondents what changes to give? how the west turns romania into a springboard for a war with russia , military equipment for ukraine is being loaded and unloaded alexander buzova managed to visit there , the air force is based here where is the shortest route for deliveries of weapons from nato to ukraine they use romania as a military hub gold bars wigs and fake passports yevgeny prigozhin’s criminal ways were trained here and what prigozhin explains from his criminal past now his infamous real
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law bear and our army aviation in the sky over ukraine real heroes the whole plane is red-hot along with russian aces on a combat mission flew our sergei land, sunday 20:00. behind the development of major events in russia and abroad


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