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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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an investigation can be done today at 21:20, our business is closing, and your working day is just beginning. it's good that we spend this day together anyway. i wish you a busy working day and do not forget that tomorrow morning on the same month at the same hour. we will be waiting for you, yes, as we spend a day together, look at us on the platform. you never know what missed until tomorrow. let's talk about the main thing today in sochi , sirens sound. can the water level
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continue? the last arrival of the funnel is located just on a path between two dugouts, as nuno volunteer works, repulse attempts, a breakthrough from the side of the asu. in washington they understand that civilians will die from cluster-type weapons is this not the us recognition of war crimes in ukraine, russia's reaction what can moscow answer and also not overheat and survive the urals of western siberia and the volga region there de plus forty albert musina peak summer
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heat. people go to the water with the first rays , immediately occupying the entire coastline of stas among the kults about how prohibitive the temperature participants of the silk road are being corrected. and the anniversary of aunt tanya whom everyone knows. now everyone is 35-40 years old. these are my girls brains. the children have grown up, well, tatyana vedeneeva is still, beloved and dear, we congratulated her on her birthday. and we start with urgent news from the ministry of defense, as the department was just informed the day before, air defense calculations repelled the attack of the kiev regime on objects in the crimea, kaluga and rostov regions , the chief of the general headquarters reported this to the chief of the general staff, the commander of the combined group of troops in the special operation zone gerasimov the aerospace forces destroyed two s-200 anti-aircraft missiles,
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which the ukrainian troops converted into impact two more projectiles, suppressed by electronic warfare. no damage to the victim gerasimov ordered to find and destroy the launch sites of the complexes, bring preemptive strikes to the network, and, if necessary , take additional measures to increase the protection of objects from air strikes. a series of strikes this night were inflicted on the rear facilities of the ukrainian army, according to local media, explosions thundered in sumy mykolaiv regions, as well as in kramatorsk and konstantinovka, on the territory of the dpr temporarily controlled by kiev in the zaporozhye region , russian units reflected several assault groups at once in the direction of the settlement to work on the pilots. the vks struck at the column of armored vehicles and the enemy suffered serious losses in manpower and retreated to their original positions. in the same area. our fighters. they destroyed the units of foreign mercenaries of the enemy, deliberately let them closer to our trenches, and then opened them fire details in maxim
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akhmetov's report of the battle on the heads of the enemy from our copters are pouring in the water, grenade launchers are working , automatic bursts are knocking, our zaporozhye are holding the front. in the zaporozhye direction , 30 people are holding the defense, including 38, these are the rifle brigade guys from the far east, strong fighters, and during the special military operation, almost 1,000 people from their composition were worthy of state awards. we are visiting the fifth company, which recently came out of a hard battle, the guys defeated the assault special forces unit. all. it. how it turned out later consisted of mercenaries. they tried to visit us yesterday. and they almost didn’t succeed, americans, latvians
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, romanians, germans. by the way, the form of the bundeswehr, cut by fragments, before advancing, the enemy brought down an artillery strike on our positions, the russians were sure to waver, the enemy was mistaken. he found. yes, along the central road, without fear of anything. they give me the feeling that they didn’t seem to know that there would be storage there, letting the enemy get closer to our infantry opened fire. the mercenaries ran, leaving their wounded comrades in drone footage. this is clearly visible for the eight fighters of our unit. this battle became a battle baptism , the company commander with the call sign of mines, he can speak with his subordinates and anger into fire and water. and this is the fighting spirit. he got up very much and during the battle there was not a bit of fear, not in one eye. i did not see, then,
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there are fighters worked very competently. and most importantly, our soldiers came out of this battle without loss . the american administration, in fact, admitted the commission of the united states in war crimes in ukraine, so the russian embassy in washington commented on the statement of the white house representative john kirby in connection with the transfer of cluster munitions to kiev white house employee, it does less harm. rather than action. russia noted our diplomats cluster shells that white houses send to ukraine to dust on american warehouses. for several decades now, an internal pentagon audit has shown that a significant portion of this ammunition. maybe they won’t explode at all, and they won’t turn into mines that pose a threat to the civilian population. after the end of the conflict, experts note that in russia
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there are also cluster munitions, they are much more powerful than the american use for kiev. these booms. may encourage moscow to respond. in the same way, analysts conclude that the biden administration is deliberately leading the matter to escalate the conflict and in the treatment of losses. vsu on the battlefield. the supply of weapons to kiev will only lead to negative consequences . russian foreign minister sergei lavrov warned about this and his turkish counterpart haqan fidan , telephone conversations initiated and initiated by ankara ministers. we discussed the latest events around ukraine, including the return from istanbul to kiev of the leaders of a non- nazi battalion. azov and the supply of the kiev regime with military equipment. moscow called such a course destructive. another topic of conversation was global food security. other topics in sochi, several dozen people this morning were forced to evacuate from their homes after heavy rains in the village of mirny , federal territory.
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sirius in the flood zone immediately turned out to be 13 streets the water in the rivers rose to dangerous road marks flooded the olympic park turned into one huge water stadium reportage to abkhazia. pavel melnyk rescuers in time a little more and men would have choked the river in minutes overflowed the banks suffered suffered. in adler , the strongest downpour of this summer, dozens of cars in the power of bad weather, you can’t recognize the olympic park of sirius and here, in general, everything is completely flooded. in short, we can’t leave thicker than the water, and the road from sochi to abkhazia is blocked. the federal highway is blocked and it’s impossible to even walk here . the downpour came so quickly that many motorists had nothing else to do but swim to escape at night. there
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was even more water from residential areas. sirius water. doesn't want to leave. went all this black thundercloud hung over the city for several hours 100 mm of precipitation. this is more than in some countries during the year the storm hall along the adler right in the wake of the tail. how destructive the force of nature can be, the machine literally rammed with a stream of water. somewhere a real trap up to 45 ° slope against a seething mountain stream , only such a heavyweight cargo tow truck can be hooked to a passenger car for safety. after such a test, squeeze all the clothes on the host had to fall on the eve of 80 mm at once, rainfall flooded all the cars up to the seats all the selectors. everything flooded out of this foreign car, soaked documents are taken out, there is nothing more to save here, in fact, there is nothing. the maximum liquidation of the consequences of the rampant elements has been going on
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for 24 hours. public services are pumping out water and clearing roads, 15 units are involved. techniques of more than 60 personnel of these lightning sections came from the side of abkhazia to the gagra region, the power industry is still partially de-energized. trying to save the flooded transformers the ministry of emergency situations of the republic recommends temporarily refraining from trips to gagra , in some places the roads are blocked , the storm front will leave the black sea coast in the next few hours. pavel millers. nikita kalchenko to lead. the star of domestic television tatyana vedeneeva or just aunt tanya is celebrating her anniversary today, the kids of the whole country watched bedtime stories with her for millions of viewers. she is not just tv announcers, leading a truly native person, and each of her appearances on the screen is a holiday. tatya for all of us, his innovation congratulated anastasia litvinova on her birthday. there is already a bouquet. she has long
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been accustomed to spending her birthdays at work in the frame on stage tatyana vedeneeva is always in the spotlight and without days off. let's go gitis to acting at the age of 16. i just came from volgograd to moscow and read the examination boards. an excerpt from the ugly duckling, the competition was crazy, but because i didn't prepare very well. and it played a positive role. and, of course, i baffled and delighted all e teachers who literally fell asleep from the fact that they were read all the same one and the same one and the same one similar to the other and suddenly a girl came out and said that the tale the ugly duckling was to be filmed in a movie. started in the first year. hera in the picture is much ado about nothing, the pupil of donna rosa. hello, i'm your aunt, smell it. this is the best remedy for headaches. nurse tamara in the movie hello doctor. it just seems to me that i don’t live like that, that
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i’ll miss all the best interesting. and this is definitely not about her, when vedeneeva only there was a short break in the cinema. she just changed the car. it was a period when no one called me. uh, this happens a lot in movies, and i thought, well, i should try something else. in what you i chose tv because i thought. well , maybe, again, then you have to wait for many years on soviet television. she hosted the program guide for the television review moscow and muscovites at 15:00 blue light, the alarm clock, the famous cycle of variety entertainment programs. the first day with vladimir distiller was very simple. this is my favorite song. it was i who was fortunate enough to be imaginable, and to work with her and of course, good night, kids good evening. tanya good evening.
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and now, right now, you can imagine my voice does not change. if i 'm somewhere in the store to ask something from the seller or consultant, but i have half of the store. then he turns around and says. oh, aunt tanya a, because now everyone is 35-40 years old. this is my audience, my girls and boys. yes, and you know, i really like it in the nineties. she left for she built her own business in france, and then decided to change everything again, returned to russia and entered the theater stage for the first time. only in the theater or that i met, but there was a feeling that we have known each other. for thousands of years, the magic of television, but even more of this magic is human, because the charm is already huge on modern television. tatyana vedeneeva hosted a popular talk show, now do not give up on those or projects. for 14 years she has been one of the leading actresses of the moscow theater of the school of modern play anastasia litvinova elena finoshina.
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this is what will happen next in our program 350 euros for may 9 on schmidt outrageous fines in latvia a report on the peak of the summer heat in the regions of russia how to cool down plus 40 and above and if you need to look for the son of the premiere of a detective drama on our channel, about what the first series in a couple of minutes we will continue waiting for the technology.
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you are afraid of the cafe, meet, a whole month of music and drive. now the five cities of the country have even more favorite artists. waiting for you at the main event of the summer in kafiz meeting place. it's time to take care of your health. debicor helps to normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism, debtors. be in shape, let health be normal. on vacation, you can do a lot of things, but with a dream, you can just go to the city, the first winner of the action is already packing his bags this sunday. your chance to win a super prize of 100 million and travel across russia ivanovich buyers read on a large scale national lottery moscow coffee houses taste pleasure. i love
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recommend. this is a discount sale on a new appliances and free disposal of old ones, such as air conditioning for only 14.99 videos less menopausal support two capsules a day. maintaining thermoregulation life without a pause choose the power of natural water the benefits of minerals the freshness of gorshtau, natural anti-stress formula well , what did he
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ask if i can work? each of us had our own star, some took care of us, gave us bright emotions, helped to find our destiny and make first step. and when we grew up we gave it to our children star it's not our tradition to get sick the refrigerator is not enough. anytime russian lotto fun
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i won't wait for someone to find my son. i will find it myself. i'm major of police can help you. the main thing is that the fence is a car a man from cars is watching our 21:20 on the channel, russia release russian units repelled attempts by ukrainian troops to break through our defenses in three directions of a special operation in the donetsk lugansk people's republics of the dpr, thereby
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managed to stop the rotation of ukrainian formations operational data from the red limansky direction in the report of alexei baranov we are moving as quickly as possible and now to the line of contact in the vicinity of almost 500-600 meters. we constantly fight them off funnels from bursts of shells fired by the ukrainian military everywhere the last arrival of the funnel is just on the path between two dugouts in the midst of a mortar duel, we hide in the nearest dugout there is 100 dollars. one of the commanders of the volunteer battalion of the second the army corps tells us about the work of the assault groups. in the course. the so-called
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active defense was broken at pyatyorka , the so-called five shnis each, pyaterochka and the guys went to take the terrikon water canal and belogorsky, work continues yes, the enemy is a serious motivated one. in the liman direction and in the vicinity of lisichansk , the volunteer battalion supports the mountain motorized rifle formation of the central military district. the self-propelled mortar nona svk has not only increased maneuverability, but also a high rate of fire. with high-explosive fragmentation active-rocket shells, the artillerymen of the central military district strike at the enemy’s manpower preparing for rotation, thereby calculating self-propelled mortars. day after day, it prevents the ukrainian military from completing preparations for a possible breakthrough in the krasnoliman direction. the gunners, of course,
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are assisted by character officers operating behind the contact line of the reconnaissance group of the volunteer battalion of the 2nd army corps. there is help comes immediately to us and we interact with it. we wait. in waiting area. the task is coming. the goal of the minute, 3-5, we reach the already worked out places here and immediately work . the artillery duel continues already. the mortars of the volunteer battalion are more and more often hit and foreign mercenaries are there all the time the whole ford, which is ready to kill for money all attempts by the ukrainian military to attack and, as the volunteers say, to push through the line of contact here in the vicinity of lisichanskaya and today have been successfully suppressed. wanted to tell them guys stop. it will not lead you to good. we all let's take you aleksey baranov andrey
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yurchuk. anatoly tyurkin to lead the line of contact in the lugansk people's republic, the krasnoliman direction of the belogorsk sector. dictatorships of liberalism with nazi roots on ashes in russia are now fines in latvia for congratulating on victory day to the inhabitants of the country on may 9 published holiday posts on social networks, and also left likes under them, the state. now bills up to 350 euros, previously approved a law for seven years that prohibits any public events on this day, except celebrations, on the occasion of europe day this year, residents of latvia were allowed to lay flowers only in cemeteries, but not where soviet monuments used to stand, latvian law enforcement agencies recorded 35 administrative offenses and opened several criminal cases. chairman of the council of the federation valentina matviyenko arrived in beijing today, she leads a delegation of russian legislators, senators and deputies who will take part in a meeting
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of the inter-parliamentary commission on cooperation between the federal assembly and all of china people's congress visit takes place at the invitation of the chinese country. shavkat mirziyoyev wins the presidential elections in uzbekistan according to the central election commission, the current leader won over 87% of the votes the voters held the elections in accordance with national legislation no complaints were received today the supreme court of the republic declared the vote was recognized as having taken place already 3 hours after the start, the turnout exceeded the required 33% , and by the closure of the sites was about 80%. ural western siberia and the volga region reached the peak of summer heat in novosibirsk +35 in the saratov orenburg regions up to plus forty sultry weather has settled in the chelyabinsk kurgan and sverdlovsk regions from yekaterinburg where the temperature is almost 10 ° above the norm, report by albert musin despite the early morning
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, the city beaches are already full, to somehow survive the heat. people go to the water with the first rays immediately occupying the entire coastal line. and this is still a comfortable plus on the street, 25, the closer to noon, the more impatient the ural heat becomes. yes, some kind of schedule functions. at 12 it will be hot. there are fewer people and such a picture on all city beaches, for example, in order to cool off on lake shartash , you must first literally sweat in huge traffic jams. this is such a traffic jam from the cars on blackmail beach grabbed. at 10:00 in the morning it is worse, those who have temperature peaks, yes, plus thirty-three, have to endure on the road. if the buses are for the most part equipped with air conditioning, then the passenger of the trams has a harder time silence, old cars, what you wanted me to work comfortably, but we tolerate. what to do?
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blue ventilation in a separate car was even allowed to ride with the front door open, provided that it is separated from the main cabin, otherwise the methods of combating stuffiness remain classic ice cream bottles, drinking water squares and numerous fountains will remain at least until wednesday. in some parts of the region, peaks are expected until plus forty basic recommendations of doctors at this time to drink more water wear a hat try to stay in the shade, and in case of discomfort, immediately contact the doctors albert dmitry komov the fourth stage of the silk way rally starts in magnitogorsk today the crew will overcome almost 120 km more to orenburg and in total, the participants of the famous race, which is supported by the president of russia, will travel through thirteen russian regions and finish in moscow on red square, stas report radikultsev. one of the most original
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sculptures in russia and certainly a landmark for magnitogorsk - this is a monument to the first tent in tents and the founders of the city lived in the thirties. naturally, builders metallurgical plant, it is right behind the first tent and stands curiously that the international rally marathon silk way is unthinkable without a tent. this is instead of rest and food. and, of course, a car repair shop overnight, team mechanics manage to restore cars to perfect condition. and besides the track , it invariably arouses keen interest among local residents for children and adults. the organizers of the race conduct excursions around the camp in the early morning. pilots went to the longest special section of the entire marathon, almost 350 km, both the equipment and the pilots suffered, the overheated engine of dmitry sotnikov's kamaz had to be watered from a hose, the firefighters had a cooling fan failure 50 km before the finish line.
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the truck endured and reached the finish line in the truck standings the battle of the titans of the legendary russian kamazs and brutal belarusian mazs and although contact wrestling is rare in rally marathons, it is still an off-road speed orienteering race, but today emotions took over off-road. we are very close in its dust , literally there 50-100 m. we did not want to follow it. it's so easy to miss, like the first time we went off course in this fight, and at that time andrey karginov, again, the two of us passed. we did not even see how and when we realized that we were not on the course, we turned around, we saw only andryukha was already in front, he turned out to be without any struggle. as a result, the vizovich won the stage on his own mistake, or at least the pace of the kamaz vehicles did not allow the belarusian crew to create at least a significant lead. this path is a difficult race and as practice shows until the last meters of the last day the last special section should not relax, because anything can happen. this is an unpredictable race. many crews strayed on the third stage of the silk
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road, even a motorcycle racer from magnitogorsk where pavlenko got lost, but at the finish line is still the happiest of the participants. we have such beautiful places here. i always thought , well, why don't we have a race here, and you see, the dream has come true the caravan rally again takes off and heads to orenburg so that the dream of most of the participants in the silk road off-road race comes true to get to the finish line of the entire marathon , stas among the rings and you lavrik and karen velikyan from magnitogorsk . even a few years later, when everyone around gives up, she believes that her son is alive and can return home. ekaterina frolova watched the first episodes. he ran away and i can't find him. how can you not find where he is in an instant her life turned upside down, and any nightmare mother, the four-year-old son of alexandra
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danya became a reality, disappeared without a trace, that you had not seen the boys for 3 years of futile searches, but the undying hope that the son would be found no longer believed. even his own father and only sasha continued to search and found news releases. yes, but after another mistake and checks, which did not lead to anything, the investigators are no longer in a hurry to reopen the boy’s case with something. similar to your son, the others you saw after his loss seemed to be all around. sees in her only distraught with grief mother, sasha is not going to give up and begins his own investigation. i won't wait for someone to find my son. i know where i can find it myself, she doesn't have time. she cannot afford some kind of despondency and inaction is the story of a strong woman who does not agree to come to terms with the loss. she will have to uncover the secret loved ones whom she has so trusted to unravel an unexpected love
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triangle and find those who are ready to go with her to the end. i understand that maria's testimony is a weak lead, but we can move on with it. direction to contact the witness. once again , zavyalov will not be, i will. i will be doing this. sasha's maternal intuition will help her find her son, but will she be able to return him? and who is behind the kidnapping , an exciting detective story that keeps you in suspense from the first to the last minute, your mommy got sick, but everything will be fine. she will definitely recover. in the meantime, you also live here and you will be an obedient girl. the series son is a big premiere tonight on our channel ekaterina frolova and tatyana popova. all news always available on the media platform, we look in the application on the site, that 's all for us, see you soon.


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