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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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for others, we see it today. the counteroffensive began 5 weeks ago. if we calculate accurately now, then during this counteroffensive. yesterday, president putin announced new figures: 30,011 tanks were destroyed, 20 of them western and 26,000 bits . it was a 60 minute program. bye. on tv channel rossiya vesti in evgeny rozhkov's studio hello, the main topic by this hour was felling trees
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. an unpleasant smell continues to speak. in hollywood, for the first time in half a century, actors and screenwriters are on strike, demanding an increase in the salary of the state duma adopted a law prohibiting gender reassignment in our country and the adoption of transgender children , we will tell you the details. the russian military
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destroyed ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries who were trying to land on boats on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. our artillerymen are striking at the positions of the armed forces in the area of ​​​​the antonov bridge, where the enemy is once again trying to equip a bridgehead for the transfer of heavy weapons to all movements of enemy units. in this area, our scouts are fixed with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles in dpr special forces soldiers repelled an attack attempt in the vicinity. artemovskaya the main part of the attackers was destroyed on the red liman direction of the ukrainians. now they are pushing back. here or now a report by aleksey baranov we are joining the military convoy at the exit from rubizhne , three kilometers from the line of contact. in the vehicles of the central military district, it is precisely such
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tigers equipped with large-caliber machine guns that use assault groups to get as quickly and as close as possible to the place of the upcoming combat. work on the line of contact. the enemy is aiming at the armored vehicles of the assault groups heading towards the front line, the driver with the call sign shatun tells us about the difficult situation that arose right in front of the contact line. when a mine fired by the ukrainian military hit the tiger, the guys evacuated and sat in the forest on the , the eighty-second mortar worked on them. there was a sweep by the enemy. they waited and entered the battle, which, in fact, covered their colleagues, their group of scouts successfully crossed the line of contact and began to carry out the main task of searching for the area where the enemy, in preparation for a possible breakthrough towards lysychansk, is accumulating a large number of armored vehicles and personnel . enough, fragmentation, charge, full
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sight 317 found in the kremensk forest , the coordinates are being transmitted to the artillerymen of the central military district. the first blow follows immediately. batteries of towed guns hyacinth in the red limansky direction supports infantry working at the front line and massed with strikes, it stops the attempts of attack aircraft to the fullest, as the military say, to push through the line of contact, when the counteroffensive began, they began to work intensively , the hangar from the bull gave birth to an infantry fighting vehicle, well, it apparently moved, they gave me the coordinates of my catch. a little yes, they fired a little closer , almost very to the right. well, after all, they got pauses in combat work and artillerymen of the central military district appear only when the crew commander is waiting for the coordinates of a new target.
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there are no shortages of ammunition of all types necessary for combat work the shells lie in such a camouflaged, dugout just a few meters from the gun . aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the lugansk people 's republic krasnolymansky direction kremenskaya forest several tanks and armored personnel carriers , together with personnel, were lost by the ukrainian army on the border of the donetsk republic zaporozhye region, a sudden counterattack from the russian troops allowed us to occupy an important fortified area about how our mortars work on enemy positions maxim akhmetov will tell the deafening sound of a regimental
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mortar 2b11 the workhorse of our artillery of the eastern district, serious guys are now charging. the gun is quite loud , 120 mm caliber mines have a good effect not only on enemy infantry, they successfully destroy fortified points of the armed forces and destroy lightly armored vehicles. here in the zaporizhia direction are our mortars. profession, respected enemy also uses uh, artillery mounts. accordingly, it is very difficult for our comrades, to climb from shelters, well, not to fall under artillery
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fire, and thus we also cover them in order to give them the opportunity to work also on enemy infantry. arrows and this is how the automatic towed mortar vasilyok hits, the guns are mobile and very effective for the enemy, the calculation of such a mortar is the number one goal, so the fighters are always on the alert. but when we leave, not everyone in the calculation participates in the deployment. if someone is free he’s definitely watching, the driver is right there, maybe he’s definitely watching, someone is definitely standing and watching the fence, a special military operation has already been repeatedly. proved any soviet weapons. it can work perfectly with competent aerial reconnaissance. recently , our mortars, together with the infantry, repelled another attack by a soldier of the kiev regime maxim akhmetov alexey kolchuk and dmitry belyyshev vesti, zaporozhye and south donetsk
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direction. nato is a sponsor of nuclear terrorism, so the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova reacted to the attempt of the kiev regime to strike at the kursk nuclear power plant ukrainian drone fell and exploded in the city of kurchatov just 3.5 km from the station, damaging an apartment building zakharova wonders where the leaders of those countries that supply attack drones to ukraine plan to move if a nuclear catastrophe occurs and notes that the chances of going to mars, for example, are not space powers, on which the vast majority of the participants in the organization are, simply not in the kremlin they said that the enemy does not leave attempts to attack strategic targets, but our air defense is working effectively. the wus are in a desperate situation and will not abide by any self-restraint.
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when using cluster munitions provided by the west, this was stated by the russian embassy in the united states, a representative of the us administration assures that kiev promised in writing to use these weapons carefully and in suitable areas, but our diplomatic mission believes that these statements are only washington's clumsy attempt to justify its own provocative actions of the pentagon. they confirmed that cluster munitions had already been delivered to ukraine, and the department added that kiev received from those banned in many countries. types of weapons not only from the united states but also from other states. true, without specifying. from which ones specifically, but the planes in kiev will have to wait for a long time. the pentagon called the transfer of the f-16 to ukraine untimely conditions for sending fighters. now the us military is saying not ideal, referring to the formidable russian air defenses, but the us and its nato partners are talking about their security
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not going to save the german bilta published details of the defense plan of the alliance adopted in the event of a hypothetical attack by russia the document contains thousands of pages expected and deploy 300,000, the military is in a high degree of readiness to increase stocks of long-range missiles to increase defense purchases and each nato country will have to spend at least two percent of gdp inviting ukraine to nato would lead to the start of a new world war, so the leaders of the countries of the alliance at the summit in vilnius acted correctly refraining from such a step, viktor orban said today, the hungarian prime minister stressed that the conflict will end as soon as the united states wants it according to him, the whole world does not understand why washington does not want this ukraine has already lost sovereignty it has neither the means nor military industry. she does not have the opportunity
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to produce her own equipment, and she receives all the money from the united states and western countries, while the ukrainians are aggressive and constantly demand something for themselves. the united states on the senate themselves discussed the possibility of withdrawing the invitation ukraine to become a member of the alliance this was reported by sources in the washington post, according to them , washington’s dissatisfaction was caused by the same twitter post by vladimir zelensky, to which he criticized the west for not decisiveness, the words of the ukrainian president infuriated the american delegation. in the third , zelensky said that kiev deserves respect. and he called the fact that the deadlines for inviting his country to nato to be absurd. as a result , there were no extreme measures taken by zelensky for closed meetings, apparently, they got their brains right, and he is now again tirelessly thankful. fire victims of the sverdlovsk village of shaidurikha began to receive the first payments
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. approximately 20 people have already filed an application. this morning the fire was pricked, finally, it was possible to completely extinguish it, but in the forests, the foci are still burning with acrid smoke, even yekaterinburg was enveloped in heavy rain. the plume from wildfires could not correct the situation. already reached the neighboring area. street cameras recorded how smog literally covers before our eyes, chelyabinsk in novosibirsk crops are dying due to abnormal heat a state of emergency has been declared in the region, such uncharacteristic weather for the capital of siberia will continue until the end of this week, heavy rain, a strong wind hit the southern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory and khakassia emergency teams. now they are restoring the supply of electricity in abakan and the nearest settlements in tyumen, which also eliminates the consequences of a devastating thunderstorm. the city flooded the streets and felled trees on the ring road collapsed soil with even our correspondents natalia gormashova and ksenia usoltse. according to weather station forecasters
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wind gusts up to 25 m/s were recorded near abakan. at ground zero, the squall will probably have been stronger. as evidenced by its consequences, it is a damaged power line with a voltage of 110 kw without light, as well as without cold water. only a few districts of the city and neighboring villages remained. unfortunately, there was a lot of destruction, and our registry office saw the balconies swept away. someone has all the last, as if already terrifying the whole city without light. someone is still without light. sitting power engineers transfer consumers to a backup supply scheme resources. however, some streets are still without electricity. the actual dails on the farms are powered by mobile power generators . the trees could not stand the onslaught of bad weather. on the road to cheryomushki. they cleared the highway from branches and regulated traffic among local destructions torn off roofs on car repair boxes
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broken traffic lights road signs today and tomorrow in khakassia again a strong, heat. yes, plus thirty-five degrees, which in turn will be replaced by downpours and thunderstorms, but it is impossible to predict their consequences , weather forecasters note natalya pot vladislav pustovoy vesti, khakassia on the streets of the city of tyumen, a burst of rain fell on the city at the same time and, according to an estimate , about a third of the monthly rainfall fell, i note. more than 50 pieces of equipment were withdrawn at once 300 people were involved in the fight against the consequences of the downpour, in parallel with how the city went under water, social networks were flooded with videos of how motorists literally, how they moved along the city streets along the rivers, well, in addition, of course, they uploaded videos and lightning bolts, literally
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the whole city e. it was illuminated by these discharges and it was bewitching and scary. at the same time , there was also such a video with their alleged state numbers. after a downpour, they found it on one of the streets in tyumen and are still looking for car owners to return the lost one. the impact of the elements was taken over not only by the capital tyumen region, but also other areas. so , about an hour and a half drive from the city of isetsky district, a hail the size of a chicken egg fell and broke through the windows of cars. serious enough damage was done there, according to forecasts almost in the tyumen region , to last at least a few more days ahead of the headquarters in moments. the monument to the great poet, statesman and first minister of justice of the russian empire, gabriel derzhavin, was opened today in veliky novgorod to the sound of a cannon volley. events timed
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the 280th anniversary of derzhavin next to the monument laid the foundation stone for the future house of justice, which will bear his name , anyone can find legal assistance and support here. you are planning to create offices there for organizations that will provide both free legal assistance and other types of assistance to our citizens, including there will be facilities for legal education. well, and, accordingly, there will also be a forensic laboratory and an office of our territorial administration. petersburg carried out a unique operation a four-year-old girl with a rare anomaly, the lumbar spine. she had half the norm for a child. it was necessary to install a completely new type of metal structure, which was developed by leading
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scientists. at the turner institute, such an approach in surgery was used for the first time in the world, report by ekaterina she is very afraid of injections, but we had a dream of a clip, because we had a bold one during the operation. we bought clip-on earrings for courage, and the line was given elegant clip-on earrings, she had not just an operation, but an absolutely unique one. the operation and this has not yet been, and from this, of course, it was more terrible for both the girl and her mother. she feels good. yes, how do you feel? such pathologies are very rarely detected immediately at birth, and only very attentive parents can understand something wrong with the baby in a year, alina's mother understood the girl's shoulder blades at different levels, the doctors diagnosed kyphus, scoliosis. this is when the spine is deformed in two directions at once at such an early age. this, of course, did not catch the eye, and even on x-rays of the pathology. they are so noticeable, but the consequences could be a monstrous hump, clamped in the bone tissue, the heart and
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lungs. and then the loss of the opportunity to go to operate. it was necessary urgently so that the pathology did not develop, but in service. whose were only standard metal structures that were not suitable for a small child; the baby had to first grow up to the operation. a new design was invented at the turner institute and alina became the first to have it restored in young children with very small sizes of bone structures. this served the reason for our developments and the creation of metal structures with small sizes that would correspond to the anatomical parameters of bone structures in this category of patients, the design , unique, small, reliable, after a year and a half, it will be completely removed on the third day, it was already put on its feet, and she herself got up and went deer, you can’t sit at all, but you can walk and run. because of the pathology, she was not taken to a dance school for as long as she liked, but now all the roads were open to alina. thank
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you for not backing this, and now i can dance ekaterina fisenko evgeniy kostin dmitri. th meshchersky galina orlova vesti, st. petersburg this version further in russia, it is now forbidden by law to change sex. why did hollywood suddenly enter the screensaver, and who the stars will perform at the slavyansky bazaar today, details in a few minutes so that only in the alpha bank. order a free alpha debit card and spin the super cashback app. and get up to 100 percent every month, and another 5 percent
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21:20. we continue our issue the state duma today closed the path leading to the degeneration of the nation, so vyacheslav volodin commented on the decision of the parliament to ban gender reassignment the law was adopted in the final reading all provisions in this area imposed on us by the world health organization will be canceled the policy of gender diversity in the united states for example, over the past 10 years alone, they have already led to a fifty-fold increase in gender reassignment operations , then why is this path unacceptable for russia? speaker of parliament. viacheslav volodin - this indicates the importance this legislative initiative attaches here in the state duma for 386 against no,
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no abstentions, the federal law was adopted unanimously the essence of the following is prohibited surgery and hormonal therapy aimed at changing primary and secondary signs in the united states of america today, according to data for 2022, 1 million 640,000 people are over 13 years old. including one million 300 adults - this is 0.5% of the total adult population and growing up to them. this is what could have happened to us if only we hadn’t come out with the adoption of a law that should stop the change. let's do everything in order to leave offspring anyway. and if only the laws we will be similar to european countries, it is clear that nothing but sodom will remain
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for those who have already changed. paul will be prohibited from adopting children, their marriages will be annulled. until now, there was a trick, having changed the sex according to the passport, to enter into a de facto same-sex marriage, despite the fact that this is a direct contradiction with the constitution with one woman , an unfortunate mother who gave birth to a child, who changed her sex, but changed her gender only according to the documents. what can be done? get a new passport with a different gender next conclude marriage to establish children, while in russia recently the number of transgender people according to documents has increased by 3,000 people, the vast majority. after receiving the certificate, they did not drink any prescribed hormones and did not go to bed, but let's say the so-called young men who do not want to serve in the army come. uh, they get a certificate from a private clinic for 30,000 that he is supposedly, but a transsexual, uh, and then he goes to the passport desk, and uh,
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writes down that he is already a girl, not a young man and unwillingness to serve in the army. this what they call slop. and don't be ashamed. uh, change your passport to your gender, just not to serve the motherland to serve in the army. the only exceptions are still allowed to treat congenital anomalies in children, sometimes children get sick and genetic diseases in childhood. doctrine and diseases of malformations we are always ready to help treatment, perhaps the state duma considers such a law should have been adopted earlier, but better late than never by this bill. we put strong barriers to the imposition of those, er, let's say, political decisions that take place in the west. we protect sovereignty from our state. we are building a solid defense system so that our children no longer have to resolve these issues before
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the second reading, i can say that there was quite a lot of pressure on deputies through internet resources, attempts, and mailing the same text under different names, but we all passed technology. we are well aware of the bill. consider in just 2 days. after the who announced that it was going to change its guidelines for gender issues and amend that gender quote is not limited to a man and a woman in russia so about a different opinion. stanislav ponomarenko oleksandr feoktistov and oleksandr gorlin from the state duma, the investigative committee charged the former minister of defense of ukraine andriy zagorodnyuk and the deputy commander of the joint forces operation of the armed forces and i say to the dancers, they gave orders to strike at the cities and towns of donbas and there, how is the investigation of the crime of kievsky mode. today we talked about meeting of the operational headquarters of the uk in mariupol, the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, instructed to continue work to bring
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ukrainian commanders and militants to justice, as well as to respond especially carefully to the appeal of residents of new territories. it's good that you pay attention to the crime of the past. better look social so to speak, living conditions do not pay wages. this means that it is necessary to hold accountable to include work on googlerality provides assistance. listen to something forever, so so to this. to the zone spices set off another board with volunteers. all of them were trained at the university. spetsnaz entered into fixed-term contracts with the ministry of defense and the fighters will all receive all the necessary guarantees of protection and support. how is the course of a young fighter from chechnya, arthur's report at first
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, more than 13 thousand people underwent special military operations training at the russian university of special forces prepared and tested already in a combat situation. they teach us everything they know themselves. and most importantly, those guys who go on these business trips on these trips are sharing their experience not for the first time, and there are many of them. aimed fire from a grenade launcher requires maximum concentration; no sudden movements; the accuracy of the hit depends on this , just like that of snipers, in which a rib is also being prepared at the russian special forces university. buckles look to the side and to the bottom. and this is how tactical medicine classes are held, the skills acquired here did not save one life on the front line, when i was in the llc zone, volunteers came up and spoke according to your algorithm. we helped and saved them so joyful.


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