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tv   Raya znaet vse  RUSSIA1  July 19, 2023 1:05am-1:56am MSK

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at 21:20
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hallelujah from you, well,
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with a hank for our children, so that everything is in a good way, as we went, now the holiday lived your life. and the cartoon of what year of the oath to solve the nine with try? no , you are not feeding me sheep. you are my first cd.
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yes yes.
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you brought for and brought me black. white with a wheel and i came out with a white hand with a fighting wheel. i staggered a little on the porch. and i went out, i went out on the porch. and i pasha leaned slightly. and i, pasha, turned blind.
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and i found out another cripple, whose crow is in the hands, and i recognized another cripple. they whose crow hands? they are the crow and i can hand on him. know killed in the war, but this hands can up to him.
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neighbor good morning is anyone alive?
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a toy pistol , a complete moron. by the way, when i returned to the restaurant yesterday, you were no longer home . you were also sleeping. dear, did he offend you? no no, what are you? well, it just kind of got boring with him. well, i left.
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the cause of death is most likely a head injury with a blunt heavy object. i see. only you are not the owner of the apartment, yes, the neighbor mixed up with a fright, and then when she looked closely said something some stranger. and what did the owner find out for me to know ilyin naurkadyevich, i have his neighbors' complaints about roman, so he already calmly breaks them, but when he drinks , he breaks his skull. maybe, i don’t know, if i get angry, maybe it’s like that, uh, that is, some acquaintance or flax killed, went to see him on business, and here under the closet, well, word for word a fight is a corpse, yes, it’s quite a version, but
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it's got to be his luxury. ok hello i need to apply already i'm leaving. good afternoon. excuse me, but what kind of statement is vladimir petrovich barbershop
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you see, i am the dispatcher of the online store fast byte charging , i bought an excellent charger. thank you, so one of our couriers, yuri rogov , developed orders yesterday, disappeared, did not return the money, does not answer calls. you obviously think he stole the money. yes, but i don't know how to apply. only your courier will not return the money to you.
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why is it because they killed? that is , it turns out that the murdered person is no stranger, but simply the courier who delivered the smartphone to him, but the rest of the version does not change with the courier rashly nailed it enough. but to hide the corpse to disguise the scene of the crime did not guess.
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well, of course, if ilyin puts a sim card in the device. if he registers on the network, he will be immediately detected. i hope he's stupid enough for that. yes, you can see the guy is not far off. you shove a corpse in five different bags of a normal sexual life.
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late last night a man arrived to his own apartment. paradise, well, you wait, let me at least finish my nails? nothing will happen with your nails, but a criminal. can leave. well, i'm so glad then do you know the address of the stronghold? i was completely and completely wrong. this is putting it mildly. i
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behaved as you rightly pointed out. goat, but this is closer to the truth, only respect for you does not allow me to use stronger expressions about myself and where was your respect, when you dragged me to bed with you, it was no understanding. i really wanted to treat you with collectible wine, nothing more. are you a rat or a fish? let me
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explain everything to you, but not here, otherwise we look like a lover on a date. it's not just alcohol in his blood. well that hello
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district officer that again the neighbors snitched everything much more seriously? do you remember what you did yesterday? after work but the process can be noticeably accelerated if this form is submitted to the reception at the same time as a request. remember no, i 'll die there in these waiting rooms. if you want instructions, i will write instructions for all this. m we will somehow have to
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gain time with you so that we can. although there is one option. all i need is a power of attorney from you to perform all actions related to the registration of ownership of your apartment, of course, for trust, but let's do everything according to the law. we can now go to the notary, and you write me a power of attorney and this is the only paper that i have to deal with. can you hear me? what did he say now? what bar someone sweated? yes
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, he does not remember who says that this is just some good person. entered the delivery service after the real killer got ilyin drunk, found out his address and drank it with clofelinchik. and stole the keys. he just wanted to rob, so he called for later so that the courier could sell goods and be prezengah. it's logical
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now he's just in full heat, let's go to the usual apartment of the murdered. suddenly we find that these problems with potency are not a boy, after all, so he is going through. all his problems are in his head. see. answering machine or still use?
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last message yesterday 15 hours, 43 minutes, you will regret it, you will regret it a lot, understand? vitya come home early today. i made you some delicious food, okay, i promise. everything, once i have people yet. so svetlana vadimovna we thought that rogov became an accidental victim, but it turns out that someone was specifically hunting for him. i have to do with it, as
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we found out yuri rogov was threatened by collectors, and we found a mortgage agreement in his house, in which you are listed. we had a serious relationship with yuri. we were even going to get married and the apartment, then it was supposed to be our common one. and why were because the relationship ended last month? we only talked about work. so sorry. i can't help you. excuse me, did you bring what i asked you? yes of course, a printout of the addresses to which yura was supposed to deliver the goods and a record of my negotiations with customers that day. i'm free, i need to work. yes? of course, thank you. that is , it turns out that the collectors killed him? we must check.
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but i saw you today, you came to the district police officer in the morning, right? how are we going to cut is it literally to trim the ends?
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calm down in the end these aphrodisics. they are not instantaneous. are you sure he just kissed my cheek. it doesn't mean anything at all, they
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work when he is at work. therefore, nothing will happen. i hope you are the main thing in the middle, so that after the service he immediately understands everything at home. listen, can you change your color? i think it's so good. but yura thought that a redhead would be better for me, but she thinks it's good. but i want to change some colors, my guy. and then yura, who is the ex-boyfriend, i already came to the district police officer about it. yes, volodya said that he was killed, she sympathized with us for a long time no longer together, but still they just took some kind of horror and killed. i don't even know why. some versions yes no there was a stupid guy, but
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to get killed for it. if you know anything, tell me.
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this matter should be noted. good, of course, aliska must have repaid the debt with interest today. i contacted the bank. well, who issued a mortgage. you asked. and what about the bank, well they sold the debt to a horny collection company. here is the address hi victor i'm here. it passed and it is very good that i went tomorrow.
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svetlana what does raya know? well, svetlana , who is the ex-girlfriend of the murdered courier rogov she came to me for a haircut. it's all very educational. and most importantly, at first, zub just started talking, and then she began to pry about the investigation. well, i got it right away. i cut some more. you see, i change from
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this one with my haircut. but on the case for you as for the best consecutive black sea coast, russia and i can’t hide anything on my own, my husband constantly lies to me. don't you want to tell? why? i myself do not yet understand what is happening to me, this is for you, and you were married to correspondence.
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do you think you can fool me with all this? interesting
1:41 am
mom is a worm here, have you washed the fruit, no? emercom of russia warns careless handling of fire leads to tragedy safety starts with you. emercom of russia
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safety starts with you.
1:43 am
emercom of russia security begins with you emercom of russia day of the navy on tv channel russia the main naval parade live the power and brilliance of the russian fleet pride and glory of our country to the russian navy 2 weeks murmansk an allied caravan with a cargo of explosives, aviation fuel, an explosion
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occurred at this unloading special film premiere. nakhimov as a land russia honors its fleet russia congratulates sailors july 30 all day on the channel, russia
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you don't perceive it. i perceive, well, i'm sorry, but that moment, the truth was inappropriate. well, think for yourself. why does svetlana have a haircut ? well, you never know, you never know, a woman doesn’t change her hairdresser just like that, and even more so she doesn’t run into the first hairdresser she comes across to do her hair. but if everything is for you it seems nonsense, i don't think so. and in general, all your suspicions about svetlana seem to me not unfounded. and
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thank you for your observation. hey lisa, come on. yes already available.
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collector found it will call him for tomorrow. how did you call? already in the office. okay, i'm at home now. so, you confirm that they threatened rogovo by phone, of course, i threatened to confirm and i will continue to threaten him and his guarantor svetlana before, at least she paid the money, and then he claims that there is no money, probably that they will live for a long time and happy.
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where were you the day before yesterday from 5:00 to 11:00 pm i was at home with my family and a bunch of relatives, celebrating the fifth anniversary of my beloved daughter, impeccable alibi yes, you surely have an accomplice? yes, listen, well, judge for yourself, why don't you ask me a debtor from a dead debt. hello there is news on privatization, how can i congratulate you? thank you very much. how funny was it? now that i have a general power of attorney , after completing the registration, i can do
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everything that costs your apartment. are you joking, well, does it look like a joker? not know what you say, i don't even know what to say you have. solve the apartment.
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yes, you understand, the fact is that the collection agency has nothing to do with the murder at all. true svetlana explain the standard term for completing an order in your online store a day or even two. and why the order from the apartment? you handed over ilyin to rogov within an hour. just lucky the goods were in stock, and the courier was on the way. ah. why are you asking me this? you suspect me of something, actually, some suspicions. we have on you how to guarantors yuri rogova laid down his debt, yuri himself refused to pay, so
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collectors began to get you. and now, after the death of yuri rogov, the insurance company pays for it for a long time, so you had a motive to chew on the death of yuri rogov. you know, it's not funny anymore. but the motive doesn't work. why did you get a response from the bank like this? the fact is that rogov did not conclude an insurance contract, so all the debts of rogovo are still hanging on a civilian. i want to say that you asked for the second cylinder, while i understand acting romantic mistakes, i'll check normally.
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in what? well, you know better, just now i saw you come out not yourself, you didn’t even notice me. death, well , now it just might seem to you. i didn't see anything. but i'll prove it to you. went in for what? i need advice.
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my friend alone signed one very important piece of paper and now i don’t know what to do, but there is a problem. okay, i won't. bye.
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well, there is an idea about rogov, i think, right? look. half a year ago rogov went to the hospital with a broken jaw request is not common. they could put me up with some apartment thief, what do you understand? oh, forgive me?
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and what kind of person is ayur tolkachev and his own security? i understand that i am pushing you to commit a crime. i just don't know who else to turn to. so with what raven i will not reduce you, not a single thief. in their right mind, they won’t, stealing even from a simple district police officer is not like a security guard.


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