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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 24, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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vladimir, the staritskys were ordered to look around that you are so quiet, brother, there is always an alarm before a battle. where everything is a secret. hold on. no one should know the big worry from this could happen terrible sequel watch tomorrow at 15:00.
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and what kind of rare american bird did the sensationalists carefully study? the storm front reached yakutsk falls asleep in a hail, izhevsk sweeps everyone and everything from the streets of astrakhan from the greek island of corfu, 2,500 tourists were evacuated due to fires that cannot be stopped, the gretuberg was summoned to court because she behaved very badly at a demonstration in sweden for this she is entitled to six months in prison.
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today, russian troops inflicted new retaliatory strikes on the military infrastructure of ukraine that night, river ports became targets, on the danube, this is the water border between the odessa region and romania , eyewitnesses filmed the moment they hit the rhine port, just from the romanian city. this logistics hub is the kiev regime. under the guise of a grain deal , used for the transfer of weapons and ammunition, the destroyed fuel storage near the railway station from there fuels and lubricants were sent to the front line for refueling ukrainian military equipment in private ports. they worked on the danube all the time at first, special operations got there bypassing the territorial waters of ukraine in the black sea and crossed the border already along the river now
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according to ship tracking websites. at the danube delta, a real traffic jam has formed from cargo ships that do not risk entering ukrainian ports. the russian military on the red liman direction in the lpr, with artillery strikes, repelled five, as well as opponents in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe silver forestry, according to our ministry of defense, up to 195 nationalists were destroyed, 4 infantry fighting vehicles and four armored personnel carriers two howitzers two carnations, the zaporozhye region completely lost the american m3 art system groupings of strike troops in aviation. artillery fire, successfully reflected six. the losses of the enemy amounted to more
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than 160 ukrainian servicemen, one tank, two cars, a self-propelled artillery mount, a polish-made crab, a british-made howitzer, and a self-propelled howitzer carnation. and today , the ministry of defense published new footage of the combat work of russian attack drones. in this video, a drone in the special operation zone hits a nationalist tank with an accurate hit against enemy drones, our units are actively using electronic equipment struggle, so in the dpr, the military managed to land the american kamikaze bp with hiv blade 600, it is made on the basis of the warhead of the javin anti-tank missile and is capable of controlled flights at a distance of several tens of kilometers, then, as it disables ukrainian drones. scouts of the kherson region alexander lukyanov zaporozhye direction the left bank of the dnieper, its defense , among other parts of the russian armed forces , is provided by servicemen of the 8th artillery
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regiment. we haven't reached the opposition yet artillery grouping of the dnieper, but, apparently, already attracted the attention of the enemy in the sky, he launched an unmanned aerial vehicle reconnaissance, but our air reconnaissance means noticed him in time and now the means are already electronic warfare. trying to put him on the front line, a complex multi-way game is played daily with the enemy, who put up scissors or in the form of mock guns or imaginary command posts, which in fact are nobody, only after confirming the targets from several sources. heading for her fire. our guns are also located in the area under constant monitoring of space and air reconnaissance and mobile enemy radar stations, according to the radio , the ukrainian drone was neutralized. disable his control system. even if it hangs over you. we have to work, because people also need to cover the boys. well, of course, if he hangs, then he saw you, so
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he will fly to you. so it will have to be done quickly. explain to me, please, due to what the front is due to what due to the russian man? the men expressed themselves there. we are standing here. further, the next ones will stand at the expense of this and hold on. after one of these arrivals, the commander of the guns was wounded, he could take compensation and go home, but he returned to his guys on the front lines not for money. we came here. and secondly, i'm already used to the guys. they are the same family for a long time , artillerymen constantly live in the forest, in a dugout next to their gun. since the time is so turbulent, the task of hitting targets can arrive at any moment, especially a lot works at night speak of her. and that they hope that we sleep at night, so they try to break through at night, but we are here. aerial reconnaissance has identified the target , where the enemy artillery
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is located, several shells are sent in this place, objective control, which is carried out with the help of drones in real time , shows that the second one hits exactly on the target to consolidate success. the third combat mission is also sent there . alexander lukyanov completed it is not enough in the world that there is a special military operation, the attack of 17 ukrainian drones today was thwarted in the crimea, all drones were shot down or suppressed by electronic warfare, 11 of them crashed . in the black sea. three more fell on the territory of the peninsula, according to the head of the republic sergey aksyonov, there was a hit in the ammunition depot in the dzhankoy area, residents of villages that are located within a radius of 5 km from the military facility are evacuated to temporary accommodation points by rail and highway, dzhankoy simferopol previously suspended for the purpose of security. resumed by this time.
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the fsb forbade the passage under the arches of the crimean bridge to a foreign dry cargo ship, which was heading from turkey to the port of rostov-on-don, although the inspection of the hold, experts found traces of explosives and signs of third-party interference in the structure of the vessel. it is known that at the end of may it was in the ukrainian port of kiliya, in july it was in the turkish port of tuzla, where the crew, which consisted of citizens of ukraine, was completely changed on board and the name of the cargo ship was changed according to the intelligence service. all this may indicate an attempt to use a foreign ship to deliver explosives to ukraine, the fsb recalled that in order to prevent terrorist attacks, these versions are being checked on all ships going through the kerch strait. moscow, despite the sanctions, will continue to work on organizing the supply of food grains and fertilizers to africa, this is stated in an article that vladimir putin wrote for foreign media on the eve of the russia-africa summit, a large
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international event will start this thursday in st. petersburg, the president noted that the west shamelessly used the black sea deal for its own enrichment. the poorest countries received less than three percent of ukrainian grain, while none of the obligations on russian products were fulfilled, the humanitarian purpose of the agreement lost its meaning. but even under these conditions, putin assured, our country is ready to replace ukrainian grain on the african market both commercially and free of charge . itself is also an economic humanitarian forum russia africa starts in st. petersburg this thursday. well, today in the city on the neva, the second day of negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko earlier , the president discussed the situation in the building in the photo area.
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security issues of the union state, russia and belarus well, we also visited the museum and the temple in kronshte, and there the president was already out of the plan, a unique photo session with numerous tourists, impressions, emotions were collected by our columnist alexei petrov irina andreyanova , the bailiff from kronstadt was going for a walk with a child, and hit the headlines initially we walked in patriot park in the city then we decided to go to the anchor square in kronstadt and accidentally saw it was our president. they left the temple. no, they were already there. it's next to the monument. yes, and he, it means he called us, he says come here , and i tell us yes, uh, they approached him immediately , they took pictures, they were very worried , those same shots can be seen how the president calls a little girl to him. come here. come here as a photographer
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, fso employees had to work. and here is the main character, she is not even three years old yet. how you name? today i was walking with my mother here with a picture taken on the phone. they even printed the naval cathedral in kronshtat. both tourists and residents of st. petersburg come here to the anchor square to look at the majestic temple and the opportunity to communicate with the head of state, as well as with the president of belarus, was a pleasant surprise for putin and lukashenko, they literally surrounded the cathedral. thanks a lot. thank you. thank you call pray. irina shagaeva also talks about her impressions. from the meeting with the presidents, she was very close to him. after i went with him to makarov to the monument, i also took pictures of him, i saw him, i listened, as shouts were heard from the crowd that vladimir
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vladimirovich needed a handshake, everyone wanted to shake hands with him, irina shows pictures and videos to be stunned. but polina sorokina, the ice cream seller , could not leave her workplace from afar , she only saw how i work. i can’t get out, unfortunately, people attacked him right away, after all. hooray! the president has arrived. countless pictures, please, little milana clearly describe impression, while hardly knows how. but an older countrywoman of the president shared hers. but judging by these frames, the most
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vivid emotions remained with the older sisters. from novosibirsk, yuri kocherov rode a bicycle from moscow to st. petersburg, he saw , he wanted to shoot everything, but alexander lukashenko from belarusian gomel filmed a little video, which surprised lukashenko himself in front of the naval cathedral a lot? a photograph of our wedding today is stored here. where are you
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now about such unexpected communication at the highest level, the newlyweds tell their friends and a monument to loved ones all my life meeting with the president with two more presidents. and even on such a memorable day , the guests of kronstadt from beyond zaporozhye and donetsk managed to take a last photo with the heads of state . vladimir putin today in a telephone conversation with the president of uzbekistan warmly congratulated shavkat mirziyoyev. happy birthday, the heads of state reaffirmed the mutual intentions for the further development of bilateral relations, which are in the nature of a strategic partnership earlier, putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to mirziya, noting that uzbekistan, under his leadership, is confidently moving along the path of economic and social development. well, then in our issue bombarded with hail, yakutsk engulfed
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in fires, greece and the ship from the heated tumbler, all the details in a couple of minutes. it is impossible to live in a lie, i suffocate in this sticky lie. you understand the premier. today at 21:20 tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk, it's sales knock on the ozone with big leather bags waiting for backpacks wear from 3.000 rub. stylish clothes for everyone run from 550 rubles to 5 million in the rbt department , large stores and generous discounts. sudden pain put life on pause. i myself will not carry
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the car below the new long block. in yellow packaging. block pain with double strength two components. dollgit block gels help relieve pain from arthritis, injuries and sprains. that moved debt block double block against pain. i'm denisen with alpha bank. we will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneur, nationwide money will get the best stories. tell me about your i love doing business on why moscow coffee houses are a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, and i love the taste of moscow coffee houses, i recommend it 15% more than regular noodles and it also has 10 times more doshirak vegetables everywhere. ke order a free
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debit alpha card spin the drum of the super cashback app. and you get up to 100% every month, and another 5% guaranteed categories and 10% cashback in supermarkets in july alpha-bank is the best mobile bank. asked if i can work people with real experience, we teach those who are hired in life, good luck many tasks your break fills your life with a combination of
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tradition and top- class advanced technology. on tv channel russia, a grandiose naval parade, the sea capital of russia meets ships of all fleets and fleets of the country in the russian navy ur live broadcast from st. petersburg , the main military naval parade on sunday on navy day at 11:00 on tv channel russia serious people,
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you have to move out. we continue to release immediately in 16 russian
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regions, heavy rains and winds are expected. a storm warning due to heavy rain has been announced in the krasnodar territory and in karachay-cherkessia. and these shots are already from yakutsk, which was hit by a powerful thunderstorm and a large hail, ice precipitation fell today and in udmurtia ice floes broke the harvest, gardeners are trying to calculate the losses. bad weather, it winged from the capital of the republic of izhevsk , eyewitnesses publish impressive videos of the revelry of the elements, the street of krasnoyarsk flooded, it rained for half a day and the city literally stood in ten-point traffic jams in astrakhan eliminates the consequences of a powerful front that a hurricane swept into the region. demolished trees, cut wires, only 15,000 people were left without electricity. in the lipetsk region. residents have witnessed a rare natural phenomenon that can be observed
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every few years. it seems that a blizzard has cleared up on the track, but in fact, these are thousands of moths that fly into the light for human safety insects, but the driver had to slow down in some areas. over two and a half thousand tourists were evacuated from the greek island of corfu, where i, following rhodes , natural fires broke out from the heat. there close the critical rescue operation became the largest in the country's history. at the same time, some tourists, mostly british , are outraged that upon arrival on the islands they are immediately taken to evacuation points, residents demand that the official authorities ask russia for the unique phoebe plane. athens is still silent. and over the burning forests of turkey , our be-200s have already dropped more than 150,000 tons of water; pilots are working in the bodrum region in conditions of difficult mountainous terrain from 40 °.
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almost half of the russian regions will complete the resettlement of emergency housing ahead of schedule 14 objects of the federation have already coped with this task, the development of small towns, including those in new regions, is being discussed today at the vladivostok forum, as the prime minister said. mikhail mishustin improving life is a strategic priority, reportage alexander evgeny small towns forum takes place at the far eastern federal university students. they give him mock-ups of unmanned boats for patrolling ports and offshore platforms; they give him questions for backfilling, who is the leader in the development of artificial intelligence, like a demanding teacher. wait it won't go if you want to compete and be the best, then you just have to understand what's going on in the world. who knows do not be shy, for sure, you know the gps chat, you know, yes, but do you know that sberbank launched correctly absolutely yandex in
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september will already be small cities, the basis of the country is not abstract territories, but specific places where specific people live. they must choose. what will be the space around the head of the government show a platform that allows you to vote on improvement projects and create these standard projects - the project that won the park a year ago. lighthouse in magadan, the littered embankment has changed here. now. this is a large-scale recreation area, a point of attraction that refutes the falsity of the stereotype. in the cavity of magadan, the head of government visited this object today , he meets with the author as good friends. more since you won again how much 300 million? yes congratulations that she visited the facility is better actively built beauty. and here in primorye, in august, they launch a new seaport, sukhodol, with a capacity of 12 to 20 million tons of coal, a new logistics hub for trade with asia , almost 700 new jobs historically, and let's say, little unemployment in the country in order to attract people, you can still use digital platforms. well, tell us that now we are already on
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the site, who wants to work in the port. sukhodol the following conditions are offered. we pay 3 years of accommodation and provide delivery by buses. plus food. we will definitely look after we do this and this information will be on the government website. how many guys will come to you with a stand hosting the parties of the primorsky territory, 2,000 projects are being implemented here with state support of almost 3,000,000 rubles. the investment is thoughtful. this is where, uh, at the request of people , space changes and a comfortable urban environment is created. this is the most important thing at the bilateral meeting. we discussed plans with the head of the region for the next gubernatorial election in september. uh, according to the instructions of the president, you are going to the next term of operation as a governor, but i want to say that you were a professional head of serious regions, of course. uh, do everything to make primorye more beautiful, i am absolutely sure that people in this sense, uh, will support your undertakings. i also want to
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wish you the best of luck for the success of your team. thanks mikhail mishustin also had a meeting with his governor of the omsk region, vitaly mkhatsenko. the president appointed you acting. in general, the region that you know well, but er, and before that they showed themselves perfectly in the donetsk people's republic, they worked and selfless courageously and efficiently. i would like to wish you all the best in the elections. the main issues of the development of small towns were discussed at the plenary session , all stages of construction were cleared of bureaucratic barriers ; most of the requirements were transferred to the category of voluntary; redundant procedures. and this made it possible to build, repair roads, schools, hospitals, and other important facilities in a short time at the far eastern federal university. an example of how to develop territories as efficiently as possible, as a project here on russky island it began in 2013. and
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now there are already 15,000 students studying here. and this is only from the russian regions. plus another 3,000 people from 80 countries in 2020, on behalf of vladimir putin , an innovative center for biomedicine, marine engineering, bio and information technology was created on the basis of the university. this scientific cluster continues to develop on the layout, everything up to the luminous line, already operating objects, everything that is behind it, plans for the coming years, as well as the head of government. visited the stands of the new territories of the luhansk and donetsk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson, he emphasized the development of cities should be comprehensive, both within the country and pointwise alexander sergeevich vladimirovich dmitry novikov yastreblyansky vladimir ozerov zotov vesti, vladivostok visiting meeting of the members of the council of the state duma at the loginov moscow clinical center, together with the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, the speaker. viacheslav volodin, the leaders of france, the deputy, examined the new medical and diagnostic complexes; its launch
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will provide all types of assistance, including observation, diagnostics and high-tech treatment. we completely changed the routing and created, as well as five centers that deal with oncological diseases. these are 5 centers from a diagnosis, a chemotherapy, surgery and follow-up, that is, a person falls within the zone of influence. this oncological center has been constantly in this multidisciplinary system for life already, which makes it possible to carry out scientific research in the name of this, which is very much supported in moscow today, it must be said that all these systems are integrated into the general system of medical care in the city of moscow, and in particular oncological care. in turn , the chairman of the state duma stressed that the high standard of care
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that cancer patients managed to achieve in moscow needs to expand to other regions of the country. it should be noted the openness of medical institutions in the city of moscow for those who want to come. e from the region. every fifth patient in moscow with us is a resident of other regions. this is also an important factor in the systematic approach, which is now chosen; it implies conducting the patient throughout the entire time of diagnosis. e, shita, including e, in treatment and e, diagnosis. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case on the fact of shelling the group with cluster munitions russian journalists, zaporozhye region, as a result of which vasily rostislav zhuravlev died in a horena, an officer of the press service of the ministry of defense, several of our colleagues were injured that kiev must comply with humanitarian law to protect the civilian population to ensure
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the safety of journalists working in the special operation zone today, chinese doctors said in beijing beijing again called an irresponsible act the supply of cluster munitions. first, the results of the use of cluster munitions, which are prohibited by international convention, kiev is in a hurry to report to washington the other day in an interview with cnn, the head of the ministry of defense of ukraine, reznikov, said that these weapons are more effective than conventional ammunition, especially against artillery armored vehicles, although civilians, ukrainian militants, often become victims of such weapons due to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdestruction. in fact, they are setting up their own citizens in a cnn report showed a secret command post, which, judging by these shots, is located in the basement of a residential building, american journalists do not hide the fact that the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive is going hard and states that, unlike the russian side, kiev lacks neither forces nor means, therefore it is not surprising that
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, for example , a 19-year-old boy has to command an american infantry fighting vehicle bradley. in vladivostok , sever interaction 2023 is summing up the joint russian-chinese exercises at the main base of the pacific fleet. today , detachments of warships, including lead and patrol boats and a scanner, moored during maneuvers in the waters of the peter the great straits in in the sea of ​​japan, the crew practiced joint actions to protect sea lanes in east asia, including artillery firing. the brix countries and their partners have confirmed their intention to move towards a multipolar world and are interested in preventing the dictates of the united states and the imposition of their approaches by the states , secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev said today in johannesburg in south africa, he took part in a meeting in the format of friends. brix discussed issues.

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