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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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serviceability of the right screw. the £3bn aircraft carrier was expected to play a major role in the alliance's exercises, along with the other 40 warships. this is just terrible, there are four questions you need to ask yourself and answer to understand how bad it is. the first is when, when we see that russia, if it is a constant threat, will fight with us. admiral rob bauer of nato said it shouldn't.
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we have been lucky so far, most of us lived in a country where someone else was doing this very far away, and if we do our bit, then usually these are some distant actions that we hear on the news.
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debates over what is the correct gender pronoun, or what gender pronoun are you, or whether the dead should be buried according to their biological sex, pale in the face of war, it's time for the uk to pull itself together, otherwise our country will simply fall asleep at the wheel, well, a dirty sensation from politics, at meetings with his inner circle of supporters... biden is not only worried about himself and his future in politics, but also publicly calls trump sick bastard and a fucking asshole. this is also to put it censoriously, since joe swears in his speeches. political observers in the united states see this leak as an attempt to present biden as a simple, tough guy who is not alien to anything human and at the same time to show that he is not that old. trump does not take these insults to heart. on the contrary, he turned it in his favor,
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as dehil reports, donald immediately wrote a letter to supporters in which he stated that by swearing at him, biden spat in the soul of every republican supporter. directly trump is now ahead of biden by 5%, for the first time in 5 years, based on the results of the last sixteen polls. at the same time, such sociology is presented by biden's nbc news. according to them , for the former president, even if there are elections. right now 47% would vote, for the current 42. the latest cnn polls say i favor trump, here the results are 49% to 45, however, there are options in which biden could win, for this trump must be convicted of a criminal offense, then any republican the candidate loses to the current owner of the white house, this is if it doesn't happen first. trump
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said that not only biden, but our entire planet may not live to see the presidential election. trump believes that in the remaining 9 months of his term, biden can start world war iii. and he laughed, what kind of patient is this? my god!
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seems to have made biden very angry, according to politicians, biden recently called trump, quote, sick assholes, no wonder, given biden's history of foul-mouthed speeches, you fucked up everything, more than inflation, what a stupid bitch, you're a damn liar, man, this
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it's not true, you lying dog face , what the hell are you doing there all the time, let's all remember who we are, damn it, he actually said what... he said, how dare he? his lips had already begun to utter a curse. what are your thoughts on this, buddy? we're talking about perception, and these stories are leaked to the press, like joe biden is passionate, he's involved behind closed doors, to the point where he turns into samuel jackson swearing in front of his subordinates. target - introduce mr. biden as cranton joe, the guy in the hat who 's as cool as...
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cares about the american people, so he used those words that i won't use on television because my mom would be mad. let's recap the polls where we asked what if there was an election right now and trump ran against biden. so, trump is ahead by five points at once. compare with the survey we conducted in november. then trump was in the lead by only two points, but even more significant if you look here, for all the 5 years that we have been conducting these polls, starting in 2000. this is the maximum lead between trump and biden in all 16 polls from nbc, and of course the question of the support that joe biden could receive , we asked voters
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about the job he is doing, look, 37% approve and 60% disapprove. the guy we're against, he's not for anything, he's against everyone. i want to say this is the weirdest presidential campaign i've ever been in. participated. when asked who is handling the economy better, 55% said trump, 33% said biden. when voters ask about immigration and border security, trump's lead increases by more than 30%. behind closed doors, it's fueling his campaign , he says he's the only one who can beat trump, he did it once, he can do it again, it's personal to him, and i'd like to add that the white house has officially declined to comment on this topic , that is, they have nothing to add, others in the biden camp were
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they are very happy that this was revealed, they say that the president only voiced what many americans think, it is a well -known secret here in washington that biden does not mince words in private. conversations, he quickly gets wound up and he himself admits it, and this especially applies to topics that he doesn’t really like. donald trump is one of them. behind closed doors, president biden reportedly called president trump a sick bastard. it's like at the last hour of the thanksgiving feast when grandpa starts putting pepper on it. and i think, that this is true, based on these messages he wrote to his assistant. first he described donald trump as a sick duck.
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trump, by the way, is not the only one whom biden has attacked with strong words; as the politician writes, joe spoke extremely negatively about the israeli prime minister. his foul-mouthed john calls damn a bad guy. you have to understand that this is an on-air version of swearing. it is noteworthy that old biden, at 82 years old, managed to break the national record and surpass all his predecessors. since the beginning of '24, joe has already struck missiles and bombs against four countries: iraq, syria, yemen and somalia. this is if you do not take into account the missiles from the patriot air defense system, which shot down the russian one.
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they immediately started talking that he had flown in for an interview with putin, this was reported by all the main western publications without exception, there was even a proposal to ban tucker from returning to the usa if the interview was recorded, this visit in the west is compared to actress jane fonda’s trip to vietnam in seventy-second year, following which she was included in the list of top 10 traitors to america and hollywood blacklist, but the kremlin does not confirm it. peskov did not announce any media events with the participation of the american about the interview with putin. tucker himself didn’t
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confirm either, he just said: we’ll see, so for now tucker’s program is the most not tourist-based. he went to the bolshoi theater to see the spartak ballet, had lunch in a good restaurant, took a ride around the city on the metro, a beauty that he couldn’t help but notice on ground transport, where he charged his smartphone via a usb port and connected to it for free. and fast wi-fi internet, about such miracles citizens of the usa cannot even dream of civilization, and about the american, in particular the new york subway, it is known all over the world that traveling there is unpleasant and unsafe, homeless people, rats, robbers, all this adds up to the fact that you can wait for a train for 40 minutes. tucker stopped by the russia exhibition at vdnk, inspected the stand of the kamchatka territory, and walked along the leopard trail at the stand. primorye, in an amicable way, the excitement in the west because of the arrival in russia,
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even of a famous american journalist, is an eloquent illustration of the general hysteria in which the united states is, and, if you like, renaissance of macarthyism, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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to moscow carlson arrived in moscow on february 1 and was spotted in the capital's large theater. questions quickly arose about why the tv presenter needed to go to moscow and whether he was going to interview russian president vladimir putin during his visit? we already told you that the nsa read my personal emails, this is the level of third world countries. yesterday we learned that the sources are in these so-called intelligence communities. reported to at least one to a reporter in washington that it was in my emails. late this spring, i
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contacted a couple of people who i thought could help arrange an interview with russian president vladimir putin. i didn't tell anyone except my executive producer justin. i don’t see anything shameful in trying to interview putin, it’s always news, and i’m an american citizen, i can interview whoever i want, i plan to lie like that. but in this case, i decided to approach the issue secretly. i thought that this kind of public attention would confuse the russians and make the interview less likely, but the biden administration found out about it anyway, after reading my emails, i learned from a whistleblower that... the nsa was planning to leak the contents of these emails to the media, why would they need something like that? , well, the goal, of course, was to portray me as a disloyal american, a russian spy, they called me that before, a puppet of the kremlin, a traitor carrying out the orders of a foreign enemy. i'm far from the only person who has been accused of like this, we have already seen this movie more than once.
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why me at all? should care about what is happening in the conflict between russia and ukraine, but seriously, why on earth, why shouldn’t i be on russia’s side, because i’m for it. he is a traitor, the medicine is on putin’s payroll. that a journalist or any american would become a traitor by visiting a foreign country with which we are not at war and interviewing its leader is equally insanely stupid and authoritarian, but this is a macarthyite. chauvinism is also completely normalized in liberal discourse. the democrats and their media propagandists are horrified at the prospect of tucker carlson interviewing putin. they have entered into the role of controller and believe that they are the ones telling you what to think and what to believe. they hate it when someone like tucker goes off script. this country has a free press and people like tucker
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carlson who we depend on to tell the truth. no decent american would interview... spooked by tucker carlson's trip to russia. i wonder why? now about fearless, great europe. the european commission does not plan to add new bans on imports from russia to the thirteenth package of sanctions in order to avoid unnecessary disputes among eu members, reuters writes. it is planned that the package will be approved by february 24, 2020, that is, sanctions without sanctions, imitation. ft writes that
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the stability of the russian economy quote: stunned experts who believed. that western sanctions will lead our country to economic collapse and disaster. the publication writes that western minds hoped for the collapse of the russian economy after the introduction of the first thousand sanctions. it still turned out the other way around. let me remind you that 18,700 sanctions have already been introduced . and the kremlin has emerged from the recession ; now western financial institutions are observing the steady growth of moscow. here already. the so-called soy fugitives became sad. at the berlin meeting of the regime of shaky people in self-exile, chuchvarkin generously incited just some kind of formal hatred. he says that hope for ukraine’s victory is everything. russia has enough rupiah, yuan and reals to to be independent and self-reliant, and even
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the loss of reserves stolen by the west will not affect the kremlin’s goals. moreover, there is a crisis now. just in the west, for example, this is fresh, obvious, incredible from bloomberg. retail sales in germany fell 4.4% in december and january compared with the same period last year. and this is london. in supermarkets in the british capital , meat is now hidden in plastic containers to prevent free, civilized citizens from gobbling up steaks without paying. well, absolutely this married couple from virginia offers an unexpected and crazy way to combat the economic crisis. jennifer and danielou are a poor married couple, they have two children and have never had enough money. but all the problems ended when a third man appeared in their social unit. the american dream began to come true, the husband and wife
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paid for everyone's food, and household expenses fell on the shoulders of the new member. new opportunity to take out a mortgage. a woman lives with her husband and boyfriend to earn money for a house. in his revolutionary revelation about the modern approach. this rio now consists of jennifer daniel and jennifer's boyfriend ty. these relationships not only challenged social norms, but created a harmonious environment that
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made living expenses much easier. jennifer has lived in richmond, virginia for 35 years, while her husband of thirty-six years, daniel, struggled to make ends meet due to rising housing prices. against the backdrop of rising rental prices, the couple decided to try an alternative relationship. in 2015 they decided that... jennife, a freelance editor, joined forces with daniel, a private school teacher, and ty, a bank manager, to
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earn about $155,000 a year. this combined income not only allowed them to pay their current rent, but last december to buy a four- bedroom, three-bathroom home worth $325,000. jennifer admits that ty played. i don't think we could have bought the house without ty's help. she compares their situation to the financial struggles many millennials face, especially as they struggle to pay off student loans. navigating the intricacies of the polygamous lifestyle, the trio established a daily routine in which jennifer alternates nights in daniel's bedroom and ty's. jennifer claims that this will continue. they are open to communication, full of respect for each
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other, and their relationship has a strong foundation. in addition to the financial benefits, jennifer emphasizes the positive impact on her children, she notes their desire to support family members. jennifer was born into a conservative protestant family and wants her children to be more tolerant. against the backdrop of the norms accepted in society, jennife. polamoria is not some passing trend, but a growing strong construct that advocates the idea that modern relationships, its call for a variety of relationship models , forces critics to adapt to an evolving social landscape that continues to redefine traditional norms and values. what always makes me happy about the americans is that they always provide a scientific basis for any perversions or deviations. this is useful and beneficial for everyone.
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hello evgeniy, in fact , the advance is really going on from kupinsk to the zaporozhye region, our troops began to move, well, quite a long time ago, in fact, it was about a month ago, it’s just that it was not particularly advertised, now they can’t turn a blind eye to it our opponents, so they have to talk about it. there is progress, it’s hard, heavy fighting is taking place near kupinsk, in the solidar-artemovsk region,
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in the seversko-belogorovka region, there is also progress in the kremensky forest, to the south, respectively, this is avdeevka, there is avdeevka, novomikhailovka, then the region and the zaporozhye region, in fact, where. there was the main, so-called counter-offensive of the ukrainian forces in the summer, now everywhere we are little by little taking back , but we have already taken, probably, we have taken away what we lost in those small areas in the summer, we have already taken these fields of broken armored vehicles in many areas with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces tried advance, a large number of trophies are now being pulled from the front for repairs. evacuation teams, they work almost around the clock, all sorts of bradley m113s and so on, that’s all they can
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pull out, they pull everything out and restore it. ukrainian propaganda throws into the information space footage of abrams by american tanks, which were allegedly deployed near avdiivka. have our soldiers seen these cars yet? no, our fighters are interested in this, well, as far as i know, we were also interested, no one has seen this yet, not on camera there are quadcopters, nowhere, they haven’t seen them yet. but this is not the first time this has happened, they are periodically in different sectors of the front, then supposedly there in some forests in the northern sections of a special military operation, they will allegedly surface somewhere there, now near avdeevka, but in any case this will not affect anything, that is, their presence is exactly the same as before the challengers , leopards appeared there, all the iron actually burns
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the same... everyone talks about this repeatedly. mikhail, what's going on with that? a huge number of fpv drones are now being deployed by ukrainian security forces to the line of combat contact. is it possible to replace the lack of artillery shells using fpv, and how do we counter this? now on the battlefield in ukraine in the area of ​​​​a special military operation in the areas of the operation there is a real competition; the very rapid development of all unmanned systems, this applies not only to fpv drones, but also to drones , reconnaissance drones, ground drones, drones that mine without actual human help ,
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relatively without... with the help of a person it is controlled, of course, by an operator, but who is located at a distance and these technologies are developing very quickly, indeed the armed forces of ukraine use a huge number of kamica drones, on our side it is exactly the same, now you are watching footage of objective control, you see how - let’s say, what our scouts are filming - a hit from our kamikaze drone, our kamika drone hits the target, then we see how it ’s already coming towards it... another kamikat drone is flying towards us behind the enemy, it’s very saturated airspace , unmanned aerial vehicles, we need to keep up, keep up, just develop, this is a very fast, flexible process, this is what we need to comply with, thank you very much, mikhail andronik, our military correspondent, works in the zone of a special military operation.
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of course, the incredible circus with the resignation of zalozhny or with the future resignation or the one that has already taken place, deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine are trying to comment during breaks, here is an interesting statement by yevgeny shevchenko, just made, listen, according to my information, zaluzhny most likely agreed to the post of ambassador to great britain. he will go there, and we know that the people who were sent as ambassadors are a political pension, that is , no one ever returned back, this is a tradition in ukraine, so here i will disappoint those who are fans of zaluzhny, they saw in him, well, there is such information, no, it’s too early to say that if he goes as an ambassador, then he won’t, if he goes as an ambassador, 100%, that’s it, zaluzhny is no longer a politician, if he doesn’t go, he’ll stay in
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ukraine and start doing something. by the way former employee of the main intelligence department, our agent in kiev, in no case vadim karasov is not ours or an agent, just our former expert, we haven’t seen him for a long time, we don’t know anything about what he’s doing there, please, he’s busy there, it seems , well, why did zelensky offend? on zaluzhny, i think so , he offered him, he says, let’s be president, zaluzhny says: no, no, no, i’d rather be the ambassador of great britain, that’s probably how it was, that’s why they have some kind of showdown there, although in general, how politics writes, yes, politics, but what, the situation very simple, you have to blame it on someone - the failure of the counterattack, avdeevka there.

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