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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:15pm MSK

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call your parents, friends, that’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you soon. on the russia big news channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, we have all the information picture for this saturday. great water came to orsk quickly. san, unfortunately, this is your home. the dam was partially destroyed in the flood zone of more than 400 houses. how the evacuation is going, how people help each other. the depth reaches one and a half meters. reports from our correspondents from the field. among the saboteurs who invaded
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the belgorod region were foreign mercenaries. in the body camera footage of the destroyed militant. evgenia poddubny about what our military found and what else became known? they fired at belgorod with these missiles, but they are no longer there. high-precision russian strikes on kharkov and odessa. fierce battles on the outskirts of chasov yar, where and how we are advancing in the north military district zone. there is a landing, astronauts from the iss on the ground, incredible emotions, and it’s overwhelming. impressions of the very first flight and landing. new york was shaking again. democrats immediately located
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the epicenter under trump's golf club. why the earthquake that so frightened americans was not noticed at all by biden. what about animal vaccines? why did the imported ones disappear? now it costs 4,200. should you trust gray supplies? has it become bad, or should we switch to domestic ones? we don't really notice an increase in allergic reactions. what do veterinarians and breeders say? and what did our sergei brilev discover? so, cheburashka, for sure. an unusual report from latin america. it has just become known that vladimir putin has instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, to urgently fly to orenburgskaya. for liquidation
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flood consequences. the president was informed about the situation in the flood zone. a state of emergency has been declared in the region. in orsk , the local dam that protected the city could not withstand the water pressure. the level of the ural river exceeded a critical level and large amounts of water poured into houses. mass evacuation began. at the moment , more than 4 and a half thousand residential buildings are flooded. by this hour, more than a thousand people had been evacuated.
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that the water would not reach them, this morning they could no longer get out on their own, even into the yard, only recently the foundation seemed to be here here it’s open, here’s this box, i see the whole foundation has already been flooded, it’s dragged, there’s a house floating, then look, it’s dragging and dragging, where possible, people are allowed on the floating transporter trucks of the ministry of emergency situations, but in some places the depth already exceeds 5 m. san, unfortunately, this is your house, it’s very bad. even where there used to be a hill, the first floors of houses are flooded with abandoned cars. the rescue operation on the flooded streets of the old city does not stop literally for a minute, but it is complicated by the fact that in some places there is a strong current, and the depth reaches one and a half meters, that is, you can only get through here by boat, even specialized wheeled vehicles will not get through. those who have to be rescued from their homes are mainly those who just yesterday hoped to wait out the strike of the elements here, now, rescuers say, there are almost no such people left, you take it, right? they save not only people, but also animals,
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hastily escaping from the flood, residents left cats and dogs, which are now being rescued by the ministry of emergency situations, everything is fine, they are even left behind. our company is fun. the most difficult the situation in the microdistrict is the old city, which consists almost entirely of the private sector; it is now almost impossible to get there. this is the only road to the old town microdistrict, which is gradually turning into an island. water came to orsk from the ireklinsky reservoir, which is located upstream of the urals. in just a few days , the discharge there increased from 90 to 2,170 cubic meters/second. historical record. from platinum to. it took 14 hours for the big water to reach, the dam withstood the first blow, but due to strong pressure, a growing brezh formed in it, which they tried to fill up with rubble and rock, a second breakthrough was formed, the dam is designed to raise the river to 5.5 m. now the level has exceeded this mark by 4 m.
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upon the breach, the investigative committee opened a criminal case on two articles, including negligence. more than a thousand people were evacuated in orsk in 24 hours and this number continues to grow. my colleague, ruslan bekbulatov, talks about what kind of assistance... is being provided to the victims. this is gagarin square in the city of orsk, here from the flooded old city, these are the kind of vehicles that flood victims are delivered to, then they are transferred to buses, they are removed from the flight, buses for evacuation, and then they are taken to temporary accommodation centers. people come from the disaster zone confused and scared, so i grabbed the document and went, oh, terrible, terrible, terrible, i’ve lived here for 35 years, i’m like that. i haven’t seen it at all, i’ve never seen it, both municipal transport and buses of private carriers are involved, taxi drivers work for free, ordinary car owners also responded, took a car, came here, that’s all, and well, i started helping to transport people, we bring everything they need, we help, they provide
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temporary accommodation centers with everything they need, it’s the elderly people and children who are experiencing stress the hardest, my grandson was with me, he was very worried, i was stressed in general, mother and child rooms were equipped, where there was a place for beloved pets, this is kesha the parrot, i decided to take him, because i felt sorry for him, he is still small. hundreds of concerned residents of orsk bring water and food, shoes, clothes, bedding to the victims linen personal hygiene products. our people, orchans, are people who have united through such a common pain, today they cannot be in... united russia has already delivered by truck and distributed another 60 tons to residents along the way. there is this dirty
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water and smell coming from the crowns. the actions of emergency services and departments on the spot are coordinated by the regional governor denis pasler. the most pressing issues are discussed at meetings of the headquarters for... these are standard solutions that were developed together with the ministry of emergency situations, they work and are applied in the territory i held a headquarters meeting throughout the russian federation in the morning, and we decided that we would double the amount for all payments from those traditionally used. the evacuation zone in orsk is steadily expanding. a dam broke in the village of nikel, this is another part of the city, but also dangerously close to the urals. water rushed from above the embankment and partially destroyed it. employees. the ministry of emergency situations is conducting a round, persuading people to leave. the situation is close to critical in orenburg. the river level there is also steadily rising. the mayor of the city called residents of several areas should evacuate immediately. the flood situation is very serious. the water
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level coming to us from orsko will rise to critical levels. our main task is to avoid casualties among the population. a reinforced group of the ministry of emergency situations is already working in orsk. rescuers from perm and moscow arrived in the disaster zone. by decision of the department's leadership , another plane from the moscow region took off for the city, the situation continues to become more complicated, and rain is expected in the region tomorrow. mura zaripov, ruslan bikbulatov, alexandra berezkina, sergey shelepin, dmitry cherkasov and zemfir abzalov. vesti, orenburg region, orsk. in a number of regions of the country, the water level is still high, but the peak of the flood has already passed. in the altai territory the situation is gradually returning to normal. emergency situations ministry teams managed to pump out water from almost 400 houses and half a thousand. rescuers have built more than 10 km of embankments, strengthened the banks in the lowlands, transported residents to temporary accommodation centers, and provided targeted assistance. the situation is constantly monitored from the air. the water
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is receding in the chelyabinsk region; seven settlements remain under the control of the ministry of emergency situations. behind 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water within a day. emergency situations ministry employees are conducting door-to-door inspections. pumping out water and clearing river beds. in the samara region there are currently 13 temporary accommodation centers with 3.00 beds per day. the water has left three hundred houses, two villages remain cut off from the mainland, food and drinking water are quickly delivered there, special attention is paid to citizens with limited mobility, hundreds of volunteers came to the rescue. the ural river flooded a vast area downstream in the territory kazakhstan. according to the latest data , a state of emergency has been declared in ten regions of the country . almost 3.00 residential buildings were flooded, rescue services evacuated more than 45 thousand residents, many were left
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homeless, 18 settlements were cut off from the mainland, in a special address, the president of kazakhstan kasym jomar takayev called the current floods the largest natural disaster in the last 80 years. all forces of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs, the national guard and the armed forces of the country have been mobilized to fight the disaster. eight districts of the belgorod region came under fire in the ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours , a civilian was wounded in shibekino, 11 residential buildings and power lines were attacked in grayvoron, glass was drunk in the cinema building. in belgorod, shell fragments damaged 12 high-rise buildings, the roof of a sports complex and the building of a children's clinic. the situation in the city. in the report of our correspondent alexander rivunov. one of the ukrainian missiles stuck into the roof of a high-rise building on the outskirts of belgorod. broken concrete floors, damaged system heating, the upper floors were flooded with boiling water,
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but none of the inhabitants of these apartments were injured, this is just above my bathroom, and you were hiding in the bathroom, probably hiding, i jumped out, then i don’t know where to run, because i probably stunned the ukrainian armed forces struck belgorod at around 6 a.m., 10 missiles were fired from the vampire multiple launch rocket system, most of them were intercepted on approach to the city, they were damaged...
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the russian national guard police stand uncoupled along the perimeter of the danger zone, broken bricks, shrapnel glass, another shot down shell detonated on the roof of the pool. one of the ukrainian ammunition detonated on the roadway, on the outskirts of belgorod, its fragments are still sticking out from the asphalt surface, now traffic along this street is blocked, soon explosive technicians will arrive here and begin their work. the utility service of the regional center... mikhail shum and ekaterina bakhtova -
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lead the belgorod region. mercenaries with usa. this is evidenced in video recordings by fragments of personal equipment and weapons discovered by the special services during a thorough inspection of the killed militants who tried to cross our border. evgeniy has all the details. this is footage from helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks on the belgorod border area. the cameras were discovered by our soldiers while searching the bodies of liquidated militants. this is the most important evidence of the west’s involvement in attempts to destabilize the situation in russia. border. a group of american militants occupies a building that is actually adjacent to the line of combat contact. this is the village of kazinka.
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goes the convoy, yeah, okay, so they pushing up in front of the convoy, okay, the uh, showed the differences like in airsoft and paintball levels of...
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it is already known that americans and french took part in the attack on the belgorod border area , romanians. neo-nazis were also included in the detachments of the main intelligence directorate. the leaders of the kiev regime even tried to form an amusing cossack detachment according to the behests of the fascist criminal general von panwitz. this is the result of an inspection of the personal belongings of liquidated ukrainian militants: death heads, nazi symbols. attempts by the kiev regime to present the operation in belgorod.
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for consumer loans and loans that were accumulated during the credit holidays; in addition, employers are now prohibited from dismissing the widows of deceased svo participants within a year from the date of the death of the husband. 12 hours in the sky over the chukchi sea, that’s how long the planned russian flight lasted, russian strategic missile carriers tu95 ms. there's a crew in the sky. the aircraft were accompanied by super-maneuverable su-35 fighters. the route was drawn up in accordance with international rules for the use of airspace . long-range aviation pilots regularly fly over the arctic, north atlantic, pacific ocean, black and baltic seas. in the very near future,
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the crew of the soyuz spacecraft is expected in the star city. russian oleg novitsky, the first female cosmonaut. this morning in a given area of ​​the kazakh steppe. landing took place at in normal mode, the astronauts feel good. well, mikhail fedoto has all the details. the roscosmos plane landed at the chikalovsky airfield near moscow , we are waiting here in the star city any minute. participants of the expedition of our cosmonaut oleg navitssky, the first female cosmonaut of belarus vasilevskaya, as well as an american. are waiting for the cosmonauts, their relatives and friends of oleg navitsky’s commanders are meeting his eldest daughter, i really missed you, i’m very glad that everything went smoothly for him, now the bus with the cosmonauts is approaching the sanatorium in star city, footage of the last minutes on the iss before returning to earth,
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station commander oleg kononenko battens down the hatch behind the participants of the space expedition, the station is closed. yes, accepted, oleg, we saw everything, thank you very much. at the appointed hour , the soyuz ms-24 is sent to the ground. there is a discrepancy between objects. accepted. the soyuz is slowly moving away from the iss, but within a matter of minutes it turns into a barely visible point in outer space. at a given time , the descent module lands in the steppes of kazakhstan. everything is very normal, everything great, soft landing. expect better. capsule. immediately surrounded by a rescue group, the hatch is open, the first to appear is the expedition commander, oleg novitsky, he squeezed his armpit so tightly, he was so hooked, wait, for him this is already his fourth flight to the iss, someone...
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we are of course proud that with the support russians were able to implement this truly historic project. we are proud of belarus and russia that this project has come to fruition.
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the crew's rehabilitation ahead of laurel ohara, who spent 204 days in orbit, will take about a month, but novitsky and vasilevskaya most likely had less, they were on the iss for only 2 weeks, not much by today’s space standards. mikhail fedotov, anastasia sakhovskaya, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov and irina kharlamova. a resident of apatity who attacked the governor of the murmansk region was arrested for 2 months, the criminal remains in the hospital under guard for now, andrei chibes, who was seriously wounded, continues treatment in the regional clinic; according to doctors, his life was saved by prompt hospitalization after the attack. about how the outing went today court hearing, what the defendant said, report by oleg posobin. a rare case in judicial practice, the accused of an attempt on the life of the governor lies on...
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i will not give any comments, if given the opportunity to apologize, apologize to the governor, will you do it? no, yes, yes, yes, andrei chibbis was seriously wounded at about 9 pm on april 4 at the exit from the dcc in apatity, the operation lasted more than an hour, then the governor was transferred to the intensive care unit of a local hospital, later he was taken by helicopter to murmansk, immediately after the assassination attempt the hospital was filled with law enforcement officers, they interrogated witnesses from bydanov himself, and what did he force? some voices say, right? no, it’s not true, it’s a coincidence. he bought the murder weapon at a hardware store, drove his own car to the scene of the assassination attempt,
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it was carefully studied by experts, some details of his biography were already known. the consequences are criminal liability, i was not prosecuted, that is, the case was closed? neighbors describe budanov as a closed and silent person, he worked for railway, i didn’t know chibis personally , which could have made him decide. investigators have to find out about the murder, the court arrested the defendant for 2 months. the meeting took place as usual, accordingly , a decision was made to select a preventive measure in the form of detention, and the corresponding decision was made in accordance with the conclusion of the prosecutor. the accused will spend the first days under arrest in a single hospital ward under guard. the news about the election of a preventive measure is quite often announced against the backdrop of the trial, here now it happens at the emergency department. bydanov, after recovering from traumatology , will be transported to... russia is successfully resisting
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the west, which has declared a war of destruction on the entire russian world, gennady zyuganov announced this today, speaking at an all-russian party meeting. according to the head of the communist party of the russian federation, nazism has now taken root again in europe and threatens the world with a big fire, so the main thing now is that zyuganov is confident in uniting all political ones. the strength of our country with humanity, we need to do everything to strengthen the country, this is our party, state patriotic forces, our activists, our allies and friends, are fighting for peace, for independence, for freedom, for true sovereignty, for self-sufficiency, therefore, without new industrialization, without a development budget, without the latest technologies, without the law of education for all, without caring for children, women, the elderly, without basic justice, it is impossible to solve these problems. today is the second anniversary of the death of the founder of the ldpr, vladimir zhirinovsky, to honor his
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memory on a new occasion.
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build a few more houses in a targeted manner, with the fact that the region is already suffering from a lack of places in kindergartens and schools, the head of the region has already become involved in the matter, but alexei karev has the details. residents invited us to this meeting late in the evening, when most of the microdistrict, which is home to more than seven thousand people, returns home from work. there is only one question on the agenda: to prevent the developer from building two more twenty-five-story buildings in a densely populated residential area. kindergartens are overcrowded , schools are overcrowded, there is not enough parking, there is no clinic, our pediatrician goes to at the moment until one in the morning, because the neighborhood is large, there are many children, there are three children in the family, having bought an apartment in a new building back in 2017, they hoped for accessible infrastructure, but it turned out differently: the eldest daughter is now 17 years old, so she could go to school near the house, we have been waiting for 3 years, now we are having a problem with our youngest son, because now it’s our turn to go to
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kindergarten, when we get there, we don’t know, this is the same kindergarten that the youngest son of the senyakovs, such as there are three aviators, each group has 30-40 kids, our planned capacity is 160 people, the actual capacity is 309, there are a lot of applicants, but there are a limited number of places, there is only one school in the microdistrict, this is a gymnasium, the planned capacity is 1,100, at the moment we have 1,675 people studying. in the elementary school, for 3 years in a row, we have been enrolling eight classes, the developer, intending to build two more houses here, with at least a thousand apartments, has already started selling housing that exists only on paper. this fence, according to local residents, began to be erected quite recently, but has already been driven here heavy equipment, and this point in the vacant lot is already listed as the friendship residential complex, but there are no houses yet, a beautiful view of the volga that will open from these apartments, perhaps they want to sell it quickly and at a higher price. areas
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allocated for friendship have more than once become a land of discord. here is a certificate from the regional ministry of construction. housing cooperative 5 stars and construction system llc promised people apartments, but the houses were never built. the swindler builders were convicted as defrauded shareholders and were paid compensation. this time trading non-existent square meters stopped earlier. in order to prevent the emergence of a problematic shared-equity construction project in the region and to prevent the commissioning of apartment buildings. the residents didn’t come, she assures me, they didn’t invite you, you started selling apartments, but there are no houses here, as we see, there’s no foundation pit here, they covered the study of demand as old as booking, but now we have in court, there was a warning not about raising funds the prosecutor's office so that it doesn't happen and your action was eventually closed
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start of sales accordingly. this developer has already built 12 houses here, without social facilities it will not be possible to build further. for our part, on the part of the government, we will protect people; at the moment, these cases are in arbitration court, regarding the cancellation of permission to build these residential buildings. it was possible to reverse the situation with infill development in the saratov region. there is a law in the region that allows housing construction only if there are social facilities. today, on the eve of the bright feast of the annunciation patriarch kirill celebrated the all-night vigil of the most holy theotokos in the cathedral of christ the savior. the annunciation is one of the twelve main or two tenth church holidays. on this day, the archangel gabriel brought the virgin mary the news of the upcoming birth of the savior. the traditional first service in honor of this celebration takes place the day before.
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the clergy are enjoying themselves. blue water, which is associated specifically with the virgin mary. believers in the temple are told about the history and significance of the holiday. it symbolizes the holy spirit, peace and freedom, which jesus gave to people. and for muslims there are only a few days left until the end of the holy month of ramadan, on april 10 the holiday of breaking the fast, eid al-adha, will begin, but in the meantime, it is time for prayers, doing good deeds and fasting, when food is taken only twice, before dawn and after sunset, about that , how the evening meal and ftar goes, tsarkar magomedov’s report unites us and gives us strength. when derbent was chosen as the site of the republican iftar, breaking the fast after the holy fast, no questions arose. most the main iftar of dagestan in the most ancient city of russia around the largest
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multimedia fountain in the country. our strength is in unity, this unity, which should be universal, we tried to realize today in the big event that we are holding today in the derby.
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this is big news, that’s what we’ll talk about next. the ukrainians fired at belgorod from these rocket launchers, but now they are no longer there: high-precision strikes on kharkov and odessa. democrats even associated earthquakes in the united states with the name of trump. and why biden i didn't notice anything at all. why did ecuadorian special forces storm the mexican embassy, ​​what would be the consequences? and what about the vaccine?
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thank you at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come again, on sunday on rtr, they say
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you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a refined holiday. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum, with exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment! welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort! the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery
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collection bodrum. the phone rings, you pick it up and say hello. premiere on rtr. hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hi, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who i handed over the order, i don’t recognize something, alla? from monday on rtraya song, i have such a feeling of comfort, kindness, talents,
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on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but you don’t need it for long, she will take away the little brat, this is not our child, but he can be ours, life is not a question yes, premiere today on rtr, this is big news, we continue our release, russian armed forces. carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons on
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ukrainian armed forces facilities; as reported by the russian ministry of defense, workshops for the production of drones and repair of armored vehicles, military airfields and bases with foreign mercenaries were hit. all strike targets achieved. in kharkov, that night, our troops, with an iskander strike, destroyed the radar station from which they were firing at belgorod. two ukrainian armed forces combat vehicles were placed directly in a residential area. this is clearly visible in the objective control footage. the missile hit exactly one of...
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remotely, he himself can be a kilometer from the robot, like a children's car on the operator controls the entire process with a control panel, only in large sizes, if the terrain allows, then the robot freely leaves and runs around the area that is specified, behind the robot people are walking, a machine cannot yet completely replace a person in the matter of complete demining of territories, now sappers are inspecting a field that for... not 8 years was located between two lines of enemy defense. the fighting here is over yet
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in 2022, but the earth is still saturated with a large number of fragments of explosive objects. looks like we've found something. this time it’s just a fragment - this is what is found in the territories where the war took place, most often, but there are more serious surprises. here we have a cell, we divide it in columns of 25 m, 50 m deep. everyone has their own cell. a safe distance at which you can work, when a mine is found, we transmit the signal stop mine, the whole group sits down on one knee or moves back to the original line, stop mine. the work of sappers is indeed very dangerous; an ambulance is always on duty in the demining area, but at the same time , engineers say that if you do everything correctly, then there is nothing terrible in their specialty. detected ammunition is either destroyed on the spot, if it is dangerous to move it, or sorted from explosive shells of the same type, and a cache is created for detonation.
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if they are of different types, then it is possible that there will either be partial detonation, or the ammunition will be mechanically destroyed, but the explosive may remain in it if incorrectly placed. very soon , communications that are so necessary for the donbass, which have not been updated here since the times of the soviet union, will very soon begin to be laid through the cleared fields; in the future, all these areas will again be sown with agricultural crops. mikhail andronik, anton musyakyan, lugansk people's republic. the west cannot afford to rearm, let alone supply ukraine, the telegraph writes about this. according to the british publication, europe does not have enough capacity to produce ammunition. the states can produce 28,000 shells, but this only a tenth of the requests of the kiev regime. the difficult situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front was also recognized by commander-in-chief syrsky. in his telegram channel, he named the main reason: the advantages of russian troops in the air and in artillery on the ground. kiev may receive the f-16 fighter this summer, but this was announced by
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the dutch minister of defense. the exact timing, she said, will depend on the training of crews and air bases, which are carried out regularly. becomes targets for russian strikes, but it is unlikely that planes will be able to turn the tide, the washington post notes that the main zelensky’s problem was the reluctance of ukrainians to fight, forced mobilization splits society, while military commissars hunt ordinary ukrainians in the streets, sbu officers use the distribution of subpoenas to intimidate journalists, this is exactly what the head of the cybersecurity department vityuk did, all these investigations came out about... corruption in his family , my wife and mother-in-law bought apartments in the center of kiev for a million dollars, after this article the military commissars immediately came to the author. our diplomats at the un provided excellent illustrations of true inefficiency new york's emergency alert system, which worked only half an hour after
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the largest earthquake in the last century on the us east coast. the underground vibrations were felt in almost all areas of the city, and the epicenter was located in the neighboring state of new jersey, where, as the democratic press noted, trump's golf club is located. however, journalists today expected a reaction to the author’s shock not from the former, but from the current leader of the state, but biden went to the bridge that collapsed 10 days ago in baltimore. report by valentin bogdanov. zero casualties, no destruction, but a level of panic. residents received an emergency notification that everyone in new york city should stay indoors due to an earthquake just 40 minutes after the statue of liberty and the entire largest metropolis in the united states were shaken with a force of 4.7. scared
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dog. a surprised guitarist, a reporter rushing into the frame. one more, we have one more, here are those who did not succumb to fear, like this hairdresser saving a child. trislo in private houses in neighboring new jersey, shaking in television studios, it looks like we are alive, we are alive in new york. where the 4.8 magnitude earthquake just happened, did you all feel it? even in the security council it was more restless than usual. meanwhile, the hysteria was gaining momentum, some were imagining godzilla and king kong in time square. we
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felt a trembling right under our feet, we were very nervous, we asked what was happening? flights were suspended at international airports, only empiilding's account. reported that the skyscraper was fine, the tv meanwhile, he continued to pump up. it was the strongest earthquake since 1884. it didn’t happen in new york, but for at least 16 american states this is the norm. for example, in california every year there are 14 earthquakes with a magnitude of six or higher, the more comical is the reaction of local authorities from the party. governor hochul and mayor adams rushed to save the city i... didn't need it, earthquakes don't happen every day in new york so this could be extremely traumatic for the residents, but we are prepared for the unexpected, this is new york and we respond accordingly.
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conservatives want biden to cancel the paused lng export projects, the largest terminal in the state of louisiana, home to speaker mike johnson, who is not averse to exchanging it for military aid to ukraine, but still put the package to a vote. mike johnson talks a lot about his christian faith and he says that... this faith shapes all his decisions, but he is funding a government in ukraine that is literally putting people in prison . priests, bans the christian denomination, sends the army to close churches. every day to finance the war, to pay for it, thereby continuing it, to give advice on how to wage it. if you do this, you cannot even call yourself a christian. margery taylor greene threatened the speaker with resignation in advance, and what's on her tongue is... the whole world is exploding because of this idiot
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president, he's an idiot, he's the stupidest president we've ever had, he's the most corrupt incompetent, he is the worst president you can have imagine. as for the best president, republicans have no problem with that. trump, in the eyes of many of them, has already grown up. or even outgrown reagan, congress yesterday introduced a bill to rename dalis international airport in washington to donald trump airport. the democrats’ response came with lightning speed; they also seek to perpetuate the name of trump, albeit in the name of the federal prison in miami, behind bars of which biden’s supporters, of course, would like to see the republican himself. valentine bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis sokolov. news from new york. the armed forces of the united states and israel in the middle east are on high alert. both countries are expecting
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a significant blow from iran in the coming days. according to the new york times, tehran has already decided on a direct response to tel aviv’s attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. at the same time , iranian forces will act directly, and not through allies from hezbollah, as has often happened before. this decision will be supported.
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biden's middle east ratings go down again down, only a third of americans support his foreign policy, almost 40% are against. meanwhile, the israeli army does not stop striking the central part of the gaza strip and continues its ground operation in khan yunisi. the four-month stay of the former vice-president of ecuador ended today with the severance of diplomatic relations, the most extreme case of violation of the vienna convention. at the mexican embassy. the integrity of the foreign diplomatic mission in quito was violated by police
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special forces, who, with the support of army units, took the building. by storm. eventually jorge glas, who was sentenced to six years in prison in december on a corruption case, was nevertheless arrested, and the diplomats who resisted were injured. this is a violation of international laws and the sanctity of the mexican embassy in ecuador, which is completely unacceptable. this cannot be, this barbarity is a disgrace for the state, it is simply madness. this development of events was preceded by another scandal. on wednesday , mexico's president called last year's elections in ecuador 'o'.
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he was handed over to british security forces right at the ecuadorian embassy in london without any assault. and govana feels completely different now, where today the russian perspective exhibition on public projects in cuba was inaugurated. our film festival also ends this weekend. sergei brilev will talk about why the island of freedom can be considered the birthplace of cheburashka. cheburashka, he
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was hiding between the oranges. the story was written in 1966; that year, oranges came to the soviet union from only three countries: israel, morocco and cuba. so can cheburashka really cuban? a dense tropical forest, this is where eduard usmensky had previously placed chebburashka in the first lines of his story. but there are no dense tropical forests in either israel or morocco. that means the cheburashka is definitely cuban, and here in cuba they know and remember the cheburashka, then in havana we will have such a serious institution as the national directorate of committees for the defense of the cuban revolution, which was agreed upon here with the delegation of the public chamber of russia, led by our colleague nikita maniseev, a little later, and we at the end of the negotiations, we decide to conduct an experiment and ask, who is this?
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a soviet cartoon was shown here with spanish subtitles, and now it is the largest cinema in havana, yara, where on the façade they put the inscription “festival of russian cinema,” new, organized by rossino with the support of the russian ministry of culture, it includes screenings of a wide variety of our new films, and where without him? it was brought by director herman the younger himself. plus , here in havana, the state film fund entered into an agreement with the cuban institute cinematography, and the public chamber mentioned at the beginning of this report, which has its own memorandum of cooperation with the cubans, opened its exhibitions about
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modern russia in cuba this weekend. today it is, of course, about the front and its echo. applause for the poems of anna revyakina, and this after the official events, everyone was invited to an informal evening meeting of the committee for the defense of the revolution in the playa district of govan. there were ordinary residents, a minister, deputies, and also a veteran of fidel castro’s rebel army. we know the common history, we we follow politics, but of course, we cannot but have a common future, because of the common
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cultural code. unfortunately, it's a birthday. but by the way, in the new film does cheburashka speak spanish? he knows spanish, right? the translation is over with you, but this is definitely not about the magic of relations between cuba and russia. sergey brilev, alexey kalashch and evgeny makarov with assistance in chebburashki. news from havana. and tomorrow at 16:20 moscow time on the russia 24 tv channel, don’t miss sergei brilev’s new film about latin america and soviet intelligence. about the main events of the last 7 days. with dmitry kiselev tomorrow at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look on sunday, on the floor, on the floor, new arrests and details of the preparation
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of a barbaric terrorist attack in crocus, the first confessions of interviewed terrorists about the customers, the curators of the escape plans, so who is on is ukraine behind the organization of mass terror? crushing retaliatory strikes across the entire territory of ukraine from the air, methodically destroying the enemy’s military infrastructure, but what on the ground? somewhere nearby, military correspondent sladkov visited the stormtroopers of the alexander nevsky brigade. there were always many residents here; in the basement of the theater they were hiding from the shelling, and elena erofeeva saw them come to their senses, already peaceful. 75 years of the nato bloc, important background, whether us president roosevelt was poisoned, why else joseph stalin was
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ready for the ussr to join the north atlantic treaty. mysterious afghanistan. afghans never lose heart. as long as you're alive, there's a chance. sergei zenin went to the nomads. the brazier on which the teapots now stand is made from the hatch of a soviet armored personnel carrier. and also, why should we look for real alabais here? news of the week, sunday, 20:00. with the arrival of warmer weather, pet owners are beginning to actively protect their pets, and everyone is starting to think about vaccines. but how to save it?
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there is no shortage of vaccines in veterinary clinics before the start of the summer season, but this year most of the drugs offered to patients are domestic. european vaccinations, which were preferred by many pet owners, are now rare for the french bulldog. habitual a french drug that the owner had been looking for for several weeks. i called five clinics , only the last one managed to book her. now it costs 4,200. last september, the country introduced gmp requirements - the standard for good manufacturing practices. foreign factories producing veterinary drugs must undergo an audit and prove compliance with the standards established by rosselkhoznadzor. as a result, last year more than thirty items were supplied to the country. then there was not a single one left in this, it was this is due both to the fact that some manufacturers did not have time to undergo the appropriate checks, and also to the high level of failures on the part of the regulatory agency in
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gmp data. a similar situation is with tablets that protect pets from ticks, all imported drugs that can still be found are either remnants of old supplies, or brought to russia under gray schemes through a third country, because of such a european... vaccine that is unknown as she was being transported, irina almost lost her puppy. we vaccinated the puppy, the next day got sick. she stopped eating and became lethargic. we didn’t sleep, we sat with the puppy all the time, and this was for two weeks. after this, the puppy lay down a little. large breeders are switching en masse to the domestic economy. the price of those imported vaccines that still remain in the country has risen three to five times. each kitten needs to be vaccinated twice. this. 500-600 rub. in addition to these two vaccines, that is , probably 3-500 per kitten in the area. our drugs are much
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cheaper, but of course there are some nuances. cat lies more, lethargic, weak, eats poorly for 2-3 days, but western vaccines, of course, are much easier. russian manufacturers, who, by the way, have proven compliance with the standards. they insist that domestic gmp is no worse than foreign ones, the youngest cat vaccine is 14 years old, drugs for dogs have been known for more than thirty years, have been time-tested, and are now being urgently increased at factories. our work is aimed at ensuring that our consumers never experience shortages of immunobiological drugs. veterinarians generally agree: choose domestic drugs are possible. we don’t really notice there, well, a much increase in allergic reactions to the vaccine, or there is individual intolerance, that is , no more than to the same imported ones, well, maybe by 1%. there are reports of... a discrepancy in
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the effectiveness and safety of domestic vaccines in this pharmacovigilance system, which is maintained by the rosselkhoznadzor, and has not been recorded, although individual intolerance is present, it may well be, however, with a veterinary passport in which it appears domestic vaccinations, you can only take an animal to neighboring countries, explain handlers who prepare animals for international exhibitions, if you are somewhere...
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news. all news can always be found on the “watch” media platform. and that's all for today. see you.
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go have breakfast, run! it seems to be on fire, it seems to be running, come on, happy birthday. to you, happy birthday, to you, happy birthday, our beloved daughter, happy birthday to you, blow out, great, made a wish, yes, i can’t believe that my baby is already so grown up, yes, you once dreamed that she would finally grow up and bring you sandwiches in front of the tv, but now you’ve given up on your dreams. now in the evening you sit down in front of
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the tv and twitch every minute, how is she with her next friend or at a party? stop it, dad, i don’t go out very often, i promise you’ll get your sandwiches all next year, but it won’t work out, because you won’t spend the whole next year at home, these are tickets to milan, right? and a training contract, that means you, yes, one of these days i’ll pay for the first year of training, you can go if if you want to become a cool designer, you need to start with the best, i can’t believe it, you yourself said that we couldn’t afford it, well, yes, now for the first 3 years we’ll have to relax at the dacha, unless of course my mother doesn’t mind, i was just about to start growing vegetables, thank you, thank you, thank you, i promise you won’t regret it, dad. maybe i can
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pick something up for you, if you know where to sell a kidney, well, how it fits like a hidden one, you will be the most beautiful one at launch. i've been trying for 19 years, i can't breathe on it, so everyone else is passing by, if you don't take it, then just a minute, how you think anton will like the dress, of course he will, i’ll take it, look what i found, this is
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yulka’s first year of studying art, yeah, remember how she drew this teapot, she used up two albums, right? “she’s stubborn with us, everything will work out, just don’t throw it away, how can you throw something away, these are drawings by a future famous designer, i’m still worried about her, how is she doing without us, she won’t even be able to boil potatoes for herself, what potatoes, in italy it’s like pasta, but people, she doesn’t understand them at all, her anyone can fool you, here i agree with you, it’s dangerous for her to travel alone”? really, yes, that’s why i bought you tickets to milan. you have schentgen, i’ll rent an apartment for you, so that’s it, i mean, i bought tickets, but what about the house, the apartment, and who will furnish you and feed you? well, if you’re small, i can somehow manage a washing
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machine with a microwave, well, then no one canceled the opportunity to come to you for the weekend. wait, yuri, why do you- then we both need to leave? well, i’ll just be calmer for my girls. yuri, tell me honestly, what's happened? listen, you are so incredulous, you urgently need to fly to milan, because italy is the best cure for anxiety. well, i, i ran. hello, my dear. hi dear. god. you look great, you have a new hairstyle, but i don’t even have time to go to the beautician. seryozha, please bring me coffee and dessert. i'll sit with you for a few minutes. yes, i don’t really do anything, right. around the house, lunches, dinners. you're the one
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running your restaurant all day long. if only mine, i plow like a horse, i worry about every sneeze. but in fact i work for my uncle. you know? thank you. “i ’m thinking, maybe i should get married again, but i’ll be like you, from morning to evening, choosing wallpaper for the living room, cooking luxurious dinners, full of zen, what kind of zen is there, len, all you can think about is that you’re still the only one husband, or he already has a whole lot on his side, so from that moment on, in more detail, that he doesn’t come home, he comes, sometimes he stays late, he says he was working, i usually believed, but..." i don’t know, i’m our little boy in milan he’s going to study, god, this is great news, yes, wonderful, wonderful, but he wants to send me with her and not only wants, but dreams of me leaving, well, tell me, why get rid of your wife, well, my dear,
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of course i would like to tell you, it can’t be, you we’ve been together for so many years, but after two divorces i can’t forgive. what should len do? i ’ve been behind him all my life like behind a stone wall. i haven't worked a single day. he bought the property, everything, before marriage; nothing belongs to me. i only have a parent's room in a communal apartment. if you leave, what will you live on? first of all, you don’t know yet, woman. this or something else. and secondly, you have time, so go ahead, collect information, get ready. what kind of information? yes, any one. his contracts, agreements, bank accounts, everything will come in handy during a divorce, happy birthday to you, happy birthday,
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happy birthday to you, yulchik, happy birthday to you, well, you give, thank you. so, growing, big, but not wide, thank you, where will we go to celebrate, maybe in a cafe, but i don’t know, maybe we’ll even just take a walk, what’s the weather like, well , yulka will still sit in the cafe when she leaves to study, you you're leaving, you have to graduate first survive, so what? inta, you were going to go for a walk, today you are a fire in this village, leave me alone, oh , that means you’re leaving to study, or is this an excuse to... get away from me, i have a smart wistot, i’ll go after you, i’ll be yours
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spray the fans, but i can handle it myself, i’ll fight them off with this bat, tell me what you dare, i want to too, but i’m still trying to figure out from yulka where i’m sending him to study in milan. what are you doing here? this morning i forgot my folder with documents, and you are counting our wealth? i just... wanted to find a foreign passport after our conversation and found
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this, a bunch of cash, and also this, apparently, this is for the one who should reign here after our departure, why couldn’t you just honestly file for divorce, or did you want to withdraw all the money from bills so as not to share, baby, are you crazy, my fool, what are you making up? listen, there is only you, i understand, and i don’t need anyone else, you know, i don’t believe you, why so much cash, the only client paid like that, i don’t know what his problems are, what do we care? a necklace, and a necklace, yes, i bought it for my beloved woman, for you?
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me, yes, but you said that you have no money, you have difficulties with your business, and i coped with the difficulties, i thought that in my life there is unapologetically little of you, you and yulka, my daughter is grown up, and i’m still wandering around ... on business trips back and forth and i don’t really see you, so after graduation you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you, we’ll leave yulka to gnaw on the granite of science, and we’ll go somewhere else, you dreamed of traveling, well, you said that now is not the time, don’t care what i say, i realized, i was wrong, life passes, in the end you have to spend it on the most important thing, we and... the most precious thing to me.


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