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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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i am your devoted arfey. the days we have passed through remember the color of your tenderness, everything will melt away like smoke. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit is live. let's start with urgent news: putin once again spoke on the phone with the governor of the orenburg region, pastors, the kremlin reported. the head of the region reported on the progress of work to combat the flood. and spoke about
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helping people, the president decided to send the minister to the disaster zone construction of fayzulin with the task of informing the local population about the upcoming work to restore residential buildings. by this moment , 10,550 houses have already been flooded or completely flooded. the peak of the flood is ahead. the emergency response team consists of more than 132 thousand people and 36. of the most affected areas of the orenburg region. the minister then flew to another region where the flooding is just beginning in the kurgan region. the water level in tabol near kurgan increased by 38 cm in one day. in the village of zverina-golovskaya, where the situation is especially tense, one and a half. in orenburg
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, look, the southern part of the city is already flooding, drone footage shows that the water has come very close to the high-rise building, to the critical level in the ural river, this is 930 cm, only 20 cm left, this is what it looks like, the first photo was taken yesterday morning, good a fairly large part of the fence on the embankment is visible, the second photo, today’s fence has practically disappeared under water, evacuated. large waters reached the southern part of orenburg overnight, a city with a population of 5,000 located below the flow of the urals. we are all sailing out, let's start again, call the addresses there in the old city.
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now the urals have reached a level of 908 cm with a critical mark of 930. summer residents of snt dubki, is there anyone who needs help? summer residents of snt dubki who need help, let me know or call 112, the water will increase in the next 24 hours.
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april, roscosmos publishes satellite images of the natural disaster, quantity.
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was located, floated away, of course, on these in it the garage doors were open, everything that was in the frames was on the roof of the all-terrain vehicle, rescued domestic goat, handsome fellows. she will come out, what do you mean? hey, stop! and these heartbreaking images of the rescue of a cow and calf, the animals were literally dragged to land, they stood in icy water for 2 days. come on, come on! the level of the urals near orsk is 914 cm, the high water has receded by almost a meter, the peak of the flood has passed in the city! this is the situation right now, look how the car is flooded, the site, what is the water level, the entrance, everything, here is the second one, the cars are standing
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in the water up to the engine shield, the day before they were completely under water, in the sixth microdistrict there’s no way to get through without a boat, rescuers are maneuvering between trees and... signs, there’s someone’s drowned chair here, the dam has been torn up, look, everything is swimming, everything, an embankment dam several kilometers long in the city of orsk, was put into operation in 2014 , it is not a hydraulic structure, its key... your task is to protect the highway that leads to kazakhstan to strengthen the bank of the ural river. the cost of the object is almost 932 million rubles. platinum was designed for a level of 5 s by m. now the water has exceeded the mark of 9 m. k
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unfortunately, the flood forecast has become even more negative. water level is expected to be 11 m and higher, which is much higher. higher than the actual 1994 flood event. the first wave of big water is expected tonight. in the village of zverina-golovskaya in the kurgan region, a spring flood raised the water level by 74 cm in 2 hours. they began to build temporary dams in the village of gladyanskoye, using sand and concrete and trying to strengthen the bank of the tabo river. at all levels of government there is constant direct contact with the population, all public information system, assistance is provided by volunteers under the leadership of the headquarters, which is headed by the ministry of emergency situations, our rescuers are working selflessly, and this work will
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continue unconditionally, well, difficult days are still ahead for the kurgan and chumin regions, a lot of water is coming there, which means putin actually, even though he ... there physically, but he is constantly present in this topic, he is constantly dealing with these issues throughout the day. the hottest sector at the front remains the artyomovsk direction, position of the ukrainian armed forces in the time zone. the vks artillery is dismantling the positions brick by brick. in the video , tactical aviation carried out massive attacks on positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the city, planning an aerial bomb. and this is attack aircraft.
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in a frontal attack, the importance of taking the hourly ravine is difficult to overestimate, the city opens the door to the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, that is , in fact, this is the castle, having knocked into which the defense of the armed forces of ukraine will begin to crumble, while the battle for the strategic fortress of ukraine continues, zelensky will organize new purges in the highest command staff, today he dismissed the commanders of the south and west factions, and...
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the submarines themselves entered armored vehicles in krasnogorovka, which is 20 km from donetsk and in the direction of the russian assault troops from managed to gain a foothold in the building on vatutina street, but due to a shortage of air defense on the front line, russian aviation is unhindered in destroying positions. let's see. the russians have been advancing on the clock for
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several days, their attacks are becoming more intense, and today footage appeared from one russian reconnaissance drone showing you can see how the clock has turned into one continuous cloud of smoke, something is exploding everywhere, i got the impression that russian units are hitting the clock hole with everything that can fly. the russians, meanwhile, have already managed to take control of two small settlements slightly eastern chasovo yar, we are talking about the villages of ivanovskaya and bogdanovskoye, these are two important...
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call sign noise, call sign noise, call sign noise, noise, noise died in battle a few days after filming, drones, shakhet - this is one of those russian weapons that are most feared in general, they are small, cheap and the russians have a huge number of them, judge evgeniy mezintsev leads his own battle with drones, during the day mezintsev works in the administrative court of kiev, but after work he changes his judicial uniform to camouflage and begins to hunt drones, he and other judges occupy a position in a high-rise building on the outermost edge of the city.
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russia is intensifying air attacks, which means that these judges, who are called sawless hunters.
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they mention authoritarian tendencies in her rule and unresolved problems with corruption. at the same time, according to journalists, the level of distrust of zelensky within ukraine is significant. exceeds the level of trust. ukrainians have not received truly good news since september last year. against this background, the kiev authorities are intensively imitating the fight against corruption, not without the participation of western partners. the day before, the ukrainian ministry of defense announced the creation of a nato auditors committee. the commission will include five recognized foreign specialists, three
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citizens of ukraine, and among them is deputy minister of defense yuriy dzhigir. is brewing and a clear conflict of interest, if in simple words, they let a goat into the garden. it is worth noting that such a supervisory body appears for the first time since the existence of the ministry of defense of ukraine. many rightly believe that it is intended to disguise corruption schemes and, as a result, no corrupt officials will be brought to justice. instead , more than 7,000 people are being tried in ukraine, accused of so-called collaboration.
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nadya antonova is accused of collaborating with russians, she risks getting a life sentence, cases of government changes ukrainian courts are filling up, there are more than 7,000 of them throughout the country; nadya antonova’s case is being considered in kharkov today. stay calm, everything will pass, her relatives came to support her in court, the employees of the city hall have been in pre-trial detention for more than a year.
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it is vital to beat collaborators, we are in a state of war, and this war is a matter of life and death. 400 people accused of treason were tried in kharkov alone, and all were convicted. svetlana sitka is a lawyer, she is going meet with the family of a woman also accused of collaborating with the russians. valeria shaparko was arrested more than a year ago. since
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then she has been in pre-trial detention, awaiting trial. ukraine has a hard time distinguishing between retribution and justice. in addition, the country is still at war with russia. the persecution of internal enemies must be merciless, the baltic russophobes are eager to help bandera’s supporters , the lithuanians have supplied kiev
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with m-577 command and staff vehicles, created on the basis of the american m113 armored personnel carrier. these cars have been produced since the early sixties of the last century, that is, vilnius is dumping unnecessary junk in ukraine. number of armored vehicles transferred to sssu. 800 german soldiers, at the same time, to the barracks 100 km from the russian border, all of them came voluntarily, where the bundesfer troops lead
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the nato battle group, which includes units from five more countries of the western military bloc. for these purposes, the germans were even armed with the latest technology at the training ground, next to rukla. nato troops led by the germans are practicing every day. themselves they say our worst-case scenario is a russian invasion of the baltic states. things have already reached the point where nato radiation, chemical and biological defense units are taking part in the exercises, that is, before the european public was simply scared by the russian threat, but now the nuclear russian threat, chemical and biological, has also come into play. this is despite the fact that during the exercises even the youngest bundesferovites. openly admit that they get a kind of pleasure from shooting leopards and that they will not feel the slightest threat
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conscience, if they, they also happen to shoot at russians. senior sergeant kilion is 25 years old and the commander of the leopard 2 tank. right now, his crew is preparing the car for the upcoming exercise. you get pleasure from all this. you
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are glad that now you will go to tanks again. yes, it’s very cool, something new every time. have you ever heard the roar of a leopard? no. oh, well then hang in there. commander.
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yes, only the guys have fun, and it seems like i’m having fun myself, but when you see soldiers snooping around in gas masks, you immediately somehow there is no time for jokes. the guys in protective suits are soldiers in radiation, chemical and biological defense units. in the event of war, they would be the ones who would wash away the remnants of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons from the tanks. however, today, as part of the exercises, they wash only dirt from the leopards. from the outside, everything looks like a big car wash, but the scenarios that are being worked out here.
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but in general, do you wonder if there was a real person in target’s place, would you shoot? there should be no remorse when doing your job, the better you do it, the better it will be for you yourself, not to be threatened by a lack of conscience, it sounds quite harsh, but in the event of war, a soldier will have to choose, either he or the enemy. alex and kilian will spend another 5 months in the barracks in lithuania, they will continue to prepare for the worst-case scenario, an attack on the baltic states,
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for this reason. the chinese leader highly assessed the state of russian-chinese relations, which continue to develop in the context of a difficult situation in the world. comrade xi noted beijing’s readiness to further expand all comprehensive partnerships with moscow. lavrov’s visit to china, preparations for contacts at the highest level, such as this. contacts are planned, the kremlin said, but did not give specific dates. mitt russia, in turn, was told that putin was expected to make a state visit to china this year. with the re-election of the head of our state, the line of strengthening the unprecedented relations between russia and china has been preserved,” lavrov noted after negotiations in beijing with his chinese counterpart one. to understand, over the past two years , china has become one of russia’s main partners.
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the most obvious one. rapprochement trade. in the twenty-third year, trade turnover between moscow and beijing amounted to a record $240 billion, compared to $147 billion in the twenty- first year. that is, an increase of 100 billion. against the backdrop of the departure of european companies, imports from china to russia increased by 47%. at the same time, chinese business not only trades with russia, but also helps to circumvent sanctions. journalists found out that beijing is involved. supplying arctic 2 with european equipment hundreds of millions of euros. the state department and the united states said at night that one of america’s main goals is freeze this project forever. they said this: washington is focused on making sure that russia will not be able to develop a single new energy project that would give the country export earnings, bloomberg reports, the words of the us assistant secretary of state.
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energetics geoffrey pyatt. simply put, the americans simply want to remove their gas competitor in europe, they do not hide this. washington also threatens beijing with sanctions for supporting russia, however, the threats cause a backlash. the chinese foreign ministry today asked the united states not to interfere in internal affairs and relations of the two countries. lavrov, ivan, and also exchanged views on the possibility of resolving the ukrainian crisis. international events that do not take into account russia’s position are aimed at this, divorced from reality, i quote messages, they are described by moscow and beijing as unpromising, we are talking about the same delusional zelensky peace formula that kiev is running around with. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs assessed positively the steps taken by china to find peaceful ways to resolve the conflict. in addition, lavrov emphasized
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that after the terrible terrorist attack in crocus. russia and china will continue to cooperate in the fight against terrorism.
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i would like to thank you for finding the opportunity to host our delegation; we see this as another confirmation of your great personal attention to the development of interaction. with the russian federation, i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you the best greetings of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, the foreign policy connection between moscow and beijing, of course, is the locomotive of efforts that are gaining more and more supporters in the formation of a more equitable, multipolar world order. in moscow they say that he will discuss the war in ukraine, bilateral relations and the situation in asian technology. ocean region. without a doubt, the war in ukraine will become the main topic of negotiations. just last week , sergei lavrov called beijing’s peace plan the most acceptable. regarding the ukrainian issue, china's position has always been
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fair and objective. we have worked actively to advance negotiations for a peace and political settlement of the problem. china is neither the culprit of the ukrainian crisis nor a party to it. we have never sought and will never seek. according to numerical data, china sells spare parts for automobile technology to russia and transports them through hong kong, turkey and central asian countries. these economic ties are once again heating up the relationship between the two countries; after all, sergei lavrov
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is going to lay the foundation for a possible presidential summit. they say that president putin may visit china as early as next month, thereby making china the first the country that putin will visit after his re-election. many countries are extremely concerned about russia's rapprochement with china and are watching these negotiations with alarm. that’s right, neighbors and rivals of both countries are keeping an eye on the increasingly warming in relations between russia and china. we still continue to be concerned about the role of companies, including from china, that participate in russian military supplies. i emphasize that none of the companies, including those from the prc, should... provide material support to the russian war, otherwise they will face serious consequences. china's foreign ministry responded to yelin's remarks, saying third countries should not attack or discredit what it said are normal relations between china
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and russia, and should not harm china's interests and enterprises, adding that beijing will protect your rights. trade turnover between russia and china reached record levels last year: $260, which is 26% more than a year earlier. the head of nato said just last week, that beijing is supporting the russian military economy. and just a few days ago, us secretary of state antony blinken told his european allies about the scale of chinese assistance to russia. now it also includes geospatial intelligence. russia and china are also becoming closer and share the same views as their leaders. both countries advocate a multilateral approach and try.
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and even take joint photographs with russians. another example of madness comes from ukraine itself. after reservation for employees all traveling circuses. circuses were recognized as critically important enterprises in warring
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ukraine. ukrainian football players received the right to avoid the war. we are talking in particular about football clubs. krifbaz neaporodin, dynamo, kiev, obolon and shakhtar. the rest of the football clubs were not included in the list, i wonder what the difference is, apparently in popularity, however, the most popular sport is ukraine. creative pseudonym: a woman won the world sex championship, the woman’s real name, and olesya prikhodko, that’s right, she’s from ukraine, the results of the ukrainian olesya can shock even the most liberated, if the world championship among... men was won by the italian eric
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capitano, who was able to enter into sexual contact with 41 women, then the ukrainian olesya surpassed him and pleased 210 men at once, and this is not counting the woman. the ukrainian woman summed up her success in one of her interviews, saying that she likes different men, the main thing is that they don’t repeat themselves, and the main thing aleysya said for ukraine is freedom. same. the championship was held in spain, the athletes they say, they gave all their strength, put their whole soul into it, as a result, many were injured and were removed from the race, another part of the athletes were disqualified for using doping, alcohol and drugs. nevertheless, the awards still found their heroes, the award ceremony was held in a closed format, but olesya parikhodka still smiles and stands.
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basketball, because basketballs are so heavy, and i meet a lot of americans on the subway and many of them ask me if i play basketball, and i don’t play basketball, but now i started taking and saying that i play volleyball, when i say that i don’t play basketball, they are so sad, they are like, oh why? so the most perverted type of sex seems to me to be regular
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sex, because all the people around me are interested in perverted sex. what guys do you like? i like different ones, i tend to go to extremes, either very high or very low. well, no, i don't really care that much. the world sex championship, which took place in spain, lost seven participants and ended early. participants from germany competed in maloga. italy, usa, norway, sweden, colombia, brazil, nigeria and croatia. however, the organizers had to interrupt the competition and announce the winners ahead of schedule. as championship organizer dragan bratic explained, some participants were forced to withdraw from the competition due to injuries, while others were disqualified for drinking alcohol and doping, which is prohibited by the regulations. after this, according to bratich, the expelled participants accused the organizers of pimping and not paying the promised money for the competition. the organizers denied these accusations and said
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that the money will be paid after april 5. as a result , capitano erik from italy was recognized as the world champion in sex among men, and nausilav from sweden among women. participants also stated that the organizers were unable to arrange the broadcast, refused to pay and did not provide an hiv test. in addition, it turned out that the championship does not have official status, since sweden has not recognized sex as a sport. now to the incredible ones. the earth is not being devoured by a black hole, the sun is just not shining over america. this is exactly what a solar eclipse looks like from near-earth orbits. there is another view. this is how guardian cartoonists see a unique phenomenon, linking the eclipse with trump’s rise to power. this is how future trump voters and donald himself see him. in the election campaign video , the words “the most important moment in the history of mankind will occur in the year twenty-four, donald trump’s head covers the sun
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, plunges the world into complete darkness,” accompanied by music from the film “a space odyssey.” trump also promised in his video. an america that biden has plunged into darkness. biden himself spoke as a pathetic copy of trump. in his video , he went out onto the balcony of a white house and asked americans not to be stupid and not to look at the rare astronomical phenomenon with the naked eye. however, this warning did not work. according to the analytical resource 9ine top5 google, in the first hours after the eclipse in north america, the number of search queries increased sharply. containing the phrase my eyes hurt, this increased sharply by 100 thousand in a few hours, the search for the query about eye pain increased especially in the states located along the path of the total eclipse. except outright stupidity of eclipse observers, the cause of eye burns could have been counterfeit sunglasses, which
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were massively sold on amazon at various retail outlets, like any major astronomical event, the eclipse was caused... today we are on the highway in indianapolis, where we are watching the great american eclipse 2024, tens of thousands from all 50 states and 33
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countries from around the world came here to watch this cosmic show as the moon and sun turn day into night. sunlight gives way to full darkness. monday means lunar day, and today it has become a reality. it was an extremely unusual sight. about 31 million people could see the total solar eclipse, this is what it looked like assembling the international space station. kate middleton and the baltic sea bridge collapse were just a warm-up for conspiracy theorists . the 2024 total solar eclipse is literally a super bowl, rare astronomical event. has proven to be incredibly fertile ground for conspiracy theorists to express their wildest fantasies. they theorized about everything from the end of the world to the secret release of balloons to poison the population, occult rituals and even the introduction of martial law to establish a new world order. far -right trolls and extremists in particular used the total solar eclipse to
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convince themselves that a group of elites were using the event as a cover to assert new control over the population. i wrote about the main events associated with the solar eclipse. on social networks ulta right-wing cospirologist alex jones are masonic rituals planned around the world to establish a new world order. one prominent conspiracy theorist known as the health ranger wrote that the eclipse would certainly be the perfect cover story if our theoretical government wanted to crash the power grid and cause mass chaos by blocking all communications from citizens. quite handy if you want to declare martial law to establish a dictatorship before trump can win in november. with day of the eclipse, there was a total solar eclipse in the united states today, the third since 1979. if you were on the so-called total eclipse path, such as in agaya, then you may have witnessed a rather impressive phenomenon: the moon almost completely covers the sun, but
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if you were somewhere else, it was like you didn't close the curtains all the way, not that interesting, it was a wonderful sight. with him the same as with a porn star, without protection, that’s the kind of person he is, and his team, as part of the election race, decided to use
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eclipse released this video in its favor on its social network. oh yes, we are saving america, we are saving america by plunging it into complete and utter darkness, thanks to my giant head. nothing says i won't be a dictator like blocking the sun. today the world has come to an end.
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it’s just a tutorial on toxic relationships, but not everyone was happy with this bride’s romance, because there is danger here. fox news warns the eclipse could lead to poor policy decisions. the southern edge will be in the path of the eclipse for 4 minutes, right as the moon covers the sun. as we have learned, officials are expecting denser traffic flows than usual. and smugglers, cartels and immigrants can take advantage of this.
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right now, urgent news is coming from the flood zone. residents of orenburg have just been urgently warned via loudspeaker about a possible evacuation this evening, according to the mayor. orenburg, the water level in the ural river rose sharply in the evening to 914 cm, at a level of 930 cm it will flood new territory, the footage that you now see, this is orenburg, large water has reached multi-storey buildings. first of all, the mayor demanded to prepare for evacuation.
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one and a half meters at once and the water rise in orenburg, i repeat once again, i have said many times in my reports that
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the water situation is changing, then more water comes, then less water, but the fact that the water will approach orenburg, everyone understood perfectly well, they warned about this, they said, now the most important thing is for the warning to reach as many people as possible that that the approach of big water brings... big problems, if possible, it is better to evacuate, this is a very important point, here in orsk, warnings about evacuation began only when the water had already started flowing, but let's now talk about what is happening here, directly in orsk, more in detail, here we are now in a new city, the so-called new city, there is an old city that was the first to suffer during the breakthrough, yes. we were there today, the water has receded a little there, but the level is still quite high there, right behind mine
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back, gagarin square, one. one of the favorite squares of the city residents, there is such a stella, i love my city, we were guided by it, how the water actually walks, this morning we noticed that the water had gone away in the evening, it went down even more, here i am standing now at the edge of the water mirror, yesterday this mirror was closer, actually to the height, well, that is, the water is receding, but what will happen next, hmm, who doesn’t know, initially it was said that the peak of the flood could come on the tenth or twelfth, today already information appears that peak orsk has passed, but let's hope that this is so, but until the moment when the water leaves orsk, more than one week will pass, because there is a lot of water, the mirror of the spill, it is huge, huge territories are now under
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water, and after the water ... once it goes away it will be possible to begin to assess the damage that has been caused, well, more than 12 thousand houses are under water, this is not just a zone, a affected area, but this is a real flood, that is, well , some houses are still up to the ridge of the roof are located, since orsk - a city that for the most part, old orsk, is a city... from the private sector, it is clear that there will be very very serious, serious destruction of the residential sector, tomorrow the minister of construction of the russian federation will arrive in the city of orsk in order to explain to people how the city will be restored is very important, now we have +2 hours from moscow, or 20-23 to be precise, but the work of the ministry of emergency situations employees
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does not stop here. almost for a minute, let's show this all-terrain vehicle, this is a floating vehicle, in some areas of the flood zone, you can only get there on it, the fact is that the river bed, and the urals, is quite active, and here, right in the city, you can sail on a motor boat, on which employees of the ministry of emergency situations sail, volunteers, of whom the ministry of emergency situations helps in huge numbers. to evacuate people, so it’s extremely dangerous to travel on these boats to many places, because it can simply be demolished and it will end in tragedy, these are the kind of cars that take out a large number of people from the drowning zone every day, every night, there is one problem, it’s worth mentioning, and this the problem, by the way, is not only this
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flood, it is the problem of all the floods that have happened. people do not fully understand the problem that is approaching, when they talked about the necessary evacuation, people stayed at home until the last minute, of course, to protect their homes, but the reluctance to leave the house, yes, well, as if my hut would blow over the edge, it doesn’t work so, in this regard, when the water comes, the need for rescuers sharply increases, that is, it is already necessary. people who simply didn’t have time, and then people who didn’t want to leave the flooded districts, they say: come for us and therefore at night, sometimes risking their lives, rescuers go to the addresses and take pictures already, that is, during the day they came, they said that the water would now come to you, well, there was water there, for example, well there half a meter, yes, they arrive in the evening, people are already sitting on the roofs and the water
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is already at their feet, understandably they are scared, especially people with children, it is absolutely impossible to neglect their own safety, and the ministry of emergency situations all this time, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations were talking about what if you understand that you are in an area of ​​flooding, potential flooding, the map showed how flooding can happen, be sure to have an emergency suitcase in order to evacuate, now there is this flight, the next one, i don’t know what it is today. but now the rescuers are collecting humanitarian aid , they will go to the addresses exactly where people remain who did not want to evacuate, and well, if you turn around, you can see a huge area of ​​the new city, it is without power, that is, there is no light there, and not shops are open, but there are people there, and as the vice-governor
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of orenburg said today, she said, she is... the minister of health, but if people do not come to us, we are obliged to go to them, now we are loading humanitarian aid, here in this all-terrain vehicle, floating vehicle , will go to the addresses that are replenished there in large numbers, but it is worth saying that about 6,000 people, over these few days, rescuers are primarily rescuers on such vehicles, on ordinary inflatable boats, rescuers student teams - the ministry of emergency situations transported 6,000 people, here in the city itself...
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the exact numbers are to say, because they change, so, accordingly, psychologists work with people there, doctors work, all medical care is provided, and from today social services are already working services, mfcs that work directly in temporary temporary accommodation centers, help people draw up documents to receive financial assistance, someone has lost their passport, someone has lost their personal identification number, specialists help restore everything, because...
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develop various different diseases, including intestinal hepatitis a.
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i think it’s better for ukraine to strike at tactical operational targets that can directly influence current military operations, that is, austin is essentially asking zelensky not to interfere in biden’s election campaign, because if gasoline prices continue to rise, then biden, as austin thinks, will lose. please, really, unfortunately. houses, not so long ago we were in orenburg, we have many friends and acquaintances there,
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we communicate every day, on behalf of gennady andreevich zyuganov, our deputy ostanina was expelled, just like the deputies of other factions, because it is very important to work with people, that’s when now sometimes they say first of all who is responsible, who is to blame, of course. the authorities will figure out which of the officials is effective, not effective, what happened to the dam or not, why, for example, in the floodplain zone of orenburg , apartment buildings were built that are suitable, but this is the second question, now the most important thing is to stop the disaster, it’s good that ministry of emergency situations and our military joined in solving this problem, and the most important thing is to really provide temporary accommodation centers so that everything is necessary, and... here, of course, peskov said that the government system works effectively, some are effective, some are not so effectively, again, this is a question for the future, but of course, solving problems is very
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important, of course, human psychology, here is your correspondent, i wouldn’t blame the residents like that either, because they are completely different, so i talked this morning, yes, with one of our good friends, they a small team has already collected funds and taken them to the temporary permit point. those clothes and goods that are necessary, talks about the case when her friend flooded a house in snt, a new good house that he was building, he realized that the property could not be saved, he took it into the boat with... he himself began to help those who can be saved, you see, our unity is strength, of course, there are isolated cases of looting, i think the police should look into it, we do have these questions, but society shows that when there is a common problem, we are ready to unite, this can be just the unity of recent years, which is very important under threat, including this war that the west is waging against us, and also, of course, it’s good that the decision was made that... the minister of
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construction is passing there, because that with regard to the problems that we know, a lot arises: firstly, we understand that the population is quite heavily indebted, here is a case that has now been approached to us, a mother of four children, bought a laptop on credit so that the children could study at school, in the attic, of course, it was not possible to save it, but the house for renovation was maternity capital, but the house actually, well, suffered from the elements, it’s not a fact that it will be possible to restore. a man with a broken trough needs to quickly take action and explain to people what will happen, how it will be, a credit, that means an amnesty, something else, and so on and so forth, this is the task of the authorities, because there should be no panic, there should be completely transparent , a reasonable system, and of course, given that the flood is also affecting other regions, these preventive measures must be taken, and of course, we are now doing a lot for restoration of new regions that have entered.
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all problems, and god grant that there be a minimum number of victims, everyone is alive, healthy, and the property is returned, from the point of view of the international agenda, this is a big line, but i would like to draw attention, after all, the really key point is the trip lavrov to china, and i would like to say that on the eve of this trip, sergei viktorovich held a two-hour meeting, more than 2 hours, with the ambassadors of seventy states, the so-called global south, i understand that this is...
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on the other hand, we must understand that china plays a big role not only in economic ties, but also in political ones. china was the first to say, listen, there can be no negotiations about the fate of ukraine without russia, these are all sorts of gatherings, in switzerland or somewhere else, and so on, all issues should be discussed only with the participation of russia, well, strengthening ties in all directions, this is very important, i think that the prospect of the fight against imperialism lies in the cooperation of russia and china, including economic cooperation. on the topic
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that all kinds of sanctions, and we know that mrs. yelen came to china before lavrov, so no western sanctions are capable of undermining our friendship. look, elin, by the way, ended up leaving with nothing, and she didn’t see her either. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov's official visit to beijing on monday attracted the attention of many observers, and understandably so, given that the trip came at a time when trade relations between russia and china have reached a critical crossroads. moscow is actively expanding cooperation with the asia-pacific market is systematically increasing interaction with china, but in the meantime, the west is increasing sanctions pressure, creating serious challenges for the russian-chinese economic partnership. attempts by western countries to create inconvenience for china in trade relations with russia, connected not only with the fighting in ukraine, they are also due to the strategic goals of washington, which is trying to contain china. in this sense, partnership with moscow is only a convenient way for the west to do harm chinese companies and slow down the development of the country's industry. beijing is firm. intends
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to defend his interests within the framework of international law, us policy will not force him to sacrifice his principles. the stable growth of trade turnover between russia and china, as well as the transition to rubles and yuan in trade between them , show that their partnership retains great potential, which will not be undermined by the difficult international situation. i would say that this is generally the very beginning of the partnership, the potential has been revealed, not only all, it is still in its infancy, so of course it’s clear why. global west, in this sense , lavov’s visit, trade turnover, an increase of 100 billion per year in trade turnover, since... an eloquent illustration that, in principle , global competition exists, and at least there cannot be a single hegemon at this stage of human development . please, you know, probably the most important event of today for me is the action of our investigative committee, which did
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something very serious, such far-reaching a statement to initiate a criminal case against financed officials from nato and the united states , terrorism, and in this part, of course, a little bit is needed. i should probably tell you in more detail, because in criminal law there are many terms, from complicity to propaganda of terrorism, to justification of terrorism, a separate article, of course, includes financing, in the statement of the investigative committee there is a company known to everyone in ukraine burisma, so i’ve been following for a very long time behind the story with this company, and where did the money come from, yes, how could they finance ukrainian gur, there are some details that will probably be of interest to our viewers, in the twentieth year a criminal case was opened against zlochevsky, about giving the largest bribe in europe for trying to suppress previous cases, there was a 6 million dollar bribe, it was very a large bribe, several representatives of the top management of this burgism were arrested, and then higher powers intervened in the process, i assume that these higher powers are to one degree or another connected with the biden family, and these higher
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powers pushed through something very surprising from the legal point of view point of view of the court decision. in this court decision, it was closed, for a very long time, the meeting was closed, the decision was classified, there
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is a second point in this part, there the investigative committee spoke about the terrorist attack on the nord streams, there is also an important point, aiding terrorism, even if we we believe all the versions in the western press of what these ukrainian servicemen did, several names appear there, the names of ukrainian servicemen, we tracked their life history,
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looked at public photographs, publications, so their training, including in diving, was carried out in romania in italy, that is, in fact, they prepared them, this is... aiding and abetting in a terrorist act, i assume that from the point of view of criminal law there, yes quite, well, such a subtle point from the point of view of information and psychological support, and the justification of terrorism and the propaganda of terrorism, what the western media is doing now in relation to the terrorist attacks at crocus cityhall, this is essentially what it is, if you read, look how they savor malyuk’s reports of terrorist acts, as they show it, it’s not that there is no condemnation, there is some encouragement, and these publications... and here the most important thing you need to understand is that burisma was directly controlled by the biden family for a very long time, there, in addition to everyone these public scandals, the resignation of the prosecutor general there and so on, there was
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a huge number of non-public calls, some of which later leaked to the network, yes, where we saw biden’s direct participation in this, in fact, biden allocated money for terrorism. the enemy has intensified activities to cause damage to important elements
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of the transport fuel and energy infrastructure and defense industry enterprises on the territory of our country. security forces have repeatedly stopped attempts by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance units to penetrate russian territory. under the current conditions , counter-terrorism actors are taking measures to strengthen security. key facilities involved in supporting a special military operation and supplying new russian regions, the rapidly changing situation requires further improvement of our joint actions. we'll be back. is this a bribe for me to find
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flight attendants on friday, people. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories and what an impression it makes, but russia comes and the city. lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, on
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saturday, from the feeling that he himself revealed his daughter and keeps her locked up, this cannot happen. stay away from him. anna miklysh, alexander nikitin. you 're hiding something? what? don't torture me, valera, i have to think about everything. this concerns lyuba. nadya, i need to know. ibushka is crying. premiere on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir. solovyov today on rtr. american military-industrial corporations will receive $50 billion from the additional assistance package for ukraine, said austin's pentagon chief. this is approximately 85% of the approximately 60 billion that the white house
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is trying to extort from the us congress. but legislators are, at least for now, in no hurry to approve the bill. osten's predecessor as us secretary of defense, mark esper, is confident that the house of representatives is inhabited by kremlin agents who have come under the influence of russian propaganda. before house committees, foreign affairs and intelligence officials said some of their republican colleagues had contracted the russian virus. propaganda. we see direct attempts by russia to disguise anti-ukrainian and pro-russian narratives. we hear them even here in the house of representatives. today there are people among congressmen who make incorrect statements that this conflict between russia and ukraine occurred because of nato, which , of course, is not the case. this is extremely worrying. we are talking about very serious legislators and i know them. and it is true. for several years now we have seen intelligence reports saying that russia is trying to influence public opinion.
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discourse in america, is trying to influence our policy and admit that they are already influencing it with regard to financing ukraine. of course, moscow is not alone here, we see that beijing is doing the same thing, and this is a big problem. i think that such operations hit the achilles loop of our democracy. in general, of course, it’s surprising, yes, everything was banned, all russian media, cut out from all american social networks, any opinion that contradicts washington’s is still russian propaganda’s fault. igor yuryevich, well, this is hunting. beijing and moscow in congress, of course, this is stupidity, for the simple reason that there are elected representatives of the american people who delegated these people to congress, the house of representatives,
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the senate, but of course, people there are not eager to finance. illegal migration poses a much greater threat to the national security of the united states, this is objectively so: drug cartels, gangs of these latinos who are actually eager to break through this thin line and further integrate into american society under various scenarios are absolutely uncontrollable, in this regard, the concern is to at least put up a barrier, naturally the concern for oneself, loved ones and... about the voters, and the fact that there are retired, uh, pentagon leaders, you know, discrediting the people's representatives , well, listen, this is an indicator that things are bad for them
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on the capitalist hill, but i would like to return, of course, to the visit of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov to beijing, a landmark visit, everyone understands that this is preparation after how will it go inauguration of the visit of russian president vladimir putin.
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unsinkable us aircraft carrier, plus there will also be multi-purpose nuclear submarines, that is, a new architecture for containing the strangulation of china is being formed, and china is critically dependent on freedom of navigation, so having reliable russia in the rear, of course, beijing wants to free its hands for more decisive effective actions in region, there are also a lot of disputed islands. when china is told: this is not yours, but its neighbors, there is the rebellious island of taiwan, which is pumped up with american weapons, there is japan, by the way, the americans are supplying
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new long-range cruise missiles there, which will very seriously change the balance of power in the region in the next, well, one and a half to two to three years, the philippines, vietnam, that’s not all there either, but vietnam as a whole is so pragmatic , a multi-vector, but pragmatic position, as far as the philippines is concerned, yes.
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do not give in to american pressure, let beijing insure its banks, but this architecture of trade and economic relations is extremely important for us, we need chinese information via, say, satellite photographs of the earth, we need chinese microelectronics, we need... chinese chips and let’s not turn a blind eye to this, this is objective, in turn, we can give china a very important, i will say a critical advantage, it is not ruled out that joint
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nuclear planning, in order to curb us appetites. there are already missions where russian and chinese strategic bombers carry out combat patrols; these are carriers of nuclear weapons. we can go further. conduct joint command post exercises strategic nuclear forces at the level of the chiefs of general staff to discuss specific aspects of supporting each other in those... other critical situations in the asia-pacific region, so i think that this visit of sergei lavrov is a prologue to new, very important military-strategic agreements, which will be achieved this year and implemented in the very near future after that. well, that’s all except for nuclear cooperation and nuclear cooperation, just a few days ago, on the eve of lavrov's visit to china was described by
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the american bloomberg agency, reporting that the chinese are already... supplying us with microelectronics, the chinese are already sharing chips with us, the chinese are already supplying european equipment, well, that is, apparently this is called parallel imports for arctic lng, and the chinese are also sharing satellite information, but we do not comment on bloomberg, there have been no official messages on this topic from either beijing or moscow, we conclude that bloomberg is probably lying, or maybe not, i’ll say it again, accurate no information available, defense companies. from the uk, this is an urgent message from comrade blinken, they are helping ukraine develop its own defense products in the face of a lack of western assistance, that is, the americans are directly moving out, us secretary of state blinken said at a press conference following negotiations with the head of the british foreign ministry cameron, major british defense companies open offices continue to work together with our ukrainian friends, so that the ukrainians themselves...
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a fireball rises into the sky, from the hangar, to where the militants collected and stored drones, almost nothing remained. here, russian artillery attacks the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in abandoned houses, helping our forward troops develop the offensive. this is how enemy dugouts are cleared. and this is the artyomovskaya neighborhood. paratroopers cover a mortar crew in the sentry area with precision-guided ammunition. the russian military has significantly stepped up its drone efforts. ukrainian positions are constantly being attacked by various types of drones, including vehicles and artillery positions. since the beginning of march , missile strikes have been carried out not only against military-industrial complex facilities, but also against energy facilities and other targets. i note that the russian air force has moved to a wider use of so-called gliding bombs, against which only air defense systems can be used, and this is also
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a benefit.
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against the background of the depletion of the ukrainian armed forces' reserves of missiles for western air defense systems, russia is increasing the use of front-line bombers, writes american force. the magazine notes that vks pilots are now flying much closer to ukrainian positions, i attack them with the help of fabs. ukraine lacks military equipment, ammunition and personnel, so it must limit its military operations to critical sectors of the front. i should clarify that we are not swarming okyta. in order to protect ourselves, we create a certain reserve of resources, combat weapons, which we can access in the event of further advancement. however, it is unlikely that this year we will see any major attempts by the ukrainians to return the occupied territories. against,
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we are talking about holding the front as far as possible, including against the new russian offensive, which the ecumenical one warned about. germany is preparing with all its might for the loss of ukraine. the german publication tager spiegel is worried. about a new flow of refugees, which will lead to a shortage of places in schools and kindergartens. barbed wire was installed along the tisa river, on the border between ukraine and romania. this is what conscription looks like in odessa. ground forces commander pavlyuk says that no one will be able to escape the draft. want to, change to the next minibus? that’s it, you want, help the person get out, i don’t care, turn off the phone, turn off the phone. you do not have the right to a military facility, reservation from mobilization, while the clown artists literally received, the ukrainian ministry of culture assigned the status of enterprises critical for the economy and livelihoods of the population to several
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circuses at once. the west considers the war hopeless, but is doing everything to continue it, says member of the european parliament marijani. according to him , there are only several months, during which time the front will move away. even further west. i am one of those who believe that ukraine cannot win the war, and that at the moment europe and the united states are making desperate attempts to buy time before the elections so as not to suffer defeat. now there is urgent news in the kurgan region for the first time. the complete evacuation of two more villages has been announced. lake and breakthrough. people are being asked to move to temporary accommodation centers. river water level. tobol continues to grow for understanding in the morning it has increased by another 138 cm. due to due to the flood, additional groups of the russian ministry of emergency situations from five neighboring regions in the kremlin were sent to the region. it was reported that putin
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today decided to send people to the flood-stricken orenburg region. minister of construction fayzulin's task is to inform people about the upcoming work to restore their drowned houses. the mayor of orsk, the city that suffered the most from the high water, said that the cost per square meter for compensation for repairs or construction of housing will be carried out at market prices. water in orsk, where it burst the dam begins to gradually subside, but the footage from the city shows that houses are still in the water, people are moving along the streets, people are on boats, and this is... already in the vicinity of orenburg itself, where the peak of the flood is just approaching. in drone footage of a gardening community in the area of ​​lake staritsa near orenburg, they are already completely flooded,
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with only 15 cm left to reach the critical mark of 930 cm on the ural river. after this threshold , new territories of orenburg will be flooded. the city is also preparing to announce an evacuation. preparations for it look like at snt druzhba, they are already there gas and water supplies were turned off, and all shops were closed. the mayor of orenburg urges residents not to waste time leaving the disaster zone before the water arrives, that is, evacuate right now, look, pay attention, an evacuation is in progress. large waters reached the southern part of orenburg overnight, a city with a population of 5,000 located downstream of the urals. that's it, we're swimming out. let's call the addresses again in the old city first,
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who needs what there? people are fleeing the flood on rubber boats, they contain everything, what we managed to collect, diapers, documents and a thermos, we swam through most of the elite village and ran out of strength, it’s not at all easy to swim here, there’s still a lot ahead, so he’s protecting him to the last. in leninsky district. this is what orenburg looks like from a drone camera. over the course of a day, the water in the city rose another 25 cm. now the urals have reached 908 cm, with a critical level of 930. summer residents of snt oak trees. is there anyone? who needs help? summer residents of snt oak trees. who needs help? let me know or call 112 as soon as possible
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per day the water will increase to one meter. well done guys, and orenbursk. in the center, the peak of the flood will occur on april 10, roscosmos publishes satellite images of the natural disaster, the number of flooded houses has increased to 10,550 over the past 24 hours. this is what my kitchen looks like, even at that moment when the water level dropped by 1 m. the returning owner comments on the situation inside this flooded house, that is, everything fell into disrepair, the facades were torn off, they floated away. in the kitchen, at the level of the gas stove , they float. pots and cutting boards, here
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this is what the hall looks like and the furniture that was in it, the garage doors are open, everything that was there floated away, naturally, in these shots on the roof of the all-terrain vehicle, a rescued domestic goat, handsome men, she will come out, what are you, oh, wait, and these heartbreaking footage of the rescue of a cow and calf, the animals were literally dragged to dry land,
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the flood has passed, this is the situation right now, look how the car was flooded, the playground, the water has receded almost a meter, what is the peak water level in the city, the entrance, that’s it, here’s the second one , cars are standing in water up to the engine shield, the day before they were completely under water, in the sixth microdistrict without a boat. there’s no way to get through, rescuers are maneuvering between trees and road signs, there’s a drowned chair here, the dam has been damaged, look, that’s it, fuck it, i was swimming, that’s it, an embankment dam several kilometers long in the city of orsk, was put into operation in 2014, it is not a hydraulic structure; its
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key task is to protect the highway that leads to kazakhstan and strengthen the bank of the ural river. the cost of the object is almost 932 million rubles. the dam was designed for a level of 5.5 m. now the water has exceeded 9 m. unfortunately, the flood forecast has become even more negative. the expected water level is 11 m and higher, which is much higher than the actual flood event in 1994. the first wave of high water is expected tonight. in the village of zverina golovskaya in the kurgan region, a spring flood raised the water level by 74 cm in 2 hours. we began to build temporary dams in the village of gladyanskaya with the help of.
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please, of course, nature is nature, the elements are the elements, she reminds herself in different parts of the globe, sometimes by storms, sometimes by floods, sometimes by earthquakes, i would still like to say that i would really like
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for us to someday stop talking about the exploits of rescuers, about the courage of volunteers, about hospitality.
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a cut with previously made decisions, we have been pushing this water for years, and i hope that this will not end in anything, but i do not rule out that there may be problems that are associated in this case with this episode, they are also associated with that that the nanny’s family simply had a child without an eye, we can strongly
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to fall in, to save, the whole country unites, consolidates and so on, let's learn, finally, without these heroic efforts. solve problems in a timely manner, if this happened, i would be very pleased, now, of course, even just from the point of view of financing and further consequences, the main thing at this stage is to help people, of course, but this dam costs 900 million, and the damage is already preliminary the most 20 billion rubles from these floods, another thing is that of course they warned, but such heavy... there was no very, very much precipitation a long time ago, but the precipitation was seen while it was melting, it was possible, there are many questions that need to be answered, here i am today, i apologize, i will add, today i participated in the annual meeting of the scientific council under the security council, reported for the ministers of emergency situations , i won’t tell everything, it was behind closed doors,
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but he very convincingly talked about the fact that we warn in advance within a week, it takes us 20 minutes from analysis to... bringing this to the level of local government, unfortunately, it was impossible ask questions, i didn’t ask him why this didn’t happen in orsk, but he told me very convincingly that we had equipped everything, everything was fine with us in this regard, that we delivered the information on time, whether it was delivered on time or not, this remains to be found out, as far as the orenburg region is concerned, in general, if you start to figure it out, as a person who grew up in the volgograd region, it’s not a good idea to live in the poima, because with any flood, with any... flooding, the area is immediately washed away, but returning to the orenburg region to the settlement of orsk, there this dam was built to a level of 5.5 m, the water is 9 m, and before the water was 7 m, that is, even if it was 7 m as before, like last year, there
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would still be a flood, well that is , the question is, why did we build it at 5.5 m, if there is always 7, i have. another question, it was built for 900 million, this money is clearly not local, this is either federal or federal money, that’s who was authorized to keep it in order, who had to make sure every day that... it didn’t leak, that’s me personally i think it was just on level of the city of ursk, which does not have enough funds for this, regarding this particular dam, it’s not a dam, it’s only called a dam, it’s a sandy earthen embankment, it wasn’t even poured with concrete, let’s call a spade a spade, so the water just rose washed away to hell this structure, which was called the dam, on which someone smart spent almost a billion with the name dam, but... “we won’t label it now, there is a consequence, we proceed from the fact that they will definitely figure it out, we’ll be back in a minute , everything is here
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the snot is holding on, the bosses don’t care about it, wow, the premiere on rtr, who is this, the owner of the taxi company, and you’re ruining everything for me here, i ’m giving you 1000 right now, i’m calling my friend, he’s getting you a job in a furniture store, you’re a woman, you should be flexible, should not, especially for men, but alla wants to be willing, i’m not going to leave, i’m staying, alla taxi, today on rtr, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and the atmosphere is complete. relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to
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7:23 pm
please, acquaintance and roll call, it is possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much stories have been told, i was daring in... my hands, when everyone was at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you were
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a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you he was provoked, i wanted to help the guy, she is digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you are people right in... look into his head, look in the application or on the website , each.
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"please fasten your seat belt security, bring the horse, it will shock us today, you can say, they saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy, why me, there are many ready-made specialists." light, without you, it ’s like i’m going downhill, or something, this is not your man, in a zone of strong turbulence, light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please take your seat, flight attendant on friday on. london and
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washington have made progress on the issue of transferring frozen readings to kiev stolen russian sovereign assets. they will present the project at the g7 summit in june was joyfully stated by british foreign secretary cameron at a joint press conference with us secretary of state blinken. while anglo-saxon diplomats were discussing how best to steal ours. and money, the pentagon chief decided to try himself in a new genre, admitted to a senate hearing that if he were russia, he would not want ukraine to join nato. i heard secretary blinken say in brussels last week that ukraine will soon become a member of nato. do you agree with this? this is nato's goal -
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to involve ukraine, and this is what ukraine wants see. if you were russia, would you want this? i'm just asking, we are now planning to play games with russia, i just want to understand why we should do this? of course, if i were in russia, i wouldn't want that, senator, and i wouldn't want finland and sweden to be part of nato either. thank god he is not russia. please, mr. lugovoy. yes, you know, here you are... we started with this - with the fact that washington and london agreed on something, well, of course, of course, these two phrases are everywhere, these two cities are constantly we use, and today there was such information regarding the ukrainian company burisma, well , it would seem surprising, one of the oligarchic companies of ukraine, according to the investigative committee, finances terrorism,
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in principle there is nothing surprising in this, especially since i probably don’t know every second...
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and financial intelligence, the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars are checked, the involvement of specific persons from among government officials, public and commercial organizations. western countries, in addition, through investigative operational means, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators are being worked out. i want to say the following: of course, the americans now have such a concept as strategic terrorism, in fact, this is one of the ways
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to solve america’s foreign political problems, but they either carry out a military invasion or secure their interests in the territory of that country with soft force through bribery. or other countries. i will literally go back briefly into history to return to burisma, the beginning of the fifties was one of the first. coups that the americans carried out in guatemala, then zenhaur was in power, the secretary of state was none other than foster dallos, and his brother was the head of the development department, and under the guise that the communists were coming to power in guatemala, they demolished this power there for 2 years, but in fact this has already been proven by historians, this entire coup was carried out in the interests of the transnational company, a united fruit company, which owned... almost all of the land in guatemala. the most interesting thing is that foster dallas was previously a company of the law firm sullivan and cameron and
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cronwell, and this is the company that fully provided the transnational corporation with international relations. and it was dalas who personally dealt with the contractual relations between united fruit, on the one hand.
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isn’t it a similar historical parallel: power, a transnational corporation on the board of directors of representatives of the secret services, therefore once again, this information, of course , emphasizes to us that americans and british use terrorism, among other things, either to create terrorist groups so that they operate on the territory of a particular country and carry out terrorist acts, or , in fact, sponsor an entire state until they achieve their foreign policy goals, simply for what? it was for burism to create this gasket to carry out terrorist acts, yes, they went there directly biden came, sat at the table at the head of the verkhovna rada, spoke
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how many times, i don’t know , they carried suitcases with cash to the maidan, boxes of cash, but this scheme with burisma, of course, actually explains a lot, that is, they were not involved in gas, they were not involved in gas, of course. britain is getting involved to supply more ammunition to ukraine, or get closer to it. we know they need more support from nato allies, and we know they need more money in the form of frozen russian assets, and we are making great strides to access them.
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why are we drinking, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, star team, dangerous. volodya, go speed,
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take it away, take it away, what happened, i pierced my glove, lights, talk to me, i’m talking, the story of a real feat, they used almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, a film that has reached unprecedented heights, you heard, it’s necessary open the hatch, the shuttle has docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, let him go. salute 7. april 12 on rtr. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement is too much will it hit the budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with it you can easily and quickly.
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four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, quickly, at... just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. makes
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it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet, take advantage of this incredible offer, call, order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95, mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy, cut out the pieces according to the shape... put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever, that’s it, you can stick a kilogram of dumplings in total in 5 minutes, take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the most delicious machine for only 4.95. are regular shovels not doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. sharp edges. they make it very
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easy to dig through the roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels are bad handle hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted-vee design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, can cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily strip off roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why if you can. complete even the
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toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith shovel razer with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened wa-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area and then. .. only if you call now, you will get the incredible hammersmith razer at an incredible price, for only 4995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time, you are a famous psychiatrist and scientist in the recent past, and then they quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, you’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, the pen is in the most
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dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that in people to be able to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head. look in the app or on the website, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, he loves to grab the cokhtin there, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you you are flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster,
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the west must react accordingly, they say, so that moscow does not go to war with europe, we need to right now develop the military-industrial complex of the alliance member countries and strengthen their armed forces, especially on the eastern flank, there is an aggressive military the bloc is engaged in provocations with all its might, nato
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reconnaissance planes are circling in the sky near the russian borders and the spies are not hiding their surveillance of us and are saying that... the nato airborne radio-detection guidance system or in short, avax is ready for takeoff. there is a crew of 19 people on board, including one woman. among them are military personnel from germany, the netherlands, portugal, spain and the usa. their goal is the eastern flank of the alliance, and the task facing the crew is to patrol.
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russia, since the times of the soviet union over the past 75 years, has been and is the main enemy of nato since the founding of the alliance.
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europe and the world, that we will do everything to get these systems for ukraine, we , together with our ukrainian and european partners, will continue to work on this. before everything in order to quickly obtain for ukraine the systems that third countries have. i hope that at the meeting of the heads of the midgroup of seven, we will be able to provide open information on this matter. we are transported to germany by direct communication with the current member of the bundestag, evgeniy schmidt. evgeniy, we welcome you. burbock's timid statement that there is a patriot system, but not for ukraine, is not enough. is there a feeling that germany, following america, is also trying to jump out of the ukrainian war? you know, in this regard, madam. no matter how cute she is to me was, he’s telling the truth, that is, germany
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has indeed now completely exhausted, on a number of points of the military nomenclature , its obligations to ukraine, the obligations it has assumed, that is, it simply cannot supply anything else, because the warehouses of the german bundeswehr are empty, reporters have already said more than once they stated that if there was some kind of attack on germany, ammunition. the german army in the bundeswehr is only enough for a few hours of combat, that is, everything that could be scooped out and pumped aside ukraine, the bundeswehr has already done so now to supply something else, well, it just means leaving the country completely without weapons, well , in general, in the current geopolitical situation, the world one, it seems to me that only ukraine can attack germany, and on the other hand, of course today the incredible happened, berbak for the first time, stated. told the truth, but as for other equipment, because we see that rain metal is trying, 20 bmps were still
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discovered, but nothing of what kiev is really asking for, as i understand it, scholz berbek will not be given any missiles or air defense systems other than the patriots, because sams has german systems that were previously supplied. yes, as far as the situation in ukraine is probably difficult, since now there is a discussion about patriots again, as i already said, germany does not have any extra weapons, now there are just some kind of auctions going on with the aim of finding weapons, not like in germany or in europe, and all over the world they are looking for where to buy these petriots or some other modern air defense systems, to send them to ukraine, and germany itself, as i said, quite strongly.
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they really went to ukraine, but part of the funds are obligations to other countries that supplied their weapons
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to ukraine, and to which germany undertook to pay these weapons, these supplies, so this is a biased article, it was most likely created more for pressure on scholz, so that they say let’s harness ourselves even more into this endless stream into the bottomless barrel of ukraine, and here in the bundestag literally every week. come from debate that we should supply more weapons to ukraine, despite all the negative consequences for our own country, and the only faction that is fighting off all these militant statements is, of course, the alternative for germany, which clearly takes the position that we should immediately stop military support for ukraine, sit down at the negotiating table and finally end this conflict, a reasonable, good position, thank you, evgeniyt. from the bundestag, from the alternative for germany party, with us in direct communication from germany,
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which also cannot find patriots for ukraine, or maybe does not want to look for them? well, yes, indeed, we constantly have this kind of, well, misunderstanding, that is, on the one hand, all western countries say that russia needs to be destroyed, defeated on the battlefield, achieved peace on the battlefield, this is generally the kind of aximaron, as just recently sounded , on the other hand, suddenly there are some discussions again that we have. there are no patriots, and today i read a generally wonderful analysis that - in the west they are now looking for high-quality cotton, and i will remind you that high-quality cotton is the main... raw material for nitrocellulose, nitrocellulose is gunpowder, suddenly it turned out that high-quality cotton is china, which now for some reason is not eager to sell it to western countries, western countries are now stubborn and say, but that how to fight, how to make gunpowder, at the same time - news from rastekh that cotton does not grow in our country, well, the country is northern, and rastekh, in
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general, achieved what is more difficult, but you need to try , but made of flax and wood fiber... it’s exactly the same cellulose, you can make nidrocellulose, and this is also a raw material for gunpowder, here are two approaches, that is, on the one hand, the approach of western countries, let's sit and maybe this new cotton will appear somewhere there, our approach: we need to make gunpowder here now, we will make from flax, we will make from wood, whatever grows, whatever fits, yes we will make from this, why this happens, a very simple answer, because western countries, they are for their existing world order, which actually suits them absolutely. this is the same order based on rules, who are constantly trying to shove it down our throats and say: this is what you need, and we say, excuse me, we have already raised the stakes so high that now you will reach our level, you have allowed the actual expansion of nato led to the largest conflict on european territory since the second world war, it’s
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your fault, but you, excuse me, don’t want to take responsibility for this, because at the moment when this conflict is really... the german brigade is deployed, but it should unfold by 27, that is , the west wants to escalate the ukrainian conflict on its own terms, since it is convenient for it, based on the world in which it lives, and we, excuse me, we will achieve our goals, the way we are already forced do, and we will do, of course, this as quickly as possible, so that our costs for solving our
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security problems are minimal, and adapt to what the west does not have there...
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they are currently making desperate efforts to in order to increase production faster, they can really achieve this, we did it faster, drew conclusions faster, and now they are faced with this necessity, if earlier they talked about defeating russia, now the main task is to avoid defeat in ukraine, you see, slogans are actually changing, let’s come back.
7:55 pm
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stylish design - two trendy colors on choice. universal, black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform. let's see. first podcasts. which we are watching. well, moscow city services have been put on high alert for the coming bad weather,
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thunderstorms of heavy rain. according to the forecast, heavy rain with wind gusts of up to 17 m/s is expected in the capital region today after 7 pm and until wednesday morning. people are asked not to take shelter under trees or park cars under them. look, it was 60 minutes. all the best. goodbye, bye, on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day, big news on the air, in the studio igor kozhevin, hello, our reports from of the flooded orsk, this is what it looks like... the ramps, they have completely gone under water, they can no longer be opened, from the flooded orenburg.


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