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tv   Prazdnik Uraza- Bairam  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:56am MSK

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you can completely connect to our telegram channel and receive all the information there. andrey regularly records classes, and thanks to our channel i learned what a circle is, come in, dram, circle, circle from a photo, and i also like to sing, all this is on our telegram channel. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the level on the ural river in arenburg exceeded 10 m. difficult flood situation in the kurgan region. ukrainian militants suffered significant losses of personnel in the south-donetsk direction, shot! near
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avdiivka, our artillerymen hit several firing points in the ukrainian armed forces at once. four pickup trucks for $2,000, instead of being sent to the front, the ukrainian football player told how he was forcibly mobilized. and guests from the future in st. petersburg hosted the premiere of balise selezneva’s blockbuster. and the beginning of the situation. with spring leashes, the level on the ural river in orenburg rose to more than 10 meters, this is an absolute record in the entire history of observations, the water has come close to apartment buildings, there is now a flood has almost reached its peak, residents are urged not to wait for a critical situation and to evacuate. difficult flood conditions persist in the kurgan region; the water level in tobol has increased by another 25 cm over the past 24 hours. our correspondents report with the latest information from the scene.
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the level of the ural river continues to rise since yesterday evening in orenburg by another + 27 cm. our regions are not increasing, we will say so, they are increasing only in water level. our main task is the safety of our orenburg residents, and i urge you again. sit, don't waiting means there are already critical situations and you need to evacuate as quickly as possible. the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in the entire history of observations and is still increasing. the sakmara river is also growing. to protect homes, city services and residents themselves have been digging trenches and building dams for several days. this water-filled , prefabricated dam was delivered to orenburg by a special aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations; it should protect nearby residential buildings. the water comes there from the embankment. and today there will be the same fortifications. be built in other areas.
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the evacuation has been going on for several days, but there are still quite a lot of those who do not want to leave their homes, while the peak of the flood in orenburg has not yet been reached; the maximum is expected within the next 24 hours. in other areas of the region, the situation is also turbulent, but is gradually beginning to stabilize. in ortsk we lost -14 cm in 24 hours, so as i said, we are on a confident trajectory. the dam, it is clear that it is being built in a hurry so that this entire volume of water can be used miss, there will also be a difficult situation. the group of forces of the ministry of emergency situations is increasing in the region, more than 4,500 rescuers and 850 units of equipment are already working here, they also continue to deliver humanitarian aid to the region, another one arrived by plane at night...
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families, i want to help the whole city, but to strengthen the dam. concerned citizens and regional authorities constantly deliver hot meals to volunteers. volunteers, the ministry of emergency situations, cadets and so on, local residents, that is, we provide everyone with hot meals. dozens of apartment buildings are now at risk, some neighborhoods in the regional center have already been evacuated; furniture in kindergartens and schools is urgently being moved as high as possible. the second floor of one of the kurgan kindergartens is now more similar. to a huge warehouse, furniture from
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offices, cribs from groups and even kitchen stoves, here, in the event of a real flood, they will definitely be safer, but the most valuable things - electronics and documents - were taken outside the institution. an additional one and a half meters of dam was built around the treatment facilities to prevent flood water from entering the city pipes, which could threaten public utilities. collapse, we are going to the orsivka dam, big water is expected any day now, perhaps today, part of the region’s territory is dozens of villages already flooded, the whole of uyskaya can now only be reached by boat, the zverenogolovsky district received the biggest wave, some villages have been completely evacuated from the rest ...people have been taken out over the past 24 hours. forced evacuation has been announced, please collect documents. temporary accommodation centers have been set up for the victims. the pvr also employs mfc employees who help to obtain the necessary documentation. the situation is under the control of the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov. the day before, he flew around
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the flooded area, announced the need to continue preventive evacuation, and promised, if necessary, to strengthen the group of rescuers in the region. albert musit. nikolay starosttin, mindrikomov, ilya nagaleeva, ural news bureau. now there is footage from nalchik, there on the territory of the garden partnership, special forces blocked armed militants involved in terrorism. as reported by the national anti-terrorism committee, in response to the continuation, fold weapons, the bandits opened fire on law enforcement officers. at these moments , the operation continues to ensure the safety of citizens; a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in the area where the criminals were detected. now to the situation in the special operation zone, ukrainian militants suffered significant losses of personnel in the southern donetsk direction. there , our aircraft destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. precision strikes were carried out by the crews of sud-34 supersonic fighter bombers. they attacked the enemy with ammunition
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universal planning modules. and in the kupinsky direction , the militants’ camouflaged fortifications were destroyed. our tankers. t-90 crews operated from hidden positions to remain undetected. at any moment, ready-made crews of hurricane multiple launch rocket systems will attack from the enemy. from a leading report by vesti war correspondent eduard punigov. on the southern donetsk front today the passport is for thick fog, low clouds, but for calculations of multiple launch rocket systems, a hurricane is ideal weather, since it is lower it is likely that the car could be detected by a reconnaissance drone. the enemy cannot more or less calmly work on targets near the line of combat contact to the front line approximately 20 km away, the crew of the rszzo hurricane of the eastern group of forces has returned after another combat tour, the vehicle is heading towards
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the rear to reload. the soldiers take up their jobs and again go on day duty. new targets were discovered in the south of the donetsk people's republic, where i am walking now. fierce battles. after the shot, the most dangerous minutes for the crew. the enemy is leading counter-battery fight, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to turn into a target yourself. by this time , air reconnaissance data had already arrived. the enemy stronghold was successfully hit. the car hides in a dense forest belt and returns to the shelter. the commander of this unit with the call sign baikal has also been on special operations since the first days. during all this time, on his car. never got hit, are there any differences from how the fighting took place in 1922 and how it is now? yes, the differences have changed, have changed a lot, now there is more danger in the air, we have already tuned in to the air, we have protected the vehicle with an anti-drone net,
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we have installed a thunderstorm system so that the drones cannot fly away, the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army of the eastern group is on duty in the hottest areas of the front. the task of the artillerymen is to provide support to the attack aircraft, who consistently knock out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. magate governing council will hold an extraordinary meeting today at its headquarters in vienna due to the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. nuclear power plants have been hit by kamikaze drones for almost a week now, but the west stubbornly does not notice who exactly is doing this. meanwhile, constant attacks by ukrainian drones on zas. could provoke a nuclear disaster, said russia's representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. rosatami reported that the plant’s staff of many thousands works in extreme conditions, ensuring the safety of all zaporizhzhya facilities. stations. the corporations once again demanded that the leaders of the eec and the head of magat
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influence the kiev regime and stop the attacks. volunteers of the youth wing of the popular front provide humanitarian assistance to residents. areas that suffer almost daily from ssu attacks. volunteers have a lot of work, they deliver food and basic necessities to citizens, and help with the restoration of damaged housing. about supporting caring people, report by alexander revunov. blanket, portable gas stoves, thermal underwear, volunteers people's front is carefully packing all this into cardboard boxes, and soon this cargo will leave moscow for belgrade at the border, trucks from all over the country are rushing, humanitarian aid to people affected by terror in ukraine. according to requests, guys in the regions, as well as businesses, help us, bring them here in trucks. these diesel generators will soon go to the grayvoronsky district of the city. region, due to constant shelling in this urban district , the civilian infrastructure has been severely damaged, there is no
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electricity, and the gas supply has been disrupted. part people from the border rural villages of the kraivoronsk urban district did not go to temporary accommodation centers, but are waiting out the dangerous time with acquaintances, friends, relatives, and it was with the activists of the popular front that we came to one such large family, brought them food and food packages. they left under heavy enemy artillery fire to save seven children. they found shelter temporarily. in this house there is nowhere else for them to return, we have two flights to one house, there is nothing left there, that is, to return now nowhere, it turns out, onf volunteers leave a contact phone number, write down what else needs to be brought from things for both children and adults, more than a thousand food sets are already packaged in bags, household chemicals are stored separately, soon we will also need a separate hangar for equipment, a domestic suv is already is serving in the border area of ​​the belgorod region, the car has been put in order... prepared for further service, i really hope that it will help save the lives of our
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guys. activists also delivered atvs, thermal imagers, copters, to the demarcation line, devices rap. many thanks to everyone who cares, who helps us in the fight against this world nazism, which we are trying to prevent by protecting our state borders. after each shelling of belgorod , the regional youth branch of the onf also comes to the aid of communal workers, the guys collect. broken glass is blocking the thermal circuit of the apartments, which they are trying to do to help their fellow countrymen. they have a lot of work. in march of this year alone , the vso fired more than 1,500 shells across the belgorod region. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news. in moscow , united russia today will talk about the features of preliminary voting. in the regions, candidates are already actively submitting documents. in murmansk , a volunteer of the party’s humanitarian mission, vitaly egorov, will participate in the preliminary voting with the start of a special operation, organize training camps, and deliver aid to military personnel to the front. egorov has already collected about 7 tons of various
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cargo. the premiere screening of the main blockbuster of spring took place in st. petersburg, 100 years ago . the film was based on the story of cyrus balycheva about the exciting adventures of a girl from the future, alice. some of the first spectators were schoolchildren from belgorod, who are now studying in the northern capital. the actors of the film met with them. and the impression. children about the film itself in salima zarif's report, this is a guest from another future in the new film version of the famous story by kir balychev, alice travels from 2124 to ours, 2024, she and kolya, of course, are no longer pioneers and in general they are older than we are used to, but the spirit of romance and adventure remains unchanged. the audience's interest is huge, and even though the film designed primarily for young people, this evening in the hall.
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they do not set themselves the goal of arguing with the soviet classics, but want to make a film for a new generation, so that alisa seleznyova, as the author intended, would travel through time, so that her story would remain relevant. salemazarev, alexey sasyrin, alexander borushkov, alexandrova, news, northwestern bureau. four pickup trucks for 20 thousand dollars, instead of being sent to the front,
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the ukrainian football player told how he was forcibly mobilized, about this and more immediately after. stay tuned, whiskey mancacher is a product of the stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac, monte shococa, product of steller group. callinan belleg is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself
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in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac old barrel - product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorizortam. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you, snob gin is a product of stellor group. premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss another time, alexander rubok, comradely, take off the handcuffs, let’s go to apartment number twenty tomorrow under escort, okay? anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i myself am working for you all.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always hold a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, that's how a child sleeps, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but health for sure
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will increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, we lost contact with the station, we don’t understand what happened to it, prepare the crew, salute 7, well, an adult home, april 12 on rtr, you are watching the news, we continue the release, our artillerymen hit in the avdeevsky direction straightaway. several firing points are in full force, let's fire a gun, a shot, the positions of the ukrainian formations were destroyed by geocind howitzers. the shooting was carried out from a distance of more than 20 km, suffering significant losses at the front, ukrainian militants continue to attack civilians donbass, but crews
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of buk m1 anti-aircraft missile systems come to their aid. over the past 24 hours in the dpr, they have shot down six hymers shells and dozens of drones. the russian military hones their skills at training grounds in conditions close to combat. there, now you can quickly and easily issue an electronic id card for a combat veteran. stormtroopers of the 296th battalion of the second army corps of the southern group of forces are practicing their skills at one of the training grounds of the lugansk people's republic. without interrupting their training, military personnel directly at the training ground, electronic identification cards for combat veterans are issued. documents are accepted by employees of one of the russian banks. this is what an electronic identification card for a combat veteran looks like ; it looks like an ordinary plastic card on the back. photograph, data of the serviceman and the serial number of the certificate, all the benefits and personal account of the veteran are sewn inside, the partner banks of the ministry of defense took upon themselves
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all the bureaucratic procedures in all instances when issuing the certificate, which until now had to the serviceman himself undergoes it, and this is the main advantage of new veterans. sometimes we can’t even leave here from the checkpoint to go to the store, we don’t have time, there’s a lot of work, people here immediately save us a lot of time. administration or bank that will deal with these issues. congratulations on receiving the status of a combat veteran, i wish you to return home safe and sound with victory. to obtain an electronic id for a combat veteran, it is enough to provide a passport and a document confirming participation in a special military operations. certificates of participation in a special military operation are issued by the personnel authorities of any military unit that takes part in a special military operation. the general directorate of personnel is the main link. when issuing the registration , it confirms personal data before issuing an electronic id through a closed channel with the protection of personal data and transmits this data to partner banks.
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representatives of the ministry of defense mark electronic certificates indefinitely and are valid throughout the country. the introduction of a plastic card does not cancel the certificate of a combat veteran on a paper form, but complements it by eliminating unnecessary red tape. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, lugansk people's news. the public came to sign a contract and ended up at the front, this story was told to the ukrainian media by former football player of the ingulets club nikolai stetsenko. the athlete was forcibly mobilized last summer. it all happened in odessa, where he came to sign a contract with a new club, but the footballer did not make it to the stadium. in the military registration and enlistment office set conditions: if you don’t want to go under arms, buy four pickup trucks for $20,000. so the athlete ended up on... by the way, a month after the anti-corruption check of the military commissar, the extortionist was fired. more than a million dollars were found in his office.
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large-scale iranian strikes on military and government targets in israel are inevitable, bloomberg reports. agency sources, citing intelligence data from the united states and israel, claim that an attack with the possible use of high-precision missiles could begin in the coming days. iranian and the israeli armed forces brought to a state. increased combat readiness. against this background, air carriers have already begun to cancel flights to tehran. due to the unstable situation in the middle east, the russian foreign ministry strongly recommends that russians refrain from traveling to the region unless absolutely necessary. australia has demanded that the us immediately stop prosecuting its citizen julian assange. a corresponding request was sent to the white house and joe biden promised to consider it. asanju, whom now. are being held in a london prison, if extradited to the usa, they face 175 years in prison, this is actually death behind bars, the creator of wikileaks has been imprisoned for exactly 5
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years, the topic will be continued by our uk subcorrespondent, alexander khabarov. the ecuadorian embassy is located in one of the most expensive areas of central london: boutiques, luxury hotels, but julian asanche did not see all this ceslavia fair; he spent almost 7 years behind these walls, in a small room that ecuadorian diplomats allocated to him. sunlight, only twice in all this from time to time he appeared on this balcony to speak to journalists. it was forced confinement. swedish authorities were then prosecuting asandge for allegedly committing crimes of a sexual nature, and he now clearly feared, with good reason , that it was all a trap to hand him over to the united states. we met him twice inside this building. and, despite all the difficulties, he held on well, continued to manage his wikileaks website, releasing. new revelations, it's all very difficult time to be here at the embassy, ​​but at least i can continue to work. later it became known that all these conversations were recorded, assange was under
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round-the-clock surveillance and... reports were received in the united states, where options for his abduction and even murder were discussed. it ended with a change of power in ecuador, and the new president of this latin american country, lenin morena, decided that it was more profitable for him to hand over osanja. an aged, bearded prisoner was forced out of the embassy to be taken to one of the harshest prisons in london, belmarsh, so he moved from one dungeon to another, but more so... the us regime demands the extradition of asandzh, where he is charged with hacking and espionage. the maximum term on all counts is 175 years in prison. assange's supporters, including former british labor party leader jeremy corbyn, have been demanding his immediate release, but to no avail. our demand is for the immediate release of julian asandge to protect him from life imprisonment in the united states. in the website created by assange
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wikileaks exposed. us war crimes, including the sensational case of the shooting of civilians and journalists in iraq. no one was ever punished for this murder of peaceful rak people. his publications completely exposed war crimes and were very painful for the united states government. assange is an australian citizen. after years of silence, australian authorities asked washington to stop pursuing him. during a meeting with the prime minister of japan. promised journalists to consider this request. request the extradition of asange from the united states was sent to london under donald trump. the biden administration not only inherited this matter, but also put a lot of effort into delivering the united states, the founder of wikileaks. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead london. moscow and ashgabat celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the poet and thinker, makhtum quli. he is considered the founder.
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his poems have been translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world and have long been sorted into quotes about how, in the anniversary year, the poetry of makhtum kuli sounds with a new force, becoming an envoy of russian-turkmen friendship, reporting by guli boltaeva. the tercentenary of the famous poet, philosopher and humanist was symbolically celebrated among the books in the library of foreign literature. ancient phallians collected by his father surrounded the boy since childhood. politicians, diplomats, and cultural experts have transformed this date.
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both the czechs and ostrovsky are also revered in fraternal, friendly turkmenistan. georgy shengeli translated magtymguly in 1944, when it would seem there was no time for poetry, but no, the war exacerbated feelings and poems permeated with love and faith that good will win, they helped not only the turkmens to defend their homeland.
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borbon searsman, product of the lar group, they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group.
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rom product of stellor group. titanic luxury collection whiskey mankatcher product steller group. on cosmonautics day. no more than three attempts to dock. understood
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nazar. go. first they need to warm up the station and light it up. they will last a week. salyut 7. i refuse to continue flying with you. do you hear? look, where are you going? april 12 on rtr. lol is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i
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i love plants, i’m a plant maniac in general, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling there will be a lot of them... and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, premiere on rtr , let’s get on the line yourself, it’s easy, i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not all sugar, is it true, or what, you were appointed director? if you were 20 years older, you would get married, marry me, i’m not divorced, well , that’s enough, well, well, as long as i can repent, well, we same family, let's do it again, alla taxi, today
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on rtr. this is the life and fate of margarita sukhankina, after margarita’s separation from her foreign husband, you returned to moscow with a broken heart, but here the big theater and new love were waiting for you, what was the big theater for you? when i returned from germany here to russia, i didn’t know what to do, that is, how should i go, where should i go, suddenly i got a call from my former classmate who told me: listen, here... this is the idea, here we are now we're going on tour to germany, under with a hat, the soloists of the bolshoi theater represent, come on, come with us, we just lost a singer, who is mezza sapran, who was supposed to go, i say, listen, len, how do you imagine this, i’m not a soloist of the bolshoi theater, i i say, well, how
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can we lie, she says, come on, who is there to watch, everything will be there, we will now send your tape to the impresar, that’s all, he will approve it and put you on the list, i say, well, let’s try, ok, we sent the tape, everyone liked everything, that’s it and... i’m going with this whole group of soloists of the bolshoi theater, at one of the concerts there is an article in the newspaper in which it is written that the greatest impression was made by the soloist of the bolshoi theater margarta maruna, everyone ha-ha-ha, guys, everyone is laughing, just her, they say , well, just think, you are the only one who is not a soloist of the bolshoi theater, and you already, and for me volodya bogachev, who came with us at that time, he was actually the presenter of the bolshoi theater, he tells me: so, now we are coming to moscow, going to the audition for a big theater, we go there, they audition for me, and i i become a trainee, an intern, then it’s already spring, and they tell me, you know, you didn’t come to the first round, you come right away, when we’ve already done the whole selection, everyone already knows you, the conductors are there, what do you need all these selections pass, in theory i was supposed to be with... an intern, as it were, the next stage they take interns, well, that is, some kind of degree,
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yes, so i sing a fantastic funeral service, that i go out on stage, sing razina’s aria from the seversk barber, the orchestra begins to applaud me , and there all this is prohibited, because there must be deathly silence pipitram with bows, the whole hall that is sitting, then everyone in the hall, that is, green cloth , everyone is sitting, all our famous ones, elena vasilievna obraztsova, zurab satkelava, evgenia nesterenko there, everyone is sitting like this at the table. everyone starts applauding, we sit in the main buffet in the central big theater, we are waiting for the results, the next day he comes out and says: the soloists of the big theater have been accepted, margarita maruna, i jump up from my seat, i say, excuse me, you must have made a mistake, they can’t take me as a soloist, probably the interns, he says: everyone voted unanimously that they take you as a soloist, put on cherubin’s aria, we have it,
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i look at these shots, i still remember, i keep it
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in my head that your voice is still living in parallel some completely different parallel life, and you , by the way, they could say to their colleagues, friends, partners in the big theater, to all these people of high or taar art, and you heard there, music connected us, it’s me there, no, no, no, for me it was a ban, i didn’t want to, and at the same time life is more or less it’s getting better, the pain somehow subsides from the first... some concerts for but nevertheless, he even wrote voices for me with the orchestra and he was just so absolutely classical from the classical world and from a classical family of classical musicians himself too a pianist and... the original one then became a composer because he injured his
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fingers, he lost his fingers somewhere, they told him, forget about this career, and by the will of fate, he began to write music, in general, like this, the only problem was that with alcohol, so to speak, because of this , unborn children, in general, it’s like why the marriage broke up, because such a tragedy happened, well, it’s as if my child died in this marriage, because of alcohol, yes. that is , he simply forced me to have an abortion, that is, maybe everything would have been fine, but at a late stage i had an abortion, very cruel, because he said that i drink, you will give birth to a crazy person, you will give birth to a sick person there child, you must urgently have an abortion, i will divorce you, you will not give birth you will, you won’t, you can’t, have an abortion urgently, his mother, my grandmother, also my parents, unfortunately they lived there, they already bought a house in the village, they left and i was alone.
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began to sing, came to the theater, talk, i talk, the concert performer says to me: well , let’s sing something there, i open my mouth and crow, my voice is gone, my vocal voice is gone, it’s completely gone, i stopped singing, i thought it wasn’t will come back, they kept me in the theater, they just continued to keep me, everyone there understood everything and after a year, probably about a year later, everything came back, the voice returned, you were looking for then the opportunity to adopt, become a mother, yes, i think that before the appearance of seryozha in your life. so this black hole was not appeased, only they were able to come remember, it was a terrible scar, it was a terrible wound, when someone started talking about children, that is , everything inside me hurt, that is, i could not hear this topic at all , that is , it was very difficult, for me the story of the appearance of lera and seryozha in your life, you
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talked about it many times, how you watched the program with timurakov, we immediately responded with our hearts that these are the same children and... their character, how you cope with them, the transition, how they are now, how great they are, well, there are difficulties, naturally, like all children, absolutely, and children develop like that how they develop, there are worse, better, twos, threes, some here, something there, somewhere they can deceive, somewhere. to cheat, to play tricks, that’s it, but nevertheless, liruska is practically an excellent student at school, she’s the head girl in the class, she’s so businesslike, the children listen to her, loves her very much, well, seryozha, of course, is such a humpty dumpty, so well, like a boy, he’s a bit of a hooligan, his studies don’t really attract him, he’s not interested in studying from the first day, that’s all, so
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to speak, a kick, but nevertheless, thank god, he’s not skipping school, that is, there’s no such thing , that is, he goes there, he does everything, that’s what makes me happy, is that he practically... from the first day everything, he lives in such a way that he is not told every time: look, seryozha, don’t play around, mom will be upset, this is the worst thing for him, when someone tells him that his mother will be upset, that is, until this is still something on his mind, to upset his mother, no, you can’t, lera and seryozha weren’t in your life yet, when mirage and natalya gulkina appeared, you were at a stupid time, what did you live, what did you do, i was completely i’m alone, i have such a...
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i need to be removed, that is, well, as i say to myself, cut off all the roots of the tree, yes, for example, i was introduced to some performances, i don’t know there , the same elena vasilyevna obraztsova, zurab satki, great people helped me, just yes, who taught us, then suddenly at some point, when the management changed, they decided to remove all these people, but why are they needed, now we have young people, in short, everyone was removed, everyone was fired, every year they were fired, fired, and i found myself in the fourth wave of dismissals, i suddenly became too. not needed, and i left, i didn’t go to any courts, many fought for themselves, so to speak, went to the courts, returned back to the theater, continue to work there, there are people who continue to sing in the big theater, well, there are some... it’s really too much to eat, there are some small roles, so to speak, but they sing, so to speak, i’m going nowhere i didn’t go to any courts, i didn’t do anything, i calmly completely packed up
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my things there, everyone had their own tables, so i collected everything and went to nowhere, suddenly in 2004 a bell rings, in 2004, a man’s voice speaks natalya gulkina wants to... get to know you, now natasha is telling me that she gave me some kind of helping hand, but there is something there, which one, which one, i still can’t understand, that’s about this helping hand extended, natasha says to me: help me remind country about myself, i say, how should i do this? she tells me: record a song with me, i say, please, i come to the studio, we record this song with her. natasha, that’s it, thank you so much, that’s it, reed, you’re absolutely wonderful, that’s it, bye-bye. we said goodbye, literally a couple of weeks passed, again a call from natasha, she said to me: well, i just went to the pirate agency, and they said that natasha, well, of course we ’ll write something about you, if only they would drag sukhankina. it would be a bomb because it stood at the origins of the mirage, and as if in due time, it means that there was a furore, the music connected us
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there and so on, so in the end what happened happened, this process ended with the director telling us: listen, you should now let's go on stage and some kind of concert, let's arrange it, this famous story, when they hit me on the head, we get out with a concert, she sings her songs, i end up singing some mirage songs of mine, and i just they hit me on the head, i come home, the car is full. the number, so to speak, of people who continued this whole history of deception, the world history of deception, why can’t you imagine how many calls there were after
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this blow to the head, and i got the next day, when i was diagnosed with a concussion, there are all these bandaged bloody knees, when they dragged me along the asphalt there, kicking me, they turned my face away and i never saw who it was, everything happened very quickly, then the next day there was a huge number of calls... suddenly? how long did this mirage last? this mirage lasted 6 years from 2004 to 2010, the tenth year,
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yes, in the end natasha jumped off on her own, she left, she said: you don’t want to, and she wanted to take away the whole team, all the people, the whole team stayed for 20 years, we are together with those people, with whom we have been for 20 years, all these people are next to me, seryozha lavrov, lyosha kan, this says something, however, we all stayed together and continue, as it were, we have concerts, everything. we have a team, we go on tour, we tour, everything is great, amazing, you know, that’s what you call a boat, this name is a mirage, it has become so speaking for this group, and the songs are still not a mirage, i know that the new hero is a song that gives me new life now. fans are now children, teenagers, it ’s something with something in general, when they made me feel like that, aunt reed, can i take a photo with you, you are a new hero again, and
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can i ask you to sing this song from books, hundreds of pages, world, fabulous physics . strict power, but i’m in a hurry now and strictly lay down my fate, my good new hero, you’re close here, i know you’re doing ordinary things, the plot is preventing you from being with me, come together forgotten pages, i i dream about you, a buried bouquet, a burning edge behind a stone wall, i'm
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waiting for change, away, it's time for change. there is a lot to do around, and the wisdom of books is just right, i don’t care anymore where you are, my new hero, you’re close here, i trust you, you’re walking in your usual narrow circle, we’re preventing you from being with me, i started waiting for you, break your hands and doors , at dawn you are stalking hros behind a stone wall.
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thank you, thank you, dear, thank you, thank you, happy birthday once again, yours, i congratulate you on this award, a honored artist of russia. that's it, that's it, that's it deservedly, in fact, you know, taking this opportunity, i want to say a huge thank you and a deep bow to all, all, all of my audience, not only, not only my team, not only my amazing musicians, producer, director and in general everyone, everyone, everyone , to all my teachers, but to all the spectators, to the entire public who loves me, goes to my concerts, supports
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me, thank you very much, just thank you, life and fate, margarita sukhanka, it’s you who are confusing me so that i won’t be around any more understood me, don't touch my daughter, saturday, i will soon be 18 and i will live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, does not answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well, what to do now? “everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, love, you, no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself not to get away from the noise of this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us closer than
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a common misfortune, let's try to live together"? it will turn out to be a crying little one, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i just have to teach you all, spring is the time when not only nature awakens, but the soul sings, i wrote a song, i didn’t correct a single line, i adore your program because you you gather people who are not just talented, they are the color of their soul. why are we drinking, i'm flying to baikanor tomorrow, you 're kidding, they can't cope without me, on
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cosmonautics day, you'll take it with you to kos... they're ready to step into the unknown, there's no degrammatization, but there's ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take them away we'll crash, only the cosmos is boldly burning, the mask is not enough, only one can be returned to earth, come back, it’s you! i came here to clean, but i want to live on earth, a film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, and you’ll be back soon, fireworks in the canopy, april 12 on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, and you’re good, he likes to grab there's a lot of stuff there, so much
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