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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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country 7 years of uninterrupted work 1260 children disappeared in italy and dozens of families thirsting for justice. this is not a person, she could have done this. we conducted our own investigation, found hope for fratti in russia, what the italian citizen is doing now, where the children disappeared to, the whole truth. malakhov, today on rt. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. evacuation and construction of protective dumps. the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in the entire history of observations. today similar fortifications will be built in other areas. in the disaster zone there are two federal ministers at once, the ministry of emergency situations and the largest
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number of calls is a support measure, a work plan will be formed, near kiev the trypillian tes, the most powerful in the region, is completely destroyed. kharkov, odessa, western ukraine, attacks on electricity generation facilities everywhere. the fsb stopped the landing of ukrainian special forces on the tender spit, trained saboteurs in britain, loaded them onto a plane, flew to britain, this is edwin. dealt with us in the uk, these are british instructors who have truly long-awaited launch, there is an engine start, the new heavy angara rocket has again launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. meade urges russians to refrain from traveling to the middle east, especially lebanon and israel. the israelis have information that tehran may respond to israel with a massive missile strike on the territory.
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countries, in general, are guests from the future. the main blockbuster of the spring will be released in wide release in a week, but for now the premiere is in st. petersburg. this is a very touching movie. on the ural river in the orenburg region rose one and a half meters above the critical level. and the water still continues to come. all efforts are now being devoted to protecting the solnechny microdistrict with a population of more than 500 people. in anticipation of the peak of the flood, dams are strengthened there and earthen embankments are built. everyone is involved: rescuers, military, local residents, volunteers from other regions. with the latest information from the emergency zone, our correspondent, murat zaripov. the level of the ural river continues to rise, since yesterday evening in orenburg another + 65 cm, to protect homes, city services and the residents themselves have already done several things. days they dig trenches and
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fill dams, this water-filled , prefabricated dam was delivered to orenburg, it should protect the nearest residential buildings, water comes there from the embankment, and today the same fortifications will be built in other areas. the evacuation has been going on for several days, but there are still quite a lot of those who do not want to leave their homes. volunteers, including the mayor of the city sergei solmin, help residents rescue pets. at however, the peak of the flood in orenburg has not yet been reached. the situation is the same in other areas of the region. calm, it begins to gradually stabilize, in orsk we lost -14 cm in a day, so as i said , we have embarked on a confident trajectory of decline, the water is flowing into the elek, there we have essentially completed the dam, it is clear that it is being built up in a hurry so that all this volume of water can be passed through; there will also be a difficult situation there.
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minister of construction and housing and communal services irik fayzulin is working in orenburg today, who arrived in the region on behalf of the president, he inspected the affected areas of the city, focusing on the issues of eliminating the consequences of the flood and rebuilding housing. this year there is a lot of snow in central russia, so the center of the urals, unfortunately, is in this trouble, so no one will be left without support, now we are preparing a corresponding report for the president, in which... a work plan will already be formed and preliminary need for financial resources, but before eliminating the consequences it is necessary to cope with the flow of constantly present water; more than 4,500 rescuers and 850 units of equipment in orenburg and the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations are already working here. thousands of residents need help. alexander kurenkov visited the call center, where all the information about what is happening in the city flows. the mfc was further enlarged and opened. additionally.
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humanitarian aid also continues to be delivered to the region. at night another batch arrived by plane. 35 tons of things, essential medicines, personal hygiene products and rubber boots. vorsk volunteers united russia distributes food and bottled water to the population. now you can only drink it. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin and zemfir abzalov. news orenburg. a siren demanding immediate evacuation is periodically turned on in the kurgan region. today. another village was submerged under water. the arrival of a large wave in the region is expected in the near future, but not everyone decides to leave their homes. more than 1,200 rescuers, police officers, and administration employees were involved in outreach work with the population. before the end of the day they have to go around, go around in boats all the houses on the right
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side of the tabol river. dams on the rivers are now being strengthened. heavy equipment involved. the critical level of the river has been exceeded by almost a meter. local residents had to be urgently evacuated, and some even rescued; eight people were cut off on the island; rescuers brought them to shore in an airboat. hundreds of household plots went into the water in the tomsk region, the tom river overflowed its banks there,
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and providing them with everything they needed, and here, of course, is very important as soon as possible deadlines to organize work to restore reliable energy supply and resume transport links. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensating for the losses incurred by enterprises and organizations in flooded areas; it is especially difficult there for small businesses and agricultural producers; it is necessary to quickly decide on measures to support entrepreneurs and... and of course, what is most important, to bring the necessary funds to period until the affected people. on to another topic. the work of enterprises has been disrupted military industry of ukraine, the transfer of reserves to the combat area and the supply of units and military units of the armed forces of ukraine was disrupted. last night, the russian armed
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forces launched a massive strike with drones and long- range precision weapons against enemy fuel and energy complex enterprises in a number of regions. as reported. this is a response to the actions of the kiev regime, which is not abandoning attempts to damage oil and gas industry and energy facilities in russia. as a result a massive strike near kiev completely destroyed the trypillian thermal power plant; prime minister shmygal called its destruction a black day in the history of centerenergo. due to the threat of a blackout, authorities are calling on the population to stock up on essential foodstuffs and water. a massive fire is still being extinguished in the turbine shop. more than 250 ukrainian drones were intercepted in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. aviation, missile forces, and artillery destroyed three weapons depots in vosu and hit manpower and military equipment in hundreds of areas. the most
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significant enemy losses in the donetsk direction. more than five thousand ukrainian militants and three armored personnel carriers were eliminated there. on the avdeevsky sector of the front they were destroyed. 300 neo-nazis, two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles. during the counter-battery fight , two dozen artillery pieces of the ukrainian armed forces were disabled, including the polish self-propelled gun crab, american three-seven howitzers and paladin. and this is footage of the destruction of the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle in the vdeevsky direction. ukrainian fighters were on their way to the front line when our intelligence spotted them. by the car was hit with a drone. on the tender spit. a group of ukrainian special forces was destroyed northwest of crimea. the fsb (federal security service ) thwarted an operation that was entirely planned by the british intelligence services. this follows, among other things, from the testimony of the only surviving ukrainian paratrooper. according to our department. corporal yevgeny gorin said during interrogation
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that soon after receiving the summons he ended up in poland. and from there, together with his comrades, he was flown to great britain, to a military training ground, not far from from... training, medicine, communications, engineering, tactics-special shooting training, we underwent this training under the full supervision of members of the british special services, sbc, royal navy special boat service, and as we understand, from conversations with commanders, we are being prepared to perform some special task. after combat coordination at the training ground. near kherson, a group of saboteurs formed by nato on boats set off to storm
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the lighthouse on the tenderovskaya spit, as reported prisoner, information from curators about the location of russian troops was ultimately inaccurate, the group was already met with heavy fire on its approach, almost all the special forces were destroyed. according to gorin, it became known that london was involved in at least one more attack in the black sea. under the leadership of the british, the ukrainian armed forces were going to seize the drilling rig. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada today , in the second final reading, adopted a law on tightening mobilization. local deputies voted with an absolute majority votes. the law will further untie the hands of ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, strengthen penalties for evasion and expand the category of persons who will be sent to the front. the new norms will introduce total control over all military personnel aged 18 to 60 years. it's not even suitable for men. when going to service, you will always need to carry your military id with you and register at the military registration and enlistment offices. in addition,
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cars, boats, and tractors may be taken away from ukrainians as part of the mobilization. all this is a reason for a round of mobilization corruption. football player nikolai stytsenko today told how he got to the front straight from the stadium. to get the deferment, he had to buy four pickup trucks for $20,000. later, the military commissar, the military commissar, had an extortionist in his office who found more than a million dollars. russia, within the framework of brix , aims to intensify the joint efforts of the participating countries in the fight against terrorism after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, as well as to develop anti-drug cooperation and cybersecurity. this statement was made today by sergei lavrov at a meeting with representatives of parliamentary committees on international affairs of the brix countries. since this year , the chairmanship has passed to russia, the organization’s summit will be held in october in kazan. noted that brix represents the interests of the entire non-western world, which washington is trying to throw off course. at the world bank and
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the international monetary fund, the united states is trying in every possible way to slow down reforms, to slow down the revision of the voting quota, to maintain its share, which allows us to single-handedly block the majority of decisions. of course, this is unfair and undemocratic, and simply dishonest. today with representatives international committees of the brics countries met valentina matvienko, discussed parliamentary interaction and preparations for the summit and the fight against terrorism. the head of the upper house of parliament thanked those present for their words of condolences in connection with the tragedy in crocus. also at the meeting they talked about the west’s attempts to establish its own order in the international space. unfortunately, the countries of the collective west are constantly acting through their actions. strive to create a conflict space on the planet, let’s remember
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iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan, as well as the aggression of nato countries against peaceful yugoslavia 25 years ago, and the current conflict in the middle east, of course, causes great concern. the state duma speaker held a meeting with the chairmen of the international committees of the brics countries today. vyacheslav volodin noted that for the 15th
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significant event , the company’s mother and child group celebrated the company’s 100,000th child, and exactly a week later an adventure film 100 years ago was released in wide release, all the details below. a few minutes, hello dear friends, on the air your favorite program 60 minutes, 60 minutes today on rts, rest means leaving yourself
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alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection bowdrum
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titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment - this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic dellux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. i don't know what to do, we need to calm down. if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday, out of a feeling that he himself kidnapped his daughter and kept her locked away, this cannot be, stay away from him. anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin, you are something you’re hiding that don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i should know, the little one is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, the kids are catching everywhere. either at
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a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do? in general, there is no need to ask, beg, humiliate or extend your hands to anyone, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, how beautiful the equipment is, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation. for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. what do you like best? herring under look like a fur coat or olive?
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thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr. this is what we continue to do. an important milestone in the history of astronautics. the angara heavy launch vehicle took off for the first time from the russian vostochny cosmodrome. using the orion upper stage, the small gagarinets spacecraft was launched into orbit. from the russian space site, which today underwent a baptism of fire. report by evgeniy nipet. a truly long-awaited launch, the angara launch vehicle, again a heavy class, takes off for the first time from the cosmodrome oriental. without exaggeration, the historic launch from the territory of the country’s first civilian cosmodrome was the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia. we have started the flight design
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tests, which are designed to identify all the shortcomings, all the nuances to ensure reliability in the future during serial launches. the heavy angara again has three stages, thanks to which the load capacity increases to 24.5 tons of cargo. 2 tons more than the m proton, which also runs on toxic fuel. angara is used environmentally friendly oxygen-kerosene pair. the hydrogen version, work on which is already underway, will significantly increase the payload capacity to 37.5 tons. the new rocket is primarily a space heavy lifter; thanks to its environmentally friendly fuel, it can be used to launch automatic and manned vehicles in promising orbital and interplanetary missions. engines are ok. the first stage of angara a5 separated less than 4 minutes after takeoff. the orbital block is launched into the initial open orbit, the launch vehicle is launched heavy class angara, again considered successful. evgeny nipot, mikhail devyatkin and
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svetlana selivanova, lead the cosmodrome of the eastern amur region. iran reserves the right to respond to israel for the recent attack on the country's consulate general in syria. this was announced today in tehran. the iranian military has put its missile and radar units on high alert. throughout the country, in the persian gulf in the red sea, according to local media, warships of the islamic revolutionary guard corps have been spotted. the states are confident that a strike on israel is inevitable. tel aviv responds by threatening to attack iranian nuclear facilities. current situation in the region. in reports by sergei poshkov and alexander belibov. the possibility of a missile attack from iran today does not seem impossible or fantastic in israel. here. they are preparing for this, since army intelligence sources have made it clear that the israelis have information that tehran may respond
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to israel with a massive missile strike on the country’s territory. in view of threats from the country of iran, citizens of israel should be aware that the capabilities of the state of israel exceed those of any country in the middle east. the multi-stage air defense system is shown here in the condition. full readiness, you need to understand that yes, if there is an additional threat from the territory of iran, of course, most likely it will be airborne, again, we are considering various and varied developments of events, we are familiar with iran not from october 7, and not from last month, we have been monitoring and understanding for a long time, we have certain information about what iran may be preparing, and of course, we are ready to repel any threat, in turn, the media , citing its sources in the intelligence services , reports that israel will not limit itself to intercepting ballistic missiles in the event of an iranian attack. the country's air force is preparing for a retaliatory raid, including on nuclear
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facilities of the islamic republic. a western security official told reporters that in recent days israel has been conducting secret air force training using various types of fighters, long-distance marches, and also conducting maneuvers. and... nuclear facilities in iran. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia dimyanets, lead israel. just dare to hit iran, and we will raze tel aviv and haifa to the ground, reads the accompanying caption to the rabbit, which has now been widely circulated online. in the frame are the streets of the largest cities of the jewish state, over which the shadows of rockets float like silent silhouettes. the threat of a direct iranian attack on israel has never been greater. moreover, the attack on the consulate in damascus was carried out by the army on april 1 in the islamic republic is regarded as nothing other than a direct attack on the country.
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the supreme leader of iran, ayatallah emini, announced this yesterday during the holiday prayer of uraza bayram. an attack on our consulate is tantamount to an attack on our territory; these are internationally recognized norms. the enemy regime miscalculated in this matter, it must be punished and will be punished. an svd rifle, another detail that speaks volumes, to have small arms with you during a sermon, especially some important ones, is a characteristic iranian custom, but in the current situation the appearance of weapons in the hands of the supreme iranian leader indicates the highest degree of readiness for action and, as it were, the enemy is speaking at gunpoint. the iranian authorities have already imposed a ban on civil aviation flights until april 13. official explanation in connection with a training missile launch. the us fifth fleet in the persian gulf was with... the arab emirates today.
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an iranian attack on israel is now more a matter of when, rather than if, it is unlikely to strike in the coming days and even the hours look much more preferable from the point of view propaganda. however, a military response from the islamic republic may be given much later, even in a few weeks, during which the situation in the media space will continue to escalate in the expectation that the vigilance of the enemy, that is, israel, may become dulled over time. alexander belivov, dmitry cherbakov and svetlana mikhailova. lead the middle east. the mother and child group of companies celebrates this significant event. the hundred thousandth child was born there. an increasingly extensive network of clinics, under constant leadership academician mark kurtser, has been working for almost 20 years. today these are dozens of modern medical centers and outpatient clinics in 32 cities of our country. with the help of innovative technologies, outstanding doctors help women, including those with serious illnesses, conceive
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, bear and give birth to healthy children. the baby was born in a clinic in novosibirsk, a boy, roman, was born into a family of debtors. the demographic situation, support, motherhood, childhood, today occupies a leading role in medicine. and we, as part of such a great force, are involved in this event. this is, of course, very significant for us. we are proud of this. exactly in a week , an adventure film that promises will be released in wide release. to become the main blockbuster of spring. 100 years ago, this film was created based on the work of the famous writer fantastic kiluchev. the heroes of the film and the audience will once again meet a girl from the future , alisa selezneva. salema zarif attended the first show. this is a guest from another future. in the new film version of the famous story by kir balychev, alice travels from 2124 to our 2024. and she and...
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before the premiere show, the artists and the director have another important meeting, in one of the st. petersburg schools with high school students, they are shown selected fragments and asked how it feels when you look at the people who just watched and met there with something that is very important to you, of course, well, yes, there are quite nervous ones, there are schoolchildren from belgorod in the audience, they had to at the insistence of their parents. leave their hometown for a while, in st. petersburg they can live and study in a calm environment, without constant threat of shelling. the film is important for young guys, namely, a film about the fact that they should not give up, yes, and do everything to fight for their future, it seems to me that it is much more relevant now. the filmmakers emphasize that this is not a film adaptation of balychev, but a movie based on it. they do not set themselves the goal of arguing with the soviet classics, but
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want to make a film for... a new generation, so that alisa seleznyova, as the author intended, would travel through time, so that her story would remain relevant. salemazarev, alexey sasyrin, alexander borushkov, alexandra kalkova, news: northwestern bureau. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. good afternoon everyone, last week we told the story of our heroine natalie zhitnikova, a 30-year-old woman, unsuccessfully looking for her son, who, according to her , was taken away by gynecology employees, but this story took on a frightening character not so much because of the doctors, but because of the crimes nadezhda frattya. on these? nadezhda
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