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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 11:30am-1:59pm MSK

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we are closely following the human calculator from india and setting a russian record. who can truly surprise everyone and reach the finals of the project. watch today at 21:30. anton demidov, valery shirokov, news. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, putin commented on the powerful missile strikes of the russian aerospace forces on energy facilities in ukraine. in the combined attack, the president called part process on... kiev is hitting our territory
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without electricity, as you understand, it is impossible. according to the president, russia was forced to respond to ukrainian attacks on russian nfz in kiev. apparently, they thought that this game could be played alone, but it turned out that it was not. the president, at the same time, noted that in winter it is humanitarian.
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to answer, i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any strikes in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, etc. without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities were forced to respond, but i repeat once again, if all this leads to the resolution of those issues about which...
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perhaps this is the renewal of the istanbul agreement with kiev, although this format, as putin said, ukraine 2 years ago, threw it in the trash. then moscow withdrew its troops from kiev to consolidate the agreements with a key point. at that time ukraine had a neutral non-aligned status. putin once again said that russia remains ready for a constructive dialogue, but will not allow itself to impose something. during the meeting.
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let me also remind lukashenko of belarus how boris johnson disrupted the istanbul negotiations. by the way, from my idea to fight to the end, or as they say, to the last ukrainian. boris did not refuse even now, literally just this morning. he said that, it turns out, he goes to church and prays there, praying that the us congress will allocate money and weapons and shells to ukraine. otherwise, the west will face a catastrophe worse than war.
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very difficult situation. last night in bpleran military targets were hit again ukraine in krivoy rog, staro konstantinov in odessa vennitsa. well, only today it became clear what is called the scale of destruction of the enemy in the kiev, sumy and kharkov regions after previous massive attacks. these objects cannot be restored. according to defense express information for the strike on the trypillian tes, this is kiev. the russian bks used new h-69 missiles; this subsonic novelty is universal in terms of carriers, so it can be used not only from the latest su-57, but also from su-34 and su-35 aircraft. range flight of the x-69 is 400 km, that is
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, depending on the launch site, it can cover the entire territory of ukraine, except for transcarpathia. the weight of the warhead is 290 kg. another good news from rostekhnika: the first batch of su-35s fighters this year was transferred to the russian ministry of defense. the new vehicles have already flown to their place of duty. in the ovdeevsky direction. the russian army is advancing in umansky, in berdychi towards semyonovka. at these moments there are heavy battles going on there. another t-64 tank was destroyed by the lancet's strike. the enemy combat vehicle fired at russian positions from the forest belt, thus giving away her location, after which she received, as military jokes now, a hit on the back of the head with a shaped charge. and here the russian military was able to pull out the ukrainian captured m-113 armored personnel carrier, which was stuck in
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boloit near lastochkina in the donetsk direction. on artyomovsky there is an offensive by russian troops on the chasvyar to fortify the position. artillery and aviation are working, the city is under fire control from the northern, eastern and southern sides, and made a damning statement french newspaper lo figaro. according to the publication, ukraine promised its western allies a new offensive in 2025 if they help it survive in 2024. zelensky himself, we remember, in an interview with biel swore that kiev really does have a plan for a new counter-offensive, apparently... manpower for this operation , recruits who must be recruited according to the new mobilization law. a high-ranking source in our
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ministry of defense during the previous attempt to attack, zelensky lost more than 166 thousand people killed and wounded. also. 789 tanks and 132 aircraft were destroyed, we are saturating the clearings, we are saturating the fields, we are doing what needs to be done before our...
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large city in this direction, after they took bakhmud in may last year, and we see that now they very close to the city, one might say, they came close to the entrance, the village of ivanovskoye is also largely under russian control. ukrainian authorities have not released official data, but experts say that about 6.00 ukrainians need prosthetics as a result of the war. in the third year of the war , the ukrainian military is seriously inferior to russia in terms of personnel and weapons.
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june, i think we will be well prepared for this moment, and we will see how it goes further. without the help of the western allies , it will be catastrophically difficult for us, and only on the condition that, firstly, it comes in sufficient quantities, and secondly, it will continue to go on. she will move on. all the hopes in this way, all the hopes of the ukrainians still on the us congress, which never even put the bill to allocate 60 billion to a vote. at night, american. the congressmen were shamed, who would have thought, by the prime minister of japan, kishida, that is, the leader of the country
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that in 1945 was subjected to nuclear bombing by the united states. kishida literally scolded americans for their lack of self-confidence, almost shouting that it was important for the whole world that the united states continue to play a key role on the planet, especially when the west is at a turning point in history, which, as kishida said, will determine the next... development of humanity. zelensky himself went to beg among the balts and poles, but apart from strong handshakes with duda, renkavicius and nausėda, he received nothing. well, neither vilnius nor warsaw found a single battery for peter. in the eyes of zelensky, from the awareness of the situation in which he found himself, frank fear is now constantly visible. this is the main statement.
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europe, including poland, the czech republic and romania, are taking part in the trimoria summit in vilnius. ukraine is the dominant topic agenda of the event. it is very important for my country, the people of lithuania, to support you with all means, political, economic and military. of course, we will discuss various initiatives, you know, when...
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“if there is no help, it will be very difficult for us, we will lose our people, the issue is not only in the territories, when someone spreads such russian narratives that the only question is territories, the question is people, territories are also important for us, because if you do not restore your territorial integrity, then you will not respect for your sovereignty, regarding the new law on mobilization, will this
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law force people who left ukraine to join the armed forces of ukraine?" "there are certain changes in mobilization, according to this mobilization, yes, there is increased control regarding draft dodgers, but i want to say, any person, even without this law, who violated the law of mobilization, was of mobilization age, was a draft dodger, or did something else outside the law, he already violated one or another existing legislation, some changes in some norms have now been recorded that will help the military leadership, are lithuania and poland considering the possibility of providing patriot systems?
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in poland, we do not have the opportunity to transfer anything, even if we wanted to, of course, there are batteries deployed in poland, but we are just beginning to install these systems; these systems were installed by the us army. let me remind you that of all the states that are neighbors of ukraine, it was poland that was visited by a russian missile and struck harm, and it is in poland that russian missiles are violating our airspace. the truth is that we ourselves find ourselves in a situation where we are constantly under threat of russian attack, which is why these systems protect us today.
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they won’t hand over additional air defense systems . patriot turned out to be chic. the idea was indeed supported by 515 members of the european parliament, but the decision to transfer air defense to ukraine lies with the heads of state and their parliaments. there is, of course, a problem here. the european parliament itself voted not to disapprove of funding for the council of the eu, but to to move the question. for closing accounts already for the twenty-second financial year, in general, this is a purely technical process, and victory once again turns into a ghost. the americans planted another threat in the context of blocking us aid and began not to transfer weapons to ukraine, but to sell weapons. washington
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approved an emergency sale of air defense systems worth $138 million. we are not even talking about patriot, but about the old hopeface system. this system is designed to combat drones, exclusively. at the same time it will be spent on new air defense only part of the bag, the steel one, is needed to modernize air defense systems, said us ambassador to ukraine bridget brenton. in general, the last hope for kiev is macron. macron promised to add gunpowder not only to ukraine, but also to france and the entire european union. as part of the so -called support for the war economy, emman personally laid down the construction.
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euro. france says that gas purchases are necessary for households throughout europe, and that france has entered into a long-term agreement in this regard with official moscow. on in his words, macron is ready even today to send his troops to ukraine to fight against the hated russia. and he buys gas from moscow. here he fights, here.
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france rests on a strong industrial and technological defense base. it unites all defense companies that design and produce equipment for armies. this industrial base was built around
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large companies like safran and tales and industrial associations that bring together 4.0 small medium-sized enterprises. this french industrial and technological defense base, provides more than 200,000 jobs. these companies work for both the military and civilian sectors. the transition to a war economy implies. for both the auto industry and the defense industry, since automakers order in much larger volumes, the idea of ​​prioritization is very important, since now these supply flows will be redirected from them to the defense industry. the transition to military flights is also based on the law on military planning, this text defines french defense policy for the next 6 years with a forecast budget of 413 billion euros. this should be sufficient to support increased efficiency in the defense industry. the first results are already impressive. french defense equipment makers such as france and nester said
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thursday they could. is there a gap between the situation in which the country actually lives, the words of emmanuel macron, why emmanuel macron talks about the military economy, you use the term mobilization, we are talking about the mobilization of the energy of the entire defense industry, since this is very important for france, we have excellent companies. who can produce more and faster, we know that the situation in ukraine is deplorable, they do not have enough soldiers, absolutely everyone knows that they also do not have enough shells. france should be an example for europe, but the whole of europe must mobilize its forces, because at the moment we have no choice, we did not want this, but we have to mobilize forces in order to have a decent defense in the event of a high intensity conflict that everyone wants to avoid . the head of medpolsha announced creating a european rapid deployment force, he called it the european
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legion. according to segorsky, right now the united states is distracted by the warehouse with china, and putin , on the contrary, is focused on the european union, is preparing to defend europe from putin, and has called in the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces. michael buden revealed the cards on the strategic deployment of troops over scandinavia, talking about the creation of a logistics aviation and naval alliance in the northern regions of europe, including.
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london also offers to do it, but there’s no time great britain has big problems. london is not ready to wage an all-out war with putin due to a shortage of soldiers. for example, the royal navy now recruits even those into the fleet who cannot swim into the elite of the british troops. british propagandists literally shout that the former mistress of the seas was usually the wave.
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he gets his hair cut less often and does not always wash his clothes, reports the british edition of the daily star. the next stage of the war with russia will apparently be washing and drying plastic bags and collecting bottles on the street, which can then be stand up. what form is this? this is what? we wear every morning to work, maybe it's something more, we are all unique, we support different teams, we support different political parties, but the uniform does not destroy our individuality, it becomes part of it,
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they responded to this criticism by saying that standards are not being reduced as all recruits will still be required to take a swim test during training, but the source said the change in entry requirements means there will no longer be a pre-recruitment swimming test service is a concern, meanwhile the navy is under pressure to improve its pressure figures after a serious drop
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in this indicator last year, although... defense secretary grant schabs said the situation was improving, but according to a source within the royal navy there are growing fears that standards will be lowered further. apparently, no one wants to serve anymore, so the thirty-minute swim test will no longer be conducted for recruits, now they will all be enlisted, in training program has time to teach sailors to swim, although previously you had to demonstrate that you can swim , based on your performance you were enlisted for military service, but now they need people, i think they are now just desperate, they also had to withdraw a couple of the big... ships out of service because they just couldn't man them, so in that sense the royal navy is shrinking significantly. 81 cadets completed their training and became officers, and another 13 foreign students, 16 officers,
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royal navy auxiliaries and 30 former enlisted men were selected for promotion to the officer corps, bright white uniformed cadets from ukraine who will soon be deployed to the ukrainian navy. profession and military position. available to everyone who enrolls for training, for example, lieutenant. now let's talk about the highest service, about the royal navy, without which we would not be a great nation, without it we would not be the dominant power in the world that we once were. appeared over the weekend news that we will have to mothball some of our ships and, possibly, remove the sea pirates from their key task. this risk exists because we may not be able to recruit enough people to join the royal navy. what 's going on? the crisis is approaching for our navy. the crisis involves confrontation with totalitarian powers such as russia, china, iran and north korea, and for this we will need a good navy to help the americans secure international shipping lanes. a
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if you don't have access to sea routes, if you can't guarantee free navigation around the world, then you simply won't be able to participate in globalization. then your prosperity, your trade, suffers from fuel prices. the conditions for military service are... factors, but we can’t do anything about it, but poland, for example, has really gotten down to business. the advertising may help recruitment into the royal navy, but defense sources say there have still been major cuts in recent months and the problem remains
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unresolved to this day, so it is likely to affect britain's ability to fight at sea, and britain's nuclear submarines are also at risk. if russia invades, they won't even have to shoot, they'll just collide. russia, a corresponding statement was made by the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china maunin, she emphasized that beijing will do everything necessary to protect the interests of chinese companies, which the united states has blacklisted. list and called on americans to stop politicizing and militarizing economics, trade and technology. americans really have something to do other than china. on the korean peninsula , the unification of two koreas, north korea and
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south korea, is planned. kim chunin called on the army to prepare for war. bent kim stated this during a visit to the kimersen military-political university. the usa, south korea, and japan are also, of course, not sitting idly by; in response to kemchun-neung’s threats, the three countries conducted naval exercises against the dprk. the exercise took place in international waters between south korea and japan. they took part in six ships incl. testing twitter to fuel hypersonic north korean missiles. in general, it seems that another
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war is planned, which the hegemon is unlikely to endure. the north korean leader said it was time to prepare for war. these statements were made while he was visiting. sounded against the backdrop of the fact that the country continues to increase the pace of weapons development. kim
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has also forged closer ties with russia, allegedly helping moscow in its war in ukraine. kim said that in case of provocation, north korea will not hesitate to attack deliver a fatal blow to the enemy, mobilizing all the means at her disposal. partially blurred images published by state media showed him surrounded. army officials inspect what appears to be a miniature of the south korean capital of sioul, including the han river, as well as maps of the peninsula. yongonda's 2,000 residents know better than anyone that relations between north and south have been deteriorating for decades and are now at their lowest point. north korea in january. that is
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why the eight shelters on the island are those places where people feel safe. there is an emergency room and an electrical generator. kimjin-eun's threats cannot be tolerated. we decided to build this shelter in case he decides to use nuclear weapons. the latest attack brought back traumatic memories of november 2010, when north korea.
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recently launched a missile towards japan, but one of the men, who
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spoke to us on condition of anonymity, said they were trying to remain calm. yes, it's dangerous, but if the rocket falls into the sea, i won’t be able to hide anywhere, unlike cars, we can’t instantly take our boat away from danger. after north korea fired 25 missiles at japan last year, more people here are trying to protect themselves. there are 56 thousand private bomb shelters in the country, for comparison. in france there are only a thousand. umo yoshimitsu talks about the latest models at this security exhibition. this shelter can shelter a family of five. this almost meter long bunker costs 80 thousand euros. this very expensive, but more and more japanese are willing to pay. they worry about the threat from north korea and are eyeing the war in ukraine. in the event of an attack, radioactive fallout could be spread by wind. therefore, people risk exposure to
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radiation, but inside this bunker they will be safe. in the event of an emergency, the government warning system sends loud notifications to citizens on cell phones and other communications, but experts say the warnings not enough. a missile launched by north korea could reach japan in 7 minutes. we must educate people so they know where to take shelter. for the millions who don't have a bunker, that means heading to the nearest windowless room or subway station. cocaine consumption in europe is breaking records. the european came to this conclusion. a drug monitoring center for drug addicts, which every year quantifies daily drug consumption in 100 european cities, nose powder, as almost all europeans call it, consumption in only sixteen cities has decreased slightly, the avalanche-like
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popularity of white powder is explained by the fact that it has simply become cheaper, everyone is drugged, finland, aka finland, is considered the happiest country, as well as slovenia, estonia, sweden, austria and germany. in germany it grew by 41%. the most popular illegal drug in europe is still cannabis, marijuana. marijuana consumption has also increased. along with ecstasy. which, as it became known, are indulged in, including by billionaire elon musk. in canada, everything is generally legal. look, this hard drugs in beautiful, bright boxes. heroin, methanphetamine, cocaine. everything is neatly packaged in packs, with
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a careful warning sticker. this is how vancouver, canada lives after decriminalization. hard drugs. charitable organizations buy drugs, test them and distribute them for free, they say, all for the sake of local addicts, that we used clean drugs, not dirty ones. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, zakharova , said that once, one western european ambassador answered her question, how you can support the stubborn drug addict zelensky. i sincerely answered: what do you mean, in the european union this is practically the norm for all politicians. in ecuador, armed men broke into a tv channel during a live broadcast in the netherlands, police discovered a torture chamber in a shipping container,
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linking these incidents: cocaine and drug trafficking between latin america and europe. berlin is a city famous for its club life and drug consumption, cocaine ranks high on the list of consumers, getting this drug has never been so easy, in berlin, as in many other cities, it can be ordered literally through instant messengers. it is difficult to get reliable data on the scale of cocaine use, after all it is an illegal hard drug, so neither dealers nor users want to brag about the numbers, but it is in the urine and sewage of europeans that authorities really learn about cocaine use,
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where more is found cocaine residues, these cities regularly test their wastewater for drugs. the larger the circles, the more cocaine is found there. and the number of leftovers has almost tripled since 2015 . there are several reasons for the increase in cocaine use in europe, but one thing is clear: there is more of it available now than ever before. the most profitable chain is the transportation of cocaine from latin america to europe, that’s where the big money is, that’s where everyone wants to participate. thus. north america, especially the usa. europe also has cocaine and it is catching up with the stagnant market , making it more attractive for drug traffickers, since the punishment for crimes, drug related laws are less severe than
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in the us, for example, and controls are not as tight. in recent years, authorities have recorded record cases of... playing an increasingly important role in the global cocaine business. it all started with
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the italians, then the dutch, and now serbs and albanians have appeared here. they profit, but others have to suffer the consequences as drug-related violence now spreads across europe. in antwerp, a belgian port city in 2023, a shooting related to drugs, an eleven-year-old girl died. in the netherlands, police discover a torture chamber hidden in a shipping container, an underground prison built by a drug gang, and with violence comes another disaster. it seems that corruption is rampant in europe, or at least we are seeing corruption where there was none before, the drug trade, no matter where it occurs at any time, is associated with corruption by violence, because there is no law, there are no courts, you you can't contact the police. cocaine is a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that appears to be spiraling out of control. perhaps this
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is the reason why things don’t work out for us at all with the european union, they are drug addicts there, they don’t hide it at all, drug addicts, and also perverts, they don’t hide their perversion either, they popularize it in every possible way, while we normal people look at there is no contact between them, as they say, we are transported to the war, ours... we are waiting, we really hope, but as i understand it, we entered the city, we have not advanced further yet, that happening in this direction? olga, good afternoon, in this direction we are pressing the city itself from three sides, this is from the south, from the southeast and north, from the south from the southeast. from the side of ivanovsky , we are constantly advancing and destroying strongholds, but here it should be noted that
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beyond the seversky-donetsk canal, just on the southern outskirts of chas avyara, in the area of ​​the road entering the city, there is a fairly serious, well- equipped enemy stronghold , which he has not yet saturated, because we didn’t come close to him, yes, but according to intelligence data, that is, according to all the pictures that we have. it’s clear from the southern part of the chasvyar that they’ve prepared quite seriously there, and as soon as we get close, they’ll probably transfer personnel there. on the northern side , we’re also expanding the territory from bogdanovka, that is, in fact, the main task is to enter from southern and northern sides, go along the flanks and, accordingly, then already in the center - from the center in the southeast of the chasvyar there will be enough, let’s put it this way simply. and on a fairly wide front we will go uh in the very uh microdistrict the canal uh the work is being done on
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the outskirts the work is being done quite seriously they are working almost around the clock including aviation and 500 uh and 1,500 kg are falling on uh all kinds of structures and places where the enemy is hiding, so yes it’s a thing it’s not going fast, but it’s going quite uh fruitfully. it’s moving on a fairly broad front, that is , everything is constantly connected, quite a lot of departments are working, and well, we’re moving forward, tell me, please, but there are signs that they want to advance, why am i asking this question, everything seems to indicate that our enemies have gone into defensive mode, zelensky said, we are in 1925, let’s resist a new offensive, french newspaper also with reference to their sources for this information.
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some kind of yes, well, it’s hard to even imagine what plans are going on in his head, his team, his government, yes, but
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here it must be said that yes, such irony is possible, we can... allow ourselves in his in relation only thanks to our military, who, firstly, hold the front tightly, and secondly, they are advancing in absolutely all directions, there are places where we are standing there is a positional war, but even in this positional war the enemy suffers colossal losses, so literally a few days ago i saw statistics about a thousand funerals took place on the territory of ukraine, and these are only those who, well, those who, let’s say...
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it certainly doesn’t look good, but here this is one moment, the second moment, as then to hold the defense there when the same one and a half ton bombs fly at you again, this is one of the most important moments, how much this concrete is ready to withstand one and a half tons, these are even 500 kilogram bombs, one moment, the second moment, how long
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are these concrete fortifications? truthful, based on the information that the enemy... gives us, uh, looking at the vdeevsky direction, the artyomovsky direction, uh, it’s impossible to build here, that is, here the next 20, 30, 40 km are constantly our scouts are working on it, strikes are constantly being carried out, that is, we saw how the khimars are destroyed, we saw how patriots are destroyed at a depth of 50-60-70 km, that is, they cannot afford this here , here is the kharkov front, yes it is it is not yet as active as... in the kherson, zaporozhye, donetsk, lugansk regions, so there, perhaps, they can afford it, and we have not yet set ourselves goals such as to get them there and destroy them at the time of building these fortifications , again i repeat that how reliable are they in terms of mileage to what they tell us, perhaps this is just one stronghold in the forest, perhaps even
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somewhere very, very far from kharkov and not at all close to the border there. they are showing, building, as before they showed there in the odessa region, somewhere in the kiev or sumy region, that is, in fact, everything will depend on when we get there, how our aviation continues to work, and it will continue work, there is no doubt about it, the second point is how ready they will be under our onslaught, no matter what fortifications you are in and hold the defense, as they say, until the last ukrainian, thank you very much, military correspondent.
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the former british prime minister said he was praying that congressional republicans would end the blockade of nearly $60 billion in funding to ukraine, saying the situation was grim and the delay appalling. he warned that the russian president's ultimate goal was to take over kiev. control the entire country, johnson said. if this happens, i think it will will be absolute. for the west, a disaster for america and for any concept of american leadership. i think that this will be a bigger defeat than vietnam, because nato, after 75 years of success, will fail for the first time in a european war, the former prime minister believes. johnson added that the west's chaotic retreat from afghanistan in 2021 would be nothing compared to russia's victory in ukraine, nothing. boris johnson also expressed hope that donald trump will abandon the rhetoric of isolation
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regarding the conflict in ukraine if he again will occupy the white house. i really can't believe it. that any american president or future american president would want this to happen under him, johnson said. speaking to reporters, the former british prime minister emphasized that, in his opinion, trump would not give ukraine to russia. boris johnson. argued that the ukrainians cannot reach a peace agreement to stop the fighting, they do not see that they can agree with putin, i mean, no one comes up to me and says: oh you know, by the way, we could trade this and that and let's make a deal, no one is suggesting that, but boris johnson argues that putin has ways to end this matter and still win some kind of moral victory. apparently, god doesn't hear johnson, because, judging by what british diplomacy is. received another slap in the face from the american one, yes, they didn’t even want to meet with cameron on the subject of assistance in ukraine. and regarding the plan, you know, i don’t think at all
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such horizons, the twenty-fifth year, i think this is generally madness in the conditions in which we find ourselves today, yes zelensky says, the counter-offensive of the twenty- fifth year, i think, if he had at least a plan, not the counter-offensive itself, at least plan, then i think he would have long ago ordered the ninety-fifth quarter to cut a promotional video so that this counter-offensive on...
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would actually happen, but nevertheless they are in no hurry to give ukraine weapons, thereby ensuring their safety. now regarding the law on mobilization. we won’t talk about how
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it was received, yes, this empty hall, we all discussed it, i think ukrainian deputies have every chance of getting into the guinness book of records. 30 deputies adopted 4,300 amendments in one working day, even if one amendment is counted in one second, at least. it took three days to accept them, well, god bless him, okay, they accepted and accepted them, but what problem did this law actually solve, well, what problem did it solve, after all, what were they talking about initially, and zelensky about it i said more than once, to hell with zaluzhny , let’s throw away this failed politician against whom this law was directed, it’s clear, let’s take the main thing, what they publicly stated, they declared the need to pass the law, because soldiers are fighting there, they’ve been fighting for 2 years, they need an army ... and so on they took it once, took it all out of the body of the law, the soldiers were left without rotation, i want to tell you this, this law actually does not solve a single problem regarding the mobilization of people, not one, not in relation to those who doesn't
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wants to fight, nor in relation to those who are already fighting, i’ll simply explain what the problem is, the problem is that a person who has been at the front for more than 2 years, who was waiting for the people’s elected representatives to actually write it into law.. . a norm that will give the right, at least some right , to the ukrainian soldier to defend himself, they actually denied him such a right, the deputies told the ukrainian soldier, you have a one-way ticket, you go there for as long as we need , and as much as we need from you to protect your strength, you will spend on our defense, without the right to rotations, dismissals, and so on and so forth, everything, this is a one-way ticket, but now yes...
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improving the situation regarding mobilization, i think this law will absolutely not improve the situation, there is no motivation , it demotivates people, absolutely demotivates people, we will look at another commission... those who are partially unfit for service, this is being removed, now these people who were recognized as disabled people of the second third group must come to the commission again and pass this commission again in order to confirm your disability, now pay attention, you...
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there the right is given to local administrations to confiscate a car for the needs of the army, if you have two of them, well, you can imagine, the head of the administration is sitting, you have two cars, he comes, well, i because of mine, or maybe it’s not necessary, maybe it’s not necessary, or maybe it’s from a neighbor, or maybe it’s from a neighbor, who will pay me more this, well, you understand, it’s all there from beginning to end... entirely a corruption component,
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completely, there is nothing about the army, everything is about money, this law is exclusively about money, and it will not solve absolutely any problems of the army, people join the army when the army is on the march, when there is order in the army, when the army takes care of the soldiers, when they are thrown into meat assaults, not counting the number, when the president talks about 3100 to the whole country dead, simply erasing from the memory of people all the hundreds of thousands of dead people... regarding this conference that should take place there, in my opinion, the problem that the west is solving at the moment, trying to attract the maximum number of countries and so on, is to solve the problem itself zelensky, that’s why he has problems.
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inside the country, and i don’t see, in the twenty -fourth year, i don’t see any need for any kind of peace negotiations at all, i have always been a supporter of peace negotiations, but i consider it absolutely inappropriate to hold peace negotiations with the outgoing political elites of key political players , starting from ukraine, the states, britain and the european union, the leaders there will change, there will be an understanding with whom you can negotiate something, then it makes sense to sit down at the table about something negotiate with... and in parallel, when the other side openly declares on the eve of peace negotiations that there are no plans to go to peace in ukraine, then what are we talking about? look, mr. podalyakov. there are no alternative peace plans that involve russia not losing, only an unconditional peace formula has been proposed.
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president zelensky, which is based on the obligation of russia’s complete withdrawal from the territory of ukraine, a return to international law with a revision of the role of international institutions, volume legal and physical responsibility for the act of aggression and corresponding large-scale compensation, everything else is only about the desire to continue the war through freezing, escalation, and maintaining the aggressive russian regime. please, mr. markov. well, as far as i understand, their plan is approximately the following: and from. use this swiss conference to put forward an ultimatum by russia, they developed it in the west, now they say, let us involve the countries of the global south, together all of russia, such an ultimatum, or maybe perhaps this ultimatum will be very necessary, simply to stop the fighting, if by this time by mid-june there will be a more serious offensive by the russian army, as many people predict in...
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ukraine, that is , weapons limits are introduced for the ukrainian army, that is this is what they were given, that’s all, yes, 80%, take it away. away from ukraine, and what was not agreed upon in the stamgol agreements is what it means, we say that these, that means
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ukraine, and demilitarization, where the number of armed forces and military equipment on the territory of ukraine, that is, initialed, which means that we have finally agreed on everything, well, then the well-known story about boris johnson, zelensky returns home, boris comes and says: “well, you found someone to negotiate with, brother , he’s russian, let’s fight, we’ll support you now and you ’ll win, well, what happened next, we didn’t win either, that means.” now now they have a plan, there is some kind of rationality in it, let’s, he says, this is how russia restrained the offensive of the ukrainian army in 23rd year, let’s do the same thing, the ukrainian army will hold back the russian offensive, during this time, that means they will recruit these people for mobilization, well, they want
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to rake in as much as possible there, so to speak, this is understandable, now it’s not just a slogan before the last ukrainian, he was modified until the last ukrainian, they are going to fight, because... in general, everyone understands women, they will take them away, but it’s a good cause, they take women away, because a woman is also a person, it’s like a fight for women’s rights , well, yes, that’s what it was said, gender equality, if we die, then together, yes , gender reminds me of soviet times, when you remember women were forced with sledgehammers there, so to speak, to hit on the railway, to hammer in, well , not like that, it’s not about a tacomos, it seems to me that most women dream of. that means, besides this, during this time, yes, so far this is done, during this time the war economy of european countries is being launched, that’s why macron was now running around these powder factories with bricks and helmets, which means he’s saying this because the americans, well, obviously something is stuck,
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and trump could come to power there, in general, it’s all a matter of putting all this on the table, well, even without trump, he’s only just coming from afar. that’s right, well, relatively speaking, twice as much, but during this time the russian army has become twice as large, that is, you already need to give four times more, if you are still developing all this in the twenty-fourth year, the twenty-fifth year, the russian army it will be twice as much, that is , you have to give eight times more, plus you
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buried it and gave it away, now we are producing new weapons, don’t you know in stores, all new ones cost twice as much, than the old one, so you no longer need eight times. 16 times the funding, imagine, mister macron, this is the situation i think they are now faced with, on the one hand, they want it, and he runs around with these, so to speak, bricks, on the other hand, i think it’s waiting for them , severe disappointment, and they, europe lost its subjectivity, if it could gain subjectivity, that is, macron, scholz, the rest, they...
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steha, that is, the structure that supplies 90% of weapons for the war for russia, said that rostec has calculated the option and russian the army of the transition of the european union and the united states to a military footing has calculated their maximum , this is the way to increase productivity, and even in this case. russian production is higher and wider than the range that even hypothetically, in the event of a transition to a military footing , both europe and the united states are capable of producing. states of america, while vladimir tyukov stated that some weapons in the russian
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federation, or rather, an increase in the production of some weapons, is included 50 times. he didn’t say what kind of weapon he was talking about, but the numbers themselves are 50 times, if these are, say, tanks, then, of course, the europeans will not be able to keep up with us, and as for the counteroffensive, a source in the military department has already told how the previous one ended, and there were losses. more than 166,000 losses, more than 166 thousand, this is only for the ukrainian summer company, well, it’s obviously a great success. it should be recalled that the results of the implementation of the previous counter-offensive plan of commander-in-chief zelensky in 2023, which he mildly called not so successful, were death and serious the injury of more than 166 thousand military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as the loss of 789 tanks, 2,400 other armored vehicles and... up to 32 aircraft. in the absence of people in ukraine willing to voluntarily develop this
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zelensky madness further with their lives and health, the kiev regime is filling the huge shortage of armed forces personnel with new cannon fodder, promoting the law on mass forced mobilization of citizens. at the same time , zelensky places the responsibility of providing hundreds of thousands of mobilized people with the necessary weapons entirely on the west. nothing of my own in ukraine it’s long gone, but in the west it’s already time to strip their troops naked. thanks to such non-trivial approaches to military planning, there is no need to doubt that the implementation of zelensky’s new plan for... the offensive will end in complete disaster for ukraine with the final defeat in the armed forces of ukraine and the beginning of the path to peace on russian terms, since we’ll be back in a minute, i recommend it to you, allah , look for a new place of work, premiere on rtr, we can open our own taxi fleet, there is too much interference, and as for your alla, i held her funeral service, we will strangle her. let's discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many
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warning signs, what if something happens to you, i'm scared, there are too many dangerous intersections, trouble, the earring is broken, he's alive, alive, but she can't stop, your grandmother will handle it, she is a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday on rtr. let's go, tiitanic delluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in the comfort of our swimming pools, relax in the life lounge and enjoy the exquisite cuisine of the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is
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we are here for you.
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so are you confusing me so that i can understand you next to anyone else? don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll be 18 soon and i’ll live the way i want, pauline is gone, left home, doesn’t answer calls, and you ’re sure that you know your daughter well, well , what should i do now, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, don’t worry, lyuba,
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no, you have another girl missing. friend polina, they are studying together in college, it’s so hard to restrain yourself so as not to go crazy from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, the weeping little one, premiere on saturday on rtr, per day cosmonautics, this is a holiday, cosmonautics day. this is a holiday anyway, it’s our common one, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station . what was your mission, to look and figure it out, and if possible, to fix it, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight , i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we’re taking off, i
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’m all fucking, they bring volodya, he ’s just that color, i thought he... two cosmonauts will just die now, that is, you know, but your wives, they’re heavy-hearted you were escorted to one end of the road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind, viktor petrovich’s wife knitted a hat for him and two for you, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr.
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a cell consisting of six citizens of one of the central asian states, whose members planned to commit a terrorist act against... a facility of the armed forces of the russian federation stationed in the city of donetsk. during operational search activities it was established that coordination the activities of the terrorist group were carried out from the territory of ukraine. its participants, after committing a crime in russia, planned to travel to turkey, from where they intended to cross to ukraine. two ready-to-use improvised explosive devices and hand grenades were discovered and seized at the terrorists’ place of residence. london may transfer a laser weapon system to ukraine, the defense minister said today.
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without money, he doesn’t just drink, he uses tea bags several times, dries them, and passes them on to generations, we’ll see. brits hang tea bags on the washing line so they can reuse them and save money. a shocking study has revealed that people are also cutting their own hair and eating breakfast cereal for dinner in a bid to cut costs. more than one in seven leave tea bags to dry so they can be used more than once, a survey of 2,012 british adults found, almost a third of britons cut their own hair to avoid costly trips to the hairdresser, and the same number of people take free ketchup, mustard and mustard packets from restaurants. mayonnaise so as not to fork out for bottles from the supermarket. more than a quarter of those surveyed admit to eating random
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combinations of foods to limit food purchases or eating expired food. almost. and just as many sniff their dirty laundry to see if they can put their worn clothes back on so as not to have to turn on the washing machine, the latter seems very strange, oh well about... i look at all this information and come to the conclusion that homeless europe, under a narcotic haze, is dreaming about some a miracle weapon, but the british are taking and going to install an experimental laser system, recently advertised in the media, that they can shoot down, but all the developments of our laser crop said one thing, that doing this in the atmosphere is quite problematic, almost impossible. because it is dissipative physics and so on, that is, in ukraine they will deliver something that has not yet been invented, something that has not been finalized, they are the same, and an experimental miracle weapon in
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a single copy will be delivered to ukraine, probably thanks to this will win, but at the same time they are building, macron is building a gunpowder factory, scholz is opening the production of shells, but there is a small, as they say, little nuance, guys, where will you get it from? china has limited this matter, it is from cotton that the same nitrocellulose, which is the basis of gunpowder, is synthesized, but in russia this problem was solved long ago even more than 8 years ago, when we were faced with this situation, we synthesize this nitrocellulose from flax, we get very excellent ammunition, and they have cotton supplies from uzbekistan, but that’s why they often send their delegations there, do we think they are there? they go to promote, they say: give me cotton, give me cotton, give me, we need to produce shells, somewhere they are asking for metal and so on, that is, now the whole homeless west is running around the world and give, give, well,
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because they have the main beggar, we know, he constantly says what he needs, give him 25 patriots, before that he sank hundreds of tanks there and so on, but everyone understands that strategically the west lost ukraine, that’s all, strategically there they lost the plan. the war, now there are attempts to somehow hold it back, because we need to hold out until some point so that the west has time to rebuild something somewhere, but they are the ones who are looking for hope, will we give this hope? by the way, vladimir vladimirovich and alexander grigorovich seemed to express the latter, they say, but they were in istanbul, and vasily nebenze yesterday at the united nations said, guys, get ready, the next negotiations will be on the basis of surrender. there’s nothing there that we’ll leave, it’s capitulation, to get ready for this, get ready for the west, everything, that is, the fact that we are now standing there on the line of both contacts and not moving, that’s it,
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it’s all over, now we will move and talk only about the capitulation of ukraine, the territory they divide, they think, russia will take this, we’ll give it, or this, and we’ll do it for ourselves, that is, they are engaged in sharing there, while russia is somehow always in the country, even in this switzerland, now about the numbers. yes, every day ukraine on average loses up to a thousand on the line of combat contact fighters, this is an average figure, plus or minus, but every day 1,500 people sign a contract for volunteers and volunteers go to the line of combat contact, about technology, just last year the x69 missile was demonstrated at an army exhibition as a model, exhibition, and so on , and already this year we... tested it in combat applications, an excellent missile, made using our technology of reduced aviation signature, can make complex low-altitude flight over a long range
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and accurately hit objects, while these air defense systems, they won’t see this missile, but the result is that we hit the trypillian one, you know the ukrainian logic, russia switched to new types of high-tech missiles, because everything is over. microchips, come on, how else can we produce these weapons, that is, now, when we are talking about technology, and what this special military operation gives,
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they are multiplying here, the production of military products and the country has transferred its defense industrial complex on war realities, the west is losing technology and cannot fix it in any way production, well, you can list what the west doesn’t have, and hypersound. even the houthis appeared, well, it’s true, it’s clear that they got help, where they got it, where they got it, well, they found it, probably somewhere, then we take, as they say, next-generation aircraft or weapons, even from the houthis. among the musits, among the north koreans, yes, the north koreans actually created a souk unit and tested it, and so on, that is, the question here is, who is it, why did they start this war, which they are obviously already losing, but the most interesting thing is, how did they they are going to fight in the future, they cannot recruit people into the army, they cannot restore weapons, by the way, based on nuclear technology, which means tridents are the newest missiles
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in 2007. production was stopped, but they cannot resume it, because there are no specialists, and statistics say that as soon as you do nothing for 25 years, you lose technology, you lose technology irrevocably, they are now thinking about how they can produce submarines, where they can , they have created an attack, and australia will have to do these plan the boats as quickly as possible, because the american shipyards that were supposed to do this can’t cope; they launched virginia for 3 years. maybe the french helped, but everything is complicated here, of course, but we are saying that in strategic terms they lost ukraine, they are beginning to lose their hegemony in strategic terms. we are not worried about the french yet; they will deliver what they could not implement in australia to brazil. comrade macron agreed, in this sense, this part of the hegemony has survived. v
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losses in the hundreds of billions, simply gigantic , otherwise it would have been really money, the americans rudely threw it away, and macron said that we treat this with understanding, it must be so, it must be, this is the essence, apparently, of modern sovereignty, but as ukrainians they are suffering at the front, look, those ukrainians who go on the offensive, yes, whether they go on the offensive or not, pay attention to the screen.
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in this footage, ukrainian militants are trying to hold back the advance of russian attack aircraft in the chasovo yar area, firing two shots from tank t-64, then the combat vehicle is hidden near an abandoned house, a minute later our artillerymen cover the target with accurate fire. in this video, kostroma paratroopers destroy a cell phone tower on which there were repeaters that increase the signal range for enemy fpv drones. another ukrainian city that the russians are trying to take, we can take a look at it here on the map: the russian army is trying to take control of the next larger city in this direction, after they took bakhmud in may last year, and we see that now they are very close to the city, one might say, they have come close to the entrance, the village of ivanovskaya is also largely under russian control, in this video the moment a ukrainian armed forces tank is hit by precision-guided
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ammunition. trasnopol, after being hit , the ammunition load catches fire, here lansed burns another armored vehicle of the armed forces of ukraine, and footage from the other side, leaving another american humvee armored vehicle of the british sasson armored personnel carrier. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, budanov, who promised to seize russian crimea by last spring, now fears a new russian offensive. russian troops will begin their offensive at the end of may, beginning of june, i think. we will be well prepared for this moment and will see how it goes further. without the help of the western allies, it will be catastrophically difficult for us, and only on the condition that, firstly, it comes in sufficient quantities, and secondly, it will go further. she will move on. kiev found itself in the most vulnerable position in 2 years of war. bloomberg reports that ukrainian defense brink of disaster. ukrainian militants have used up all their reserves of missiles for western iristai patriot air defense systems, writes the german
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newspaper bild. by striking ukrainian energy facilities, the russian army is laying the foundation for a new offensive. russia launched a powerful missile and drone attack on ukrainian power plants, part of a new campaign to exploit delays in western aid to kiev to increase moscow's advantage. the impacts hit several regions of the country. russia began to destroy not only networks, but also electricity generation facilities. moscow is pushing ukraine to make difficult choices about what to defend. when striking the trypillian tes, the russian military used the latest kh-69 corlat missiles, which are
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worse than daggers, writes defense express. the ammunition carries 310 kg of explosives. the minimum flight altitude is only 20 m, which allows you to bypass any air defense system. members of the european parliament decided not... kiev will not agree to the peace plan if it does not include a provision on russia’s loss, said an adviser to the head of zelensky’s office go away. due to record losses at the front , military commissars began to catch disabled people. this is
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a mechanic of an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle instead of a leg. protest. eight months after alexander was blown up by a mine, he is adjusting to life without his left arm and leg, one blow at a time. the philosophy is, let your old self die, imagine that you were born without an arm and a leg, you have some knowledge gained earlier, but you will experience the world from scratch. despite his injuries, he returned to the front. of course there is fear, i am very afraid stepping on a mine again, i realized that yes, i need to be more careful now. highly unable to weaken moscow's offensive potential, despite attempts to attack the russian rear, writes a british spectator. the only result of the ukrainian counteroffensive was the death and severe injury of almost 170,000 military personnel, the loss of 800 tanks and 130 aircraft, a high-ranking source in the russian military department said. without conscription, the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine
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of women, ukraine will be destroyed,” said nardev maryana bezuglaya. zelensky, speaking summit, the new law on general mobilization is justified. in the west. at the request of our military leadership, there are certain changes in mobilization and according to this mobilization, yes, there is increased control regarding draft dodgers, but i want to say that any person, even without this law, who violated the law of mobilization, was of mobilization age, was a draft dodger or something else -what he did was outside the law, he already violated this or that legislation in force, those other laws, zelensky publishes footage on his social networks construction of fortifications.
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in order to put everyone in a difficult situation, we are on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively, but uh, but of course there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality, well, breaking news, mass evacuation has been announced in orenburg
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right now over the past 10 hours, the water level in the urals has risen by another 40 cm and is now 1,143 cm, in the city at these minutes... in total , more than 10,700 people were evacuated in the orenburg region, including 200 more children remain drowned in the region.
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april, to reduce the threat of flooding, rescuers loosen the ice like this using an aerial boat. in the tyumen region , there will be a flash flood in 2 weeks; near tomsk , the water level in the tom river is rising ; more than 100 houses remain flooded in the region, and this is the case. instead of cars, we park boats, it’s crap,
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now like this, now like this, yes, venice, half a garage, these are seven machine operators up to the windows, these are our sheds, and this is our house, that’s how much water, that’s all connected, that’s extreme road, here's an oak grove, that's all there is left. a piece of asphalt, and the current is crazy, here are two cars standing, they have already been lifted, they are floating, here are the rafts that we tied, those barrels that are on top, we see, the rest of the barrels are below the car.
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two people, one dog and a cat, lean on me, hold on to the rope, hello again, nicknamed after us, that’s how many dogs were saved. thank you.
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creepy footage, of course, the day before there was a message from the governor of orenburg, who said that...
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for undermining the nord stream, i say, well, war crimes, yes, everything was immediately blacklisted, the ministers of foreign affairs, imagine, small trunks, listen, well, you can’t be so touchy, it would seem, he was just quoting him, the minister foreign affairs, but of course, of the foreign ministers, my favorite, yes, i think, our everyone’s favorite, still remains kuleba, that’s what he just said about patriots in interviews with american presidents and ministers to report to whom how many patriots why can’t they hand them over to him, but still touched by the total
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press conference it was said not may, well, that is, no further, but well, that’s the point, they reported, well, no, or someone- that is, but i won’t give it, so... okay, russia will destroy it, and if russia, as they themselves say, attacks again, no, well , it will attack, but there is no air defense there, yes, so what, like for rent, well yes, that's when you mentioned the statement of grant shapps, the british secretary of defense, that they were there in porton down in that very secret the laboratory, near which for some reason
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skripal lived, means they are developing this dragonfies, some kind of laser, very cheap, as they say, but very effective. weapons, then they immediately say: yes, but we will provide the prototypes to ukraine, that is, as the ukrainians asked, they are being turned into a testing ground, how many ukrainians themselves will die in this case, the devil knows what will happen to these weapons, they know if they will explode there or what will happen, it’s the british, well , they don’t care at all, that is, there are tea bags to dry, that worries them, but how many additional ukrainians will die there, it doesn’t matter at all, when today...
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for russian missiles there is no concept of deep, depth, has he even seen where they fly? no, but it doesn’t matter, again, the main thing is to say, then even grass, the main thing is why send if they will not participate in hostilities, so what? well, again, yes, there is no logic in all this, but nevertheless , this is being discussed in all seriousness, this escalation is taking place against the backdrop of truly derogatory statements that great britain has turned into a third-rate country, again... their scientific reports report this, against the backdrop of the fact that the armed british navy is forced , due to a lack of people, to hire people who cannot swim, and i understand that they explain to everyone , well , they take people into the aviation who don’t know how to fly, so why can’t they take into the navy
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people who can’t swim, so they live, but they menacingly defeat russia on the pages of their newspapers in the news. wonderful logic, regarding laser weapons, let's listen, really the current british minister of defense said that they have invented something, but have not tried it yet, but we want to transfer it to ukraine, we’ll see there. british defense secretary grand chabs has suggested that new british laser weapons could be delivered to the front lines in ukraine to destroy russian drones. the dragonfire weapon, which is expected to be ready for deployment no later than 2027, could have huge implications for the conflict in europe, the defense secretary said, speaking to reporters during a visit military research center porten down, saltberry, mr. sheps. said he would see if the pace could be accelerated so that the ukrainians could possibly get their hands on these weapons. “i decided to speed up the production
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of the dragonfire laser system because i think that against the backdrop of two major conflicts, naval in the middle east and one in europe, this could have huge consequences if a weapon appears that can, in particular , destroy drones,” sheps said. we'll be back in a minute. on cosmonautics day, signal disappeared, stanso doesn’t respond to any commands, why are we drinking, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, go speed, take it away, take it away, what happened, lights, talk to me , i'm talking to you, the story is real. they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home,
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having taken an unprecedented height, you heard, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle has docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, lower it, fireworks 7, today on rtr. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. it's light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, and are very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra-light material. eva, thanks to which the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the breathable
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any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears , just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life at a special price. just from 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and... create a unique look for your suburban area. the floor is threatening, the walls are threatening, they have arrived big changes. in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally
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a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you see me for the first time in my life, and you blame me for something i’ve never done, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, accept this as fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m
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essentially a loner, the only thing... that matters to me now is my son. an excellent topic for a dissertation. single father. do you need a nanny? yes, it is needed, but not you. if you don't need anything, it doesn't mean that you have everything. every woman dreams of getting married. imagine, there are exceptions. if you don't need anyone, it doesn't mean that no one needs you. or maybe something semi. it seemed to me that we had clarified everything, but i still didn’t tell you everything about myself. loner, on sunday on rtr. rostec supplied the troops with the first batch of new multifunctional su-35s fighters this year, designed to gain
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air supremacy and destroy ground-based surface targets. height of only 20 m, which makes the revelation x69 is virtually impossible. when striking the trypillian tes, russia used its new h69 cruise missiles, which allowed it to completely destroy the powerful power plant. this is evidenced by the found fragments of this rocket, as reported by sources. at the same time, according to additional information received, the long-range missile launch was about 400 km.
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this parameter exceeds the known estimates of the x69 range of 300 km, as well as through. integration of x-59 mk-2. note that the x-69 is a russian subsonic cruise missile for tactical aircraft, its possible launch of su-34 and su-35 aircraft. in addition, it should become the main cruise missile for the su-57, which it should carry in the internal weapons bays. its currently available characteristics indicated a range of up to 290 km, but in practice it turned out to be greater. her successful strike suggests the possibility of her penetration past the apparently depleted ukrainian air defenses. also her. may be more widespread due to the large number of carriers. at the same time , the range of use of this missile is 400 km enough to destroy a significant number of objects on the territory of ukraine from tactical aircraft, which may well approach the border or front line at a distance of 50-70 km. well, it’s worth noting that next week
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the spring meeting of the so-called imf begins. world bank, why is this important, by this time a new scheme for raising funds is going to be discussed, we are talking about so -called long-term securities in security of future income from the frozen assets of the russian federation, this decision will be will be discussed next week, so it starts somewhere on wednesday, thursday, will last for a week and then the final decision can be made. at the g7 summit, which will take place here in italy, how this scheme will work, yes, ukrainians were offered to borrow under a guarantee of future frozen income. exactly, which assumes that, firstly, these assets will not be unfrozen for 10 years, or 5 years, the european is against it, but it’s important that if you take something as collateral for something, it means that something belongs to you , well in
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in an extreme case, but the interest does not belong to the ukrainians, the question there is different, before this there was an attempt to allocate interest, at least for them, accordingly, so far it has not been successful, the bonds will assume that all the interest will go there, as it were, this is a difficult situation, the moment is very interesting, if it is possible to issue bonds against frozen assets, the first one to drown from the european market will be china, because if there is a confrontation, it will, apparently behaves amicably and cheerfully, that’s what you have, that is, there is a sharp freezing of assets, and after this it happens accordingly, as it were, the problem is something else, there are general problems with this component, their evidence is gold, it shows the maximum , and why does gold show the maximum, usually it shows the maximum at high inflation, in the world it seems to be so relatively specific, it stabilizes somewhere, grows somewhere, but not so intensely that gold is growing, central banks are starting to buy gold in large quantities, they are afraid, therefore , to remain in residencies in which they can
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freeze, the fact is that many countries have problems, many countries are now starting the electoral cycle, that is, they are putting money into gold, gold is the most a simple way, it can’t be taken anywhere, you kind of have it where you store it, that’s where you store it, no matter how you can’t freeze it, you can’t naturally take it away, if you don’t have it and it’s liquid, you can always have it somewhere to sell, to rent out, to change, as it were, there are many different ways. there are cunning ones there , respectively, through four generations, but the point is this: we are returning to the roots, so what? well, this is some kind of return to the roots, you need to physically own something so that it is not physically taken away from you, well, it was the twenty-fourth year, and this is very interesting, firstly, this leads to the growth of gold, secondly this ultimately leads to an increase in debt, but the question is different, this suggests that countries are already starting acquire your own weapons, respectively high-tech ones, such as nuclear ones, for example, or something else, because it’s the only one. protection, as it were, in the military component in the economic component, this is this story, this says a lot, the second very important point, of course, is the election campaign, everything connected with this, the biggest elections in the history of mankind begin, how we call we know this week, next week
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on the nineteenth, this is our election in india, this will sing like a song, because firstly, this is a very large number of voters, this is a long election procedure, secondly, this is the second largest economic partner after china, so you accordingly... but the question is that before this , the aggregation of oil, gas, everything else, but oil first of all, is taking place, the question is what will happen after these election campaigns, as if by the fact that after this it will be in fashion to conduct a more active policy, judging by i remind you that he has very difficult relations in general in the region with various players there, and lately he has been trying to stabilize relations with china to some extent, to some extent, so from this point of view, it seems very an important aspect, plus, of course, today will be the most important, because today johnson is going to see trump, i keep you informed, they
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are going to malaga, in short, in short they will have an event in florida, and the issue of financing will be discussed there, among other things external and israel and taiwan and everything else, johnson from congress, congress is speaker mike johnson, speaker is not, mike johnson is johnson. now there will be this shift on the day, they will discuss this issue there, it can give a new impetus or, on the contrary, preserve these negotiation processes, because trump has already spoken out against it, the republicans are already starting to fall off,
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so from this point of view, without support for trump, this project will be extremely difficult to carry out, but in extreme cases it will be carried out quickly, that is, it is already under the basic scenarios, that is, if it is held somewhere at the end of april, maybe in the twenties, if it is held for voting, it may go out, well, maybe in the middle, but this is already almost in the middle april, that is, at the end of april. this is the maximum, therefore, from this point of view, without additional impetus from trump, this issue would not be resolved. the second very important point is that the united states began negotiations in oman with iran directly; apparently, they are now trying to pull him away from this component in every possible way, it is quite possible, by the way, according to internal data, they may even vote in the un security council to condemn israel, now, as a last resort, this is being very actively discussed, by the way , sanctions will probably be imposed, assets will be frozen , from whom iran, like iran, we are gathering to condemn israel. the question is different, we’ll freeze iran’s assets anyway, but that would also be nothing in principle, by the way, that’s what’s happening, in principle, iran’s assets were frozen, that’s it, but the question is is interesting in another way, if the initiative goes through. will go to the olympic
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games, i very much doubt it, but the question is different, it might talk about genocide, the question is different, this is a rather dangerous component, because what is special, okay, now there has been an attack, accordingly, let’s assume, accordingly iran will react diplomatically, there will be a next blow, tanyahu is trying to drag iran in, he will use any means to drag him in, it’s a matter of survival, in fact, accordingly, the future, as it were, well , the situation with rafah, so from this point of view, it seems to indicate that even controlling... it is very difficult, that is, in principle, how would you have a prime minister in your country , which , in principle, cannot and does not support, but which acts, does what it wants in the end, you have to sort out the consequences of its actions, this is the main problem, and if there was a single system here, all this would be behind the scenes would have agreed completely differently, it would have been it was lined up differently when the main partners act in the opposite phase, as if engaged in opposite actions , it looks somehow strange from this point of view , scholz, who is traveling to and, accordingly, in china before he is going to
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impose sanctions on china, by the way, which is built up including scholz's auto industry, by the way, because it seems to be slightly tied there, but this is a market of excess, this, by the way, this suggests that there is, as it were, a unified position, so there is no question, even more the interesting thing is the following, about the fact that the economy rules everything, naturally, now, in addition to the auto industry , air carriers have joined us, they say, come on guys, you stop opening now , expand flights with china, chinese companies, let's expand our flights to.. .during elena’s visit, there was an agreement that chinese companies would fly more to the usa, accordingly , the number of flights there is expanding to 50, now what are representatives of air carriers in the usa saying, and guys, let’s do it this way, let’s you won’t expand, do it for ours, but nothing, there is an economy there, there are bilateral agreements, overnight, yes, it’s like the question of elections, this is all much more important, he will think about his elected jobs even at the expense of stability actually, it’s the same with security, because you agreed with china on one thing, and then you replay the game accordingly, i don’t understand ... let me remind you that elin owns
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a wonderful phrase, she formulated it just during china’s visit. china's high productivity is hurting global economy, okay? well, reduce productivity, the minister of finance demanded within the framework of the early world economy. we'll be back. news of the week without. we put noise and dust on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. sunday on rtr. go. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are
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calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time, save. mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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your mother has a damaged heart, she needs surgery, here is the money for your mother’s treatment, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship
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is worth a lot, who are you chatting with? wow, hi, lisa, this is philip, hi! to get acquainted, and love is even more precious, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, and you for a long time are you going to meet the snake, i have half a place, put your things down, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also say, they threw half a lemon’s worth of jewelry on you, dear friend, on saturday at rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white
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fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here they come, oh you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he loves to grab the claws there. ah, so tame it. kusacheva, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, in circle. with friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see,
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look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look , look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once, two, three, sign. we immediately take off towards viktor petrovich and they bring volodya, all pale, he’s just that color, i thought he would just die now, two cosmonauts, that is, you understand, but your wife saw you off with a heavy heart,
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the road is one way, it was impossible to calm them down , my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind of intuition, viktor petrovich’s wife knitted two hats for him and two for you. the fate of man. with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. and so britain handed over to ukraine two minesweepers of the royal navy fleet. the warships were withdrawn from the british fleet and sent to kiev, where they would operate under the names chernigov and cherkassy. london also plans to send its naval laser weapons to ukraine. based under the code name dragon fire, but ex- british defense minister phobiad, in an interview on sky news, regrets that nato did not send its troops to ukraine before the start of the russian special operation, now he says it’s too late,
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because now a nuclear war is on the horizon. i'm sad to say this, but i expect that in the next 5 years we will see someone using nuclear... how will we react to this? we cannot use our own nuclear weapons to do this, so understanding how to respond is necessary. nato must understand who will go where. nato has a lot of homework to do. well, as a matter of fact, it was like this from the very beginning, although
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the latest weapons were not always sent there, but now the current minister of defense has announced that he still does not exclude the possibility of sending these laser systems there dragonfire, the fact is that they really have not yet been fully developed; it was previously planned that they should enter service with the british army in 2032. but now they have decided to reduce the time frame and say that they intend to put them into operation in 2027, so testing of these weapons is still ongoing, but gransheps is already making such statements, he believes that this is what he said, speaking in porten down, he said that , that if earlier we could afford to bring such installations to a quality of work of 99.9%, now probably 70% is enough, when in what quantity will these prototypes be delivered to ukraine, he did not specify,
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based on his logic, it turns out that no earlier than 2027, does this mean that he is counting on that the conflict in ukraine will stretch over this period of time, in other words, in this situation there are more questions than answers, and these loud statements from various former ministers and current ministers are routinely heard from london, creating the so-called information background. the main goal of which is as has always been london's policy, it is to push other partners to more actively supply weapons to kiev. olga, what about another ex, about boris johnson, who goes to church, prays for ukraine to be given weapons, that is , ukraine does not seem to london to be an illiquid asset, well, bearing in mind the endless failures there lately at the front. the fact that boris johnson is already praying is a kind of sign of despair, because this is already some kind of last
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resort, i think, to which he is resorting, other attempts to convince, first of all, let's call them that, senior partners in the united states of america, to unseal this blocked aid package of 60 billion us dollars, have so far failed neither johnson nor, in fact, his predecessor as prime minister of great britain, who as. the minister of foreign affairs visited donald trump, but came back with nothing to drink, although perhaps, of course, cameron learned something about the secret thoughts that trump is keeping to himself and does not disclose to the general public, perhaps this was his mission, but nevertheless, the attempt to shake up american republicans so that they open the way for this bill to provide additional assistance failed in this situation, johnson really can only go... to pray, suddenly, somehow, god's providence will help him in this, strictly speaking, not
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the most godly matter. sasha, i can’t help but ask about tea. it is clear that the tabloid publication, but nevertheless, they loudly declare that londoners dry tea bags to save money, keeping in mind the tea tradition, how many times do you use tea bags in london? does it depend on whether you drink? tea with jam or not, so if you drink it with english jam, then apparently you can dry the bag once, then reuse it again, the taste sensations will be somehow softened by these classic orange peels, but seriously, of course same - the crisis that the uk is facing, the cost of living crisis, as they say here, it primarily affected not people like boris johnson, who can afford to go to pray and then, in fact , have a delicious dinner, but ordinary britons, for whom these economic trials associated with a general drop in living standards are
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quite difficult, so this newspaper daily star, well, yes, they, of course, they publish various such extreme things, it is clear that this does not apply to all british people, but nevertheless , a sufficient number of people are below the poverty line, not only in the country as a whole, but even here in london, so the problems are of course serious, and people are forced to save, including on such a classic drink as the famous english tea. olga. thank you very much, sasha, alexander khabarov, live, london. i can’t help but talk about the british again and talk about the british laser; well, in general, the americans tested similar weapons on their traitor. several years ago, they ended up setting fire to a lightweight drone, then they set fire to a boat floating on the waves, then the israelis also demonstrated their weapons, ironbeam, that is, an iron beam, which they integrated into the iron dome, the americans said, what a cool car you have, let’s maybe even buy it from you, if you are good at it in combat, well, iron swords began, but an iron beam does not help the israelis escape from
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any weapons of destruction, in general, that is , this is the question, you know the tenth, because laser weapons are so far... in service with one country, this is russia, this is an overexposure complex, really it is not intended in order to shoot down drones, he has more serious goals in space, and now here’s an important point about the su-35 , news was announced, i think that in principle this is even more important, probably, than the news that, well, what are we we are systematically finally knocking out the energy sector of ukraine, we are unbalancing it, and we are doing it this way now, precisely in warm weather, so that the population will suffer less, here is a rolling blackout for industry, where there are continuous production processes, this is very... serious, let’s say, a negative factor, so here is the k35 from komsomolsko on the amur region, after all, not only was a new batch transferred, but they reported that production had increased by more than a quarter in the volume of vehicles produced, the aircraft, the same su-35 - this is not only the komsomolsk plant, it is a united engine building the corporation is the plant that makes the engine, these are tens, hundreds of enterprises of the second level and
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third level of cooperation, these are thousands of thousands of highly qualified personnel, and what we have now begun to do more... that is, well, with minor adjustments, but now i would like to say a little about space, after all, it’s cosmonautics day, yesterday we had the angara fly, which was talked about many times, yesterday or today vladimir vladimirovich said that we need to continue and strengthen the financing of our nuclear space project, that is, we have rosatom , roscosmos, and the cabinet of ministers were given
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instructions that we vigorously continue the development of a nuclear power plant, well... and they sang along with it, we will choke, we will discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warnings to know, suddenly with you something will happen, i'm scared, there are too many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he's alive, alive, but she can't stop, your mother can handle it, she's a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday,
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hour. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko discussed resolving the conflict in ukraine. russian troops launched attacks in the kupinsky direction. the militants in the ssu suffered significant personnel losses.


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