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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:16pm MSK

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friends, thank you very much for being with us, we wish you a warm, musical, spiritual spring, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye! on the russia channel, big news, in the studio , tatyana remizova and the main topic of this saturday in our issue. the ukrainian armed forces' rockets leveled three to the ground.
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we’ll hold out on the second floor, in orenburg the water has reached residential complexes, the level of the ural river is 2 m above critical values. the city is crossed by one continuous, many-kilometer white line of sandbags. large water on the approach to the mound. iranian special forces captured an israeli container ship in the strait of armus. the islamic revolutionary guard corps showed footage of a military base with dozens of ballistic missiles. international. airlines began to cancel
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flights into israeli territory. accident on the funicular in antalya, turkey. the cabin fell straight onto the rocks, people spent almost a day in the air and are still waiting for help. heavy rain and hail in nalchik. the city went under water. a terrorist with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center in sydney. dead, on every birthday, every new year, i received a box of soldiers. the game of thrones of symbols became the science of his entire life, the chief heraldmaster of russia 75. love at first roar. while russians are switching to chinese cars, the chinese are crazy about russian ural motorcycles.
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already 10 dead among them are children, two people are listed as missing, five have been rescued from the rubble. such data about the shelling of takmak from ukraine was voiced by the governor of the zaporozhye region, yevgeny baletsky, on whose instructions an operational headquarters was created. the rockets hit the ground three apartment buildings. military rescuers and wordsmiths continue to work in the destroyed residential area. according to zaporozhye authorities, among all terrorist attacks on peaceful cities in the region, this was the largest since the beginning of the year. from the scene of events evgeniy trachuk. for almost a day now , employees of the ministry of emergency situations have been continuing search work in this pile of concrete slabs. carefully studying every centimeter. only half of the two-story house remained; the building was folded into one.
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ukrainian militants carried out a massive strike on friday evening, targeting civilians residents, in the front-line takmak, four apartment buildings were destroyed, somewhere an entire floor was missing. many did not even have time to escape. in one family, two people and their mother died. there are still people under the rubble. operational services of the zaporozhye region continue to clear the rubble destroyed after yesterday's attack in the ukrainian armed forces for the peaceful residents of the city of takmak. when attacking takmak, militants of the kiev regime used nato weapons with destructive elements. as evidenced by fragments from rockets scattered over a radius of several kilometers.
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there are children's toys in the apartments under the rubble, a dog has been waiting for its owner on the landing of one of the houses for 24 hours, an operational headquarters has been deployed on the spot. solutions have already been identified that will allow us in the future to provide social support measures for the families of the dead, wounded and, accordingly, compensation that will be provided for the restoration of housing. the work does not stop, the rotation of departments occurs as planned in order to complete all the work as quickly as possible.
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positively british stormshadow hit for residential development and engineering plant. the cutting-edge enterprise was once one of the largest in ukraine. after the reunification of the region with russia, the plant began to be restored and they planned to restart the production lines in the near future. another industrial city of donbass, gorlovka, also came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces today. eight people were injured there. the enemy apparently used cluster shells. an examination of the impact site showed that it was dotted with so-called koloku. this is soup ammunition with delayed detonation, similar to a mine petal. in one shell can hold up to eighty of them. the may day body in the donetsk republic today came under the control of russian troops to liberate another settlement in the avdeevsky direction,
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the ministry of defense reported. from the same section of the front, footage of the mass surrender of ukrainian military personnel, which is published by the military department. the fighters reported that the ukrainian command was literally chasing them. slaughter, this is confirmed by the loss figures: 235 killed and wounded per day in ovdeevsky, 500 in donetsk, over 100 in yuzhno-donetsk directions. the list of destroyed equipment still includes a wide range of items, including the strela anti-aircraft missile system, nota electronic warfare stations, american and british howitzers, and three polish krap self-propelled guns. the center and south-west groups are successfully aligning the front. belogorovka and krasnogorovka, two industrial ones. center, one in the lpr, the other near donetsk, appears in almost every report. from these key directions , military correspondents mikhail andronik and pavel prokopenko reported. the tanks are already in the green
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aimed at targets, they work in a closed firing position against the enemy in belogorovka. the industrial zone of this settlement is already under the control of the southern group. troops, if it is necessary to strike the enemy in the depths of belogorovka, tankers go to our forward positions and hit with direct fire. load up, here is our tank moving through the destroyed chalk factory under enemy fire. in the sky above him , the outlines of an enemy bird are clearly visible; in order to safely retreat from the firing position , the tankers hit the building in front of them hiding in a cloud of dust and smoke. at the moment we work almost every day. we carry out various tasks, that is , i can’t give a general overview of tasks, you understand, in closed firing positions, enemy drones are also constantly trying to find our well -camouflaged combat vehicles, there’s one dugout at the end, in which case
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a drone flies in the beer somewhere the drone detector is running circles at the aerial observation point and does not shut up, all observers, in addition to drone detectors , are armed with hunting rifles, this is also at first.
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news: lugansk people's republic. krasnohorivka is covered with all guns, this is how the fifth brigade of our armed forces works. using a soldering iron and a smykol , drone operators give them a new video transmitter frequency, the enemy cannot calculate it
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, the bird becomes invulnerable in the sky. we move to non-standard frequencies, either down the spectrum or up the spectrum, what does this give? this makes it possible to find a free band, the absence of noise created by radio suppression systems. there are many in this room trophies in a row of the enemy. birds that managed to clip their wings are especially valuable, a down-to-earth trophy woman and hectares, each such device, of course, is carefully studied in order to understand what and how the enemy flies, so this one sat down because the gps control was weak, the operator simply got confused, it also turned out that the vaunted cameras, there really are a lot of them, you can see them, but, for example, at night they are completely ineffective, in the next room the drone operators are playing on the computer, after that, when you begin to understand completely... how he behaves, you accordingly, and completely merge, so to speak, into one single thing with
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the drone. you need to fly 100 hours on the simulator, then an exam, at which point the equipment is completely under human control. here we have obstacles, in this case, let’s say the same trees, we shouldn’t touch anything, you just maintain a certain height and a certain speed, when your skills improve, you try to go through it much faster. 5-10 m. what is this done for? in order not to fall into the wave of action of reb. at all
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combat work will soon await the pilots; their personnel will be a real front-line chronicle. find, transmit, coordinates, destroy. small aviation operates quickly, accurately, and very efficiently. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. orenburg is compressing the ring of water, the ural river has already risen 2 and a half higher. values, the wave of record floods continues to grow. multi-storey residential complexes are turning into islands, and private houses and cottages are immersed in water up to their roofs. there are more than 3.00 buildings and 8 personal plots. the kurgan region is now preparing for a sharp increase in the scale of flooding. the flood is expected to peak any day now. at this moment, the rescuers are evacuating residents of three more flooded villages. our correspondents are monitoring the situation in emergency zones. the new microdistricts of orenburg
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are now cut off from the rest of the city, the water has reached the residential complexes, it’s filling up so quickly, i don’t know how long we’ll last there until the second floor, the peak of the flood in orenburg, predicted on wednesday, has not yet arrived, residents we left our apartments, taking only the most valuable things, a decorative floppy-eared rabbit, i honestly tried to be optimistic about everything, i thought. overflowing over the road, we realized that there was no point in staying, the road that connects the residential complex with the main land is under water, the depth is at least half a meter, it won’t flood, here the water started stopping at stops, people are now waiting not for minibuses, but for evacuation vehicles, for for some, this is the only way to move to land while there is light, electricity, and water while they are here we will, and of course we are ready for relatives, ready to receive us at any moment.
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four rabbits, a dog with a puppy, about twenty cats are sitting in small cages crying, the owners didn’t need them, they abandoned them, for the residents of orsk the worst is already over,
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first i got caught on a fence, then on a gas line at the very peak a wave washed me away , i blew a pipe, hit my head, i waited almost a day for rescue, the ministry of emergency situations came to the rescue, patrolling the flooded streets. the road leading to the old town of orsk, it was freed from water and was on it all day flood victims come to see the condition of houses and garden plots, fallen fences everywhere and... mountains of garbage, pallets, logs, metal barrels, even wooden gates carried by the current. house by house, street by street, as the water recedes , commissions come to the victims to assess the damage, complete or partial. we fix every crack, both inside and outside the house. assess the condition of the home, whether it is suitable for living, what needs to be repaired or
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rebuilt in the future. if we discover that housing subject to repair, in this case. there is a payment of 7,000 rubles per square meter multiplied by the total area, if we see that the house is lost and physically it is impossible to continue living in it, the money for moving is 68,000 rubles. 68,700 - per square meter, and there, depending on the registered composition of the family, the scale of work is unprecedented, like the disaster that struck, the residents themselves do not lose optimism, in these shots one of the orenburg residents standing knee-deep in water in his... house played the piano famous hungarian chartage, ruslan bikbulatov, murat zaripov, marya slyaguzova, dmitry cherkasov, sergey shelepin, alexander bazhenov and zemfir abzalov, vesti, orenburg region. now the city is crossed by one continuous, many-kilometer white line
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of sandbags. in some places, such a superstructure over the dam reaches a height of more than a meter, protecting multi-story buildings from. unpredictable tabola. the main work on the dams has already been carried out, and now kurgan is anxiously awaiting the arrival of big water. more and more settlements around the regional center are falling under preventive evacuation. line on the right bank. dozens of temporary accommodation centers with all minimal amenities have been set up for residents. valentina vasilyeva is happy, she says they were received here with all the warmth. that’s how kind the people are here, everyone and somehow these are the ones who.
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we see that, in principle, the situation is stabilizing in the altai territory. according to the latest estimates, the flood is moving to kurgan at a speed of about 20 km per day, but some experts have a glimmer of hope that the water will overflow even earlier and will not reach a critical level in the city. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov, eleen goleeva and evgenia korneeva. news from the kurgan region. now to the situation in the middle east. following iran's seizure of a commercial vessel in the strait of armus linked to israel, tel aviv is demanding that the guard corps recognize islam. otsahal is preparing for tehran's possible response to israel's recent shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus. this attack
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was again condemned today by sergei lavrov. the heads of foreign affairs of russia and iran discussed by telephone the escalation in the region. about the growing threat of powerful mutual attacks in the reports of alexander belibov and sergei poshkov. a military transport mi-17 of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps hovers over. ends up on deck and takes control of the ship. this is how this morning a ship was seized in the strait of armus, en route from the united arab emirates to india, and although the ship was sailing under the portuguese flag, it belongs to the company of israeli billionaire iyal ofer, and this fact puts everything in its place. iran is escalating the situation making israel nervous in anticipation a full-scale response from tehran for the attack on the consulate in damascus. in the latest video from the guardian corps, one of the iranian missile bases, in the frame there are well-fortified underground storage facilities, where dozens of ballistic missiles are waiting in the wings, and this hour
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, apparently, will come soon, this is evidenced not only by the launch footage with which the video ends, but also other signs, for example, the active movement of units of the ksr aerospace forces within the country. photo transfers of arman anti-aircraft missile systems confirm fresh data american. u.s. intelligence officials observed iran moving military assets within the country, including drones and cruise missiles, signaling that it was preparing to attack israeli targets from its territory. one source said the us observed iran preparing about 100 cruise missiles. the united states has already announced that it will help israel shoot down iranian missiles when they fly towards its cities. in the meantime, there is an unprecedented psychological surge towards israel, not only. from iran, but also from the entire so-called axis resistance. anti-israeli forces in the region and various groups are threatening israel. the poster of the al-qassam brigades, the military
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wing of hamas, brought together all the israeli fears of recent times. here are yemeni rockets that sink merchant ships, and palestinian fighters on motorcycles and paragliders. the attack on israel on october 7 last year looked exactly like this: hezbollah man-portable missile operators burning merkov tanks. frightening propaganda videos, one after another, are now being produced by many pro-iranian resources, and this is not nothing more than a conscious, psychological and information operation, which, according to the iranian leadership, has already achieved its goal. israel has been in complete panic and combat readiness for a week now, they stopped the military attack on rafah and do not know what iran wants to do, so panic has gripped their allies. this is a psychological, media and... war for them is more terrible than the war itself, because every night they are waiting for an attack, and many of them fled and took refuge in shelters, yet this is the case when threats alone are not enough
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limited, it is now extremely important for tehran to give a proportionate response to the israeli attack in order to once and for all discourage its opponents from taking such actions and make it clear that iran is a force in the region that cannot be ignored. alexander bilivov, dmitrievich arbakov and vlada tsurkan, lead. near east. israel is concentrating. a military conflict with iran is not an operation against hamas in the gaza strip. the islamic republic has aviation, a powerful, efficient air fleet of modern drones, hundreds of ballistic missiles. we are ready for defense, both on the ground and in the air. we work closely with neighbors and friends to prevent harm to israel, and we will know how to respond. the israeli defense minister is in direct contact with the general. israel in a salvo of hezbollah budebiks in the galilee areas, in the event of an air attack from iran. in
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the nervous atmosphere of anticipation of a strike, a powerful one could seem to be the beginning of an iranian attack. about forty rockets were fired at friday evening through israeli territory by militants of the lebanese shiite group. from this picturesque israeli kibbutz. the territory of the region is a little more than 100 m, so the flight time of mortar shells or earth-class missiles fired at israel by hezbollah militants is no more than 5 seconds, and often there is an explosion first, only then we hear air raid signals. in response, sahal struck hezbollah launch sites and bases in lebanese territory. they also use rocket launchers, which are very smart, and... longer range rocket attacks are happening, we are protecting the country here, we are always on the line and ready for further orders to escalate.
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installations on the northern border were not an announced response from iran, just as the seizure by the islamic revolutionary guard corps of a cargo ship in the strait of armu, despite the sabbath, israeli foreign minister israel kats reacted quickly and harshly. the ayatalyh khaminiya regime is a criminal regime that supports the crimes of hamas and is now conducting a pirate operation in violation of international law. i call european union and the entire free world to immediately declare the iranian corps. islamic revolution terrorist organization and immediately impose sanctions against iran. obviously , israeli intelligence and the government have information that allows them not to immediately introduce strict security measures in the rear. however, army representatives advise fellow citizens not to relax and remain vigilant. israel is on high alert. we have increased our readiness to protect israel from further iranian aggression. we also
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ready. according to media reports, the american partners, promising to help, would like to keep israel from massive retaliatory strikes if the iranian attack is not painful and destructive. otherwise , a large-scale middle eastern war could begin, in anticipation of which dozens of countries have already recommended their citizens to leave israel, and major international airlines have begun to cancel flights over the country’s territory. dimyanets, lead israel. the whole world froze in anticipation of an iranian response to israel. sources cbs news american officials are reporting an impending attack with hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles, from which it will be difficult to defend. but the united states promises to intercept any launches from iran. washington even transferred two more destroyers and 15 fighters from britain to the middle east. the american aircraft carrier duai is also heading towards the shores of israel.
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eisenhower. us president biden warned iran against attacking israel and has already received a warning in response. according to the axios portal, tehran, through intermediaries in arab countries, demanded that washington not interfere in its conflict with israel. the biden administration was warned that otherwise us military installations in the region would become targets for attack. suddenly , the allies of the us, britain, turkey, kuwait and qatar began to refuse to participate in anti-iran one after another. operations and even closed their airspace to american combat aircraft. to consult with the security team, the us president interrupted his day off and returned to the white house. pending escalation, european airlines banned their civilian aircraft from flying into iran. many are canceling flights to tehran; france, italy, germany, austria, poland and other countries are urging their citizens to leave israel, iran and lebanon or cancel
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trips to these. country, more than 30,000 people in 36 settlements of the irkutsk region were left without electricity due to bad weather, reports the local department of the ministry of emergency situations. the region was covered by heavy snowfall. due to virtually zero visibility, aircraft exploring in irkutsk is being sent to alternate airfields. traffic jams on country roads stretched for tens of kilometers. there are accidents on the roads, many drivers have already changed their tires to summer ones. due to heavy rain and hail. nalchik went under water. in the capital of kabordin, balkaria, most of the streets were flooded. dozens of cars stalled, unable to force their way through a meter- deep puddle. in some areas, there was so much hail that the landscape began to resemble winter. utilities have been put on high alert. according to livni forecasts will continue tomorrow. at different points and locations of the russian exhibition at vdnkh today one could see such a picture. there was a dance and choir flash mob to
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a remix of the famous song. heraldry is not spillikins, the game of saltatics is a serious science, this is the life credo of the deputy director of the hermitage, head of the heraldic service of russia, georgy velenbakhov.
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in almost complete darkness, the country's chief heraldmaster goes to his office in the ancient building of the exchange on the spit of vasilyevsky island, where he works and plays deputy director of the hermitage georgy velenbakhov. with amazingly precise movements, he lines up his treasures with triple ranks of english dragoons, german knights of the battle of the ice, soldiers of the russian-turkish war, the russian-japanese war, the anglo-boer war, box on box on the director’s desk - a real battle. for every birthday, every new year, i received a box of soldiers. meditatively take them out of the bast boxes, put them back, the game taught not war, but heraldry, because every soldier had to...
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i remember the necessary documents are found suspiciously quickly, here is the most cherished one, dear georgy, i was offered a job for you in the hermitage, moistening the floors, of course, the work is very boring, but the lead is important, so the young historian velenbakhov went to work in the hermitage, one of the ways they came up with was to flood water the soviet staircase, the first floor of the antique halls, where the stone floors are, then the nikolaevskaya staircase, fill it with water, smear this water. using a mop in an even layer with the expectation that it will evaporate overnight and the humidity will increase. i managed to get hooked. the hermitage is a way of life, heraldry is a special language, when in the nineties it was necessary to build a new state, georgy velenbakhov was engaged in the creation of the revival
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of state symbols, further, wherever the fate of the chief heraldmester took him. here he was, next to boris yeltsin, who was assigned to conduct the reburial ceremony of the royal family. for quite a long time, every night. i was dreaming about the whole ceremony, and all the time this melody of this funeral march sounded, for a very long time she did not let go of the thief, in what order should the coffins be carried, what to lay down the standards, he determined, and his wife, after watching the broadcast, said: “everything is clear, it’s like you were playing your soldiers, but how many times the ceremonies could not go according to plan, the standard from the emperor’s coffin could be torn off by the st. petersburg wind, on the way he called the peter and paul fortress, to director boris serafimovich arakcheev, director "... a box with buttons. the inauguration, the entire course of the ceremony, is also his work, thought out back in the nineties, it will be repeated again for various celebrations, including the museum currently being built on the spit
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vasilyevsky island. this wonderful large hall, we have already made a decision, we will not build it up with some kind of partitions, create display cases there, it will be such a ceremonial ceremonial hall for holding events here. and also a huge museum area, a museum of the guard, a museum of awards, a museum of heraldry, on the balcony behind the statues of sea deities there will be a library and lecture hall, the welenbachs often come here to inspect the construction and play with their tin soldiers. ekaterina fesenko, alexey sasyrin, alexander burushkov, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova, vesti petersburg. this is big news, which is what we will talk about later in the program. the bryansk region was attacked by cluster munitions. today, ukrainian again hit the zaporozhye nuclear power plant microdistrict. all six power units of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant have been switched to cold mode. this is
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another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its intelligence services. a former ukrainian intelligence officer, whose car exploded the day before in the north of moscow, himself turned to those who carried out the assassination attempt. britain is going supply ukraine with combat lasers. defense minister schels personally came to inspect the secret laboratory. what dragonfiire is capable of. cable car accident in antalya, turkey. the cabin fell straight onto the rocks, people spent almost a day in the air and are still waiting for help. a terrorist with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center in sydney. six dead. he turned out to be the bravest. a russian-speaking young man, he blocked the criminal until the police arrived. love at first roar. while russians are switching to chinese cars, the chinese crazy about russian ural motorcycles. children
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are caught everywhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor. where to go and what to do? in general , you don’t need to ask anyone. beg, humiliate themselves and extend their hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to moving with... what do you like more: herring under a fur coat or olivier, look what to snack on alexander grigorievichna , hello, he doesn’t have the strength that could hold him back, this is impressive, your greetings , hello, after your interview a lot new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you. nights, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow,
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the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but need to rest. yes, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself into sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come
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true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and a complete atmosphere. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. i'll kill you. why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy. valera is digging under you in the most dangerous
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place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, we are going to we take up a lot of the doctor’s time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to a doctor, when he seriously needs to go, forewarned means forearmed, for anyone. the means have a reverse side with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation . must be followed by the whole family. the most
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important information from the most competent sources. forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday. on рrt. it was you who arranged this, right? not only did my career deprive me, it decided to finish me off. aala taxi. premiere on monday. on rtr. to spend weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. sunday on rtr. there is big news on the air, we continue the release. ukrainian military struck the village of suzemka, bryansk region, cluster munitions. as the governor of the region, alexander bahamas, reported in his telegram channel, the shelling was carried out from. dzo. according to preliminary data
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, a resident was injured. she's in the hospital, getting help. cars, walls and windows of residential buildings were cut by fragments of cluster shells. ukrainian today attacked the first microdistrict of energodar, where the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located. they tried to hit the station at least four times this week. all this time, work continues at the site. today in the so-called cold stop mode the last operating power unit number 4 was transferred. in response. in response to energoatom’s statement that every terrorist attack on a nuclear facility is fraught with disaster, magathe has so far limited himself to vague calls and unaddressed accusations. the situation in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant at these minutes. planned work due to the fact that there is nothing wrong with this in the city, the weather is quite warm and therefore
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no more heat is supplied to the city, and accordingly, the fourth power unit was transferred to cold shutdown mode for so that it can be produced. flocking or repair or restoration work to ensure that the zaporozhye nuclear power plant operates at full capacity in the new cold season. as for the drone sky, which has been observed here in energaadar since april 5, if in february there were up to 120 drones per week, which is now much more, they are not even counted anymore, because reconnaissance drones are hanging in the sky both above the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and above the city. already today we have seen two reconnaissance drones. the city is exposed to more frequent attacks, kamis drones fly here from the ukrainian positions, as a rule, there are from five to seven of them, their work is suppressed by our rap, but still some fall and debris causes damage to the infrastructure of the city, to the zaporozhye nuclear
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power plant at the arrival site itself so far, some protocols have been prescribed on how to behave correctly during an air raid. directly at the nuclear power plant site, that is, at this moment it is not recommended to approach the power units, be on the street, and move around special galiles between power units and between technical rooms. now the zaporozhye station is powered by two high-voltage power lines, one of them comes from ukraine, the other, the so-called feather alloy line 330. these lines periodically, again as a result of military activity around our site...
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another failed terrorist attack in kiev was called an assassination attempt by a former employee ukrainian intelligence vasily prozarov, an sbu analyst with twenty years of experience, who eventually became an exposer of crimes of the kiev special services, the day before he was wounded as a result of a bomb explosion that went off under his car in the middle of a moscow courtyard. prozarov recorded a video message in which he thanked everyone who was worried about him. don't worry, i'm fine, i'm alive, healthy, arms, legs, everything. works uh, what happened? i have no doubt, this is another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its special services, but i want to appeal to them: guys, you didn’t succeed, because god is for us. disobedience to commanders, desertion,
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evasion of service by self-mutilation, the whole bunch of problems of the ukrainian army in its current state, are listed in the recent order of the commander-in-chief... the norm on demobilization was removed from the law on mobilization. it was assumed that a soldier in the ssu would go home 36 months after conscription, but in the west they made it clear that things were not done that way. i felt this in communication with our partners in the west. they honestly asked: are you going to fight,
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because we are helping. but what kind of signal would it be, demobilization, that a significant part troops are coming home, that we are supposedly going to surrender, but why help?
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last year he complained in the press about the lack of rehabilitation for people with disabilities; they didn’t want to let him cross the border for a long time; he was going to poland. the new law of mobilization contains a provision that those recognized as disabled must undergo a medical examination again, but the dry soldier stood in front of the border guard on prosthetics, who checked his medical documents for about an hour. i cross the border, give my passport and military id, where it is indicated that i have been removed from the military register. sir border guard: do you have medical documents? i i point to the lower limbs, border guard: no, well, i see, but still, the situation inside the country is becoming more and more explosive,
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from one to 5 million weapons ended up in the hands of the citizens of ukraine, the information was voiced by the head of the ministry of internal affairs igor klimenko, and this is only small arms, and how many more, for example, grenades ? , not follow orders, threaten their superiors, desert, injure themselves so as not to go into battle and go home. this is a list of the most frequent violations from the order signed by head syrsky. the document contains measures to combat further disintegration of the army, if we call a spade a spade. but those recruits they are now trying to mobilize can only make the situation worse. it is obvious to everyone that. they don’t want to fight, they forcibly detained us and brought us to this gym, they came here, they came here
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to find out why they were holding the guy, they threw us out our colleague, head on the asphalt, the western press is still trying to understand how much longer ukraine will hold out without the active help of the west, lieutenant colonel of the ukrainian armed forces kurylenko, commander of a separate special forces battalion, participant in the battles of the fourteenth year for the donetsk airport, says in an interview... telegraph, then, what happened then was a child's fight, compared to what is happening on the battlefield now. leaning forward in his chair, lieutenant colonel kurylenko put the pistol on the table and slammed his fist. this so-called turning point a moment artificially created by our western partners,” he said. this is not the first time that such characters are intimidating the west from the pages of newspapers. ukraine's loss of territory, because the defeat of ukraine in the west is regarded as their own. kurylenko, for example, claims that if... we do not immediately resume arms supplies now, by the summer russia will occupy the entire territory along the dnieper. evgeny rishetnev and nikolai zakharov, lead. 1
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billion euros from the netherlands, combat lasers from britain, another patriot air defense system from germany. europe promises this kind of military assistance to kyiv. at the same time, british lasers are still in development and will appear by 2027 at best; air defense systems are being sought by the entire european union. bye politicians. are artificially prolonging the ukrainian conflict, residents are demanding an early truce, about which prospects are more realistic, alexander khabarov. great britain has announced its intention to expand the range of weapons supplied to kiev by including combat lasers. this idea was expressed by the british minister of defense gran scheps while visiting the port down research center, where tests were once carried out chemical and biological weapons. they are now finishing up the laser technology there. its range of
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action is not disclosed. the minister of defense did not say anything about the timing of deliveries of a new type of weapons to ukraine. it is known that dragonfaire was planned to be transferred to the british army in 2032. now it has been decided to do this in 2027, that is, 5 years earlier. in any case, here too. needs improvement, but grand cher said that he then came to the laboratory to personally hurry everyone here. now there is an active conflict in europe, to solve it we have a unique advanced weapon that could be useful, it doesn't have to be 100% perfect for the ukrainians to possibly be able to get their hands on it. at the moment, 2027 is the date by which everything will be ready, but of course, i will think about what we can do to speed up the process. as far as we know. until now, britain has not supplied the latest top-secret weapons to ukraine. the recent loudly announced transfer
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of two decommissioned minesweepers to the ukrainian fleet ended , by and large, in nothing. türkiye refused to let them through to the black sea, and the ships simply moved from scotland to portsmund. the same grand sheps stated that now ukrainian sailors will train on them. nato commander-in-chief in europe, christopher cavoli, unexpectedly complained about the difficulties of training ukrainians. the general said that the training of ukrainian pilots to fly nato f-16s revealed a number of problems, including the language barrier. believe it or not, it is in the process. knowledge of the english language and its study are very important. if all the leadership all instructions and all buttons are written in english, then at least for training you need to know english at a sufficient level. the number of weapons requested by kiev is as high as always. europe does not have time to satisfy these demands. members of the european parliament refused to approve funding for the council of europe until additional
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air defense systems were found for ukraine. i consider it nonsense that europe as... which opens the door for ukraine and the european council cannot, in such an urgent situation, make a decision on sending several anti-missile systems to ukraine. poland, which borders ukraine, immediately declared that they had nothing to transfer. the patriots stationed in this country belong to the usa and great britain. but the netherlands decided to increase military assistance to kiev by another 1 billion euros. this is in addition to the already planned 2 billion euros. it has also been decided that next year we will allocate 3 billion for military support to ukraine, instead of stirring up fears, it is better to really take care of the world, say politicians in east german thuringia, where, according to polls, 3/4 of residents are against arms supplies to kiev. my grandparents told me what war is, so i say that this war must be ended as quickly as possible and at any cost. we need germany as a peacekeeping power. the one who supplies weapons does not want
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peace, he wants war. federal chancellor olaf. on the contrary, it insists on further pumping ukraine with weapons in order to talk with russia from a position of strength. this will happen when russia understands that there will be no imposed peace in ukraine, and putin understands that he will have to abandon his campaign and withdraw his troops. i have always said that russia should not win this war, and it quickly became clear that this would not be a short war. we will have to supply weapons and ammunition to ukraine for a long time. create a strategic reserve, lime.
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the rescue operation in antalya, turkey, continued for almost a day, where people stuck on the funicular in the resort area of ​​kanyalti were rescued. the cable car connects the sea coast with an observation deck at the top of a 600-meter mountain. while driving one of the supports that holds the main cable broke. when she fell, she broke through the floor of the cabin with passengers and this moment was caught on a mobile phone camera. a second later , people flew down, one person died, 11, including two children, were injured, among the victims was a citizen of kyrgyzstan. people who were close to the ground were removed from the lift almost immediately, the rest were evacuated by coast guard helicopter crews, and a military transport plane was also involved. in total
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, more than 2 thousand rescuers were involved, during the day i will return the land safely. 174 people, the reasons for the emergency remain to be investigated, the funicular, the total length of which is a kilometer of 700 m, last underwent maintenance only 2 months ago. the legendary urals roams the expanses of the celestial empire. chinese bikers, devoted fans of russian motorcycles , have opened the spring season. the beijing club alone includes more than 200 people. in china , there is a local analogue of the urals, but the russian-made original is held in high esteem. the problem is in the stroller - our correspondent alexander baletsky figured out. spring season they are always open in the area. cosmonautics day, here , too, like gagarin, we went and compared our urals with rockets, everyone here will say, it was love at first roar. the
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urals have their own special soul, and this is the main thing. there are more than 200 people in the beijing ural lovers club, but they rarely get together. and forays into nature in a narrow group, and although bikers try not to get reckless on the highway, as soon as you go out of town, it ’s as if the equipment itself asks you to test its strength. in china we have a copy of the ural-yangza, so here it is i call it pleasure through pain, you drive for half a day, lie under it for half a day and repair it, and the ural is cool, especially the latest model. the story of his love with the urals is already 20 years old, he even undertook to sell irbit motorcycles in china, and 5 years ago he organized a motorcycle rally with them to russia, and it was the road of friendship, we drove through all of siberia to moscow, and then to... it’s hard to imagine , but the biggest thing is the stroller. this is the best place for my dog,
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i don’t even let my wife go there. this is of course very surprising, but in china, with its craving for ultra-modern vehicles and futuristic design, retro style is also in fashion, but it seems that most of all the chinese in our urals liked strollers like this one. installed on modern chinese models. after in 1957 the ussr transferred to china the drawings of all rights to produce the m-72 model, which it had previously borrowed from the germans, it became the most popular motorcycle in the people's republic of china - the chandzian. well, yes , of course, he has a masculine character, freedom-loving, and at the same time very reliable. when i sit here, i feel completely security. owners of american and german motorcycles, not to mention motorists, respectfully part ways when they see urals on the streets of beijing. irbit motorcycles. can be heard from several intersections away, and this is not only about the roar of the engine, against the backdrop of blossoming apple and pear trees, the repertoire suggests itself. alexander baalsky,
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nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china! about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselev, watch sunday at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch! on sunday, a big problem from the urals to siberia, where the water is already declining, and where else is it rising? flooding of your houses and areas is expected and how can we help the whole world? a truly long-awaited launch, a new heavy angara rocket, launch from the new russian cosmodrome, eastern! flight in the future. the flight is normal. why is the west inciting kiev to attack the zaporozhye nuclear power plant? five drones flew into the territory of the nuclear power plant at once. if the pink wind
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then spreads radiation throughout europe. and what is magathe silent about again? we are pressing on all fronts. accurate missile strikes deep into ukraine against strategic targets. and how they are ready to repel attacks from the sky, automatic release completed, minimal error, attacks on the crimean bridge, attacks on belgorod, help, the murder of daria dugina, vladlin tatarsky, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepino, and now the event in crocus city: what other terrorist attacks was financed by a ukrainian company with biden jr. burisma. and 10 years of war for donbass, we will also demonstrate that our grandfathers fought here for every piece of land during the great patriotic war, who they are the first defenders of their land, whom their mothers
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are still waiting for home, and we live in novorozia, and there will definitely be paradise here, lead the week, sunday, all the news around the clock on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, and we have everything for today, up to goodbye!
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hello, nadezhda sergeevna, nat, hello, yes, yes, tatyana petrovna, what ’s wrong with my fields again? “well, you understand that i wouldn’t have just called you, she hasn’t been going to college for a week, today she opened the magazine, there’s a lot of absenteeism, sick leave, like me i understand, no, it’s strange, every morning she has breakfast, takes a backpack with textbooks and goes to class, although i checked, in the evening she returns, hungry and tired, but she never makes it to college, if polina weren’t your daughter she would have been a long time ago.. “
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she doesn’t like accounting, but she doesn’t like working in general, she doesn’t like to strain herself, you know it yourself, make her go to classes, yes, i’ll take measures, i don’t know what kind, but we can’t have a frank conversation, you know, i’m like only with her... i talk, she immediately stalls and generally she doesn’t perceive anything from me, maybe she should be registered with our psychologist, no, no, she won’t forgive me for this, let me talk to her myself, thanks for calling, bye, damn it. polina, mom, can’t you see that i
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’m studying, and you’re disturbing me, i see that you ’re doing the wrong thing. tatyana petrovna called and said that you were skipping college, and you believed her, she herself was in hospital for a week, who knows, she looked in the magazine, you have only absenteeism, well, that means someone screwed up, you yourself me every day accompanying you to college. okay, fine, i'll go to college and find out. are you sure you're going to class? don't be such a bore, i really walk. and i don’t turn the music on so loud, otherwise the neighbors will knock on the radiators again. mom, i need money. how many? 5 thousand. why so much? on a textbook? do they give you textbooks at the library? well.
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you see, i took the libraries, but the pages were torn out, now he demands that i pay, as if i ruined it, it ’s not your fault, i also told them, but they don’t believe me, what kind of textbooks are these at such crazy prices, mom ok, i'll go to college, i’ll find out what kind of rules this is, i need to pay urgently, we’ll figure out something, my salary is coming soon. thank you, mommy. kohl, hi, hi. are you working tomorrow? well , yes, the car is already in the entrance. can you help me by driving me around tomorrow morning? i really need it. for what? “i want to keep an eye on the fields,
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there’s something she’s not telling me, what if she runs off to her friends, please, no question, we ’re neighbors, thank you, well, where are we going? well, behind the minibus. there’s no reason behind it with all the stops, or something ? well, i don’t know where it will pop up. well, it’s logical, yes. nat, don’t worry so much, everything will be
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fine. yes, your soul is restless, you think it’s easy to keep an eye on your daughter. and i know this. when i was 16 years old, my father said to me: dad. when did you first learn to lie? oh, nah, your girl is normal, like everyone else, don’t worry!
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well, i told you, your girl is normal, she’s studying, hmm, let’s go back, no, wait, there’s still 5 minutes until the bell rings, let’s wait for them to come in, well, let’s wait, she’s waiting for someone. probably a friend, the bell has already rung, she’s stomping around on the street, i’ll go and hurry her up. wait, wait, we need to find out to the end who she is waiting for, you're right, hatch, where are you going,
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we're late, paul, i'm not going, i'm scared if dad finds out, he won't forgive, how does he know, we're studying in polish in this stake. i promised him not to play truant, well, you’re a fool, you want to count numbers all your life in this dusty office, i don’t want to, but dad, what about dad, my mom is absolutely correct, if we listen to them, we’ll waste our whole lives, let's go, my dear, here's your study, what are you going to do, then, let you go about your business, and i... i'll go and see where they are are heading.
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hello. polina, she tracked me down, how did she get her counter, what will happen now? let’s take a break, why aren’t you at lectures, what are you doing here, but lyuba just didn’t have time to have breakfast at home, can you imagine, her father doesn’t cook at all, and here’s a cheap cafe and... we literally decided for a second to stop by and get some sandwiches and immediately to the lecture, mom, she has gastritis, she can’t go hungry, let’s do this, i’ll buy everything, and you run to class, yeah, okay, open the door, please, mom, you’re golden, i’m in a cafe, well
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you see how great i came up with everything. i take it, as angela says, my parents are afraid not to live beautifully, let's go, great, you got out of it, your mom believed it, i promise, you will learn the same way, they have no right to command us, dad says that until i become independent, he is for answers me, and i must obey, i was a sheep too, but now i know my rights, it’s scary. let's wait for mom with sandwiches, go to the college for formalities, and go to angela's. dad has arrived, now i’ll get it. darling, why are you skipping? i bought you a new blouse i wanted you to try it on, but you weren’t there. i ’m a little late, i’m on my way now, man, why are you being insolent, by what right? so are you
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confusing her? and what will happen? so that i don’t understand you next to anyone anymore, don’t touch my daughter, mom, you ’re raising your daughter normally, then i’ll talk, what’s your business, how do i raise my daughter, your impudent, spoiled girl has a very bad influence on mine love, i don’t want them to communicate, it’s clear, you better think about your child, stop bothering her i'm hungry, god, what a stranger, eating a dry sandwich, it's nice for him... gastritis, mom, we're going to class, and we're so late, yes, go, where did you get the idea that i don't feed lyuba, i'm getting up on an hour earlier, i’m preparing her breakfast, we have a healthy and proper diet, this morning we had ovtanka with milk and raisins, everything is as she likes, and there is no gastritis, of course, i don’t believe where your wife is looking, come up to my daughter again , i will write a statement to the police. nat, it’s good that you came, we need
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to figure out what’s going on with poly, from the very beginning i’m figuring it out in the morning, who made you so angry, one psychopath, what kind of psychopath, lyuba’s father shouted at her friend, he said, don’t come near my daughter, what ’s going on here, i don’t understand it myself, i want to figure it out, sit down . polina was a good girl, honest, fair, a little lazy, but this is a passing phenomenon, now she seems to have been replaced, she also noticed changes, she attributed everything to adolescence, she will grow up, become wiser, but you understand that the matter here is not only about polina, many students have changed, as if influence is coming in, that’s where the wind is blowing from, we still can’t understand, let me talk to polina. he will say, he will be nasty, he will lie, i found them in the next building, maybe
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there is a hotbed there, i don’t know, there are dozens of offices there, and i will find out, i will go from floor to floor and find out where they go from these classes with lyuba, with lyuba, hmm, it’s also strange, your girl is active, a leader by nature, and... the man, there can be no doubt, is a good father, lives for his daughter, recently
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buried his wife, she was sick for a long time, he looks after her courted.


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