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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, please don’t, our wonderful nanny wrote a police report against you, yes, as if you raped her, here’s yours, this is mine, ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you in the act of theft, and in revenge you decided to slander me, this is not true, a bouquet of dusty flowers, premiered on saturday on rtr. moscow is not giving up on peace negotiations on ukraine, but on what principles should this be conducted for weeks and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, watch now. big trouble from the urals to
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siberia, where the water is already declining, and where is it still rising? flooding of your houses is expected , and how can we help the whole world? a truly long-awaited launch, a new heavy angara rocket, launch from the new russian cosmodrome, eastern! flight in the future is normal. why is the west inciting kiev to attack the zaporozhye nuclear power plant? five drones flew into the territory of the nuclear power plant at once. if the pink wind then spreads radiation throughout europe. and what is magathe silent about again? we are pressing on all fronts. precision missile strikes deep into ukraine on strategic objects. and how are you ready
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to repel attacks from the sky? automatic release completed, minimal error. attacks on the crimean bridge attacks on belgorod, help! murder of daria dugina and vladlin tatarsky. the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, and now the event in crocus city. financing of what other terrorist attacks was revealed by the ukrainian company with biden jr. burisma. and 10 years of war for donbass, we will also demonstrate what ours do during the great patriotic war, here there was a battle for every piece of land, who they are the first defenders of their land, whom their mothers are still waiting for home, and we live in novorozia, and there will definitely be paradise here. the most
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massive attack of armed drones in world military history, iran sent hundreds of armed drones and ballistic missiles to targets in israel these nights. shells also flew from bases of pro-iranian forces in lebanon, iraq and syria. at the end of the shelling, the israeli military reported minor damage. the usa, great britain and jordan took part in repelling the strike. iran, in turn, announced destruction of targets. in israel and completion of the operation. the russian foreign ministry issued the following statement: we express our utmost concern in connection with another dangerous escalation in the region. they have repeatedly warned that the unresolved nature of numerous crises in the middle east, primarily in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, which are often fueled by irresponsible provocative actions, will lead to increased tension. we call on all parties involved to exercise restraint. 3 days
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before the iranian attack, the russian ministry of defense urgently recommended that russian citizens refrain from traveling to the region, especially to israel, lebanon and the palestinian territories, unless absolutely necessary. our correspondents alexander belibov and sergey pashkov talk about what is there now. the main question of today: whether the israeli exchange of blows will develop into a full-scale war in the middle east is being decided today. here in the general staff building in tel aviv at a meeting of the military-political leadership of israel will there be a response to the drone attack, when, what intensity and power, these are the main issues of the debate unfolding today behind these walls. now israel has taken a break, now tehran is waiting with tension for its reaction to the night attack, the most massive attack of combat drones in recent military history. according to israel. iran
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sent about 200 drones to targets in israel that night. a message about the first wave of launched combat vehicles appeared in local media at 22:45 on saturday. in one hour. a new wave of attack was recorded, then another. army representative live warned citizens of the approaching air armada. tonight, iran launched a large-scale coordinated attack on israel. the iranian regime fired drones weighing more than 200 kg, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at the state of israel. together with allies and partners across the region, we are taking action at this very moment. to protect israel from iranian attack. so far, we have been able to intercept the vast majority of attack drone missiles, as well as cruise and ballistic missiles beyond the border israel. several iranian missiles fell into israel, causing minor damage at a military base. there were no casualties.
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the first wave of drones was met and seriously countered by the air defense and air force of the kingdom of jordan. israel was supported by allies, navies and air defense, the usa and great britain took on a significant part of the iranian strike power. after some time, confirmed reports of launches from iranian ballistic missiles arrived. their flight time was up to 15 minutes and at about 2:00 am warning signals were heard in israel. air attack. in the north in the galilee region, in the center of the country over jerusalem, in the south of varad and bersheba, an air raid signal sounded, tzebaad. residents of tel aviv watched from their balconies as israeli air defense missiles launched into the night sky in the distance. the victim of the attack was a seven-year-old girl,
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a resident of a bedouin village in southern israel. she was seriously wounded by a fragment of a downed rocket. also to the south, minor damage was caused in the negev desert.
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will be responsible for the destruction of the iranian consulate building in damascus on april 1, those killed by its ruins of generals and corps officers.
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parks after the iranian air attack here do not consider the incident to be over, a senior israeli government official said that the response to iran will be serious and powerful. however, the main indicator of escalation is the country's airspace, the byangurion international airport opened and resumed operations early on sunday morning, all those who were planning to leave israel are trying to do it right now, without delaying until tomorrow, because what will happen...
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the hour has come, the inhabitants of the islamic republic greeted it with jubilation. the message has been conveyed to the whole world, no one else will have the intention of attacking iran, and if someone attacks, then we... history: the following photo illustrates this well: in the sky there is a whole swarm of drones, mines, various modifications, drones
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they launched it in waves in several passes, and later missile units also joined the attack. iranian state television showed footage of the launches. the command to open fire was given from the operational headquarters of the iranian army. after which dozens of ballistic missiles launched from the launch shafts one after another. rockets. that night , a unit of the lebanese group hazbal, as well as pro-iranian forces from iraq, also attacked israel, and although their attacks were not as large-scale as the iranian attack, they completed their task as a wave-like main attack from the islamic republic. one of the best in the world, at least until that night, the israeli iron dome air defense system was overloaded, simply unable to cope with so many at once approaching...
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however, if israel takes any action against the islamic republic, whether on our territory or in centers belonging to us, in syria or anywhere else, our next operation will be much larger than this. official tehran, through its representatives at the un, stated that everything that happened last night was nothing more than self-defense. iran's military actions, carried out on the basis of article 51 of the un charter, concerning legitimate defense, were a response to aggression. zionist regime against ours diplomatic missions in damascus. the issue can be considered resolved, however, if
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the israeli regime makes another mistake, iran's response will be much harsher. this is a conflict between iran and the israeli regime that the us should stay away from. throughout the past week, the situation in the region has been heating up literally every day. the day before, ksir special forces seized a merchant ship belonging to an israeli billionaire in the strait of armus. on wednesday , idf planes hit a car in the vicinity of gaza, killing three sons as a result of the attack the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh. the iranian operation was a natural outcome of the situation that had developed in the region, and although the israeli command reported that 99% of iranian ammunition had been shot down, tehran itself recognized its own strike as a success. these words should not be taken literally, measuring success by the number of targets hit, because in today’s attack even the. not the result, but the fact of what happened. firstly, iran has demonstrated to the whole world that it is not afraid of
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either israel or the united states, and if necessary, it is ready to have deal with any opponent. secondly, it clearly showed what the military-industrial complex of the islamic republic is capable of, the products of which have in fact proven that they can bypass the best western air defense systems and against which the country’s adversaries do not have absolute protection. and thirdly, without causing, in fact, any significant material damage. and physical damage to israel, iran, like no one else before, hit the image of the jewish state, forcing it to answer for its actions. tehran responded blow for blow, while being able to show restraint, not going further than necessary, but it’s too early to draw the line. israel has already stated that it will not simply leave this, and that same restraint is not in the habits of tel aviv, so we should expect a new look in the middle east in the near future.
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a huge and very pleasant event for russia and the world. on thursday, the new heavy-class launch vehicle angara a5 launched for the first time from the new russian cosmodrome. exactly how it was: millions of people watched the start live with bated breath, there is launch of the launch vehicle, the engines reached... this is the first launch vehicle created from entirely domestic components. the launch was also the first for the orion upper stage, which successfully delivered a test payload, the small spacecraft gagarinets, into geostationary orbit. at the beginning
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of the meeting with alexander lukashenko, who arrived in moscow, vladimir putin shared good news. today we have. and indeed the angara family of launch vehicles has a great future. the angara will gradually replace the proton heavy-class rocket, that has been sending russian cargo into space for almost 60 years. yes, the proton is reliable, but technology has come a long way. which means that in the future, with mass production, the hangar will be cheaper than the proton. now the angara’s payload is 25 tons, but in the future it will be increased significantly, which is significant for
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the large space project that russia has ahead, the creation of a russian orbital station. she will. as an alternative to the iss, according to plans, the first module of the russian orbital station can be launched into orbit as early as 207. a fundamental point: the new russian space station will have a different orbit from the iss, if the iss has an inclination angle of less than 52°, cosmonauts can see only 10% of the territory of russia in the south, then the new orbital station will have an inclination of up to 97 degrees, which will give a complete overview our country, including the arctic zone and the northern sea route. therefore, the station will have a stable connection with the ground control complex. and still ahead of angara are lunar missions and the sphere project, an analogue of the american starling, which provides for the launch of more than 600 satellites and spacecraft to
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ensure uninterrupted internet connections throughout russia. but all this is ahead, but for now our correspondent evgeniy nipot talks about the successful test launch of the angara a5 heavy launch vehicle. the carrier engine is starting. a truly long-awaited launch. the angara launch vehicle is again a heavy class, launching for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. without exaggeration, the historic launch from the territory of the country’s first civilian cosmodrome of the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia. us there is still a lot of work to be done with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty-eighth year it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. angara again is , first of all, a space heavy truck, which should replace the outdated proton m. carrier,
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which runs on toxic heptyl. the fuel is a new russian development: environmentally friendly oxygen steam. kerosene, which makes it possible to use it for launching not only automatic, but most importantly manned vehicles into promising orbital and interplanetary missions. the feeling when a child was really born, took the first step, beyond the angara carrier rocket, the fifth - this will be one of the main products that will launch heavy satellites and spaceships from this amur land. a launch complex for heavy-class hangar carrier rockets has been created on the eastern one, with this launch it begins... a very high degree of automation of all processes, as you have seen, manual operations are eliminated to a minimum, all operations are carried out and controlled automation. our film crew visited the complex on april 9, when the rocket was still at the cosmodrome, as they say here, we arrived at zero, that is, at the launch pad, from this
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point at the launch pad you can see the cable refueling tower, its height is 60. its length is 140 m. , depth is approximately 24 m, which is comparable to an eight-story building. the peculiarity of the complex is that it is universal; from here, in the future, heavy class rockets with different modifications of upper stages will be able to take off.
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all launch vehicle systems are operational sustainable. all three stages of angara a5 operated normally. at twelve minutes and twenty-six seconds, the arion upper stage began to launch a test
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payload into orbit along with gagarents, a small private kupsat satellite. the orbital unit, consisting of the upper stage and test payload, was launched into an initial open orbit. the launch of angora and the launch of arion were considered successful, and roscosmos declares this, without exaggeration, as a new milestone for russian cosmonautics. alexander plotnikov, news of the week, vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. on april 12 , cosmonautics day, vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin with participants of the twenty-first expedition to the iss. the expedition commander , russian oleg novitsky, and cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. alexander lukashenko also took part in the meeting. about this and other events of the presidential week in detail in the telegram channel zarubin and... hello, congratulations to you, i
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said hello, hello, space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, yours is ours, thanks to you, it has become ours, what the girl flew ours, but we are preparing a few more girls, they say we have stronger girls, so we... are ready to infiltrate the russian program and work together in space. today the most important question with the president of russia is what exactly today. today, well, the usual questions, but we decided to devote some time to discussing economic issues. but when the meeting started, i’ll go change clothes. it turned out that one of the key topics is still ukraine. the opposite country to a certain extent painted itself into a corner, well, yes, when... refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield and inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, but
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they refused to negotiate and now find themselves in a rather difficult situation. our goal is not to put everyone in a difficult position; on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively, but of course there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality. ukrainians must understand if they are there to throw uavs at facilities such as an oil refinery plant, the answer will arrive instantly tenfold, well, why provoke and kindle this fire, why is it needed, at the same time they are talking about some kind of peace negotiations and a conference in switzerland without russia, listen, without russia they want peace in ukraine, we are there they don’t invite, moreover, they consider it. that we have nothing to do there, at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticum, they say that
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we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize once again what we are for, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, we strived for the fact that.. in order to end this conflict peacefully, in istanbul they agreed on the parameters of this possible peace. mr. arhamia said correctly, if it were not for the position of the west, broadcast by former prime minister johnson, the war would have ended a year and a half ago, but they didn’t want it, i don’t know, they want it today, please, i said, we are ready for dialogue, but if the kiev authorities had not listened to these, let’s say, advice, how could they have developed?
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boris johnson to kiev and having said that we are in love, we won’t sign anything, and let’s just fight. why did the west take this position? i say specifically the west and , above all, the anglo-saxon world, since the former prime minister, mr. johnson could not come on his own initiative without consulting with washington on this matter. surely such consultations not only took place, but i think that he simply went on a business trip at the expense of the american administration, they
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paid him a travel allowance for this. so he laid out the position there that it was necessary to fight with russia to the last ukrainian, this was in ospreys, of course, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia to the bitter end, well, apparently they were counting on such a result, but since if they see that the result it’s not working, apparently i need to make adjustments, i feel that the moment is not far off when ukraine will come to its senses and understand where their happiness is, let them decide do you yourself feel that ukraine will change its mind?
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the agreement with whom to sign the powers of the president of ukraine have expired, today we will sign with him, say, some kind of agreement, tomorrow you will come to power, become president, you will not like it, but they know how to do it, as under the minsk agreements, remember, they will throw it all away, they will say, yes, this was signed by an illegitimate president, and i don’t know this at all, the new president will say, this could happen, especially god forbid petro poroshenko comes to power, excuse me, this will all be ruined and...
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the french will defend ukraine, listen, laughter, this is all talk, no french will go there and no one there will defend them. the second day of alexander lukashenko’s visit and today the belarusian leaders are not alone here, there is a very important beautiful ceremony ahead. where is the land more beautiful from? of course, it’s incredible when i saw the earth for the first time .
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we refuse the topic of peace negotiations on the results of the northern military district arose again in putin’s conversation, this time with lukashenko. in the kremlin at 11 pm they pushed away from the supposedly peace conference started by the west in geneva. since we are not going there, some kind of nopticum says that we are not going to negotiate, they are not inviting us, they are saying that we are refusing. well, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but i want to say it again. well, what are we for, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, and nevertheless putin returns to the topic again, we are ready to discuss everything, but if we still move to where i started, let's move on to some conversations, and resolve all issues in other ways,
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of course, as i have said many times... we are ready for this, because yes, but the president made an important clarification earlier. are we ready to negotiate? yes, we are ready, but only not ready to negotiate.
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the various options in question, we know the carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come, we, we want, i repeat once again, to resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want it, but it must be serious. conversation - with security security for the opposing side, and in this case, we are primarily interested in the security of russia, the russian federation, so we will proceed from this.
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well, now about what’s on the ground, reports from our military officers from the fronts from leonid muravyov, alexander sladkov and andrei grigoriev. drone explosion. kamikaze at the dolgintsevo airfield near krivoy rog in nikolaev and kharkov, russian drones hit high-voltage power lines near zhytomyr, a fuel depot is on fire. these are retaliation strikes for the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks on russian oil refineries. the armed forces of the russian federation, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities, carried out one massive and 47 group strikes. high-precision airborne, sea-based ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, at the facilities of the fuel, energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in odissa, electrical distribution substations in kharkov
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were hit several times by tets 3, which after that caught fire, energy facilities in the lviv region, stryisky and chervonograd districts were damaged, tes in sumy and tes in the city of burshtyn near ivano-frankivsk were disabled, destroyed. the country's anti-aircraft defense is not so good, it no longer has the ability to intercept russian missiles, especially new and modern ones, if this goes on, to strike the tripilska tez, the russian military has launched a new subsonic missile x69, and it can be launched from the planes of the aircraft. 34
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and su-35. the most important thing for shooting they don’t need strategic aviation; su-35 fighters are enough. a whole batch of these arrived from aircraft factories in khabarovsk for weeks.
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the russian drone is immediately eliminated, and this is where the ukrainian armed forces soldiers hide, but they are noticed and are trying to set up a firing point in the trenches, well , there’s no escaping the drones, they fly along the entire front line. t-80 tanks go on the offensive at point-blank range, destroying enemy dugouts and mortar crews. a strong point is burning and a hand sticks out of it, waving a white flag, and this. captured ukrainian saboteur yevgeny gorin, the only survivor after the ukrainian armed forces’ attempt to land on the tendra spit. here is the boat on which the drg was moving in the sights of the russian copter. our special services knew in advance about the impending action and set up an ambush. somewhere 200, 250 meters from the shore , fire contact began. i noticed how the central boat was hit and the browning machine gun receiver ignited the ship. i turned around and swam towards the shore, in parallel with this, saying
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that i surrender, cease fire. as russian troops received a whole arsenal of western weapons as trophies; the prisoner said that the entire group was trained in the british town of sausbury. this is edwin, this is andrew, here in the background is kryich. these are british instructors who trained us in the uk. after such a fiasco, zelensky’s statement about a new counter-offensive follows. year, the internet is greeted with a whole salvo of memes and cartoons, there is no doubt that it will fail again, especially since the onslaught of the russian army is clearly felt on all sectors of the front, so heavy flamethrower system santsepek near kupinsk, well, right there, and on the zaporozhye front loitering lancets cover the enemy’s camouflaged military equipment, american bradley tanks, they are still found on the battlefield, but they are beaten casually. the russian bmp-3 destroys such a vehicle with direct fire. in the avdievsky
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direction, the village of pervomaiskoye was liberated. the russian army is advancing into novokalinovo from the east and south, using pincer tactics, and attacking from the direction of the village of keramika and the village of arkhangelskaya. another direction of attack ocheretina via berdychi and semyonovka. a new springboard for the offensive is being formed there. there is massive artillery barrage everywhere. hit all intended targets. the infantry is advancing, we also support it. the suburb of chasovo yar, ivanovo paratroopers are preparing for an assault, and from a reconnaissance drone you can see how a deck of combat vehicles is quickly moving towards the front line. ahead is the same armored personnel carrier with the russian tricolor. dismounting, dismounting, receiving. there are battles on the artyomov front, for chas yar, there is progress at bogdanovka. our troops are fixed in residential buildings on the south-eastern outskirts. they don’t attack head-on, they take care of their personnel. and are trying to cover the city from the north and south, as they have already managed
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to do in maryainka and ovdeevka. here now is the highest density of fire, graz installations change one another. and the gaps on the enemy side are immediately visible. the division's task is to cut off the enemy, prevent him from approaching our positions, and not allowing him to approach our infantry. and this is an assault unit armed with flamethrowers. getting closer to city ​​limits, occupying enemy strongholds, they sneaked up unnoticed, worked point by point with a flamethrower while they were there in kumatosis, went in, did everything correctly, cleared, took up positions, in general, according to the russian ministry of defense, our troops are everywhere, if not move forward, they significantly improve their position on the front line. andrey grigoriev, valeria makhova, lead the week. the donetsk section of the front is the most active in the area
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of ​​the north military district; several settlements are being liberated at once, this is solidar, direction kleshcheevka and chasov yar. vitaly tor from the nevsky volunteer brigade of the ministry of defense, a former sailor, businessman, pmc employee, rocker and biker, now a tanker, in his second decade at war. i didn’t think twice, that is, i called, they told me to come, i came. we don’t see him bored or resting,
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he moves, he commands, he is aware of everything. you live in ruins, and it’s like you came out of a laundry room, well, because i’m an officer, i have to look like a brand new person to my subordinates, if i’m going to be like this as a commander look, imagine how my subordinates will look, everything should be ideal, the equipment should be clean, so that even if you come and look into the tank, and there it’s not all this dead stuff in the dirt, but like the old soviet times, when they said there was order in that sleeps and eats right at the command post, that’s the peculiarity, they have been fighting for 10 years, but remain people with emotions and experiences,
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the settlement of novosvetlovka, grunty, danichka, thank you very much, september 2014. from the birth of christ, which means there was a temple in which the aidar battalion rounded up the locals residents, all sorts of abominations happened there, in groups, well, is it really, it really happened, yes, gang rapes, they cut off people’s hands in the yard near a tree, and so on, traces of battles in full view, they would drive a kilometer so as not to tear the wheel with fragments, yes, we suffered there... yes, with wheels, here are burnt tanks, in this whole picture i added the maximum apocalypse, which means the next scene, we are driving and a german shepherd runs across the road, which, well, it’s clearly visible that she, in -firstly, she is running, she has a piece of chain on her collar,
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well, there’s probably two meters there, maybe more, and it’s clear that this dog probably hasn’t eaten for... more than a month. komprik explains that i am repaying my debt to my homeland. a difficult time has come, we are all paying our debt to our homeland. that is, this is not a debt, which, you know, you have to pay interest on a mortgage, in this sense it is a debt, yes, it is not a debt, it is a need, and a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland. that's it, let's go, it 's not here.
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work is introduced gradually like this, when a person gets into the tank, when the engine starts, when the car drives out, when it’s clear that fear is present, because people are just starting to get imbued with all this, and then, when they reach the line of opening fire, and they’ve made the calculations, they start working, they fall into this state, they are no longer there, and you are no longer theirs. if you pull me out of this state, they are already there ...
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let the noble rage boil up like a wave, this is normal sacred rage, this is good. the activity of our groups in the northern military district zone is not an offensive, but a tactic from which we no longer deviate. forward movement,
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liberation of their lands step by step. alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, news of the week, donbass. there are still a few hours before sunset and a group of marines without a pawn or a suite are preparing for the next exit to the islands in the dnieper delta. the fighter with the call sign yakuza is the most experienced. today he will have his seventh landing operation. how long they will stay between two banks, in a swampy quagmire, sometimes knee-deep in water , is unknown; they take with them only the most necessary things. this is my backpack, everything is sealed, packed, it’s all there. kilogram 12, there is also a large backpack, there are things belonging to the personnel, and it weighs approximately 20 kilograms, about 30 kilograms per person, clothes and food with... quite a bit, most of the cargo, weapons, ammunition, various equipment, as soon as over the dnieper the sun is setting, the positions of the marines are starting to move, everything is turned on,
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they are noticeably worried, for both of them this is the first voyage of the inter-dnieper islands, the siskin is a mechanic, that is, a helmsman, kuzya’s partner is a navigator, it is he who will pave the way through numerous channels in the night, the short briefing is over, the landing group goes to the pier, the marines begin loading onto the boat, doing this in almost complete darkness. the fact is that they will have less than 30 seconds to unload onto the island; if one person hesitates, he will set up the whole group. there is little talk here, everyone is extremely focused, the groups take their places, simultaneously start the engines and the boats slowly disappear into the darkness. the movements of the boats are monitored from the headquarters, assisted by a drone with a thermal imager that hovers over the dnieper. here in real time unfold.
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the black sea coast is where qatari crews are trained for subsequent work in the dnieper delta. classes are held rarely during the day, more often at night, so that the conditions are as
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close as possible to combat conditions. the most important thing is that the navigator works well with the mechanic. pairs are always important because that's what we focus on. if people do not have the interaction of understanding each other, then all the work will go down the drain. when going into combat, it is important that the equipment does not let you down. a fighter is responsible for this in a marine brigade. with call sign whack there are propellers flying there, it’s mainly the fuel system - either the oil pumps are suffering there, that’s all, in the past he often fished in his native koma republic, he repaired a motor boat himself, so he gained experience, but here on the banks of the dnieper he had to master other types of repairs , the boat was on a mission, it was also shot at, the boat will be installed, most of the boats are in work, a smaller number are under repair, there are no free boats, so the assault groups are practicing landing operations using a mock-up made of logs. high-rise,
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covering each other with dense naval fire infantrymen occupy a conditional bridgehead. here you can still hide behind the trees, but most of the dnieper islands do not have dense vegetation, only reeds, everywhere you look, protective fortifications, trenches and dugouts cannot be dug there either. the groundwater level is very high, but it is necessary to retain it. delta. approximately 80-90% of the drones that are launched from that shore, and what reaches the shore, that is, these are already some tricks of the enemy’s capabilities, which this buffer zone in the islands cannot suppress, is rusty a machine gun, dirty bulletproof vests, the bodies of the dead, the vso soldiers at one time tried to hold on...
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holding on to get into this boat, this is necessary , god willing, it will be like this, well done guys, have spirit, that is, they are all great heroes, great heroes with a capital letter. the demon will send his order of marriage home to the children so that they can be proud, and that night, at the head of the landing group, he will again go to the islands. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, newsreader, kherson region. this is the news of the week. next in the program. big trouble from the urals to siberia, where the water is already declining, and where is it still rising? the whole world, why is the west inciting kiev to attack the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, if the wind rose then spreads radiation throughout europe, attacks
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on the crimean bridge strikes belgorod. gift of dugin and vladlin tatarsky. what other terrorist attacks did the ukrainian company with badin jr. burisma appear to be financing?
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg. where is life? turns into a fairy tale.
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lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what
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you are doing is simply amazing, since monday. through thursday on rtr.
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it was you who arranged everything, yes, not only did my career deprive me, you decided to finish me off, alla taxi, the premiere is on monday on rtr, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s... it’s your birthday, it’s joseph, a holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern kind of... then life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well , maybe, i think, there’s no need anymore, valeria,
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the amazing song that you created with maxim fodeev, for me it was such a shock i got tired of finding out the second hello when... the situation at the front is desperate for the ukrainian armed forces, the reluctance of the west to give ukraine new patriot air defense systems, the american refusal. allocate 60 billion to ukraine. all this together pushes the ukrainian authorities to reckless actions, including nuclear terrorism. this week , drone attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear
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power plant are occurring almost daily. what is this like an indirect ultimatum to europe and the usa. if you don’t give us weapons and air defense, we will arrange a second chernobyl. in magatha, the attack on the station was condemned, but it was called. for almost a year and a half, the site of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was considered, probably, the most a safe place along the entire line of combat contact. ukrainian militants diligently avoided being hit
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by drone shells, choosing as their targets the city of energodar and what is located outside the perimeter of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7 , the situation changed dramatically, and now the air raid alarm is already sounding right here at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site almost every day. at this time, being near power units without body armor and a helmet is strictly prohibited. for the first time, an air hazard was declared at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the summer of 2022, in the fall, the shelling practically stopped. the projectile was replaced by unmanned aerial vehicles that circled in the sky above the nuclear power plant. in april, ukrainian drone operators moved from surveillance to combat. five drones in one day. one of them landed on the dome of the sixth power unit and did not explode, the second, a deafening rap, detonated already on the ground. what's bad about this particular place, there is a tank next to us, in
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each tank there are two of them, for each block in each tank about 500 cubic meters of distilled water, chemically desalted, which is used in the technological process, but this arrival - fortunately, only damaged the casing. remained intact, a day earlier there was an attempt to attack the acid-nitrogen station, a couple of weeks before that the drone fell not far from the fuel storage for diesel generators. who 's shooting anyway? well, for me i don’t know, for me there are no questions, it’s not the opposite bank, naturally, since september 22 , there have been foreigners at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site akmagate observers, their visit was initiated by the rusatom concern, but kii did his best to prevent their arrival. experts, whether it’s a coincidence or not, but after foreign inspectors appeared in zaporozhye, the intensity of shelling from the right bank fell, this is really a deterrent, yes, so their presence here is
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positive, these are eyes and ears, which, well, in my opinion , must bring an independent assessment, give an independent assessment of the situation that is happening, the ukrainian military switched to zas infrastructure outside its perimeter, the nuclear power plant landed nine times... that is, it was disconnected from the external power supply, for us the unit is a living organism and when it completely shuts down, especially for such reasons, it is always at least sad. a unique training complex for training repair teams is located outside the perimeter of the curtains. specialists working in the reactor hall are trained here. here's above the steal, here's the central one, here's another one, there's another one. and where the dents are, this is something that is not right through, here not only on the roof, there were arrivals, last year, valery martynyuk cannot find strategic significance in the shelling of the training
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center, intimidating the staff, according to him , will not work, i think they are jealous, well, they want it , the toad is pressing on them, that we are establishing a peaceful life here, that all enterprises are starting to function. ok, we work, we get paid, our life is in full swing. anastasia kislaya works at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the office management department and closely observes kamikaze drone attacks. to the station infrastructure, the arrival was through those windows, well, between the windows, a drone arrived, here we have fragments, elements of unmanned aerial vehicles, in the office of the head of energodar , eduard sinovoz, a collection of fragments, shells, shanks, debris, fpv drones, such a motor from an fpv drone, this one, who was carrying an rpg charge, got into the administration building. it was just by
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luck that there were no casualties; in fact , there were a large number of people at that moment. in the energy dar itself, the alarming sky regime has been going on for almost 2 years, and if at the zaporozhye site nuclear power plant there was a long period of calm, then the city expects daily provocations from the right bank of the kokhovskoe reservoir. the regime of silence, which is announced during the rotation of missionaries from magathe, is ignored by the ukrainian side.
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inventory and office supplies, well, repairs, we also had modular boiler rooms, i see yulia sergeevna, the director of the fourth school in the city of energodar, she was happy about the return of schoolchildren to the educational process, she recalls how in 2022 in the city, which was built by all unions, there is not a single russian-speaking woman left schools, we have been waiting for this, finally we have waited, we... speak the language,
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the one we want, our children learn their native language, no one forbids us how to speak what language, as it was originally from the age of fourteen. an air threat has again been declared in the energy sector; rep means have suppressed another drone in the zayas area. i don’t know what they are trying to do, they are trying to influence us psychologically. physical, moral, it turns out that more than 2,500 people work at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant employees, their safety and security, the station is provided by units of the russian guard. military personnel of the rcbz troops monitor the environment on a daily basis, and they are also responsible for the safety of observers from the mht during rotation. in the coming days the seventeenth rotation will take place. observers from magatani will come to the zaporozhye atomic plant.
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here we see an allegorical image of three women, symbolizing faith, in the center, on her left is hope, and on her right is love. so in russia in 1907 depicted the newly formed military-political alliance of russia with england and france, the entente. entente means agreement in french. back then this alliance was called the entente. russia joined
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the entente exactly in 1907. england and france declared a cordial agreement 3 years earlier. the alliance was based on the future, since the upcoming great war in europe was already felt. germany, which was late to the division of the colonies, advocated the redivision of the world. since the end of the 19th century, austria-hungary and italy have been in alliance with it. that’s how much of a formidable force had to resist the entente, and it so happened that... it was russia that twice saved the allies from complete defeat during the first world war, but we’ll talk about that later. first, a fresh event. april 8th this week. bearskin
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caps of the british royal guard. republican guard of france in hippolets and axelbants with pencils. and there are also stripes, gold embroidery, and golu everywhere. chevrons, monograms, polished brass buttons, partupees, lacquered visors, cockades, fluffy shakos and white gloves, of course, bare blades, in short, complete mincemeat. such was the choreographed and, if you like, well -tempered changing of the guard of honor, when the british replaced the french, and the french replaced the english. all in a cross ceremony in london and paris, both in the bucking and elysee palaces.
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the occasion is 120 years since the anglo-french alliance of 1904, which became the embryo of the entente, which... russia, which will be destined to sacrificially save the now celebrating, but ungrateful. in the speeches of the leader of france and england, emmanuel macron and richa sunok each other in eternal friendship, but it was the bearskin caps of the british royal guards that reminded us that relations between the two countries had known other times. initially. such hats were part of the uniform of the elite grenadier units of emperor napoleon bonaparte. according to the plan , they were supposed to make an intimidating impression, making the grenedirs taller, and the additional volume on top often confused the shooters, because the bullets went above their heads. but
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when napoleon suffered his last defeat at waterloo from the british army duke of wellington, then his... the moroder guards tore off the hats of the killed frenchmen, adapted themselves from then on and made themselves a symbol of the defeat of france. the headdress, however, was slightly modernized by the british, stretched onto a frame like a basket to make it a little higher; brown bears on the hat for the british royal guard are shot annually in canada. animal rights activists moan, but they have queens. the yard frankly doesn't care. however, today we are not talking about hats, although such headdresses may even look tactless in the eyes of paris. by at least until now, the british royal guards
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were not allowed into the elysian palace at cannon fire. but now the french are ready to swallow some things. that is. no time for hats. the meaning of the pompous ceremony was that today a new entente is needed, but only between england and france, without russia and even against russia. france and the united kingdom share not only a long, proud history together, but also a common future that has yet to be built. let's use the cordial agreement of the 21st century to strengthen friendship between our peoples.
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typical here is the governmental note from the former russian minister of internal affairs, pyotr durny,
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to the emperor, where durnovo warned against getting involved in the war, because military victory is not guaranteed, and a revolution in the country will be highly probable. february 1914. any sacrifices - the main time of the war that will come to us, the role of a battering ram prepared for russia, breaking through the thickness of the german defense, will be in vain. for we are fighting on the side of our geopolitical enemy great britain, which will not allow any serious gains. actually, this is how it happened: russia nevertheless entered the first world war, without any specific goals for itself. the main motive for the first hostilities in august 1914 was to help the allies who were being defeated in france, and this despite the fact that there was a russian army at that time.
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the day after the start of the german offensive, the french president in ankara literally falls at the feet of russia, and the french ambassador in st. petersburg then asks nicholas ii. the french army will be forced to withstand the powerful onslaught of twenty-five german corps. i beg your majesty to order your troops to begin an immediate offensive, otherwise the french army risks being crushed. king response. repents of such a desperate request and sends two armies to east prussia, the first -
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general ranyan-kamf, the second - general samsonov. elite troops. the germans, meanwhile, having quickly swallowed belgium, advanced from the north of france towards paris, at a speed of 20 to 40 km per day. the french government, having boarded a train at night , secretly fled to bordeaux. and if it weren't for russian offensive in east prussia. then the outcome of the first world war would have been different. from the book by anatoly utkin: the forgotten tragedy of russia in the first world war. on august 25, two corps of the german army were sent to the east. on august 31, lord kitchener telegraphed the first encouraging message of the current war to the commander of the english expeditionary force, sir john french. 32 echelons of german troops were transferred yesterday from the western front to... the east to meet the russians. ours had a very hard time in east prussia. at first accompanied
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success, but in the battle of tanenberg on august 26, september 3, the second army of general samsonov was completely defeated. two of the six corps were surrounded and captured. the losses were colossal. general samsonov himself shot himself. august 30, 1900. “ samsonov’s army was destroyed, we had to make this sacrifice to france, which had shown itself to be such a faithful ally. meanwhile, the united group of the french and british , due to russian sacrifice, was able to stop the germans on the marne river. france was doing well by that time.” . august 30, 1914 lieutenant ferdinand
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dropped four bombs on paris in his rumpler 3s taube. this is the plane. the french and british did not have combat aircraft at all at that time. and in the same flight with a low-level trajectory at an altitude of only 25 m. the same taube, in german, a dove, released a german pennant. flowers with the following text: german army at the gates of paris. any resistance is doomed to failure. but due to the transfer of corps to the east, the germans on the marne still did not have enough strength. the operation marne taxi is known in this regard. then to paris moroccan zouau arrived to help, but there was nothing to lead them to the front. then parisian taxis and 6,000 fresh soldiers were mobilized. thus delivered to the front. many pictures and
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photographs have been preserved about this. renault even monopolized the story for its own advertising purposes. so. or otherwise, it was the battle of the marne that became a turning point in favor of the french and british in the initial stage of the war. the losses of the parties in the battle of the marne were several times less than in east prussia. but it’s not fashionable to remember this now. whether in france or england. but there was a second, very similar episode in the first world war, when the russians once again saved the western allies of the entente. verdent meat grinder. a protracted positional battle for almost the entire sixteenth year with colossal losses on both sides, many hundreds of thousands killed. the supreme commander-in-chief of the french army, general joseph jovfre, telegraphs the commander of the western front, general mikhail alekseev: “i ask the russian army
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to launch an offensive.” in march, 18 russian divisions moved west near.
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according to the superficial fashion of our time, the tsarist system is usually interpreted as a blind , rotten tyranny, but an analysis of the thirty months of war with germany and austria should have corrected these frivolous ideas. we can measure the strength of the russian empire by the blows it suffered, by the disasters it endured, by the inexhaustible forces it developed. with victory already in hand, it fell to the ground, devoured alive by worms. the crocodile is pouring hell.
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an entente ally from within, a base motive, if russia had remained part of the entente, as a full-fledged winner, he would have to pay his debts. among those promised during the negotiations in 1915, for example, were the baspor and dordanelles straits, and constantinople itself, now istanbul. from the book by anatoly utkin, a forgotten tragedy, russia in the first world war. war on march 20 , 1915, the british government signed a secret agreement with petrograd, it agreed to the annexation of russia and constantinople, the possession of baspor and derdonelles, half of the turkish possessions in europe, in response to russian agreement to any option desired by london for the division of ottoman possessions. that’s actually all
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we need to know today about the entente, whose 120th anniversary is so bright and so callous this week. celebrated in london and paris. our correspondent in berlin, mikhail antonov, talks about what else europe was doing this week. macron is putting france on a war footing, or at least that’s what he’s telling everyone. this week, the steam plant opened in birgerac and convinced manufacturers to invest in expanding production. they say the new entente against russia will last for a long time. this the current need to supply weapons to ukraine. that this is the geopolitical reality that we are going to live in for the long term. macron was not at all concerned by the fact that his words directly hit the mediation efforts of switzerland in mid-june; it is going to organize a peace summit according to the zelensky formula, which was loudly announced the other day, but in principle everyone is aware of the zero effectiveness of such peacekeeping, which what is real is a crisis in the skies of ukraine,
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which has almost completely lost combat-ready air defense. the whole week has passed in...
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may soon close, depending on who may end up in the white house, so the eu must rely only on itself to defend itself. this reveals the trembling of european internal organs regarding the future of the north atlantic alliance; for some there is already too little nato in advance, but for others there is still too much. italy, in italy opponents of the alliance tried to disrupt the celebration of its seventy-fifth anniversary, infiltrated.
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after russian t-82s captured the city. the blue troops could no longer return conquered terrain in which the red troops settled down, despite artillery fire and the deployment of drones. in general, we still need to practice in order to meet
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the needs of the new president of finland. i think the only way we can achieve peace is through the battlefield. it is not entirely clear what mr. stoop means by the battlefield, is he talking about ukraine or about finnish forests and swamps? but it is clear that... under his leadership, finland, which until recently was closely economically connected with russia, has chances to go through industrial and infrastructural degradation. following germany, one after the other. the germans continued their social modernization this week. marijuana was legalized in early april. this week the bundestag passed a law on gender self-determination. with the change of gender, everything is now very simple: a man can legally become a woman, and a woman a man, upon application to the legislature. change operation. the only limitation is no more than once a year. we show
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respect to transgender, intersex and non-binary people, not while limiting others. this is how we continue to move forward along the path of modernization of our country, which includes recognizing the realities of life and making them legally possible. what will happen to respect for women's rights as a result of scholz's modernization of germany is a big question.
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that the chancellor's appearance on the social network should have impressed not only the tiktok generation. tiktok is still a chinese invention, which is also subject to severe persecution in the united states. and on saturday scholz once went to beijing to convince the chinese leadership to abandon support for russia and put pressure on moscow. last time, in november 2022, the chancellor successfully failed this mission. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, gleb napara and andrey putra. news of the week, germany. the united states took an active part in repelling iran's attack on israel. at the same time, according to sources in the american administration, biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu during telephone conversations that washington will not take part in tel aviv's offensive operations against iran. from the usa, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov.
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iranian drones were still on the launch pads, and joe biden's helicopter was already landing. from della vera, where the weekend ended, the us president traveled by train. with a heavy gait and a dissatisfied look, biden headed to the situation room. this is a shot from there. at the table are secretary of state blinken, pentagon chief austin, national security advisor salevan, and representatives of the intelligence services. then they wait video messages. the commentary is only written, about the us president in the third person. iran launched an air attack on israel. president biden's national security team is receiving regular updates on the situation and will meet with them this afternoon at the white house. his team is in constant contact with israeli officials, as well as other partners and allies. this attack will likely continue for several hours, president biden has made
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clear. our support without...
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god bless the people of israel, they are under attack right now, all because we have shown incredible weakness, it is impossible to believe, this would never have happened if we were in power, you know it, they know it, everyone knows it however, to believe that he never left the white house, trump has enough opportunities, maralaga, the republicans go to work, the speaker of congress johnson flew in the other day. we are all glad to be here today with our former and future president in this beautiful place, maralaga, president trump - our party's nominee and we look forward to the historic event in november, we will win the senate and take back the white house, the american people are waiting for it. johnson sought advice from trump on what to do with military aid . most republicans were pretty fed up with kiev, ukraine. will you support the aid package for ukraine
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if the speaker agrees to accept it? we are looking at this issue, we are observing and thinking about a loan, not just a gift. we have already donated billions of dollars. our country is in decline, huge inflation is returning to levels in which it was already no one believed it. terrible things are happening in our country, but this is the most insignificant thing. we have russia here, which could lead to a world war, this chaos should not have happened and would not have happened. israel, everything can be done there too. will end with a world war, and we have a president who can’t put two words together , can’t find the stairs from the stage and generally understand what the hell he’s doing, he can’t either, but mike johnson now has to look.
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margery wants to be trump's right-hand man, like kevin mccarthy. the speaker got there first, but that's all this was before the iranian strikes on israel. military assistance to the attacked ally in the last week before the next vacation will naturally be a priority for congress.
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next week the house will vote on aid only for israel, no aid for ukraine, no money for the border. how will you vote? “i will always be for israel, i hope the speaker will be able to pass a law on assistance only to ukraine, everything is interconnected, iran helps russia with weapons, iran, russia, china and north korea want to establish a new world order. but there is still no ukraine on the list of bills that congressmen have added to their schedule , but there are six initiatives dedicated to non-military equipment, but to household equipment. helping kiev turned out to be less important for the republicans than, for example.
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not a word about the fact that the order to launch a nuclear strike on the hometown of the japanese prime minister came from where he was being courted so much. the value of kishida's revelation with her characteristic spontaneity was demonstrated by kamala haris, raising a toast to jeroshima. for her, it's the baseball team. what other victims atomic bombings? i raise a glass to my beloved san francisco giants for your baseball game. such is the gratitude for tokyo’s participation in the dual containment strategy, according to the us, which in relation to moscow and beijing should be carried out by all kinds of ukraine, including japan or
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the philippines, whose president also rushed to america. gratitude, like for a portion of sushi, nothing special, like screens in the form of japanese fans in the lobby of the white house, past which biden’s guests were rushing past. invited for the sake of such designer brian rafanelli, that was planning the wedding of his granddaughter naomi joe biden probably hoped for the reciprocal courtesy of the invitees, but they were clearly more interested in fricossée of beans and pistachio cake in the finale than in the electoral prospects of the host. mr. bezes, will you be making a donation to biden's campaign? hello, the richest citizen remained silent. usa owner of amazon. the hollywood star answered the question with a question. robert, what do you think about the election? what do you think? that is, each such exchange of remarks emphasized that rating. biden needs support, just like he does. it was an unusually long day for
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the president, and it is extremely rare to see biden after 5 p.m. as you know, he usually goes to bed early and wakes up late, but joe goes all out for the prime minister of japan. people told him where to go, what to say, and, of course, joe never went anywhere without his trusty giant cheat sheets. at a joint press conference with kisida.
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the previous time this was observed in the united states was in 2017, and trump, too, from the balcony of the white house, looked for a while without glasses, biden recalled. enjoy the eclipse guys, but do it safely, don't be stupid. not that anyone listened much to one or the other, about one in five americans going through the elections today would not vote for either biden or trump, so... eclipse's rating is obviously higher
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than theirs both. the next total eclipse in the united states will be seen on march 30, 2033. president biden will be 101 during the next eclipse, and don't pick on his age. take better care of yourself. the white house warned us not to look up today. the advice is like evil irony, the worst scenario, for example, the scenario of a full-scale war. it is definitely not possible to prevent it. the night attack is the focus of today's urgent meeting of the un security council. israel and iran prepared separate letters for it. there is not a word in israeli about their recent attack on the embassy in damascus, in iranian, promising a more decisive response in case of escalation. the situation in the middle east has become another crisis with which the current american the administration is simply unable to cope.
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the largest floods in the last 30 years hit the regions of the urals and siberia. the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions remain in the most dire situation. the peak of the spring flood has not yet been passed, entire settlements are going under water, tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes. on thursday, the president via video link. don’t delay, please,
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prepare for this in advance, in advance, okay, anton gengivich, add something, we have connections with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, the money will be immediately allocated, there are resources in the reserve fund, great, on the same day measures to eliminate the consequences of floods in the ural and siberian regions were discussed at a government meeting. there is a lot of work ahead. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need. and here, of course, it is very important to organize work as soon as possible to restore reliable energy supplies and resume transport links. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility to compensate for the losses incurred by the organization's enterprises in flooded areas, it is especially difficult there for small businesses and... agricultural producers will have to quickly decide on measures
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to support entrepreneurs, and of course, what is most important is to bring the necessary funds to the affected people on time. oh under... albert muson and murat zaripov. in a few days, orenburg was covered with kilometers of trenches, embankments, and oxen dumps. they protect their houses, neighborhoods and neighborhoods from rising water with bags of sand, clay and soil. anyone can enter material. at night, our men built all these barricades until 2:00 a.m., filled them up, brought tractors here, brought in equipment. in this chaotic defensive line there are also strategic areas; the largest ones are now concentrated there. construction forces. this improvised dam has been being built around the residential complex for several days now. the water is gradually washing it away, the builders are strengthening it. the house itself is located on a hill, but if the embankment fails, the entire area will be at risk of flooding. it is located below. today, for the first time, no rise in the level of the ural river has been recorded. according to data from gauging stations
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, there is even a slight decline of several centimeters per day. but this, of course, does not change the general situation. the water finds new paths and continues to flood one street after another.
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they managed to take out nothing; only what they were able to lift to the second floor survived. water from the ceiling is 10 cm. gorran ilievsky shows the situation in the house of his neighbor, who is waiting for us in the boat. the two of them lived here for several days when the water began to rise. the goron house is visible from the window, it is one-story, so only the roof sticks out of the water. two months ago we finished renovations in the winter and just moved in. this is already the opposite bank of the urals, but the situation is exactly the same. residents who have organized their headquarters monitor the situation, take shifts on duty, and go around the territory by boat. there is also a stationary post. evgenia and her husband, dog and cat have been living in
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a tent on the roof of an unfinished garage for several days. we equipped sleeping places, even adjusted heating, our tourist skills came in handy, now they are watching how... their house is gradually going under water, we sleep, yes, here, we cook, we warm ourselves, the animals are with us, the cat is sleeping, everything is fine with him, like hundreds of their neighbors in the village, this is the only home for the family , which will be uninhabitable for a very long time , even when the water recedes, many were built with a mortgage, repairs were done on credit, so they were insured without fail, but companies have already begun to refuse people... payments, we have, as it were, again our personal funds, these are boats, yes, and we we’ve already directly patched it up many, many times, well, we’ve broken through, so to speak, how to put it differently, and then we patch it all up at our own expense, and because every time a person comes and says: i need to photograph my home ownership, that’s because
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another insurance company demands some impossible conditions, mechanisms for supporting residents and compensation for housing restoration are now being formed, they are talking about this: regional authorities, a significant part of the costs will be covered by the federal budget, the system will also be debugged in the near future time, the head of the ministry of construction, irik faizullin, who visited the disaster zone on behalf of the president, spoke about this: for housing that will require major repairs, we have federal support, this is 7,000 rubles per square meter, for gardening partnerships, but we will also work out the mechanism , so that we can also support them, alexander kurenkov spoke at a meeting with city residents about eliminating the consequences of the flood in orsk, where residents can already... see the degree of destruction of their homes. the head of the ministry of emergency situations emphasized that the victims themselves will definitely monitor the work of the commission and the progress of work. wherever you come, whoever you talk to, take feedback, solve your phone number, and where can i find you? this is the law. the regional authorities so far estimate the damage from
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flooding in the orenburg region at more than 40 billion rubles. but the preliminary figure is likely to increase significantly. an accurate calculation will be possible only when the water recedes. she. may take several weeks. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news of the week, orenburg region. already for a week kurgan and its surroundings live in constant anticipation. large water, the flood wave is already at the very approaches to the city, they began to prepare for its arrival here in advance, continuously, hundreds of sandbags are sent up from here, with their help they have already managed to increase the main nine-meter dam by another half a meter, and this is far from the limit. in some places it is increased by almost a meter; entire factory shifts, student groups and creative teams work. folklore ensemble tsveten, and we tour, sing folklore songs, in our list, we will notify people about...
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the entire right bank part of the mound is under attack, it is located in a lowland and will be the first to go under water, a preventive evacuation has been announced there, our children have already been taken away, so my husband and i are left, my husband works on the dam, we for example, there is nowhere to move your property, we have moved everything up to the second floor, this is your only housing, of course, the only one, the last such flood in the region was exactly 30 years ago. archival footage from 1994 almost repeats the current ones, then the big water reached right up to the center of kurgan, flooding the main square. the tabola level rose to 10 m. this year the situation is repeated; the zverennogolovsky district bordering kazakhstan was the first to hit the big wave. we woke up at five and looked, it had already come into our street, everything, well, overflowed its banks, one might say, in one day, even half a day, it flooded us. almost up to half, now the flood wave has gone further along the river, directly threatening the regional center and bridges across the tobol, so that the entire
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body of water can pass freely, emergencies ministry employees started clearing the riverbed. the goal is to remove all old logs and dead branches from the river path that could create an undesirable natural dam, which in turn could lead to the accumulation of a large volume of water and the threat of bridge collapse. on the ground in flooded areas, vaccination of the population and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations against hepatitis is underway. then, rescuers are constantly watching from drones and helicopters to see how the flood is moving and what settlements may be in its path. some units monitor the level of tabol directly from its waters, at the same time, rescuers are building up sand dams and deploying water-filling dams. in the city of kurgan, where a significant increase in water in the tobol river is expected, employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations are installing water-filling dams around the clock... in three areas, laying began after midnight, a total of 2 km of sleeves up to a meter high will be deployed, they do not sleep with the rescuers the locals, in
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gratitude for their help, bring fresh home-cooked food, and i cooked the lagi, i made coffee now, that’s all for the guys, well, who can’t help but work all night, just have a drink and it’s all just a little refreshment, the tense situation remains in the tyumen region, they are also expecting a sharp rise in water in the ishim and tura rivers, now... it’s too early to count the damage in the kurgan region, first you need to wait for the peak of the main wave, the count is almost on the clock. albert musin, nikolay starostkin, dmitrikomov, elena goleeva. news of the week from the kurgan region. this is the news of the week, next in the program. attacks on krymsky.
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we’ll connect you now, just a second, it’s important who these conversations are with, why you had to flee in the kremlin, write where the excitement is stronger, in space or at the table with the presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, the nuances of big politics, i’ll go change clothes, which surprise everyone, so why? i still didn’t understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated you, and the most interesting shots of the week
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are all from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch right after the news of the week on rtr, discover a real pearl on the coast bodrum, titanic lakshery collection. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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beach and... lio rizards, we are here for you, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday, nannies and i’m just not happy, anna completely suits me, she’s beautiful, smart, modest. are you breaking down? “quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, the slander, let’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is voronsov’s eldest son
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there is a lot of hassle with small things, stop mute! hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, rush to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. guys, they act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have one wheel there, a second tank, the kaukropsky, a hero of russia, flew in, it will be in kind, all of us today
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, including me, will reach the end, what is he the image of victory for you? will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana shake, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you, turned 13 april. formed after the bloody coup it was on this day, in 2014, in kiev that the national security and defense council of ukraine decided to launch the so -called anti-terrorist operation, the ato , in the southeast of the country. from the first day of the war
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, many thousands of brave men and women stood up with weapons in their hands... grandmothers here began to force us to pray to some god, we have our own traditions. during his basic military training classes, he taught as if there was a war tomorrow, with the boys enthusiastically studying machine guns, he will have to go into battle, so she
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knocked on the window, a war that split the country in two, which has been rushing about in fiery delirium for 10 years, well, let’s take the civil war, techidon, we fought together, we fought for the father of the tsar, and for russia, and then boom. from one, from one village, remember that in this film, as he says, godfather, you told me he baptized my daughter, i shot him anyway, well, well , it was the same thing, well, everything is the same, nothing, in history everything happened again, a civil war, an ordinary civil war. rural the wind blows dry dust into the cemetery, 100 meters from the school, under the weight of granite, its students, the defenders of donbass, lie with a lump in their throats, words forgotten, from their school years to the day of mourning. oleg nikolaevich remembers every boy who died; they look from the portraits as if they were alive. danil, born in 2002, both he and his father were called up from the same family, bedstraw.


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