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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 11:30pm-1:26am MSK

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i can go for a minute, of course, let’s go, we know each other, but no, show me, if anything, hello, what are you doing here, but a friend asks us to hire him, tell me how he got me a car, he’s not ugly wants what? what, what, what's going on here? ah, hello, this nit ripped up my car, he also came onto the line drunk, rebkin was driving, how can you prove it, but i don’t need proof, yes, if seryozha says it, it means it’s true, looks, me too, and where is the gentleman, and i i wanted a morst, but they don’t sell it here, so... let’s go
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get it, well, that’s right, that ’s the way it should be with them, yeah, you have him, of course, but have you seen him, or something, of course, what’s wrong, meet me, this is nastya, nastya, this is maria, hello, hello, maria, allah brought me up to date, i’m a psychologist, you know, i could work with you on a voluntary basis, for free, well, i don’t even know, but agree. and when they give out the prizes, thank you, what are you talking about, people, one taxi fleet’s worth of berries, i confess to you, i don’t even know how to thank you for this, should i share the proceeds with you, you laugh, almost. how is your grandson’s health, well
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, be more cheerful, and next time there will be a professional here, well, great, all the best, yes, once again, yes, once again, thank you, all the best, and i am in your debt. and i remember this, congratulations to you, you cook very tasty, thank you, congratulations to you, second place, stanislav nazirov, congratulations from the bottom of my heart, you’re a great fellow, you cook so deliciously, i’m very happy for you, if you knew what kind of borscht he has , and first place maria vasilyeva, what
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a smart girl, congratulations to you, oh, what a smart girl, congratulations, thank you very much, thank you very much, wait for me at borch on saturday, thank you very much, oh, maria, come to my work, well, if you are not busy, of course, no, i am not busy, i would really like to try , but i don’t have a special diploma. don’t worry, judge, judge, allah, allah, trouble, what happened, seryoga crashed, what?
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shine, burn, my star, another one. will never be, the star of love, the magical star, the star of my past days, you will forever be mine, unchanged, tomorrow. vasya was arrested,
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vasily would not have damaged the car in order to for a person to have an accident, there are facts, there is evidence, if he had iron. he wouldn’t have been arrested, we were together, right all day, you also think it’s me, i know that you are not capable of this, i believe you, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about the time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, open for yourself, true perfection, making dreams come true, a hotel where life turns into a fairy tale, titanic luxury collection,
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history testifies to repeated attempts to weaken the russian state.
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performs the functions of the official language, so there is no contradiction here, as it is convenient, it should be said so, now modern youth speaks the state language, and the russian language, and english and other other languages, and it is good to whip up hysteria around the language, especially to fight
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against him, how it happened in some countries, and what they now have as a result, you think, well, guys, what are you doing? donald trump is essentially a bus, and of course, the man who drives donald trump is vladimir putin, as if trump is the fourth branch of power, and putin is the fifth branch of power. republicans can't do anything until trump approves of it, and trump can't do anything unless his friend putin wants it, the program is called inside with the james sacky, and insight, well, that's nuances for language lovers. natalya, i'm glad to see you. well, yes, thank you, i haven’t been with you for a long time, so what are we seeing today? united states, if you started with the latest events, which really, the united states is in zuzwang, no matter what they do, everything is bad for them,
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because they cannot abandon israel and netanyahu, a manifestation that a huge part of the world is not at all delighted with the american game, is not over. a more sovereign existence in world relations, who is more, who is less, who in words, i doubt, one didn’t read, and the other did, what’s the difference, you know, friends, don’t, it’s you, don’t say, otherwise these are our leaders education, just as in germany they will remove it from our school curricula, i now believe that the classical education. the ability for panoramic thinking and evaluation of processes with an apologetic
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voice saying: well, we were forced to do this after iran’s threat to strike at it in this case, that is, in general, this means the operation was completed successfully, although iran also did not use one more thing, which means this means drones reusably use heavy drones of the shahet type, for example, shahet 171, which is able to fly to israel and return back, while... carrying a load of several hundred kilograms for hazbal, but so far they are even hamas they can’t win, yes, even hamas can’t win, by the way, hamas, immediately after iran’s operation, sharply reduced its terms for peace negotiations, everything turned out dramatically differently, by the way, hamas, let me remind you that and how the palestinian islamic banned in russia, hamas is not banned, these are actually muslim brothers, in theory, in fact, they should treat shiites very badly, so to speak, yes, well, now it’s working out. shiites, americans, especially blinken, tried to create the name abraham alliance, where it was necessary
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to gather all the arab countries means signing agreements between israel and these countries, including saudi arabia, which in general was destroyed by the uprising in gaza, more precisely on october 7, if you call it that, i don’t know how whatever, a terrorist act of uprising, the fact of what happened there, yes, that means the game is already starting on this field, it’s already starting, supposedly, one of the members. not a single zulfiqar, they all got by with nurses, yes, although they have it, the man who died, that’s the general, he’s like since he dealt with these issues, let's be honest with zahidi, he was the leader of team 2000, team 2000 is a team that, in the islamic revolutionary guard corps system, is engaged in the supply of weapons for these various professions, not one of its hypersonic missiles , yes, that means so it was necessary to give a bonus as...
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now he’s talking about some kind of olympic truce, but we should do that.
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lio reоrts: we are here for you! titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself up!
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this is a sovereign country, it chooses its own targets, i quote now, i quote, it chooses the method of striking the russian federation, a sovereign country, ukraine, you see, which has no budget at all, no weapons at all, and
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no staff at all, you see, a solution has been found, yes, a solution has been found, so the position, the position is divided there.
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there is a very serious, very serious problem here, and it is no coincidence that now the united states is basically writing off europe, so europe must be responsible for
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the ukrainian conflict, everything will fall on it, other the thing is that the biden administration will not get away from ukraine, that is, the accusations will be anyway, they will not get away from it, but the fact that europe will have to lose, this is already included in the scheme, any other new administration will say, we are not here at all what does it have to do with it, the europeans were responsible for this,
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there is also enough of a national agenda , their love is needed, a national agenda , but you know, they managed to grow it, i don’t really understand why this pathos
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, there were two actions andrei anatolyevich, two of them were enough because the first fate could have done it schrör and chirac, after the triple axis paris berlin-moscow in relations with iraq, the second is strauskan, who wanted to be the president of the desired france.
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who now teaches them the same ones who were taught in the nineties, that’s good, who taught them in the nineties? and you know what the instructions were, i know directly from the first ones, well
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, who taught them in the nineties, it was done, it was necessary to remove everything from educational programs that fosters reverence for the past, the terminology is just like that, you can imagine i can imagine, i lived it time, but who taught them, this is also a question, you won’t find little white ones if...
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in the sense that memoranda on joint educational programs between faculties were signed, what does this mean, this merger is not at the level of some kind structures, signed an agreement, checked, ticked, at the level of specific root educational systems, yes, and i believe that this is very important in the implementation of a more serious project, this large eurasian space, which putin spoke about in the sixteenth year and which was introduced v the concept of russian foreign policy, this
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is... filling, right now, at the moment, especially in connection with a special military operation, we have a fairly serious process going on, inside higher education, i mean government institutions, well, our university, let’s say, yes, yes, we have a lot of very superficial things, this superficial stuff will remain for a long time and will spoil our blood for a long time, and we will discuss it for a long time, but the internal processes that take place are extremely important, yes , well, firstly, uh, after all, macron, he is not from the rothschilds, but from the rockefellers, yes, yes, yes, yes, after all, this is an important aspect, i meant the rockefellers when i said, here, but secondly, it means that an idea came to me, suddenly came to me in connection with the fact that dmitry evgenievich, so to speak, voiced it, the idea came to the name of the institute, in general, so to speak, such, maybe private, maybe with a state participation, the institute for the study of post-american states, and, yes, and, as it were, even
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if with... taking into account the time difference, there was a wave of publications in the united states, this seems to me to be a very important topic, when the most important hawks are at the head, naturally with neoconservatives, supported...
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well, well, three reasons, the first is more or less obvious , this is, so to speak , a technical basis, because it would be extremely difficult to organize, and even if, as many people are now writing, here, by the way, abroad, that is, the number of conspiracy theorists is now growing geometrically progression, it’s clear these are the times, but what to say, in general, it was an agreement, this whole attack, repelling it, so to speak, all that stuff, but even...
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this was visible in the skirmishes between netanyahu and barack husseinovich obama, but it’s necessary to say that this is, in fact, given the external, how to say, sweetness of relations between washington and tel aviv, so to speak, under donald trump, it must be said that there, too , in general , there was no return to complete friendship, this was what - such a pr wall, well, under the biden administration it became it’s as if it’s absolutely obvious that on the one hand, well, yes, they can’t help but protect, that is, they have two options from here, either they say:
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no, we’re giving up everything, or they start a war, also not with the predictable, so to speak, result for america, so israel is a thing from which they are gradually crawling away, in this sense, expansion.
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and the overton window here expanded precisely in this direction, not with the supply of old soviet models, because the javelins, well, the javilins were delivered before the north military district, which will fight for 3-4 months with soviet weapons, that’s why the western ones weren’t deployed, they were filled with anti-tank weapons in large quantities, absolutely true, well, in general, this role didn’t play a big role, in fact, the main pumping, listen, let’s talk so seriously. communications to kiev 500 km away, ambushes with anti-tank weapons, which, excuse me,
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play a significant role even on bread, nevertheless, so to speak, anti-tank, hand-held anti-tank weapons are one, howitzers, so to speak, millions of shells, tanks, armored personnel carriers everything stuff like that. here, as it were, here, as it were, it doesn’t matter, but here, in my opinion, the position of jordan is very characteristic, as it stated in all cases
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, it read the official statement, which it forbids iran and israel to fight on its territory, well, this is the official message , i don’t know, i read it in english , but the dutch minister of defense said like, i don’t care what’s in there.
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biden, that the biden administration should finish this game, but what to take from the old man? if we add here these economic figures, it’s still not the last ones that exist, yes, this is definitely a thing, things are approaching a very interesting event,
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a very interesting event, in this sense , it seems to me that this acceleration of time, it should somehow make us think about what will happen next is what he will do with them when they start fighting each other. well, firstly, this is a big deal with him, but secondly, you still need to understand that many things in the security sphere are still safely. contract for the supply of aircraft equipment for
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f-15 fighter bombers for the israeli air force. it is clear that in this example we saw that approximately 50% of them, through the combined efforts of the americans and the israelis, shot down something, and something else, something very incomprehensible, was shot down altogether. it is clear that the iranians have received comprehensive information about joint defense capabilities. the same information was received essentially by the chinese, who are also observing. iran, who is the initiator? china, i’ll correct you, china, at the final stage the initiator was saudi arabia itself, after i realized what else can you do to fight for 20 years to no avail, and what is the use of china.
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leadership, yes, that means chancellor scholz is now on a visit to china, he started three cities with a visit to chongqing, as industrial bases, then further beijing, then shanghai, uh, that means that we see chancellor scholz coming for the second time, and that means he brings with him both businessmen and government ministers, it seems like the specific task is to attract chinese investment in germany, but it turns out the other way around. it turns out that german companies are trying to save at least some
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viability, they are forced to invest in projects in china, well, otherwise, because it’s practically impossible to stop this process and the downward movement, already now, already now german production admits that yes, let’s say, automobile concerns, that they are inside countries sell fewer cars than... the chinese in germany, well, that is, well, it’s like mercedes itself, bmw itself in china, oh, in germany it’s no longer a competitor to the chinese auto industry, already - well, what does this mean, well, apparently, well , the germans are great, they abandoned our market, which was eating up a lot, great fellows, they know how to shoot themselves in the foot, they are pure idiots, they shoot, yes, of course, this whole situation with what ? there was some kind of conference about ukraine, i said something with
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sidimpin, they somehow didn’t agree, well, they didn’t agree clearly, because for sidimpin, for him, the most indicative of the situation is what processes began to take place in general in european and with western collective western political thinking and after the events of the russian spring, after all , he only just came into office in his thirteenth year, and then with an unclouded look, you can say yes, that is, he sees, he knows the whole backstory.
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speaking, to exclude us from the black sea, all of ukraine, to create bases, in general, it was conditionally clearly outlined, everything was prepared, prepared for this, the chinese also knew about this, they, because well, for them it is also clear, of course to them, yes the same chinese, it doesn’t matter or the indians, of course they are not very pleased with this armed conflict, but because that the european economy is in trouble, yes, and europe, the european union, is the second trading partner. china after the usa, of course, they would like there to be some kind of negotiations, but you see, when he makes two tours of european countries, germany in poland labels him, you’re a moscow henchman, get out of here, well, sort of, eh what kind of contractual position could there be, well, what kind of
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summit could there be in principle there in switzerland and so on, that is, people say, he says, guys, let’s sit down and negotiate. that is, the germans say: no, this won’t happen , it won’t, switzerland, of course, would be very good, they are ready to once again become this country, a mediator, and this negotiating platform in order... to earn some money points, they imposed sanctions against us, switzerland, they introduced what kind of neutral country they are after that, what kind of mediator it could be, that’s it, they destroyed their status as a neutral party and mediator, so now in modern conditions xidin ping and the chinese administration are simply officially he sees, that is, how
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negatively everyone in general is in principle, well , the whole western world is against russia, and they understand that the same thing awaits them. because this hysteria doesn’t stop anyway, and the chinese threat, the yellow danger , and so on and so forth, everyone immediately remembers: oh, taiwan, immediately taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, uh, of course, yes, if the americans will still be drawn into taiwan, let’s say the chinese succeed, but i think that this will most likely happen, that’s all it is moving towards this, it is moving forward, preparations are being made, systematically, we see, uh, no one is an idiot, everyone understands perfectly well that there is a readiness for this, the decision is apparently political. developed, here by sidinpin, comrades, that’s it, it will be, it just takes a moment, you need to reach a certain level of readiness for the tension of the situation, it will come out, the americans will come out at this moment, you just need to wait a little, now there’s advertising, after it in our
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studio the director of the department information print mit russia maria vladimirovna zakharova. hello, dear friends, in air your favorite program 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow on rdr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forget about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort at our bars... relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here every room is a a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. we gathered
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about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running. they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she takes this kurpa to the village and says, baby, feed it dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, in a word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, love is
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when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, look at the screen, look at me, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time. sign up, look, look, maybe we’ll come to me, just look at the movies, how many films have you starred in, 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, heart-to-heart talk, my breakthrough into the profession happened without such a dream, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, being...
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i decide, grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, i’m generally very glad that i'm your son. 2 vernik2 on friday on rtr, premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss it next time. alexander is timid, comrade uchkovy, take off the handcuffs, tomorrow under escort to the twentieth apartment, clearly, anna mikhalkova,
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she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’m working for you all myself, he’ll kill or beat you up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look what beauty, what a woman, where others give up, they have it. the wings will melt, so that means i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from april 22 on rtr. the west outdoes itself in hypocrisy, use of double standards, russia they are ready to blame anything when an obvious crime is committed by the united states and its allies, they are simply silent about it. magatay does not dare to name those responsible for the attacks on the zaporozhye unified energy system. he could, but sees no reason to apply sanctions to israel. finally, it is absolute savagery when
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the japanese, in the years of washington, are ready to forget who dropped nuclear bombs on them. there are dozens, if not hundreds, of such examples. let's talk about this with the director of the information and press department of the russian ministry of defense, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of the russian federation, maria vladimirovna zakharovy. maria vladimirov, very glad to see you. yes, you see how you are already starting, not good evening, but just glad to see you. i think this is the case, by the way. is very typical for the current situation, because neither evening, nor morning, nor day, in many parts of the world are no longer called good, given what is happening, yet this, you know, is added by cataclysms, natural disasters, as if all planet, cries out, as if addressing a person to humanity, saying that you when you come to your senses, you talk about double standards, using exactly the same phrase today. my meeting began with representatives - not official, but simply public figures of germany, who came to moscow and did not hold negotiations,
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but simply, well, i don’t know, meetings with various, again russian public, political figures, they talked about double standards, you you know, but i didn’t agree with them, just as i don’t agree with you now, vladimir rudolfovich, you understand, standards, double standards presuppose any standards at all. that is, there is some kind of, i don’t know, some kind of canon, some kind of standard, i don’t know, some kind of measure, according to which we relate this or that situation, we can deviate from this, we can show double standards in in accordance with or in connection with a changing situation, this may be the case, but what is happening now is the destruction, in principle, of any standards, this is an anti-standard, this is application in every situation solely for opportunistic considerations, false promises, this is exactly how i would i named it, there is no place here, there is no
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room left for standards, now you... literally gave several examples separated by commas, absolutely clearly articulating that these are one of thousands of examples, we are only now taking what you listed for a year, for a year and a half, well maybe in two, let's look at , say, several decades, how many such examples are there, millions? now, you and i have not yet had time to start a conversation, although i understand that in your liner there was already an expression: a phrase, a sentence regarding the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and about the organization of the united nations, you read so much, read these words, that none of the specialized un employees can determine who is firing at it, so literally going on the air, into this very studio, i read the news regarding that the office of the un secretary general
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has once again refused.
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no, and bucha was, only she was, again, if we are talking about some standards, with exactly the opposite sign than those that western tv channels showed us, she was, it was a terrible provocation, which has not happened since the second world war, there were provocations in syria, there were provocations in syrian cities, with so -called chemical weapons, which allegedly,
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according to westerners, their and... pseudo-humanitarian organizations in the form of white helmets, were personally used by assad, as they then they claimed, all sorts of things happened, and the images of the children, who later turned out to be, thank god, alive, had no idea that official damascus hated them so much that it was ready to personally poison them with chemical weapons, all this happened, but so brazenly, like this in the center of europe, here so, so that not tens, but hundreds come there to this very bucha. world politicians and more than once vladimir rudolfovich, so that they would give tearful interviews on these very streets, i don’t remember this, this is how the nazis acted, precisely during the second world war, when goebbels’ propaganda staged this provocation in one of the german cities , which the soviet army abandoned, and there, so to speak, laying out the corpses in exactly the same way
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and, as it were, photographing them, demanded , believe it or not, the ministry of foreign affairs voiced, you do you know that hundreds of ukrainian children have disappeared on the territory of the countries of the european union, according to the statistics of the european union itself, they are disappearing, including because they are taken from the families of ukrainian citizens by these most beloved ee bureaucrats who simply come to ukrainians who have arrived
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in the countries the eu is taking away their children, what do you think? someone at the bank, maybe zelensky or his wife, or someone else, did something, they constantly go to these same receptions, to these red carpets. they give them some kind of increased nutrition, vitamins, maybe they are given, i don’t know, the first desks in these schools, taken away from their own families, but no, they are consumables, that’s how today zelensky still signed this,
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you name it, help me name it, monstrous, terrible, disgusting, what, this is a genocide law, there is no such definition in the world, so let's create it, the law that zelensky signed about...
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here is this toolkit for comparison, diplomats for this treat extremely, with extreme caution, carefully, not because that they are afraid for their own career, you know, no matter what happens, no matter what scandal
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turns out, but because experts, because we, unlike westerners, do not consider these situations in a vacuum, they are the ones who start every security council from that day, from which they benefit, you know, like now... usa, france, britain and, so to speak, all of them nato satellites, did they mention that we are talking about iran’s response to, i don’t even know, literally destroying international law israeli strikes on the consulate. iran in damascus, no, they have it all started from the day from which it was beneficial for them, this is a characteristic feature that is probably not a parallel, but
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a characteristic feature that distinguishes the western approach in all cases, both in the situation around the middle east and the situation around ukraine, they consider each case exclusively from the angle they need. but i understand, but now regarding iran and israel, what is the position of our world? so this is what you said, the statement of the israeli ambassador in moscow, i’m not sure that she saw the full
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depth of the consequences of her question when demanded that russia condemn iran, but i had to remind her, given that she asked this question not on the sidelines, not through diplomatic channels, as in principle, it would probably be correct to do this, on a public level. but the answer was obvious, and how many times have we forgotten israel, its officials, condemned the actions of the kiev regime, striking russian regions...
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using its resource base, what did that mean? an attack on a consular facility is not just some dummy or empty an uninhabited, i don’t know, territory, this is a functioning consulate, possessing all the immunities under the vienna conventions, it was destroyed, the people who were there were killed, the security council was obliged to condemn, it doesn’t matter, you can find different forms taking into account, well, different nuances. here it was possible to work,
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but to work for a common result, but this is precisely what the west did not want. the attack on the consulate was a matter of course, it was an incident, it was obvious, and our permanent representative, mr. nebenze, spoke about this in the security council, i remind you that historically, from the attack on diplomatic consular facilities, for example, i don’t know, employees of diplomatic missions, wars could start, they could, i use it from the point of view of the fact that they are really...
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silent, well, who is silent, why is the whole world, that western world, the world of the minority, a beautiful garden, as they call themselves, this is their concept, we told you about this, there are no standards, there is only one criterion, their own benefit and circumstances, so they abandoned international law in favor of a world order based on rules, international law is the same for everyone , everyone is equal, as soon as...
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you know, israel has focused truly colossal efforts on the release of its hostages. we know very well this approach of israel, and they always go to the end when it comes to their citizens, about people who remained or became hostages, and so on. and you know that we condemned all the events of october 7 in the strongest possible terms, but it seems to me that the leaders there do not understand. to the extent that they intervene and fight for the release of specific hostages, to the extent that they do not understand that they themselves are hostage to the united states of america, not to the people, not to the country as a society, but to a certain part of the political elite, which has staked its claim on its dominance in this region too, canceling, as they usually cancel the quartet , canceling all decisions of the security council and the united nations. everyone was surprised why
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they were behaving this way, but the representative, or whoever it was, the representative of the united states, the deputy representative of the pospred in the un security council told everyone that it turns out that there are resolutions completely unnecessary for execution among the resolutions of the security council, this is a novelty, this is a unique statement, but now it has become clear, this is exactly what they told everyone else, including israel, that all those un security council resolutions that are... executed are equal like the decision of international conferences on middle east regulation, they did everything to isolate this situation,
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such a collapse that the region has not yet experienced in recent history, there have been wars, and more than one, but one that is now so large-scale, explosive situation, taking into account the fact that experience already exists, the consequence is also obvious, this has never happened before, it seems to me that this is another adventure of the united states of america, which failed, exactly, again, we do not draw parallels, we are only based on facts, like failed about... the so-called ukraine in the context of the united states' reading of the future of this country. it’s interesting that switzerland suddenly decided to play a role in which it had discredited itself, and scholz tried to somehow drag his chinese partners to switzerland, but
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i think i received a very harsh answer. the problem, again, is in the united states of america, they are now facing elections, how many months are left? well, do the math for yourself, but it’s clear that there are already several months before the start of this very paid race, they need something from this very biden administration in order to present to their audience, and you know why to present, and the price is expensive, american the taxpayer took out everything he could for the sake of an unknown, distant, incomprehensible... history called democracy in american style on the territory of ukraine, how much was sent there, how much the united states of america did not do for its citizens only in order to amuse the geopolitical ambitions of the political regime
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in the states, and at the same time line the pockets of, again, the now existing gop -companies led by biden, maybe i'm wrong? a connection that leads, one way or another, from washington to kiev and which has acquired all these bloody consequences and destroyed ukraine, but has in its this, well, i don’t know, uh, at the center of this
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adventure, it was corruption, so they gave and took away , in fact, everything from american taxpayers, while some of it was returned very significantly. to the base, we have been talking about this for many years, we cited the names of banks, specific transactions, how , having simply touched literally the accounts affiliated with ukraine with the kiev regime, this money was immediately returned to those funds, banks, trust companies, western countries, where they were sent from, we told for many years how this same gang, a gang of kiev... squeezes , immediately after receiving the next tranches , went shopping for several days in the central cities, which are famous for their light industry and jewelry, and there they literally carried out
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raids, raids on these same stores, as much as we they talked about this, how many reports were made by russian journalists, and then by western journalists on this matter, but i think that this is only the beginning. big and long legal conversation, which 100%, i am absolutely moderate in this, in the near future it will, as western partners say, be activated in the west, because the amounts are prohibitive, the number of victims is prohibitive, the destruction is such that the world, in my opinion , has never seen before, considering that they did not announce official war. but obviously, this hybrid war is very expensive for civilians and lines the really tight pockets of everything that is affiliated with white. the current house, thank you, maria vladimirovna, now advertising, after that we will continue, yes
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egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us, hello, hello? so what next? mikhail andreevich, holy is the buyer. angels of the area from april 22 on rdr. there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, my popsie, a holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman. the singer has sons, somehow i can’t fit into this modern life with these
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endless videos, something needs to be filmed, what they post to us, well, maybe he doesn’t need any more, valeria, an amazing song that you created with maxim podeev, for me it was a shock. la, learn the magic under hello, the same one when i hit it. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. so you have a perfect marriage on saturday. you 've been together for 10 years... you still haven't even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse,
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why didn’t you tell him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re about to get into trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, nobody needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn it, damn it, nima isn’t serious with this profura, he’s got you... what right do you have, baby, to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, that’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, without further ado, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white tuxedo, i ’m starting to walk markolyevich zakharov and
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for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told to me as a man hunter of women i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband and how much was still ahead. i foresaw my destiny. now everything is only coming true. it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday on rtr, of course, zelensky
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he knows how to whine, he knows how to beg, he knows how to whine, but despite the fact that asking for pants with the same intonation, that’s the intonation of how offended, like that, like that... he died right on your territory for he didn’t die, but they just said that
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there was an explosion at head level when he opened the door, in moscow, by the way, they took this accomplice who tried... to blow up the prozurovo, but what’s surprising is that you can’t even hang them bastards, we are such humanists, and we’ll exchange them for something, but probably for someone, we can’t even hang them, and at the same time the impudence of terrorist attacks on the territory of our country is off the charts, that is, this happens all the time, when things are bad at the front, the ukrainians turn to terrorist attacks, today is the anniversary of the death of our... circle, oles buzina was often in this studio, he was one of the first, yes, well, the second, well, there is such a loud perak, kalashnikov, but oles was just so blatant, arrogant, such a direct approach, because oles had nothing to do with the chosen positions, no, he was just a writer, a thinker ,
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journalist, bright, and like zelensky right away broke down to investigate the buzyanya case. they won’t get away with it, they won’t understand anything, they don’t understand our humanism, philanthropy, they don’t understand our desire to follow the laws, there are no laws for them, and they should be treated like mad beasts, not the ukrainian people, this political gang, like these
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scum, for whom the lives of ukrainians and the lives of russians are really worth nothing. but for zelensky, he just really doesn’t understand, besides, when he starts talking about something, it even goes off scale, here’s ukraine - this is the victim and the main defender of european civilization, while the khotor center of populism is beginning to falter, well , a real threat has appeared to western interests in the middle east, and zelensky is suffering, how you don’t love me, why are you all, why are you all helping israel, what about me, why israel? but not for me, i feel sorry for them, i don’t feel sorry for us, but why? but how can it be, you gave them yours, we don’t, well, i don’t feel that how much israel has invested in air defense, but you, we don’t, and why don’t we, denounce russia for every interview, he signed a law on tightening the restrictions on mobilization, but they still
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won’t give them weapons, well, really, johnson will probably do something, vote for money, in the next conversation with the western... if she loses, that is they are not afraid that we are dying here every day, but they are very afraid that some kind of voice will arise, we are afraid, what will happen to russia, danger, some kind of migration crisis, what might happen, will china be very strong, everyone thinks china will take over? if there is panic and revolution in russia, then china will take over part of the territory of russia and so on, that is, everyone is afraid. god forbid, china will be strong, god forbid, there will be no putin, there will be many countries, what will happen to the nuclear weapons that are on russian territory, as if the west now controls nuclear weapons, that’s what i ’m talking about, all these voices, all these messages,
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all this is the shame about which... why is he so dissatisfied with him, that someone promised something or something? no, really, he behaves as if johnson knocked him up and threw him, well , that is, just one of the johnsons, well some johnson, well, this is just indecency, that is, well, he really behaves like an abandoned person, it’s not enough that he says: israel, what kind of israel, that israel is in nato, what are you saying, that you are israel, that you are helping them, that you're not helping us, well...
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here's your answer. israel is not a nato country. nato allies, including nato countries , defended israel. they showed the iranian forces that... lonely and this is a lesson, this is the answer to any person on any continent who says that well you need to be careful in support for ukraine so as not to drag nato countries into war, so now we should only support israel forget about what is happening in ukraine, this is pure politics, no one cares how many people die in ukraine every day, they only care about their ratings endorsements is what it is, they forget that dead people don't care about ratings. if ukraine loses , a war breaks out with other nato member countries, there will be a war, then american soldiers will defend themselves by dying, this is what it will lead to:
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people in congress should think twice about pushing through these policy issues regarding support for ukraine and vote to support all the countries whose lives depend on it. well, you ’ve been laughing since you were fourteen, and people were dying every day, it was funny to you, in paris , what kind of face was he making when there were
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somehow these incoherent phrases that he tried to speak in ukrainian, then in russian, then in english , interspersed in such a way that i can’t even imagine how the translator translated it all to this journalist, well, this but, you understand, ukraine is ruled by an idiot, that is, ukraine needs to listen to this, try in the original language, so that they understand that it is not in english, it was poorly translated, when you showed this fragment, yes, that is... he really believes that in the west they are afraid to help ukraine, just like everyone, like israel, because russia will then break up, yes, into many
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states, and china will strengthen as it acquires part of the territory of russia, that is, you understand, this is what brain should happen there, or in the place where it should to be a brain, yes, so that we can really seriously study this option, it turns out that this is why ukraine is not given weapons in the required... quantity, russia will collapse much more than a state, we will have revolutions here and so on, well, that is, this this is what it takes, okay, you are discussing it there at the podaljak level there, that means aristovich is for some marginal audience, yes, well, you go to the international media, the journalist sat listening to him, she tried to ask him a question several times, so you are asking for this weapons, this is for defending or attacking, and he says: well, in order to attack one thing...
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it’s very simple, it’s very clear, it exists, we have specific weapons that we need to get, there are specific weapons for defense sky, this plan exists, besides, all the partners have it in their hands, this is the plan of what we really need, don’t you understand, that’s how it is, that ’s how all these 18 minutes what kind of clan, chuya or krasnodar, that’s all 18 minutes, but the most important thing, of course, is when...
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how many people will die here in ukraine, and what, someone didn’t tell him this from the very beginning, he had to kill hundreds of thousands of ukrainians for 2 years in order to finally understand how he interpreted statements another johnson, who apparently knocked him up, and boriska johnson at the beginning of this whole operation, when he said to the last drop of blood, how else can you interpret this, but they don’t care how much...
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some kind of allocation of credit and what is nastalensky’s point? he says okay, let’s get a loan, but what will he give back, right now, ask his plan for tomorrow is not to give it to him, well, well, what better than ukraine or what’s left of it is going to give you, they’ll tell you, ask any ukrainian expert, they also voice something, they’ll tell you, well, these 300 billion that the russians will give us for ice cream, that’s what they’ll give us and we will pay for this
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, first of all, it won’t be enough. but no, okay, it’s not enough, but even the british, yes, don’t know how to do it, how to take it away, so the question arises, what if they don’t take it away, and if they don’t give it to you, yes, what next, here, here then they say, i don’t know why this is how to give it away, we won’t give anything away, of course, here’s the whole loan, that is, it drives everything that remains of ukraine into bondage in advance; generations of young people will have to pay for it if they survive. but he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care, just as he really didn’t care about the murder of our oles buzina, you remember, yes, how olesya’s mother sought a meeting, olesya’s killers felt quite normal, worked in government positions, and they were published in the hands the trial, of course, and note when it started ok, i don’t see something, i tried to find it, it’s not visible in the first ones, yes, it turns out
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they could and can shoot from around the corner. so, in order to really become real fighters, this is no, this is the guts of ukrainian nationalists, by the way, offering a friendly answer to the question of who will return the pennies, well, certainly not wasting, loans, credits, the whole world lives like this, but we understand that our own ability is no longer just to wage war , it is no longer the same, to function.
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"i'm tired, i'm tired, yes, please, i'm tired, well listen, you talked about trust, here in a person, here in the west, i looked at today’s sociology of ibsos in europe, 18 countries, this is really a surprise for me, that is, the level of trust in a positive attitude towards the president of ukraine is at an extremely low level, that is if i personally take this, that is, i looked at it on april 16, but in hungary
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-60, in greece -57." that is , he evaluates his activities negatively, even in germany, although there is a balance in favor of a positive attitude towards zelensky as president, well 41 positive, 36 negative, well, let 's see, let's sort of weigh this situation, what we can talk about now, really , what they say here on may 21 is possible there is no possible legitimacy or continuation of it, that is, i believe that for there is no ukrainian internal agenda, but i’m like... people who live in ukraine, what do they think about, how do they see the future of ukraine, here the question remains very open, because indeed the planning horizon is very short, we again- we see sociology, we see planning, which, and how people will
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provide for their families, how people will solve issues of their, excuse me, personal safety or health, and so on, that is, in ukraine the questions remain open, the next question is about western support, i believe that in today... there will be support, obviously they will somehow pull it, squeeze it out, and what drazdov was talking about is that these are all loans, they will have to be repaid, but they also say the growth of anti-american sentiment in ukraine, such resentment has begun , you know, i want to tell you, what are these things, so i say, if we had affected that part of the population that does not fall into the questions, then i think that this figure would be significantly higher, but for now this may be speculation, but here is an example, it would seem paradoxical i’ll give you now, right there...
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the conditions for you to maintain your legitimacy, the conditions for you to feel calm, in fact, why these actions to suppress any dissent, even in the camp of your, well, let’s say , allies according to...
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is negative, 65% is data the latest polls, i’m just collecting everything now, as they say, they have a good attitude towards russia, why am i saying this, what’s the most, they’re probably russophobic now. countries in terms of rejection of russia, these are poland and
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finland, it’s not paradoxical, here more than 90 percent are negative towards russia, the emirates, well, you asked, and yes, look, the greeks, the bulgarians, but again it will be very important for us to show that if there is a significant mass of people or a number of people, i don’t like the words mass, a significant number of people who they have a nice attitude towards russia until this is converted into political decisions that will change the situation, the balance, then we can say: what didn’t help him? you know, i was thinking about how else to say this, thank you for saying this, let me remind you once again once and for all, so that we remember, on february 6, 1914, we did a survey, which was, was, well, publicly and here, in russia behind the cordons in ukraine, the majority of ukrainian citizens opposed the maidan, well, just that... we remembered this and what does it have to do with it the majority was significant, about the advantage
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was 15%, 41 all, the rest found it difficult to answer, there 45 or percent were against there 30-something, well, you understand, the winner is not the one who votes for the most, but the one who can withdraw more activists on the street, that’s when the situation that happened on february 22 happened, that is, we knew then and sociology was there, then they asked me a question, they saw it, so i say, everyone saw it, it was public information, everyone understood, what if the situation is still a week away two or three, then in general it will just capsize on its own, here maybe you don’t even decide , there is a vivid example, but look at the same type of events, in russia they tried to organize a maidan and at the turn of the eleventh-twelfth in all the republics, well it’s clear about yanukovych, he immediately trembled, the phone was shining, what a powerful attack there was against lukashenko, and it seemed to many that all that lukashenko could not resist was personal courage. and the dedication of law enforcement and the leadership
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of law enforcement who are capable listen to the order, carry out the combat? well , another great piece of information just about the events in belarus, well, think about the numbers: 20 years after the events in belarus , ukrainians are asked a question in ukraine: would you like a ukrainian scenario for belarus? 65% said they didn’t want to, 11.5% just said no, well, here are the answers to the questions that are in public opinion; you need to read them. but in this case, sociologists are doing the work so that politicians make decisions, now there will be another terrible sociological question: who do ukrainian widows blame for the loss their husbands, it is not a fact that russia will be in first place, this will be such a big and terrible question for the authorities, vladimir vladimirovich, the ukrainian authorities, you said about humanism, that we are among those characters who they commit terrorist attacks and so on, this is false humanism, ostentatious and not sincere, sincere
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humanism, we must help them, return to daddy and bandera, they sing so much, they talk so much, you know, they want this, they shout everywhere and talk about that the soul and they will put down, that’s our task for these terrorists who commit terrorist attacks, and it doesn’t matter that it’s the murder of oles buzina, or even today’s terrorist attack in the zaporozhye region, and where a tripwire is specially mined at head level, when a person opens the gate, this explosion occurs , this is already the eighth or ninth of its kind. when the explosive is placed at head level, but okay, there is still a private house here, and often it is in high-rise buildings, and at that time 8 in the morning, when parents go with their children to schools in kindergartens, then there are, you understand, there are still a lot of peaceful people there, who are not in the civil service anywhere at all, and this is, as it were, according to the official version of the zelensky regime, these are their people, for whom they are supposedly fighting, yes, but we see that they are not fighting for these people, and against them, so it is my deep conviction that we must raise this issue and ensure that... the death penalty is introduced for terrorism and for
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war crimes, this will sharply reduce the level of terrorist danger on russian territory, because these characters so you remembered the killers of oles directly buzina, the kingdom of heaven, by the way, in christ alexander, yes there, well, he was an orthodox man, a churchgoer, and so the indicative point is that these characters, i won’t even name them, who killed him and the like, they are ready to kill, but not to die when they realize that it smells like something is fried, we are this theoretical... delnikov there and all kinds of generals and
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others of the zelensky regime went through all the steps, he commanded a platoon of tankers and so on, well, that is, step by step he is precisely from the army, let's say, in military affairs. this truly a high-level professional, we must understand that when he studied, for example, at the us army war college, he had, as it were, fellow students there, and there were a lot of senior officers, the american army itself, oh those who are now, absolutely right, yes, it’s like horizontal connections are built much more than we can imagine there, conditional budanovs, zaluzhnys and so on, that’s what’s interesting? this character is given a task, that is, well, i’ll explain to our viewers, that is, here’s the operational command south, it is responsible for five regions, including vinnitsa, kherson, nikolaev and so on, so the task set before shapovalov is to organize the defense of the nikolaev, odessa regions, why yes, it seems that kherson has not yet
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been liberated, yes, yes, well, here’s an interesting point: in what year did we recruit him? it’s hard to say, but before the trip to america, during the trip to america, or right away? i think, maybe three times too, they will remember his russian roots, definitely, and we see that another one of the top officials in the army is a russian, but something somehow doesn’t work out at all, yes, when the same russian people go to fight with the damned muscovites, but i can’t help but say about the situation in the zaporozhye direction , let's see the situation in zaporozhye direction immediately after the advertisement. vasya is arrested. premiere on rtr. vasily would not damage the car so that a person would have an accident. there are facts, there is evidence. if he had an ironclad alibi, he would not have been arrested. we were together, right all day. do you think it's me too? i
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know that you are not capable of this. i believe you. allah, taxi. tomorrow on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge health, dispelling myths, helping to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor. there must be a tablet where to look help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body; two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources.
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take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. “i ’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you’ve been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition." there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means
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of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers. taste it. oh, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth seeing. it is said to be the oldest profession in india. a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret, to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. well, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just dissatisfied, anna completely suits me, she is beautiful, smart, modest. are you breaking down? quietly, he invited me into his
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office, uh-huh, he raped me, i forgive you, levveta, let’s part on good terms. for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap a child in orantsova and demand a ransom, that’s it. as we would like from the point of view of moving north to the west, but it is not at all static, because step by step the liberation of our native land is taking place, i’ll start from the east,
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directly, if we take the temporal direction, then here there has not just been activation, well, specifically the old marshal, productive settlements, which were talked about a lot last year, but were almost the main achievements of the enemy in terms of capturing them in the so-called counter-offensive, where they placed dozens of pieces of equipment for every kilometer, that it’s significant that our guys... they returned the first line of defense near urozhainy, this was the main achievement according to ukrainian propaganda in this direction, that’s it, this achievement is no longer there, the russian army is now there, then more, our guys directly crossed the river of wet yala , well, of course, it’s not such a big river, but nevertheless, try to overcome a water barrier on the front line, when you are covered with everything possible, including heavy artillery, missile defense systems and drones, and so on, the guys didn’t just overcome these wet spruce trees, they secured a foothold on... the shore, which was under the control of the enemy and i push further, then we move a little to the west and here is
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the orekhovsk direction, here is an interesting point in general, it’s clear that they are coming heavy, they have created a plastarm and they are expanding it, quite right, heavy positional battles there is willow and work and so on, but the formula is the same: ours go on the attack, gain some kind of advantage, advance hundreds of meters or kilometers, gain a foothold, gain a foothold, repulse several counter...attacks of the enemy, after a while they move forward again, here i recommend everyone, especially those who live in the territory controlled by the zelensky regime, to look at the information picture from the other side, they began to show, bye, work, so it’s already collapsed, there’s nothing there, that is joined the information company, this work is in ruins, why fight for him, fight and send him to usushnikov, well, this suggests that, to put it mildly, well, in the work, the most important thing is to take the heights that surround him, located next to... absolutely right, taking into account the fact that rabotin’s west, they are already ours, that is, now the eastern is this rabotinsky so-called border, yes, that’s where these devils are somehow,
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forgive me, you know, i was with an absolutely amazing person, i’m next , next sunday, well, this sunday i’ll tell you about him, he is the first colonel from the mobilized who commands a division, yeah, but he was in the non-army for 9 years, and i come to him and he shows me a map. and this is a map, his area of ​​activity, his division, he has a very large there is a division there, you look at the little blue soldiers, the red soldiers, the tanks, the tanks, the terrain, but this is not our concept of a map, but this is 3d, so the military look at the map differently than civilians, the military look at water barriers where this is what happened, where are the depressions, where are the heights, where are the shooting holes, that is, for a military man, the whole map is always there. 3d is always very interesting , it’s broken down into sectors, it looks like, through the eyes of a military man, when we look, but for him there is no robotino, for him the robotino
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is broken down into a big one like, here you can to gain a foothold, you can walk here, this height is here, from here, so when you talk to them, you begin to see even well-known places with completely different eyes, with understanding. the military, of course, are completely separate people and we don’t talk much about it yet, because these are very special people, they are great fellows. of course, we don’t have such access to 3d maps, we only have green ones, well, sort of green, red, yes, that is, you can roughly imagine the height differences, but you won’t see it in such volume, or at most, if i’ve been somewhere and you remember it visually, how it looked during the chechen campaign to my close friend, there the superior boss is yelling, why can’t you walk this damn kilometer, he says, because between them there is a mountain of 2,500, that is, according to the map, a kilometer , but it’s harsh there, yes, what i wanted to say, that’s just what they showed - also work on and directly on that side, of course, there is no populated area, just like the others, in
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fact, in 3 weeks we are celebrating an anniversary, as it was decided to partial evacuation from a number of settlements located along the line of military contact, this is rabotina, verbovoe, novoprokopovka, there is a sweet beam and so on, i will not overload our viewers, these people were taken to berdyansk, well , the most distant point from... the problem , because people have no houses, nowhere to return, well, not only that, all their property is lost, their cattle and so on, well, these people need our care and support, i think that even with the help of the zaporozhye region we are able to resolve the issue so that these people lived in decent conditions, did not overpay for rent and other issues, i think that with common efforts and understanding we can solve this, and now there is another small point,
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important, interesting from the point of view of the image of the future for residents, do not advertise, speak post-ukrainian. space, yes, citizens of ukraine who went abroad without the consent of the military registration and enlistment office will now be deprived, will be deprived of passports, that is, they will be left alone, well, in short, passports will be invalid, data, these standards are now at least a dozen embassies in the european union were sent for legalization and many of these countries decided to expedite the provision of residence permits and citizenship.


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