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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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some of the exhibits will move to a new site, but the main treasures will remain in the armory. dorekuneva, elena fenoshina, news. today on the program is ours, the head of the emergency psychological assistance service, dmitry rassokhin. he could not stay away and went to the combat zone to support his comrades. watch at 15:00. immediately after the big news, today don’t miss the continuation of the alla taxi series, well, all the news. always available on the media platform we are watching, the news is following developments, stay with us. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite is live. 60 minute program on burning
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tracks. let's start with breaking news. the russian aerospace forces have just destroyed the command post of the ukrainian army in chernigov. the moment of three russian cruise missiles landing at once on the building where ukrainian officers were located is on your screens. but this is impressive footage of the assault on the position of the ukrainian armed forces in krasnogorovka. in the video , a russian tank, popularly nicknamed the armadillo or turtle, passes under hurricane fire from ukrainian armed forces artillery, including the use of cluster artillery. but the design that our front-line kulyubins came up with can withstand all hits, reach the center of krasnogorovka, land troops near the station, and then return safely . as a result, russian attack aircraft successfully gained a foothold and began to push the armed forces of ukraine out of the city. the day before, our troops completely occupied a holiday village in the southeast of krasnogorovka. right now there is an expansion of the zone of control of movement deeper into the city. along the streets
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vatutin, railway and lermontov. throughout the last week, the enemy tried to drive our troops out of krasnogorovka, but all attempts were repulsed. ukrainian sources report the entry of russian troops into ocheretino, and this is chasov yar. before storming the city, front-line aviation literally dismantles fortified positions in the ssu with powerful airstrikes. bbc propagandists were allowed into the raid with combat medics from the twenty- eighth mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the goal is clear. show the west a catastrophic picture in the ranks of ukrainian troops in donbass. the evacuation of the dead and wounded occurs exclusively at night, because this is impossible to do during the day due to the swarm of russian drones, of all types: from fpv to lancet. this footage shows the defeat of another french caesar by the lancet strike of the fortieth brigade of russian marines in the volnovard direction. this is the seversk direction and the lancet of the 106th airborne division, which in turn is hit by four
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strela-10 vsso air defense systems at once. the british admit that uavs have become a key weapon in the war in ukraine. if previously such an advantage was on side of the ukrainian armed forces, now everything is exactly the opposite. the russian army is superior to the ukrainian armored forces in literally everything, including artillery. every night, despite the weather, military doctors from the 28th mechanized brigade.
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well, yes, little bits, it was torn apart a little by shrapnel, yes, they dropped a grenade on us, grenades, we drop them from drones, they became the key weapon of this war, they dropped two grenades, one on my leg, the second on my head, the vastness of the weapon not only kills, but and cripples, so the wounds mainly remain from bullet wounds, charapnel and fragments of explosives, anything gets stuck in them, earth, stones, glass, chips, everything in general, come right here, yes, but there are at least some teeth left, the teeth are in
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place, keep quiet, don’t move, don’t move at all , road. so bad that the wounded have to be tied to stretchers to prevent them from falling to the floor. most of the work is done by the team at night, since the risk of being hit by russian artillery and drones is lower, but sometimes they have to take risks during the day. medics meet the wounded at the evacuation point. ukraine does not publish real the number of dead and wounded, but this war took a huge number of lives. some guys have a rather specific sense of humor, some...
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conquered and further this direction, that there is a kramatorsk direction, this is a point of attraction, then slavyansk, which is located a little to the north, this is without a doubt the most problematic place at the moment, there is a chapel there, an important battle is taking place there, it is not far from bakhmut, the russians will try to increase theirs. conquest here is a strategic goal because there is road 0145, and this is a logistics route, it is also an excellent defensive position, which is well fortified because it is located on hills, militarily, whoever holds the top, holds the tongue, zelensky convenes the
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ukraine nato council, at which he will ask alliance to help defend against russian missiles and drones. in other words, the next summit called give or give at least on credit. according to the main ukrainian clown, he wants the same protection from nato as for israel. where literally screams. tel aviv is not even a nato member, not a member of the eu. and as soon as iran struck in retaliation, the usa, france and britain immediately came to the defense of israel. yes, the west has demonstrated that it can easily close the skies to israel, even when 300 objects are flying at it at once. this is on the one hand. on the other hand, the same western world has demonstrated that it will not come. to help ukraine as soon as a threat arises in front of it, ignoring even the russian kha-101, supposedly flying into the territory of poland, that is, a nato country. bolze is shared for now only in the european parliament. 86 meps signed a letter calling on brussels
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to immediately send ukraine at least seven additional patriot systems, since, as the letter says, the american congress is in a blind corner. already today, the leaders of the european union countries will gather... to discuss the issue of providing kiev with new air defense systems, the main european siege, also the chief european diplomat borel, cynically stated the day before that it would be cheaper for europe to buy patri from ukraine. than to restore the destroyed tets. and the forecasts are disappointing. by winter, russia will destroy 80% of ukrainian thermal generation. at the same time, ukrainian experts believe that the consequences of the latest attacks by the russian aerospace forces on ukrainian infrastructure caused significant damage to the country. according to them, along the entire front line, in sumy, kharkov, zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk regions, in the south of ukraine, there will be systemic power outages during the summer, etc. winter, the only thing that could prevent this is the end of the war, but
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zelensky himself forbade negotiations, in general, zuk zwang. far from the battlefield in the city kharkov, electrical repair work has increasingly resembled frontline work since russia stepped up its attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure. the station has recently been hit by constant air raids, making any attempts. large power plants are attractive targets for russian attacks. the destruction at this
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thermal power plant near kharkov is enormous. six russian cruise missiles destroyed the engine room and forced the entire complex to shut down. look around and you will see the extent of the damage. we're talking about kilometers pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed, it won't even take months, it will take years to fix. meanwhile, russia continues daily attacks on the power grid. in the early morning of april 11 , the trypillian power plant was one of many power plants hit by the russians. this comes after the march 29 attack on other power plants, which followed march 22 strikes targeting the ukrainian power grid.
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russian drones and missiles. ukraine may have already suffered from rolling power cuts were introduced in several areas. officials here are trying their best to fix any stations that can supply energy to homes. but they say until ukraine can defend its skies from russian drones and missiles, no part of the country's critical infrastructure will be truly safe.
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if we in ukraine wanted to have the same protection as in israel, we would need 300 air defense systems, so many of them simply do not
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exist, this is impossible, there are zones which simply cannot be defended, the problem of ukraine is that it has to choose between defending the front, if it does not want the russians to pass, and the moment is now critical, and the defense of these cities, so it is impossible to do the same, the allied countries helped israel, yes, but at the moment , it is completely impossible that nato countries will be defended by ukraine. the europeans could take part, they could use more means, but even so they would not be able to supply the 300 necessary weapons systems, even if they teamed up with ukraine, it is impossible to imagine that...
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to compare, you need to understand that the israeli iron dome system, which protects airspace, has been created for years, and it is also very expensive, but even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine, it is impossible done overnight, secondly, iranian attacks against israel took place over the bases of france, the usa, britain and jordan, so these countries reacted in self-defense, this does not happen in ukraine, there are no american, no british, no in ukraine. especially jordanian military bases that could be threatened by these missiles, so a similar response is impossible, the circumstances are completely different. macron's policy towards russia has taken another zigzag. today it became known that russia has been officially invited to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the normandy allied exhibition. the event will take place on june 6, as figaro clarifies, france invites
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the russian delegation to the eightieth anniversary, but not putin, clowns. at the same time , the celebration itself takes place. at chapter level state, it is interesting that in the first cynical message about russia’s invitation, the europe one channel noted that, even despite the geopolitical situation, it will be difficult to do without russia’s presence, because without the sacrifice that the ussr made, this means 27 million lives of soviet citizens who died in the fight against the nazis, no landing simply would have happened in any normandy, it can be recalled here, exactly 8 years ago at the event... the opening of the second front, the first meeting between putin and poroshenko took place, remember this one? it is from there that the so -called normandy format comes, in fact, the beginning of the grandiose deception of russia. we bought it then, but, as putin said, we don’t intend to trust the west anymore. answer to the question: why did emmanuel, who had recently threatened to send his troops to ukraine,
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decide to try on the image of a peacemaker in bulumberberg’s material. game of napoleon. still has not given macron the support of the french population, nor its economic or military bloc, nor its nato allies. the latter , on the contrary, are in biden’s state, then they are bewildered and don’t want to fight with russia, and despite all macron’s calls to help kiev, paris’s own contribution to helping ukraine is not that great. in total, the french authorities allocated only 2 billion euros to bandera. then, for example, scholz liverwurst - 22 billion. berleni, such a position of macron is already officially called nothing less than galician posturing. but this is all their western squabbling. one thing is clear to us: all european countries are members of the nato bloc, which not only continues to supply weapons to kiev, which are used to kill russians soldiers and civilians, but continues
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to prepare for war with russia. on the borders with our country, in particular in lithuania, with... the infrastructure for nato troops remains. today, the alliance has set up a new base in the town of siauliai. 30 years ago, soviet troops were stationed there. the base in ševuliai is the third such facility that has been put into operation since the beginning of the year. it is reported that each military camp has the infrastructure to accommodate a nato battalion. the first battalion left for lithuania the day before. just like 80 years ago, he moved his tanks again to the east. the difference is one thing.
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is clearly coordinated, and the borders of states and allies should not become a hindrance for it, the military will also have to use civilian infrastructure, right now in the bavarian oberpfalz german leopards are being loaded onto the train of the duychibahn company. the hardest thing for me is to concentrate as much as possible. i must be focused in order to flawlessly carry out the commander’s instructions. so that god forbid i confuse left and right. it’s just that in this case everything can quickly go to hell canine. such loadings and transfers of tanks are planned in advance; all this is oh so not easy, but it is the rapid transfer of units and equipment that can decide the outcome of the war. in europe, however, this still requires huge amounts. now you can get into a truck in poland, drive it to portugal, and
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you won’t be stopped at any border, but the military won’t be able to ride like that. when i was commander, i stationed several units in poland and the baltic countries, and suddenly i noticed that the combat effectiveness of my helicopters units began to decline, helicopters in working order. became less and less, i asked the commander of the air force in ansbach why no one repairs helicopters, why repairs take so long, and he answered me: sir, we cannot deliver spare parts from ansbach to lithuania, it takes several weeks, what i just gasp, god, how naive was i then? platform on your leopard. the successful transfer of tanks from germany to lithuania requires stom to be extremely careful in his experience and training. every tank battalion the german bundesfer always carries
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its own tanks for operations in the baltic states. we train every day. wherever we are. this transfer is very large. we are going to another country. we prepared for this transfer in a special way and thanks to it we will become even more experienced. this deployment to lithuania will expand the range of nato military operations on the alliance's eastern flank. this is being done to intimidate russia and this is one of nato’s strategies. but their tank, unfortunately, had to be detained on the way. captain yanik however did not wastes time and practices commands in english and nato languages ​​with his subordinates. as a result
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, german tanks arrived at the railway station in lithuania two days late and in order to get to the barracks they had to overcome another obstacle, the base was only 35 km away, but the tanks had to be loaded onto a new train due to the different width of railway tracks in eastern-western europe .
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contributed almost 40 billion dollars to our country, or more precisely, 39 billion 600 million. this significantly exceeds the figures for january february. compared to the first month of the year
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, export revenue increased by 40%. in february it increased by 30%. the amounts are serious, they thought in austria and decided not to sever relations with moscow. rai feisen, a bank, a very principled bank, stated that soon everything would go away. from russia, but, as reported by financial times, plans have changed, the other day the bank posted more than 2,400 vacancies throughout our country, in general, nothing personal, just money. bloomberg reports that seaborne russian oil exports for the second week april rose to an eleven-month high, with shipments from all major ports approaching peak levels. the west cannot do anything about this. head of the us treasury. the united states cannot give 300 billion dollars because it is afraid of moscow’s response. the uk, unlike its american partners, does not even
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calculate the risks. london reads financial correspondent politician elenor myers will probably never confiscate russian assets. it's all about the lack of legal grounds for stealing russian money, property or other assets. the official volume of russian assets frozen in britain has not been reported. according to estimates, this is 18 billion pounds sterlin for individuals and another 26 billion pounds sterlin for the central bank, that is, ours. you have the money of russians, for comparison, in eu banks, 260 billion euros of assets of russian citizens were frozen, and not only oligarchs, state employees also pay taxes, which were then invested, including abroad, this applies to everyone, every russian, the west stole it money. experts, however, doubt that it will come to arrest, that is, in politics, reality rarely
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coincides with rhetoric. it's the same with sanctions. american conservative writes that anti-russian restrictions have become the verdict of us foreign policy. the resilience of the russian economy never ceases to amaze, as if to force russia to become flexible again. it has not been possible and will not be possible to fulfill all the demands of the west. the bbc reports that putin has become even more powerful. western sanctions failed to weaken the russian economy, a turn to the east and parallel trade with neighboring countries helped moscow with...
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after the invasion of ukraine, the west responded by imposing an unprecedented number of sanctions against russia. they tried to strangle russia by freezing its foreign exchange reserves. and yes, half of them were frozen, almost $300 billion. on the one hand, the sanctions were intended to reduce moscow's ability to wage illegal war in europe, but the russian economy has survived. assets were frozen and more than a thousand companies curtailed their activities.
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has a higher need for military equipment, from boots and backpacks to tanks and ammunition, so moscow has reorganized its economy to prioritize these things for production, creating jobs and also stimulating economic activity in general, so gross domestic product grows. russia is pouring money and resources into its military efforts to produce more of what it needs on the battlefield. russia's gdp is growing, according to imf forecasts. will be more than 2.6% in 2024, which is double the same figure a year ago, when it was 1%. to put this into perspective, the imf believes that the us economy will grow by only 2.1% this year, at a time when the eu economy will grow by less than 1%. in other words, russia's military spending is becoming a dominant feature of its economy. putin achieved great success, but things came to a serious blow from western
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sanctions. now. i’m talking about western restrictions on oil prices; according to the plan, this was supposed to severely limit the flow of oil money, which traditionally finances a significant part of the country’s budget, while the calculation was to ensure that a sufficient amount remained on world markets oil, a limit of $60 per barrel was introduced, this was the lower market value at that time. moscow hit back by creating a so-called shadow fleet of tankers, which in most cases are not subject to sanctions, which only increased sales. russian oil, total russian fossil oil exports have fallen compared to pre-war levels, yet moscow's efforts have been able to overcome the true sanctions, since the recession has been minimally stopped, and the russian economy is now in a more stable position, something similar comes from the general trade that is associated with the west. therefore, russia began to turn more often to other countries, especially india and china. the central bank says imports from last year are up to
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par. 2021, thanks to new partners from other regions. large economies such as china, india and brazil are very willing to trade with moscow; oil sanctions are decorative. and key sources of income such as grain, natural gas and nuclear fuel were not sanctioned by the eu's largest buyers. neighboring countries help russia circumvent sanctions. the practice of parallel trade means that these countries import thousands of western goods, including iphones, bmw cars and even cans of coca-cola. true, they are sold in russia at inflated prices. ultimately , the sanctions are not felt by the russian population. so the russian economy, which is under sanctions, is functioning quite well, they are very worried, well, good, and these photographs are a memory pill for those who put the united states as an example of exemplary western democracy and humanity, in the frames
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concentration camps of abughraib and guantanamo. this is not the most brutal thing that american executioners did to prisoners, some of whom were prisoners of war. american propagandist julia davis was recently very worried about the well-being of the terrorist. who carried out the massacre at crocus cityhole, while the american woman does not remember the torture and abuse in bugraib prison, this is different: prisoners were raped, shocked, forced to fish food out of prison toilets, dogs were unleashed on them, in short, everything was as humane as possible within the framework of american law. smooth 20 years ago, the cbs television channel showed a story about torture of prisoners and, which caused a loud international scandal, as a result, only 11 american private soldiers... went to jail, the rest of the sadists and jailers were simply given a severe reprimand. the management was not harmed at all. today , former prisoners are trying to achieve justice in court, proving that cases of violence were not isolated, but systemic, but
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the company that supplied the wagraib prison staff insists that they were military contractors, which means how soldiers are not subject to liability for their actions outside the united states, while being judged. experts note that the case has been deliberately delayed for two decades so that it is hardly possible for those who suffered from american atrocities to get the truth. photos from abu ghraib tell a story of torture: naked prisoners piled into a pyramid, handcuffed to the ground, dragged by leashes and connected to electrical wires. a soldier shows a thumbs up while standing next to the corpses.
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20 years after the photo was published the american abu ghraib tour in iraq, which caused widespread outrage, three survivors received the right to trial. pretense and exposure. the us court returned the case to the district court, where it will finally be heard. the company denies wrongdoing and maintains that its employees did not directly abuse prisoners , but the plaintiffs in the case claim that the company created the conditions that led to
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torture by ordering military police to, quote, make prisoners more amenable to interrogation. ali needed all his courage, to talk about what happened to him. he is tormented by memories of violence and humiliation. they laughed and took pictures of them, i stood on the box, it is so strong that it cannot be broken, they tied wires and sent a current through them, i remember biting my tongue, my eyes seemed like they were about to jump out, blood dripped from the undermask, then i fell. i was humiliated, a dog bit me, here, i was naked in the cell, you know, there was no bed, they poisoned us with dogs that
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they brought to the cell, here the dog bit me. ali continues to suffer the consequences of his physical mental torture, he has undergone several surgeries, he has dedicated his life. seeking justice for those responsible for the violence in abubray. this is a very clear case of torture in prison during the us military occupation, but on the other hand, you can also trace the whole chain in creation.
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there is so little accountability for what happened at abu ghraib outside of it. i think that the example of even one person is of great importance.
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do you see the us military bearing any responsibility in the future? unfortunately, it appears that the courts will not be the place where we can find justice. they definitely won't. close to the intelligence community, the journal is definitely not a conservative publication. writes that the biden administration's policy towards ukraine
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over the past two years has been determined by fears that putin could use weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, if the us and nato provide kiev with the means to cause serious damage russian troops. former us ambassador to kiev herbst says bluntly that biden is frightened by putin's constant nuclear threats. in the context of this material , the state department’s report to congress, which appeared literally in parallel with it, plays with new colors. usa is ready. the united states is involved in the conflict in ukraine. the white house did not recognize this action as legal and believes that moscow is obliged to comply with the agreement. americans , we don't owe you anything. the only one who owed anything to the united states was yeltsinsky.
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he knows how to pass on interests, he has a lot of experience, and even better, the democratic media began to pay attention to biden and his mental health. during a visit to his native askrenton, john could not pronounce the name of the street on which his grandfather’s house stood, either the first, second or third time. at a meeting with the prime minister of iraq, journalists saw exactly what was written.
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former president donald trump is back in court for the second day of his hush money trial. six jurors were officially selected today to participate in the criminal case. trump, the other 12, they were fired after showing impartiality in this matter. trump smiled at the guy who said
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he had read some of his books. donald trump is being held accountable by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy he is trying to destroy. these people are so deranged, they are completely out of touch with their people, they can only exist in their information bubbles, the only reason being their obsession with donald trump. it actually gets in the way they need to understand that it is not donald trump, but our democracy, who is really being judged here. the former president spoke to reporters, he said that this trial should never have taken place, any lawyer would call it a disgrace. he's clearly evil. started with the anger that he unleashed, this is only the beginning of the second day, and you know, i wonder what donald trump will look like and what he will say when the first week, second, third, what will happen in 4 weeks, in 5 weeks of this process. democrats are trying to knock trump out of the game, they are burdening him with fictitious lawsuits, while at the same time his main opponent gains a colossal
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advantage. now on the left side of the screen you see joe biden, who is campaigning in pennsylvania, on the right side is donald. caught with a cheat sheet containing prepared statements for the press. as you know, iran launched an unprecedented air attack on israel, and we have made an unprecedented military effort to defend israel. during his first public appearance since the attack iran to israel, the president decided to resort to the help of pre-prepared cheat sheets, on
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which it was written in capital letters: where to pause to give translators the opportunity to translate what he said.
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i just want to remind you that the person standing next to biden is the prime minister of japan and he does not speak english, however, like biden himself, he speaks japanese, and i just feel sorry for the translators. this just shows us how serious and alarming joe biden's mental decline is. and the americans they see directly that he is unable to answer even a basic question. a very simple question, he simply avoids the press and that is his standard way of dealing with issues like this. this is crazy, this is how american businessman elon musk described the situation with illegal migration in the united states. ironically, samon is also a migrant, but unlike the hordes of crossing reagranda, illan usa arrived legally. in general, he
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has nothing against law-abiding foreigners, but he believes that letting unverified people into america is a risk. businessman added that over the past 3 years the number of illegal immigrants in the country has grown by more than... american states, there are more of them than people with citizenship, a scary mask, statistics. the anglo-saxons on the other side of the atlantic are also suffering from the influx of foreigners. the times finds out that the british authorities are negotiating with other states to accept their illegal immigrants. the idea, propagandists note, is to place part of the illegal migrants who stay in great britain in other countries in order to reduce the burden, in england, to give time. services to check the documents of immigrants, whether they have the right to stay in the uk or not, among the countries with which mr. cameron works, that is, the british ministry of costa rica, batswana, angola. caboverdo, senegal, sierra leone and others, that is, they are trying to send migrants to hell. on the eve of the olympics , the frenchman has to do the same.
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paris, which, as is known from the immortal novels of hugo, has always been crowded with homeless people, for the first time, it seems in its history, is holding a social service. homeless people, guest workers sleeping on the streets are woken up by the police early in the morning, sleepy ones are put on buses and sent outside of paris. arrived.
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we give them a choice whether to get on the bus or not. there are two options: they either go to the eastern region or to the central region, in the loire to orleans
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or the surrounding area. they will only keep us there for 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and then, then it all depends on whether you have documents or not, i am a refugee, i am in refugee status, i recommend you try your luck, try it and in 3 weeks you will know, maybe you will offer something.
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on the bus to strasbourg, many decided to stay, we have work, we have contracts, we chose to stay in paris because we just work here, after 9 am we go to work. the government has rejected accusations of social cleansing ahead of the olympics, describing its actions as more of a redistribution of emergency housing in the country, but they will have to convince the 80 public organizations and associations that have joined forces. what will happen to all these people when the olympic athlete arrives here? fire, all cameras. the olympics are just
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a cover for a lot of things, but that won't solve the problem. for community groups , the message from the city government is clear: homeless people need to disappear from public spaces for the duration of the olympics, possibly forever. emergency accommodation centers are full, this man, his... friends already know that today they will sleep outside, in the cold. to prevent the homeless from returning to this place, large stone barriers are quickly installed here. this is nothing new for paris, but it the sociologist claims that before the olympic games they began to be installed systematically. today, such fences and stones can be seen along the entire bank of the seine, they are gradually becoming a characteristic feature. the hay will be the focus of the olympic games during the first opening ceremony, which will take place outside
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the stadium and possibly during the triathlon swim. olympic hopefuls ventured into its waters last summer, and president macron has said he plans to dive into it. oh, look, 7 years ago a large-scale the hay cleanup operation is a more than billion-dollar project, but tests by nbc news last week found high levels of bacterial contamination in the water, caused, experts say, by recent flooding. let's call them makron villages. so let's move them to the front, things are really important and serious, alexey gavrish, military correspondent is in direct contact with us, alexey, hello, of course, all attention is focused on sentry yar, kocheretina, where is it hot? hello, evgeniy, in fact, both there and there are now quite difficult situation, our troops are actively advancing both in ocherechno and in chasopyar, if we take it in more detail, we have now already gained a foothold in
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the eastern outskirts of chasopyar, also today a message comes that... ours, that is, now it is clearly clear that ours the troops are trying to take, so to speak, this settlement in pincers; in any case , it will fall in the near future, no matter how hard the ukrainian authorities try. at the moment, in chasyar it can already be said that the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was completely destroyed, in at the moment, the nationalists are frantically transferring all their reserves there, throwing in unprepared fighters, while advances are underway from our country and we have already gained a foothold in the eastern part of the most populated area behind... the traction substation, this indicates that it is being reported that it was taken , they were also able to make serious progress, but even though
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they got there, they still need to gain a foothold there, they need to pull up the flank. would be unrealistic, so thanks to these settlements it will be possible to enter from two flanks, from the north and from the south side of turitsk. do we see any kind of restructuring in the country of the armed forces of ukraine, i mean the obvious shortage of certain types of ammunition, which the western media are actively writing about, the ukrainians too, perhaps the nature of their actions has changed, more accurate systems are used there,
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they have become more cunning act, we see all the same... that the resistance is fierce, they are retreating hard, every meter is given to us with a fight, that is , at the moment, there is no talk of any collapse of the front, no matter how much we dreamed of it, in fact, the nature of hostilities has recently changed very seriously very quickly, even if we take what was 3 months ago now, it’s just heaven and earth, now we can observe along the entire line of combat contact, the maximum saturation of unmanned aerial vehicles that are now play one of the most important... roles on the battlefield, in terms of artillery systems, in terms of air defense, ukraine really has serious difficulties, and those air defense systems that could guard the line of battle they have to place contacts in the area of ​​their large cities to protect their facilities, because they have to make a choice simply because of the quantitative shortage, in terms of the lack of some small arms, the same unmanned aerial vehicles or artillery
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shells, at the moment at the moment, i personally don’t see this, because ukraine, in addition to... fighting at the front, also does not stop delivering its terrorist attacks on peaceful cities, both in donbass and in russia, now sometimes shells arrive from the systems multiple rocket launchers and also ethereal aircraft, so what they are now saying is that they have a serious shortage of ammunition, i would not say so, this most likely only applies to air defense, perhaps some equipment, but the main problem now is, this is a lack of qualified personnel who could operate this equipment, as well as the main fleet. which is now supplied to the armed forces of ukraine are western and foreign weapons that need to be repaired with something, and the bases for repair this equipment was never created in ukraine, which also causes serious difficulties. exhaustive, thank you very much, military correspondent alexey gavrish was on the direct line of the special military operation zone, thank you again. shaigu, examined samples of new promising military
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equipment in the moscow region - all this. either already at the front, or will be at the front in the near future, let's look at a fragment, decide to present a line of transport vehicles. you know, maybe we should look at some of these, make folding ones here clamps, it’s possible, yes, the anticipation for this car is absolutely incredible. this machine itself should go to the group in the next few days and start working, yeah, there is nothing more expensive than human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine as
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quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, we need to ensure evacuation today ranin from the front line, do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, and launch everything immediately. if we take it and do it like that, it means delivering an assault machine gun from 127 for storms and for storms, you understand, then our storm troops will be provided with this, so to speak. here were shown, including armored evacuation vehicles, in general this robotization of the combat front, it is inevitable from the point of view of conducting combat
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operations on the line of combat contact, of course, from the point of view of evacuation there are more and more robots, it is no coincidence that shaigu said as soon as possible and as many as possible, because of course we have unique samples, the main thing is to scale them. production, and ukraine, meanwhile, is asking the united states for security guarantees, the same as for israel, mr. germak, who is still the head of mr. zelensky’s office, writes about this. andreevich, i ask you, well, what can i say, wish only our warriors success, no doubts that all goals will be achieved and tasks will be solved. there is a qualitative increase in the capabilities of our armed forces, including on the line of contact, once again we wish good luck and success to our soldiers in military work, you and i, all this is happening
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against the background, you see how the ukrainian side is hysterical, so to speak, about the fact that they didn’t give something, they didn’t give something, they gave it to israel, they didn’t give it to us, well, simply and...
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evidence of this is this, so to speak proposal and invitation from france to celebrate the anniversary of the landing in normandy of our western allies in world war ii
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, it’s not clear who they invited, it’s putin they didn’t invite putin they didn’t invite , so this is what it’s talking about, this is something you already understand, it’s not even insanity anymore, you can’t call it some kind - the deterioration is already underway, yes besides the fact that this is cynicism, but this is... an obvious defect, that’s what we observe, but nevertheless, i would still like to emphasize that despite these observed positions and so to speak, these processes and... this squabbles that go on within the elites, which we also observe, in particular the usa, yes. however, one cannot underestimate the potential, the capabilities of permanent bureaucratic structures that are well established, well -functioning, these institutions work, the institutions are in many ways not directly tied, but to these, so to speak, well, excuse me for such bad manners , political parties at the top. their showdowns, and
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they consistently implement a certain line, and we see this line, look, they have deployed border borders with us, so to speak, and the bundeswehr, their units, are developing new capabilities, bringing nato infrastructure closer and closer, and this is what for us - something new, but not new, it’s on us, the essence is nato, it can be traced all these years, starting from the time of its creation,
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and this consistent line will, apparently, continue, taking into account that there will be a summit this year in washington, it should be assumed that very interesting strategic decisions will be made: yes, the emphasis has changed, the emphasis has gone towards the asia-pacific, pacific, pacific, asia-pacific region, yes this is all there , but nevertheless, europe will not forget about it, this is certainly something, naturally, they will give ukraine, because otherwise they will simply lose face. and this line will be continued, this aggressive attempt, so to speak, to contain russia, but it will still be visible, most likely packaged in some kind of ideological new packaging, that the forces, so to speak, of light, of democracy are increasingly concentrated and mobilized against the forces of authoritarianism, yes, apparently, this will be the case, so to speak, the emphasis on this is done in order to...
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the failure of the sanctions regime demonstrates not so much russia's economic resilience as the obsolescence of the empty foreign policy orthodoxy that has gripped washington since 1991. the sanctions that the united states has applied throughout its history have one fundamental flaw, they only work if their victim has at least some incentive to comply with the requirements of the american... if she is confident that
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lifting restrictions is a real chance for russia, at least since 2014, not a single one has been fulfilled given these conditions, moscow has long acted on the assumption that sanctions against it would never be lifted; there was plenty of indirect evidence that the western sanctions regime would not cope with its task of causing mortal damage to the russian economy. in the most striking indicator was that almost the entire non-western world refused to take part in the western blockade. which made any attempts to economically isolate russia invalid from the very beginning. why, in the face of these realities, was the administration so confident that it could subjugate russia? the answer lies in more. deep and chronic dysfunction of the united states, the unipolarity of the 1990s, or the short period of time after the collapse of the soviet union during which the united states operated virtually unhindered in the global scene, such arrogance of power is alarmingly out of touch with the realities of an emerging
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multipolar world, where washington cannot bend others to its will simply by imposing an embargo on them and denying them access to western-dominated financial institutions. typically.
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no, and by the way, one of the most damned people now by western politicians in ukraine is david cameron, at least for a couple of days after he explained why britain and the united states do not shoot down russian drone missiles over ukraine, as they do they are doing over israel, yes, he says, yes, because we don’t want to fight with russia, yes, we don’t want a third world war, well , he explained it logically, that’s it, in ukraine they curse him, how is this so.
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indeed, we understand why britain or america do not act in the same way in ukraine, but “no, well, that is, it’s clear, he says that yes, there was no need to talk about this, in conditions when everyone is blithering, this uncertainty cannot be violated, this unties russia's hands, unties putin's hands, british political scientists are worried about all kinds of political scientists, today they, by the way, are financial times." published a report, rarely in fact, now western journalists are allowed closer to the front line, yes, but today christopher miller, co-correspondent for the finance times, published a report from, well, more or less, he used to be in moscow, before, yes, he was there for a long time was here, now he travels there from
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the frontline zone, while donbass is still occupied by ukraine, from dimitrov, in fact , a town well known to me, which for some reason they renamed peacefully,
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the article ends with this, i was amazed, only anyone knows, ask putin or. god, that is, such a good parallel, yes, that is , only putin and god know, in the opinion of this very mayor bakhmut, this is the kind of relationship they have there, but in fact they hope that the west will come anyway, the west will wake up, the west is now busy with other problems, by the way, they are hoping for a truce, which they are now suddenly trying to achieve. ts on the opening ceremony of the olympics, that is, he is afraid of terrorist threats, and much more, and
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by the way, he is afraid of russia, in this regard, he is so, and a brilliant idea, here is the olympic truce, during the olympics the guns are silent, yes, then ukraine has problems, ukraine is ending, the french guns will fall silent in time, you remove your caesar from ukraine, yes, so that they shut up, there will be a good peace plan, to which we have generally already answered. the main elements of the future document and the algorithm of actions immediately after the us congress makes a decision on military assistance
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to ukraine. the us agreement with ukraine should work no worse than the american memorandum with israel, which confirmed the effectiveness of joint allied actions during the recent repulse of a massive iranian attack to israel. it seems to me that instead of patriots, these gentlemen should be given razors. there are a lot of them in stock, let's shave, we'll finally come back. premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss another time, alexander ropok, take off the handcuffs, tomorrow under escort to apartment number twenty, clearly, anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police. another to the clinic, and i’m sacrificing for you all, he’ll kill
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or screw up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look, what a beauty, what a woman, where others give up, they grow wings, that means, i won’t accept this, angels of the area. april 22 on rtr megasale system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95, just lift the heavy object with a special lever, place it on the movable platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor
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wireless livington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers. that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call and order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swipper will get you for incredible 69,995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours that was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour across all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr,
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i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just like me to him. it means you have a perfect marriage on saturday, you already we’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, you like him men, it looks like there will be trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me. i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn it, damn it, he’s not serious with this profit, he loves you, lena, he preceded me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, that’s you, the world, are an honest thing, true, perfect marriage, mom, on saturday on
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rtf. i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and you’re good, he loves to grab there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance , you’re in a hurry to feed me everything, guys hamster, you are among friends, among friends. a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, i couldn’t resist, no amount of money will help if she decides to go to the end, but what should i do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in jail for this creepy article of dust flowers bouquet, premiered on saturday on rtr, less than a month remains before
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the dictatorial law on narrowness comes into force. the summons will be considered served even if the conscript has not seen it in person, and those liable for military service must carry a military id with them at all times. the law also provides for the confiscation of citizens' cars and other vehicles, evaders are deprived of the right to drive cars, and in general repression applies to everyone who does not want to go to fight. these are shots from the odessa region on the side of the highway and dozens drive cars.
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breaking through the crossbar of the sovereign cordon of ukraine, it seems, it has become slender, lost weight, and the first time we caught it, remember, i actually thought that it was a 150-kilogram pig, and we were watching it.
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jokes jokes about those who are trying to escape the mortal fate that occurs during burial, but zelensky and yarmak say: here is a guarantee of security, we demand the same as in israel, yes, but they don’t understand that... this is different and there the questions were built on completely different foundations and agreements. ukraine is a bargaining chip that the west tried to implement at first in the form of the blitz krieg, now we’ll quickly pile on, as we’ll give and remember, they said then that the war would end there in 2 weeks, in a month, the sanctions would take effect, everything is as it turned out the next thing is that the west is not capable of waging a proxy war for a long time, so 2 years and the west. can’t cope, his military-industrial complex ca n’t cope, his strategy, as they say, i don’t know what other operation to come up with so that the ukrainians don’t fail it, yes, because
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intelligence is working there and so on, it turns out that intelligence is not working either, they made a mistake in the strategy, well, in short, mistakes on mistakes, from which the west, by the way, is learning, the west is learning, it has set up a training ground in ukraine, is testing new systems, new construction of systems air defense, by the way, of the lviv region, this is not ours, this is yours, we gave you everything, we gave you modern systems, you successfully shot down daggers with these systems, as you say, yes, but
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sometimes missiles flew into residential areas, and you are there all the time s-300 was repeated by others all sorts of nonsense, we gave you everything, the fact that you will use it badly, excuse me, we have our own construction, we need to redeploy a whole german brigade to the baltic states so that it is there... this indicates that the arrangement of the redeployment of troops to on a rotational basis to the baltic countries, but they have already reached the point that now on a permanent basis, then the theater of military operations is ending, but the west was told to the west to prepare for war, and so that the baltic states and the poles were not so final, before that it was it’s scary, well, they moved several advanced bases there so that they would think, well, these bases will certainly play, well, let’s see how they play, because the presence... in ukraine also assumed that they would make an appropriate contribution, but it didn’t work out, so that’s all air defense systems, the west actually put modern
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systems there, tried to work with them, to work competently, but it turned out that they were not capable of holding this territory, they were not capable, despite all the tricks, they explained our tactics, applied them, and now along the entire line combat contact, our aviation, having won air superiority... throws very terrible ammunition at the ukrainian units planning aerial bombs, which, by the way, is not included in the range of targets for which the vaunted complexes of nato countries operate. and based on all this, we understand that yes, ukraine was given a guarantee until the last ukrainian, when the last ukrainian ends, then the guarantees, as they say, will stop, hysterics, but they perceive hysterics the same way as this comrade, 150 kg there's a pig there somewhere. crawls, well, they return her back to the territory so that she can do her job, what kind? cannon fodder, and we see it, we see it, and the poor ukrainians,
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who have not yet been megalized, of course, are trying in every way, this whole law, as it has been said here more than once, is a law about money, that is, you paid the money, and you maybe you will be able to go to the front. by the way, all the children of these nordic people, officials there, they have been protecting somewhere for a long time. ukraine in public pages, while sitting somewhere in europe, in the usa, and so on further, they don’t care about ordinary ukrainians, only mother russia, liberating these territories, will establish everything. will bring these people back to normal feelings, they will feel again, as they say, in our brotherly embrace, but this will take time, because while the west is still helping, the agony of this nazi regime continues, but soon it will end, it will inevitably end, now the initiative is on our side, and the fact that robotic systems were shown suggests that we certainly continue in the field of innovation movement and draw conclusions, hundreds and thousands of them
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need to be directed. russia and israel, we have always remained partners, always, yes, that is, there were periods of cooling, but nevertheless, we never moved, here this term is not just not discredited red lines in relation to each other, and in general, if you remember history, it is clear that we played a big role in the formation of this country, and it will continue
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to be so, of course, in israel... there are a huge number of idiots now, i can’t say it any other way, who are trying to build tel aviv and moscow, but thank god that there are jewish elites who, in principle, think with their heads, and will never escalate, escalate with moscow, not only based on some historical memories, but based on the fact that this it would be for israel... developed countries to defend the sky, but even the latest attack showed that the defense is inadequate, they are capable of defending their
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sky, their cities. from drones, from antediluvian missiles, but all the ballistics arrived, all iranian, we no longer know the quality of these missiles and for certain what they are made of they stand there, what they’re made of, it all reached its goal, so the israeli air defense and defense systems that kiev is asking for, that zelensky is dreaming of, are not a panacea, not salvation, what’s at the front, look. artillery air preparation against the positions of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of chasoy yar is carried out around the clock ; the advance of the 98th ivanovo airborne division is ensured by high-precision strikes with glide
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bombs. under the cover of darkness, crews of the rszzo grata and heavy flamethrower systems of the sun are smoking out the apu from the dugouts on the dominant heights in the kalinovka region. this is without a doubt the most problematic place on the entire front line at the moment. this is where important battles take place. it's not that far from bakhmuda. this is a strategic goal, because highway 0145 passes there. and also an excellent defensive position, which is well fortified, because it is located on hills, in military terms, the one who holds the heights controls the nezins, in these frames su-attack aircraft are approaching the target. 25 above the suburbs of the burning city, just a few meters above the ground. crews of rooks they work in pairs, firing full drums of 80 mm rockets at high-rise buildings occupied by the ukrainian armed forces. sturma. support networks in the channel area
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begins with a swarm of fpv drones, then the special forces of the second motorized rifle regiment clear the dugouts, throwing kiev militants into a grenade. the american m-777 howitzer was set on fire by a loitering lancet. the gun crew tried to extinguish the pc using fire extinguishers. in our direction, the enemy usually uses the same frequencies, but he can change them. combat is something like a clash between shield and sword. modern war is a battle. russian reconnaissance drones can remain in the air for up to 4 and a half hours. therefore, shelling can begin at any moment. this drone footage shows the successful attack of two armored groups of the russian army on the krasnogorovka railway station. at the forefront is a column of four
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t-90m breakthrough vehicles with a barbecue mounted on the tower. the tank crew fires from a cannon on the move, providing cover for the second group. and here is the result of an unsuccessful counterattack by armored units of the armed forces of ukraine on zaporozhye. direction after being blown up by a mine, leopard-2 is still smoking around the torn off parts of the chassis and body of the crew. the russian ministry of defense publishes personnel and work of intelligence officers of the southern group of forces. blind spot monitoring and support from strike drones occurs in real time. oh right there, there she is. and on the left, if you go around something, on the left, on the left, you can go through the house. let's go, let's go forward, boys, movement, we're working in c grades, c grades, this burning barn, there's also a basement on the corner, that's it, that's it, we're going to the buildings, we're going to the buildings, guys, we're doing a reset, we're doing a reset,
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even though i reset everything, let's all go, let's go to this house, there's a window opposite, there's a glass window opposite, there's a grenade there, an fpv dro operator.
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distances of up to 40 km, which did not protect the crew from the unique russian development. new shock pividrons, equipped with thermal imagers, fly directly into the trench with a squad of ukrainian militants near georgievka. this is already the kurakhovsky direction. we had two injured. we had two wounded, one lightly with shrapnel wounds, the other also with shrapnel wounds, but more complicated. traumatic amputation of the lower left limb. she was amputated, so to speak, on the spot as a result of an explosion. it was literally held on by pieces of skin with a bulge, like this this morning, and this is footage from the temporarily occupied orehovo in zaporozhye, militants driving a car a few kilometers from the city immediately observe four mushroom clouds after
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the explosions of aerial bombs. a minute later , 220mm rszzo uragan missiles fired at the remains of the warehouse with the uav. bandera’s followers are looking underground for salvation from such arrivals. this is how civilian objects are converted into shelters for... agenda protection from air attacks supplies of air defense systems and anti-aircraft missiles. according to the new york times, in the third year
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of the war, the critical situation on the battlefield was caused by a shortage of ammunition and personnel; without western air defense systems, the transfer of reserves to front-line regions was allegedly not possible. rep. gur yusav can barely find the words to describe. situation in the kharkov direction, if we talk about kharkov, if we talk about kharkov, then it is clear that the ukrainian border troops are most vulnerable to russian missile strikes, because we are talking about the reach, in particular, of the s-300 complexes. the enemy still has a lot of reserves of missiles for these systems. there is currently no talk of significant changes regarding ground operations. rear admiral kirby, with a smile on his face, assures that the allies cannot shoot down russian missiles in ukraine due to the fact that there are no military personnel there. bass alliances are also hampered by other airspace. barel considered that purchasing american patriot air defense systems would be cheaper than restoring the trypillian tets. who should pay for such a delivery? he didn’t specify;
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it won’t be possible to install an israeli iron doll in the foreseeable future either. there are others that cannot be compared. you need to understand that the israeli ironclad system, which protects the airspace, took years to create, and it is also very expensive, but even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine, it cannot be done overnight. there are no american, british, or especially jordanian military bases in ukraine that could be threatened. rockets, therefore similar the answer is impossible, the circumstances are completely different. incredible footage of the apocalypse from dubai. the desert city is going under water; in 2 days, 142 mm of precipitation fell there, the norm for a year and a half, writes garden. the uae authorities admit that there has been no such rain for 75 years, older than the state itself, which declared independence from great britain 52 years ago, look, one of the largest shopping centers in the world, dubai, has been flooded. the metro station is gone, many areas
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of dubai are inaccessible by car, people are abandoning their cars en masse on what have become street ponds. this is what an international airport looks like after record rainfall: planes are literally floating along the runway and taxiways. many flights have been canceled and delayed. it is reported that more than 2,500 russian tourists are stuck in the emirates. some people who were unable to fly home have extended their stay in dubai hotels, but there are not enough places in hotels. someone has to sit in a crowded airport, some russian tourists have been there for almost a day and are waiting for their planes to finally arrive will fly out. many people complain that air carriers and airlines do not provide accommodation, water, or hot meals. in this footage, the world champion in winter swimming, russian athlete mark morvdovtsev. he took advantage of the emergency to practice. accustomed to swimming in icy bodies of water, the athlete swam through the flooded water. he said that the water there is warm.
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well, in the usa, where the saga surrounding the booing company continues , american airlines continue to sue the corporation. united airlines demands $200 million from boeing this is the amount the air carrier estimated for the quarterly losses from the three-week shutdown of some aircraft after the emergency exit door of a boeing 737 max came off in january. it happened in the air, and miraculously no one was hurt. alaska airlines, which owned the plane, has already sued boeing for $160 million in damages. here is another incident on an american airliner flying from denver to houston. began to literally crumble in the air, had to
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make an emergency landing and after 25 minutes after takeoff, the plane landed and the engine casing came off. the us federal aviation administration is investigating the case against boeing, assisted by the corporation's investigative engineer sen salehfort. reuters writes that he informed us authorities that there were widespread irregularities in the assembly of airliners that could lead to disasters. fuselage parts. from different manufacturers are somehow held together. in this regard, let us simply recall that the previous boeing whistleblower, former corporate quality manager john barnett march was found dead in south carolina and allegedly shot himself. let's see. american airlines crashed into another plane as it was landing. about such incidents, as about a number of other problems, the union. american
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we are witnessing the narrowing of pilots told airline executives: the safety framework, we advise our pilots to act more slowly and take the time to check everything for possible. there will be an audit against the backdrop of a number of serious incidents that have occurred this year. in his the company states in a message. quote: our robust safety program is backed by industry-leading safety management systems. against this backdrop, united airlines announced two mechanical problems that occurred at dullos airport last month. in the first case, we were talking about
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flat tires on the plane, in the second, about the erroneous operation of the cargo door sensors. it’s interesting there, of course, with this boeing. because the parts, according to the whistleblowers, yes, they call them paddleblowers, boeing wings, are held together foot, that is, if the grooves do not fit, a worker at a high-tech enterprise simply adjusts these parts with his foot, then we fly all this, we urgently need to make our own airplanes, urgently update the aircraft fleet, and of course, already then there will be someone, at least for quality. it’s obviously not worth asking now, i ask for a few words about the hottest topic of recent days after iran’s strike on israel, by the way, the strike was mainly a demonstration one, because, despite the number, there are 185 drones, a lot of
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ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, missiles - so to speak, not the most, not the most... modern, not the longest-range, not the fastest, iran has a sufficient line of ballistic missiles, there are 16 types, four types of cruise missiles, among them there are very recent models such as a cruise missile, shahet 149 with the name of the gas, which is practically a copy of the american traitor, a heavy attack drone, but nevertheless...
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he probably understood, or it was explained to him, that he was being stupid, that there simply aren’t that many patriots in the world. after him, kuleba spoke, he is more modest, he, of course, it’s true, he found somewhere in europe, 100 pieces, 100 petrio batteries, although according to official data, the americans exported 125 batteries, only half of them to europe, the rest in the near future. east asian countries. but nevertheless, kuleba said that he found it, he will demand it, he doesn’t understand at all why the americans, the americans on the continent have 120 batteries, 60 on combat duty, 60 in storage, that’s why the americans don’t supply, he either doesn’t know stupid, or they didn’t explain to him that
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the americans have two options for any equipment, those for their loved ones, and those that are supplied for export. well, we always have , in fact, the letters e, yes the letters m, or they add the letter of the country, for example , migi or drying, and for india, yes, yes, that’s why the ponies simply cannot install their e, so to speak, systems with their own batteries, or they need to carry out a rather expensive long and a long-term system of modernization of these systems demodernization demodernization but nevertheless kuleba stated that his... to say, his demand is more modest, although he will demand aggressively, he needs seven batteries in order to protect six main ukrainian cities and
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leave one battery in reserve on the line of combat contact just in case, or he will not be able to they explained that the patriot, due to its design features, due to the inclined guides, where the batteries hold the sector, it cannot work in a circular manner, like ours, for example, the s300 and s-400. and therefore to cover any city you need at least four batteries, so if he puts one battery there near kharkov, near dnepropetrovsk, there near lvov, then it’s nothing, because it will cover just one direction, and even then not one hundred percent, so all these moaning about and what the western press writes is that ukraine now has three big problems - air defense, lack of shells, lack of... people, there is a fourth truth, these are their defensive fortifications, which they are digging, we are moving forward, only they
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dug, and we have already advanced, so you need to move back and dig again, and they dig, even though they call it, so to speak, an analogue of surikin’s line, there, but with us it’s all in concrete, and with them it’s all, so to speak, in boards, you showed it last week, there were frames here, that is, these ukrainian trenches, these are dug trenches, lined with boards so that the earth does not crumble, that’s why we solve the problem of air defense and in general i must say that zelensky’s complex is such, you know, some kind of greatness, he solved himself put on the same level with israel and demand, so to speak, that the americans shot down our missiles, and defended ukraine in the same way as they defend israel, but this is stupid, of course, so i believe that... that ukraine’s air defense problems in the foreseeable future, no matter how much the americans and their western european allies do not want it, it we haven’t
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solved it yet and we need to take advantage of this as effectively as possible. we'll be back. vasya aristovan. premiere on rtr. vasily would not spoil it. a pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection of bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and
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atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, they say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, kalinonbelek. a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time
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shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools.
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relax in the lounge and enjoy delicious cuisine. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. in this program they perform.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. in the recent past, you were a well-known psychiatrist and scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. kill me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you. in the most dangerous place for you place, you’re a predator, somehow, it will hurt, they say that you can look into people’s heads, it’s a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on the website, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’s himself
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will come to the house, we start, will always help, will... train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese , this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. sunday. i'm glad i have you.
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your husband's friend. judging by the photo. you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, resurrection on rtr, urgent news, fsb officers detained a courier who delivered from abroad a radio-controlled... device with the help of which they were recruited by the ukrainian special services, the terrorist tried to blow up the car of vasily prozarov, an ex-sbu employee who had defected to the russian side. detained citizen of russia moldova. a certain girl from warsaw gave him the explosives in lithuania. the fsb also shows her photo. look, these are the terrorist ties now. the dangerous cargo sent from warsaw was picked up in moscow by a courier.
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the explosive components were disguised for care products. hair care and manicure sets. i am a citizen of russia and moldova. i am engaged in cargo delivery and private transportation from the cis countries and eastern europe. on the sixth, april 6, 2024, in lithuania, i received cargo from poland from a representative of my company, cargo that was supposed to be delivered to moscow. april 7. the ruler of the cargo contacted me, asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo, in the evening of the same day, i... gave the cargo to the man i met at my residence address. it was established that the components of the explosive device were camouflaged by sbu officers in manicure tools and
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hair care products, which in the city of warsaw, through the mediation of a local resident, were transferred by parcel to a private transport company for delivery to the moscow region. everything got dirty, i found it, i left one, i left this, i’ll pickle the fish, whatever . yes, that’s it, i’m giving one away, tomorrow i’ll take what you gave. having received the cargo in lithuania, the courier delivered it by car to the city of moscow. at the direction of the sender of the parcel, he handed it over to an sbu agent, a citizen of the russian federation born in 1983, who, under the control of a curator, assembled an explosive device and installed it under the victim’s car. everyone will be found, everyone will be punished, and the warsaw witch too. ask! yes, indeed, there is a war going on against us, an undeclared war in many places, without rules, without any moral or other restrictions, this just needs to be taken into account, and the war is going on on the economic
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front, which is interesting, now after iran struck israel, moved, finally the us congress, which decided to accept, as it is, elephant in parts, remember how it was with baron menhausan at first. they wanted celebrations, then arrests, and then they decided to combine, well, in congress, on the contrary, at first they thought all at once, but now in parts, we have ukraine separately, israel separately, taiwan separately, and what’s interesting, tiktok separately, this is also such a very terrible enemy the usa is an organization where there are migrants, but somehow there are no migrants at all, that’s the most interesting thing tiktok, together with russia, he still remained with the confiscation of assets, so he is chinese, and what does russia have to do with it, he is singaporean in general, when singapore is this owner of tiktok, he is from singapore. they tell him: you’re chinese, he says, well, of course i understand that you don’t understand asia, but singapore and china are like two different states. well , that’s not the question, against the backdrop of the fact that now everyone is waiting to see how it will be on friday -
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johnson will introduce all these separate bills, how they will be voted on, whether the republicans will support them or trump again tightens the screws, the united states will not impeach him first, or thomson will be removed, there are two options, this is also an option. you are in a war, as in a war, you understand, well, now we must understand that even if this toad and a viper gnaw each other out, of course, we will be happy, but it’s interesting that the toad and the viper have one such point, on which they came together recently, more precisely on monday, yesterday a wonderful bill was passed in the house of representatives, i will now say 383 votes for, 11 against, to punish iran for... attacking israel, this is project 5923, it has been collecting dust for a long time, these are sanctions against the oil and gas industry of the islamic republic of iran, you need to understand what
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biden has been doing for the last six months or even a year, he was constantly being asked to do something with iran, but he did nothing, because he understood perfectly well that if he now squeezed the oil and gas sector of iran and the price of oil, which is now already 90 dollars, well, it will be 100, it will be 110. just in his election year, a gallon there will cost, well, maybe five, maybe six dollars, but these are huge numbers for americans, and accordingly he is guaranteed to fly in the presidential elections, he has his own party, his own democrats, who are supposedly all pro-palestinian, but by and large they still sympathize with israel, 383 votes, but that’s not all, in this bill, the same bill proposes to punish china for purchasing iranian oil and gas. well , that is, let us again combine celebrations and executions in one bill, it’s not enough for us to quarrel with iran, raise the price of oil, let us also unambiguously give china that same final, let’s say
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, sign that elen came there and tried to give, others came and tried to somehow build bridges, now in this bill, let’s punish china for buying iranian oil , well, great, that is... again we return to the same idea that was already voiced on this air, that if the united states is now introducing sanctions, they are acting in the absolutely opposite way, and this is now, again, evidence of the latest figures from the imf, the imf, that it did, it thought, that the russian economy will grow by 2.4% this year. the imf thought and said, no, 2.4%, this is not enough, it will grow by 3.6, but in germany they thought that it would grow by half a percent, but it will grow. by 0.2, that is, 3.6 and 2 is different, let me remind you, by 18 times, that is, somehow in general - the question is who imposed sanctions against whom, who is in international isolation, who has the economy?
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should be torn to pieces and so on and so forth, by the way, the entire eurozone will quickly gain about half a percent, which was promised, despite the fact that it was 0.9, but officially now in general, if already calculate the hamburg account, there are already two quarters of recession in germany and the second quarter is now in the uk, this is the result of when they are at war with us, i think that the result is, in principle, wonderful, indeed, these yesterday’s figures puzzled many who provided ... in the international monetary fund, which we do not trust, unfortunately, we are still part of it, unfortunately, from there our hard-earned money is still allocated to projects that are dubious for us, because those countries have the decisive vote which, to put it mildly, are unfriendly to us , nevertheless, there was another figure presented in the report, which is talked about less, nevertheless, it seems to me that it is even more important than gdp growth, this is the inflation rate of 2.4% in 2024 to our mother russia, 2.4
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inflation is predicted by the imf, which means that the russian economy is stabilizing, our currency is gaining strength, there cannot be a country with low inflation and a weak currency, our economy and industry are gaining strength, according to the imf, judging by that there are no prospects for a slowdown even this enemy imf does not see development in our economy, which means that we really do have it.
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points higher than previously expected. in 2025 , growth is expected to be 1.8%. such prospects have raised concerns among g7 countries that sanctions have not damaged vladimir putin's war economy. according to gurins, the growth of the russian economy is partly due to high revenues from oil exports, combined with strong private investment. domestic demand is very high, he said. sanctions are still weaken. so we have less than a million, unfortunately, our wonderful people are employed in the it industry, but less than a million of our engineers, developers and it... give the country
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more than 2% of gdp, let me remind you that all hydrocarbons taken together, here everything, everything, everything, this is less than 28%, that is, we are growing where we have not grown before, and this is really encouraging, we’ll be back, great, i’m painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re such an asshole , you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us, hello, hello, how are you? further, mikhail andreevich, holy purchaser, angels of the region from april 22 on rtr.
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lot of his time with empty complaints, and we we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from start. the disease takes two decades to manifest itself , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on
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please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting,
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let’s part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment, but one freak offended him, we need to kidnap varontsov’s child and demand a bending, this vorontsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with the little things,
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stop it immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dusty flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought me here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, father of four children, volunteered at the front. a year ago, ilya was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed. now ilya wants to find the soldier who kept him alive, and also to meet the girl camilla, the author of the letter he received in the hospital. he keeps this envelope next to his own. when i read the letter, i just realized that everything was not in vain. malakhov, today on rtr. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you cannot love me, we are
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your enemies, i will give, sell, buy everything. he went over to their side. we will show you what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat you so hard that the stains will be carried away. taras bulba, what? bortka on friday on rtr. the head of the european council , charles michel, in an official invitation to a special summit on strengthening the air defense of ukraine called european heads of state urgently step up military assistance to kiev. the summit itself will take place for 2 days, the main exhibit zelensky should join via video link. the prime minister of slovakia, in an interview with national radio, confirmed that bratislava will not ratify any documents on ukraine's admission to nato in parliament. such a step will not affect the immediate peace in any way, but it will bring the third one closer. world war. ukraine can say, we want to join nato. this will be their freely
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made decision. we say we won't ratify documents on ukraine's admission to nato in parliament, since slovakia needs a neutral ukraine. slovakia's interests would be jeopardized if ukraine became a nato member. ukraine's membership in nato is only useful for world war iii. an independent ukraine is enough for us. in the lair of the european bureaucracy. from their point of view, before the debate there will be an appeal from zelensky, in which he will ask for more weapons, this time an
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air defense system, and many here say that it is much cheaper for europeans will supply these systems to patriots, those who have them, than then allocate money for the restoration of the energy system, and of ukraine as a whole, where to find this money is a big question, they are now working in every possible way, they continue, at least, to work through the history with... using income from frozen russian assets, so far, again , there is no agreement here, since belgium, which holds the majority, says that about 50%, at a minimum, should be used for future claims against lawyers, for the defense of this decision, other eu countries not with this they agree, they say that this is quite a large amount, after all, it needs to be spent specifically on arming ukraine, belgium as a whole... agrees, but says that after all, this money will not go to the belgian budget, it will be spent by ukraine. in general, the disputes
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continue in any case, but as for the weapons themselves, not all european countries are ready to supply what they have, maybe there will be joint purchases abroad, but again you need to look for it yourself josep barel, the head of european diplomacy who is the main supporter of the war, in fact, he says that he knocks on all european doors, tries to explain to everyone how important and necessary this is, but... not every door he knocks on opens, take hungary, for example, which has repeatedly said that will not support the continuation of the conflict and the fueling of this conflict, will in every possible way advocate for peace, for a peaceful solution and for other initiatives, but even germany also does not want to supply even more alone, it is also looking for allies, while it is quite difficult to find any and it is not possible , but nonetheless checking watches and what else...
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the public, thus changing public opinion and increasing your chances of being elected, but in modern europe there are only two opinions, either with everyone in the same boat, or you are immediately an agent of the kremlin, in fact we are observing this, everyone those who oppose the armament of ukraine are immediately registered as agents of the kremlin, and no other opinion is given here, well, what will happen at the summit, the question is, the leaders will only begin to gather in the evening, there will be discussions, they will drag on as usual at night, well, another political statement based on the results, we are waiting . from rainy brussels, our sunny anastasia
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popova, our correspondent in the european union, thank you. in general, nothing will happen after the summit, yes, that is, they will sit down in the evening, sit down, get together and give zelensky four irists and five patriots, no, that won’t happen, i think it won’t happen, well, of course they will beat bubin, they'll probably do some magic, but they won't do much magic here. if there are not so many of these systems, the germans have the largest number there, there are 10 of them, yes, but they gave away one, well, well, no one has more capabilities there, she herself the idea to install these systems is patriotic.
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so that, including at this summit and not only at this, to blackmail the europeans with what? they say? look, we adopted a law on mobilization, we intend to mobilize 5,000 people, we need to clothe these people, put them on shoes, feed them, give them weapons, equipment, shells, guns, and so on, give them money, that’s the whole, the whole idea, in fact, it comes down to this, about this shameful number of the ninety-fifth quarter, in general, you know, i actually admit, for some time i was , well, not a fan, but i loved watching.
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this is connected, perhaps, with the loss of the team of authors, but maybe the situation, you know, is the same, well, there seems to be little material, you can’t criticize the authorities, you can’t criticize zelensky, in fact, this was a feature of the ninety-fifth quarter, now they they criticize who, well, anyone but zelensky, now they have taken them for draft dodgers, let’s draw a portrait of a ukrainian draft dodger, together, yes, who is this, this ukrainian draft dodger, yes, this is a man aged from 25 to 60 years old, yes, which is not has nothing to do with the civil service, nor with work in law enforcement agencies, nor with the work of the courts, nor with work in the prosecutor's offices, nor in the saps, the special prosecutor's office, that is, he has nothing to do with any government body, an ordinary hard worker who goes to
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a job or an it specialist, it doesn’t matter, or in the service sector, it doesn’t matter, he works. pays taxes on the maintenance of whom? state apparatus, officials, police, army and so on. what does he pay taxes for? for the army to ensure his security at the borders, for the police ensured his safety within the country, so that officials provided public services, so that politicians provided him with the most favorable possible assistance through diplomacy. conditions for running your own business and so on, why does this sound so funny, this is what i’m leading to, now the situation turns out that all those whom i listed do not fulfill their direct responsibilities or perform them in an improper way, which led country to war and so on, here is a country, being at war, it turns out that there is no one to defend this country,
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except those who faithfully paid taxes. and provided, so to speak, comfortable conditions for this entire caste. now i’ll ask another question: tell me who is the most wealthy and capitalized group of ukrainian, so to speak, owners, yes, in ukrainian, yes, who, who are these people, these are government officials, customs officers, border guards, again the police, militia, administration, politics and so on, they are capitalized in ukraine, it would seem. but the flag is in your hands, you are capitalized, you can lose what you have, go, go to war, and this simple worker or villager is told: listen, we built a house there, bought mercedes, for ourselves, my wife, granddaughter and bug, we need to go to the front to protect all this, our mainland, so that the russians don’t come and take it away from us, well, you understand what we’re talking about, there is no justice,
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so this is an absolutely demotivating law, let’s come back. i won’t go to jail because i didn’t do anything, i’m an honest person, if you go to jail, i won’t survive it, alla taxi, premiere, today on rtr, we present to you amazing new product of the season, garden shoes, these are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day, garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, are very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic , walking the dog or gardening. garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of a special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. shock-absorbing high sole
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our people don’t leave their own people at rtr from monday to thursday, the morning in st. petersburg began with a storm, snow fell in the city in mid-april, right now there is a real blizzard, st. petersburg residents are taking out down jackets, shahpas, mittens, according to weather forecasters, temperature.


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