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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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our! ours don't abandon our own. from monday to thursday. on rtr. details of the us bill continue to emerge. here is another excerpt: the us president must agree with ukraine on the reimbursement of economic assistance to kiev. what will they give away? news, now, it was 60 minutes. all the best, goodbye, on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio ernest motskavichus, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our release.
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tobol drowns kurgan. water is approaching apartment buildings. exceeded in tyumen historical maximum. the situation is getting worse as the city defends itself. in orsk and orenburg they are starting to assess the damage. the president keeps the situation under control, what instructions are given at the meeting with cabinet members. and also , residents of russian snt from this day forward can apply for gasification of their homes, as deputy prime minister novak reported to the head of state. three missiles hit a hotel in chernigov, where units of the ukrainian armed forces were located. the goal has been achieved. explosions in odessa and dnepropetrovsk regions. ukrainian channel 1+1 broadcast programs today russian television. a tow truck for removing the wounded, a cover robot with machine guns. new car. the minister tested it personally. the procedure for accepting new types of weapons will be simplified as much as possible. this. a woman,
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a resident of warsaw, handed over explosives to blow up a former sbu officer in moscow. the bomb fragments were disguised as manicure tools. another suspect has been detained. the supreme court of russia has a new head. where will irina podnosova begin her work and what tasks does she consider for our themis today? priority. with 20 thousand positions in the software registry, russian vtb presents its metaverse.
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the formal eu summit in brussels, why the hungarian prime minister is demanding a change in the leadership of the european union, and the belgian police are breaking up the conference of conservatives. congress grounds dreamlair, serious violations were committed during the assembly of the boeing 787, sensational confessions from a company engineer. why is the washington opposition outraged by the scrapped law?
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orenburg, tyumen, tomsk and kurgan regions, altai territory and buryatia. the situation with floods are one of the main topics of the president’s meetings with the government and leaders of the affected regions. over the course of a day, the number of houses in the flood zone increased to 16,000. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan and tyumen regions. tobol exceeded critical levels by almost a meter, and shim reached a historical maximum. where the peak of the flood has passed, restoration work is already underway. my colleagues alexey golovko and albert musin talk about what measures the federal and regional authorities are taking to eliminate the consequences of the disaster and help people. the situation with floods changes every day and vladimir putin begins meetings with the government with this most important topic; the minister talks about the situation from the kurgan region.
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regarding emergency situations, we communicate with you almost every day, please let us report on today what the situation looks like, in the orenburg region we can say with a certain degree of confidence that there is a wave. floods passed through the cities of orsk and orenburg. the flood wave moves downstream of the ural river and approaches the village of ilek, on the border with kazakhstan. as for the kurgan region, here the flood wave came directly to the city of kurgan. we expect maximum water levels in the coming days, which are forecast to reach 10 m, which is an all-time high. there are dozens of settlements and thousands of houses located next to river beds in the flood zone. ural, tabol and ishim, and if in orenburz the peak of water has already passed the largest cities, then in the kurgan and tyumen regions the fight against the elements is just beginning. in the tyumen region the largest the level of the ishim river is causing concern, meteorologists have revised their forecast for the approaching flood, and now the region
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is preparing for an unprecedentedly high wave. we expect approximately +2 m to the historical maximum, which was in 2017. for us , 2 m is a lot, because the terrain is in the tyumen region. the shim is quite flat and every centimeter of height gives a larger flooding area, i told you, yes, that it can be higher than usual, remember? yes, and on your instructions we were just preparing + 2 meters. now there are dams along the river reinforced with sandbags, trying to increase their height to at least 11 m. 77 temporary accommodation centers have been opened in the region, designed for 1,100 people. a difficult situation in the village of kazanskoye on the border with kazakhstan.
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you don’t get enough sleep and you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people come? they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be reliably provided for. in anticipation of the disaster , 25 settlements have already been flooded in the kurgan region near the tabol river. water threatens the capital of the region near the city of kurgan in the last 24 hours alone, the river level has increased by 1 m 60 cm. the level of the tobol river in kurgan has exceeded... 80 cm, the mark of a dangerous phenomenon and has now reached 9 m 27 cm. water continues to flow from the flooded area , more than 14,300 citizens have been resettled, including 1,833 children. at the kurgan dam, in the event of a breakthrough , 20 emergency technical
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teams are on duty around the clock. about how the region is preparing to deal with water from the kurgan region albert musin. almost all of it. the right-bank part of the mound is flooded with more than a hundred villages and snt. in evacuation sirens sound in the city center every 2 hours. several bridges and roads in the regional center were flooded and closed. the city embankment has turned into a seventeen-kilometer dam, with water rapidly approaching it. right now, in such darkness, we’re just now in the waters, we won’t find anyone. all night, under two sirens, the deputy governor of the region personally convinced residents of the tulpan snd to evacuate. people refused, hoping for a clay embankment, but in the morning it burst. volunteers on boats inspect flooded houses, helping to save property. abandoned animals. he generally leaves the dogs on a chain, we bring wire cutters, we bring a chisel, there
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to break, chisel, hook. in the village of kitovo , water came in just overnight in some places; its depth here reaches several meters. the wind raises waves, and rivers flow through the streets with such a strong current that rowing boats are simply blown to the side, and you can only walk here on a motor, he’s worried, now let’s go, now let’s go, now let’s go, vitaly chupin returned to pick up two dogs , the water has already entered the house, everything is practically raised, it’s only up to the last minute stood until the water reached the roofs, everything is used to save animals, including rubber boats and gardening tools, how many kids do you have, four, four small ones, yes and yes? a large two in the glinka microdistrict is evacuating the largest dairy farm of 1,300 heads. dozens of people lined up in a human corridor, helping with the evacuation, then the cows were taken to special pens in trucks. the forecast for the coming days
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is unfavorable, the water level will reach a historical maximum of 10 m. in regions where the river level has gone downhill, it is now time to assess the damage and compensate for it. as soon as the water recedes, special commissions inspect houses and carefully draw up reports. this work is supervised on site by the minister of construction. 35 commissions have been created in the orenburg region, which... today we have promptly inspected more than 1,200 houses for restoration, loss, loss, including objects and dacha associations. in accordance with the established procedure, it is necessary to organize the work of assessing the damage on time, just so that without pause, the water goes away, the commissions must work immediately. in orenburg, for example, standard projects have already been developed for the development of new neighborhoods, and people who have lost their homes will receive land plots. not only priority ones,
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but in connection with the loss of property, a decision was made to pay almost another 34,000 residents. among the priority tasks, where the ground begins to dry out, is clearing the rubble , disinfecting the water, and, of course, helping those who are left homeless. in orenburz, more than a thousand remain in temporary accommodation centers. directly in the orenburg region, any difficulties in there was no assistance provided, they sent, including specialists, cardiologists, neurologists, additionally to ursk, at the request of colleagues in order to organize advisory assistance. in addition, humanitarian aid is coming to the affected regions from all over the country, rescuers and doctors are being helped...volunteers are helping, i want to say thank you to all colleagues from the regions, i see that you are working hard
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and i hope this will continue until the issues related to the restoration of infrastructure are resolved and housing. the president announced a large meeting on the topic of eliminating consequences of the flood, in which, in addition to the governors, the heads of the affected municipalities will also take part. alexey golovko, albert musin, irina kharlamova, oksana serzhantova, arina tritikova. one more. the meeting was a social gasification program. it allows gas to be supplied free of charge to the borders of citizens’ land plots; according to the ministry of energy, it can affect one and a half million houses. in february , in a message to the federal assembly, vladimir putin instructed the government, together with gazprom, to expand the program by extending it for gardening non-profit partnerships, which are located within the boundaries of already gasified settlements. deputy prime minister alexander novak noted that gasification will affect houses in which people actually live all year round. work on infrastructure development continues, it is
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so multifaceted, one of the new directions is expansion, expansion of social gasification. alexander valentinovich, what is going on here? according to preliminary estimates, the number of ksnt today is about 22,000 per settlements have been gasified, and the number of households that could potentially connect to gas is about one and a half.
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i understand what’s going on, i understand, there’s nothing to be afraid of, we need to formalize everything in advance, even if it’s not 90 there’s 100 everything, let them finish the registration, do the paperwork, russian troops in the special operation zone destroyed the ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces and the terrorist formations of the rdk, the ministry of defense reports this . suriya paratroopers were able to track down an experienced ukrainian sniper. it took our shooters five days to do this. in during the duel, the ukrainian armed forces sniper was eliminated along with a cover group of seven militants. four more from... the evacuation group surrendered . another american howitzer fell prey to the lancet loitering ammunition. this is already the 149th recorded loss of m-777 in the nwo zone. and this is footage of the destruction of the brad bmp for the operator of an fpv drone of our center group in the ovdeevsky direction. and in the same direction, russian soldiers sank a ukrainian tank. the ukrainian armed forces tried to counterattack
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the positions of our fighters near the village of bogdanovka, but they the vehicle received a shell from ptur and lost it. control, picking up speed, rolled into the pond. the surviving crew members jumped out of the damaged tank while it was moving. and this is a shot from krasnohorivka, where our tank, reinforced with metal sheets and rep, drives into the center of the village, lands troops, calmly drives back, despite the intense fire of ukrainian artillery and attacks by fpvidrons. the ingenuity of russian engineers was noted by a military observer from the bilt building, juliana röbka. according to him, despite the nickname of the turtle tank, there are reasons to laugh at russia's opponents do not have this combat vehicle. about how our soldiers managed to shoot down an american reconnaissance drone near artyomovsk. report by voenkor news from mikhail andronik. rocket artillery from the southern group of troops covers one of the populated areas in the artyomovsk direction. in recent days
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, fighting here has noticeably intensified. the use of drones, artillery, on the contrary, has become smaller. along the entire line of combat contact the enemy increased only in plan and even in relatively rear areas air surveillance posts have been set up, and crews armed with small arms and electronic warfare devices do not take their eyes off the sky. this is very relevant now because there is a large mass of drones flying at the moment. first of all, you need to cover the firing position. the work of the rszzo, if we do not cover our rszzo, ours will be destroyed, it turns out that we suppress the drones, they lose the picture and can no longer direct the enemy’s artillery to our position. among the many unmanned vehicles that the enemy uses, there are also quite unusual ones. one of these was shot down by soldiers of the volunteer corps as part of the southern group of troops. the american unmanned aerial vehicle
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rq20 puma was shot down by volunteers of the sabotage and reconnaissance detachment irbis near solidar. excellent condition, all electronics are in place, only the wings are missing, but this is a design feature; when dropped, they come off. the most valuable thing, the fighters say, is the control unit, the brains of the drone, and it was not damaged, this is far from the first device of this type to be shot down in recently by our troops in the artyomovsk direction. the village of orekhova vasilyevka, we were given the opportunity to take this example, made a correction for the american three-seven howitzer, that is. a block of high-precision laser -guided cameras, well, how we got it, unfortunately, i can’t tell you, history is silent about it, but it wasn’t easy, now the device has already been delivered to the rear area, a special military operation, from where it will go to specialists for study: mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliev, lugansk and donetsk people's republics.
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this morning, powerful missile attacks were carried out on the military. in chernigov, three iskander missiles hit a hotel in the city center. officially, it was closed since february 22, but as ukrainian bloggers report, the building housed military personnel. one of the posts by local volunteers even names irretrievable losses, more than 40 militants.
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developments were presented today to sergei shaig in the wounded more than thirty promising military patriot park. many samples have already passed tests in the svo zone and are ready for launch into mass production. about how... the head of the ministry of defense gave instructions following the inspection of the exhibition, report by dmitry petrov. the special vehicle, as military machine builders call it,
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is personally tested by the minister of defense right on the territory of patriot park. the vehicle is designed to transport personnel and perform special missions, equipped with appropriate small arms, a powerful engine, high speed, high ground clearance, what else does an army suv need? how much do you weigh? them? total weight - 2,500 equipped with personnel, at the patriot convention and exhibition center, the minister of defense checks how the implementation of robotic complexes of advanced weapons systems is progressing, there are more than thirty samples of military and special equipment from eighteen enterprises. this robotic medical module attracted particular attention from the head of the defense department. its main purpose is to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield. they're waiting for the car. it’s incredible how this car itself should go to the group in the coming days to work, uh-huh, there is nothing more expensive than
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human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, uh-huh, and as cheaply as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of equals from the front line , do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, of course control. it is needed for the transport of material resources, including ammunition, and can be used as a platform for mounting equipment and weapons, and also for evacuating the wounded; it is produced on wheels and on caterpillar tracks. the form is removed, no, it’s just the frame, this one, this combat module, we just didn’t show it anymore, i’ll show it next, if we take it and make it like an assault one,
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we need to put 12.7 here for storms, yes for storms, you know, then our assault troops, so to speak, will be provided with this, the decision has already been made, sergei shaigu instructs us to equip the multi-purpose work-technical complex with additional machine-gun firepower.
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the fsb today announced the detention of the second person involved in the case of blowing up the car of a former ukrainian special services employee vasily prozorov. the suspect turned out to be a citizen of russia and moldova. it was he who brought to moscow the components for the bomb that blew up the suv of the sbu lieutenant colonel. in lithuania i received cargo from poland from my representative. company, uh, cargo that was supposed to be delivered to moscow, on april 7, the sender of the cargo contacted me, uh,
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asked when she could pick up the cargo, uh, and if it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo. according to the department, the components for the explosive device were disguised as manicure tools and hair care products. what did you miss? i got it, i left this at the bottom, i left this, oh, i got this, i’ll pickle the fish, everything is clear, that’s it, just like that, i’ll give one away, tomorrow i’ll take what you gave. to deliver goods to the capital, the sbu used a resident of warsaw as an intermediary, who transferred the parcel to a private transport company. today in zhukovsky near moscow we said goodbye to the hero of russia, honored test pilot anatoly. as a captain, he set 11 world records, he himself developed and implemented several aerobatic maneuvers. kvochur was the first to fly the latest combat aircraft into the sky, having mastered almost
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90 models. anatoly kvocher passed away on april 15, the day before his seventy-second birthday. according to tradition, during a farewell ceremony in memory of the legendary pilot , a yak-130 fighter flew over dzhukovsky at a low altitude. anatoly kvochur was buried with military honors at the memorial cemetery in mytishchi. own metaverse as an interactive space for corporate communication of creating banking cyber offices. vtb presented a new development at the international data fusion conference, which started today in moscow. the government will allocate 130 billion rubles to support domestic it developments. and up to 80%
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of enterprises. will switch to russian software. about what our technological sovereignty will look like in the report by olga meshcherikova. in the conference hall are data fusion, representatives of the banking and investment communities who have already proven themselves as digitalization professionals. mikhail mishustin welcomes conference participants. chapter the state set the task of achieving independence from foreign software . the number of positions in the russian software registry is growing. over the past 4 years has increased by 1400, exceeding the 2000 mark. to accelerate the replacement of foreign digital products, including engineering software, with russian analogues, we launched special competence centers. industry leaders, developers and governments are working together to ensure our businesses have the technology they want. to support it developments, the cabinet of ministers will allocate
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grants, subsidies and benefits. directly into the national project we included such indicators as the transition of up to 80% of enterprises to the use of russian software, we expect that the growth rate of investment in domestic solutions will grow twice as high as the economic growth rate, the sovereign financial system needs protection from external influence, this problem can be solved new financial architecture, where the global south, dubai stockbrokers. and hong kong, for example, will be pushed aside by the west with new york and london, according to the head of the bank, where high technology already a working standard, here is the current system, in which 70% of payments are made in dollars , american banks, american authorities, or rather, it’s not about banks, can easily disconnect entire countries from payments, this will no longer work, we need to create new systems, swift announced that they will also soon carry out digital
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calculations through themselves, but we need swift. kill, that is, in our calculations we need to completely avoid him and involve our friends in this too. the desire of businesses to escape western digital traps stimulates their developments are better than any recommendations. interest in the conference and the topic of artificial intelligence is very high; banks are now becoming the driving force behind digitalization, which creates technological sovereignty. the virtual universe is one of vtb’s developments, the other is a geoplatform. analyzes all the information about business activity, tourist flows, infrastructure, these black cabinets with a virtual world hidden in them, a crypto-enclave, a system capable of solving big problems, optimizing business and fighting fraudsters. need to get some data on this conditional person from a cellular operator, from a bank, from government agencies to track this data on this conditional person, suddenly
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the first dry cargo ship was successfully docked at the cargo berth of the ilga seaport in the khabarovsk territory today, this is the end point of the new bama branch , a pacific railway that stretches from the lginsky coal deposit in yakutia to the sea of ​​​​okhotsk. the new terminal will allow tens of millions of tons of premium quality coal to be exported annually. about a grandiose project in the east of the country. from a bird's eye view of the water area we are somonorian giant geometric figures of the port of elga, the emerald coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk, the first one is ready, three more, like this i pour it over and over again, i achieve the desired height, a left turn, work is not only on
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land, it also conquers the surface of the sea , divers measure the depth of the structures and check all the parameters; in the future, the capacity of the port, the end point of the pacific railway , is 50 million tons of coal per year, straight from the elginsky place. in yakutia, we are the first people, who landed here, maybe even many centuries ago, so they immediately encountered difficulties, yuri gvozdikov, one of the pioneers, he will not forget how 3 years ago they set up tents and lit fires, but then on a wild beach, in the past a sailor, captain of the ship , the place is unique for the sea of ​​okhotsk, even because there are very large tidal currents here, which are semi-diurnal and the entire construction technology is absolutely perfect. uniquely , almost 3.00 people live and work in the akhtovo village; the nearest settlement, the village of chemykan, is only 50 km away, in impenetrable taiga. helicopter noise is a common thing here, there are no roads in the area, and the cape, where large-scale construction has taken place, can
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only be reached by air. the sound of the sea is changeable, a clear day is replaced by a squally wind, icebergs and ice floes float past with the current. the equipment is moving, no one stops, work is carried out around the clock, no matter what. natural disasters, an ice protection dam has been provided so that weather conditions do not delay loading, a contract has been signed for the construction of ice-class tugs, the hermes icebreaker is on duty, because heavy equipment, diesel locomotives with platform cars go only to sea. the elga seaport, together with a private railway , is the gateway to the asia-pacific countries. china, vietnam, korea are waiting for yakut coal, the geography is wide, the quality characteristics of the coal are appropriate. the project provides for the reception of ships. with a lifting capacity of up to 100,000 tons, and after completion, more than 2 thousand jobs will appear in the port alone. the port on the coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk lights up with dozens of lights. with the onset of darkness, the objects are invaded by night shift. the pace of the largest construction project
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in the east of the country is not slowing down even for a minute. elizaveta yurova, konstantin krutikov, lead khabarovsk. the federation council today unanimously appointed irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court. competition for filling a position. was announced after vyacheslav lebedev, who had held this post since 1991, died at the end of february. irina podnosova has been working in the judicial system for more than 48 years. in june 2020, she became deputy chairman of the supreme court, heading the panel for economic disputes. among the priorities the work of the new chairman is credit legal relations, resolving disputes in the housing and communal services system, as well as supporting participants in the special operation. the supreme court pays a lot of attention.
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supporter of further humanization of the criminal legal code of the code of criminal procedure, the judicial system as a whole, this is encouraging, in addition, colleagues have already noticed, of course, this is a new territory, irina leonidovna, we need to develop more actively there, they are already full-fledged subjects of the federation, and there is a transition period, it’s clear that it takes time, but you have to move actively to get there to the fullest. the judicial system and justice functioned. due to record rainfall, about 3,000 russians are stuck in the united arab emirates. they have to sleep on suitcases at the airports of dubai, sharjah and abu dhabi. and some spent the night in
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shopping centers. now russian air carriers are doing everything possible to bring tourists home. the consequences of the storm have not yet been eliminated. hundreds of businesses have closed their schools in dubai. about why the local infrastructure could not cope with... the storm that hit the united arab emirates the day before led to collapse at the largest air hub in the entire middle east, dubai international airport. the airfield turned into a sea, the air harbor stopped receiving and sending all flights until weather conditions improved. as a result , thousands of people gathered in the airport terminals waiting for their flights to take off, including many of our compatriots. the flight was first rescheduled for an hour and a half, then after we... the time of the already rescheduled flight, the flight
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was simply removed from the board, there are no tickets until the nineteenth, in the footage from the overcrowded terminals, people are sleeping, some on the floor, some on chairs, many with children in the waiting rooms, travelers were essentially trapped, all flights were canceled, and there was no way to go to the hotel, because many roads were completely or partially flooded, now they have been waiting for their departures for about 3
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now, cars are literally floating in the streets, and residents in some places have moved from cars to boats. but the russian swimmer, world champion , whose consequences were not eliminated before winter swimming, mark mordovtsev, who i also found myself in dubai and decided to swim straight down one of the flooded streets. days before the heavy rainfall, there were warnings in many news reports, the authorities warned that there would be heavy rainfall, so that local residents, if possible, would stay at home, not go out anywhere, close the windows, and follow all safety measures. despite the fact that the emirate authorities are trying to minimize the damage from the hurricane, today, for example, educational institutions did not work here, and many companies gave their employees a day off. no casualties however, there was a flood of water in the emirate of russelheim. a car in which a seventy-year-old
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local resident was trapped was carried away. rain and thunderstorms occur periodically even in this desert region, but this happened for the first time in the entire recent history of the emirates. in one day, dubai received a year and a half's worth of precipitation. this is all due to a large storm system that passed through the gulf of oman across the arabian peninsula, and its influence, although not as strong as in the emirates, was felt by the residents of the neighboring sultanate of aman. south-eastern iran, but only in the vagaries of nature did a person have a hand in the storm over dubai, journalists of the british daily mail ask themselves, because in the emirates they periodically cause rain artificially to replenish groundwater supplies. flight tracking data analyzed by associated press showed one plane linked to the uae's cloud seeding efforts flew across the country on sunday. meanwhile, ahmed habib, an employee of the national center of meteorology, told bloomberg that a few days before the start. unprecedented rains , several flights were made to seed
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the clouds, this happens due to the fact that a fairly moist air mass breaks through here, and the convection movement, which is associated with the heating of the earth's surface, they rise to this level, then latent heat is released, drops are formed and it happens, well, it’s like this opens up in...
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the european union, and the belgian police disperse the conference of conservatives. congress lands dreamliner while assembling boeing 787 serious violations were committed, sensational confessions by the engineer. companies russian peacekeepers began to leave karabakh, our military completed their task. why is the washington opposition outraged by a law copied from an american one? the georgian parliament approved the bill on
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foreign agents. poddeya anfilofev from oregon is moving to the seaside and plans to raise sheep, such as he already has here. 50 families, why are they coming back? vasya is arrested, premiere on rtr. vasily would not damage the car so that a person would have an accident. eat facts, there is evidence. if he had a solid alibi, he would not have been arrested. we've been together all day? do you think too? where am i, i know that you are not capable of this, i believe you, alla taxi, today on rtr, rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is
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not thinking about anything when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. how many films have you starred in, 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want
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to study to be an actress, heart-to-heart talk, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i... and i’m also deciding something, grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i don’t mean anything to anyone i’ll prove it, and i’ll get on with the business, i’m generally very glad that i’m your son.
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invited me into his office, uh -huh, he raped me, i forgive you, levetul, let ’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child, need it, this is varonslov’s eldest son with a small there is a lot of hassle, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, bouquet of dust flowers, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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big news live. we are continuing production. russia has begun withdrawing its peacekeepers from karabakh. our units fully accomplished their mission, preventing the long-term conflict in the region from flaring up. in addition to the main task, the russian military performed humanitarian ones. transport with blue stripes on the cabins and emblems of the ms peacekeeping forces, the last
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flight on which the remaining people should be taken out, the base, all observation posts, there were 23 of them in the region, will be dismantled. busily and routinely, as any redeployment occurs, military equipment with russian flags and columns leaves along the roads to escort of azerbaijani police. russia, azerbaijan and armenia, but since then the political situation has changed dramatically when we agreed in november.
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neutral zone, azerbaijan is behind me, there is already armenia on the other side of the bridge, and
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russian peacekeepers are definitely standing between the two checkpoints. during the next escalation in the fall of twenty-three, just when armenia recognized that the region belonged to azerbaijan, their presence made it possible to avoid serious bloodshed, and peacekeepers often risked their own lives. wait here. the civilian population was under the protection of the russian military, who even organized a special refugee camp where they provided medical care. and they supplied people with everything they needed - 220 tons of humanitarian supplies. the russians accepted us, soldiers. we are grateful to him with a low bow, because they fed us there, they sheltered us, they cooked for us themselves, they themselves fed us. and children. they were sick there, they gave me medicine, cured me and brought me here. russian peacekeeping the mission, the ministry of defense reports,
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has brought stability to the once-conflict region and the operation has been achieved. will ukraine be able to compete with israel for western military assistance? the main question that is currently of interest to the press covering the extraordinary eu summit in brussels. there is no unity among european leaders, and the eu leadership promises to take tough measures against those who refuse to support kiev. how real are the brussels bureaucracy's threats against dissent? european conservatives have already felt the impact, their congress tried the police from brussels disperse the report of our european correspondent anastasia popova. to prevent confusion and vacillation in the european camp, the head of the european commission is trying to consolidate power in his hands. ursula vonlaen, unelected but appointed to the post, is seeking a second term, presenting herself as a politician capable of finding solutions in times of crisis.
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ukraine is a convenient excuse, thanks to which... it has already been possible to increase the military budget of the eu countries by 20%, but more is needed, she believes. europe must strive develop and produce the next generation of weapons to win the battle. europe must spend more, spend better, spend in europe. a protester tried to disrupt the speech, calling the head of the european commission a war criminal for supporting tel aviv’s military operation in gaza. she smiled silently and tensely in response. "the blood of palestinian children is on your hands, you are a criminal, ms. fonderlein, you should be tried, not re-elected." the middle east has indeed slightly shifted the focus of attention of europeans, who on the eve of the summit, they began to think, why don’t they create the same iron dome system in ukraine. the head of european diplomacy, barel , discussed this idea during an informal conversation with eu foreign ministers, and
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was forced to admit that it was impossible to repeat this in ukraine. you need to understand that the iron kubla system has been created for decades, even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine, it cannot be done in a short time. zelensky voices the needs of the front via video link: kiev desperately needs air defense systems amid russian attacks on the energy sector. bareilles promises to knock on all doors so that the eu countries transfer their patriot systems or give money to purchase new ones, but so far few people have responded, writes financial. european capitals have said they have no plans to send ukraine new systems, arguing they need to maintain their own defense capabilities. germany transferred two patriat systems to ukraine, but this week made it clear that it would no longer supply them. the president of poland, andrzej duda, excluded possibility of supplying patriot systems. instead, he said that there was a possibility that warsaw would transfer even more
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soviet-made missiles to kiev, without specifying which ones... not far from the place where the summit was taking place,
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they were twice refused, under pressure from local authorities, at the last moment of the conference, the third .
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to stop the french and europeans, belgium was once a free country where victor hugo was accepted into exile, today i see that this country is between sharia and... meanwhile, the latest polls show that it is the right that can win the european elections in nine countries, in another nine they will be among the top three, but according to those who are now in power, all this is the machinations of moscow. belgium has included an item on the agenda of the current summit that certain russian agents pay european parliamentarians to promote moscow’s narratives, because in today’s europe, either you are in the same boat with the current brussels authorities, or you are an agent of the kremlin. anastasia popov leah bernadsky. samsonov, news, brussels, belgium. and today is official brussels demanded that georgia withdraw a bill on transparency of foreign influence, developed under the influence of norms that have long been in effect in many eu countries.
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the georgian parliament adopted it in the first reading. as the government of the republic stated, president zurabishvili will also fall under the new law if he continues to act in the interests of third countries, trying to block the document. about who and why is heating up the georgian language. this evening in tbilis began with the opposition blocking streets and entire avenues. in it was as hot in the georgian parliament today as on the streets of the capital. hundreds of people protested against the new law on foreign agents, and the police detained those who were especially violent. the transparency act, as it's called here, makes everyone's intentions clear. the purpose of the law is for the georgian people to know how hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent, for example, we see
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how the ngo sector interferes in politics, participates in and calls for revolutions, makes statements against the church, promotes propaganda of unconventional lifestyles, questions the legitimacy of the elections, on the other hand, the opposition, which does not even explain the essence of the new norm. alexander elisashvili, a former employee of the us-funded radio liberty, who started a fight during the discussion of the bill, in march twenty-second, stated that he had joined the international ukrainian legion for war with russia. they see the shadow of the kremlin even in the adoption of a new law, so from his prison cell the protests were also supported by mikheil saakashvili, for whom the growing rallies were almost the only a chance to be released.
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those ngos and foreign media representatives whose budget is more than 20% financed from abroad must undergo such registration. by the way, this figure of 20% is taken from the american farah law. a copy of the american norm, which has existed since 1938, seems to be in the uk, australia, new zealand, israel, the same is being considered in france, canada and slovakia, but what is allowed in the western world is not permissible for georgia, as the head of european diplomacy directly said. the foreign influence transparency act does not complies with eu norms and values. we urge leaders to refrain from introducing legislation that could jeopardize georgia's path to eu membership.
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salomesviliza and emmanuel macron with a request to discuss the event in georgia. former french citizen and current georgian president salome zarubeshvili even gathered foreign ambassadors at her residence. she promised them to veto the law and asked the european council. looked into the situation immediately, but in the end european officials put tbilisi on a waiting list. today the leaders of the european union gather in brussels, they will talk about ukraine and discuss internal issues of the european union. georgia is not on the agenda. the georgian government emphasizes that western pressure will not prevent the adoption of the law on foreign agents. as for the statements of american and european politicians, it is very unfortunate that in these statements there are zero arguments, i repeat, zero arguments against the new. of law in such conditions, corresponding statements will not become the basis for reviewing our decision. therefore, there is only one method left in the opposition unauthorized action, the organizers of which are precisely those same potential
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foreign agents. although government forces are also ready for protests. reinforced police and special forces units are on duty on the streets in the vicinity of government institutions. vitali karmazin, maxim shchepilov, lead. 26 billion dollars for israel, 61 billion for ukraine, 8 billion to contain china and new sanctions with confiscation of assets for russia. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson presented several legislative initiatives to the us congress today. the vote has already been scheduled for this saturday. republicans express dissatisfaction, saying that their fellow party member johnson is in a hurry to fulfill biden’s order, which is less and less reminiscent of the president. about what consequences the vote will have in the report of our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. arriving at his small homeland in the city of scranton in pennsylvania, president biden got lost right on the plane. at that time, a factory was burning in the same place, several miles away. general dynamics company,
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this production is the main link the pentagon's multibillion-dollar plan to accelerate the production of ammunition for ukraine. the fire was put out while the president was walking with local children around the city where he was born 81 years ago. tired of walking, he could no longer pronounce the name of his native scranton. here, biden tells his fellow countrymen about how america’s influence in the world has grown.
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attempt in congress. speaker mike johnson, third in command, admits for the first time that america is at war. we are living in unprecedented times, we are living in dangerous time. this is being talked about all over the world in our home. we need reliable leadership, a strong hand at the helm. i consider myself a wartime speaker in the literal sense. with a strong hand, johnson is dividing the president's foreign aid package into several separate ones. israel, taiwan, ukraine, in that order on saturday, he will propose that the house vote on each project separately. at the same time, if the need for urgent assistance to israel and taiwan does not cause disagreements, funding for ukraine is the main the reason for the split in the camp of the republicans, even in the form of a loan and even for the benefit of their own military-industrial complex, not everyone supports the allocation of money to kiev. most democrats favor the allocation.
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approved, but similar to the truth, leaks from the capitalist hill reveal the details of johnson’s proposed package for ukraine of 48.5 billion, about 20 to replenish america’s own stockpiles of weapons at the expense of those that kiev received before. taking into account the remaining presidential limits under this law, the united states will immediately be able to transfer weapons to ukraine for 12 billion dollars, four more.


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