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tv   Taini sledstviya-8  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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this is what he has already spent in ukraine, because the pentagon currently has a cash gap of approximately 10 billion, that is, all this needs to be replenished, approximately 14 billion are already new tranches for ukraine, well, there is an additional 7-8 billion, perhaps it will be tranches to the ukrainian budget, although it’s far from a fact that they will go directly directly, but let’s see , it would be better if they sent it straight away in taar form with coke, well, yes, you can arrange it that way, it’s obvious that of course the europeans and the european one.
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pledge of frozen russian assets on the territory of the united states, and although there initial and some estimates said that we have frozen around 30 billion in the united states, but in reality, after the latest audits, we can make a choice that there are approximately 5 to 7 billion, today 4.8 was mentioned, well there are different estimates, but much less than, of course, this same bill and the new tranches, but it was already correctly noted today, and the task, of course, is to put pressure on the belgians, where in belgium, as we know... yes , eurocles has approximately 260-250 billion dollars stored russian assets, here they are for now they don’t touch, they didn’t even touch the profit from this money, yes, because they are afraid of catastrophic consequences for their financial system, but as for the americans, for them, of course, 5-7 billion is not such a lot of money, especially since they themselves understand, and jenit elen, the head of the treasury, spoke about this, yes, that russia will be in litigation for a long time, there is this story for many, many years to come, that is, they won’t be taken away tomorrow, let’s just say, yes, they will be there in... frozen condition to be, well
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, besides, as we know, even though ukraine has restructuring, yes, it was announced for the third year in a row, that is, they do not pay interest on their debts, but this year they can still pay something to the imf, that is , the country is not yet bankrupt, yes, after all, these are the same assets will be taken away at the moment when ukraine turns into a bankrupt country, although well, officially, formally this is not happening yet, even if we look at some ukrainian, god forgive me, garbage bonds that are being traded somewhere. germany, yes, they fell very much after ukrainian counter-offensive, which failed in the summer of 23, but has now grown, so it is clear that someone is pouring money in, trying to show the appearance that everything is fine in the financial sphere in ukraine, although there is a hole in the budget of 60 billion dollars, there is nothing to close it , there are big problems with this, well, in general, in my opinion, yes, 14 billion for about a year and a half, well, this is not the money that could seriously change the situation on the battlefield, yes, because it was not even calculated until the end of this year, until september.
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house of representatives right up to the elections exactly until november, the republicans, the democrats will have big problems, but it’s like they already have internal, internal, internal political issues there, and what the chinese say to this, i’ll explain why it’s such a strange question, because that we understand that if trump comes to power, obviously the next to be robbed will be...
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the chinese will stand and the assets of the chinese will be taken away through a system of lawsuits, because trump then said that this is chinavirus, for the losses caused coronavirus, now there will be lawsuits , they will rob china, theoretically this is of course possible, but as we know in the twentieth year, trump had a populist idea to issue china a check of several trillion dollars, in view of compensation for damage to the american economy. for the covid pandemic, the americans were already doing this, when suddenly for some reason iran was found to be guilty of the twin towers and claims from the families of those who died for some reason against iran were settled, although why iran was there is generally there was also then saudi arabia, yes, as we know, although here the state department decided to cancel these very claims, yes, that is, there were such examples, in my opinion, here, of course, there will also be a certain internal squabble, because with one the parties are really there for trump's populist interest. moderately,
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for example, the person whom trump wants to make secretary of the treasury, that is, to take the position that janet yellen now occupies, is john paulson, a billionaire, he has already announced that if he becomes the head treasury, then he will die there, just to prevent trump from introducing tariffs of 60% on all imports from china, yes, which trump also spoke about, so i think that there will of course be very serious negative consequences for the american economy, do we have something to answer the americans with? how many americans do we have here?
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can only be decided jointly, in the format of cooperation between the usa, china, russia and all sorts of other, so to speak, non-western centers of power. and here, too, we will have to look for some kind of compromise, although of course this word
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now in western capitals it is extremely unpopular and generally indecent; saving is not very popular in our capital, i apologize. well, anyway, judging by what kind of general problems do we need to solve? well, i’ve already named one, this is the prevention of a global thermonuclear war, but what’s scary about it? well, as one smart person said, if a peaceful man could not prove what he served all his life, so the version of the crazy man, the surname that was einstein, it is wonderful, but it is limited to his period before the second world war general war. he never created, and besides this he was mistaken on many issues, he certainly was not a great politician, although of course he was a great scientist, but if i just, why am i asking such a terrible question, in the west there is no idea that thermonuclear war will lead to dire consequences, after
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fukushima, after even chernobyl, after those episodes with leaks and nuclear disasters, they don’t see any nuclear... winters, a theory that they now refute, they believe that in general this is all somewhat exaggerated, and that they were actually soviet scarecrows, in fact, well, damage damage. well, in fact, if we talk about the official position of current american, so to speak, officials, they adhere to a slightly different point of view, what concept they have is written not no, so that there is no war, but the preventive use of nuclear weapons. of course, they are developing plans, so to speak, for a nuclear war, just like us, no, we do not have the concept of the preventive use of nuclear weapons, in any case , the official doctrinal documents of the americans say that this will be a global catastrophe and it must be avoided, well
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, here i could address how the minister of defense comes to south korea, says, by the way, north korea, don’t worry, we ’ll definitely hit you with nuclear weapons, don’t go too far.
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security in europe, when, even, i would say, security and cooperation in europe, even so, there was such a conference, so to speak, now there will be no such question at all. has lost its international legal personality, europe is now, so to speak, a junior partner official washington and nothing more, i believe that it is absolutely pointless to conduct a dialogue about something not with a united europe, or with any individual parts of this united europe, it’s just something to talk about then, détente, so to speak, there will be negotiations o detente will be carried out between those.
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islamic terrorists - who are they? well, this is isis , another one, for example, seriously, excuse me, who with all their might, the americans supported isis with all their might and support, well, the americans then fought with it, they created it, and then they transported the british there in these cargo they transported their own people from one city to another so that they would appear there in a soft underbelly, hamas is islamic terrorism or not, but seriously, and the turks believe that they are freedom fighters and that they are muslim brothers?
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no, because the americans directly agreed with them and wanted little of it, they were created by the united states of america, which hillary clinton happily told us later, we do not have a definition of international terrorism, this is the problem, how to distinguish an international terrorist from a freedom fighter, this yes, it's serious problem, so who are we going to fight with then, well, this is one of the issues on which... the soviet union overstrain and the overstrain of the united states decided to de-escalate a little, so to speak.
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it was just then that they decided on the theory of convergence, they decided that how, because theirs, because khrushchev declared this mischievous dream, and
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they refused, but everything was not already there, right, but his heirs came to power, because then they left the ideologists and went over to the bourgeoisie, to catch up and surpass in meat and milk, what kind of reform is this it was written, the kosygin reform was abandoned, let me remind you, the kosygin reform, which was just ambitious, was abandoned.
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but your lengthy discussion is very interesting, no doubt, it reminds me of a scientific, scientific debate within the framework of some conference about the colonization of mars, well in the sense that it is very important, interesting, but very soon it is not yet clear how, in the shadow of
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the question, what for victory for us, yes, everything is very simple, this is formation.
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instead of the yalta conference, for me, you know, detente - defuse, inspect weapons, this is the only thing, but now this should be the only healthy association, yes, so i still conclude our long discussion, i want to remind you that russia is conducting a special military operation, without the successful
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development of our special military operation, nothing will happen further , what are you talking about today with hope. on what the west is doing in kiev, what the west is doing in chernigov, what the west is doing in odessa and what the west is doing in kharkov, that’s more down-to-earth, yes, but something like this is happening, that’s all that bullshit with which we started, yes, it’s, well, we ’re laughing, in principle it’s good for us that there...
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these are people who are now stubbornly working against us, and with varying degrees of success in this work, so far it seems to us that biden is a man who has simply lost his mind, yes, american military specialists, they have not lost their minds, they are in general, but they are doing their job, doing it painstakingly, well, that’s how they know how, yes, absolutely systematically, in ukraine. moreover, the role of western professionals in general in the ukrainian general staff has been for the last six months. i’ll tell you an amazing thing : it has grown very much, that is, well, biden’s sanity seems to be falling before our eyes, and the role of specialists is growing very much, so it seems to me
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that you shouldn’t pay attention to how the american president stutters, you should pay attention to how they act. approach to the formation on the territory of ukraine of some kind of anti-russia and a springboard for weakening us for...
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they, you know, they are in some confusion regarding our rather serious ideological resilience, it seems if only a country could live without ideology for a long time, yes, if trouble happens, look, the residents of the belgorod region, it turns out that they are not being carried out in information-psychological combat operations, which the enemy conducts according to the textbooks of western countries, that’s the work at the moment. emotionally , bang, in the long term, not iraq, in the long term, and no other country where it worked out, yes, then
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it turns out that the combat stability of our enemy, it is generally based on an absolutely cannibalistic attitude towards one’s own personnel, which, of course, western experts are probably surprised at, because... but with you it’s possible, yes, with us it ’s not possible, but with you it’s possible, but little by little they themselves are drawn into this paradigm, that is, losses the same business travelers, americans or europeans or poles, they grow up, the french grow up there, yes, they are quietly buried, quietly buried, and for the time being it will be quietly, then of course it’s unlikely to work out, in the conditions of the modern information society all this.
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can lose a lot, can lose energy, may lose territory once again, or may lose, in fact, part of the potential of its military, which one way or another is trying to use rationally, we also need to discard the fact that zelensky is insane, yes, but in... the ukrainian headquarters , in general, you don’t always want to laugh at their actions, right? and we need to use this moment
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with maximum efficiency, which now, thank god, we are doing, i am very closely following what is happening in belgorod, well, more precisely on the border of the belgorod, kharkov, sumy, and chernigov regions, on the border... between, more precisely on the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic and with the territories of the lugansk people's republic, excuse me, the donetsk people's republic, temporarily occupied by the kiev regime here, you know, i said about the ideological process, but here in general the question now is that the enemy has a part of the population, even that part that... does not share our views, our truth, our convictions, but that the part that, well, it supports everyone there, all, in general, unhealthy leaders
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of the kiev regime, there are no healthy ones there, even this part of ukraine is beginning to realize the absolute futility of that, and... for real, as with lost, yes, perhaps, to explain that not only are you
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mistaken... not only have you chosen the side of evil, outright evil, such black-hearted, yes, without shades, but you also did it absolutely irrationally, stupidly and not interesting, only then, only then, when we actually accumulate strength, we will learn to use strength, and we are in the process of doing this now, in the process of learning this, in the process of accumulating this, then...
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good evening, on the air from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. entry was prohibited, and details of the accident on the lyceum bridge in which a security guard died became known. for residents, deputies want to halve the fine for violating a paid parking zone. no longer a weak link , a plant for the production of electric welded fittings was opened in st. petersburg. cleaning at the border in svyatogorsk. the landfill is being turned into hills covered with grass. the mysterious
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disappearance of a woman in the leningrad region was discovered by police. a forty-six-year-old resident of sertalova went missing 2 years ago. now the remains were found in an abandoned well not far from the house of the deceased. recently, investigators detained a murder suspect. this is the lady's fifty-three-year-old former partner. he was caught in the moscow region and transported to st. petersburg. the man told investigators that he attacked his girlfriend in the heat of a drunken quarrel. he hit me four times with his palm under the face. after drinking alcohol together with a forty-six-year-old woman, during a conflict that arose on the basis of unpleasant personal relationships, he struck her multiple times with his hands and feet in the area where vital organs were located. the woman died from her injuries at the scene. according to the investigation, the body of the murdered man was dumped by the detainee into a well in the neighborhood, then he left for
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another region. the man has already been charged with murder and taken into custody. i was driving the red one. details of the death of non-departmental employees under the wheels of a car guards told bridge treste. let us remind you that on the night of tuesday there was a fatal accident on the lyceum bridge. a car sharing car hit a man. he died on the spot from his injuries. as it turned out, traffic on the bridge was blocked at the time of the accident and the traffic light was on. the road workers were at the regulatory crossing. work, as the police reported, a twenty-six-year-old man was driving a rented car. the medical examination determined that he was drunk. according to preliminary data, the offender entered the bridge when the light was red. the departmental security officer did not notice the light in the darkness. the deceased was 68 years old. a criminal case has been opened regarding traffic violations resulting in death. the driver was detained and today a punishment was chosen. he will spend the next 2 months in pre-trial detention. there's a salo on the street. a truck
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demolished a technological bridge over the road, it all happened around noon, a vehicle with a special crane and manipulator was transporting a change house on a platform. as the driver explained, he was chatting with colleagues and forgot to lower the boom and secure it for transportation. at full speed, the truck rushed under the pipeline, the protruding manipulator crashed into the structure, collapsing part of it onto the asphalt. as a result, the passage was blocked. the police had to close off a section of salova street while rescuers cleared the rubble. there are fewer fines for violations in the paid parking zone. there are more beneficiaries in the law on resort fees. st. petersburg deputies attended a working session. read more, anastasia larionova. st. petersburg deputies are ready to make a discount on the fine; they want to halve the cost of collection for improper parking in a paid zone. now the culprit must pay 3,000 rubles to the city budget. the fifty percent discount that is available for prompt payment of traffic
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fines does not apply here. the authors of the document consider this unfair. in addition, the paid territory is expanding, and there are more and more violators. magistrates' courts are literally inundated with reports of such offenses by motorists. this. in this way, we will increase the collection of fines themselves, relieve the system of justices of the peace, taking into account the fact that this entire administrative system is increasing, we reduce the cost of a mistake for a resident, this is also very important, because our system for fines for paid parking is much stricter than in moscow. to change the situation, it is necessary to amend the federal code of administrative offenses. legislative. the meeting of st. petersburg prepared a document according to which regions will have the right to independently establish a discount on the payment of local administrative fines. we have introduced an initiative that will be received positively by residents. we must not only argue that the budget
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won't get something. the question is how much people will appreciate such an initiative from the city parliament, which is clearly now aimed at the interests of citizens. another federal initiative of st. petersburg deputies. they propose to their colleagues from the state duma to slightly adjust the law on resort fees. let me remind you that in the northern capital the fee for city guests began to be charged on april 1. less than three weeks have passed, but parliamentarians already know what needs to be changed. first, they propose to exempt ateliers from bank commissions when transferring resort fees. second, we we propose to give a legal opportunity to directly stipulate in the law, as is done in the tax code for a number of other articles, the possibility.
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after all, the register of those who have the right not to pay the fee is no longer small. the diversity of documents that will need to be presented at the reception, of course, raises many questions in me from the point of view of the fact that these forms are not always agreed upon, it is not always possible to clearly understand the need for this benefit, whether it exists, and also the changes will affect large families, now from collection those where the eldest child is under age are released. 17 years old, a new age limit of 23 years will be written in the document. anastasia larionova, alexey kuptsov, alexey fokin, olga potapenko, vesti petersburg. governor of the leningrad region alexander drozdenko summed up the results of the twenty-third year; he
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delivered a traditional report on the results of the government’s work at an extraordinary meeting of the legislative assembly. the session took place in gyatchina, the capital of the region. trozdenko noted that the region’s economy has adapted and restructured in accordance with the changed situation in the country and in the world. several large factories have opened, agriculture has been growing for the sixth year in a row, and the region remains in first place in the production of chicken eggs. in 2023, 3.5 billion eggs were produced, which is six times the needs of our region, that is, today we are a region that exports not only abroad, but to others. regions of russia egg, and we set ourselves the task of increasing the volume to a record 4 billion. last year in the region 6,100 apartments were handed over, this is more than in st. petersburg, and the fourth result in the country: 1,800 people came from varna houses to new
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housing. at the same time, there are 27 long-term shared construction projects left in the region. alexander drazdenko promised to finish them this year. in the twenty-third , eight new kindergartens and four schools began operating, and sports development in leningrad was growing at a good pace. last year, the region commissioned several stadiums in different areas, and in the summer in vyborg there will be gubernatorial games in thirty in 13 athletic disciplines. well, a plant for the production of electric welded fittings has opened in st. petersburg. in recent years, the demand for such products has increased. the products are in demand in the gas industry; they are used for reliable hermetically sealed pipe connections. the st. petersburg plant is now ready to cover the deficit. today an automatic line has been launched there.
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new fittings are needed not only in the gas industry, but also for other areas of industry, housing and communal services. the quality of raw materials and finished products is checked immediately; the plant has its own laboratory. well, the first one the fitting will become an exhibit at the energy company's museum in memory of the historical day of technological independence. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov,
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no precipitation is expected yet, no warming is expected on thursday in the st. petersburg region. according to the hydra of the center of st. petersburg , on april 18 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings, during the day it will be on the field, weather forecasters promise from 2 to 4 ° above zero, the thermometers will show a little more in tihan and boksyatogorsk, in ulhai +1.3. also, about 3° with a plus sign should be in kirisha, gatchina and vyborg in st. petersburg during the day no cooler than p2 , moderately windy, dry and the sun may come out, on friday night in the city there is also mostly no precipitation, already a slight minus on the thermometers, good you are in the mood for the day in any weather. a landfill reclamation project has started in svyatogorsk. the general cleaning is carried out within the framework of the national ecology project. leonid apanasov, more details. landfills began in the leningrad region 5 years ago,
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regional authorities have submitted an application to participate in the national ecology project in the clean country subsection. the federal budget took over half the cost of the work, first they cleaned up the landfill in sosnovy bor, and now it’s the turn of svyatogorsk. this landfill appeared back in the days when svyatogorsk was called ensa in finnish, that is , in 1946, residents of the locality began to take out their garbage to a convenient place. far from the city limits. in the post-war years there was no time for projects. the site is not specifically cooked and not fenced. the garbage was simply dumped in the nearby forest. at the same time, water from the landfill flowed into the border river uternista. after 70 years, they decided to improve the territory. the task is not easy. over the course of a decade , 400 tons of household waste accumulated on the outskirts of svyatogorsk. if we assume this and lay it out, say, on the palace square of st. petersburg, yes, then it will happen. the level is 1 m, if on red square, then it will be
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a level of 2 m, approximately approximately, that is, everything will be laid down, so to speak, with waste, now we are implementing and two terekons are formed, reclamation of the landfill is a technically complex , labor-intensive project, waste is collected in one place, covered with a special waterproofing membrane, a layer of sand on top, the resulting sandwich is covered with earth, grass is planted, it will be a recreational area, yes it will be... a green terekon, and after a certain time, when the whole situation here has settled down, it can be used for some other purposes, that is, for the first 4 years this will be just a green, green hill, but this is in the final stages, for now the workers they collected waste and surrounded the waste heaps with a so -called clay castle. a ditch 8 deep was dug around each hill and its walls were strengthened; now the filtrate, in other words, garbage drains, will stop entering the environment. and the forest belt around the landfill was cleared of randomly dumped
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waste, and 15,000 tons were collected. outside the boundaries of the site, it was impossible to carry out work using mechanized means, so all work was carried out using manual selection, all this was loaded into cars and transported after six months to the landfill there will be no svyatogorsk, however, the region’s participation in the national ecology project... will continue, the reclamation of landfills in priozersk and kingesep is ahead. leonid afanasov, roman chui and alexander belikov, konstantin nikitin, vesti leningradskaya oblast. a model of the world's largest research vessel, ivan frolov, has passed the final stage of ice testing. especially for the experiment, experts from the arctic-antarctic research institute recreated a continuous ice field in a test pool on a scale of 1:50. that is, if the thickness of real ice meter, then it will be artificial under the given conditions. despite the fact that the shape
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of the ivan frov’s hull is very unusual, it is not like other ice-class vessels, it will be the most modern, largest vessel, the most important thing is that it will perform all functions, this is, let’s say, a floating airfield, there are helicopters there will also be hangars, this is a small tanker, there will be quite a... large volume of fuel - this is also a passenger ship, there will be 240 people there and a dry cargo ship. the world's largest research vessel will go on his first expedition when his senior comrade retires.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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at one of the film festivals, sergei bondarchuk met the director of the italian-american film war and peace, which was released almost 10 years earlier than the soviet film adaptation. in a frank conversation, he admitted that he envies bondarchuk. the foreign film was shot
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in completely different conditions, filming took place in italy, which bears little resemblance to russia in the 19th century. palm trees were covered with white paint. to make birches out of them, the worst thing was to pay each participant in the battle scenes a fee of 5 dollars, if 5,000 people are involved, then that’s 25,000 dollars per shift at the exchange rate of the fifties, murder for any film project, everything was different for us. after news of the success of the american film adaptation of tolstoy in the soviet union, nikita khrushchev scolded him with a cultural official. they have war and peace , but we don’t, we must not only remove, and to surpass the american picture at any cost, you hear at any cost, the words about any price were heard, after all, it was a different time, the country worked for the picture,
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the army worked for war and peace, this is... the use of these these powers, powers, by the director , this is great skill, but i repeat, this was a real government order, it cost a lot of money, and they are all on the screen.
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i never expected that i would turn out to be one of the key figures in this grandiose story.
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it is still a mystery why the minister of culture ekaterina furtseva insisted that to entrust the filming of the film adaptation of tolstoy's lion's drink and... to bondarchuk, because all the luminaries of our screen were vying for the right to become the director of the largest soviet film. sergei bondarchuk was not even a competitor for them. the talented actor, a student of yerasimov, had previously made only one film as a director: the fate of a man. and suddenly there, at the very top, they approve of him, they say that after this the film classic ivan pyryev will even say hello to him. stopped: why have you crippled me like this? sergei bondarchuk's directorial debut: fate
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a man with a modest budget was a tremendous worldwide success. winston churchel is credited with the words. if you want to know why hitler did not conquer russia, look at the fate of a man. dad, dear. the film was purchased by dozens of countries and brought millions into the soviet budget. sergei fedrovich was a lump, of course, powerful, crafty, very able to get his way, for his death, perhaps, i don’t know, maybe sergei pach gerasimov, well, maybe someone else could afford to communicate with his superiors like sergei fedrovich.
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meter of soviet cinema, he understood that if he failed, no one would forgive him for this and was ready for battle, but he is a great artist, and he is very passionate, he lived as a fat man in kashira, where the hunt was filmed, i was filming, we were in the same they lived in a room, i slept on a folding bed with him, he...
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there were more than 300 characters in the film, and even the smallest roles were invited to the brightest, most beloved, most popular, he was not afraid of people and was not afraid of tasks associated with the organization, in general he was , of course, a great organizer, what an organizer, he understood how this is what you need to do in order to organize this or that scheme. they locked me up, they are holding me captive, who, me, me,
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me, my immortal soul, cameraman anatoly petritsky, like sergei bondarchuk, had only one independent film under his belt, my younger brother according to vasily aksenov, he knew what was going on . the fate of a person to film war and peace, bondarchuk called cameraman vladimir monakhov. he seemed to agree, but then
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decided not to participate. well, they didn’t get away with something there.
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when there is no work for a long time, you need to choose a job. anatoly petritsky, despite the fear of the vindictive ivan pyrev, did so. he came to transcarpathia, where the australasian battle was filmed, and was dismayed by the unprecedented cinematic scale. thousands of people worked for one goal. and there were concentrated 5,000 soldiers
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, a cavalry regiment, which... was, uh, in a state of formation, that is , soldiers and officers were recruited, learned to handle horses there, lived, there were soldiers there, special camps for soldiers, very quickly anatoly anatolyevich felt that he’s not even in a second or third role here, he’s just a backup cameraman. they were assigned to do something, he shot, minor material, after development the director looked at everything, paid attention to his work, one evening he went to see vetritsky, it changed his life, in the end pantarchuk offered me to shoot, be the chief cameraman, but it was, well, it was ridiculous for me
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to refuse or something like that, i had already seen the material. which they shot, i realized that there would be a picture and that it would be a big picture. this happened because the filming members of the film crew continued to leave the set, often not because they didn’t work well together, it was just very difficult to follow a perfectionist obsessed with an idea. the work was not like shooting an ordinary film, it forced you to abandon yourself, not everyone was ready for this. the point is that he is a real person.
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this gives birth to a lack of compromise, perfectionism, finishing to the end, the inability to finish if you are not sure that you got what you wanted, and so on, bondarchuk was like that, among those who left were cameramen alexander shelenkov and landa chen, who have already started filming the film, there is a conversation that shelenko is leaving, he knew that shelenkov wrote a letter and refused to work, he wrote a letter, motivated it, that he was not taken into account, that he, therefore, was his, mondrshka has everything ready , all the developments, that’s why he feels disadvantaged and
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doesn’t want to work, now all this bulk fell on... the shoulders of thirty-year-old cameraman petritsky, while he understood that the scale would only increase, it was even exciting, you see chief operator film by anatoly petritsky and his assistants, setting up a remote- controlled camera, the film was wide-format, and secondly, the participation of troops and state support, it already determined the scale of filming. sergei bondarchuk felt completely in his element, he was a commander, strategist and tactician, a modern kutuzov, on whom victory or defeat depended. why did sergei fedovich get carried away by this on such a scale, it’s a drag, it’s a drug, when you see 5.00
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people, not 15, and then they paint computers, when you actually see them, it’s a deafening feeling. the operator quickly figured out the identity. he was an artist, sometimes his fantasies carried him away, which could not be realized in the cinema. petritsky’s task was to return from such distances and offer rational options from himself. firstly, i proposed other solutions, he really had everything written down and developed. he was a good artist, so he sketched all this, the center of the episode. the battle, it means he had it written down from smoke to smoke, different episodes, well, it was nonsense, you know, that means different colored smokes, then he
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wanted to introduce some kind of color music there, we looked for people who were doing this, but we didn’t find such people, it worked...
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official recommendations. bondarchuk refused to approve for the role of natasha all the more or less famous actresses who were offered, advised, and even imposed on him. instead of anastasia vertinskaya, natalia foteeva, lyudmila gurchenko, he chose a debutante, a graduate of the vaganova school, ballerina lyudmila saveleva. i chose, one might say, by chance, i agreed to listen to it so as not to be upset by the refusal. excerpt from the novel.
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there are faces in whose features film reveals something that the eye cannot see. lyudmila savelyeva had just such a face. when the film was developed, even ill-wishers agreed that they had natasha rostova. at musfilm they immediately began to say that she was approved for her resemblance to audre hebburn , who played natasha in the american film “war and peace.” true, odrius had the largest. fifties, and the fee in soveleva was determined by the fee in the entire history of cinema by the middle bureaucratic regulations, she even had a moment when she lost consciousness
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during filming, they called a doctor, it turned out that she had lost it from malnutrition, which means that her leningrad relatives thought that she was earning millions there, but she received like a fruit fruit. since she didn’t have an acting education, how funny, isn’t it, after that they made an acting insert,
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this is from generation to generation, maybe 300 years, they didn’t do physical labor, these nests, there was such a glory, a soviet turner, you know, with big hands, so self-confident all this, because of the role of balkonsky that he unexpectedly got, vyacheslav tikhonov refused other offers for 4 years, he always regretted it, is it his fault?
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which forced him to do 30-odd ends. the director’s harsh manner of work, we will bring this conversation to takes elsewhere, ultimately led tikhonov to depression and a desire to leave the profession. 30 takes - it was a close-up of tikhonov. bandachuk was trying to get something from him, in my opinion, he didn’t always understand what he wanted from him. him, here it was, let’s say... the scene when you deigned to send me to captain tushin’s battery. i sought from fame that he would say this nervously, but...
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the image in the film group was not unanimously approved, the cameraman did not accept the director’s candidacy for this role, and sergei ferovich was embarrassed, his first appearance at the rostovs’ pavilion, he starred, and then came up to me asks, well, how is tolya, but he really had such a situation, he had no one to ask, and i say: well, sergeevich, the village teacher, he was completely different from eighteen-year-old pierre, i’m very glad, at first there was talk that maybe young pierre would be played by mikhalkov himself, well, not mikhalkov, but his older brother, andrei konchalovsky, konchalovsky, well, this...
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nikita mikhalkov, whom anatoly accidentally remembered anatolyevich, by the way, is also involved in the film, he began acting in the role of singing rostov, but the audience did not see him, i remained in the film only in the hunting episode, in the general plans, because i was approved, i was very proud of it, but the film was filmed for a long time, and i... was growing quickly, and, well, probably as a joke, i think sergei fetrovich would ask my mother, maybe... let's give nikita an injection so that he doesn't grow so quickly, i this, i can’t say that this is true, but there is a myth that my mother said, no, no, no, and no, by the time it was time to film, i, i was filming there, i was jumping around,
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the whole hunting scene, i acted, but in this scene there was only me riding in the general plan, there with the understudy soveleva, as a result , another boy played, and i... unfortunately, i have to refuse you, because that my wife will play this role. but here, this is not a complete discrepancy, they complained a long time ago, neither he, although irina konstantinovna was... very pretty, but still she was not 18 years old, she was, it was clear that she was such a woman, of average vozhasa, that’s why you see, he was critical of someone,
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he couldn’t be critical of himself, it’s all over, and i love her, the whole country was involved in the production of the film. the lomonosov plant produced an exclusive set for a grand dinner in one of the scenes. factories received the order produce 200 thousand buttons, orders and medals that would coincide with the historical ones. almost six dozen soviet museums, by order from above, handed over their historical exhibits from priceless collections, over which experts were shaking, into the rough hands of filmmakers. bridges across rivers and giant models of historical buildings were built.
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in tones with such hope for the future, against the backdrop of war. of course, the key event of the film was the filming of the battle of borodino. even with a colossal budget, which, according to
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the most conservative estimates, exceeded 8 million soviet rubles, sergei bondarchuk would hardly have been able to carry out his plans if he had been ordered from the very top to film the war. the ministry of defense of the soviet union did not get involved. an infantry division was allocated. and besides the infantry division, which is four and a half 14,000 people. shut up! well, it was also a cavalry regiment. the moscow mounted police were organized and added there, these are all the resources. every person who found himself filming on location back then
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had the feeling for the rest of his life that the battle had taken place. real: 10 tons of gunpowder, 40 tons of kerosene, 10 thousand house bombs brought the illusion of war closer to reality, fortunately not a single casualty happened, from the filming without a second thought the extras wrote home that tomorrow they were going to fight the french, and their relatives wondered why secret war... their loved ones are participating, the scene of the wounding of a russian artilleryman is being rehearsed, this role is played by the scriptwriter, vasily ivanovich solovyov. at the beginning of borodino they wanted to film near moscow, the local authorities opposed it, you have tens of thousands people, it makes no sense to build toilets for so many people, all the waste will end up in the soil, water, there will be an environmental disaster, we will poison the local population, but together, impossible because of the monuments and memorials,
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we unexpectedly found a ready-made infrastructure for the battles in borodino, the filming turned out to be smolensk in the dorogobuzh region, there were barracks and, most importantly, toilets, left over from the deployment of the russian army in the 19th century, the part that concerns the outdoor filming of borodin, i remember with joy, it... it was such a moment joyful, when everything worked out, the best engineers of the country could join this process and provide the film with everything necessary, but they were far away, the issues had to be resolved on the spot without delay, so if i decided to build a tower there, ask the sappers to put the cap on cable, it was instant, that is, well... on the same day, the operator said what he needed, the group
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enthusiastically brought ideas to life, everyone felt that this was a key event in their creative and personal biography. i figured it out there, this suspended road along which the camera, it made an impression on many, the british. let’s say they asked why this was filmed, because the camera was going through the fire of a fire, it couldn’t be a helicopter, i had some fears, fears that something might go wrong, well, first of all, fear for the quality of the film all the time , that means, to the point that there was nothing but stripes in...
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the performers of the roles, from military leadership to soulful intonation. bandarchuk didn’t get along well with the actors either. pavilion after all it’s not, it’s not nature, to command horses there.
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step over the rails, they still rise about 10 centimeters like this, well, so i suggested videos, during the filming of the ball scene, the heart of forty-five-year-old sergei fedorovich could not stand it, everything accumulated, the envy of his colleagues, and conflicts on the set, ideological disputes, an ambitious project could become... too heavy for the director. within 4 minutes , doctors declared clinical death.
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after this, sergei fedorovich said that he was mistaken when he believed that he was dying.
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there are three of them filming the patriotic war of 1812, about six times longer than this war actually went on. in our country, the first episode was released in its premiere in almost 3 copies, which was a record for soviet cinema. a total of 135 million viewers watched the four episodes. they collected about 58 million rubles at the soviet box office and quickly recouped all the costs associated with the film. tikhonov and lyudmila saveleva became the best actors of 1966 according to a poll by the soviet screen magazine. in 1969, the film received golden globe as the best film in a foreign language, and the first oscar that our country received for a feature film. at the forty-first ceremony, the golden statuette
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was awarded to lyudmila saveleeva. at first, they sent only lesha from the group.
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they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, relax on... be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax,
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anex, kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. here. dreams into reality kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection. discover
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures . entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. hello, it's news time on our channel in the lada studio.
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a discussion platform where they discuss the development of all areas of regional culture, theaters, museums, libraries, and the film industry. about the work of the forum by alexander perezhogin. open the second school
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of creative industries in the region this year, if possible, resume the program of soft loans for the restoration of architectural monuments. these are the first plans shared by the governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov at the plenary session baltic cultural forum. it works in our region. there are many organizations, well , one of the most probably well-known is the custodian of the ruins, together with whom we will also be implementing a project on the gothic ring this year, we are allocating money for improvement and the guys are actively helping us with this, it also became known that branch of the tretyakov gallery will receive visitors towards the end of summer, the first exhibition on oktyabrsky island will open no earlier than august, the most important component for the museum is when a modern, bright, very an interesting design and solution to the building is the adjustment of temperature and humidity conditions, which will then allow unique exhibits from the treasury
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of the tretyakov gallery storage fund to be brought here with all safety. experts come to the baltic cultural forum not only from different regions of russia, but also from other countries, this time from belarus, armenia and uzbekistan. the main theme of the meetings is the philosophy of culture, because 2024 is the year when the whole world celebrates its three hundredth anniversary. immanuel kant. an exhibition opened at the forum kant and russian culture, which was prepared by the state literary museum and the kaliningrad museum of fine arts. references to the personality of the philosopher and his ideas can be found in both classical and modern works from pushkin to pelevin. on the first day of the forum , several cooperation agreements were signed. thus, following the results of president vladimir putin’s january visit to the region , the kaliningrad branch of the national center of historical memory is preparing to open.
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explore modern history, as well as show us how amazing the world around us can be in the non-competitive program of the golden crow festival. the history of kamchatka snowboarding attracts primarily with its
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heroes, these are enthusiasts. who united extreme sports enthusiasts around themselves and made the once little-known sport become truly super popular in the region. films about the arctic are an opportunity to see something that i won’t see anywhere else, either on the internet or on tv. a life i couldn't even imagine. and this is the essence of the festival for me - to discover new things. ugra short stories is an ethnographic film consisting of five parts. their heroes are not innovators at all, but those who love their native land. the festival’s non-competitive programs offer such different, but no less interesting heroes, but what about the competition, there
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is also someone to look at there.
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and i will never turn to her, now i realized that this is a tragedy, this is a russian tragedy, this is very serious, in modern terms, everything that happens in this story is burden, patriarchy, strict rules, human the trial, and also the willingness to die for their homeland , the ability to forgive absolutely everything, the actors assure that they do not feel any distance from their heroes, it just seems to us that we have no
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connection with the earth, right? in fact , everyone has it, even if you were born in a third generation metropolis and have only been to the country, it’s still all there. the artists plunged headlong into studying the material, worked a lot with speech, listened to recordings, interviews, and mastered a specific dialect. and i, just as i was leaving, they jinxed me, spoiling me they brought it in, took the wool from three dogs, and threw it away. the story of fyodor abramov, wooden horses, documentary, the heroes have real prototypes. the text talks about the village of tansy, that’s all, really. happened in the village of smutovo, now no one lives there anymore, but this settlement is still on the map, you can get there with the help of a navigator. actress marfa koltsova conducted a whole study, compiled a family tree of the family discussed in the story, my heroine, that’s how she was, well, naturally, at the age when this is the house in which the author lived, abramov, in which he just painted wooden horses. on social networks, the actress found the descendants
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of the main character and spoke with them. they conveyed to me the state in which i started this work, when i talked on the phone, i heard the voice of this person, it’s a kind of voice, you know, some kind of magical, magical, i had a feeling, we seem to be talking like girlfriends, but i have the feeling that i’m loading, so... i’m not drowning in the water. yana music, sergey skoridov, news culture. this evening at the dance open festival was devoted to modern chinese dance. the guangdong theater presented the play "circle of heaven". in it, choreographer li pian pian combined modern style and
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the ancient chinese idea of ​​world building. from st. petersburg elena varoshilova. krok heavenly reflections of the chinese choreographer li pian pian about the philosophical structure of the world with meditative dance and ancient times. symbolism, the dance open festival appreciated the quiet flow of life, where past and present intersected. guangdong contemporary dance theater is mastering stage of alexandrinka, they are for the first time not only in st. petersburg, but in russia. in china they became the first to dance contemporary dance in 1992. it took the dance open team several months to bring this company. we, our cooperation with china, begin with a tour of the corpse, which works in a modern style, and does it very well. circle of heaven choreographed by ali pian-pian has been seen at many festivals; modern and traditional chinese culture are intertwined in the fluid meditative story. dance in the air
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is combined with dance on the ground, so the choreographer talks about the world of ancient sages, where. but the round earth is square, where souls and people meet, and the end is the same beginning. if you rely on some kind of ideological feeling, on the fact that we are all in some kind of absolutely terrible corral, in such a rhythm in which you need to slow down, look around, be able to contemplate, then this is the very performance that you need to see go. western media call trutu the leader of modern chinese choreography. bursting energy, bold ideas, new revelations of choreographers, among them ili pian-pian. her performances have that elusive element that creates magic on stage. this is
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incredibly interesting because she combined both eastern traditions and western dance traditions in terms of the language of dance, and this is interesting, it is absolutely original. and... good songs, that’s what alexandra ursulyak called her creative evening. accompanied by a jazz band, the actress performed her favorite songs of the sixties and eighties, accompanying them with monologues about her life. at the performance-concert in the house, the actor was
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anastasia pavlova. not classic creative an artist’s evening, but a pleasant concert with sincere life stories and favorite songs, alexander ursulyak admits that the decision to organize such a performance surprised even herself. “this was a story that i had been nurturing for a long time, because it so happened that i participated in one musical, then in another musical, then i was asked to participate in some concert, there, for example, in charge, to sing something , sing this, well then, naturally, from time to time i find myself at home in the shower, i don’t listen for an hour, i sing something, rehearsals for a month almost every day, together with the jazz orchestra, alexandra ursulyak performed musical hits of the sixties, seventies and eighties, compositions.
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culture news. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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“i don’t understand your calmness,
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shveytsova, i don’t understand, we were called into the office of the high authorities, you understand this, and they don’t say why, i’m already feeling jittery, well , why, they’ll throw some sensational challenge”?


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