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tv   Novosti  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2022 10:00pm-10:23pm MSK

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and on 24 we continue ukrainian security forces organized new firing points in social facilities the facts of crimes against the civilian population were recorded by the national center for defense control of russia, as its chief said tonight. mikhail mizintsev. nikolaev region. the territorial defense unit is located in the tuberculosis dispensary in cherkassy ; area on the territory of the hospital city hospital is ukrainian artillery. russia once again calls on the un who and the red cross to influence kiev and free medical facilities from ukrainian militants. they promised a real counteroffensive, and now they openly admitted that it was
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verbatim, an information-psychological operation, which is exactly what adviser to zelensky’s office mikhail podolak called numerous public statements about preparations for the so-called liberation of kherson, they say. actually go on the attack. vsu they were not going to aim only to demoralize russia, in other words, the kiev regime signed a lie. what consequences can anton podkovenko tell? it was an information-psychological operation. this is mikhail podolak about the counteroffensive on kherson, about which the ukrainian media trumpeted so much and the public spoke so much from the kiev rostrum, but even the bbc, who was interviewed by the adviser to the head of the ukrainian president's office, writes about the counteroffensive on kherson , see in quotation marks. even in london, it doesn’t work , they didn’t believe in him. but as an anti-russian mouthpiece the independent arrestovich was flooded back in july, they say the kherson group is doomed, and we will not let them go on the defensive and hold a referendum, we will not let them either, the
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only goal of the announced offensive was, of course, to disrupt the referendum in the kherson region, preferably also their zaporozhye region, when this was nothing happened. here, then they began to drink in a different voice. they say that in general, we did not plan anything. well live mode is deceitful leaders deceitful ideas deceitful implementation, cycle center. psychological operations of ukraine attacked the inhabitants kherson region through telegram channels, but they are not afraid, the set up referendum, as it was and is. or maybe kiev, more for the western high-ranking public, tried to show at least somehow at least something at least some kind of victory for its western sponsor, uh, who demand some kind of results. yes, the fact that you are always retreating. yes, you only have so much money in weapons, but exmordeeps are advancing all the time. and yara, neo-nazis igor mosiychuk and vitaliy kupri wrote in june that they had practically taken kherson
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the arresting company is acting exactly according to the precepts of goebels, since the current regime directly continues the political economic racial practice of the third reich. i think that the answer must be sought for the period of the year, since 1944, when the german troops retreated, but in order to carry out psychological information operations among their population. well, the population of europe they said that there was a systematic alignment of the front. remember how this main, perhaps, kiev fly-gun, either at a meeting, or at psychological seminar, which he himself organized gave. here are some video instructions leaked online somewhat closely. show that if it is far to show that the opposite is close, what is the real situation in kherson fake. it was obviously concocted under such a recipe in the general staff of the armed forces, maybe they were developing a real counteroffensive. in kherson experts say there is demoralization even
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today. they are only 40% complete. they don't give a chance. in principle, to talk in general about some kind of action green is more difficult. today already push people to death and as a result. today they have to justify the actual lack of coordination of the ability to control troops through history. what they called the psychological warfare element, but it worked. as a result, so even seasoned russophobes, like alfred koch, even before in quotation marks, the revelations that podolak shared with the bbc wrote that they say that talking heads that lily’s ears about this offensive are now offering to wait for the russian offensive from kherson to nikolaev and krivoy horn and
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arrestovich. by the way, i changed the plate. now russian hysterics are coming everywhere, and allegedly the movement against kherson does not even stutter with a word, if it was a psychic attack of the kiev regime, then it turned into another defeat. now on the information front. several dozens of journalists and experts from france, italy, germany, serbia, and other countries arrived in donbas today during a great prestur. they visited the donetsk luhansk republic in the dpr, the delegation had the opportunity to personally visit the colony in yelenivka to talk with the captured survivors of the bloody attack of ukraine with the planned potential of the region about what conclusions the foreigners made based on the results of the visit reports by evgeny davydov and alexander evstigneev the safety of the work of journalists is ensured by a group of special forces motorcade accompanied by tigers armored vehicles with machine gunners on the roof. for
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many of them, this will be the first report from the donbass by foreign journalists who were not afraid to come to the republic and see everything with their own eyes, with undisguised surprise , looking at the consequences of the ukrainian strike. artillery on sizo yelenivka splinter. look , you see, but not here, there are characteristic scars on it, fragments of shells that hit exactly in the building, a burnt barracks and bloody traces of coefficients. he took it out. here are the gates. you understand something, what kind of explosion force those who came to the republic were able to ask all questions to both experts and employees of the colony and those who are kept during the season. i want to convey to the ukrainian authorities that when did we go out? uh, surrendered. we hoped that they would save us, and they would kill they say that the surviving azov shell pierced the roof. this contradicts kiev's version that the explosion allegedly was inside. the west says, kiev officially
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says that the explosion was from within. well, they don’t laugh, but it was clear that she almost laughed at me, so what can be said about the country that stands on its own at the time of the strikes, there were about 200 people in the room, a mass murder monstrous in its cruelty, we understand perfectly well why did they do it and why did they take this step, because these prisoners began to testify and these testimonies are extremely inconvenient and unpleasant for the ukrainian authorities in yelenivka. there are no strategic objects, there could be only one goal here. this is a colony. it is a monstrous crime to hit your own evidence presented here if it were shown by western media colleges. i think that public opinion has changed dramatically, however , western publications for the most part, events are still different. through the prism of the statements of the kiev authorities. so much of what is happening remains behind the scenes investigation of the shelling
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ukrainian artillery. the pre-trial detention center in yelenivka continues with fifty dead and about 90 wounded , the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case. and according to the article on the use of prohibited methods of warfare in the armed conflict, the plans of the press tour were also to show how residents of donetsk survive under ukrainian shelling, but this idea had to be abandoned in the capital of the republic. killed in the kirov region. the first army corps, meanwhile, breaks into the enemy defenses ukrainian formations are pushing back every day in the avdiivka direction farther from donetsk yevgeny davydov ruslan borisov andrey rudenko oleg bondarenko news from the donetsk people's republic. the morning starts with coffee cakes and anthracite, to understand the donbass you need to visit the mine in the face of foreign journalists do not let down,
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but at the top they show hard work as it is. the first is the most obvious question from foreigners. how difficult is it for the mine to work under the conditions of long-term sanctions, how did we work, how do we work and our equipment is in russian. they are probably waiting for you when we give up, but we never take a tour of the luhansk region for the foreign press to show the economic potential of the lpr, in many ways it is self-sufficient, for example, coal allows you not to think about energy problems, as in europe, and even export anthracite if the old world will find the strength to soberly assess the situation in the donbass. it's been that way for a long time. clear. which is understandable. well, for the west, donbass is somehow lost among people, here the russian identity is emil a journalist from germany is more interested in discussing geopolitics behind the conflict in donbass, he follows 2014. trying to weaken the russian eastern slavs, so to speak, pitting them against each other three dozen journalists from three dozen countries with a palette of opinions with an inscription for ours on their chests - these are the serbs, our people know. yes. that is, russia
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uses because of serbia for the truth because of the big worlds, but here is a frequenter of the german press tours, christoph vanmer. in perfect russian, he flatly refused to give an interview in order to avoid questions about return to democratic germany with a correspondent for the chinese television company phoenix. we worked in syria in the besieged slavyansk. but this is the end of him. this palace will come every day. and this is generally the military position. no. here, first of all, it is not the people. he is 100 rubles. in lnr. after the liberation of the entire territory of the republic , journalists work safely without body armor. foreigners are being taken mines to a factory where they make butter cheese. this is local mozzarella cheese. let's try italian libera reporters. daniel cheese he understands and praises, but the readers of his newspaper are trying to figure out the events that have lasted 8 years in the donbass only now, when the
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special operation began. imagine that if you only supply weapons and do not resort to other methods of diplomacy, then you will not resolve the conflict. in the evening , a meeting with the head of the republic of economics socialist politician, the second army corps continues to help donetsk liberate the territory of the dpr alexander sergeevich sergeevich rudkov oleg dubinin vesti, lugansk people's republic nsky, actors producer steven seagal during today's throne in the dpr talked to prisoners of war in the pre-trial detention center elena and the facts that he managed to find out will become part of the documentary from the donbass , the actor said that he had already found confirmation of the crimes of the kiev regime against humanity. we are in yelenovka, as i already said, it was here that the heimers hit, killed 50 people, wounded 70 more people. it is interesting that one of the killed nazis is a nazi who just started talking a lot about zelensky, and that zelensky is responsible for orders to torture other atrocities that violate not only the geneva war convention, but are crimes against humanity so
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zelensky was involved in crimes against humanity interesting, so he was blown up killed just interesting. steven seagal also commented on the version of ukrainian propaganda that the blow to the season was allegedly not dealt to the sun. however, the evidence found on the spot suggests that this was a targeted attack on yelenivka by the ukrainian military. so whoever thinks this is a bomb. might be worth a little learning. these are not bomb fragments. to impose sanctions on all citizens of the russian federation and finally ban them from entering the european union is a new initiative from vladimir zelensky, and this is not just a call for demands to the west that was printed on the pages of the washington post and printed, which is important, without any notes or comments. they are of the inadmissibility of discrimination on the basis of nationality ; moreover, individual leaders of european countries even supported a clearly neo-nazi zelensky's initiative was followed by a
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normal response. another uncontrollable bout of unbridled russophobia caught vladimir zelensky exactly during a conversation with washington post journalists as part of an interview in the usual ultimatum manner from the european union, this time the ukrainian leader demanded to close the borders for all russians, sending the latter a quote to live in their own world. until the irrationality of thinking changes philosophy. in this case, it goes off scale, this can only be treated extremely negatively. any attempts to isolate russians or isolate russia is a process that has no prospects for the odor of such initiatives is also not very good, if you tell me more odors, and the truth is so-so, but not a secret. there are still his historical admirers in the european union, as if in the tour zelensky , in the language of xenophobic segregation, called on the example of
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estonia to stop issuing tourist visas to russians. finland with san namarin, the press secretary of the polish government piotr muller and latvia, represented by the diplomatic mission in russia, which stopped issuing visas to citizens of the russian federation for an indefinite period, is bad news for russophobes. alas, the eu visa code does not provide for the possibility of stopping issuing visas to a specific national group; the eu visa code, which regulates the issuance of short-stay visas, does not provide for the possibility of termination. the issuance of such visas always has a category of citizens for which a visa must be issued, for example in humanitarian cases for members, families of journalists or dissidents. however, eu member states can independently study each issue of issuing short-term visas in a specific situation, but
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study the situation outside the baltic states and poland. everything is reluctant here, previous russophobic games have already been shown to the old world. what can result in an attempt to isolate russia and go to the next escalation of the progressive countries of europe obviously not out of hand, not spain or greece, even france is not ready to lose our citizens. as tourists in as people who come to receive medical services, the citizens of these countries do not understand why the governments of their states still provide military support to ukraine, they do not understand why they have to suffer, including the budgets of these states, because what the zenitansky demands, and zelensky, among other things, demand not only not to let in new russians, but you know, with the shame of the old ones. those who are already in europe, including those russians, who wanted russia no less than the ukrainian president
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soonest floor. collapse, fugitive oligarchs, corrupt opposition and, of course, a whole pool of foreign agents. those who so diligently praised kiev’s policies and criticized the kremlin on their airs . it's also an indicator. uh, another demonstration of personality to a barcode portrait of zelensky who, well, an absolutely vile person, an inadequate and ungrateful kitten, probably a municipal deputy of krasnoselsky districts of moscow she also wrote zelensky president. now its president demands to be deported to europe and to russia and threatens rock with a well-known crime. this is zelensky's attitude towards his fans. zelensky's idea is not just an irrational or cynical dangerous similar line of thought to rhetoric sentences already familiar in world history. and to this day, printed on the page in the
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work of adolf hitler banned in russia, minecraft seems to be the next step, a call for a final solution to the russian question, what is on the mind of the west, then the clown’s tongue and apparently, you won’t have to be surprised if the next proposal of the ukrainian fuhrer is to brand russians who did not have time to leave europe with special symbols and create forced labor camps for him as a suitable nation. during the day, russian troops destroyed about 130 apu facilities, including the command post of the ukrainian air force in the vinnitsa region, large ammunition depots in cherkassy, ​​several artillery batteries armed with american howitzers. this is today's information from the ministry defense, what else did the departments tell us at the briefing and what reports from the front line were voiced in the material by denis alekseev. fresh data on high- precision strikes on ukrainian military facilities the day before in the vinnitsa region
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. the target was hit by long -range missiles, and in the cherkasy region, a warehouse with ammunition for haimars rocket systems and howitzers was destroyed. three sevens in the russian ministry defense continues to track foreign mercenaries who have arrived in ukraine to participate in hostilities, despite the large influx of soldiers of fortune arriving in ukraine losses. all the same, they are superior from july 8 to august 5, only the number of mercenaries decreased from 2740 to 2192 people, and the number of those killed and departed increased almost a third of all stays from poland canada georgia romania usa in terms of liquidation. these countries are also in the top in terms of the rate of loss of mercenaries in ukraine, they are still leading poland, also by 99 146 militants left, in addition, over the past 4
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weeks, 36 mercenaries from canada were destroyed 33 from romania 21 usa updated data is now published on the information resources of the russian ministry of defense this is the work of russian artists, calculations of self-propelled howitzers. nona work at the maximum approximation to the line. defense of the enemy. they have a range of only 8 km, but what is the accuracy? up to a meter on them, the defeat of the strongholds of armored vehicles and manpower of nationalists with 120-mm shells. according to the objectives of the installation, they are worked out at a speed of 10 rounds per minute for day. only the result of the counter-battery struggle were two destroyed batteries, including m3 howitzers, sevens, two platoons of the rszo. a hail of six platoons of howitzers of various types, such as rocket troops and artillery , is generally the main means of fire destruction of the enemy by artillerymen. they give the opportunity to other units not to engage in close combat,
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thereby avoiding the loss of personnel; the tasks of missilemen and gunners are to maintain fire superiority ; terrain, usually armed with both towed cannon artillery and self-propelled multiple launch rocket systems minot. attacks on military targets by apu, russian artillerymen strike even . according to the coordinates, data is received from orlan 10 drones, for example, such an autonomous one can be in the air for more than 10 hours, fly a hundred kilometers from the launch point, not only the coordinates are transmitted from it, but the defeat is also fixed. that's just the operators fix the next successful release of russian howitzers. in a volley, it was destroyed, the firing position of ukrainian equipment continues to strike at operational-tactical army aviation with missile forces and artillery at military facilities on the territory of ukraine, two command posts in the areas of settlements, seversk and
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ocheretino of the donetsk people's republic, three ammunition depots in areas settlements, krasnogorovka of the donetsk people's republic, zhhnev, nikolaev region. i sakurovka, kherson region, as well as manpower and military equipment armed forces of ukraine 123 areas of russian anti-aircraft gunners at their own expense. they recorded another shot down instant-29, the vsu continues to intercept from a shell from hairs, which are 17 in the elderly districts in just a day. well, three attack drones, and in total , more than 1,700,264 military aircraft and 145 helicopters were already shot down during the special operations of combat drones . denis alekseev olga rebrova to lead. a resident of lvov was interrupted by the patriotic commander, imported to ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid, a similar scheme was revealed in ivano-frankivsk volynskaya some kind of charitable foundation. as it turned out, he was actively trading in ammunition, intended for everything, these are new examples of fraudulent schemes that allow especially cunning
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characters to earn a lot of money against the backdrop of hostilities. the west is, it seems ready to turn a blind eye nikolai sokolov will continue while some have grief, and others are dying in hostilities. some are trying to capitalize on the market. it occurs all the time about it. in general, even foreigners are at least silent, because it is simply visible, this is humanitarian assistance. she often labeled nonetheless. it's sold in piles. it is sold almost on the street in many ukrainian cities, and this is a fact that cannot be denied by the bureau of economic security of ukraine itself opened about 10 criminal cases on the fact of trafficking in weapons and humanitarian aid, and in different regions of the country a new scheme for importing cars from european, registering under the guise of a humanitarian aid, transcarpathia detained a customs officer who took 300-500 dollars for an unhindered permit travel. and two more ukrainians. they carried military ammunition in such cars and then sold it at inflated prices to a volunteer who collected money to help the armed forces, didn’t go to
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hungary there back in february and established a supply chain, according to the consequences, they didn’t earn 72 million. now they are accused of non-payment. the legalization of property on an especially large scale is light portable weapons, but they go through various channels, that is, most of them go for the supply of those countries and groups that they cannot officially provide for supply. after that, it is actually written off immediately, that is, as soon as it crosses the border or gets on trucks. he is trying to sell on the black market, even such vehicles, specially equipped for military needs, are especially needed before 20,000 dollars, three cars managed to be sold, and during the search, they found another 11 ready for sale, one of


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