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tv   Novosti  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2022 7:00pm-7:23pm MSK

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recently, he has had a sharp increase in the number of neighbors after the closure of the flying club around like mushrooms after the rain, private houses began to grow around maxim shevchenko alexey tabunkov alexander zarubov ovchan see you at 21:30. hello, we continue the informational evening on russia 24 tv channel russia's relations with the united states of america are of concern to everyone without exception even those who think that this is not so these days american scientists published a study according to which if a nuclear war suddenly starts between russia and the united states, then more than 5
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billion people will starve, this is three-quarters of the world's population between the two countries. today, the fate of all mankind is really bad, as never before, and without exaggeration, the fate of all mankind is at stake. why do american politicians behave so irresponsibly, irresponsibly and with impunity, while they destroy everything that was created before them in the field of international law and laws. maybe they behave this way because there is no future for these politicians. today we will talk about this with anatoly antonov, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of russia to the united states of america. he is in touch with our studio anatoly ivanovich i welcome you, as no one else can tell you a lot about the nature of russian american interaction today. well, i will immediately ask, probably, my first question. let's talk about the political nature of our relations today. what is their status it is clear that, probably for the leaders of the countries to meet, the leaders of the
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two countries. today, the agenda is not appropriate, but here we know that russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is going to visit washington new york for the united nations general assembly how do you think you know? can this somehow affect the status of political contacts between russia and the united states of america, please have the floor, we are waiting for your messages. good evening thank you very much for the opportunity, and to share my knowledge regarding russian-american relations, i have to admit that today the russian-american political dialogue is paralyzed as a result. even those areas that represent mutual interests for the two countries contacts are sporadic at the end of july, for the first time in more than six months, the minister had a telephone conversation. lavrov with a gay post us secretary in a linker. we are firmly convinced that
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without direct interaction between our powers, it is impossible to solve not only the problem of bilateral relations, but also issues relating to the whole world. now to us a lot of questions are being asked at the kamenister at his general assembly, therefore, it’s safe to say that many would like to see sergey viktorovich lavrov and his general assembly . the chief russian diplomat constantly takes part in international forms. among them are the events of the twenty shows of the sassiana, the cis csto, there are many examples for your viewers, uh, or our viewers. they are well known, of course, the usa in recent years we have repeatedly created difficulties in connection with working trips, including through the un line, the embassy has already turned to the white house with a demand to fulfill
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the obligations of the country on whose territory the headquarters is based. he would immediately issue visas to the minister and all members of the russian delegation. we will continue to insist on ensuring the unhindered entry of all representatives of russia participating in the event of the seventy-seventh session of the general assembly, by the way tomorrow, and i have another visit, uh state department, where one of the central issues. i intend to raise precisely this problem, the problem of the full-scale participation of our minister and delegation in the upcoming september events in new york. thanks to anatoly ivanovich, as they say, we already have experience, and you can foresee these complications that may certainly arise and in matters of our officials visiting the united states of america, therefore, your concern in advance is quite,
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understandable and justified, but since the news from you a lot of air time is short, so i will go through the following topics literally in telegraphic style. e. please tell anatoly ivanovich what the united states thinks about russia's cooperation with other countries in the field of energy. today, by the way, the germans in germany admitted that without russian gas supplies to them, gas is a maximum of 2.5 months. and what do the united states think about this, in particular, about the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, which they have been preventing for so long? that no matter how washington tries to present russia as unreliable supplier, and this line continues all this is not true the problem with our customers, including those you mentioned today, began solely as a result of us-imposed or inspired sanctions restrictions. we have never imposed our deliveries, we have not tried to decide, attributing to us a narrowly
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opportunistic goal, we are ready to sell to everyone who needs inexpensive and high-quality resources of nord stream-2. the flow or pipeline is ready to start in theory, the start of its work could decide uh, almost all the supply problems that arose, uh, with the first stream due to the sanctions, there is not enough, that is, political will. you just need to press the button on the part of the european states and the uh flow will work, but in the european capitals they succumbed persistently to the persuasion of the white house. as a result, a bet was made on expensive lng, which, as washington likes to say, consists of molecules freedom evelyn, remember the times of the soviet union, the situation is exactly the same as the united states and then fought against economic cooperation our country with europe for example, in the sixties . together with our german partners, we tried to
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launch a well-known soviet german gastronomy project. he assumed the supply of energy resources in exchange for pipes of large size americans. they were very much entrusted to berlin, but the project was still real. the sp-2 americans did everything possible to prevent the b2 from being neglected. however, sp-2 failed to do this today. uh, problems with sp2, of course , in the hands. uh, washington, you can say that everything worked out for washington, and he is celebrating a victory. question is a simple question. who won, of course, america, who lost, not only russia but europe, a colossal blow was dealt not only to russian, but rather to european competitiveness . such attempts today to divide the energy market into good and bad only lead to destabilization of the industry. and the growth of inflation in this series, you probably heard. this is the initiative of the united states of america to set the maximum level of
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quotations for russian oil. the task is to treat russian income here like they want to understand that we will not supply resources at favorable prices for ourselves at a loss, there will be a simple next redistribution of commodity flows. and not in favor of western countries. and you and i have repeatedly talked in the course of interviews about the plight of russian prisoners in american prisons in american prisons a few months ago, the exchange of russian pilot konstantin yaroshenko for a former marine reed took place. but if the prospects for continuing such contacts and such exchanges and, uh, who exactly a very sensitive emotional principle question. primarily. together with everyone, i would like to rejoice at the return of konstantin yaroshenko to his homeland, describe in words what our country had to endure during 12 years
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in prison, his health during this time was seriously shaken in the united states, he was not provided. e, there was no opportunity to undergo a qualified examination, as well as to receive the necessary medicines. about 2 weeks ago in moscow i managed to meet konstantin it was nice to see his happy eyes, joy from meeting with his family returning, of course, similar situations to his homeland. now there are other russian citizens of great effort. we should have had an inspection. hooray for the doctor for viktor but, however, roman seleznev still does not receive proper medical care, and the embassy's requests are completely ignored. let me emphasize the protection of the interests of the russians trapped in the american dungeons is our absolute priority. in general, how can one come to terms with the inhuman treatment of jailers with compatriots in trouble?
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let's remember in the case of maria bukina, who was unfairly kept in prison for more than a year and a half , this is a deputy of our state duma, now they mocked her, tortured the russians , various methods of psychological pressure are used, including direct threats. they are trying to persuade them to confess their guilt. and if this does not work out, and they are threatened with e long ones. uh, the administration has been on the hunt for russians abroad since 2008. we recorded in 58 arrests compatriots, it is noteworthy that the world community on the international e, right, human organizations are silent about e, personally appealed to the leadership of these structures more than once. with a request to understand this issue, help us solve this problem, however, things are different. there, of course, we will not put up with such a practice
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. we will strive to ensure that all russians return. e home. and for us. this is not just a slogan - this is our care, this is our life. this is our task anatoly ivanovich how does viktor bout feel? be in an american prison? in the near future, we are going to visit it. eh, well man, in a terrible state. well, maybe tomorrow , the day after tomorrow, relatively speaking, we will have a moment when he can return to his homeland, we are doing everything possible to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible in this regard, and in these matters , you have the opportunity to contact the americans with us officials representatives. contacts are preserved we proceed from the fact that this issue should be resolved in a
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calm atmosphere. as agreed, the president of russia and among us america, the issue must be resolved. eh, such work is underway along the lines of the relevant structures. e, and. i think that we should just wait for concrete results. and thanks to anatoly ivanovich, the only treaty today that is the russian american nuclear control treaty, and today the so-called start-3 treaty, the treaty on the reduction of offensive arms, remains the weapon. its term expires in 2026 and the parties, realizing that it is necessary to prepare for the extension of the agreement, seem to have begun it discussion, but first a special military operation. e russia in ukraine discussion stopped. although joe biden recently said that he was ready to immediately start discussing him, what is behind these words of his? biden's loud statement was timed to coincide with the
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opening of the 10th review conference by day. this is a forum where the results of the activities of the international community on issues of arms control , non-proliferation and the peaceful use of atomic energy are discussed. this forum is now taking place in new york and has been going on for a month. so welcome to the participants. uh, this event is biden. he made a biting statement about his readiness to immediately begin negotiations on some kind of framework agreement to replace the scm, while the united states did not send us any specific proposals in the development of its initiative. this statement, by the way, was widely picked up by the media in russia and the united states of america, you mentioned it now, but you completely forgot the little tail to this statement, and jebaida, who said that russia is required to demonstrate good. this is what one can only assume that we are talking about a russian special military
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operation it is strange to hear such words from the americans, the history of arms control negotiations between the soviet union, and then russia and the united states clearly demonstrate that we have never yielded to pressure, our negotiators have always we built the conversation on an equal basis of our request to talk over the substance of the president's statements, as well as some of his officials. until you're satisfied, but i'm looking forward to in the near future to meet with representatives of, uh, the ministry of defense and the state department, where it would be possible to put an end to and decide whether the americans are really ready, uh, for equal and mutually beneficial interaction . -show today says. that we don't need to talk to the americans at all and we don't need
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to have any negotiations and we don't have any conversations, then i would like to give you my point vision. i am firmly convinced that without a serious conversation between the united states of america and russia, and we will lose, the international peace, the international order, and edsnw will lose. today, it's the gold standard in arms control to keep 26 year expires sometimes determine what 's next when we wake up and this treaty is gone . and in this regard, at least i can not. do not recall the words of our presidents vladimir vladimirovich putin and jebaiden, which were agreed in geneva that there should be a nuclear war it cannot, and there cannot be winners in it, we need a certain degree of predictability, something that is now so lacking in bilateral relations. new , as i understand it, my colleagues in moscow for an equal serious conversation. we just need to
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figure out if we are ready for this american, especially since, despite all the promises, everyone. uh, the key review papers of the current administration, which should have been released back in the spring. eh, it hasn't been done. we are waiting at any moment. we hope that it will not be with the american opposition. i very much look forward to contacts. and with the americans, are the americans ready? anatoly ivanovich it seems to me that this question sounds rhetorical. you know, i had to hear from one very high-ranking american expert on a question. and what can bring closer the positions of russia to the united states of america , and he answered, and russia should be more flexible, the united states should be more persistent. well, as they say, the question of good intentions is removed from itself and the pressure becomes clear, and it increases in particular with the development of the specialist. russia's military operation in ukraine how do you assess the dynamics of this pressure? the united
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states has already spent $10 billion to support ukraine's military support, in particular during russia's special military operation, this pressure will increase according to your impressions , feelings and calculations. we have to look at this problem, a little more broadly, americans believe that in 1991 they did not complete their operation to overthrow russia, break it up and turn it into a three-tier regional country. after the 1990s, when we began to rise from our knees and strengthen our armed forces, we took far reaching steps in the political and economic field. all this caused irritation, dissatisfaction and anxiety here in washington . and in washington they were ready to see. uh, we have a second-rate partner who should follow the lead of washington's policy. a complete surprise for the americans was the demand of our president, and guarantees of security and
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unacceptability for us of an international order based on rules. west ignored i considered the warning of the russian president, because to preserve the world order that is beneficial for us, but detrimental to us. we are with this approach. and we naturally rejected such an approach. but the special military operation, as i think, became a kind of trigger for the introduction of hellish sanctions against us, as the americans themselves say, and as they succeed in liberating the republics of donbass and luhansk, washington became the consciousness that we are not bluffing. our determination is relentless, we are focused on the implementation of all the tasks that placed in front of us. uh, our president is the americans. answering your specific questions. they are not going to stop, they are doing everything possible to form a front of loyal allies and states which, for one reason or another, the washingtons are forced to obey. the pressure is growing
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in all directions washington is sending its emissaries to asia africa latin america task to convince the state to refuse to cooperate with us. i want to emphasize washington's attention to the cis countries, they are threatened by their sanctions. uh, trying to get them to stop interacting. uh, with us, washington imposes sanctions, which seriously incur serious economic losses, not only for russia, but also for the united states of america, but we are talking about high gasoline prices, inflation, low rates of economic development. uh, your word is russia russia the russian problem has become a politicized politicized issue, especially on the eve of the november midterm elections to congress, and such contrary to the constant statements of the white house that they have achieved just to be in isolation, most
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members of the international community continue to develop cooperation with us. evelina would have paid attention, on august 9, the washington post newspaper wrote clearly and clearly far from ok to the russian federation to you and me 2/3 of the world's population living in various states refused to support western sanctions in this way all plans, and the united states is collapsing. well, i can't help but say. see an extreme example. look at those grandiose events that today yesterday and tomorrow, the ministry of defense will host three major events conference on international security military-technical forum arami. answer 20, 22 army and games 700 delegates from several dozen countries, listen, what can we talk about? is this not evidence of the authority of recognition, by the way, not only of the ministry of defense, but of our entire russia? the
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question that i ask you during each interview and, unfortunately, each of your answers each time a place of space for cooperation and goodwill, let's say so, is questionable. what is the likelihood that the united states can reach such an absurdity and recognize, for example, russia as a country and a sponsor of terrorism? the situation is unfortunate as u do not want to say other words. you just don't get it. everything that has been created in recent years. everything seemed to be destroyed 2 years ago, when we were discussing, we talked about the service of relations, when we had the trump administration here, and they expelled russian diplomats, took away property, but today it is simply unprecedented, if someone else a year ago said. is it possible to bring relations between our two countries to a worthy low level, i would smile in response, but today
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not only russia but also compatriots living here are discriminated against. for belonging to russia intimidates persecuted threatened torn this is very sad. cultural scientific educational connection, the official propaganda is trying its best to demonize. ah, the russian authorities. mentions fall out , the role of our country in world war ii war. this is sincerely disappointing. i especially know that there are many ordinary americans here who are sadly watching this situation, which remembers the military brotherhood of the american and soviet people during the second world war. e is firmly convinced that without the interaction of the largest nuclear powers, permanent members of the security council, it is impossible to solve any global problems about this. by the way, yesterday the russian president clearly said the greeting.


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