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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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now shots from the government house good afternoon, dear colleagues. in his message to the federal assembly, the president defined the tasks facing the country and expressed his gratitude to the citizens of russia , including those who are now working around the clock at defense plants. he is building a fortification providing assistance to the wounded to support our defenders , it is necessary to continue effective work on the logistics and medical
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support of military units. close attention. a must be given in order to communicate to all participants in the special war of the operation and their families, the measures taken for social support of monetary allowance , it is important that they are provided without unnecessary bureaucracy and administrative delays. the president emphasized that both the volunteers and those who serve under the contract and mobilized all of them fulfill their sacred duty to their homeland, in order to support them, the government approved a number of changes to the current regulations , signed a resolution that enables participants in volunteer formations of such people. we get a lot of free help in military medical units and organizations. there , they can also be provided with medicines, if necessary, military
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doctors, of course, make medical products. and everything you need to save the life and health of your patients. and this solution will smooth organizational processes. the main thing is that the guys go faster c , the government has already simplified for our defenders the registration of the benefits and deferrals due to them, while a number of regions have offered their help for their families. among them right. without a queue to arrange a child in a kindergarten and many other advantages , another decree specifies the procedure for electronic interaction between departments. in this domain. now the constituent entities of the russian federation will be able to receive information about the mobilized who live in their territories and provide them and their loved ones with additional support measures, including through the public services portal, it is important that due to the automation of all processes , the time for receiving them for targeted
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personal assistance to the families of the victims will be reduced fighters and veterans, his president, set the task of creating a state fund. we have already discussed this issue at the government meeting, all the instructions. work on the formation of such a structure has begun; it will coordinate the provision of social medical care, rehabilitation, and participants in a special military operation. well, it will also help them get trained, of course, we need to build a system of individual support for our defenders and their families. colleagues, in her message, the head of state also spoke about the need to provide every six months of a two-week vacation for all participants in a special military operation. it is necessary to work out in detail the procedural aspects that will allow planning logistics; it is important to promptly resolve all issues for the implementation of this instruction.
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during today's meeting , i ask the leaders of the working groups to report on the implementation of the target tasks, and the head of the federal antimonopoly service, maxim alekseevich slippery shawl, on the results of pricing control for products that are supplied under the state defense order, and the minister of defense of the russian federation is the head, and the ministry of internal affairs of the fsb is the deputy director of the national guard. please inform him of the current situation with the level of security of subordinate departments. mikhail mishustin held a meeting of the coordinating council to meet the needs of the russian armed forces in moscow and launched the large circle line. the longest in the world. metro ring 71 km, 31 stations and three depots is the largest project in the field of meter building in russia on how trains were launched on the now most long branches of the metropolitan subway. they will say anastasia each one can be said for a very
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long time, because each is, without any exaggeration, an engineering miracle. but the most important thing, of course, is that these nine stations opened today, in fact, close the large circle line. and this is a new transport frame of the capital, which improves the lives of 3 million muscovites and more than 30 metropolitan areas. but these are only those who, it will affect directly in the same total complexity. it can be said that, due to its influence on road traffic and, of course, on the possible saving time when using bc is an event that concerns absolutely every muscovite without exception. this is actually a grandiose project, that's what the russian president called it. the head of state took part in the opening ceremony, and bcs today via video link and, of course, congratulated every resident of the capital of today's event, in terms of its length of seventy -kilometer bkl it has become the world's largest underground metro, overtaking our friends
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in china and the current leader of the beijing ring line metro here we will meet with e s. er, chairman of the people's republic of china, if the program allows , we will be happy to show our guests, in any case, the delegation. it seems to me that it will be possible to show, but the main thing is that the quality will change the entire transport system of the capital. it will unload many highways and become a good incentive for the development and improvement of the surrounding urban areas. it will make the life of the megapolis and its residents and guests more convenient and dynamic . i think that passengers who use the existing sections of the new ring have already been able to appreciate. all of its benefits significant savings in travel time. generally.
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i want to note the tremendous work that the moscow authorities have done in recent years to develop transport infrastructure, there really is something to see here, there are more than three dozen electric depot stations, and this is really the longest metro circle line in the world that allows you to get from point a to point b significant time savings, which means we are making moscow even more convenient for its residents. this is a historic event. for only for the subway, but for the whole of the transport system for the city of moscow, this is the largest and most difficult project in the history of metro construction. yes, the new heart of the moscow transport system, which combines the moscow central circle and metro lines into a single transport system and allows you to connect new lines, the metro creating the future of the transport system. we are now in sokolniki and this is a very good example of how difficult it was
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to build a large ring line around the dense urban development, but this is not the biggest difficulty. the fact is that in the immediate vicinity of the historic sokolniki metro station built in 1935 and, accordingly, work. here it was necessary literally with a jeweler's accuracy in millimeters. every step is assured so that these places are connected in addition not closed historically. no, causing damage to them. that is why the introduction of a large circle line. this is such a big celebration for all those who have a relationship of building and tradition. i'm asking for your permission to launch the big metro ring. with god let's go guys. thank you very much for
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throughout the big circle line. i hope our viewers have the opportunity to see the map right now, and here on the map the bcl diagram somewhat resembles the outline of a heart. i am another symbol of today's project. this, of course, is such a transport heart of the capital, which beats in unison with another heart of another transport artery, the old ring metro line, which, of course, is much smaller, but it is obvious that these two rings will allow the city to breathe even more freely in that regarding traffic flows continues to talk about the station is another historically unique, unconditionally and open. today. this, of course, is the marina grove, a deep station 70 m deep, escalators almost 130 m deep. and this means that, in general, quite seriously underground, not only the residents, who today along the marina grove had to go down, but
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first of all, of course, to the builders who created this station, as well as all the others, each of which is unique in its own way, including due to the technologies that were used for their construction for the first time during construction. ah, the big ring line, the giants' ten-meter shields were indeed used. the so-called tunnel tunneling complexes, but which made it possible to build distillation tunnels. uh, double-track, and in which trains of different directions move towards each other, that is. the first use of these accounts made it possible to build tunnels without additional e structures, and drainage shafts and ventilation shafts, e, and use. uh, the tunnel is practically a cheat. e, respectively, reduced the construction time, but i it remains to add that the first passengers are already traveling along the large circle line in practice. everyone who goes down the e? toru holds a mobile phone in his hands and takes pictures of everything
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that happens, apparently, he also agrees with the mayor of moscow, who considers the current moment to be historical. well, of course , they prefer not only to hear about this project, but also to see it. and the best thing, of course, is to drive anastasia efimova and yakovladina konstantin veselonov together today they reported the latest reports of the special operation. air defense of defense, 15 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of settlements in a day, a new one from buryivka hola pier in the kherson region, semyonovka in the zaporozhye region, krivyannoye rubizhnoye krasnorechenskaya lugansk of the people's republic, a new andreevka of the donetsk people's republic or you of the second kharkiv region in addition, an attempt was prevented by the kiev regime massive attack by drones on the objects of the crimean peninsula, 6 ukrainian strike drones were shot down by means of air defense, four more
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ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were disabled by means of electronic warfare, no casualties and destruction on the ground were allowed. mutually beneficial partnership , regardless of the opinion of the west, was discussed today by the leaders of china and belarus alexander lukashenko arrived in the people 's republic of china on a state visit, as is known, beijing and minsk have their own views on the settlement of the conflict in ukraine report by alexander valetsky. in the programs of state visits , this ceremonial is always spelled out thoroughly and the visit of the belarusian president to china is no different from business cards, everyone tried to find something. he was such an annoyance from the very beginning. the west there understood to speak in china lukashenko will be about ukraine and common positions in the international arena. today 's meeting is taking place at a very difficult time, which requires new non-standard approaches to responsible political decisions. the belarusian
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actively comes up with proposals for peace , he wholeheartedly supports the initiative put forward by you on international security. but the western camp is for these peace proposals. china was criticized and even the very fact that they accept an ally of russia from you in washington was regarded as beijing's unconditional support for moscow in the ukrainian conflict , the chinese press has already gone through these western thesis pointing out that such an approach only clearly demonstrates this narrow-mindedness, views and hypocrisy. they are not at all interested, not that minsk has repeatedly played the role of an intermediary between russia and ukraine, not that beijing is also actively promoting the position of negotiations. well, as chinese analysts emphasize, being geographically between russia and europe , belarus is now starting from a very difficult situation, since the risks to its security are also growing this concern. beijing understands minsk, he himself is under constant pressure and lukashenka today once again spoke of the tension in asia
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, including around taiwan, which the states are escalating , minsk condemns, and at the same time counts on strengthening bilateral ties and inviting chinese business to participate more actively in the belarusian economy, a striking contrast statements by western leaders alexander bauelian icons nikolai petrov to lead from beijing china well, now let's show you this video that appeared in the feeds of news agencies. and now, here it is on telegram channels e diverges. i will quote what maria zakharova said, the official representative of the foreign ministry in norway deprived greta of her freedom, the uniformed people with our polities took the tumber to her. i'm waiting for a response on the seo of the osce and, uh, the state department. end of quote. well , it is reported that greta thunberg and other activists were detained for an action in the buildings of the ministry of finance against a wind turbine park, just bees against honey and eco-activists strike against windmills. well, in europe, specifically
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in iceland, the so-called us doomsday plane and six mercury b's landed, it's basically designed to communicate with strategic nuclear missile cruisers, which, uh, are carriers of intercontinental ballistic missiles. why the pentagon needed to transfer this particular aircraft to europe, no one has yet specified. in israel, thousands of people again protested against the judicial reform, which is promoted by the prime minister countries, benjamin, netanyahu, the demonstrators are carrying, israeli flags and posters with slogans against this bill in tel aviv, the protesters blocked the central highways on the roads grew, of course, immediately after this multi-kilometer traffic jam, the law enforcement officers tried to disperse the protesters, even used stun grenades. well , as a result, uh, the demonstration escalated in places into clashes with the police. by this hour
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, dozens of people have been detained, and there are also reports of victims. moscow expresses its condolences to the people of greece in connection with the recent railway accident in the north of the country , this is stated in the official commentary. let me remind you that the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, last night , two passenger freight trains collided near the city of larisa, as a result of which at least 38 people died in greece , a three-day mourning was declared. uh, according to preliminary data cited by local media, the cause of the crash was a mistake. e employees of the railway company, which sent both trains along the same track. it is now known that after the disaster he was arrested the stationmaster could face a sentence of up to life. in addition to other events , new laws on pensions for citizens in new russian
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regions came into force today. so the residents of the donetsk people's republic got the opportunity to re-register social benefits according to the rules common for the whole country. if after the recalculation the amount of the pension increases if suddenly after the recalculation the pension remains smaller, then it will be paid in the previously established amount according to the legislation of the donetsk people's republic people will not lose anything, the kherson region is ready to pay social benefits, pensions according to russian standards, this was announced on our air by the rio governor. vladimir balance according to him, in order to receive social benefits, you need a russian passport, which has been issued so far by only 70,000 people. all those who received, in fact, the passport of the russian federation and there are already more than 70,000 of them and the registration is underway. uh, also in the simplified
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version e, we expect that in the next two or three months there will already be up to 150,000 passports. here are all who received passports, they everyone already has the right, or rather, he has the right now, but in order to get it, of course, you need a passport and all the programs that exist in the russian federation to support retired young medical workers, mothers, and military personnel. well, that's all. everything related specifically to the social fund of russia everything will now be formalized, and on the territory of the kherson region, maternity capital is already being distributed to everyone. strictly speaking, children who were born after 207. that's all it is now. uh, the workers are already getting ready and being trained. social workers who will process all these things related to social benefits. uh, it provides very serious support to us, of course, the nearest region,
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crimea krasnodar rostov region in these matters. well, uh, more and more, you know , kherson residents are returning. another message from the news feed, the finnish parliament voted for the adoption of the bill on the accession of the republic to nato, for the bill to be approved, the parliament needed a simple majority of votes in favor as a result, they voted 184 deputies were against it, seven parliamentarians for the final ratification of the bill, it is now necessary to approve it by the president of the republic , sauli did not erase it. the united states and great britain overthrew regimes in other countries that were inconvenient for them, but this did not work out with russia. another western politician made hmm a frank confession, not knowing that vovan and lexus were actually talking well with russian pranksters. you already know you talked to the former british foreign secretary william hague. anton
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daidekin will tell what did the british diplomat manage to confess, with whom did he think he had a conversation? william hake i am glad to welcome petro poroshenko for the last time. they met in person in 2014 after the coup d'état in kiev, haig, then the head of the british foreign office, actively promoted and supported maidan poroshenko , was just about to legalize the seizure of power by becoming the president of ukraine, so haig was now in the mood for a frank conversation and not expecting a dirty trick. he told a lot of things to russian pranksters who pretended to be poroshenko haig. he supported ukraine's demand for long-range missiles, but made it clear that the british were not going to give kiev such expensive weapons and offered to rummage in their pockets. the states of their allies have these missiles. mostly the us also has them, and other states such as south
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korea and turkey have a different type of missiles in the uk with a longer range. the uk always acts as the one who strengthens. u.s. courage and determination but major decisions are still being accepted in washington hake assured many in the west support the idea of ​​​​ukraine joining nato, but again, in the foreseeable future, zelensky and his team are not expected in the alliance. in the meantime, the british lord proposes to provide kiev with guarantees of greater support, especially since new military contracts bring everyone in the west good money. we do not want to join nato, because it is clear. he does not want a direct military conflict with russia. well, this implies that we will pump weapons into ukraine. ukraine will be such a market, that is, here the entire military-industrial complex of great britain of the west there, the united states, respectively , will work for this. the lord promised to put pressure on his close friend. rich bitch, so that the british government continues
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to pump weapons to ukraine. he made it clear that ukraine would not be allowed to make peace in the near future, i don’t think that yes, there will be any new agreement, rather a frozen conflict is a more likely development of events, rather a korean scenario hick frankly stated that the us and the uk are changing objectionable governments in others countries, but with russia it did not work out in some states the usa great britain was able to succeed and change power from the outside but this happened in weaker countries. now it is impossible to do this in russia being the minister of foreign affairs. i've been to moscow and met on the grounds of the british embassy with civil society and groups that promote our values, but any such support from the west is for regime change. in russia, it was immediately regarded as a conspiracy and typical aggression.
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such a surprise, but the british and americans, what is it like that? we bring you. the beacon of democracy is practically there a ray of light your dark kingdom, e authoritarian totalitarianism. and you, and for some reason you think that we are your enemies. well, how, according to the british lord, to break russia at the beginning of the 20th century? it was necessary to arrange the first world war , it took such a large-scale event in order to finally start a revolution in russia, it is extremely difficult to create such a situation. unfortunately. ah. at the same time , washington and brussels do not hide london. the west will still try to inflict as much damage as possible on russia, even if there is nothing left of ukraine as a result. anton is given the news. in the orenburg region
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, a section of the federal highway m5 ural was closed due to strong snowstorm visibility. this, that is, almost zero, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, traffic was temporarily limited on the road from the red-cheeked settlement to the new nikolskoye settlement for about 90 km, as local residents say at the exit from nagorsk, dozens of trucks have already accumulated when traffic along the highway resumes. bye it is not clear the blizzard is only intensifying due to bad weather, as reportedly traffic was limited in neighboring bashkiria. well, now let's get back to the main capital news , traffic is open along the large circle line. now let's ask our economic observers to join us. vera frost is already in touch with us vera greetings well, it is clear that bcl is a powerful impetus for the development of the capital, but who should win first greetings will win all passengers save time on the road, who moscow budget will receive an additional income
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of almost 3.4 trillion rubles. the large-scale project was implemented in a fairly short timeframe, making the large moscow metro circle line the largest in the world before that, the leader was the chinese subway in beijing in 2011 , they laid 70 km of track, which combined 31 stations, of which a significant part of the interchanges 19 lead to other metro lines four for encec and six for mcd. this allows for a more even distribution of traffic flows, the radial metro lines can be unloaded by 22%, and the circle line by 25%. car traffic will also be reduced on the third transport ring within 10% travel time and passengers will be able to save up to 45 minutes a day. this will have a positive impact on labor productivity, and the new
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transport artery will become a business attraction factor. and this is a serious impetus for development, the president noted. vladimir putin metro, including the subway and the moscow central ring , has grown by one and a half times over the past 10 years, 70% has been updated and rolling stock has been built modern electric depots. it is also important that such transport projects have a positive effect on the development of domestic engineering in moscow good order. e, this contributes to the creation of tens of thousands of qualified jobs in general in a number of regions of russia, it is expected that up to 202. 3 near the station of the big circle line , almost 400,000 jobs will appear. investments in the construction of new office and shopping centers housing social and sports facilities will exceed five trillion rubles of moscow the budget for the construction of the metro yes,
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the thirty-fifth year, the city calculates the beams receive almost three and a half trillion rubles of additional income. this is about 4.5 rubles. for every ruble that was invested in the large circle line, and for additional investments more than six and a half. all complexes of the city of moscow worked for this project. i will say more. this project worked for the entire economy and all the potential of the city of moscow thank you very much to those enterprises that supplied materials and equipment, as they rightly said, the most modern trains that were created during this period of time meters of the train, only the most modern trains. moscow 22:20. they have wide doors, reduced noise level in the cabin, enlarged information screens. uh,
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there are usb chargers near each seat; these trains are produced in russia at enterprises. and oktyabrsky electric car repair. specially for the launch of a large circular line, we tried to almost completely complete the process of localization of import substitution of all key components used in our car. now the level of localization reaches 90% moreover, many components have been mastered, including production or on our site meters a piece of paper, some components are received from other enterprises, entering each company is a transformer, the remaining 10%, and is supplied from friendly countries. this year, the metro will receive 300 new cars, they will be serviced by three large depots, the involvement of the manufacturer's specialists in the process will increase efficiency and reduce costs more than 500 drivers trained to work on the block train, who
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will operate modern trains, moscow 22:20.
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