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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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how and to whom the euro official said this. green corridor in china after 3 years, china resumes issuing visas of all types for foreigners. how to submit documents and how china is preparing to receive tourists about this in the report of our correspondent from the border of the celestial empire and the amur region. and let's start with the situation with floods in several regions at once, the water level in the rivers rises sharply due to warming and heavy rainfall , the flood began earlier than forecasts, already sunken houses and household plots in 16 regions, and the situation in samara areas. now we will find out our correspondent alina barsukova, she is on a direct line. alina welcomes where the situation is most difficult now and whether the evacuation of the population is needed in the samara region this year, spring floods began 2 weeks earlier than predicted, due to a sharp
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warming from the disappearance of rivers and widespread snowmelt. this is the samara region, according to official data, by this time the leash has affected 13 districts. in particular. this is 26, and residential buildings and 203 + 1.000 plots were sunk five low-water bridges, and three sections of car houses, for example. in the masty village of the same name in the pestravsky district, the large irgiz river has already flooded the bridge by almost 4 m, but fortunately the residents were ready for this situation. if earlier it was necessary to organize a boat crossing, now there is already an alternative option. this is a detour. e-e detour, bypass, road, affected e, areas are working experts of the ministry of emergency situations carried out monitoring of unmanned aircraft further. our
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correspondent alina barsukova was in direct contact with the studio from the samara region. difficult according to the ministry of emergency situations, the situation with floods is now also in the saratov region, temporary accommodation points have been prepared there in the petrovsky district, an emergency regime has been introduced due to an increase in the water level in the river. medveditsa how things are in the region will tell ilya anikeev. like a small icebreaker, a rescue boat with people on board, makes its way through a labyrinth of thawed ice floes, there is no other way to get from home to work from the road under water, how can it be pumped out? this is useless work in the cellars, water, generally at a breakneck pace hundreds of homes remain sunk. in each the same picture, the basement is filled to the brim with a barn. if she can approach, then in rubber boots everything that is inside is destroyed small buildings. here is the barn damaged garage. well, the garden was flooded with absolutely all the damage from the dispersal of the elements
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, trying to calculate the full scale of the disaster in each house, it will be possible to estimate when the water recedes the edge of the ice on the branches - this is a kind of indicator of yesterday's water level. here we can say that in a few hours he went down approximately 30 cm, but still , the situation in the petrovsky district of the saratov region remains extremely tense, the state of emergency introduced next to the houses that turned out to be. temporary accommodation has been deployed in the flood zone. we have created all the conditions and sleeping places drinking regime medical care. and if needed in uh, we will borrow people here from children, in particular , water costs 3 days the level in the river. the bear is gradually declining rescuers continue to work clearing the channel trees alexander bazhenov lead, saratov region. in moscow today on a visit, the president of syria, basharasat , laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden and honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a delegation of syrian politicians and military
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. minutes of silence, the ceremony was accompanied by an honor guard band, and today, at the basharasad, the planned talks with vladimir putin will be the main topics of cooperation, including in the field, trade, the economy and the humanitarian sphere, as well as settlement last time. let me remind you that the leaders of russia and syria held a meeting in september 2021, also in moscow, but in general this is already the eighth visit of your race. yes, in our country since 2000, when he became the president of syria for 12 years in a strict regime colony, the ukrainian military andrey did not know. court. he found him guilty of committing crimes against the local population of severodonetsk, moreover, under two articles at once , the use of prohibited means and intent. inflicted damage to someone else's property
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to a ukrainian serviceman who committed a crime against the peace and security of mankind, the investigative committee of russia established that in may 2022, servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine andriy neznakov, while in severodonetsk, threw a grenade into the window of a residential building on gagarin street as a result of the detonation and scattering of fragments, a woman who was in the room, she received bodily injury and property damage. the best percentage of sberbank, a reliable investment, we will make repairs more profitable , we will take a loan. let's do nothing we will do arrange. sabantuy will have something to remember, we will correctly open a deposit in sberbank and everything will be fine. deposit the best interest in sberbank with a rate. more
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with a sign below the market price, buy new tires more profitable on avito state duma deputy leonid ivlev called the flight of the us mq9 drone in the black sea a provocation and now he is directly in touch with us leonid grigorievich hello good afternoon. tell us how in russia they regard the flights of american drones directly at the russian borders, because the pentagon
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says that they flew in international waters and they say there should not be such a reaction, as they see it in moscow well, a means of objective control allows you to determine and space reconnaissance, where are the drones located, either they are in international waters, or they entered the territory of the russian federation and it is obvious that american drones are constantly hitting the coastal waters of crimea in order to consider the situation to monitor military facilities the airspace is great to transfer to the armed forces of ukraine thereby america claims that it is a party to a special military operation on the side of ukraine, no matter how they twist these facts, from which the americans themselves, in this case, admitted that the drone carried out reconnaissance
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activities in the black sea. there is nowhere to go, yes, they really carried out reconnaissance activities, but for what, of course, only in the interests of the armed forces of ukraine, and it should be noted the skill of our military pilots, who did not use means of destruction, did not use any maneuvers there, but simply forced the americans to blow up their own there can be a lot of reasons for the pilot to destroy it here, but you know tomorrow it will be 10 years since the general the crimean referentum on joining the russian federation, so, here is one of the goals of these flights will spoil the mood of the crimeans, but crimea will not work - this is russia - this is forever. this is not discussed. well, besides the fact that our pilots really acted professionally in this situation. how are you?
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you can also say that a professional pilot is a graduate of the kurgan higher military-political aviation school. and what can you say from a professional point of view from a professional military point of view about how did our pilots act and what are the specific instructions that our fighter pilots receive before performing these kind of flights? well, you know, first of all , the pilot performs the task. in this case, i guess. yes, it was about preventing the penetration of an american drone into the airspace. and the russian federation and this military task is what they completed for which many thanks to them, and they don’t use they didn’t use missiles, no doubt they didn’t go to the ram, that is, they carried out such evolutionary maneuvers that forced the americans to destroy themselves. today. yes.
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here are the americans, they say now that they destroyed hmm and there is equipment for drones, that is, software. and why are they so afraid then that now the wreckage of this drone will be discovered by the russians and why they are trying to prevent this, if the software is on e, the drones have already been destroyed. well, from experience and with certain knowledge, we can say that this diplomat has secret equipment, american and having obtained this equipment. we could clearly restore. through what communication channels were the armed forces of ukraine, reconnoitred to the general staff of ukraine or to some other military units, from what connection of the individual did it all happen with such a radius today such territories of crimea which military facilities are most focused on equipment
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and optical and radio-electronic equipment, and , so that this does not happen, so that we do not become the owners of this information, which could be from the rostrum of the organization of the united nations to use against the us they went to eliminate their ionic. obviously there is a special charges that carried out there, which happened. leonid grigoryevich thank you very much for the interview, and i will remind you that a state duma deputy and major general leonid ivlev was in direct contact with the studio, but now a member of the state duma committee on defense , lieutenant general andrey guru lev andrey viktorovich, is in direct contact with us. andrei viktorovich, please tell us how often, in principle, american reconnaissance aircraft appear in the black sea. right there in the immediate vicinity of the russian borders. and what can russia, for its part
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, do to prevent, and to the point that american intelligence officers conduct intelligence activities in the interests of ukraine let's, so they are almost constantly in the black sea in the form of intelligence. and if the composition and character, yes, of the affected forces , it’s true, the second here, in principle, for the most part, they passed it all off yesterday it all ended when they didn’t recognize it outside by our means on duty worthy, worked out by filling up this drone. that's all. i think that this applies not only to the black sea. this applies to other regions today to tatar, branched aviation, both piloting and unmanned satellites. the grouping is reconnaissance and target designation for the armed forces of ukraine, the same drone without any black sea was constantly given or
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instructions to strike, including by unmanned aerial vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, this is not a secret for anyone, so the fact that it worked. well everything it's been a very long time. they were waiting at the pentagon and immediately announced that they have a video from this drone, which proves their version of what happened. why can't this video be posted? is it really that long to wait? i think the pentagon is bluffing for the simple reason that if their intelligence officer was walking, huh? the airspace from the transponder was defined, it is defined as reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, they live turned off and fit right in our borders, because, well, they really wanted to see. well, unfortunately we didn't see it. and if there were evidence, and long ago , they would have immediately laid out all this today. this is such a pathology, no more, no less, well, this is a very good sign for the very one that
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the guys, it’s enough, it’s very clear that without being punished, it won’t be like this anymore and that’s all, besides the loss. there are several tens of millions of dollars. this is still a very strong reputational loss for the united states. after all, since the beginning of 22 , they stubbornly did not want to transfer these reapers to ukraine. even the previous version did not fall into the hands of russia in the hands of the russian military. and now it turns out, they themselves blow up their own drone at our borders. he exploded not a fact, that's what they think. no one has seen it, really, and now our guys will pick up the wreckage of this drone to study it carefully. i think this will be an interesting topic and very much for the further actions of our armed forces. and how do you assess the actions of our pilots in this situation and who made the decision, in this particular
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case, what to do? in any variant the action of the pilots is extremely professional, they completed the task that was set, well done. i think that they should receive worthy awards. well, it's command. i think it will determine, but the decision was made by the one who was on earth, and he also needs to be given his due, that he did not sit in court, tinkering with decisions, he made, therefore this person. well, maybe today it will not be public, but someday we will know the name is worthy of respect. you are the probability that the drone could carry weapons. eh, theoretically. it's possible we have the pentagon stated that there were no weapons. how to find out now? well, come on, we are now picking it up, there, from the day from the bottom of the black sea , we will immediately see if there was a weapon or not, so as not to talk in vain once again, and then everything will be visible. thank you very much, i remind you that a member of
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the state duma defense committee, lieutenant general, was in direct contact with us. andrey gurulyov. we will really wait for the remnants of the reaper drone to be raised from the bottom of the black sea in order to get additional additional information about about what happened yesterday morning we the coast of crimea will offer a solution transfer your pension to the vtb card and get 2,000 rubles. go to vtb and everything will work out. freshly brewed small cappuccino for only 35 rubles. only in the appendix there are tasty points there has never been such a russian cold 150 g, an unprecedented rich taste in one glass. try a real ice cream, russian cold , great incredible taste, vtb team
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watch closely for the first violations of the prostate if you get up more than twice at night
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in the city of shanly, urfa washes away cars parked on the streets with powerful streams, causing abnormal downpours in less than a day in several provinces. in the east of turkey , one and a half monthly rainfall fell. though no houses flooded in the provinces of shanly urfa and ady yaman which had previously been hit by a powerful earthquake. one of the refugee camps is completely destroyed; the authorities are calling on people to leave the disaster zone, but to do so without risk to life, perhaps not everywhere.
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eyewitnesses are uploading footage of people rescued shanly urfe under one of the bridges , a traffic jam has formed from cars blown away by water, divers have arrived at the scene of the emergency, they check if there are drivers or passengers drowned in cars, along some highways, they cannot drive even heavy trucks, where the water is partially gone. she left the destruction of many roads that have just been rebuilt. after the earthquake again, it will have to be repaired. in ufa, at night , dozens of patients were evacuated from intensive care units in a children's hospital. the authorities canceled classes in schools according to weather forecasts. the rains will continue for at least another day. anton dadykin matvey popov. and now again to the situation with the drone that fell the day before in the black sea in the united the states are now taking steps to ensure that the american ripper does not fall into the wrong hands , white house spokesman john kirby said, while the pentagon reported that
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they had already destroyed the drone software remotely. more about it. now let's talk with vadim zavodchenkov vadim hello this what information can be obtained by examining the wreckage of the reaper and why are the americans so worried about now? good afternoon. well, apart from the software. uh, many other advanced developments of the american military-industrial complex shock drone. em q9 is the pride of the us air force, it has been in service since 2007. this drone was originally imprisoned for reconnaissance purposes, although it is capable of carrying weapons, both air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, and gps bombs. bringing down the shock versions of the drone were used in afghanistan, syria and iraq, although the americans claim that in this case the drone was unarmed. it is known that the device took off
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from the nato base in romania fell. drone according to the new york times, citing a senior us military about 120 km southwest of crimea , given the flight range. it could well have been used almost over the entire black sea, let me remind you that earlier american drones have already invaded russian airspace. sovereign coastal airspace is a twelve-mile maritime zone, and, accordingly, it is 22.5 22.2 km. next comes the exclusive economic zone of 200 miles, and in this exclusive economic zone, which belongs conditionally, we will say uh, while here e, the coastal state of russia today.
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this is all happening in crimea. now there is a real danger for the pentagon that their advanced technologies could fall into the wrong hands. but let me remind you that this is what made them refuse to supply the most modern types of weapons to ukraine. americans are also made nervous that the stuffing of the drone. it can , among other things, confirm that the data they collected was used by the armed forces for strikes on russian territory, or on military units. outwardly, as if flying independently, but, in fact, remoteness is a staff member who manages if necessary, so they make those decisions to flood it on their own, while destroying all that valuable, as it were, navigation, primarily and information equipment and tasks that exist and natural software, which gives fully reveals the purpose. of course they e. we went to check on kiki's movement in the black sea. i had other more
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completely serious tasks, they were connected with the support of ukrainian gangs. today, at the black sea coast, it will be away from active cyclones , therefore the atmosphere and the sea in the region are quite calm, for example, in crimea today will pass without significant precipitation, and the excitement in the coastal zone will not exceed 20-30 cm during the day. but its own adjustments in determining the place of a drone crash, the current of the black sea can bring in in this part of the water area there is an east stream at a speed of up to 25 cm per second, that is, a device immersed in water can carry hundreds of meters relative to the point of initial fall. and the most important difficulty is the relatively shallow plume. off the coast of crimea, a small one is only a few tens of kilometers, then a sharp increase in the depth of the sea from
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15200 m to one and a half kilometers follows, the european command is armed. nny forces in the official release stressed that after the incident , the drone was landed in international waters. judging by the wording , our experts are not going to leave what is left of the drone. our experts assessed the options for further developments. appropriate evacuation means e modes of operation united states of america such in the black sea. no, i know for sure. we have we can do it, but will we do it? here's the information so far. thanks vladimir zavodchenkov spoke about the american mq-9 drone that crashed off the coast of crimea
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. the makers of good things want them.
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the position of the head of the ministry of economy of serbia for the sake of basta , who called for support for the anti-russian sanctions of the west, is his personal opinion, the head of the serbian foreign ministry was the first to start this deputy prime minister and deputy prime minister and now we will discuss this situation live with russian ambassador to serbia alexander botsin kharchenko he is in direct contact with us alexander arkadevich hello, he advocated the imposition of sanctions against russia, called on other members of the government to determine their attitude towards moscow and express your position. so what's the reaction?

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