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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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chinese president xi jinping expressed confidence that russian citizens will support vladimir putin in the presidential election. next year, the russian president's meeting with the president of the people's republic of china is taking place right now in the kremlin as the leaders greeted each other. russia china partnership aspiring future with this title on the eve of the visit, a chinese newspaper published an article by vladimir putin about the main provisions. the ministry of internal affairs is the main topic of the formation of internal affairs bodies in the new territories, what else did
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the president talk about and what tasks did he set for law enforcement officers conference russia africa multipolar world are held in moscow at the opening speech by vladimir putin participants from which countries they came to the russian capital and what is the agenda of the demand to leave the kiev-pechersk lavra today they are discussing sinot patient church representatives arrived at zelensky's office will talk about the situation around the main orthodox shrine. waiting for the european part of russia to what marks can the thermometer rise, we learn in the weather section? today is the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to russia jinping will remain in our country until march 22. this is his first trip abroad since being re-elected to the post of head of china, an informal
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meeting of leaders is taking place in the kremlin. what statements have already been made will be told by my colleague anastasia yefimova this is already a tradition in words, dear friend welcomes. vladimir putin, the chairman of the people's republic of china in the kremlin, and exactly the same address is heard from xi jinping , the russian president congratulated his chinese colleague on his re-election, noting that the decision of the people marked the work done over the previous decade and stressed that beijing has made a colossal breakthrough in its development, causing genuine interest in the world. and even envy in recent years. china has made, uh, a colossal leap forward in its development throughout the world. this causes genuine interest. and we even envy you a little. in china, a very effective system for developing the economy and strengthening the state has been created. it is much more efficient
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than in many other countries. this is an obvious fact, and we have made significant steps in the development of our relations more than twice . our trading turnover has increased by 80, in my opinion, seven with a little, now already under 200,100,185 billion dollars , today is the first day of xi jinping's state visit to moscow and, quoting the informal, but direct and very important communication of the heads of state at the secretary of the russian president, raise the most important topics at their discretion ukraine and these are also the words of dmitry peskov will appear on the agenda with beijing's proposals to resolve the situation, as he clarified at the meeting. vladimir putin moscow has carefully studied and you will have the opportunity to discuss this issue carefully read, if with your proposals to resolve, uh, the acute crisis of ukraine, of course, we will have the opportunity to discuss the issue of knowing what comes from the principles of justice and
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compliance with the basic favorable provisions of international law of indivisible security. for all parties, you are also aware that we are always open to the negotiation process, we will definitely discuss all these issues, including your initiative, which we unconditionally treat with respect, justice and equality in the world with the prosperity of our countries, in fact, this is exactly how, according to xi jinping, today the key vector of russian chinese interaction, which is of a strategic nature, can be formulated, which is also confirmed not only by numbers, but also by the current visit for the president of the prc itself, he is the first international after re-election . and in this sense, beijing's priorities have remained unchanged over the past decade. dear president putin i always call you my dear friend. i'm very pleased,
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at your invitation to visit russia again on a state visit. especially right after my next re-election. as chairman of the people's republic of china and as the first country to visit abroad. i chose russia exactly 10 years ago, when i first became the chairman of the people's republic of china, i also chose russia as the first country for my first foreign visit, good memories to this day. this is preserved in my heart, i know that next year in your country will be held, the next presidential election. thanks to your strong leadership in recent years, russia has achieved significant success and prosperity . i am sure that the russian people will support you very much in your good undertakings. the main day of the state visit is tuesday, when negotiations will be held first in a narrow and then in an expanded format. delegations signing a number of important documents, including what is expected to deepen relations and develop key areas of cooperation
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until 2030, a statement is also expected for the press, as journalists calculated, vladimir putin and xiding ping met about 40 times in various formats, but to the current negotiations taking place against the backdrop of global political turbulence. of course, there is a lot of attention. the most sensitive questions including international ones, there is every reason to believe, citing an article written by the president of the people's republic of china before flying to moscow, that china russia, as fellow travelers in the development of revival, will make a greater contribution to the progress of human civilization. as the year begins since spring, and made a success. the chinese newspaper is already smaller than bao published an article by vladimir putin called russia china partnership looking to the future about the main provisions. now tell the article has been published. on the eve of the visit of chinese president xi jinping to russia, the chinese leader will stay in our country until
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march 22. this is his first trip abroad after being re-elected as the president of the people's republic of china for a third term , vladimir putin writes in his article that this visit once again confirms the special nature of russian chinese a partnership that has always been built on mutual trust and respect for each other's sovereignty and interests in an article, vladimir putin recalls his acquaintance with jinping 13 years ago, according to the president. their first meeting was businesslike, but at the same time sincerely and benevolently since then the leaders of the two countries. we have already met about 40 times and always found the time and opportunity to communicate in a variety of official forms and in an environment without ties. russian- chinese relations have gone beyond their entire history and continue to grow stronger in their own way. quality. they are superior to the military-political alliances of the cold war. there are no leaders and followers in them, there are no restrictions or forbidden topics, our
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political dialogue has become extremely trusting strategic interaction, comprehensive and entering a new era. as the president of russia noted, the trade and economic partnership between the two countries last year was marked by a new record, bilateral trade doubled and reached $185 billion and could exceed $200 billion this year. putin, it is important that the share of settlements in national currencies grows in mutual trade. in addition, moscow and beijing are connected by joint programs - this is the main gas pipeline, the power of siberia, the construction of nuclear power units in china with the participation of russian specialists, as well as the joint exploration of outer space in the article vladimir putin also touched on the topic international politics and security, the collective west is desperately clinging to the archaic duma for its elusive dominance, putting the fate of entire states and peoples on the horse. so writes vladimir putin in his article, the united states, in the opinion of the president of russia, is pursuing a course towards a double
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deterrence of russia and china. moscow and beijing , in turn, together with like-minded people , are already acting in the formation of a more just one. multipolar world order based on international law amidst the wave of winds on the planet, we closely cooperate in international affairs. and standing shoulder to shoulder, like a rock in the midst of a storm. we effectively coordinate our foreign policy positions we fight against common threats we respond to modern challenges we are actively promoting such democratic multilateral structures as the sco and brix, which are becoming more and more authoritative and influential, gaining new partners and friends. the same goal is served by the work on conjugation of the construction of the eurasian economic union and the initiative. one belt one way. in addition, vladimir putin also expressed gratitude for the balanced line of the prc in connection with the events taking place in ukraine for understanding their background of the real reasons, the president added that
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russia welcomes china's willingness to play in this matter, russia and china are cooperating constructively in the field of education of the group of affairs - this is one of the largest private transport holdings in our country and the beijing university of foreign studies will create an internship center for chinese students. it will be based on the basis of the group will train personnel for the transport industry, a corresponding agreement for a period of 5 years was signed in beijing by the chairman of the board of directors of the business group sergey shishkarev and the chairman of the university, and peking university will annually recommend students for internships in the companies of the transport holding, as well as to provide them with all kinds of support, in particular , to pay a scholarship to provide accommodation and meals in russia on sergey shishkarev himself. the group is interested in forming a personnel reserve for transport and logistics and strengthening the company's labor potential in the context of the active development of interaction between russia was it such that paying
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you can then in a month, and you can also in six months on a gazprombank credit card for 180 days without interest, extra conditions forever, what is behind this sign that we have good analyzes, but they need to be checked. how are you you understand , outpatient cancer care centers are not canceled, throughout the country the national healthcare project is free and close to what is important here and now for 30 years.
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about the neck is ready to supply free food to needy african countries if the grain deal is not extended after 60 days, vladimir putin said this today , speaking at the russia africa conference , the participants of the forum, which precedes the july summit in st. petersburg, today gathered in
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the state duma to continue talking about productive cooperation in the new in a multipolar world, the russian leader noted moscow's priority attention to interaction with the american countries and expressed confidence that africa will become one of the leaders in a multipolar world. very conscientiously fulfills all its obligations in the supply of food fertilizers, fuels and other critically important products for the state continent. by making a contribution to ensuring their food and energy security. well, you probably know that part. resources we have frozen in european countries, including fertilizers. we are ready to transfer the first batches to the countries in need for free, but unfortunately, chorus.
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it is on the basis of the package nature of this deal that, first of all, in the interests of african and other developing countries, i mean that they need large volumes of food of the key russian requirements, first of all, as i said, it is manifested that grain fertilizers are supplied to african countries in need european markets european countries. international cooperation and multipolar the system of the world is one of the key topics of the conference , the union of brix plays a special role in these processes, as noted by the chairman of the council of the federation valentina matvienko after the binary meeting. she met with the chairman of the national council of the province of the parliament yegor now, of course, more than ever, the leadership of the brix countries is in demand to develop a unifying course towards the formation
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of a truly multipolar system of interstate relations based on generally recognized norms of international and key e. you represent our parliamentary treason within the framework of the brix as promising and in demand. i think we will discuss this with you today. i would like to hear your point of view, as a brix chair country, i am glad to come to russia again last time. i was in russia during the elections. relations between our countries have a long history. they started even before the communist party was banned in south africa, one of the leaders of the communist party died and was buried in russia. proposals for the development of migration policy
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this was stated by vladimir putin, speaking at the collegium of the department, the president noted that the proposal should be worked out jointly with the regions. vladimir putin stressed that more effective control over the migration situation is needed. separately, i would like to dwell on such a sensitive topic as migration. what needs to be done first of all is to quickly debug all administrative procedures related to migration. to translate them into numbers as much as possible , to make them understandable, clear and accessible, i have kind of obtaining citizenship. registration of a residence visa, work permit and other documents. greater transparency of administrative procedures will certainly make it possible to ensure more effective control over the migration situation. aside from what is of fundamental importance for national security, taking into account the long-term interests and development tasks of the country, it is important to take a comprehensive look at the problems of immigration and evaluate them. what
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specialists? in which regions and industries are they especially in demand? what competencies should they have? what are the requirements for the levels of education and general culture, there are many factors here, and they need to be taken into account, of course. since the referendum, 800,000 people have already applied for russian passports in four new constituent entities, and the number is growing from month to month. such data were given by the minister of internal affairs at a meeting of the board; residents of mariupol themselves asked vladimir putin to solve the problem of passports during his sunday trip. putin promised to sort it out. and now minister kolokoltsev said that this issue on special control about it. he said in an interview with my colleague pavel zarubin specifically for the moscow kremlin program putin on ship control, of course, the provision of public services. this is a question regarding passportization. yes, a certain number of personnel were attracted from other regions
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of the russian federation. but life requires more. eh, carefully understanding these problems 17,000. daily. as soon as we get our resettlement address to obtain passports, and we will do everything one depends and to ensure that there are no complaints from the citizens. it was like as little as possible in this direction. sovcombank pensioner can get special conditions, so some are already taking a loan, others are happy with the interest on deposits what you need in the branch and online sovcombank
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of age its advantages, what is behind this sign behind this sign is the real shirin school and really interesting classes, where real fifth-graders are passionate about their first discoveries of more than 14,000 points of growth in small towns and villages throughout russia, a national education project that matters here and now. easter circulation of russian lotto each winning ticket from each ticket sold, part of the funds will be transferred to works of mercy. buy tickets in company stores and on the stoloto website, sberbank presents a loan
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citizens of russia were warned about the possible blocking of their accounts in the swiss bank ubs. earlier, as part of the sanctions, more than a third of the assets were frozen or blocked by the bank of a loan in excess of $19 billion. now there has been a merger of these banks. he is so that russian customers must provide documents on their whereabouts by may 6th. what could be the consequences of such a banking merger for the global financial
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system understood? the crisis, in fact, was a symbol of the swiss banking system, in order to save not only its economy, but , apparently, already the reputation of the authorities, they decide to merge the two largest banks in the country, yubies and creeds, according to the central bank, the total assets of the two organizations amount to 140% of switzerland's gdp during the visa crisis repurchased for just over $3 billion less franc a per share, that is, below half the value at the close of trading. on friday, in addition to the swiss authorities, they are providing banks with a loan of $54 billion and a liquidity guarantee of more than $100 billion. in addition, ubs will receive about $10 billion to compensate for possible losses. this historic moment is a sad and extremely difficult day for credit bank for switzerland and for the global financial markets, the mass exodus of customers in october
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last year was a big test, but we entered 2023 with enthusiasm, however, recent events that began with american banks caught us at the most inopportune moment. i'm glad we succeeded. find a solution that guarantees stability to clients, employees of the financial market and switzerland in general. billion-dollar losses for credit visas were back in 2021, the reason was major scandals with the dismissal of top managers, as well as unsuccessful investment, for example, in green force , a company that issued loans to corporate borrowers in 2021 in march. it went bankrupt, and credit clients lost 10 billion swiss francs, it became unsuccessful and funding is a fund that has invested in a high-risk stock fund. he borrowed another 20 billion from the bank. and also went bankrupt only in the last 3 months of 2022, clients withdrew from the crisis from the asset
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in the amount of about 120 billion. since the financial condition of the bank began to cause concern again, the volume of deposits decreased by 43%. which reduced the level of the bank's liquidity in the loan portfolio decreased by nine percent. the problems started as early as, uh, the fourth quarter. well, in general, yes, wait for the variety even earlier than the fourth quarter of the past of the year and the battle in the fourth quarter, just the same , about 110 billion francs were withdrawn from it. that 's what there is enough for the crisis and it was a record outflow for the year, and, accordingly, its problems began as early as 22 years old. uh, the fact that american banks are regional, again local, began to crumble. this only pushed the outflow of funds from the crisis and investors. you see, what is already beginning. at least a little bit, and the local problems of the bankruptcy of american american banks began to work harder, let's say, and actively withdraw money from individuals in this
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year. after the bank merger , ubs shares began to go down, according to ford, holders of high-yield, but risky bonds among the whistle will lose 17 billion dollars, the largest for the european market. the write-off of such securities in the total value of $275 billion notes that bloomberg pays shareholders will amount to 3.2 billion. it was not the best decision, but the new nationalization of the bank or the curtailment of its activities, in fact, the procedure for saving from bankruptcy, took over others. although this word is avoided pronounce. but as the minister said, this is precisely the procedure for saving from bankruptcy, since we are talking about a system-forming bank in a situation of market fever, russian business, by the way, predicted the possibility of the fall of the yubies bank after the crisis. as he said in
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his telegram channel, the current situation is a consequence of the departure of the swiss. from a policy of neutrality, the swiss central bank reported an annual loss of more than $ 140 billion , the largest bank in saudi arabia bought almost 10% of the shares of the crisis, visas just six months ago for 1.5 billion dollars. and now this package is estimated at only 215 million the collapse of the swiss bank could affect german banks and insurance companies alliance and daughter bank, and could not keep. there, the bonds of dochebank shares are already falling by 3%. there can be a variety of things. for example, let's say. uh, easing the terms of refinancing. yes , for example, a radical way. it's just without a corner, so there could be all sorts of capital injections there. even a whole mass, there may be all sorts of options, but they are all so or otherwise retracted into what needs to provide large amounts of money hostess
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specifically, who is next huh? or by the bank there may be problems, rather difficult and the second question is very hmm let's just say it's not a fact that they will be asian politicians on monday. trying to calm the nerves of investors, the chief secretary of the cabinet of ministers, japan said that the country's banking system is stable. the announcement was made in australia in singapore in hong kong, the branch of credit visas of visas will be open for business as usual, and customers will be able to access their deposits financiers. they say that the swiss crisis will not affect the russian financial system. however, the accounts of russians in the swiss ubies can be blocked if customers do not provide documents about their whereabouts.
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