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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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a fatal accident that was made while intoxicated even more news in the telegram channels to conduct duty parts honest detective, and our issue was completed in the studio was alexey tselishchev see you. and the french wanted to do everything possible to prevent a war. my grandfather always considered paganism with russia as the main condition for what is happening now.
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we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective.
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hello, i'm ivan kudryavtsev and you are watching the film industry program in this issue we will talk about the results of the pilot series festival in ivanovo, from there we will be transported to kaliningrad , where a strategy for the development of regional cinema will be developed at the forum site of the new vector. and, of course, we will tell you about the main novelties of this film distribution window. so ivanovo ended there the fifth
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festival of the series in pilot what was shown, what was told about and what projects became the best, according to the jury and the audience about it. our first story guests 3 days of competition, showing and eventful business program of 85 projects. in total , 20 of them were presented at the festival as guests of the pilot. now they know exactly what the viewer will watch in the near future, our really big one. uh, the creative industry. yes , the producer of the series. the platform and in general, it happened, it took place on all platforms. all television channels and holdings took part in the best director of the pilot, the jury recognized dmitry tyurin who presented the series a burning tour in which russian tourists performed by timofey trintsev and alexander robok travel around mexico, the best actress became evgenia
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borzykh for her role in the tv series kill rita a chemistry teacher who unexpectedly found herself at the epicenter of criminal gang warfare, maxim stoyanov was named the best actor for her work in the black sun, where he played a sleazy policeman who confronts criminals and a new colleague, an ordinary person, very impulsive, very bright, highly professional. it seems to me a complex internal mental organization. so it seems to me that he is based on such a lot that in our country the pilot was awarded a prize for the best actor ensemble. this is marina alexandrova kuzma olga medynych, mikhail trukhin and alexander starring in the tv series macron, a comedy story about how a young guy brings his new chosen one 20 years older than him to his parents. the story , in general, is the same. it seems to me that many people find themselves on my feet. they say that we had such a thing in life, and we understand what it is about and why. by the way, i did not expect this, but the best pilot of the festival,
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according to the jury, was the historical series cerberus and the investigation of a series of murders in russia in 1825 year, which turned out to be associated with the decembrist uprising and the conspiracy against nikolai, it is felt that there are a lot of plans for ideas of good script stories, because in such a modification i am afraid of something in the industry that there are very few good scripts, few good stories. today at the festival. we made sure that this is not so, that there is something to say, and how it is. very cool story plots , human viewers gave the victory to ivanus. well, his mother is there retired, who decides to bring to clean water, robbed of his internet scammers. to do this, with the help of his granddaughter, he needs to become a hacker starring yuri stoyanov and elizaveta ishchenko in the competition program showed the first episode of the fever series from the russia 1 tv channel, and the mission of the russian brigade of volunteer doctors who go to africa to save the population from
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a dangerous virus. the story is not a fictional story. there is a basis. this is the work of our contraindication staff, the institute and other epidemiologists. and the group itself has been working there, in my opinion, since 2014 they have been working, to this day, a special pride of the pilot of the business forum, representatives of the industry, shared with colleagues and viewers their methods of work , market research and forecasts. over the past year and a half, it has become clear that the russian series is a series of domestic production. for the first time in some time, they directly confidently overtook american in the interest of the series. it's clear. why is it happening, because the american series is gone there. just does not know about some interesting series. but there is a lot of advertising in russian, and everyone is trying to tell. there, more and more of their best novelties, the viewer reacts to this and therefore in a natural way. he gets more and more used to love for
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russian projects. also, tv channels and online cinemas presented their new projects, created both independently and in cooperation with partners. we work with all major platforms already, this collaboration is very important for us and for the platform, because it allows. uh, a wider audience plast to seize. if the series is released first on the platform, there undoubtedly, first a surge, interest, then a decline. and after that you go on the air tv channels russia and immediately a huge number of people return to the platform, they have such a second life, this series appears. therefore, mm, this is generally a mutually beneficial institution for the development of the internet. among others, he presented a new project, the series the last hero of heritage, which is filmed with the forces of the online cinema start and the russia tv channel , what has already been done, but we will assume that this was launched a year and a half or two ago and it was certain themes, certain
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genres. now, of course, a lot is changing. ah. i think that now, after all, more , probably, more of some kind of light and entertaining than, uh, dramatic , something lighter will be in demand. after three films of the last hero franchise, which collected a total of almost 6 billion rubles. at the box office, the audience is waiting for an eight-episode new picture of the action, which takes place 20 years after the events of the third part. it's like a continuation. it's brand new a story that appears completely new characters and our universe begins to expand all the characters in their places. and there will also be a lot of new, uh, beloved heroes, who are often in our projects there, like cheburashka we are slowly dragging all our actors into this world, who, it seems to us, uh, belong to the universe family comedies historical eras, action-packed drama. dramady-detective stories, thrillers and
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fantasy at the pilot festival were presented the entire spectrum of genres, where every visual find a series to your liking. it remains only to wait for their appearance in online cinemas and on tv screens. a week later , the screens will see the release of the incantation of the unfinished chapter , a mystical thriller about a loser writer who decided to appropriate the unreleased novel of his late father and disturbed the demons of the book. from the bustle of the city and the scene , where there is not a soul around an ax and a typewriter , these markers are just directed by stanley kubrick's cult film the shining , in which the protagonist goes to an abandoned guest to create a new literary masterpieces. gran writer, thriller character. the spell is not completed the head comes to the parental home to finally get out of the shadow of the glory of his own father. tut
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was a famous author of detective stories who committed suicide under very strange circumstances. in the parental home. delegate. finds what may be his father's last unpublished manuscript, a gripping tale of adultery and murder. this is where the family lives. pushed by the load of children's grievances, inflated expectations and the requirements of the agent, urgently write a new the bestseller decides to release the text.
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but instead of simply reprinting and editing the parent story , geliger will have to live through it and the next few days will be a nightmare for him. dear gilier, if you have read this far, it is too late. you know more than i would like, please forgive me, i ask you one thing. use this as evidence don't try to finish the book under any circumstances there is any evil in it. burn it your loving father. the spell unfinished chapter is one of those plots where sins and ghosts of the past drag the protagonist into a whirlpool of deep experiences, in which the line between reality and fiction of an inflamed imagination, between
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inspiration and madness, is erased. here are your options. or cut off one of the fingers of a mystical thriller at the box office from july 6 , 200 participants from almost all over russia will discuss the strategy and share their experience in creating and developing film clusters in the regions. the successful experience of the yakut bashkir and tatarstan cinema you you you buryatia and altai showed that regions are in demand not only as suppliers of fresh content, the state is actively promoting a system of rebates for returning part of the film's budget if it is filmed in a certain city or region for many
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filmmakers, of course. this is an important point. uh, that's a lot of encouragement, especially for young producers. uh, small independent studios. uh, when they can, uh , have, let's say, the support of the ministry of culture, uh , regional authorities, but having the very same struggle. they can make their films more confidently and with more interest. a the most important thing is that this money then remains in the region. regional cinema, as a rule, is copyrighted and does not cost much, but reflects the characteristics and color of the territory and its people, which attracts the attention of the festival audience. at the same time , the creators of such paintings strive to continue creating in their own little motherland, and there are more and more such regions. as evidenced by the composition of the delegates of the forum of the new vector, who arrived in kaliningrad from forty subjects of the russian federation in connection with the democratization of the profession, which implies, uh, the development
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of technical resources there to reduce the cost of technology , the possibility of getting an education online , uh, the possibility, well, the regions themselves are governors and heads of regions. they invest more actively in cinema, and they pay more attention to this, because cinema is, including the development of tourism thanks to high-quality films, uh, filmed in unique locations and tourists come to this region who have watched this movie or this tv series flagman the development of regional cinema in the urals was the revived sverdlovsk film studio, which is performed by educational programs and film laboratories, which allows you to find not only new authors for the game. documentary films, but also trains specialists to ensure the filming process. however, education cannot solve problems with the equipment of the site, not all cinematically developed regions have, that e, as it were, a technical circuit that allows you to produce pictures. well, let's say
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the federal a level. yes, i mean optics and cameras. and those behind these cameras stands and those who serve these cameras those who serve both sound equipment and lighting equipment. everything else is no secret that every corner of russia is unique and can be an interesting cinema. here you can shoot african deserts and mexican awards and lunar landscapes russian cinema company debuted a new project to promote russia as a territory for the joint production of films by foreign filmmakers as part of the kaliningrad forum. for this, a special tour was organized for producers and location-managers of the cis countries experienced in joint film production the goal of our project is to show all the beauty and all the possibilities of our country, starting with natural human resources, as well as production resources. therefore, this forum
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gives us the opportunity to show our colleagues from other countries, among other things, that film production in russia is especially in the regions. now it is developing very actively, we hope that this event, which we will do with the support of the ministry of culture, as well as business programs, who help us organize the forum. this is the basis for the development of joint production between the countries of the cis. the possibility of such an exchange of experience as at the forum in kaliningrad allows you to accelerate the development of national and regional cinematography in russia. here you can always find someone who has already walked your paths or will follow you. i think that we will now have the most interesting time ahead of us. we saw a lot of talented and interesting projects at the national regional cinema, and we understand that these are talented people. they live in the region, but the cinema will develop rapidly and uh, there is a clear understanding that this is not only
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moscow and st . the seventeenth andrey tarkovsky mirror international film festival kicked off in the ivanovo region in an international competition of eight films from 12 countries of the world georgia india canada china the united states france and others, the program included a participant in the venice drama critics' week. have you seen this woman, in which the heroine is trying to live in a life imposed by a patriarchal society within the framework of a life that approves the repair of a young pakistani life competition in the united states and the owner of signs at the busan festival is the indian drama shiva ma, and the woman is on her shoulders, which are held by the whole family, as well as anton yermolin's debut film misha and the failed psychic accidentally, in a way that created a miracle, the producer of the project is alexei uchitel. for me, as members of the jury of this festival
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, first of all, of course, it is very important that the film was, uh, the author of the film had his own style of poker and this handwriting. he was associated with the language of cinema, and not with the language of theater or literature there. these are the films. this is a very big rarity. well, i hope that there will be such films in the program of russian cinema , the opening film of the forty-fifth moscow international film festival. bullfinch. boris khlebnikov is also one little night secret natalia mishininova is the highest grossing yakut film. and this is stepana burnavashova, winner of the grand prix of the winter festival. don't keep me without ivan lyubov borisova about the mirror sofestival until july 5 every film distribution weekend. ah, in the kend industry, there are more than a dozen new releases on the big screen from thursday to sunday , and here are a few bright spots on the industry editorial radar, cinema today is
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maggie moura's crime thriller about a mysterious double murder in a city in the middle of the desert, a sports drama paralympian with oscar ilyasov in the title role and winner of the award in the nomination for the best documentary film in search of the snow leopard. i'm searching with the elements dark humor tells about the murders of two women with the same name, the investigation is carried out by the chief of police from a small town, he is played by john ham, the star of the popular tv series, mad men pushed fell down , tried to crawl away, but grabbed a bullet, god, what a nightmare machine belongs to the magic of moore, you said meg second a week of really strange premiere of the picture took place as part of the new york film festival troyback. you were based on it in part, based on real events, but if the film is put in action point then in life the offender was never found. my wife meg is threatening to go to
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the police. i need to scare her away from this idea of ​​a paralympic, kazakh, sports drama. the ascent of an athlete who survived an injury and found himself at the very bottom of depression in the story of maksat, whose role was played by askar ilyasov, a young promising skier from childhood, a dreaming conqueror of olympic gold , gets into a car accident in an offer to dare and take part in the paralympic games gives him light at the end of the tunnel, but the way out will be harder than it seems welcome everyone to the spring 1.500 m championship. and me too. well, you are a star, perhaps the favorite of this race is a good application for participation in the sochi olympics. the tape is based on real events and is connected with the history of the first winter paralympic champion in kazakhstan
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, alexander kalyadin. , and skar ilyasov received the prize for best male role at the international tranche festival in mumbai because it’s not enough for the spirit to go through that you are still asking the fourth force to make the final acceleration. in the center of the documentary adventure film in search of a snow leopard, two travelers going to tibet for the purpose of a distant expedition to capture on film a wild cat, which has a difficult and original character, watching the majestic nature and unique animals. they are thinking. what is the place in this wonderful world of a man in an ambush. it's a kind of philosophy. he invited me to go with him in search of you
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creatures that i thought had disappeared snowy selection. the tape has already impressed critics with a non-standard style of narration, russian viewers will be able to appreciate the picture soon the film will be released on the sixth of july, when i close my eyes. i see this haughty feline expression features his thin and terrible muzzle. i saw bars i stole the fire and brought its embers to the industry, the cinema will return to the air immediately after the july vacation, and in august we are waiting for the russian film festival in vyborg and a lot of new premiers see you in cinema on the planet. land only two organizations inspire strength and fear. this, of course, is the us gb
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. having abandoned
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the soviet past , it was necessary to fill this gap with something . children who are 14 years old zombified
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we look to know everything about russia, we watch the best historical series for free without registration. you can win only on the condition that ukraine is set against them . the main task was a swift offensive and access to our western border. overcome 3 km wide under the prevailing western world this is a very serious obstacle 2.438 people
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turned out the story of the heroes was less. the northern sea route is a new logistics corridor for all mankind. this is a huge program that we are engaged in from russian energy resources , it will be difficult to ensure economic development in the world in order to work in the arctic to extract. there are hydrocarbons. we have to solve a large number of complex problems of different conclusions. here, key field development and liquefied natural gas is not required to take part in the relay race of oil export deliveries of pipeline transport. i think in the future, of course
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, an engineering solution is born for the following projects.
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already in august, the russian navigation satellite of the new generation glonass k2 should go into orbit, the head of roscosmos yuri borisov said at a meeting with vladimir putin, he noted the launch program this year is going without disruptions and transfers . another topic was the creation of a russian orbital station, it will be sent to replace iss to participate in the project. including k. construction of national modules, invited african countries, this became one.

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