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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello , correspondents of the program vesti duty office and i will tell about the main legal events of the day maxim primorsky taran, investigator they are studying the daring trick of the aqua racers, who , at full speed, would have cut the shipping channels of their races, almost cost the lives of local fishermen. here on a scooter, jumping on another wave, it flew over their heads and caused serious injuries. details from danil sukhoruchko. this fishing boat was quiet before, plowing the expanses of the japanese sea , as if it had survived a fight with an evil predator from the deeps of the sea, but attacked this vessel, not a monster, but usually a jet ski, but nothing suspecting men at great speed water reckless people flew in, brother, he just managed to turn around and remembers only the unfortunate motorcycle, and that’s it, and the car weighing several hundred kilograms turned off, flew through the boat and fell on the engine along the way, cuts and stunned the fishermen. but the driver of the jet ski , instead of calling the rescuers, fled the scene, leaving the incident, and
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eyewitnesses to die bloodied and unconscious people. they say there were three more on water bikes with him, but for the happiness of the victims , another came to their aid. vessel. true, he says that people had already brought him to his senses from school, and he woke up there, and the second one was still unconscious, because the bro raised his head, because he could choke his head in the water, they called rescuers to the accident site, but with those at first there was a misunderstanding, what shows the help to us. they write out a protocol for some incomprehensible person there at death. maybe say so. the fishermen were injured in one cut, in another, a fracture of the collarbone and head injuries. he is still in the hospital. now everything those who are not indifferent are trying to find the one who was driving the jet ski. the investigative committee of the primorsky investigation department for transport of the eastern interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia has also joined this story . a pre-investigation check is being carried out on the grounds of a crime provided for in the first part of article 263 of the criminal code
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of the russian federation in the first place. it happened out of inexperience. uh driver, jet ski adult people sit down. they seemed like life experiences. yes but they don't they understand that it will raise 300 horsepower there and that the sea must also be controlled. always different impudent, indifference reckless behavior. the locals are outraged on the jet ski. maybe you just don't have to think that you are a super racer and in the most navigable channel in the most navigable place. you don't have to go to vladivostok. uh, as much as possible yes, with maximum gas and not to think that you are so cool and go so fast about happiness on the water in the primorsky territory is no stranger and small boats are not limited to the day before in vladivostok under festive fireworks in honor of the city day. a huge boat crashed into a yacht, which, fortunately, was moored. there were no casualties , the amount of damage, while no one calls, as well as the cause of the collision. according to one version , electronics let down another, someone could celebrate right at the helm. the issue of compensation for damage to the owner of the vessels will be resolved within the framework of civil
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law. but the reckless jet ski, and so without ceremony, which prevented fishing. apparently soon to get acquainted with the criminal code of russia danil sukhoruchko victoria shandybina vesti duty unit a parcel with two anti-personnel mines inside caused a big stir at the central postal customs house . the suspicious cargo was found without opening the box using an x-ray machine, as soon as the inspector saw german shells from the great patriotic war on the screen. work stopped began in the evacuation of more than two hundred workers were forced even on the street until the sappers carefully open and sound the contents of the parcel, this information has already been officially confirmed by the federal customs services. during the customs control of goods leaving the customs territory of the eaeu, goods of design similar to weapons were identified to the address of the recipient located in the united states of america. in particular, these are two cases of mines a-a from the time
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of the great patriotic war of 1937, representatives of the ministry of internal affairs of the ministry of emergency situations were immediately called in, as it turned out. there was no threat to people's lives in the parcels, there were only a case and old fascist opinions without fuses, the sender tried to save them to america under view of retro lanterns. the most interesting after a short advertisement, do not switch. according to legend, the quality of non-alcoholic holstan was checked by the german knights, so the knight is a symbol of the quality of holster, the non -alcoholic quality in german is a solution for every day from vtb, this is a reason not to miss the most important moments with a cashback of up to 30%. issue a free debit card for vtb life, this glass is chief enzelier, maybe for a meeting for success for bright moments, or better, for one ruble you get electronic chips and choose sets of glasses on the ground for just one ruble
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order a free debit alpha card and riley and this is the garage where they invented the non-alcoholic garage and this is the driver of the non-alcohol live suv of the goods of one of the popular marketplaces and the employee and customers were shocked when the hood of the car demolished the plastic wall broke the glass and in the room flew in man lost control. now this incident handled by the police. for 5 months of this year , 60 cases of fraud with an apartment were recorded in moscow alone . for example, they introduce themselves as employees of a government agency and convince the gullible owner to sell their property in order to allegedly save her relationship, and the new victims who have lost
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their roof over their heads are dmitry blininikov. moscow 87 year at the stanislavsky theater premiere ballet bravo figa in the title role svetlana tsoi in the play they are trying to deceive her years passed and no longer on the stage, but in life the honored artist faced real swindlers. only next to the savior fig was not. one day i came home, and there was an outsider, a realtor, who, it means, was cleaning up the apartment in order to sell it, it turned out that the scammers forged her signature under the contract, sold a two-room apartment in the airport area for 12 million. they fled with the money. and svetlana was left homeless. and this someone turns out to have been sitting for a month. how, uh, it means he went out and did it all this disappeared, they still can’t find him at first this year. in moscow, 60 cases of housing fraud have already been recorded
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. people came to marina babkina on academician vinogradova street, showed documents that they now own part of the apartment, settled in and began to survive as a hostess. well, somehow you can, yes, the police arrived as usual, and this is marina at a reception at the prosecutor's office, but so far it has not been possible to expose uninvited guests. one is resold to the other resold. the third is again retaken, but at least this pensioner was left with a corner, and victoria from balashikha has already been thrown out into the street and is not even allowed to pick up your extra stuff. apparently, this was not the first time that she had been contacted with such fraud, allegedly from the center of the bank they said that the swindlers were going to take possession of her apartment in a new building. and you need to save it, sell it, and put the money on a special account, made an impression, took it to a real estate agency , signed a contract of some kind. i don’t know what kind of state this is called suicidal or this hypnotic state 4 million rubles. translated, but not to the central bank, but to the scammers victoria filed a
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lawsuit, made sure that they imposed on the apartment arrest, but the property is up for sale. they want to sell it faster in order to draw real buyers of good faith into it , so that it would be impossible to sue the deal under the guise of buyers. we came. inspection here is a realtor asking for 6 1/2 million rubles. she assures that the apartment is legally free . victoria is seeking help to cancel the deal, the prosecutor's office has already confirmed the fact of fraud by the attackers. they seized the right to the apartment belonging to the victim , the prosecutor's office controls the progress and results criminal investigation. while the investigation is ongoing. victoria spends the night in a rented closet in balashikha, a muscovite. marina babkina, although at home, keeps a bag full of things ready in the evenings and wears jackets in the evenings in
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case the neighbors rage and have to run . the ministry of internal affairs put a major ukrainian businessman on the wanted list and yevgeny chernik , he is accused of supporting terrorists in russia, fsb police officers searched the offices and detained several accomplices, according to investigators , chernyak transferred more than half a billion rubles to the ukrainian army (detail). we go in like this, employees of the fsb of the ministry of internal affairs of the investigative committee, with the support of special forces, entered the building associated with the global spirits company, in a second all the premises are checked, the office staff cut off the possibility of using smartphones, the operatives get access to documents, electronic media. they obviously contain evidence of financing the armed forces of ukraine at the same time the ministry of internal affairs put on the wanted list a large ukrainian entrepreneur. eugene blueberry. he was accused of supporting terrorists on the territory of russia by employees of the main directorate for economic security and
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anti-corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of russia , together with colleagues from the fsb of russia of the investigative committee of the russian federation , documented the facts of financing terrorism. the beneficiary owner of the international holding of the manufacturer of alcoholic beverages, as well as other founders and managers are suspected of the crime. and global spirits, the largest an alcoholic holding in eastern europe with a turnover of billions, the ceo of the company, already familiar to us, evgeny chernyak, the fortune exceeds half a billion dollars until recently, but actively earned money in our country by selling, including vodka horta named after the largest island on the dnieper, it is located within the city zaporozhye below the dnieper rapids, a vodka brand is conquering the markets. they are hardly all over the world, for example, he was a major sponsor of many sports competitions in russia and abroad , the russian investigative committee is investigating a criminal case against a major
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ukrainian businessman. yevgenia bilberry according to the investigation data from february to april 2022. together with his accomplices , he transferred funds in the amount of 500 million rubles to the military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine and other ukrainian armed forces. to carry out terrorist activities. on the territory of the russian federation in addition, according to the investigation, in june of this year, he acquired and delivered goods worth 90 million rubles to ukrainian militants. according to law enforcement officers, accomplices of blueberries are likely, the owners of distilleries, the russian north and rodnik to alexander bespalov and andrey lazutin, one of them was charged with giving a bribe to the second in mediating a bribe on an especially large scale last year, the russian north and the spring were withdrawn from - under the global spirits brand, even then experts of the alcohol market did not exclude that the change of owners of the company and distributors of russia was formal from the enterprise
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remained under the control of evgeny blueberry. we visited the addresses of the moscow offices of the company associated with global in the front. it turned out that there is a representation of ghosts according to data from open sources. the moscow office of global premium spirits is located here on the garden ring. however, here we see what is everywhere. the building doors are sealed. it is known that searches were simultaneously carried out in several offices at once, as well as in the warehouse of the company with the support of the russian guard, investigative actions took place on in the production of the moscow and vologda regions, it turns out that lovers of khortytsya and other alcoholic beverages, ukrainian companies filled their pockets with blueberries, they redirected money to the ukrainian military, including for carrying out terrorist attacks, a great example and lesson for all of us, to be honest, that the history of blueberries that earned here was known , have known about this for a long time, not today, that
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they copied the asset to some of their entourage and continued to somehow exist all this. but how many more of these worms are here on on the territory of russia, chernyak himself has recently become known as another business guru who followed in the footsteps of tony robbins and promises gullible subscribers that he will make them richer. formerly rich people. and how did you measure the length? yacht and now good afternoon how many subscribers do you have 30,000 seams of your audience, chernyak promised many times that he was out of politics. well, on the website of his company there is ukrainian english, but there is no russian language, and now it turned out what kind of activity he actually does, he conducts the cover of the vodka business oleg allowances alek ivanov vesti duty unit 87 years on guard of roads the state road safety inspectorate celebrates its birthday, but despite the holiday , the traffic police officers, as always, on the act, the teams of programs vesti the duty unit and the investigation of eduard petrov join the
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congratulations of the personnel and head of the department mikhail chernikov on the successes of traffic police and new challenges andrey romanov the professional holiday for traffic police officers from buryatia began with counting the catch at dawn , the inspectors detained a pickup truck full of poaching cargo of almost one and a half thousand tails of the baikal omul . what helped save the life of a baby. my colleague and i decided to place the mother of the baby in the cabin of a company vehicle. after that, turning on the flashing glasses , they immediately began to move towards the district hospital. how are the usual working days of an inspector in the traffic police police officers at the post and on their professional holiday in white dress shirts, they, as always, keep order on the roadway, help road users catch
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violators and understand the circumstances of the accident the address of the employees of the traffic police service today is a technically equipped police service, its employees perform their duties in difficult conditions, work in the traffic police requires not only firm professional knowledge of skills and abilities, but also endurance courage and courage the head of the state traffic inspectorate mikhail chernikov on his professional holiday gave a long interview to rossiyskaya gazeta and spoke about the innovations that await motorists. for example, very soon the driver may be officially allowed to present the rights and certificate of registration of the car in electronic form separately, the head of the russian state traffic inspectorate stopped at the growth of accident rates. this is temporary and will be back to normal soon. emphasized mikhail chernikov over the past year and a half, the direction of traffic flows in our country has changed radically . it is clear for reasons that
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it confidently reoriented to the far east southeast. and the south's transport infrastructure was not ready for such changes. grom, as well as our colleagues and for the author's series of transmissions of eduard petrov's investigation , have long-standing and professional and friendly relations with the state traffic police, the head of the traffic police, mikhail chernikov, became the first hero new unique project one day with the general. today our film crew from morning to evening with the head of the main directorate for road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia mikhail chernikov good morning, comrade general. hello, dear ones, in one day police lieutenant general mikhail chernikov and journalists eduard petrov overcame the snow-white lada grant without flashing lights and police escorts. the distance is almost 500 km. we drove from moscow to kursk on the way without taboo topics discussed the condition of the roads accident rate, including with the participation of car-sharing taxis. during the next halt without warning. they raided one
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of the departments of the traffic police of the tula region and shocked local employees with their appearance. hello what is your manager's name, please introduce yourself as traffic safety inspector, start station, at the next stop in the orel region, mikhail chernikov and his companion, journalists eduard petrov, visited the regional law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of russia and tested training simulators. so a feeling of sensation, as if in a car, and even scary, oh, in the opposite direction. there are really a lot of plans. they are being implemented on a daily basis only in the last couple of months. we conducted dozens of joint raids with various departments of the state traffic inspectorate, we were on duty on the roads with fighters of the first and second
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special battalions in the metropolitan traffic police, we caught offenders in the company of inspectors from the northern north-western and southern administrative districts of the capital , the latter, by the way, i remember spectacular special operations to detain a drug courier who rammed 11 cars on the moscow ring road. he is handsome, a great reportage, in our program, local guards have recently been dedicated to the work of the traffic police of chechnya. the roads were told about the difficult working days and showed how they hone their skills at the training ground of the university of the russian special forces, and special attention, of course, to the roads of the megapolis , in an interview, the head of the metropolitan traffic police told how the department treats electric scooter drivers, some of whom forget about the need to follow the rules road traffic. none of the road users should be surprised if an employee of the state traffic inspectorate stopped him
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for violating traffic rules while driving a means of individual mobility, special attention. we pay for pedestrian crossings. where it is necessary to dismount in work from colleagues and employees of the state traffic inspectorate near moscow for the past 5 years. we are reducing the road accident rate in the moscow region. this is, of course, the development of a very road network. second direction. it is, of course, discipline. the development of the video recording system in the moscow region is also very important. a personal video prepared by the employees of the metropolitan traffic police for a young traffic inspector fantasizes about how the traffic police will change in the future. i think that in the future, an employee of the state traffic inspectorate will own the whole situation through his tablet, where trouble will happen. he immediately rushes straight there in his electric car or flying car. even if they create a cyborg or
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a robot that weighs thousands of cameras and sensors to you. he will never replace the living employee. dps, after all, our main weapon is a sincere conversation and a smile. congratulations to all employees. alexandra mostovaya dmitry manyshev vesti the duty unit over the former judge of the moscow arbitration court elena mediated by receiving large bribes, for which she allegedly promised
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to make the right decision in the case of a businessman. the first preliminary hearing in a high-profile criminal case in the moscow city court over the former servant of themis elena kondrat was held in a closed mode from the press, such is the regulation and despite the fact that for its helena condrard's long career, accustomed to litigation, the roles have changed. now. she is no longer in the robes of a judge, but in a cage as an accused of mediating a bribe. the criminal case against the former judge of the arbitration court of the capital, elena kondrat, was personally initiated by the chairman of the investigative committee of russia , six months later, the supreme court sanctioned her arrests since then, the suppression of the ex- servant of themis had not changed a month ago, the lawyers wanted to appeal against her arrest. however, the court refused before the meeting kondrat then
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turned to the pension with a monologue. i believe that control is definitely the nature of the assignment, but i was on sick leave with a fireplace. elena kondrat is charged with the mediation of the vovyat, i really feel on an especially large scale, according to the investigation, she suggested that her colleagues in the arbitration court elena makhalkina delete several individuals from the bankruptcy case and some businessman decision for 50,000 dollars. as a result, makhalkina turned to the fsb for further negotiations and a meeting were already under the control of law enforcement officers, as follows from the materials of the corners. the transfer of the bribe took place in the courtyard of a residential building. elena kondrat went down to the entrance and betrayed a large amount of money to her colleague. the whole process was recorded by operatives. then she was detained, but, given the status, she was soon released according to the investigation , hereditary actions and interrogations did not appear and even flew away from moscow, she was declared a federal wanted list, detained in the caucasus to confuse the investigation. she changed her first and last name from elena kondrat to us svetlana chondrad, however, a month ago in court. she
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vehemently denied this fact. it seems that even later, her son nikolai kondrat was accused of involvement in the organization of several ordered murders. kondrat jr. allegedly ordered to deal with the very judge makhalkina because she refused the assassination bribe. as a result, it failed, and according to the investigators, the victim of the killers became the personal driver of nikolai kontrat, who knew too much about it during interrogation. probably to the killers their desire, as it were. with the help of the murder, we brought the body there to a small ravine and covered it with branches with search debris from the kondrat family son, a former judge shows the contents of the safe in a metal box to the investigators a large amount in rubles and currency nikolai kondrat was still joking the only person from an influential family. who remained at
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large the husband of elena kondrat ivan in recent years. he worked as deputy prosecutor general of russia and managed to resign even before the scandal broke out in monday, only the first court session took place. in all likelihood, there will be a lot of them . mrs. kondrat is clearly going to resist the onslaught of the prosecution because of all her strength. what kind of position she will take and some tactics, while she will be elected with her defenders , will become known already at the next meetings olga zhirenkova. mikhail zhilin ivanu ravshov kiril kryuchka vesti duty part of the risky races to meet with the volunteer the capital of the zone. a dangerous drift has become one of the crossroads at the patriarchal extreme period offender arranged in the very center of moscow in front of other drivers who lined up at the traffic lights a reckless driver, made several sharp turns without license plates, and then turned around , disregarding the numerous spectators at high speed, disappeared from the scene in the traffic police video recording is worse. even more legal news in the telegram channel
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vesti duty department in addition, the unique results of journalistic investigations regularly publish the emergency telegram channel on the detective subscribe and our issue was completed in the studio by maxim movchan before meetings on tv channel russia 24. we continue to acquaint you with


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