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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2023 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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meow gradually asserted itself. mostly. here in the camp they are given 10 signs of ukrainian mitinolists. these were all mariupol residents, those whose children were zombified at school from the age of 14 , translated as a murder with a sense of a political nature.
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the next few days will rage in the irkutsk region, local rescuers are working on high alert, according to experts. lake baikal again at the mercy of tropical showers, our country is breaking through a powerful cyclone from china, how much precipitation will fall in the irkutsk region, which is barely recovered from last week's flood? what other regions will be hit by the elements and how soon will the rains stop this weather is a joint project of the tv channel, russia 24 center phobos i am tatyana belova hello baikal today again in the power of abnormal rains for the next blow, the verses of the irkutsk region are fully armed as early as monday, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations were distributed across territory of the region, and the fire and rescue garrison was put on high
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alert, a lot of workers are waiting for the next few days. colleagues won't let me lie anymore chinese footage from china filmed ahead of a flooded car evacuating a man and woman reportedly the couple were on their way to their own engagement, fortunately. it's all over for them. well, alas, not all. so lucky. for several days now in the east and north there have been powerful downpours in places of daily intensity. precipitation exceeds 100 mm, and one of the weather stations on monday recorded a figure of 169 mm in the shanti region , for example, this flood has already been called the worst until the last 50 years and tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes dead. the cause of storms in china is the classic monsoon; an extensive cyclonic depression with several centers formed over the yellow sea, and then was forced out by air currents to the continent of russia. such processes also threaten the day before one of these centers
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came close to the borders of our country. and today the cyclone will hit the shores with all its might. baikal or me will go both to the west and to the east of the deepest lake in the world, and at the epicenter of the bad weather will be, buryatia trans-baikal territory, and already mentioned, the irkutsk region, for which the new wave of bad weather is especially disturbing news. after all, last week the region has already experienced a rain flood. so, initially, the killer whale overflowed the banks of the kiringa river, as a result , 87 residential buildings were sunk, or only on monday the water completely left the settlements, alas. after a new portion of rains, the rivers are also very likely to overflow their banks, a positive thing is that this time the showers will not be so intense, the main blow of the verses. carries by south, direct potash in tulun, for example , it has been raining since the night today in this city, which became famous after the floods of 2019, up to 28 mm of precipitation will fall , this is a third of the monthly norm , local cargo is not excluded. well, a little more bad news, the core of the depression will remain over
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baikal for several days. and this means that the period of extreme dynasty. the weather will improve only at the end of the working week, when the clouds become scattered, irkutsk will be flooded for three days in a row or, according to our forecasts, tuesday to thursday children will fall more than 70 mm, precipitation 2/3 of the july volume. this practically guarantees floods in the streets. well, the air in conditions of dense cloudiness can only warm up to 18-19 °. the weather will be a little more kind in relation to the score here only today and tomorrow, and then they will weaken , look like the sun and gradually warmer up to 26-29 °. and that's all for me, goodbye.
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misha rozov sold kombucha in cellophane ilya natashina sasha pupyrochka former director of the sweet life, it doesn’t matter who you are transfer or pay it is important that without commission and restrictions, he was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all transfers and payments. order a free debit alpha card, alpha bank is the best mobile bank.
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where prospects are created, and with uralsib bank they become a reality, uralsib prospects where you are this glass of chef enzelier, maybe for a meeting for success for bright moments, and better for 1 rub. you get
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electronic chips and choose sets of glasses, the cheffinsel for just 1 ruble so quickly booked. jar each month
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now in the krasnodar territory, where, due to the influx of tourists, hundreds of cars are waiting for people to cross the crimean bridge. they say that inspection at the crossing takes several minutes, but getting to it through a traffic jam takes hours, according to various estimates. the waiting time is from 3 hours to a day, many auto travelers admit that they knew in advance about the possibility of a traffic jam, but they still decided not to postpone their tour to the peninsula near the bridge. rescuers are on duty, they distribute bottled water, open cafes and hotels. medical university named after st. luke in lugansk was awarded russian-style diplomas this year. there are approximately half a thousand graduates among them including yemeni and pakistani medical and cancer former students. today, some of the graduates are very much expected in the medical institutions of the region. the university plans to continue their studies in residency. many have already shown themselves during the pandemic, worked part-time in the clinics
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of the republic, were on duty along with experienced colleagues. in general, this is already the 63rd graduation for the university. yeah, jobs in the republic are waiting for our students. we are looking forward to today's release. because both at the primary level and among our doctors who provide specialized care. today we experience professional hunger and naturally. each of our graduates will find a place and employment in the republic. now economic news maria may again allow russian companies not to disclose financial information. and in what cases alexander only if the publication of data threatens with sanctions, the details, i’ll tell you now. the company will have the right not to disclose data if this could turn out sanctions, according to tass with reference to the development channel, such a project of the ministry has already prepared in the document there is a list of specific information that may not be provided, it also describes the grounds for
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each such case, let me remind you that in general, from july 1, russian enterprises were obliged to publish financial information, the government has made it possible to keep it since march last year to reduce sanctions risks, however, the central bank and the ministry of finance insist on issuing the most open reports. damage from pogroms france exceeds a billion euros, and this is without taking into account the consequences for the tourism industry , this was stated by the head of the movement of local entrepreneurs. it is too early to give an exact figure, but we are talking about more than a billion euros, not counting the damage to tourism . videos of the riots have been seen around the world. it's hurting france's image it's always hard to tell if the effects will be long lasting but this summer the season looked promising bookings are sure to drop many already canceled holidays in france started last week
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after the murder of a seventeen-year-old teenager by police while being detained during this time. more than 200 shops and 300 bank branches were looted there. at the same time, foreigners canceled a quarter of hotel reservations, according to the franz press agency, tourists from the united states most often refused trips elon musk topped the rating of people who have earned the most money over the past six months $100 billion, mark zuckerberg second the founder of meta, who is recognized as an extremist in russia and banned, he received about 60 billion. on the third line, the founder of the amazon corporation jeff bezos, a little less than 50 billion. well, in general, the 500 richest people in the world in january june were able to earn 852 billion dollars. on this i have so far more and more news in the next section. i'm denis
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osin, 15 years old. i am developing a small business in alpha bank and i believe that a businessman does not exist. therefore, we are launching a fund of considerable business with alfa-bank. we will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country money better story. tell us about your business at alfa-bank is the best bank for business. enough already to run for a favorable rate. mega forces will make your tariff more profitable, activate their application megafon magnet water, drinking, senezhskaya 24.99. selling
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kombucha. pimple director of the sweet life summer holidays in the country, an important part of the life of almost any russian, but sometimes the terms snt ont tsn are confusing. what is the difference between the types of dacha partnerships and what is the meaning of these differences
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stanislav binwald will tell about this in the instruction program you have a summer cottage, and remember what type of partnership you have and how they differ from each other. now we will explain everything about the changes in the dacha sphere, and why in russia there will now be only two options for snt and ont, we will tell in this edition of the program the instruction will start with the fact that since the nineteenth year of federal legislation, all cooperatives have been removed from brazil and only two companies have remained forms of agricultural holdings - this is a horticultural non-profit partnership or snt and a horticultural non-profit partnership ont all other dacha communities. non-snt or unt, which were registered before the nineteenth year, must re-register and choose one of two types of use of suburban property that remained snt or ont. in any case , you need to look at whether the charter
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of your snt contradicts federal law number 217, but gardening by citizens. and gardening and put the main document of the snt in order, if necessary, be sure to discuss this at a meeting by law, by the way, a deadline is set for reissuing rights, permanent indefinite use of land plots to the right of ownership or lease until january 1, 2024. 2019, the concept of a summer resident no longer exists by federal legislation , all dacha partnerships are abolished, cooperatives or societies, and now, perhaps, only two forms, e. registered before 2019 must re-register. eh, and such a process must be completed before 1 january 2024. well, now about the features
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of partnerships in the areas. snt can build residential buildings, outbuildings and garages, but on garden plots, it is only possible to build their sheds from blocks to store inventory and crops there, you can not join snt, but you can pay for the use of common property road repairs and other services and work still have to. if you do not pay, then snt has the right to go to court, and then the bailiffs will simply write off the money due from your card. and snt can not form. but then each owner of each site will decide for himself the issues of connecting to the electricity and gas network, waste disposal, and so on , it is much more difficult to cope with all this on their own than together and without snt it is unlikely that it will be possible to throw themselves on a children's or sports ground so that everyone has a better rest, a represents tsn e,
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different peoples functions. that is, for example, to conclude various kinds of contracts on behalf of tests. also make no news. god accounting. e to conduct there are no all expenses and incomes , you can certainly use banking loans and represent the interests of all tsn participants a. of course, it should be noted that re-registration is not necessary, however, all constituent documents will have to be carried out in accordance with the new legislation, legally, snt and ont are types of partnerships of property owners. they have the same opportunities as the hoa in an apartment building. the main task of such partnerships is to do. the life of gardeners is easier and more comfortable. to do this, snt can conclude various contracts, for example, for cleaning the common area or for supplying electricity and other resources for cnts to have
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money can go beyond collecting dues. well, it is also beneficial to dispose of common property, for example, to install a billboard at the expense of snt and place advertisements on it. all dacha communities registered before 2019 must re-register and choose the type of use of snt or ont suburban property, respectively. i recommend giving preference to those that have already been re-registered. otherwise, you may have problems with paperwork. and you may be fined mines, the common property belongs to each member of the snt in proportion to the area of ​​​​their plots, but it is impossible to allocate it or sell it separately or donate it as a gift . you can only sell the plot itself, and then the ownership of the common property will pass to the buyer. only one exception
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can be transferred to another legal entity of a power transmission line support, gas distribution or water supply network, but only general consent meetings of members of the partnership, provided that this property will be used for the needs of snt so let's repeat. the main thing since 2019 has stopped only two types of fellow property owners outside the city for gardeners and gardeners on january 1 , 2024. it is necessary to put in order the statutory documents and re-register the land to the right of ownership. if it hasn't already been done. snt can enter into agreements to dispose of common property and even take a loan for the common purposes of its participants. would you like to learn more about how to take advantage of the opportunities that association of real estate owners, or if you have any questions from snt, write to us on telegram, we will find out from specialists and we will tell you about everything in the next issue of our program.
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what will this day be remembered for in history ? hello on july 4, 1591 , a battle took place between the russian army and the army of the crimean khan near the walls of moscow, he had about 150,000 soldiers. moreover, from different tribes , prince fedor, mstislavsky and boyarin boris godunov became the head of the russian army gathered near the capital after 3 days of fighting hordes, khan the gases of the second weight fled, having lost 2/3 of their composition, the russian cavalry detachments, drove the enemy to tula, khan himself was wounded, but was able to return to the crimea with the remnants of the army. this was the last tatar raid on russia in which the enemies were able to approach moscow. after the defeat of gaza, the second girey asked the russian tsar fyodor ivanovich to renew his friendship. and he even promised russia to serve behind the elephant from the ottoman turks, but then khan again tried to attack and only 3 years later, with the approval of the ottoman sultan
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, he concluded a peace treaty with the russian state on july 4, 1898, the us congress passed a resolution authorizing the annexation of the hawaiian islands, it was signed by president william mckinley. hawaii was discovered for europeans by the english navigator james cook at the end of the 18th century. polynesians lived there at the beginning of the 19th century, a single kingdom was formed on the islands. the united states became interested in hawaii because of sugar cane, they did not overthrow the coup and in 1893 staged the overthrow of the last queen. for several years, there formally existed the republic of the gai, which the united states later successfully annexed in 1959. hawaii formally remained in the status of a self-governing territory, and then officially became the fiftieth us state annexed so far. many residents consider it illegal and the islands even have an independence movement in hawaiian. the platform of the harbor is the largest military base, the us ocean
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on july 4, 1946, the city of königsberg, was renamed kaliningrad , this territory previously belonging to east prussia, the ussr received after the second world war by agreement between the allies. moreover, russia conquered these lands back in the 18th century, but the lover of everything german, emperor peter iii simply returned the territory back to his idol king friedrich, the second only out of admiration for him in 1945, the soviet union received them forever, the city was renamed in honor of the revolutionary and statesman mikhail kalinin since then and until now, the kaliningrad region, the most western region russia is not connected to it by land, but having access to the sea on july 4, 2007, the russian sochi was chosen as the capital of the 2014 winter olympics, the russian resort managed to bypass six other contenders. austrian salzburg south korean kyuhan.
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kazakh, almata, georgian borjomi, bulgarian sofia and spanish hulk the sochi olympics were a huge success, for the second time in history our country hosted the olympic games, but in moscow in the eighties the summer olympics were held sochi hosted the first winter opening ceremony was watched by 3 billion people at the opening there were forty-four heads of state more than at the olympics in vancouver and turin combined 88 countries participated in the final medal standings first place was taken by russia second norway and third canada, according to the ioc, the total cost of hosting the games in sochi amounted to $41 billion. deputy prime minister dmitry kozak later said that the income from the olympics exceeded the costs by one and a half billion rubles.
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on july 4, 2017, the installation of a new solar synoptic telescope was completed at the baikal astrophysical observatory . plasmas and structures of the chromosphere. it became the first tool in the geophysical monitoring system, which is being created in russia to study the processes of the solar atmosphere and the near-planetary environment, as well as to predict space weather , the installation of a three-ton telescope took 3 days. maps, and these maps can be used to predict what will happen in the sun in an hour every other day and even a year later. this was such a day in history.
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the british and french wanted to do everything they could to prevent war. my grandfather always considered an alliance with russia as the main condition for more than 20,000 people a day of biblo during the great patriotic war. we are at a very dangerous moment in human history, what is happening in ukraine now is the lessons of 2018, the june 22 edition is marked as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it. hello politicians using stories.
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we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective.
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he helped to bomb civilians, but was discovered and caught, what did the traitor tell during interrogation. skirmishes of the city of france are engulfed in riots near


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