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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it is important to develop investment cooperation between the countries of the association, i propose to instruct the council of heads of government to consider the possibility of creating a joint investment fund and make a proposal on this important project . an international financial center can become an effective platform to stimulate direct and portfolio investment in regional projects of the sco. astana which absorbed the best experience of world financial institutions. the sco summit has already adopted a final joint declaration. the participating countries confirmed that the association is not directed against other countries and is open to broad cooperation, and also advocated respect for the right of states to independently choose their own paths
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of development. the british and french wanted to do everything they could to prevent war. my grandfather always considered an alliance with russia as the main condition for more than 20,000 people a day of biblo during the great patriotic war. we are at a very dangerous moment in human history, what is happening now in ukraine is the lessons of hell, textbook 2018, edition june 22 marked as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well , ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it from history
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and make a decision on the basis. we'll take care of this. it will be the honest
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detective. the readiness to serve the country and the people is the most important thing for the governors , the president said today. he met with graduates of the ranepa higher school of public administration the meeting was held in the catherine’s hall of the kremlin vladimir putin noted that the program has been implemented since 2017, about 400 people, 50 of them became heads of regions, more than 200 received new appointments , five people were appointed federal ministers, and more than twenty deputy ministers, including families, are the first to complete the fifth stream this year, including 79 graduates. that deputy federal ministers, representatives
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of the legislative corps, deputy heads of regions, mayors, cities and top managers from the state in the corporate sector, can also take part in the program provides prices to the more promising winners of the competition, the leaders of russia, and this, of course, is the same social elevator that we are talking about. because, after all , the program is built on the principles of absolute transparency. here first of all. uh, what matters is not some kind of telephone right or even former merits, but, uh, personal data, abilities and potential, creativity, readiness to serve, serve in the best sense of the word, serve the people of one's country and homeland. education at the school of governors is built on a modular basis; the modules themselves are devoted to such topics such as the development of leadership potential modern technologies of public administration are global trends. regional development , public communications, the main training grounds - this is directly the ranepa
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management workshop. senezh educational center seriously. the lecturers are top-level government officials , among them, for example, prime minister mikhail mishustin, first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko, mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin, assistant to the president of russia maxim oreshkin and many others, in addition to regenerative internships are part of the program. the first is a regional internship, which is a mandatory part of the program. all our participants receive real tasks from the main regions, which in turn are graduates of previous previous streams. this is also very good from an educational point of view, because learning by doing is the best thing that can be good for the regions, because the tasks are different, but all of them are somehow connected with the fact that the population of the regions better and the second fact. you have already said about the fact that we have, of course, amazing
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lecturers, teachers and mentors, which was created on behalf of the president. today, this personnel lift. the so-called forge of competent managers. at the same time, as vladimir putin emphasized today , graduates at different times have always responded to what is needed in the country in the first place. this is a period of a pandemic, when leadership personnel and support for a special military operation in various areas were especially needed. among school graduates time, acting governor of the omsk region, governor of the chukotka autonomous region vladislav kuznetsov , and acting governor of the smolensk region vasily mukhin, several program participants work as heads of large cities. this is nizhny novgorod tyumen kazan kaluga lipetsk voronezh izhevsk i am again lucky to serve as governor and study at the same time. this gave very serious support and such help to apply, then
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it’s really impossible not to remember the study already in practice in a year, uh, mentor and teacher, which you declared 23 years in our teachers, who are very respected in their industries, uh, leaders who have achieved serious results, and we, uh, could have had such an opportunity to ask questions , receive answers and apply graduates of the program among federal ministers, for example, the minister of labor and social protection. anton kotyakov. head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka, minister of science and education valeria falkov, also studied at the school of governors. in seven program participants were appointed first deputies of federal ministers. seven more received new appointments in the central apparatus of the territorial divisions of the presidential administration. we have just completed the ninth competition has been submitted, 10.280 bids amount. this also indicates how in demand the work for which
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the fund was created 2 years ago, in general, applications have already been submitted for 230 billion rubles. a pro funded currently at 20 billion e, 6.000 teams, zero 6.000 teams in the fight every tenth application is approximately supported it is a high competition and very good projects are supported. to vladimir putin's meeting with his family everything that happens in our city. and in general
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, in the whole republic, the city and the republic are simply changing every day and thank you so much for what you are doing. thank you she received an additional 5 billion rubles for the development of derbent. i can say a special thank you there for what
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we are getting. in june it was not enough, of course, in july-august, well, it’s normal, that is, there is no fall . thank god that, that in the city you think so the most interesting. but the most interesting for our people, of course, yes, the most is simple, and the second is our fountain. while i 'm not lost for you, if i may, i'll tell you a few words. thank you for the invitation, of course we are very happy. we are just delighted. i don't know when we would probably get here ourselves. i would like to say a huge thank you for the emotions of our
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child. this is very important for us and from the republic of dagestan of our entire republic, thank you very much for what you are doing for your work. personally, myself i support your policy, i support you personally. i believe that a person like you will probably never be a replacement for you. i am my opinion, my heart is what i tell you, and from derbent thank you so much for returning the documents of 5,000 years. it's just you know, it's worth a lot for the archaeologists who work there in the beginning. 1971 uh, that's the first one they installed. the first settlements were there for five thousand years here, then began to form. it looks like the city is already 2,000 years ago for everything. thank you. uh-huh dagestan thanks to the caucasus as a whole. well in general, people support us in russia, in general
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, support russia, this is the most important thing in this very thing. main. this is the foundation. eh, all our common successes, when there is such a concept, i am its mutual support. ah, this is the key to success.
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russia malaysia are negotiating cooperation in the space sector with a working trip or the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, is now in an asian country , the details, he discussed with the minister of science, technology and innovation of malaysia and their space and representation of the cooperation we are still at a very early stage, but our government pays a lot of attention to the development of space technologies. moreover, as previously reported, we have a strategic position on the equator. therefore, in the first place. we intend to develop everything related to low orbit. to do this, we would like to enlist
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the support of an international partner and the second direction and the creation and development of our space city. we would like to increase our competencies in this area. pentalgin extragel contains the highest dosage substances from more inflammation pentalgin extragel against more inflammation in muscles and joints book accommodation on the website and i'll unhook the cashback with it even cheaper so quickly booked. where
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work in training. russian air defense shot down two ukrainian su-25 aircraft, the ministry of defense reported. department, and also talked about the numerous attempts to attack with all forces in several directions at once. all of them were repulsed by our military. details about the course of the special military operation, we will find out from our correspondent denis alekseev. denis welcomed that they report on the situation on the fronts. yes, i welcome, but the situation is as follows. the less time remains until the donations themselves in vilnius, the more desperate and thoughtless attacks become, the ukrainian command goes for broke, and suddenly they will appreciate and praise. suddenly they take a valance, they don't stop trying
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to attack in the direction of zaporizhia in the morning there were movements in the area of ​​work on pyatihatok. and they work for ours where? somewhere there , in small groups somewhere, reinforcements want to break through our defenses, but the front is standing still. our gunners meet the enemy, they throw shells from the air, aircraft picks up attack helicopter pilots the day before , they destroyed two armored combat vehicles, and the gunners of the group. the east was liquidated by two howitzers, stobs in the south-donetsk direction, and an ammunition depot was also destroyed even in donetsk direction, and during the day artillery and heavy flamethrower systems of the grouping of troops. east during the day, two enemy attacks were repelled in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of the fruitful donetsk people's republic in the zaporizhia direction, selfless and coordinated actions of the russian troops inflicted defeat accumulations in manpower and equipment of the 106th brigade of territorial defense in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of lugovskoe, zaporizhia region, during the hostilities destroyed up to
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200 ukrainian servicemen one tank, four, infantry fighting vehicles, four combat armored vehicles three vehicles two howitzamba. our artillery continues to work on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, in the area of ​​​​the antonovsky bridge on the right bank of the dnieper. on the eve of the kherson direction , the armed forces lost fifty people of the howitzer, 100b and the artillery system m3 seven, manufactured by the usa on the positions of militants. ours beat jewelry and the password is very spectacular. here are a couple of rather cinematic examples. the first avdiivka direction was recorded there with a clear hit on the ukrainian gun and ammunition nearby. and here is this powerful footage of the destruction of the fortifications of militants by the artillerymen of the 123rd brigade in the area of ​​​​the settlement of controversial modern methods of warfare. fights allow not only to accurately adjust the blows, but also to remove the hit from different angles. the subdivision of the southern
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group of forces successfully repulsed the attack of the enemy assault groups in the lisichansk direction; artillery strikes were delivered under the accumulation of manpower and equipment. in the area of ​​settlements, belogorovka. veselaya destroyed two dugouts and a significant the number of attacking nationalists. on the donetsk front, the southern grouping successfully repulsed 10 apu attacks, the artyomovsk direction , work on the enemy is ongoing, aerial reconnaissance regularly records attempts to break through on the flanks, but there our defense lines are from there, and the calculation of the ukrainian anti-aircraft complex. the arrow equipped a position in the industrial zone. only here for a long time the coordinates of the object were not enough for our paratroopers. and then everything is painted in seconds 333 volley. the projectile pierces the concrete roof and hits exactly target adjustment and the following shells reach their destination. every minute in
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order to help our uh friends who are near the front, because the infantry and artillery. first of all, these are friends, not only fighting ones, let's say so evenly. from a deplorable even more deplorable state, our military transferred the ukrainian air force in a day, how do you like fighter aircraft, a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft and a mi-8 helicopter were shot down, and anti-aircraft gunners added two su-25s to the piggy bank of downed shots, total for the day minus three combat aircraft for the kiev regime superiority in the sky is generally a sore subject, and such news from the fronts only enhances the effect, especially when they come along with other news already from the west , ukrainian foreign minister kuleba said that their western partners again. how should i put it, they threw the delivery time for f-16 fighters to be shifted to
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the spring of next year. they were so expected, at least in winter , the pilot training planned for june. it has not yet begun, and in this, kiev sees, just the reason for the delay in deliveries. but in fact, neither the states nor europe are satisfied with ukraine, as a military tool claimed counter offensive. frankly, the list of losses in equipment is failing. scrap metal from recent deliveries is replenished, but so far the president of ukraine is being led by endless promises of friends. about weapons and a warm welcome to nato, the scheme will work to the last ukrainian. when it seems that it can't get any better , foam boards provide a double advantage
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- they provide protection from heat and cold and help save on air conditioning and heating. i came at the call of my heart over the years, of course they fit like wars, the specialist calculated necessary to be in a difficult time for russia, it was here that i just took the word of the military registration and enlistment office, such a time came for russia that we had to again become a system with our former servants, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war. we fought to the death for our country. many even children fled to the front to get their hands on weapons and fight this nazism. now nazism is again raising its head, so
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if anyone doubts doubts, all away, stand in our ranks. take up arms protect our homeland. victory will always be only for us, until we destroy this by the nazis, we will not calm down. due to heavy rains, a rain flood began. in yakutia , dry cargo complicates the situation with natural fires, and in the central regions of european russia, the heat intensifies , a meteorologist monitors the course of atmospheric processes in the country. alina katelevskaya. alina i welcome you. we are waiting for forecasts. the weather in russia is very contrasting right now. well, for example, the baikal region these days turned out to be at the epicenter of extreme rains. to north-west of irkutsk there were powerful downpours in the city of usolye-siberian after the rain flooded one of the apartment buildings
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, the entrance yards were in the water. and at the epicenter of bad weather tomorrow will still be buryatia, the trans-baikal territory. and the irkutsk region, the amount of precipitation in some places will exceed 30 mm, but tomorrow another cyclone player will appear on the weather maps, also from china . but his path lies to the northeast. japanese sea. tomorrow it will hit the south, primorye and the amount of precipitation depends very much on its trajectory and according to today's estimates in the south of the region it will fall from 10 to 40 mm in vladivostok, the peak of precipitation intensity will fall in the second half of the day , at least 20-30 mm of heavenly moisture will pour into the city . irkutsk has been flooded since yesterday , the weather will improve only on friday, according to our forecasts, from tuesday to thursday
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, more than 70 mm will fall here, 2/3 of the july volume of precipitation. this practically guarantees floods in the streets. but, while air in conditions of dense clouds can only warm up to 18-19 °. while the baikal, or in a rain flood in the kolyma, it flares up. forest fires , a large number of foci are located in remote mountainous areas, it is difficult to extinguish them to fight the fire, they attract aircraft, including the phoebe b200 aircraft. in addition, artificial rains cause burning areas of aviation protection. to do this, use the an-26 cyclone sounder aircraft. yakutia is burning over the region, a hotbed of high pressure has settled because of this. in yakutia, there is a thirty-degree the heat, and the attempts of cyclones to break through the atmospheric block only adds to the trouble for firefighters , a strong wind rises, which inflates the flames and rattles. dry thunderstorms. raindrops evaporate into the air and never reach the ground. at the same time, lightning creates new thunderstorm centers. on the morning of july 4, there are 119 forest
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fires in the area of ​​97.372. ha, of which one forest fire is active in the leginsky reserve on an area of ​​0.3 hectares , 737 people and 38 pieces of equipment are involved in extinguishing forest fires. dry cargoes caused the occurrence of fires in bashkiria in the beloretsk region of the republic not far from the mountain camp site air and lightning occurred in the forest russian plain in the power of cyclones. there tomorrow no higher than 20 years old 25-30 in the central regions of the volga region and fooled around, but from 30 ° heat awaits residents of the southern regions on wednesday. the capital region finally real summer weather has set in, it will be hot until the end of the week, but
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short rains are not ruled out on some days. today the air has warmed up to 26 of the coming night, plus 17 tomorrow, too, 26-27. but already with a little refreshing rain, the hottest of the week. thursday is expected, when the thermometers will almost reach 30 °. at the end of the week , the probability of rains will increase, and they will bring down the heat a little alina thanks to the weather , alina kotelevskaya told. as a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. they were trained as scouts there. saboteurs. and, of course, monsters, the holocaust. in lvov organized by the ukrainians , 6,000 bandera people were destroyed. western intelligence agencies kept used in
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anti-soviet activities. a blow with geraniums on the sbu in sumy broke the training manual of the zepts, at first they stupidly took it, and then they completely shut up. why zelensky in the end , recognized the exact flight, the singer grigory leps kept his word and paid a million fighter for a wrecked german tank from russian
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artists. but will they have enough money, because


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