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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, correspondents of the vesti program will tell about the main legal events of the day duty unit. i'm maxim 40 kg of silver were confiscated by the police together with the fsb officers of underground dealers in precious metals in the kostroma region. here is the footage of the joint operation of the security forces. they discreetly track the movement of suspects, as soon as the shipment of silver is in the car, the attack begins in a moment. already stretched out on the pavement, and the investigation team is inspecting his car. while looking after the car , 40 kg of precious metal, packed in a special container, was found and seized. the investigating authorities of the police of the kostroma region initiated a criminal case.
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now the security forces have to find out where such a large consignment of silver came from underground traders. all the most interesting after a short advertisement, do not switch. the power of the taiga the power of the river the power of the mountains the power of the spirit the power of the will the
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legal program news duty department we continue to release short flights a hard landing in the west of moscow a woman received injury. after plunging his car from the second floor of a multi-storey shopping center parking lot, a white nissan rammed a fence and fell from a height. then turned over meanwhile lately. this is far, not the first such incident, the topic continued only on police cordon fire trucks in a narrow area near the shopping center bustle rescuers for road accidents an unusual place, but here is a car smashed to smithereens, the bottom to the sky, as if it was thrown here by an unknown the force of the owner of the car was taken away in an ambulance, according to preliminary data, the woman lost control and flew down the parking lot of the shopping center, about the same distance a white nissan flew and landed right on the roof. here 's a cctv footage of a white nissan ramming into a parking complex guardrail and landing on the hood, a dangerous stunt completes
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the vehicle's flip onto the roof, eyewitnesses. they immediately rushed to the aid of the injured lady and called the medics, the woman was hospitalized, according to some reports, she was suspected of having an injury. spine. she didn’t manage to manage, accordingly she flew out, fell straight on the asphalt with her nose and grew onto the roof. rescuers arrived and rendered first aid, everything is fine with her, thank you. god managed to remove the broken foreign car from the site only with the help of a tow truck. after such a hard landing , the car can no longer be restored. cars fly out of multi-level parking lots with frightening consistency exactly one month ago in the capital , an suv fell off the third floor from the same parking lot, then the driver miraculously remained unharmed and on his own got out of the crumpled interior, assured that the car's brakes failed at the exit, what caused the accident this time the police have yet to find out, according to one of the versions, the lady behind the wheel. just mixed up the brake and
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gas pedals olga mutsurak oleg ivanov kirill krychko news duty investigators of the capital region are studying the wreckage of five ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles that were shot down the night before by air defense systems as a result of the fall of cars, no one was injured. now the security forces have to figure out who from where he launched drones, the topic was continued by residents of the village of krivosheino in the pervomaisky settlement of moscow and woke up early in the morning from a roar and saw houses in flames, as eyewitnesses said. first, there was smoke over the forest, and then there was fire, in the village exactly 2020. yes, it was just a garage and next to it was some ordinary two-story residential building nearby. yes, they flew there. what, what is that sound anyway? what was the nature of the sound? just a strong explosion of cotton such. yes, one no , first one, then some, like a whistle and more two quick shots cut off the fire from
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neighboring buildings, however, the food remained in the air for at least several hours and the smoke is clearly visible - this is just the place where the aircraft crashed. everything here is currently unhooked at the scene , an investigative operational group is working, it is obvious that the scene itself is located near the airport. vnukovo just before our eyes , a plane takes off a couple of kilometers from krivoshein, right on the kiev highway. another cordon at the signal tape. police officers inside the perimeter people in civilian clothes combing the area next to them strange cuts in the trees. someone seemed to have worked with a giant axe. it looks like the intermediate result of the work of the expert is bandaging the box with the finds with adhesive tape, in order to then load it into the car . meanwhile, a few hundred meters away, right on the pavement
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, there was possibly a fragment of a downed hitch device , police officers usually find some kind of metal components or components that are most protected from thermal effects and in this case in this video we see a braid with with a high degree of probability, the braid that was wrapped around, or the wires inside this drone, or some kind of processor, or some of the most important equipment for controlling this drone. the collected evidence will certainly help to sort out the most important question, who sent the unmanned vehicles and where this morning, an attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by five unmanned aerial vehicles on objects in the moscow region and new moscow was thwarted four ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft on and new moscow were destroyed by air defense systems another aircraft was suppressed by electronic warfare and crashed on the territory of the odintsovo district of the moscow region there were no casualties and
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no damage, and so the police officers combed the area early in the morning in the village of valuevo, novomoskovsk district of moscow, it is located not far from the krivoshein guards order blocked access to the local river. here, too, investigations were carried out. and the inhabitants heard a rumble in the sky shook normally. that is, the windows shook petty the shot went on the roof at 5:00 in the morning there were strong explosions. i shook the house very hard once. but the child was very frightened. experts are sure that the goals of this provocation are obvious , designed for spectators and abroad, the goal of the ukrainian drone attack on moscow is very simple, primitive and absolutely in the spirit of clumsy terrorists. they want to intimidate the muscovites of those who live in the depths of russia . the counteroffensive, which is expected from zelensky from his army, does not bring results, and literally in a week a nato summit is scheduled in
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vilnius then with what to go there? what to show? well, it’s elementary that muscovites were nightmares, the state house considers civilians to be the target of drones. i call the attack itself a war crime , of course. these are acts of international terrorism. well fascists are engaged in terrorism, what's in it? well , the russian state categorically refuses to recognize as terrorists not only the state of ukraine, but categorically refuses to recognize even such terrorist organizations as the main intelligence department of the armed forces of ukraine or the security service of ukraine according to preliminary data. there were no casualties, all the drones were neutralized by our air defense. oleg capable maxim shevchenko maria bukata gennady palikin vesti duty unit. life at the cost of a car , investigators are interrogating the main suspect in the massacre of the owner of the enemies of the suv, the girl put the car up for sale and met with a potential buyer, who turned out to be a killer
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after cracking down on the girl. he rushed to the vegan. a few hours later he was arrested. who was the owner of the car will tell karina kharitonova these are the first shots with the participation of a suspect in a daring murder, covering his tracks and the criminal managed to get from samara to kazan in a matter of hours, but was caught and under escort he was returned back symbolically rolled up his sleeves and wearing an american olympic jacket on his naked body behind her from a jonzoda that literally last year became a citizen of russia appeared in the police department. and it was he who had already buttoned up his jacket in the investigator’s office, and at the same time the mouth refused any explanation of involvement in the murder denies. this is the place of a terrible massacre on thirty-four-year-old ekaterina crucian, the crime happened the day before. in the very center of samara, according to eyewitnesses , a girl was thrown out of the car with stab wounds in the neck. while doctors.
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the police tried to save her and announced a plan to intercept a black foreign car found 3 km from the place, it turned out that the car belonged to ekaterina herself, the killer left it in the courtyard of a residential building and the criminal investigation officers disappeared, the suspect was identified as soon as possible and found out that he had left the territory of samara oblast, thanks to all the measures taken in the city of kazan, traffic police officers stopped a car passing by orientation and detained the suspected arrest. he is 21 years old, he is registered in the village of levashovo, that in the republic of tatarstan in samara, he allegedly looked after a car because of him, allegedly and went to murder upon the discovery of the body of a girl born in 1989 with signs of violent death, a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of corpus delicti under article 105 of the criminal of the code of the russian federation, the murder of a car that belonged to a girl was
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discovered in the leninsky district of the city of samara in the passenger compartment of the car on the driver's side, experts found traces of blood. and they also found out that ekaterina karas a few days ago put up a toyota land cruiser 200 for sale , the girl estimated the car at 3 million 650,000 rubles. citizens from johnson volunteered to buy and began to drive the owner of the car, then to the service, then to the car wash on the day of the murder of the seller and buyers, allegedly. even seen in the traffic police when catherine suspected something was wrong. from jonzoda instead of money, a man took out a knife, the suspect pretended to be a buyer and learned something about cars and, uh, offered to go with him by car out of town under the pretext that he allegedly wants to see how the car, but will behave outside the city, the owners of three cars turned out to be men and they refused the offer, the stranger. and ekaterina crucian
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was the fourth. uh, with whom the unsuspected person contacted me , little is known about ekaterina crucian. she seemed to own an online store where she sold clothes, judging by the photographs, she loved furs and expensive foreign cars, according to some reports, ekaterina was related to the family of the famous yakut gold, the miner's name is also crucian, but now, as he assures, samara journalists are involved in a high-profile criminal case. about money laundering and he, most likely, is not up to the murder of his former daughter-in-law. it is known that the deceased left a child, the suspect will soon choose a measure of restraint korin kharitonova and alexandra mostovaya vesti the duty unit is more than 250 billion rubles. the courts exacted from civil servants and municipal of managers over the past year, an anti-corruption audit showed some officials cannot explain their very high
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incomes . and the prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov told such results of the work of the supervisory agency at the eighth meeting of the interstate anti-corruption council in yekaterinburg and summed up the first results of the norm of the law adopted a year ago, which tightened verification of the validity of the appearance of large sums in the bank accounts of officials or close relatives. the start of the change in law, and this a little more than a year, prosecutors filed lawsuits with the courts, and more than 90 million rubles were collected in favor of the state. of course, for such a large country as russia, this is not very much, but the practice is only being formed, but we can already say that the norm has earned its visit. igor krasnov began by laying flowers at the shirokorechensky military memorial complex. in addition, the head of the oversight agency plans to meet with foreign colleagues who participate in the work of the interstate council to counter corruption. the case of the former minister of transport of the krasnoyarsk territory moved to court. the once
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high-ranking official is accused of exceeding official powers, according to the investigation, konstantin dimitrov signed documents on the work performed on the construction of the krasnoyarsk metro subway, as there was never, but a construction trust. received almost 750 million rubles. by andrey romanov shave neatly with a clean shave in a perfectly ironed polo, a year of house arrest clearly benefited the former minister of transport of the krasnoyarsk territory konstantin dimitrov. true , the defendant still does not want to show off in front of the cameras, and his lawyer is asked to hold the meeting behind closed doors, and the judge partially satisfies the requests for information . konstantin dimitrov was detained in july last year. accused of exceeding official powers according to investigators. being a minister. he waved the necessary documents. and the krasnoyarsk trust for engineering construction surveys. received more than 740 million rubles. for work performed
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only on paper, the company must was to build a metro in krasnoyarsk belongs to a former official and businessman, and now a defendant in a criminal case. oleg midval about how the work of metro builders was progressing can be understood and reports of local tv news meters in krasnoyarsk will appear in 2007, it was decided to preserve the metro station in krasnoyarsk in krasnoyarsk, it will appear only after 100 years, oleg received wide popularity in the early 2000s after being appointed deputy head rosprirodnadzor. he first attacked the dacha of alla pugacheva, which was built in nature protection zone of the istra reservoir. and later he demanded to demolish the cottage village nearby. you know, here i am why did you come? because i used to be responsible for my words and actions. this means that your village will be demolished ; there will be no other cottages here. after oleg knows how, valya got the post of prefect from the northern district of moscow on it. the official was remembered as an ardent fighter with a nightclub, where
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gay people allegedly gathered. him too. take off your hands. take it away, take it off, talk, and you also take yours in 2018. oleg mitval, finally went into business, acquired shares in an engineering and construction survey trust and began to design the krasnoyarsk metro , which ended in the fact that in june 2022 the secondary vnukovo airport was detained and accused of fraud and embezzlement totaling more than a billion. the businessman’s rubles were sent to a pre-trial detention center by the way, while the preventive measure for konstantin dimitrov was extended in the central court of krasnoyarsk , a similar process was going on behind closed doors, in the case of mitval, by court decision former deputy head of rosprirodnadzor. as long as dimitrov remains in the isolation ward , dimitrov’s situation will not change in the coming months either on september 2023, the official investigation into konstantin
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dimitrov and oleg mitvoval was completed on july 17. the court will begin to consider the case of the former minister of transport of the krasnoyarsk territory on the merits. the date of the hearing. whether midva and yet not appointed andrey romanov alexander mostovaya vesti duty department for half a year they didn’t notice the disappearance of a boy in yekaterinburg, it becomes known, terrible the details, the massacre of the foster baby, it turns out that for months the guardianship authorities did not pay attention to the appearance of the child, his foster mother had already flown the word of olga zharenkova. the furniture is broken broken glass in the kitchen in the rooms the dirt is so dirty that you can call it with a knife the living room will not turn the tongue instead of the stone floor and the earth dirty furniture without offense the shots are shocking, but even worse is the fact that six children lived in such conditions with their foster mother veronica naumova new the tenant of the house agreed to an interview on condition of anonymity, when i came after here everything was terrible to look at everything was dirty for mentally everything was broken here by the dump.
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simply put, all the sofas tore the bed broke and threw it into the yard, they broke the wall in the bathroom for any claims of the owners. veronika naumova answered that the children were to blame for everything , they just came to life in such conditions. i don't understand where the ass is looking either. so they generally allowed the children to live in such conditions and the name of veronika naumova flew around for the past week. all news feeds for six months. she hid the death of her six-year-old adopted son. lera hid the body in a bag and left it in the garage complex, and later went to the police with a statement that the child had run away? you could hear me, somewhere, you never know your family is at home, they are waiting for you. veronika naumova is accused of three articles at once, murder , torture and fraud. this story shocked many, first of all, by the cruelty of the foster mother. naumova lied to everyone around for months so that the rest of the adopted children would not be taken from the family and her social payments would not be decided; the cause of death is being established by the appointed medical e-e judicial
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medical examination, according to the results, which she will be, the cause of death of veronika naumova was six children, three relatives and three adopted children before lera and his older sister dasha she took in august 2019 it is hard to believe, but the guardianship authorities did not notice the loss of the child for six months . although they were obliged to come with checks every 3 months, during the last visit in may, the guardian said that the child was with a friend, the specialists noted in the documents that everything was in order with the boy , they probably did not notice the authorities, guardianship and conditions in where children lived and guardianship. in the district of the city of yekaterinburg, the personal files of all the children of the family, guardians, an interviewed representative of the guardianship authority of the kindergarten that the boy had previously visited, as well as the children's city hospital number eight, were confiscated and studied . how employees began to actively work on family washing in room 31. we were sent here to you after a while, the boss appeared in the doorway management sergei konov and delivered a speech.
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ministry of social policy, i followed your heart there, we want to talk with you, when was the last time we were registered at all, and i can’t visit this family, i won’t tell you. please send a written request and a written request , in my opinion, we will answer , there are really a lot of questions by the supervisory authority, including to the employees of the kindergarten, where they also did not notice the absence of a six-year-old boy cousin for half a year. yes, lera admitted to a journalist that naumov's guardian had been sent relatives a photo of the boy and said that everything was fine with him. it turns out that she deceived him with all sorts of pictures , threw him off so that they handed over, everything is fine. like, don’t worry about the terrible story with a six-year-old daler from yekaterinburg last week discussed and in the state duma deputies believe that it is necessary to reform the guardianship system repeatedly. we
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talked about the need to reform the guardianship authorities, now carefully, studying uh, hmm and the situation. uh, all the circumstances go evidence and conclusions of law enforcement authorities that describe this case. we once again come to the conclusion that if the guardianship and their work had been built professionally and efficiently, this tragedy would not have happened guardians veronika naumova was sent to a pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation, the foster father of the child was on a long business trip and returned to yekaterinburg just a few days ago, until he appears as a witness, but it is possible that his status in the criminal case will change olga zhirenkova alexandra mostovaya maria bukata veronika gazelshchikova part of the moscow suburban town of vidnoye detained four suspects appropriation of an apartment, people who died for several years swindlers received information about single property owners details vika pocket.
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they visited the apartment raiders in the town of vidnoe in the suburbs one by one. first one permanently lives here lives with whom you live, then the second and then the third with the fourth to the fraud with the sale of apartments of deceased people they took away apartments for themselves, turned over at least three transactions swindlers made fake contracts for the sale of housing that belonged to the deceased, allegedly concluded in the mid-nineties, then re-registered the property for one of the swindlers who sold it to a bona fide buyer, such property is called selective and the biggest tragedy . this scheme is that the state departments to which the apartments were supposed to go take away housing from the last purchasers. teley through the courts, recognizing them as participants in fraud. you
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conscientious, you understand, because there are a lot of nuances. and if for example, you buy. an apartment, and in it in the history of the apartment there are several consecutive transactions before these with a short term, then you will never be recognized in good faith in the center of moscow next to the moscow city complex. here in this house are located one of these escheated apartments worth 8 million rubles. litigation for not going for the fourth year already, the victims reached the supreme court, won it, and then everything went around the second circle back in 2014 . elena smirnova bought here in on the twentieth, she was invited to the investigator and showed this video with the investigators accused of machine-building. they gave us a very tough interrogation, and they assumed that we were in general in connection with this scammer of such apartments. it turns out that he kidnapped and sold to such as we 86 the gang worked according to the classics, rewriting housing. deceased pensioners in a grouping. real estate lawyers came in, and
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this active citizen. after two , only one, you understand, this is dean's fx3 in 2005. he was accused of involvement in the murder of american journalist paul klebnikov then he served time for fraud with apartments , became a lawyer and turned out to be a defendant in a case with escheated housing, i'll eat you up. he managed to escape to turkey. the rest are now in a pre-trial detention center who have bought apartments, this does not make it any easier. they have to prove that they, too , have suffered from the actions of the gang and remain the last acquirers. it is difficult to predict how the case will turn out, it is difficult to predict those detained in the moscow region, but in any case, those involved in the investigations of those who bought apartments from them are waiting for long trials. part of even more legal news in the telegram channel vesti duty. in addition, the unique results of journalistic investigations are regularly published by the honest detective telegram channel. subscribe and our issue was completed in the studio maxim was before meeting on the russia 24 tv channel
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. this is a great informational evening. we continue to acquaint you with today's agenda. a geranium strike on the sbu in sumy broke the manual of the saps, they first lied stupidly, and then completely shut up. why zelensky finally recognized the exact flight singer grigory leps kept his word and paid a million to a fighter for a wrecked german tank. this is the first award from russian artists. will they have enough money? after all , the real hunt for leopards has begun, the institute of opponents of philosophers has begun work in paris


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