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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we will continue to draw the attention of the international community, including on the platform of the security council, to this problem and, what we talked about were the statements of the ministry of foreign affairs on this matter and ours. uh, the secret services in ukraine continue to fight the orthodox church. she got a wife now a new cultural dimension on june 26 , the russian foreign intelligence service announced that stored in the kiev-pechersk lavra, and this is a component of unesco world heritage sites under the name, kiev sophia cathedral and related monastic buildings. kiev pechersk lavra so e. relics stored in the kiev-pechersk lavra are going to be taken from ukraine to europe under the pretext of protection from , as they say, missile strikes from russia . there is no reason for this, of course not, the russian
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military avoids strikes on civilian objects, especially on, the saints of orthodoxy a why is it being done? yes, because this is not the first time this is a tradition for the colonial powers, but the traditions of such a bandit attitudes towards the national cultural heritage of other countries of those countries that they consider their colonies, and of course they consider ukraine simply theirs, not even not even in person, and precisely the colony. according to available information, french has already been accepted. as they write, the temporary storage of 16 exhibits brought from the kiev national museum of art named after bohdan and varvarynka. one of them was sent for restoration, the rest are dated and the sixth. ah, the seventh century. these are four byzantine icons, originally located in the monastery st. catherine's mount sinai and a 12th-century mosaic panorama depicting st.
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nicholas are on display at the paris collection. as they say of ukrainian cultural relics and the museum will expand , the museum has already announced plans to open in 2027. a new department dedicated to byzantine and eastern christian art is likely to become the basis of the future exhibition. now i am a colonial tradition westerners traditionally steal national values ​​​​in different parts of the world, and their museums have simply become a repository vaults for stolen goods in the colonies. well , let's just see how it was. look at the departments of ancient egypt in the louvre or the british museum. ask a question. and where does it all come from? that's who, uh, was in the egyptian hall of the pushkin museum of fine
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arts named after him. pushkin pushkin museum, and here, probably, he knows where these very cultural values ​​come from in russia. they were bought, bought by merchants, bought by patrons, and the basis of the exposition of the pushkin state museum of fine arts is just the same the collection of the merchant of the bootleg, who collected it, and then she ended up in the museum, collecting it with her own money. he bought this ask such questions in the louvre british museum. and where does it all come from? well, how was it stolen from where? dragged, robbed, destroyed. they traded themselves later
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, and this is how these collections were formed. i want to point out that the collections in western museums are much richer than, uh, in the countries where they were taken from? and why yes, because there is practically nothing left. look compare with the museums of egypt , for example, who are trying to return to their homeland with nefertiti from the egyptian museum of berlin , the statue, the goddess of judgment from the underground plus the royal son an-how from the museum of eternal arts boston is a little different. britain for two centuries from 19 to 20 exported thousands of valuables from india . according to the minister of foreign affairs of india karr, the total amount is about 45 trillion dollars. , i don't even know. how many times i repeat only
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from india, britain, according to the minister of foreign affairs of india, took out 40 five trillion dollars worth of cultural property. and now, just a new storehouse of replenishment of private collections and state ones, too, ukraine kiev lavra, i remind you, a unique work of art is stored. i'm not talking about their religious value, this should be discussed. i think representatives of this denomination have such blasphemous plans - this, of course, is another example of zelensky's criminal course on the destruction of the traditional skeletons of ukrainian society, while we are talking not only about the plundering of shrines, but the deprivation of the ukrainian people of their religious cultural and historical heritage. from zelensky’s point of view, everything should be exhausted because of the historical memory of the citizens of ukraine, and then
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after just a couple of years . russian culture, that they have been all their lives and more, when everyone was gone, the same will be tell them their cultural values, what is theirs? what are they not? they will have to come to the louvres, british museums and look at all this through the eyes of tourists. well, of course, or refugees. the west has always plundered its colonies and ukraine is no exception. there is no doubt that no one was going to return all the exported valuables, by the way, uh, i recommend everyone to read the story of how british diplomats exported cultural property from greece, for example, in particular, how
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they literally plundered with acrops, how then the greek authorities have been trying for decades to get it all back, but they have not succeeded. but the question is still about the role of unesco as an organization that should deal with the preservation of cultural values ​​and objects, and not patronize their movement in a private or public collection of those countries that have nothing to do with them. yes, and we , of course, drew attention to the information that appeared in the french media about the participation of immigrants from france in the conflict in ukraine , it is reported that about 320 french took or still take part in hostilities, western countries, including france, have repeatedly spoken about the creation of special recruiting mechanisms that recruit so-called volunteers to participate in hostilities in ukraine , in fact, mercenaries who come to kill our citizens. we are starting. so
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it was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova pentalgin extrigel in it the highest dosage of a substance from more inflammation pentalgin extragel against more inflammation in muscles and joints, where it's cheaper here in honor of the anniversary, sbermarket has launched a new section where the prices of goods are lower than in the store. ice cream, chocolate from a ribbon online from 169 rubles. sberbanquet. here is a cheaper solution for every day from vtb that does not miss the most important moments with a free debit card in one step without commission and to more than 10 countries
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release millions of chum salmon fry in the river on sakhalin. this valuable fish species is very important for the ecological balance in the region; the record release of juveniles became possible thanks to a special program of gazprom neft in partnership. sakhalin is one of the seven regions of russia where large-scale conservation work will be carried out over the course of 5 years fish populations about one of the first releases of fry in the material of my colleagues. in the sakhalin river, gazpromneft shelf released more than 4 million chum salmon fry. the region is not a foreign one for oilmen, the company has opened two large deposits. in the sea of ​​okhotsk. at the same time, the most advanced solutions in environmental protection are used in the work. we give preference to the most modern equipment and technologies that meet high environmental standards, monitor the equator and monitor the safety of the population of the atlantic walrus fighting the sea from china on sakhalin we are implementing a reproduction event around
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a large-scale release of fry part of a new major project on the reproduction of valuable fish species as part of the social investment program hometowns of gazpromneft - partners are the state institution of heads of vodka fish. you certainly have a socio-economic role. this is commercial fishing. yes, this is the implementation of products from china and reproduction artificially affects the maintenance and replenishment of natural populations. sneakers grown in the hatcheries of the largest salmon hatcheries in the region. it was strictly observed here, the necessary diet was controlled with temperature and water quality. now the fry are waiting for a big swim in the rivers, and do not adapt to the new conditions and leave. in the sea of ​​okhotsk and the tatar strait , a project of artificial stocking. designed for 5 years. such a period is optimal for the systematic
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work of fish-breeding enterprises, work on the restoration of aquatic biological resources. supervises gazpromneft subsidiaries improving the ecological balance of the far east region, gazprom neft plans to release fish fry in seven more regions of the russian federation this year. this year, it plans to release fry of the siberian sturgeon white salmon and atlantic salmon in the rivers and lakes of russia . the price is right for a drink 899 professional quality, understandable in any language syoss color protection technology preserves the brightness of up to 12 weeks,
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millions without guessing a single number online. let's return to the news in the rain flood
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primorye transbaikalia and the irkutsk region are drowning to the south siberia far east hit by two active cyclones from china they brought extreme amounts of precipitation for developments among alina katelevskaya. alina greetings, how long will the showers last? well, you know the weather is behind the pickneys, but there was a lot of rainfall, so the flood situation in the coming days will remain difficult after powerful downpours drowned primorye on the roads of the region, extensive flooding in the city area. fokino roadbed covered under water in the ussuriysk district rescuers they organized a boat crossing in one of the villages, which was cut off from transport links, and in the musulsky water itself , the streets are now waist-deep for cars in city parking lots. now they don’t park, but to moor in the village of skvortsovo, the waves whip right through the plots of residents who are now calculating the damage from the flood. the tan was again covered with a poor basin of land, how much it is still only the beginning of july, what will be
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even before autumn is unknown in the south. primorye experienced very heavy rains in some areas for every square meter of streets poured almost 100 liters. somewhere in a barrel of water , the intensity of livna reached dangerous levels of up to 75 mm of precipitation in 12 hours. this is a huge amount of moisture. because of this , a sharp rise in the water level in the rivers began , for example, in the razdolnye river basin , a level increase of up to 3 m was noted. the rainy cyclone affected air traffic due to heavy fog and the government. wind only from the fourth attempt. it was possible to land an an-24 passenger plane flying from khabarovsk in the sakhalin region. if a rain flood was introduced today emergency situation in the city of baikalsk , irkutsk region, just imagine , 83 mm poured into the city overnight. moisture. in moscow , usually so much precipitation falls for the whole of july. naturally, slats. they could not immediately
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accumulate such a large amount of precipitation and began to overflow the banks along the way flooding, the nearby territories of people in baikalsk are being prepared for evacuation. the river went over, and now here we are swimming like this swimming. the evacuation of residents began in the ivangarsk urban district in the garden partnership yasnaya the glade began to flood areas due to floods on the kitoy river in some areas. high water has destroyed bridges, irkutsk rescuers are still taking people out of flooded sections of roads, and the flood has just begun for preventive purposes, but according to forecasts, the situation may worsen, the water level in the rivers continues to grow and approaches critical levels. in primorye, the weather is rapidly improving , the cyclone that brought rain is now located in the sea of ​​japan and continues its way east towards the sea of ​​okhotsk to join the system of another eddy there, only in
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the east coast, the central regions are still under its influence, and the second cyclone is extensive and inactive, which floods the baikal region with rain for several days, but its strength is also rapidly decreasing bright blue spots of the heavy rain zone and they have become much less most heavy rain today near the center of the cyclone, but this area is mongolia china and also near the southern tip. baikal mountain ranges come close here, which enhances the falling rainfall here. today there were more than 20 mm of rain there, but tomorrow the rains will noticeably weaken. in primorye, only on the eastern coast, the amount of rain will exceed 10-15 mm. baikal rains will gradually weaken until the morning, while the temperature remains almost unchanged, 15-16 °, starting from tomorrow. the rains will be short-term, in nature, and the thermometer readings will rise to 18-19 ° in vladivostok
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, there is already a slight cloudiness of rain, the air has warmed up to 21 at the end of the day and at night the probability of small rains, and the air will cool down only a couple of degrees before the end of the working week, it will do without rain and it will become noticeably warmer on 22-24, but i repeat that the hydrological situation is still difficult, and we will monitor the development of the flood. the price of what you need ice cream is only 59.99 , the price is tasty and that's it, and also in delivery , just order through food delivery services launches. let me show you at the crossroads and in pyaterochka. choose your favorite categories with up to twenty percent cashback. you need useful
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taste the chicken snows in a delicious way, period. i traveled almost all of africa for the first such powerful breakthrough, when we take responsibility for the orthodox souls of 1 and 3 billion people in africa. this is a local church and the service will begin very soon. orthodox christian have found a new life and today i am an orthodox priest under the patriarchy of moscow and i am very happy from this church has departed and the divine law, the russian orthodox church. such a big
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interesting family. he formulated the idea that the russians can be defeated only if the ukrainians are set against them. the main task was a swift offensive and access to our western border. to overcome the water surface with a width of 3 km under the dominating western world this is a very serious obstacle in terms of defenses. here are all these lines. we had to overcome for the battle
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the ass of 2.438 people received the title of hero of the soviet union in just everything, the previous history of heroes was less. over the past year, it completely rebuilt its route network, more than halved its debt burden and is going to replenish the fleet with aircraft again. here 204 and tu-214 , general director of the airline yevgeny yevgeny alexandrovich spoke about this not only in an interview with our channel hello, you headed the company a little more than a year ago in a difficult time and for countries for the industry.
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how the 22nd year was for red wings, what difficulties did you encounter, how do you cope with them and what challenges do you now face ? the task, which i believe we have achieved, we have reduced the airline's debt burden from 11 billion to 4 and 7 billion. that is, after such a difficult year, we still managed to reverse the uh situation. this is very important, the most important thing due to which we we received such rather serious profits due to the fact that we have completely rebuilt the entire route network since august. we a-a reached the mark of up to 100 in the direction of our airline. yes we had to fly a lot to international destinations, because other airlines that do not operate russian aircraft were unable to fly abroad. we have a unique opportunity. and of course due to


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