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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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[000:00:25;00] more than 400 land plots and two residential buildings flooded in the irkutsk region, where the water level in the rivers in some areas increased due to prolonged rains and an emergency regime was introduced . governor of the region igor kobzev is in direct contact with us. hello , what is the situation at the moment in which
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areas is the most critical situation? yes, good afternoon, good afternoon, dear radio listeners, viewers, under the special control of the government of the irkutsk region today finds 11 municipal districts throughout the territory. throughout we have a high alert regime on the territory of the region. we will increase it on july 4 and yesterday in the angara city district in the city of baikalsk, slyudyansky district. we were in a state of emergency. today, we are implementing a regime or emergency situation in the cherenkov region and four municipalities in the usolsky region to promptly eliminate all the consequences of the elements. today. the most important task is to restore road communication with settlements that have fallen into a zone of high rainfall activity and the next three days before the resumption of predicted precipitation again. by the way, since july 9, another anticyclone with mongolia has been entering us. we must
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restore it during this period. they are also working today. we are looking for municipalities, they are doing homeownership bypass look. what is the situation there, of course, we have a form of support, including financial material, so we will work individually. here we will not leave all people in trouble, of course, we will do all this together and make sure that today these are all not all bad weather, dangerous unfavorable weather events did not affect the future, maybe the harvest, because there were a lot of hmm, uh, household plots, where they were engaged in gardening. here, of course, we will continue to work with people to leave the introduction now. eh, the situation is such that everywhere we have appointed officials from the government of the irkutsk region , and do not coordinate work, where it is necessary to involve regional services and federal services. uh, to eliminate these consequences
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, everyone is working in the energy complex and road workers and everything. this is restoration. bridges. i'm sure that in these three days we have the whole task. this is doable igor ivanovich well , as i understand it, you are waiting for this one on the ninth, when there is an anticyclone, respectively, the rains will stop, and now the water keeps coming. well, you know, she, uh, resides somewhere in some areas, then they are more in control, we keep it, therefore. and of course, this night, and today it was such the most such the most dangerous, we carried out an emergency evacuation resettlement, and i made a statement residents of our region that they need to leave their places, because we will turn off the power supply completely. well, it is necessary for the purpose of preserving households in the future, so they carried out some
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temporary resettlement in the accommodation in general. today we see the situation, that it is manageable, uh, the municipalities are working. it is individual detours by residents, so everyone understands that people will not be left in trouble, and igor ivanovich well, judging by the personnel, i understand that it is impossible to move along the roads, but that's not less somehow message pass on boats and so on, but because well, not all people will be evacuated. it's understandable that today hmm here, uh, there is such a hmm opportunity today to use water transport as well. uh, the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations in the irkutsk region provided its rescue boats, therefore, somewhere we use highly passable equipment. somewhere we use others. e, elements, gifts in general, everything works. those people are already in the emergency zone and we understand that we need these three days to restore all this, and igor ivanovich and one more question about children. you canceled the trip to the camps, respectively, and so on. if there are any other restrictive measures that you are planning.
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well, firstly, we have canceled, we have suspended the activities of all field camps that today can be located in the forest zone, after all, for us. this is very important, because these are mostly tented camps. you remember the tragic events in the khabarovsk territory, when heavy rainfall, then the dryer was used as a tent. well, i didn’t consider it from these positions, and we only it is tented such temporary places in common. uh, the stay of the children was canceled suspended. where there are hospitals, of course. in this regard, we see that the work is going on simply in this. uh, probably, in the question it is already necessary to carefully approach the security world of the country of stationary camps, we, uh, in any case, uh, we are also working so actively that today there are tourism activities in the region and it is active, so on and here we are also, as it were
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, brought the information that a serious cyclone was going on with its high abundant residues, and therefore recommended to refrain from tourist routes. and then we discussed the territory of valerievna abramchenko together yesterday with the deputy prime minister of the government of the russian federation, we agreed to resume the work of locally high-quality facilities - this is where a map of btbk storage, and therefore here we have, uh, the government replaces. he each generates work in this direction. and we understand, we do not understand how long these cyclones will pass, or rather enter the territory of the iskovskaya region, because there is only, uh, a preliminary forecast, but we are still aiming to reduce the threat. overflow of cards, drives, we resume the work of local domestic facilities. in general, this is temporary, but it is the most important goal of the security of our
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citizens. yes, igor ivanovich, the safety of citizens. exactly this. the main thing, thank you very much , let me remind you, for example, the governor of the irkutsk region igor kobzev was in touch with us. and now an urgent message six people died as a result of an explosion at the industrial synthesis plant in the city of chapaevsk, samara the regional news agency reports this with reference to the emergency services of the region. it is also known about two victims , the promsintez plant is engaged in the production of explosives, presumably the emergency occurred at the time of dismantling the technical pipeline during repair work. there was no fire in one of the workshops after the explosion. a military intelligence agent of ukraine was detained in crimea, according to the fsb, according to the special services of residents of simferopol in february of this year, he blew up the railway tracks of the bakhchisarai region, it is reported that the man after the start of a special military operation , he left for odessa, where he was recruited
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by ukrainian intelligence officers, and then he passed a special training course and went to the peninsula, the detainee had already confessed. well, at makdot , they say, there was the first attempt which ended in a misfire and at the end of february 23. i already arrived here for the third time and undermined the railway track reconnaissance. i produced strips from the forest in a further installation , the entire chain was also assembled in this piece of iron. now short
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booked. where to stay? sports organizations that participate in the olympic and paralympic movement must remain politically neutral , this is stated in the declaration adopted at the meeting in baku of the ministers of the country and the non-alignment movement forum called on the organizers of the games in paris next year to ensure the participation of athletes from all states. this will be a powerful signal the unity of mankind. in motion, no joining will remind. it includes 120 members and 10 international organizations.
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the meeting was held in baku because azerbaijan , the chairman of the organization, let me remind you that the national olympic committees of the united states and western allies previously demanded that athletes from russia and belarus not be allowed to participate in the 2024 games. an exhibition of the national guard dedicated to the latest security technologies was opened at the capital expocentre. this is the image of weapons technology development of dozens of industrial enterprises in this field details, we learn from our correspondent boris maksudov. hello boris. what companies are represented at the exhibition, what did you think is especially interesting. greetings alexander, almost all such thematic exhibitions are not enough. naturally, without the participation of unmanned aerial vehicles. here is one of such busy stands around, uh, of which there are quite a lot of people today, almost all types of drones of this shock and uh, barren parachute parachutes scouts and artillery support. in general, it is clear that if they have contributed their teams and there are especially many at such stands, there are always 40 different companies producing here, including small arms and military
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equipment, but also those not only military equipment, but also dual-use equipment, always, of course, attracts attention. here is such a stand - this is a stand. kalashnikova is a regular participant in such exhibitions. and hello, why did you come to, what surprise do you show? yes, good afternoon. ah. well, we, as always for the national guard, have a line of two-hundredth assault rifles new ak-1215 assault rifle microwave sniper rifle chukavin. well, and most importantly, this is a line of lebedev pistols and a pistol. a boa constrictor can go and see for sure. let's see. here, at this exhibition, about a hundred units of small arms are presented, there is also military equipment, which is needed not only, by the way, by the national guard , but also by almost the entire law enforcement agency, and, of course, each such exhibition passes through the prism of what is happening now in the special military zone operations almost all instances. one way or another, i had to be modified to meet emerging requirements. and so, in fact, the commander of the
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russian central district spoke about this at the opening. let's listen to the work of the department - regional exhibitions of ordinary technologies, which are a key platform. to promote innovative developments of ideas and concepts aimed at ensuring the security of the individual in society and states, the exhibition reflects not only advanced trends in the field of military technical development. well, the geography of the practical application of technological innovation. formulate saves lives not only on the front lines, but also in the rear we are talking about complexes, for example, about electronic warfare. here, too, quite serious attention is paid to this, to this generic to this generic technology. what is called conventional anti-tronic rifles, which are now needed at the forefront, and the equipment that is now guarding critical infrastructure facilities
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directly in russian cities. here we talked with the developers, for example, of another such scarce product. like thermal imagers, there is a lot of this at the front, but fighters are still very, very much in need now, including in this type of equipment, but there is the main thing to show and use, so that, of course, it comes to the front. let's listen to the spectral product or reconnaissance devices, that in it the thermal imaging channel is a powerful thermal channel similar to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow a high-sensitivity television channel works, both in the daytime and at night twilight, the state on which it works for targets like btr and tank, this 3.500 km people this is a specialized exhibition organized by the national guard will last another two days. and to participate. not only self-service specialists of the national guard can come here
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, but also ordinary residents who can come to see where the exhibition is really interesting, so it will work for 2 days, so we invite colleagues. thanks boris boris maksudov visited an exhibition of the national guard dedicated to the latest security technologies. it opened in the capital expocentre. let's see how it really is. hello mistress of copper store, how are you? this is not surprising. she monitored competitors' buyers with my business, then opened an account in the world and now we use special services by professionals, as in the palm of your hand and the business has grown. open a whipped account and use the retail services
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don't tell your mom. not a word and again to the topic of rain floods in the hangar , our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova is following the hydrological situation on the rivers of the irkutsk region . now the weather is giving the inhabitants at the hangar a little respite. the rain has subsided, but soon according to forecasts. they will resume. at the moment, three municipalities of the irkutsk region have an emergency regime. situations. it was introduced in the city of baikalsk in the village
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of khomutovo and in the angarsk urban district. after heavy rains , the water level in the rivers began to rise. because of this , many garden plots and houses were flooded. there was land, nothing at all. here are the rains, the water began to rise. and in the angarsk city district, transport communication is now cut off, you can only get there by boat, and here is what the locals say about the situation on the island. here i go knew about a meter of water. here is the cover. dogs are crying poor. to protect houses from flooding rescuers installed a water-filled dam in baikalsk, the ministry of emergency situations for the irkutsk region is evacuating people from areas affected by rain floods, but the past precipitation was associated with the influence
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of a cyclone, the center of which was located on the border with mongolia. and china, this whirlwind did not change its position for several days and wasted moisture reserves in the same areas. in addition, the terrain played a negative role , the southern coast, lake baikal goes around the ridge, khamar-daban, mountains, intensify the processes of cloud formation of precipitation. there have gone over intense. well, mountain rivers now carry accumulated rainwater down to baikal. now the influence of the cyclone is weakening. the whirlwind is filling up. today. tomorrow the weather is forming a hotbed of high pressure, so rainfall is likely over baikal today. only very weak ones. some more rain. perhaps in the west of buryatia in the trans-baikal territory, however, on saturday evening a new cyclone will approach the irkutsk region from the west, precipitation will resume, but there will be no more extreme showers. partly cloudy in baikalsk today probable, light rain maximum temperature 21°, in the evening the sky will clear of clouds at night with a clear sky the temperature
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will drop to 13°, tomorrow afternoon a little cloudiness plus 20, and on sunday it will rain all day and in the afternoon only +15 rain will continue and at the beginning of the next weeks, but the total precipitation for 3 days will be small, about 10 mm. capital region. the rains are also returning in the west, the moscow region yes, and in the capital itself it is already happening light rain on the field, frontal cloudiness is now on to the leningrad smolensk tver vologda regions over the moscow and ryazan regions. in moscow, now +26 , the maximum temperature for today is 28 °, in the afternoon in the evening and at night are likely. loads. tomorrow the maximum temperature will not exceed 23 ° in the afternoon there will be intermittent rains. and the same weather. will be and on sunday. i have traveled, almost all of africa, the first such powerful breakthrough, when we
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take responsibility for the souls of one and 3 billion people, we are interested in the fact that the maasai orthodox living here are local temple and the service will begin soon. orthodox christians tsar found a new life today i am an orthodox priest under the patriarchate of moscow and i am very happy about this, the greek church has departed from the divine law, the russian orthodox church follows the righteous path. and now we support it, we are each other's family , such a big international noisy interesting family. and a big annual event in the scientific world announced the names of the laureates, the prestigious international awards. global
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energy 2023 despite current award circumstances. this year, ninety scientists from 48 countries applied for this geography - this is a record for all 20 years of the existence of the global energy association, which is now headed by my colleague sergey brilev on his initiative for the fourth year. uh, the ceremony of announcing the names of the laureates takes place every summer in the regions of russia after kaluga kazan and the khanty-mansiysk association went to one of the key energy regions of russia from there a special project. sergey
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brilyova. watch in a few minutes. he formulated the idea that the russians can be defeated only if the ukrainians are set against them. the main task was a swift offensive and access to our western border. to overcome the water surface with a width of 3 km under the dominating western world this is a very serious obstacle for me to defend all these lines. we had to overcome 2.438 people received the title of hero of the soviet union in just everything, the previous history
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of heroes was less. welcome to the kemerovo region kuzbass , of course, an absolutely amazing region siberia, take hundreds of rock paintings of the largest museum-reserve of the tomsk pisanitsa beyond the urals, the mountain peaks of shoriya , the cascade of waterfalls with crystal water, and in winter , give back skiing, pearls to the sheregesh ski resort, which was chosen by connoisseurs of prepared trails and untouched
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virgin snow. this is an increasingly popular festival of spring sun, skiing, warmer fest . the brightest episode of this holiday is considered to be a massive descent from the green mountain in swimsuits, which has already entered the guinness book of records, after which it is not very rumor, but this region still does not have deposits of mineral and carbon dioxide, and here are medicinal ones. mud, respectively, such wellness procedures, all this is a new economy and very, very new, new , most-most construction, new residential areas are growing, parks and squares are being improved, and new highways are being laid. for example, it will allow you to detour into numerous trucks. and thereby unload the center. upon arrival at the kemerovo airport , by the way, the name is aleksey leonov, the place of the natives, the first person who went out to
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open space travel upon arrival at this airport, you are faced with one outlandish dilemma. so we decided to hold the ceremony of announcing the names of the laureates in kemerovo. hello global energy for 2.023, global energy is the most russian energy award that holds the carrot to the outside world so well. for example, branches of the state russian museum and the mariinsky theater are still

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