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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] and the countries that are trying to create difficulties for russia are failing the topic of countering attempts by external pressure has become the main topic at the operational meeting of the president with members of the security council, we will discuss today the measures that we are taking and should be taking to overcome the difficulties that are created by some of the strange relations of russia so far since. nothing worked out in terms of achieving goals that are not set in the russian direction, therefore. american
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shifts announced a possible delivery to kiev thousands of cluster munitions from the united states, they really called it a temporary measure, as reported by the united states this press may announce the next package of military assistance to ukraine washington today, how does the agency explain this step because such ammunition is prohibited in most countries cluster munitions. caused the effect of exploding bombs. and now the washington post newspaper writes that the white house nevertheless made a decision, and the pentagon will announce it, according to the american media, cassette bombs will be part of another military aid package for the kiev regime the decision to provide cluster munitions is due to the fact that ukraine is facing a shortage of ammunition in its slower pace. than expected counter- offensives against the defending russian troops. the cost of the military aid package is 800 million dollars , the suze confirmed to itself, according to foreign sources, a real rain of shells will fall on ukraine. in a literal sense
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, cluster munitions are one of the most dangerous military experts explain. the worst thing in this weapon is really what small ammunition with which it will be fired. this is one big projectile, and it is in order. there stas and more mini bombs. and these unexploded mini-bombs will be, in fact, long-term anti-personnel mines. and even if the conflict is over, uh, local civilians can often be blown up by such munitions. the supply of cluster munitions from the united states. if this happens, this is actually a war crime, a weapon from the cold war. so often called cluster munitions. they were developed in the united states in the late seventies, and they were massively used for the last time during the campaign in iraq, then thousands of civilians suffered , just because many shells, according to some reports, 14% remained unexploded at a briefing at the pentagon , journalists were questions. what is
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the effectiveness of all the munitions that ukraine can get, i can say that we have different options for cluster munitions. and those that we are considering for transfer to ukraine will not include older specimens in which the coefficient of unexploded elements exceeds 2.35%. we are aware that some cluster munitions and 155mm have a higher proportion of unexploded elements. so we will carefully select shells, another step in the escalation of the conflict russian portrait at the un vasily nebente commented on the sending of cluster shells to ukraine. especially considering that their use has been for 15 years already, as it is prohibited by a special convention and ratification by more than a hundred countries, but not ukraine and not the united states when the americans signed the convention there, they also ratified it to the end. that is, they did not completely close the door on these ammunition for themselves. all that ammo is gone. all
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these cluster shells are gone. ammunition that had an incorrect storage condition can be caught in storage and expired ammunition, therefore , fired with such ammunition for various shipments, rusting shells. to ukraine, a rather peculiar way of their disposal is summed up by military experts, moreover, by making this decision, the united states actually opposes its own allies in the north atlantic alliance , the new york times writes, most nato members have signed up to an international ban. laura cooper, us deputy assistant secretary of defense, said concerns about allied unity were one of the reasons the united states was holding back from supplying these weapons to ukraine channel of the universe as an illustration. what can be in
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ukraine’s international offensive if you supply it with cluster munitions for this, the united states is ready to give up even its own . the us congress imposed a restriction on the export of cluster bombs that have more than 1% of unexploded ordnance, since they pose a threat to civilians, when the bomb remains unexploded they are dangerous for civilians, however, the president of the united states can lift this restriction of congress despite the fact that just a year ago the use of cluster munitions in the white house was called a war crime. change of rhetoric. it is quite understandable vsu, shells are spent too wastefully. 155 caliber. faster than the west produces them, the us has even unpacked its arsenals around the world to prevent shortages. now they want to plug the supply gap with cluster munitions strategically. this will not help confident military analysts. here are the consequences will turn into a catastrophe boris olga albukhina
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. and i'll give you cashback. take off even cheaper so quickly booked a new section, where the prices of goods are lower than in the store. chocolate ice cream from a ribbon online the grain market in ukraine turned out to be corrupted , journalists of the center for the study of corruption and organized crime came to this conclusion. they found out that the supplies came from with the help of front companies, which also evaded taxes, many of these
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companies are already under investigation among the defendants, high-ranking officials and customs officers, varvanevskaya studied the materials. ukrainian grain and millions of euro-criminal profits the new material of the center for the study of corruption of organized crime casts a shadow not only on kiev, which has not been embarrassed by accusations of corruption for a long time, but also on the entire european union for the first 7 months from the beginning, having mastered the majority of ukrainian grain exporters were dubious one-day firms and companies accused in ukraine of various crimes, including tax evasion. true, the results of these high-profile investigations by the prosecutor general's office, which are not expected, have not yet brought at least one high-profile case that has ended. on real terms or a verdict? well, like poroshenko and a half dozen. there were cases against these customs officers, cases were started, but in general they did not end in anything in ukraine , it's just business. that is, you can always
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determine the price of everything. ukraine is a reserve of corruption. according to the documents here, according to the presented investigation, the volume of seized grain amounted to tens of thousands of tons, and the defendants in the criminal cases are, among other things, high-ranking officials and customs officers of the black sea ports of ukraine 80 local companies sent at least one of the seven million tons of grain worth 495 million dollars among black grain buyers in 7 months, romanian, hungarian and czech companies, which are not inferior to ukrainian ones in terms of ingenuity in corruption schemes, journalists found out that among the grain buyers were offshore companies hungarian companies that were ordered to liquidate for failure to provide. documents trusted companies hungary czech republic companies with a history of tax evasion companies owned by individuals with political connections or use these connections in their work, as well as large international grain traders to trace. owners of european
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importing companies turned out to be almost possible as three of the owners turned out to be patients of psychiatric clinics who said they received monetary rewards for participating in one of them, a 27-year-old tiktoker from the czech republic, who was undergoing treatment for bipolar disorder, meanwhile, while the black grain freely entered the countries of eastern europe, the local agricultural sector plunged into darkness to compete with ukrainian grain from poland , hungary, slovakia and romania could not force much more the place of europeanization of ukraine is going on to ukraine behind the walkie-talkie of europe and instead of how they painted the picture to bring, let’s say, a clean, relatively public democratic and minimally corrupt europe to ukraine ukraine brought to europe its own corruption schemes and chains of publishing.
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does this not compromise not only ukraine, europe, but also the entire black sea initiative as a whole, which, with each new month , has more and more questions over the entire duration of the grain deal, the poorest countries indicated by the beneficiaries of the agreement received no more than 4% of ukrainian grain. while more than forty percent settled in the old world, which was one of the reasons why in moscow the basis for extending the initiative is to see have ceased according to the agency. bloomberg grain deal has almost ceased to exist black sea ports. odessa is empty, but a deal with conscience, apparently in ukraine , varvara nevskaya vesti is still functioning successfully. in uzbekistan, the election campaign ends today tomorrow is the day of silence, and on sunday, citizens will vote for the future president of the country , four candidates, including the current head of state shavkat mirziyoyev, these elections will be the first after the referendum and changes
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to the constitution. at the referendum, the new fundamental law of the country received almost nationwide support, the set social and economic tasks, decisions that cannot be put off to put such a burden on one's shoulders. four candidates have volunteered, all the political parties of the country are represented, the indisputable favorite is considered to be the current head of state shavkat mirziyoyev, his program directly states the task of making people happy with their lives, for this specific steps are proposed to provide all settlements with drinking support small businesses with water reform the labor migration system increase internet speed by 10 times. and the gdp is planned to be doubled by the year 1930, and the volume of gdp to be brought up to $160 billion, and per capita. it's going to be $4,000 per person, and we're planning, and to enter the group of middle-income countries is an ambitious task, but
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looking at the path that has already been traveled in just a few years, you understand? it's really not populism. this is just one of the many farms that flourished in lately, apples, nectarines, apricots , only a load of six varieties, and more recently, it seemed that in such harsh conditions without water under the scorching sun. in principle, it is impossible to get a crop, everything changed when at the state level they began to introduce advanced agricultural technologies for orchards here, and because of this , we save 50% of water and 50% of mineral fertilizers. and these are the fruits of the industrial revolution. technopark in tashkent was created in 2019. now products leave this assembly line every 19 seconds. it's thousands work places.
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and this is just a special case from industrial zones, hundreds across the country after the liberalization of the foreign exchange market , foreign investments poured into uzbekistan , russia became the main partner. neighbors have become a top priority. a good sign for the entire region is the recent footage of the demolition of a wall on the border between uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan that has been separating the fraternal peoples for many years. the principle of development is invariably based on the colossal cultural heritage of the uzbek people, the events of the past and the present day and are closely intertwined. and the world timur ulugbek babur and now a new chapter. well, that's it, the same story robert france foreman canopies. dmitry shcherbakov tatyana safarova uzbekistan central asian, news bureau. at least nine people remain, and under the rubble of a residential building in brazil, the collapse occurred in the early morning in the capital of the state farm, according to the ministry of internal affairs, there are children in the building. some of them refuse, a
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respond to the voices of the rescuers, it is reported that just the children under the rubble reported that they managed to pull out two women from under the rubble, both with bruises and fractures , local authorities also inform that the building has been emergency for more than 20 years. renewal of the public transport park in khakassia has become one of the main topics of the meeting of the minister of transport vitaly savelyev , state duma deputy sergei sokov the situation in the region with sergey kiriyenko and victoria abramchenko, and today we discussed in detail with vitaly savelyev the whole range of issues related to transport sergey sokol spoke about the highway project. abakan biysk , which will connect three regions at once khakassia, altai territory and kuzbass, the route will help the development of domestic tourism and the economy of all of eastern siberia, and also discussed the repair
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of roads. the icelandic road, uh, abakan abdurak , in that and that part of it that ends in the image from the dourak of the base, it is located especially the bridge next to the abaza is simply in disrepair . and i am sure that the solution to this issue is very important, and i believe that today we will discuss with you all the existing problems and try to find solutions. earlier, sergei sokol met with irik fayzullin, the parliamentarians, and told the minister that there was not enough space for leisure in khakassia. have you agreed to launch a large-scale improvement program in the republic ? pays special attention to the victory park in abakan. the construction of a thermal power plant and gasification of the trans-baikal territory was discussed today by alexander
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novak, at a meeting with the leadership of the region, the deputy chairman of the government was presented with a plan to complete the construction of the third stage of the power plant. anastasia panko will continue to smoke in the winter, from these pipes the residents of chita are constantly coming to frost, hundreds of kilograms of firewood and coal are being prepared in advance in the yard. what are the costs of coal heating? well, this year 15 have spent 15. yes , this is how much plus firewood how many coal cars. uh, you burn four tons a year. how many times do you heat the stove only in the morning in a difficult time in the cold and large families, a house you need to heat it properly, otherwise the children will catch a cold. for parents, the norm is to get up at night on an alarm clock in order to throw firewood in the stove in time. the stove, already such a pity, so on the wood. well, firewood happens somewhere, where do we buy well, expensive pleasure expensive pleasure, well, on average, two cars on average. well, when will it stay, because
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we are now in the bathhouse with us, e secretly, well, soon these families will no longer buy firewood and coal by whole cars in chita they plan to transfer more than 13,000 private households to gas heating houses, it seemed to us that the costs were completely on their side. ah, equipment, yes, and we took control of the connection, but if something is wrong, please contact us to discuss the issue of gas supply in the trans- baikal territory capital cities. we agreed to consider the possibilities of optimizing the costs associated with, among other things, the price of natural gas, the possibilities of transportation logistics here is some acceleration. on the issues of construction contracts and so on, with the owners of houses, preparations began for the construction of a reduced natural gas terminal by rail, it will be delivered
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here from primorye by road , regasification will also take place here, that is, a return to a natural gaseous state. the delivery of, uh, lng to the city of chita, it was, as it were, at the level of fantasy. here is our corporation eastern artist oil and gas corporation is implementing an investment program for the construction of st. petersburg plants on the territory of the far east in the federal district, the transition to lng infrastructure, which are located far from the main gas pipelines, a special commission has already looked at part of the housing in different districts of chita. the conclusion is that you can connect almost any gasification house to the state system, of course, it will be very convenient, because if something happens, you can leave for a long time, no matter how you no longer be afraid that the house will freeze, you don’t have to throw it up. it looks because, well, coal is coal, it burns down and needs to be replenished in 2018. national project ecology created
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direction clean air. the goal is clear from the name to improve the quality of the environment in russian cities 12 cities have chosen to implement the program. including the capital of transbaikalia in this reduction of our 130,000 there, that it will reduce emissions by 20%, this is the right time for this part. therefore, we hope that the air quality in chita will fundamentally change in 24 years. the first consumers will already be able to abandon solid fuels and switch to more environmentally friendly ones, if there are more applicants than planned 13.000, then in this case the project provides for an increase in the volume of natural gas consumption. but not all participants overcame pankov and the first stage of the silk way international rally. the chinese gojima racer rolled over on the gazelle. the crew was not injured, but he independently reached the finish line of the special stage about 150 km long. the truck failed in the truck category, the best time was shown by belarusian aleksey vishnevsky
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in prayer, the fastest of the five. kamaz was eduard nikolaev, he performs on a machine with a bonnet layout designed specifically for races, the route of the special section passed among the villages of tatarstan along the course of the race at the finish line, hundreds of fans greeted the athletes. the caravan of the rally has already moved to ufa. the race passes through the territory of 13 regions of russia. athletes from twenty-three countries are fighting for awards in a family classification. the prime minister of poland, marowetsky, is almost a memory of compatriots killed by ukrainian nationalists during the volyn massacre. in 1943 , we recall this tragedy remains an irreconcilable issue in relations. warsaw and kyiv poland regularly insists on the exhumation of those victims, and the kiev authorities are trying to hush up this topic. will anastasia efimova find out? post these meaningful portraits on social networks, prime minister marovetsky clearly counted on the approval
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of his fellow citizens. a wooden cross in an extinct village in the volyn region on earth where ukrainian nationalists 80 years ago, brutally killed poles, including women, old people and children , according to the plan was supposed to symbolize the memory of the victims and out of temporary sorrow, but it came out, as it happened. what gigantic hypocrisy and in parallel with the duda they spit in the face of the families of the victims, i support your opinion 100% you have been there every year or just now before the elections, because the poles give. looking at god seriously, the prime minister is, of course, part of the political company, the parliamentary elections already in the autumn, the background is as unfavorable as possible, global turbulence, economic instability and the obvious fatigue of citizens from everything that is aggravated right next to them by the ukrainian crisis and everything, staying ukrainian refugees of an independent political the magazine expresses itself without offenders, the opening of
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borders for ukrainian refugees was a fatal mistake. this is how to open the gates, the hell from which the devils are now coming out, the end of the quote from poland more and more and the irritation from the influx of refugees from ukraine is growing stronger because of their rather shamelessly and without repair behavior. and despite the fact that the poles have always treated ukrainians like serfs. well , that is, they literally despised them, and the current behavior of ukrainians, of course, cannot but cause serious irritation among the majority, and poles, especially young poles, and this is felt, including felt by party politicians, who begin to lose only now in search of the lost electorate of the pan-morow. he stepped on clearly shaky ground, because no matter how the ukrainian non-brothers irritated warsaw at the everyday level at the official level, as you listen closer to your comrades-in-arms, you can’t find
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unanimous desires to destroy it in the hatred of russia , and everything would be fine only in matters of the volyn massacre. consent, no fishing passability ukraine alle zeinshou with one sides. poland is proclaimed legendary with ukraine, but on the other hand, polish politicians are trying to inflate historical passions , while they themselves speculate on the facts of the volyn tragedy , which occurred in 1943-45, it is obvious that the quarrel between ukraine and poland is beneficial to the kremlin , because the fewer allies we have, the greater the chances we are being occupied by the ukrainian teleferry repeating the tumantra, which for a year in a row and persistently explain, well , the banderaites are not to blame for the murder of the poles in volyn, they say, not because the nationalists announced their own superiority to each other, others simply really wanted ukrainian independence and they fought as best they could. this is completely wrong approach of some polish historians now, and especially politicians, when
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they try to present this conflict in a one-sided way, that only ukrainians were guilty, and only poles were victims, in fact , it is absolutely impossible to divide the victims of the perpetrators according to the national principle. only after all, the trouble is that the bandera people themselves divided it exactly like that. here is the signed document one of the leaders of the extremist organization of ukrainian nationalists melnyk and here in plain text. may it not be on your land, nor to father below. yes, not a pole, that is, not a russian, not a jew, not a pole. this was written before the volyn massacre. reznyak is definitely a genocide of the poles produced by ukrainian nationalists and this genocide had ideological roots, because regardless of the bandera and melnikovites in the documents of both, there was a contrast between the ukrainian nation and russians and poles and jews
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, the same thing was repeated in the doctrine active nationalism of dmitry dontsov, who demanded a terrorist genocidal method to get rid of all the rest of us, so that ukraine would be an ethnically pure nationalist state and warsaw does not want to forget about it, we remember the manifesto, understandable without translation, in the leaflets now distributed in polish cities and here blocking the ukrainian genocide now. addressing theme but dangerous for the polish government, because it cannot ignore the mood of society on the one hand, but on the other on the other hand, it emphasizes that ukraine in this union must always remain on the sidelines in auxiliary roles. it will never be a union of equals. even if they are equal enemies of russia and no matter how
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hard the ukrainians try. no matter how much they tear the collar of the vyshyvanka, imposing their kinship on the poles, warsaw is not going to forgive insults, which is why the theme of the volyn massacre is pedaling on the eve of the elections. well, feeling the request of their own society. and no matter what it is declared at the official level , it demands more and more insistently to indicate its place to kiev
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bad place anastasia efimova to lead. having abandoned the soviet past, it was necessary to fill this gap with something. bandera
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existed after the war. this translates as murder with meaning for russia of a political nature. the international is encouraged by europe yes, because it is a product. only under the condition that
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ukraine is set against them. the main task was a swift

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