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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] boobs banks adapted to the sanctions, when the ruble starts to strengthen and why a floating exchange rate is good for the economy these and other topics were discussed by the participants of the financial congress in st. petersburg this year, it is held at a unique venue in the building of the new mariinsky theater more than 20 sessions of the program on the main stage in the chamber halls in the foyet theater. and even here, behind the scenes , the focus is on the success of the banking industry, according to participants. today, our banks are much more efficient than the american european. including in terms of the level of introduction of new payment technologies in the shortest possible time, what the country of russia has done in terms of payments. this is unique and i am happy to read the remarks of international experts who say we are a lot behind russia, we need to catch up and it is nice, i will always say frankly to read. yes this also applies to the national system of payment cards and from bp and
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st. petersburg from the digital ruble. let's make biometrics become an advanced direction in the field of payments today, more and more transactions in the world are carried out using a fingerprint and even at a glance, our banks are actively working to ensure that such functions are available everywhere, for example, in stores at self-checkouts. here we are talking. now we are talking about a fairly large number of banks, more than ten, which want to attract their trade service companies already at the pilot stage. and we see how much their circle is now expanding; we will have the first stage somewhere in the middle of autumn. it will start already, uh, last about a month. probably, it will be debugging of everything, but information technology systems. and so further before the end of the year will be the second stage is the expansion. we hope for dozens. there may be hundreds, and there are certainly hundreds of enterprises, retail outlets, and these cash desks of cash services. and here are the commissions
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for money transfers between citizens. it would be nice to cancel this, olga skorobogatova called for this for the central bank, according to her, such a wise decision would help in attracting new customers , however, their number is already growing. 1.8 trillion rubles. if we compare year-to-year, there is generally a very large increase, but it is clear that the first half of last year was so relatively tense and we look at the weather with optimism. we assume that more than three and a half trillion will be issued mortgages to our citizens in the state of the mortgage market. they closely monitor the central bank, they note that in june lending accelerated noticeably , and according to the data for the first quarter, our prices have stabilized, that is, in the primary market. even a few adjusted down. what makes housing more affordable and we also see that our citizens' incomes are growing, including in real terms, and these two factors combined,
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of course. it helps to increase the affordability of housing and increase demand. it is now much more difficult to predict the situation in the foreign exchange market, the weakening of the ruble has become one of the main topics of the financial congress, however , the central bank is sure that there is no reason for concern, because the floating rate helps protect the economy from external shocks. dmitry morocco yegor dalinsky artyom kuznetsov lead. the construction of a thermal power plant and the gasification of the trans-baikal territory was discussed by alexander novak at a meeting with the leadership of the region. the deputy prime minister was presented with a plan to complete the construction of the third stage of the power plant in chita kilograms of firewood and coal. what are the costs of coal heating? well, this year we spent 15 on 15. yes, this is how much firewood in general,
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right? how many coal cars. e year burn. how many times the stove has to be in the cold in the morning and families with many children, the house needs to be heated properly, otherwise the children will catch a cold for the parents , the norm is to get up at night on an alarm clock in order to throw firewood into the stove in time, the stove is already like that, therefore on firewood. well, firewood happens somewhere, where we buy great pleasure, well, on average, two cars on average. well, when will it stay, because we are now in the bathhouse with us flocks, well, soon these families will no longer buy firewood and coal by whole cars in chita they plan to switch to gas heating more than 13,000 private houses, which is entirely on their side. a-a connection equipment. we took this under control, but if something is wrong, please contact us to discuss the issue of conducting gas in the trans-baikal territory , deputy
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prime minister alexander novak arrived, he saw the chp plant, there will be a place to connect the future pipeline for gasification and the regional capital agreed. see the possibilities of optimizing the costs associated with, among other things, the price of natural gas, the possibilities of transportation logistics here is some acceleration. e issues of construction conclusions. govorov and so on from the house with the owners of the houses, preparations began for the construction of a reduced natural gas terminal by rail, it will be delivered here from primorye by road , regasification will also take place here, that is, a return to the natural gaseous state. the delivery of, uh, lng to the city of chita, it was, as it were , at the level of fantasy. here is our corporation eastern artist oil and gas corporation is implementing an investment program for the construction of st. petersburg plants on the territory far eastern federal district uh and uh
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transfer to lng infrastructure, uh, which are in share. here are the main gas pipelines, a special commission has already looked at part of the housing in different districts of chita. conclusion you can connect to the state system almost any gasification house , of course, it will be very convenient, because if something happens, you can leave for a long time, no matter how you are no longer afraid that the house will freeze, you don’t need to throw in coal. because, well, coal is coal burning and needs to be restocked in 2018 year. national project. ecology created the direction of clean air. the goal is clear from the name to improve the quality of the environment in russian cities 12 cities have chosen to implement the program. including the capital of transbaikalia in this reduction of our 130,000 there, that it will be the most harmful in emissions of 20% reduction in this particular part, so we hope that the air quality in chita will fundamentally change in 24 years. first, consumers will already be able to abandon solid fuels and
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switch to more environmentally friendly ones, if wishing to be more than the planned 13,000, then in this case, the project provides for an increase in the consumption of natural gas. she is absolutely pankova to conduct. russia launched domestic production of anti-lock braking systems for passenger cars. the first line started operating in kostroma, according to the producers, in the near future. they will be able to almost completely meet the needs of the russian automotive industry . distinguished guests give production manually, but the line itself practically does not require human hands ; itlma intend to establish a full production cycle from metal blanks to electronic
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filling. flew this development of new redistributions. this is an intelligent solution to this progress new point of growth in the car are laid, because the appearance of their products is possible, and in the further development of anti-lock braking systems for the domestic auto industry. today, the products are strategic supply difficulties, foreign component factories. they tested it during the pandemic, so in the twenty-first year avtovaz had to stop the conveyor. due to the non-arrival of malaysian chips, the reduction of sanctions made logistics worsen even more, in the ministry of industry and trade they seriously thought about their own production of the necessary components. today. one of the leading automakers. countries. already signed a contract for the supply of domestic systems with the kostroma enterprise. we are the key and anchor customer. uh, the products produced at this russian plant are bought by what is produced at this
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plant. we respectively about safety. during the stability and secondly, we e guaranteed to say. so the stability of the conveyor by 2027, kostroma plans to reach the volume of 1 million 200,000 products per year and close almost all the needs of the domestic power market kostroma region. ready to provide advanced production with all possible support. the market was freed from european enterprises that supplied products to metallurgical plants. food industry. uh. today, the demand for these products is huge. today, there is a company that produces spare parts for report equipment in the finest way. uh, a wide field for organizing the production of new products. now
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more than 200 federal and local support measures are being implemented in the region business from preferential loans to the allocation of free land plots for new productions maria golovkina yasnaya polyana opened the tolstoy international theater festival this year it was dedicated to anna karenina 150 years ago, lev nikolayevich began work on this roman festival for the first time taking part in the bolshoi theater. his ballet. anna karenina will be the main point of the program. a performance to the music of tchaikovsky schnittke and stevens was staged by one of the largest contemporary choreographers. john neuer the festival program will be rich and there will be screenings famous adaptations of tolstoy's works lectures and programs for children. the first stage of the international rally silk way has started in tatarstan. crews from 23 countries will visit thirteen regions of russia and have to travel more than 5,000 km. who is in the lead knows the stages? just like in ancient times, only now, on the way
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of the already racing caravan of the silk road, life gushing starts, the finish of the first special stage of the international rally on the outskirts of the villages. and, of course, the wastelands immediately became fairgrounds with local folk festivals. residents. maybe for the first time in my life we ​​felt like the center of the world against the backdrop of this powerful, bright and fast technique. it is interesting to see different cars, especially his son is interested in him. is this your first contact with the world for the sake of raids or not? yes, never at all. i didn’t see fanta , i saw the karyaks. seriously ready. i still know chagin from hippodrome races, racers realize the importance of the moment, but indulge the curiosity of the public and take pictures with everyone who wishes, but the closer the start is, the concentration of the faces of the pilots is more for the sake of peace of mind, and not troubleshooting roman rusinov
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inspects his motorcycle all-terrain vehicle. in fact , the most uncomfortable thing for her. it was made to shake everything, so yes, you need to check the anthers, you need to check that, just in case, everything is screwed. that's why such a path at the start check has set in motion. and this means that today is the start of the first special section and it is on the shore of a picturesque lake, perhaps this is the most exciting day, the races are behind long months of preparation, and ahead is the selective off-road first special section by the standards of rally marathons the warm-up is only 142 km, but dmitry voronov changes the wheel at the finish line, and his niva lost his number somewhere, but the driver is satisfied. i generally woke up with such an idea that yes, we should drive safely. and you get into the night car and it seems, yes, everything is working out fine here, and something flew off and drove faster than dana was. yes, and the wheel. we hit 300m from here at the finish line. i just
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wanted to have a nice ride. here are the spectators, and the seriousness of the intentions of the belarusian mazs in the cargo standings is evidenced by the way sergei vezuvich barely left the cab. right interested. what time has shown, he himself is both a pilot and kamaz, but in general cars. eh, if we are talking about our rivals, they are equally good, and very cool pilots are at stake here , 9, yes, cow victories in total nikolaev kargin sotnikov, so you won’t have to relax, even if they ride on stools, the fastest truck in the first stage international previously silk road maz aleksey vishnevsky the best, sorry great five. kamaz eduard nikolaev , his bonnet car stands out from the rest of the legendary racing cars commands. true, nikolai competed today from the other participants for the sake of however, when she did not enter. the cost of a rally ticket is in the dust all day, that is, the race is not quite as fun as you are not driving at full
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strength. and if only you don’t stumble anywhere in the dust, don’t rest against it, don’t move out, therefore today, although it’s interesting in a hurry yes, they are peculiar, they are different, but , unfortunately, they didn’t get such pleasure from piloting, you can see how the locals support a lot of speed limits today , so how many settlements and really there are children, fathers and mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, everyone is applauding and waving. this is great support for the silk road. on the very first day , he reminded the participants that this is one of the most difficult and dangerous races in the world. year from china , epicly turned his gas from sadko to the roof. the crew was not injured, what can not be said about the ambition of the athletes to the finish line, the car could not get there on its own, meanwhile, the rally caravan moved to ufa where the holiday, of course, continued as the racers arrived. stas among the rings to you lavrikov's news from ufa republic of bashkortostan leaders of the countries shows among the main decisions of the adoption of the unification of iran and a statement
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made towards the politician's program immediately after a short advertisement. where it's cheaper here in honor of the anniversary, sbermarket has launched a new section where the prices of goods are lower than in the store. chocolate ice cream from a ribbon online from 169 rubles. sberbanquet. it's cheaper here. in the world of hundreds, iota says, you can, try. first month for only 399 rubles. decide how many gigs and unlimited apps you need an iota. x5 club launches at a crossroads and in pyaterochka choose your favorite categories with a cashback of up to twenty percent
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will be left alone with a python. verified ad on cyan at the beginning there was a word, and today there are pictures of emoji stickers meet megafon 3: 0 with high-speed, which is now available to all subscribers. go to
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megafon, i'm denis osin, 15 years old. i develop small business in alpha bank and i believe that a businessman does not exist. therefore, alpha bank and i are launching a fund of considerable business of millions of rubles for entrepreneurs, the best stories all over the country will receive money. tell us about your business on better. for one ruble, new delhi is in the spotlight of world politics and economics, because last week, there was a summit of the shanghai cooperation organization
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, the importance of the event, which held online the main significant events we will discuss in the political economy program. here we always analyze the central events news agenda and do. this is from two political points of view, my colleague, georgy podkorny, and from the economic point of view, alexander suvorov, is our political and economic review. we line up facts and opinions of the expert community in the news. the minister of culture and islamic orientation answered my questions. iran mohamad, mehdi ismaili. expert from the institute of oriental studies boris dolgov and i talked with investor analyst alexander razuvaev and economist vasily koltashov cooperation organization, the twenty-third in a row, it was chaired by india online format and it is important to take into account the external background. it took place in the conditions when russia and china, the two countries that stood at the origins of the shanghai organization, are in sharp
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confrontation with the countries of the western bloc, and with such water scos they gain new strength and new participants, who are also, to put it mildly, not nice solidarity to the west. within the sco, the economic indicators are best confirmed, let's start with trade. so goods russia's turnover with the countries of association last year. increased by more than a third. this is a record level of $263 billion. and for january-april, plus another 35%, the sco system, in principle, has been sending the state for a long time to ensure that they firstly expand trade with each other and try to close trade operations with each other in many respects by buying less from countries outside of eurasia outside outside the bloc of these countries in general, but open to cooperation and at the same time using their own currencies. sco, now stimulates not only large, but also small enterprises , experts say, since they have a strong influence on
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cross-border trade, in parallel , work is underway to remove tariff barriers and create infrastructure, this will largely depend on the coming years, this will be the reduction of trade barriers and the development of financial markets. and, of course, the development of digital currencies , primarily the digital ruble. the bank of russia does not hide the fact that the digital ruble is not only cool there, new technologies and so on. this is the most important tool for cross-border settlements, but to the topic of settlements within associations. we will return from this year the state of the members of the shanghai cooperation organization nine russia china india kazakhstan kyrgyzstan pakistan tajikistan uzbekistan and again, arrived iran and its association there are so-called dialogue partners. among them are such important things for russia as saudi arabia turkey azerbaijan armenia and not only insanity on
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half the planet such a scale emphasizes the main thing that the president of russia spoke about the sco is firmly committed to the formation of a multipolar world of order that will truly fair and based on international law principles in the name of respectful cooperation of sovereign states, and initially at the dawn of its creation in 2001. the sco was not a nine, but even then american political scientists published similar articles where the very idea of ​​​​creating a shost was equated with an attempt to resist the united states in asia, and here is a squeeze from a twenty- year-old column, the participants are looking for mechanisms related to security without the participation of the united states, even then a russian trend was outlined china is looking for ways to effectively express itself in in a world dominated by the united states as time went on, yes, there are decades, and now we see the consistency of policy and the confirmation
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of the course laid down at the beginning of the 2000s only on a much larger scale. nobody today wants to look back at the united states and wait for someone to nod in the affirmative from the capitalist hill. these are countries that are like this, uh, a block of countries that are pursuing an emotionally oriented economic policy, first of all , and uh, if we talk about russia and china, then this is the alternative to the west is actually china - this is a country that builds socialism with chinese characteristics russia is a country that offers a new world order more just since 2001, the total gdp of the participants in the shanghai cooperation organization has grown more than 10 times and now it is about 25 trillion dollars the country is actively recovering after the pandemic, despite
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the difficult geopolitical situation, the share, which is 30% of world gdp. in the west , other figures are often given, but the west simply counts everything in dollars, that is, nominal gdp and, on in fact, it is written even in western textbooks on economic theory. it is necessary to consider gdp at purchasing power parity. if you look, then china is the first economy in the world now, and russia is the first economy in europe and the fifth in the world. in addition , according to the calculations of the savings bank, the introduction of artificial intelligence can give in the next 10 years. additional 7-10% of gdp this is about three trillion dollars. well, as for the new member of the state, the members of the organization emphasized the historical significance of iran's admission to the sco. as a full of the member state, this is stated in
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the council's declaration. the heads of the sco member states, which are published on the website of the kremlin , iran has been under the sanctions of the west of the united states for more than 40 years, first of all and naturally. uh, iran should look for, uh , partners of reliable allies, because, for example, in syria, uh, for russia and for russia , iran is allies. these are not even partners, but allies, and for iran, of course, this is a logical step to join the sco. and it is worth paying attention to one of the first statements of the iranian leader after the official joining the lynx organization spoke of the hegemony of the western world. and just about the fact that this hegemony is fueled by the dollar and this tool should be removed from world practice and bet on the calculation of national currencies. i see the sco defense security treaty as a unique opportunity for major power governments seeking to continue
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to change the order imposed from the west on the world community by the sco countries shaping the future of world events. we are also negotiating with our russian neighbors in about the establishment of cultural relations within the framework of the sco. we had about 40 memorandums of understanding. two memos. these were documents relating to cultural issues in national currencies that have been used for more than a day, for example, more than 80% of commercial transactions between russia and china are held in rubles. bathhouses and countries are calling for an increase in the number of such transactions in recent years , the use of the yuan of the ruble has sharply increased and, in general, the process was quite intensive in 2022, but in 2023 it would not interfere accelerate in order to make the transition to settlements in national currencies more efficient and more ambitious. and most importantly, these national
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currencies would receive additional support due to foreign trade for a long time, western analysts tried to reduce the importance and significance of the show by convincing their audience that the shanghai cooperation organization should be considered as a kind of discussion club. it is hardly possible to voice this assumption. today we have a two-hundred-year history of collision with the new western civilization, which is trying to bring its culture to us through political instruments; this culture is in conflict with our historical and religious norms. one of the outcomes of the summit also concerns the future and important expansion of the sco on the agenda of belarus , the admission procedure began last year, while it is in observer status, minsk signed a memorandum of commitment to obtain the status of a member state of the shanghai cooperation organization, and the event itself it went 3.5 hours wide. discussed the topics we curate and promote
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are always growth and collaboration. the so-called fight against the three evil forces of speech, drugs, cross-border, organized and cybercrime, as well as an increase in the share of national currencies, the next representative of the sco will be kazakhstan and, as such, they will build a course to prevent the geopolitical fault line between east and west and strengthen trust well time to take stock sure. you noticed the most important thing that our speakers were talking about. so behind these quotes remains the key idea, occurring events. the economies of the sco countries are actually 30% of the world gdp, the volume of trade and settlements in national currencies are increasing. at the same time, the organization has always been considered a kind of counterbalance to the west, but at first they took it seriously today to ignore the shost. it is simply impossible, like brix, like mercasur. and not only is a multipolar world like that, but at the same time, the goal or the sco is seriously different from other well-known alliances that pursue a policy of double
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standards, that's all. we just listen and we emphasize. see you most importantly. see you. all of africa is the first such powerful breakthrough, when we take responsibility for the souls of one and three billion people, we are interested in the fact that the orthodox masalis living here are a local temple and the service will begin very soon. the orthodox christian tsar found a new life and today i am an orthodox priest under the patriarchy of moscow. i am very happy about this . the greek church has departed from the divine law, the russian orthodox church follows the right path. and now we support it is her family that we are to each other, such a big international noisy interesting
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family. hello

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