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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2023 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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about 40 buildings burned down during a major fire in the village of shaidurikha, sverdlovsk region. these are holiday houses from the village evacuated 300 residents, the fire is spreading rapidly due to the heat and strong wind. called on the president of ukraine to cool down, western publications write demands to zelensky
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appealed after his public criticism due to the unwillingness of the blockade of accounting for the timing of entry into the alliance. an emergency will take place today regarding the new launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. this is the fourth such trial. this year led personally launched by kim jong-un. russia is not daniil medvedev for the first time in his career reached the semi-finals of wimbledon tennis in 1/4, our athlete barely hit the american christopher yubis medvedev was inferior in sets, but showed character and snatched the victory. explosions thundered tonight in ukraine, and reports from local publications come from several regions at once, such as kiev boryspil , kirovograd region khmelnitsky, as well as under the control of the kiev regime, the city of zaporozhye and the consequences were not reported earlier in the country announced an air raid alert almost according to throughout the territory with the exception of two regions, the odessa and kharkiv regions of russia
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, has been striking at the military and critical infrastructure of ukraine since october 10 last year after the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. in the lugansk people's republic, russian snipers helped attack aircraft to drive out nationalists and a checkpoint. in the forest, on the other hand , an armored group on a new generation of infantry fighting vehicles provided powerful support ; these vehicles are noticeably superior to previous models. and not only in terms of firepower . alexey baranov watched the course of the battle. before areas in which several kilometers are to be worked, a group of snipers of scouts of the central military district is trying to move as quickly as possible. the fact that the line of combat contact in some hundred meters becomes clear from the characteristic sounds. ags in a matter of seconds, snipers take up
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a firing position in a shooting battle. now it's getting really close. from the situation it was there, but the whole thing was once too. we drove for 2 days, it turns out that the enemy offensive began the goal of this group of snipers. ukrainian military. for the second day now, they have been holding a stronghold in the kremensky forest. the hit is clearly visible on the screen of the thermal imager, and here is the second target. one by one, the snipers take out every ukrainian soldier who dares to leave the hideout. the snipers have completed their task, and the attacking fortified area of ​​the armed forces, the special forces, need more
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powerful fire support. a combat mission was received a fortified camouflaged enemy firing point was discovered an armored group, in which the bmp-3 of the central military district is advancing to contact lines. the car at full speed goes the shortest way in a matter of minutes , reaches the squares, to which the battle of the queue goes, suppresses the defending ukrainian military at the protected firing points of the enemy. the crew of the bmp-3 strikes from a cannon. the latest generation of russian infantry fighting vehicles surpasses their predecessors not only in weapons , a driver with the call sign yakut in mp2 tells us to take. you are the engine. by the way, all these pits are ahead, it starts to swing, there is no such speed, the bmp-3 is worth
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rear engine is balanced. she is walking , she is already swallowing these pits. the combat mission was completed. the assault groups of the central military district occupied another enemy stronghold in the kremensky forest. aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the lugansk people's republic in the krasnolymansk direction , moscow will consider the transfer of american f-16 fighters to the kiev regime as a nuclear threat, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov in an interview with the tape. ru, stressed during the fighting of our the military will not figure out whether each particular aircraft is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons. lavrov stressed russia will defend itself by all means, the minister. he also noted that there will be no return to former relations with her friendly countries. the leaders of nato member countries called on the president of ukraine to cool down after he
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criticized the alliance, according to bloomberg, the partners made such a statement at a joint dinner with zelensky he himself was outraged by the alliance’s unwillingness to designate kiev has a clear deadline for joining the military bloc and even threatened not to appear at the first meeting of the nato council of ukraine , the american new york times writes about this. however, later zelensky nevertheless softened his public statements about the results, the summit and the reaction of the western press. olga ponomaryova promising does not mean getting married instead of alliance membership kiev was slipped a simulator in the form of a declaration of intent to strengthen the defense capability of the not stale and freshly baked ukraine nato council, but it is now neutral nato and ukraine will meet within the framework of the council for discussion and decision-making on an equal footing is an important step towards ukraine's rapprochement with nato , everyone understands that the final decision on this. the issue cannot be taken until the end of the conflict, the journalists hooked on
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the secretary general's phrase and attacked the angry president of ukraine . would you like to join nato for an hour and 20 minutes, you guys are asking an insightful question. ukraine is not ready for nato actually already answered. ian stoltonberg everyone. actually. we are not ready clarified andrzej dudach, if ukraine today became a full member of nato, it would ask for the launch of the fifth article, that is, collective defense, polish soldiers would have to go to the front. as a president, i would not like to make such a decision, expendable material in the confrontation with russia and china, is exactly how the alliance of ukrainians perceives it, as the russian foreign ministry clearly formulated. and in the chinese foreign ministry, they once again gave a harsh response to the insinuations from the comments of the donors themselves, the imaginary
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chinese nuclear threat. what really should you. the fears of the international community are the nato nuclear program, which involves the exchange of nuclear arsenals between members of the alliance and their modernization. this is what creates the risks of a nuclear conflict, but under what pretext, for example, states under this program can place part of their arsenals in the eu countries . for this, according to the opinion experts and a conflict in europe is needed and so that the flame does not die out , ukraine is pumping up weapons and waiting for gratitude, not an angry mine. let's do everything at once, we are not an amazon, said the minister of defense uk ben ualis ukraine could be more likely to say thank you, to which zelensky tried to sarcastically say. let wallace write to me, well, exactly, he should be thanked. he can wake up in the morning and thank the minister for the complete disappointment of the guests from kiev . it is clear that ukraine does not even have a share
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of security guarantees, but instead of them, in the declaration of the countries of the seven, there are only intentions to take in the future. you commitment to ukraine at will all allies can join some confirmed at today's afternoon meeting its willingness to take on these obligations and this marks a collective effort in the long term, in relation to ukraine, its army and its people, the new ambitious goal of kiev , announced by the head of the office of the ukrainian president , is the signing of at least some security guarantees at least at the next senate in washington 2024 olga ponomareva news. sverdlovsk region rescuers are trying to stop the fire in the village of shaidurikha on the eve of the fire, spread from the forest to the houses in a matter of hours, 40 entire buildings burned down the streets turned to ashes. residents of the emergency evacuated a strong wind instantly carried
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the flames, extinguished it not only from the ground, but also from the air albert musin visited the site of the burned-out village. the whole village of shaidurikha is surrounded by a glow of fire, at the same time , everything that can be blazed no less is burning for several blocks on this side of the street. a dozen buildings fire with the wind continues to move on to the neighboring blocks of the entire street. it just burned down. all the strong fire came from the side of the forest, the hearth was a kilometer away, but abnormal fats and wind fire in a matter of hours. crept up to the houses of the people who lived here permanently, who made money with their labor. they have everything in them, there is nothing strong, the wind was there, but it flared up like matches. people could hardly bear it. at least the documents were taken away from the staircase everything that was an animal from the burning farmsteads in a panic , they fled through the hot forests. that's just
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saved the locals, who ran away in horror from the fire. frightened, but he approached us, it seems, he calmed down according to preliminary data fire destroyed more than forty residential buildings , outbuildings or sawdust, fortunately, there were no casualties with the victims, psychologists are working for those who lost their homes, they deployed a temporary accommodation center general evacuation, while we are not planning. eh, i think that within the boundaries in which it is now within these boundaries we will have enough means for this already known. losses of property in the fire compensate people for this from the first day began to follow the local prosecutors of the city prosecutor's office organized legal assistance affected residents, including when paying compensation for the cost of lost property and on other issues, residents can contact
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the mobile reception of the organized city prosecutor's office on all the issues that arise, now the fight against fire continues in the village, first of all , firefighters seek to cut off the flame from entire houses in order localize the fire. baranov vesti, sverdlovsk region, as soon as it became known the fire in the village of shaydurikha was localized today at 5:30 am, the press service of the ministry of emergency situations reports and today in sochi they promise to open the beaches for several days. they are closed due to bad weather. sanitary cleaning was carried out there. after the storm , sun loungers, umbrellas, cabins were disinfected, the coast was cleared of debris, according to weather forecasters. rains, big cleaning is no longer expected, and in the city itself more than 600 people are cleaning up, tidying up pedestrian routes, adjacent territories, infrastructure facilities, not only utilities, road and emergency
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services are working, but volunteers are also eliminating the consequences of a powerful downpour in tuapse area. nine villages appeared to be flooded. residents have been evacuated. in addition to houses , water is pumped out of kindergartens. schools are restoring roads and bridges from the destruction of one of them, a farm, the colonel remains cut off from the outside world. uh, the repair of the bridge can only start when the water subsides, and in anapa today there is a high alert mode. they are waiting for the transition of the cyclone , which raged in sochi , city utilities have been transferred to an enhanced mode of operation. but now they often got footage of a night accident on the moscow ring road. pay attention to the real truck. here he crashed into him. uh, another car crash happened at mile 57. now let's try to scroll a little more. so 1 second. here are those shots again. ah, this one, the victim is now
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being clarified. traffic in the area of ​​the accident is difficult . cars go along two lanes and the deptrans recommend that drivers choose detour routes for the time being. now news of the economy artyom yamshchikov joins me artyom good morning. june inflation data released. how prices have changed, and roman prices have shown moderate growth, uh in all figures below. rosstat reported on inflation for june in monthly terms, the figures barely exceeded a third of a percent. this is below analysts' forecasts. in total for the first half of the year, prices in russia increased by 2.76%. the dynamics of food prices was influenced by a decrease in the cost of additional products, in addition, eggs, cereals and flour fell in price. but prices for non-food products, on the contrary , grew in annual terms, inflation accelerated to three and a quarter percent. this is slightly higher than the value of the previous two months
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at the end of the year, the central bank expects a figure in the range from 4.5 to 6.5%, but the forecast of the ministry of economics of 5.3 growth in consumer prices in russia is becoming increasingly stable, consolidating above the target level of 4% with a seasonally adjusted annual account such a conclusion the latest bulletin of the bank of russia is contained in the latest bulletin of the bank of russia what do the trends say so in may the indicator reached the level of 4.7% and judging by the latest data in june, price growth will also exceed 4% with the bill for the year predicted, producers of goods and services explain on the one hand face growth. costs, including against the backdrop of difficulties with imports. well, on the other hand, the same manufacturers note a rapid increase in demand, which they are not able to quickly meet due to production labor and other restrictions. and the result is
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increased inflationary pressure. due to the inertia of macroeconomic trends in this process, he reads the central bank will continue to unfold in the coming months , the review also notes that the tightening of monetary policy should take place before inflation picks up. ministry of finance - russia placed record-breaking government bonds this year the ministry sold two ofz issues for a total of 188 billion rubles. at the first auction, it was possible to attract 17 billion with a constant coupon income of 11% per annum , while demand exceeded supply almost twice; july auction days , the ministry of finance placed government bonds for 232.5 billion
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rub. thus, almost a quarter, having ensured the implementation of the quarterly plan for attracting ufzs to the market. well, in the third quarter , they expect to borrow a trillion rubles on the domestic market. the federal antimonopoly service is monitoring the situation with stock prices for fuel, the agency said. at the moment, the fas does not consider the current indices to be monopoly high, however, they recommend that oil companies comply with the conditions. uh, evenness and regularity of fuel supplies to the exchange were also added there that they had already prepared documents on increasing sales oil products. on the stock exchange, by 1% point, this will increase the volume of supplies of gasoline and diesel to the domestic market. i remember. now the company is obliged to sell through the stock exchange 12% of the total volume of gasoline produced and eight and a half percent of diesel fuel. after the adoption of the draft
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government decree, these requirements will increase. and briefly about the exchange rates for today, the dollar is 90-62 euros 99.88, artyom thank you immediately after the advertisement by the last message, we will tell you about the visit of the russian prosecutor general to china managed to reach an agreement? the solution for every day from vtb does not miss the most important moments with a free debit card, it is an opportunity to make your home comfortable in one step and without commission. please your loved ones with convenient transfers within russia and to more than 10 countries of the world and receive not only emotions from meetings with friends, but also up to 30% cashback. do better every day get a free debit card for vtb life
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thank you green. the leaders of the nato countries, outraged by the public of the alliance, who allowed themselves the ukrainian president, urged the leaders of the nato countries to cool down to this. he turned out to be extremely dissatisfied with the unwillingness of the bloc to give kiev a clear deadline for joining the alliance. rescuers managed to localize the fire and the power of the shaidurikha of the sverdlovsk region on the eve of the fire, spread from the forest to the houses burned down 40 buildings of the inhabitants of the emergency evacuated a strong wind instantly carried the flame extinguishes it not only from the ground, but also from the air. in the case after the assault , the streets are being cleaned up, the roads and the beaches are promised to be opened today in the tuapse district, water is pumped out of the yards, they are preparing to repair roads due to the destruction of the bridge, the colonels are still cut off from the outside world. leading after accusations of defaming a relationship with a teenager ended up in a hospital bed with a heart
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attack, said the wife of edward hugh she said that her husband had mental health problems in recent years. he was being treated for depression. the russian prosecutor general's office has prepared a draft trilateral agreement with mongolia and china on cooperation in the field of protection, environment and environmental safety , the head of the supervisory agency said in beijing. igor krasnov, this is the first working trip of the prosecutor general to china, he has already met with the secretary of the policy of the legal commission of the central committee of the communist party of china and said that the day before he had signed an agreement with the prosecutor general of china on cooperation between departments. and i am sure that this document will become rather a guide. uh, we need a long-term perspective of our relationship. we have invested in it almost 25 years of experience in the relationship between our departments at the same time. we have already concluded the sixth in a row, and the program of two-year cooperation between our departments
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, which includes, among other things, the training of electric power for our employees and advanced training, both in russia and in china , the un security council will climb. today i went to an emergency meeting because of the launch pyongyang intercontinental ballistic missile. this is the fourth such test in the dprk this year led the launch of a personal kim jong, north korea, in turn , confirmed that it had indeed led the launch of an intercontinental political missile carrier, 18, the corresponding message was led on the website so the system is called a powerful deterrent to nuclear war. bbc presenter hugh edwards was in the hospital after accusations in connection with a teenager , the briton's wife said this, noting. that edwards is having serious problems with mental health and has been treated for depression in recent years. after the accusation, he had a serious attack . our own uk correspondent alexander khabarov will tell more about the scandal. the name of hugh
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edwards is known to all television viewers in britain for twenty years, he was the host of the top bbc news program , leaving daily at 10:00 pm. now he is at the center of a scandal that has been going on for days. after tabloid-san accused one of the unnamed bbc tv presenters of indecency, the newspaper published statement of the parents of the young man. whose gender was not disclosed, claiming that a famous tv presenter paid their then 17-year-old child £35,000 three years ago for candid shots and during video calls. he himself appeared in front of a teenager in his underwear, the bbc management announced an internal investigation , the police joined the case, the public wondered, who would it be, and only on the day when the police said that they had not found the leading corpus delicti in the actions of the crime and stopped the case with the name of hugh edwards, already in a new capacity, was on television and on the newspaper page. the revelation came from the wife
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of television producer edwards vikin, she said that her husband had been suffering from mental disorders for a number of years. and now , because of the scandal, he went for treatment to one of the clinics. i know hugh deeply regrets that so many colleagues have been hurt by the recent media speculation. we hope this announcement will put an end to that as soon as he can. he intends to respond to the published news stories shocked many of his colleagues. this is the person who aristorated the events on himself bessy was her face holding the audience's hands during many significant events. in the history of our country, like elections, royal events, death, queens or the coronation of a king, the story of a confused alleged victim of a tv presenter. now he refutes everything and calls the statement of his parents nonsense, despite the fact that the police did not find a criminal component in the actions of the tv presenter, the bbc declares its intention to continue. the investigation reported that
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there have been new complaints from former and current bbc employees claiming that edwards sent them obscene messages. q edwards is one of the highest paid bbc presenters and earns over £400,000 a year. what administrative decisions will be made? while it is not known now, edwards is suspended from the air, and besides, he is in the hospital. this is not the first major scandal for the television corporation. not so long ago , journalist martin bashir was forced to repent for making false documents in order to fraudulently obtain an interview with princess diana, but the most notorious was the case of the late bbc presenter jamie save after his death. he was cured as a serial pedophile alexander khabarov ilya murdyakov lead, uk good morning in the state duma plans to consider a law on the project of selling beer at stadiums when the novel is dated autumn. good morning. the project
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was accepted. in the first reading. now he is leaving work with the comments received. let's start with tennis danil medvedev for the first time in his career reached the semi-finals of the imbal don in spectacular match. he outplayed the american christopher yubins. in letters. the first set was held in an equal fight, where the russian turned out to be a little stronger. six four, the second batch was not at all according to the script. medvedev, at the expense of the center, took the game today, as a result, a devastating 1.6 union started the third set from a break which he grabbed to win the game 6.2, yielding 1-2 passes, medvedev gathered himself and began to play more confidently on his serve, however , he is also the key to serving the american did not immediately find the fourth tip turned out to be competitive and decided on tiebreaks. 7-6 daniel favors the fifth installment. the bears demonstrated their entire class to him at the beginning, taking the game to serve opponents to zero, after which daniil only developed success against the background of a tired opponent, returning to him a devastating six one bears for the first time in his career went to the semifinandon, where his opponent will be the first racket of the world, carlos- alcas. for football
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, defender mario fernandez is undergoing a medical examination before signing a contract with the st. petersburg club zenit, the ex-brazilian played 33 matches for the russian national team, including having played at the 2018 world cup, and midfielder daler kuzyaev signed a contract with the french football club gaus an agreement with the player. calculated for 2 years following the results of the last season, le havre took first place in the second division of the french championship , came out higher than either the national championship, the club once won the national cup in the distant fifty-ninth year, but with the best result. the national championship is the third place in the 50-51 season. kuzya will become the second russian footballer to play in the french championship with monaco play midfielder alexander golovin spartak offered london tottenham about eight and 1/10 million euros for the colombian defender sanchez, the football player can earn up to 3.5 million euros a year in the russian club, and
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the striker of the spanish caries, teo bongonda was officially introduced as a spartak football player aside signed a contract. yes, summer 2026, according to the transport wagon portal. yes signed a contract with the moscow club for four years, the amount of the transaction is 7 million euros condom was born in belgium but represents the national team, and the democratic republic of the congo, he began his career in the clubs of belgium, then attacked the seld trampur and genk. the serbian football club crvena zvezda on wednesday beat the turkish team in neurobahce with a score of 3: 1. the meeting was held in st. petersburg. at the stadium, the change of the church is known in this tournament , won three victories, also winning against the st. petersburg zenith 2: 1 and the azerbaijanis not in four zero after three matches , the serbian team scored 9 points and won the tournament. second standings pre-season tournament was zenit scored five points. further settled in it melons with one point and nobody's zero, which on july 15 the final matches of the tournament will play among themselves. in dynamo moscow and turkish in
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neurobes, meanwhile reached an agreement on the transfer of the polish midfielder sebastian shamansky, the hubback spent the past season in the dutch phenoord on loan. the amount of the transaction amounted to 10 million euros, according to the source of the may souvenir bahce contract. designed for 3 years. polish the midfielder will receive in turkey 2.5 million euros per year recalled shamansky played for dynamo for 2019 to 2020 second. the sixth stage of the silk way international rally , which connected samara and saratov, consisted of two special sections, and again they were very different in character, the first high-speed section 136 km long. it turned out to be difficult from a piloting point of view and set a number of difficult tasks for the navigators. at the same time, the second special section, 126 km long, was a scattering of high-speed tracks of demanding the battle in the trucks standings turned out to be exciting. the participants demonstrated an incredible density of results. the five fastest crews of the sixth stage finished in
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2.5 minutes. the crew covered the distance best of all.


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