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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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side was preparing gunners and designation targets, and on the other hand, kiev stated that russia was allegedly preparing to blow up the last for two weeks it was tangible, what is called the dispersal from the ukrainian side that almost any day there will be an explosion zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was accused of the fact that russia had already mined the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant now all of a sudden everything is quiet, what happened? well, it seems to me that the decisive words here, but, firstly, were uttered by the russian side. and you understand that these are not only words, these are also facts, since they are confirmed by the observation of representatives of bogatyr and today 4 people work directly, and on the territory the station was shown to them, the corresponding premises, and they made an absolutely accurate conclusion that, while station e does not bear signs of mining. this is how it was
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worded. this was confirmed by the statement of the leadership of the russian federation and those specialists who work at the station and this topic was not very indifferent. that the iaea rafaelbrus, well, there, using modern methods, including on twitter, conveyed his point of view, conveyed this assessment of his experts. well, in this way, everyone who wanted to arrange a provocation. in general, in this case, uh were bred in a clean year, because with inform attacks with such and such an inform war can only be handled in one way. this is honest, showing the state of affairs and confirming this state of affairs, by some independent estimates, sawn clean water. in the sense that the day before they announced that the ukrainian side was going to carry out bombings. zaporizhzhya yes, including this uh, as far as i understand hmm and intelligence, and our armed forces and uh testimonies, including saboteurs who got into tape a, speak of signs of preparation
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such an attack, this is possible of course. and so it is analytical. connect the two processes, that is, getting ready gunners get ready. uh , the designation of targets on the other hand , in fact, their own bosses fan the fire that russia was about to blow it up. but you have to be our complete idiot to prepare the explosion of the station, when you have 3,500 people working there directly every day, and at the same time a very significant part of the people. actually, all of russia came to help at this moment and with uh, technological issues at the station are issues of its safety and with the question. eh, the development of the city of darms, we are investing a lot of money, a lot of effort in order to improve life there. today in moscow they are discussing how to prepare a sufficient number
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of specialists for the defense of the industrial complex. the fsb academy, as part of the first national personnel congress called the defense industry reserves and opportunities , gathered key market participants that form the agenda for the formation of the defense industry personnel reserve as of today the fact is that the education system simply does not have time to train a sufficient number of specialized specialists, meanwhile, the defense industry not only plays a priority role in ensuring the security of the state, but is also in many ways a guarantee of technical progress. there are many government instructions that help stimulate businesses. ah, again, to create better conditions for employees of technical services. for, in principle, working specialties in defense industry enterprises and in this sense. a. well, a lot of work is being done at all levels. what is important is important? indeed, as has been said
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today. and pr services and personnel services should work together to make these professions more popular , brighter, more important, including for young people, that is, attracting young people. ah, changes in culture and understanding that the defense industry enterprises are both interesting and very significant enterprises for our country for our national needs for our national security system - this is very important and good. what is work. well, it's underway. the halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during the period of discounts and sales, any purchases will become even more pleasant with a 10-month installment plan and a cashback
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the state duma in the second reading adopted a bill banning gender reassignment the document was submitted for consideration by the deputies of all five factions in may, according to the initiative of the law on the fundamentals of protection. health will be supplemented with a new article and it
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prohibits medical interventions, as well as the use of drugs aimed at sex change. at the same time, the ban does not apply to operations related to the treatment of congenital anomalies, as well as diseases with a violation of the formation of the genital organs in children. in the krasnoyarsk territory discussed the power supply of the region took place in the regional capital and was held by deputy prime minister alexander novak and in rio by the head of the region mikhail kotyukov, among the issues , in particular, the development of power grids, the modernization of local thermal power plants, as well as the implementation of an alternative boiler model in krasnoyarsk and kansk, the second meeting discussed preparations for the celebration of the 400th anniversary , krasnoyarsk this time there is for the country, well , of course, for the krasnoyarsk residents for the city , a significant event, everyone is preparing for it. and
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the most important thing i would like to say is that you don’t just know how to implement some investment projects. the most important thing is to improve life in the city of krasnoyarsk, to make it more modern and attractive, to live comfortably in krasnoyarsk, so that young people stay here to study. i know that a lot has been done and is being done now, and there is still a lot of work to be done in preparation for the anniversary and the implementation of all our plans must necessarily involve. uh, all creative youth are non-profit public organizations, because they are unimportant and attract business, because not only social facilities, but also new projects that will set new standards, including the introduction
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of business in the city currency will become the bank of russia, it will be responsible for opening and maintaining digital ruble accounts. also, such assets can be left. as a legacy, the international energy agency for the first time this year lowered forecast for growth in oil demand. it will rise by 2 million 200,000 barrels per day. this is 220.000 less. than previously expected causes in the problems of the development of the global economy. estimated oil exports from russia in june fell to a two-year low of less than 7.5 million barrels daily, while revenues from it fell by $1.5 billion. according to the results of the half year, the trade turnover between russia and china increased by 40%, exceeding $111 billion. this is the data of the main customs administration of china. china increased deliveries immediately by 78% in the opposite direction, an increase of about 20 the volume of trade between our countries
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is at the highest level in the last 8 years last year. the commodity turnover of moscow and beijing has set a new record of about $190 billion and india is the world's largest exporter. risa plans to cut its supply by 80%. under the export ban, all varieties are at risk of falling, except for the premium and most expensive basmati, so the indian authorities want to reduce rice prices in the domestic market in order to avoid rising inflation. this was the news of the economy in short. russian scientists managed to combine the two most promising areas in the development of computer technology, artificial intelligence and quantum computer work was carried out within the framework of the priority 2030 program and roadmaps for the development of quantum computing. what will a neural network be capable of, in which mysterious
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quantum qubits are used instead of the usual bits of zeros and ones, dmitry found will tell about this. now that the computing power of classical computers is almost at the limit, scientists are looking for new approaches to neural networks and machine learning methods, which are called artificial intelligence, have become advanced technologies in computing . better lend themselves to many tasks that are characteristic of a person playing chess. deep analysis of face recognition and traffic prioritization data at the intersection against the backdrop of the tremendous advances in artificial intelligence today and the expectation that quantum computers will succeed. tomorrow is a natural question for the day after tomorrow. is it possible to build and train quantum artificial intelligence, in this case we are talking about thanks to learning, which as we can see very successfully actively developed and yet a great expectation associated with making algorithms, the so-called quantum learning machine, then making an algorithm using quantum
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computers. and also what we do. we are prototyping. yes, a quantum algorithm for learning in this case for the problem of image recognition into several classes, this is necessary in order to, in principle, understand how such an algorithm is to be aware of what properties it has and how much it requires resources, yes, and understand its further scalability scalability. in this case. this is an attempt to extend the machine learning algorithm to a larger amount of data , the main task of the neural network. be it classical or quantum to determine patterns, so far the successes of quantum neural networks have been limited to the ability to recognize two or three objects russian physicists from the mission from the russian quantum center and moscow state university have found a quantum learning algorithm that for the first time learned to recognize four classes of images, which we have done. we have created a quantum machine learning algorithm. yes, that is, the algorithm is designed to run on a quantum computer, which allows you
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to classify the image into four classes. we used standard data sets for this, one for a handwritten figure, and the other for an image of clothing. and they showed that we can compare with the accuracy of classical solutions with accuracy. we can carry out this task , moreover, we have gone a little bit towards estimating the resources that a quantum computer will need in terms of the number of qubits in terms of a number of operations , in order to generalize this problem to a larger number of classes , scientists create a hybrid quantum-classical neural network in which the quantum machine learning model itself is provided by a classical neural network. to begin with , a structure of qubits is created on a quantum computer, which interact with each other in the process of learning according to the intermediate results of the network, changing its configuration is done. this is until the desired result is achieved, because we use the resource of a quantum computer to actually solve the same problem. we are preparing some quantum state. some
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configuration is killed interacting with each other on banks, then we try measurements based on the measurement results. we estimate the value of some physical quantity and , depending on what value it has , we update the parameters of our quantum processor and again prepare the quantum state until we achieve a certain result. well conditionally we want to find the minimum energy. yes we are we make a configuration by configuration, we estimate the energy. if it is large, then we, well, change the parameters and look for energy so that it is lower lower lower, until we run into the fact that we will consider the minimum of this energy, and therefore this approach. as you can see, it has like a quantum part where we prepare the state. and there is a classical one, when we take measurements. eh, some size. uh, an estimate based on her parameters. and when we evaluate parameters. this is already being done on a classical computer by quantum computing enormous potential for performing some classes of tasks, but each requires its own algorithm. this is similar to how different tasks on your phone are solved by different applications. quantum
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algorithms can reduce computation time millions of times. and if we talk like this well , for now, uh with a machine learning example, but very important. here i mentioned that quantum algorithms can use an account to a computer can use for cryptanalysis. and so, in order to, say, crack the encryption algorithms that we use today, a classical powerful supercomputer took a million years of continuous calculations, and a quantum computer will need tens of hours. the operation of classical computers is based on the binary system. that is, all information is written in the form of zeros and ones. quantum computers work on the basis of two very important principles of quantum mechanics. the first is the superposition of the ability of a quantum system to be in different states at the same time until it is measured. this can be represented by the example of the game of rock scissors. paper in classical physics is the result of each round. there can be only one of the positions, but in the quantum version of the game. your
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hand can be in superposition, that is , at the same time be both rock and scissors and paper, or rather. how rich is the quantum world, and the particles in it are waiting to be measured in order to designate each of their properties, this is how a quantum computer works, where the unit of information is a qubit, a superposition of zero and one, and each of these values ​​can be realized with some the second pillar of quantum computers is entanglement, the phenomenon in which two particles are so interconnected that their state depends on each other, regardless of the distance on another bones and show the value associated with it, it doesn't matter. what is the distance between them, even if one stays on earth and the other we send to mars why do we expect at all,
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that a quantum computer can be faster than a classical one in certain tasks because it operates with systems. actually. quantum objects such as atoms, photons and light quanta into ions, and pores can be in entangled superposition states. so, first of all, superposition is the ability of a quantum system to simultaneously be in several possible states, if in the classical world we are used to that a coin is either heads or tails, then a quantum is a coin. it may well be in the state of both heads and tails simultaneously with certain such proportions. let's say. so moreover, these proportions are to such a extent a quantum system. eagle as far as tails can be controlled and actually. we do this in the course of implementing such calculations to you, and it is also fundamentally important that the state of these quantum objects. it is possible to link with each other for a name , you can make it so that the state of one, but a quantum object, begins to be very strongly related to the state of other quantum objects. literally, that they cannot be
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considered separately quantum computers with a large number of qubits and high precision will make it possible to perform calculations that are beyond the power of a classical computer, and the next step is to learn how to use quantum advantages. and for building neural networks. sometimes. they speed up the path exponentially. that is, in this you will take and in your time you will raise a great degree for you. that is, for example, not one day. here you will have, and so to speak, well, let's say you calculate your usual algorithm, it will take one day, and you have such a quantum algorithm may take 1 minute, but most importantly with difficulty. e, when your task grows in complexity, that is, the number of these parameters of your quantum neural network, then you have very strongly exponentially, as mathematicians say, e time increases, that is, e,
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if you, for example, double the number of your e? well, that is, not neural networks, but on the information that you need to process, then you will increase, for example, four times or 16 times or even a thousand times, and in a quantum computer it will increase only two times the world is actively moving towards robotization, smartphones, robotic vacuum cleaners, unmanned vehicles from the theoretical side, the possibilities of quantum artificial intelligence , that is, quantum neural networks are determined by the extent to which their architectures and learning algorithms apply to large amounts of data, and this question of science is still at the very beginning of the research path, having taught quantum neural network, it’s not bad to recognize four types of objects researchers from the moscow institute of steel and alloys of the russian quantum center and moscow state university showed that this path is now possible.
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russian scientists have created a 16-qubit quantum computer, which was shown to vladimir putin today at the forum of future technologies . the president is now in the moscow world trade center, where they are viewing a special exhibition on a 16-qubit quantum computer, using a cloud platform, an algorithm for calculating a molecule has been launched. this is the most powerful such device in our country. the head of state also showed other domestic developments at the exhibition among them are sensors that allow detecting and measuring very weak magnetic fields. the device can be used in medicine for non-invasive reading of brain activity. fireman in the sverdlovsk village of shaidurikha, where more than


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