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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russian scientists have created a sixteen-bit quantum computer, which today was shown to vladimir putin at the forum of future technologies . the president is now in the moscow world trade center, where they are viewing a special exhibition on a sixteen-bit quantum computer using a cloud platform, a molecule calculation algorithm has been launched. this is the most powerful similar device in our country head of state at the exhibition and showed other domestic developments among them sensors that allow you to determine and measure very weak magnetic fields the device can be used in medicine for non-invasive reading of brain activity. a fire in the sverdlovsk village of shaydurikha, where it burned down more than 40 buildings
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, potushino announced this in the regional ministry of emergency situations, a criminal case was initiated in connection with the death of a person in the forests of the nevyansk urban district , an emergency regime was introduced until july 21, report by kirill bortnikov. here you can clearly see how the elements approached, from the side of the forest, the flame was riding, the trees burned literally to the tops, strong gusts of wind and the fire began to spread to residential buildings , one after another, several houses burned down at once. in total , 41 houses burned out in the shaida speech, and some of them are summer cottages. here the house caught fire and began to blaze. it's literal. i don't know protective. well, half an hour, or something hmm and you see that events unfolded at lightning speed for my 60 years. i don't remember that. it has never burned down. everything on its way to localize the fire was only possible in the morning on an area of
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​​4,000 m². . now we are engaged in pouring dismantling, and those houses of possessions that conquered in the forests of the nevyansk region, the great emergency situation attracted about 200 people to extinguish fires, several dozen pieces of equipment, helicopters and the ministry of emergency situations. she is several decades older than yekaterinburg. pavel bozhov lived and taught here. historical houses were protected, but not without casualties. a woman died in the fire. now open burning has already been eliminated, but due to fires, peat bogs began to smolder one of the hotbeds of serious smoke are behind my back, and even right under my feet from a forest fire, a litter broke out, and under it there is peat, acrid smoke is escaping from the ground, and right now. right there, behind my back , this territory is shed in order to localize
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this focus of rospotrebnadzor has already begun to air the harmful substances of formaldehyde. hydrogen. during these minutes, the flooding of the territory and the analysis of burnt structures on the other side of the governor have already begun to work out support measures. so, those who have lost their homes. as the only housing is lost, will it mean that compensation of 100,000 will be paid for each resident or is it registered? because we agree to provide you with some kind of benefit, some kind of compensation, and so on , please contact us, we will sort it out, individually in detail, until each person , the villagers left without their homes, have already begun to draw up social passports according to these documents and compensation will be paid kirill bortnikov albert musen. nikolai
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starostin dmitry komov and lengaleeva, lead and shaidurihi of the sverdlovsk region at the recent plans of kiev to hit the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, this was stated by the general director of the rusaty state corporation alexei likhachev in an interview with the author and host of the program moscow kremlin putin pavel for a ruby . the gunner indicated the targets, and on the other hand, kiev stated that it was russia supposedly preparing to blow up the station there. the last two weeks have been tangible, what is called dispersal from the ukrainian side that almost any day there will be an explosion . well , it seems to me that the decisive words here, and, firstly, were uttered by the russian side. and you understand that these are not only
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words, these are also facts, since they are confirmed by the observation of representatives of bogatyr and today 4 people work directly, and on the territory of the station they were shown the corresponding premises, and they absolutely accurately concluded that, while station e does not bear signs of mining. that's how it was phrased. this was confirmed by the statement of the leadership of the russian federation and those specialists who work at the station and this topic was not very indifferent. the leadership of the iaea rafael grosse, well, there, using modern methods, including on twitter, he conveyed his point of view, conveyed this assessment of his experts. well, in this way, everyone who wanted to arrange a provocation. in general, in this case, uh, clean water was brought out, because with inform attacks with such and such an uh inform war can only be dealt with in one way. this is honest, showing the state of affairs and confirming
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this state of affairs, by some independent assessments, bleached clean water. in the sense that the day before they announced that the ukrainian side was going to carry out bombings. zaporizhzhya yes, including this uh, as far as i understand hmm and intelligence data and our armed forces and u testimony, including prisoners of war, and saboteurs talk about signs of preparing such an attack, this is possible, of course. and so here is ana. connector two processes, that is getting ready gunners getting ready. uh, the designation of targets on the other hand, in fact, their own bosses fan the fire that russia was about to blow it up. but you have to be, probably, a complete idiot to prepare the explosion of the station, when you have 3,500 people working there directly every day, and at the same time a very significant part of the people. actually,
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all of russia came to help at this moment and with e, technological issues at the station are issues of its safety and with the issue of the development of the city of darms, we are investing a lot of money, a lot of effort in order to improve life there. and we return to the first theme of the release, let me remind you, in the world trade center. vladimir putin watched a special exhibition at the forum of future technologies of the state showed a sixteen-qubit quantum computer on such a computer using a cloud platform and launched an algorithm for calculating a molecule. this is the most powerful such device in our country. home states. the exhibition also showed other domestic game developments and launched pilot projects that are very interesting to us.
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the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent for the first month. over the past 24 hours, russian troops have repelled new attacks by the armed forces over donetsk, krasnolymansk, zaporozhye and the south-donetsk direction , the most active hostilities reported this to the ministry of defense. were conducted on the donetsk direction. there ukrainian troops made 16 attempts. we will learn all the details of the offensive from denis alekseev denis i welcome that in the latest reports yes, i welcome to the ministry of defense today spoke about a series of attacks on the military infrastructure of the armed forces in several ukrainian regions at once, missile weapons and unmanned vehicles were involved. kamikaze-type selected targets, scattered in the rear areas and along the front line, warehouses with weapons. tonight, the armed forces
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of the russian federation launched a group strike with sea-based long-range precision weapons at the ammunition storage sites of the armed forces of ukraine . on the kherson direction of the island in the dnieper river remains in the gray zone in the area of ​​​​the antonovsky bridge, we are conducting a mobile defense, constantly suppressing attempts by militants to gain a foothold on the left bank. he is now completely under russian control . artillery duel continues, stably often flies to the positions of the armed forces on the right bank. in the kherson direction , as a result of fire damage , up to 70 ukrainian servicemen were destroyed during the day , an armored fighting vehicle, three cars, as well as two self-propelled artillery installations acacia and carnation. once again, su-shniks they tried to gain a foothold in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpyatikhatki, but decent damage was dealt to them. received personnel, 128 assault
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brigade, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, the attack of the sixty-fifth mechanized brigade was repelled. this is all zaporozhye direction. the so-called contour, attack, the militants are pulling reserves there, but as a result, they receive only defeated units and destroyed equipment, losses in the south-donetsk and zaporozhye directions per day, 200 servicemen, a tank, a british ard, installation and a lot of soviet howitzers. and here is the red limansky front. there snipers of the center group helped the attack aircraft to drive the nationalists out of their stronghold. in the forest , an armored group on a new generation of infantry fighting vehicles provided powerful support; these vehicles are noticeably superior to previous models. and not only in terms of firepower. support, that is, violation , is located on 3 ags-17 combat vehicles and three calculation of prk functions such implementation, that is, support for attacking support systems, that we discuss evacuation units and, in general , support with fire, closed firing positions and
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direct fire. well, now about work russian sappers at night, they mined the approaches to the positions of our troops on the northern flank of the artemov direction. the southern group of forces operate there , the defense of the front line of defense needed to be updated after the attacks of the militants, regular attempts to recapture the lost territories are fixed, and therefore our military manually installed additional anti-tank and anti-personnel charges meter by meter. for 2 hours, the sapper placed more than 400 mines of both types , the fighters of the group are holding the defense and 16 attacks on the neighboring flanks. in this direction it was repulsed. the unit of the southern group of forces successfully repelled eight, as the artillery of the group destroyed two vehicles in isu near the village of ivanovskaya during the counter-battery fight, two enemy mortars were destroyed in the region of the settlement of the volga region and the calculation of the ags-17 grenade launcher
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near belarovka. and the activities of the sabotage group were also suppressed - total losses. in the donetsk direction , almost 500 personnel per day three polish self-propelled guns, two towed howitzers , special equipment and command vehicles. in the meantime, the curators of the ukrainian president. again. clearly given to understand the promised counteroffensive failed. and in general, judging by the losses in technology, things are not going very well to be restored to prove their guest for membership. kyiv is not going to join nato. moreover, they promised to bring weapons in the west, and people are still being gathered from cities . mobilization in ukraine is now a
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permanent process. differences within nato disappoint kyiv and lessons for all players in the international arena the world press sums up the results of the summit in vilnius the general message is that not everything in the alliance is safe, despite the smiles and unanimously adopted resolution. at the summit, there were disputes primarily about what to do next with ukraine poland from the baltic countries advocated an increase in military assistance and the speedy admission of ukraine to nato,
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while the united states and germany urged their position not to rush. as a result, it prevailed, which, in general, is not surprising. and this was a big disappointment for the kiev regime. european media write that zelensky tried to put pressure on western countries at the summit and even blackmail them, but he was urged to cool off the quote. as a result, as the columnist for the german magazine notes, spiegel was not accepted into the alliance of ukraine. but zelensky remained the basics of the quote, a beggar who continues to beg for weapons. zelensky began to sound like a mouthful to a number of political leaders of the nato countries , and from london it sounded from other capitals. e too. eh, how would this comrade feel quotation marks. eh, that means who is no longer just asking, but demands and expresses a feeling
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of dissatisfaction when he is denied something. that vilnius itself showed that the collective west is not ready to put up with the formation of a multipolar world and deliberately defend its hegemony by all means, as during the cold war, in this regard , curious comments by the editors of the chinese newspaper global times, she concludes that the doors of the atlantic alliance village are at least at least in the near future for kiev for sure closed, but at the same time, the publication also notes another point, the conflict in ukraine has become a lesson for nato. what does the organization's inability to restrain itself lead to ? the alliance believes. uh, globus must respect the interests of other powers and curb its desire to expand, otherwise the consequences will be dire. the russian government has allocated another 15 billion rubles to support large families and those paying mortgages, mikhail mishustin said this today this year to reimburse funds to a credit institution in the federal
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the budget provides for more than 60 billion rubles. most of this money has already been transferred. he spoke about the need to constantly monitor the situation with the incomes of families with children. here he emphasized that verified targeted and effective measures are needed, the government will additionally allocate 15 billion rubles. to guarantee the fulfillment of obligations on mortgage loans for those families with a third child born after january 1, 2019, or subsequent such parents will be able to receive payments in the amount of 450.000 rub. for full or partial repayment of housing loans and in the current year. it reimburses funds to loan organizations. the federal budget provided over 60 billion rubles. most of them have already been listed thanks to the decision made by more than
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thirty-three thousand families with children who will be able to improve their living conditions. today in moscow they are discussing how to prepare a sufficient number of specialists for the military-industrial complex academy of the fsb as part of the first national congress called the defense industry reserves and opportunities brought together key market participants who form the agenda for the formation of a personnel reserve of the criminal procedure code , as of today, the shortage of employees at enterprises is growing . ensuring the security of the state, but also in many ways is the key to technical progress. there are many government instructions that both help stimulate enterprises, and again create better conditions for employees of technical services. for, in principle, working specialties in enterprises, so far in this
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sense. a. well, a lot of work is being done at all levels. what is important is important? indeed, as has been said today. and pr and personnel services should work together to make these professions more popular, brighter, more significant, including for young people, that is, attracting young people, and changing the culture and understanding that the defense industry is and interesting and very significant enterprises for our country for our national needs for our national security system - this is very important and good. what is work. well, it's underway. vasily
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safonov these are very serious people. you'll have to move out on any lawlessness. this is our house together has already left
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for a long time there.
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on conscience before you. in russia, forests continue to burn , the spread of flames is facilitated by adverse weather conditions, heat loads and strong winds. according to the ministry of emergency situations, today the state of emergency has been introduced in a special fire regime has been established in 8 regions in 56. the most serious situation is developing in yakutia, the amur region, the khabarovsk territory, the khanty-mansiysk autonomous okrug and in the sverdlovsk region, 39 fires with a total area of ​​​​about 60,000 hectares have been recorded in the amur region , more than 500 people and heavy equipment are fighting fire. basically, they say two northern regions, zeya and selimzhinsky, in addition to this, the amur region is suffocating from forest fires that blaze in yakutia because of this, almost all regions of the region were in smoke on the border, the amur region with the republic of sokhan, there are
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about 150 in combustion. we are burning just dry grass flew by. we extinguished it there and that's it, the litter is burning here. she burns throughout. there, half a meter 20-30 cm underground, in order to stop this fire, it is necessary to dig this fire, and if necessary, it is impossible to start the equipment manually with shovels that can be extinguished for three four five six seven days. vikuchayu is building up forces and means to extinguish forest fires, there are burning in the territory of almost 400 thousand hectares to eliminate the outbreaks and the authorities involved more than 900 people in equipment and aviation work. here are the air forces and aviation from the protection of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the company polar airlines. in addition, in some areas where the situation is the most difficult , aircraft from andors are used. in the khabarovsk territory. the area of ​​fires in the forests. increased from 68 to 77,000 hectares. 311
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people and several dozen pieces of equipment were involved in the firefighting, and an emergency regime was introduced in yakutia and the khabarovsk territory with residents banned from visiting the forests. fire it can be very large, that is, they are seated at a distance, there is 3-4 km, you agree with a certain group that we meet at that point and that’s all. so the group is tied up in a certain place of some kind and we are walking towards each other after we have laid a strip past, that is, we have dug. let's start man. fires continue for a day of special service extinguished in 88 foci on an area of ​​​​over nine thousand hectares of fire eliminated in 21 russian regions, this is in the orenburg chelyabinsk irkutsk novosibirsk sverdlovsk region in the republics of bashkortostan, karelia and udmurtia now the weather in the center of russia has reached its peak temperature drop accompanied by rain. we’ll talk more about this with the leading centrophobe specialist
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alina katelevskaya. alina greetings, with summer weather. will be back soon from tomorrow. the temperature will gradually rise. this morning in the capital did not promise heat, the air left up to 11.9, such low temperatures do not often happen in moscow mark plus 15, but thickened cloudiness and increased rain lowered their readings by fifteen o'clock by one and a half degrees to 13.8. today's map of maximum temperatures causes sadness among the inhabitants of central russia; it ended up in a small bag of cold, in which the temperature at the height of the day did not exceed 15 °. and pay attention to how much this bag is tightened even colder than in moscow at 15 o'clock it was in the eastern part of the moscow region in sergiev posad, at the same time in the west the air warmed up to almost plus 20 much more significant contrast
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temperatures were observed in the leningrad region from +12 in the east to plus 26 in the west. it is interesting that in zapolyarny murmansk the air at the same time managed to warm up to +22.4°c. the long-lived cyclone that circles in the north of the russian plain is the culprit of the cold weather, it filled with arctic air. in addition, dense clouds and rains do not give any chance for the air to warm up. that is why the weather looks more like autumn. but active thunderstorm activity is so characteristic of summer is developing today, where cold arctic air and hot central asia meet, it fooled the central southern regions of the urals and the south of western siberia, a threatening cloud appeared in the afternoon from orenburg. usually such clouds bring heavy showers and thunderstorms, but the capital of the region. as a result, she stayed away from this center of bad weather. at the same time , flooding after the rain , a volley downpour appeared on orska street in less than half an hour,
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bringing the temperature down from 26 to 17. tomorrow, the most heavy thunderstorms with precipitation more than 20 mm are expected at the borders of the khanty-mansiysk okrug . flurry and hail are not excluded from the sverdlovsk tyumen and omsk regions. mostly light rains in the north in the center and in the volga region and a new cyclone is approaching from europe to the black earth. tomorrow. strong at the end of the day. rains will pass in kursk and belgorod regions. the good news is that the peak of the cold snap in the center of the russian plain has been passed, however. temperature tomorrow. it will still lag behind the long-term averages of 20-25°. the temperature will be the middle lane i note that for the central regions. it will be warming, and for the volga region they fooled around, on the contrary , the heat will weaken and only in the south, where the air will quickly warm up in the sun, until there are no thermometers. will overcome the boundary, 30 °. in moscow , it is cloudy and rainy until the end of the day, and the temperature in such conditions changes little
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today, a maximum of plus 15 in the first half of the day in the evening, plus 14 in the morning will be only 1-2 ° cooler. tomorrow the intensity of the rains will be less and there will be an unstable clearing in the sky, so to thermometer readings will approach 20 a significant improvement in the weather in the capital is expected on sunday, when the air warms up to 25 it will become even warmer at the beginning of next week, but transient rains cannot be avoided. so endure the cold. there is very little time left. such are the forecasts for this minute alina thank you alina kotelevskaya told about the peak cooling and soon he will return to the capital of letov. the price of russian oil urals has exceeded the ceiling, which was set under the sanctions. this is the first time this has happened since the restrictions were introduced. alyona will tell in more detail the cost of ural oil to sparta novorossiysk is above 60 dollars per


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