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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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the volvo holocaust was organized by the ukrainians and 6,000 bandera people were killed. western intelligence services kept used in anti-soviet activities. i have not met. we look to learn the world of educational programs and documentaries. free of charge without registration in the luhansk people's republic, russian combat helicopters attacked
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saboteurs who were approaching our positions. our correspondent will report the details. igor pikhanov is preparing a ka-52 helicopter for a flight on a mission, an aircraft equipped with formidable weapons specialists load vlog projectiles, caliber 80 mm and charge a guided missile system. for the installation of ammunition. it takes a few minutes - this is especially important in the conditions of work at the front of the pilots. they say, thanks to its powerful light board and weapons. this is one of the best attack helicopters equipped with guided missiles as well as guided missiles. all. this is intended to combat military equipment, as well as fortified areas of the enemy from the scouts, a signal is received both when the militants detect enemy forces approaching the positions of the russian military for an attack, the pilots start the engines and the shock trio with the lead helicopter rises into the sky to -52 alligator goes hunting for enemy military equipment. the maximum
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speed at which the ka-52-300 km / h aircraft can fly crosses the defense line of the russian military, soon a gray zone begins and ukrainian militants are located on the line of combat earthquake. a small group went out to explore. by fighting they hope to find weak points in the defense. tactical aviation opens fire on enemy armored vehicles. and even on the way to our positions, tactical aviation covers the militants, helicopters burn out armored cars. with losses, the ukrainian sabotage group retreats to disrupt another enemy offensive operation by a group of combat helicopters. the commander of the aircraft with the call sign mayak is returning to the base, he says, while there are no western tanks in the luhansk direction, but everything is ready for their appearance. this will not change anything on earth,
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the situation on earth is stable. here, we have rocket data, what are the topics, uh, basically. well, you can say, it’s all the same to set fire to such a piece of iron, so that there will be a leopard, that there will be e-80 soviet -made, that there will be abrams, this rocket will still reach the target to destroy the parasite at the base of the pilots. unusual guests were waiting for a military appearance. the leadership service delivered letters from schoolchildren and veterans of the great patriotic war to the zone of a special military operation. they were brought from all over the country , the officer read the letters in their messages to the veteran, wishing peace and a speedy return home. you are again like your grandfathers and great-grandfathers close the way to nazism on our planet. we are waiting for you with a victory. we will thank you and express our feelings. we have confidence in you guys. with respect to you , a participant in the great patriotic war. volunteers from the people's organization also arrived at the military.
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he then delivered, upon request , a batch of funds needed in everyday life activists regularly support soldiers at the front during training sessions acquire tactical equipment equipment and equipment fortification lines in the border regions are entitled to a lump sum payment . the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin . when injured, 3 million rubles. the decision applies to both government officials and other citizens, payments will be sent by the spouse to the parents of the children and dependents of the deceased, and in their absence , these measures apply to brothers and sisters in the crimea and sevastopol in the krasnodar territory of belgorod bryansk voronezh kursk rostov regions.
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alexander bastrykin held an operational meeting in mariupol of the headquarters for the investigation of crimes of the armed forces of ukraine against the civilian population, the head of the investigative committee reported on the main accused commanders who gave orders to shell the settlements of the people's republics. in addition, bastrykin was informed about the continuation of the investigation of crimes banned in russia by the azov regiment and initiation of criminal cases against other units of the armed forces of ukraine with details stanislav vasilchenko investigation crimes of the kiev regime, the investigative committee of russia conducts on an ongoing basis about the next solved cases. his deputies and heads of subdivisions of evidence report to bastrykin, so much evidence that even today the former minister of defense of ukraine andriy zagorodnyuk, the former head of the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces igor tansery, as well as the former commander of the operational-tactical grouping of ukrainian troops, donetsk oleksandr krasnook, have been charged in absentia . each of them is involved to the death of dozens of civilians in the dnr and lnr. as a result of their criminal actions, 27 civilians were killed. including two children
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, 109 were injured, including adults , more than 147 objects of the civil and critically important structure of luhansk were destroyed or partially damaged, and hundreds of crimes were committed by members of the regiment banned in russia. azov during the investigation to the staff of the investigative committee. it was possible to identify the facts of the use of prohibited means and methods. wars by ukrainian nationalists to bastrykin report on the next solved crimes, it was established that in march 2022, a serviceman of the azov -rozhzhevetsky regiment discovered, moving along the street in front of the house, a peaceful residence, realizing that the latter did not pose any danger, zhizevetsky fired several shots at her from a machine gun. kalashnikov v. as a result of the wounds , the victim died on the spot, civilians died and at the hands of the senior machine gunner sergei mikhailenko, he shot the car in which there were four civilians, including
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the child all of them died while trying to leave the city, mikhailenko himself told about it, he was detained and this case is not isolated after the last meeting, two more criminal cases were initiated against the senior sailor yegorov, who in the city of mariupol in march 22 committed the murder of two civilians a criminal case against the relationship of junior sergeant litvinenko, who made up the combat crew and the ussr led non-selective shelling of the settlements of sokhanka talakovka and sartana, as a result of which there were, e, dead civilians were injured, as well as civilian infrastructure facilities among war criminals were destroyed, the investigative committee often identifies foreign mercenaries. in the last 2 weeks alone , 18 more foreigners have been charged in absentia. well, almost the whole world and south america uk uh-huh us france. there finland uzbekistan however,
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the investigators. it is known that not only crimes of a military nature are brought to criminal responsibility by their corrupt officials. thus, wage arrears were paid off to employees of the enterprise water of donbass alexander bastra. keane noted that the control of the social sphere is an equally important task for departments. so it's good that attention is drawn to the crime of the past. this work we must continue to look at the social, so to speak, living conditions do not pay wages. this means that it is necessary to accustom them to accountability in order, it is imperative to continue work on the humanitarian component of providing assistance, while work on assessing the damage caused does not stop. totally agree last two months forensics. we examined more than 4,000 private households that came
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under fire from the ukrainian neo-nazis, the facts were recorded and transferred to the investigative committee stanislav vasilchenko. veterans of a special military operation will be able to undergo training to improve their skills . participants of the svu are entitled to special support measures. they spoke today at the first meeting of the working group of the fund's supervisory councils. defenders of the fatherland, the working group was headed by minister of science and higher education valeriy volkov. so the main the issues of the meeting were retraining. psychological support of demobilized fighters and their employment. the working group believes that an important task for today is the creation of a list of vacancies for veterans. in addition , participants in the svu should be helped in obtaining a new qualification or additional education. particular attention at the meeting was paid to the retraining of veterans of the special military operation , the minimum duration of educational
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programs was established. in case of advanced training less than 16 hours. in the case of professional retraining, at least 250 hours. valery falkov noted that the result of retraining for universities should be the employment of a graduate. in this direction , the russian ministry of labor is actively assisting. the working group recalled that there are important support measures for veterans of the special operation. since june 20, an admissions campaign has started. participants can enter universities without exams within separate quotas. it is at least 10% of the total amount of budget places, for each area of ​​benefits applies to the heroes of russia and holders of the three orders of courage to the children of the participants in the special operation, as well as to those who served in the russian armed forces on the mobilized and volunteers choosing
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a new profession obtaining new competencies, including from scratch, it is important that the specialties offered for mastering be in demand on the labor market with the prospect of employment immediately after completion of training. it is also reported that the ministry of barnauka and the state duma have worked out a draft resolution allowing demobilized soldiers to be transferred from paid education to state-funded education. in addition, the higher school of economics took the initiative to train veterans of a special military operation for their children at the expense of the university, a number of other universities followed this example. the head of the ministry of emergency situations promised to solve the problem of the shortage of divers and dog handlers in the regional head office in mordovia , alexander kurenkov said this during a working trip to the republic where he assessed the condition of the fire and rescue infrastructure and the readiness of units to respond in the crisis management center. the minister got acquainted with the daily activities of the employees, then he was shown the fire and rescue center, where
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the fire and rescue unit number five and the saransk search and rescue team are located. this year alone, rescuers of the center made more than 600 trips. the head of the ministry of emergency situations also checked the work of specialists in the fire testing laboratory in saransk and visited the territory of the mordovian state nature reserve, which is located in one of the most remote regions of the republic of temnikovsky, and its protection is under special control, today at the forum of future technologies they announced the start of accepting applications for the national award, its main task is to celebrate fundamental breakthroughs. ideas for inventions of russian scientists apply. you can until mid-september, and in december the winners of the award will be announced, as well as 10 million rubles. will be awarded, will be awarded to developers of promising technologies in several nominations.
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this teacher of the year engineering solution perspective and breakthrough one of the co-founders of the national award was gazprombank that money is, uh, absolutely not the main meaning of this award, the main meaning is to create an ecosystem around uh, scientists who raise and invest recognition in black uh in the economy and uh, inspires them and embeds them in an ecosystem of innovation and investment in science. we are ready to provide a fairly wide infrastructure. uh, both investment and support, because we are traditionally a bank that is very much supports science and technology, e&e with charitable and investment purposes, so we have the entire infrastructure of funds that can invest in venture projects. but separately. we have big limits that consider investment projects and finance them. therefore, we are starting with small ideas, ending with huge infrastructure projects, the bank is ready. uh, of course, to provide such an infrastructure, but we have a lot of partners, and
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industrial ones, who are happy to. they will watch certain e projects that are close to them in terms of industries, for example, or at the request of people. it was the support of science and scientists that vladimir putin said the day before , speaking on the form of future technologies , the president emphasized that many would like to work in russia, participate in interesting significant research projects, and the task of the state is to support young scientists in every possible way. dmitry will follow the goal of rewarding the most worthy of those who have tried hard and successfully. to encourage others to also plow also try, uh, and gnaw through granite science, that is, uh, one of the functions of our award. it is to give inspiration to people inspiration. this is probably one of the most important things, in general in life you need to know what you live for, you need to have a drive. you need to have a dream goal, and we try to give it. we
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are doing this, honestly, our committee has adopted very strict rules that will rule out lobbying in every possible way and exclude any undercurrents in every possible way. in veliky novgorod, a stone was laid in the foundation of the future house of justice of the place chosen near derzhavin square where today in the day the 280th anniversary of the opening of the monument to the poet and statesman report by zinaida kurbatova the women's cathedral of varlam of the khuten monastery near novgorod is buried here . all during the great
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patriotic war, the grave of gavrilo was destroyed. derzhavin, his wife suffered a tombstone recently put in order through the efforts of the ministry of justice of russia , the government of the novgorod region and novgorod diocese. derzhavin was born into a family of poor kazan nobles, went through a difficult career path, spent 10 years as a soldier of the preobrazhensky regiment , took up jurisprudence in 1773, when he volunteered to take part in the work of a secret commission of inquiry. in the case of the pugachev uprising , he would later become a senator, and under alexander i in 1802, the first russian minister of justice. he rather quickly after his appointment prepared a draft of a new constitution, which embodied, first of all , fundamental rights and freedoms. citizens where he is not opposed the monarchy, but nevertheless, one can talk and talk about the fact that the question of limiting the powers
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of the monarch was raised, and such an interesting detail, in fact. e derzhavin e. the first created the position of the arbitration court to resign. he gave advice to the government. for example, in 1812 he proposed measures of defense against napoleon , his words did not differ in deeds. he said that you need to live honestly and according to the law, and he lived honestly and according to the law, and the documents that he prepared were the decisions that he proposed. they were also aimed at the development of our country. so his memory lives on. and it's good that she lives. including. in veliky novgorod, derzhavin wrote poetry, was the center of a circle of russian writers, became famous as a singer and the era of catherine the great in novgorod on the day of the anniversary. derzhavin unveiled a bronze monument romanovich was depicted as a majestic statesman
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, on the screen, a shot from a cannon of the peter and paul fortress in st. associated with the novgorod region every summer since 1803. he holds his homestead call on the banks of the river. volkhov to come here by car is impossible. yes, and it is difficult to go around the swamp. we got on the water, on a boat a steep uphill. and now the view that inspired derzhavin in the call. he wrote hundreds of poems along the steep bank of the volkhov. we climb here on this onion, everything is overgrown and for you tea with porridge and nettles , it was here that derzhavin's favorite estate was called during the great patriotic war here there were heavy battles, the manor house was destroyed almost to the ground in 1993 a memorial cross was erected here. in novgorod , not far from the monument , a solemn ceremony of laying a stone was held at the foundation of the house of justice named after romanovich derzhavin, where the department of the ministry of justice of russia for the novgorod
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region of the judicial laboratory will be located. expertise and a small museum dedicated to kurbatov alexander merkuriev, vladislav dubtsov together yes, yes, she’s in thailand where tomorrow the general consulate of our country, it will provide support to russian tourists, given the active growth in the flow of vacationers. in addition, the russian foreign minister will hold talks with the acting deputy prime minister of thailand and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of this country, sergey lavrov flew to thailand from indonesia where he took part in at the assian summit, russia's partners discussed cooperation in the asia-pacific region, taking into account expansion attempts by individual countries. in the center of the grabar, they showed the room where, during the restoration, there will be trinity andrei rublev is located there, as reported there are certain climate control, comfortable, light, the environment is equipped with a gas fire extinguishing system. in general , all the conditions necessary for
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the preservation of the masterpiece of ancient russian icon painting have been met the other day. he signed an agreement on the transfer of the famous icon of the trinity sergius lavra. for free use. now under construction available for worship in the temple. christ the savior as a restorer, it will be given after july 18. the restoration center named after the gribar for the reception of the icon of the holy trinity was a special room a was prepared with a certain climate control climate control is due to the fact that, at the request of the custodians and restorers of the tretyakov gallery, exactly the same storage conditions were provided as the icon was in the tretyakov gallery. this is a constant temperature of 19 ° and a humidity of 50% , we also have a comfortable light environment there, and with led lamps a color temperature of 4,000
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kelvins, restoration and inspection and conclusions will also take place in this room the restorers asked to make it possible to observe the reverse side of the icon, so a glass cover was placed. plast where we have the icon will be located exactly in this place so that from the back you can see what is happening with the base. in the regions of the chernozem and volga regions , a warning about heavy rains and storm winds has been circulated . misfortune is coming. good evening natalya , this time the balkan cyclone brings weather disasters.
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now he has already reached the chernozem region, these are shots from belgorod, visibility due to the downpour deteriorated to 4 km, despite the fact that the rains began recently, the streets had already begun to go under water on the eve of the cyclonic whirlwind hit the balkans the storm swept across croatia montenegro slovenia and serbia and not for long. almost 40° heat brought down the region of vojvodina, dozens of buildings were riddled with large hail, trees were knocked down the most squally wind. poems are waiting in the voronezh region according to preliminary forecasts. there, in the morning, almost a month's rainfall may pour out, the mayor of voronezh even published a special appeal to the townspeople. we cannot prevent some events, but we will do everything to eliminate their consequences such a volume of water in such a short time, as we expect after midnight, will inevitably create quite a lot of problems for you and me, respectively, the next day for me, my
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deputy heads of regional administrative plants and a number of management will working townspeople. please be careful and careful. listen to the recommendations given by the city rescue service and for your part , please also make every effort so that the consequences of the rampant elements do not touch you. the balkan cyclone of branched systems and atmospheric fronts is associated with another ural cyclone, and it was also noted the day before, impressive coffins in the urals and western siberia most affected by hail were the areas of kurgan and tyumen regions. some citizens were the size of a chicken egg. the whole car was dented the joint flight of two cyclones over the coming weekend will leave behind a noticeable rainy trail, so if in
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the south of western siberia the total monthly rainfall is 40-60 mm, then in the interfluve of the volga and don where the climate is more arid in some places tropical rains up to 480 mm will fall. and this is twice as much as it should be for the whole of july, while the passage of the balkan will be marked by an increase in wind up to 10-15 m / s, and below i am in the volga volgograd astrakhan regions, as well as in kalmykia the air flow will periodically accelerate to dangerous 20-25 m / s in volgograd now the real summer is sunny and almost plus 30 a weak, south-westerly wind blows with the onset of dusk . precipitation will continue during the day and the wind will noticeably increase, if gusts of up to 15-20 m/s are expected in the first half of the day, then in
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the afternoon the instantaneous wind speed can reach stormy 20-25 m/s, the maximum temperature will drop to +23 windy to 12-17 m / s will be and on sunday in moscow in the rear of a high-altitude cyclone until the end of today will prevail. cloudy with little rain. weather maximum temperature plus 16-18 on saturday and sunday aerosynoptic situations will not change, but thanks to the gaps in the clouds in the daytime it is warmer, plus 18-23 and will not do without short rains. at the beginning of next week, thanks to the anticyclone, the weather will clear up and the thermometers will rise to plus 26-28, but it will also not do without thunderstorms. the state duma adopted in the final the third reading about their laws on the ban on changing sex the day before , several amendments were made to the document, including the dissolution of marriages in the event of a sex change
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by one of the spouses and the ban on adoption of custody of children dmitry horn with details. bypassing the path of the degeneration of the nation , the parliamentarians went in defense of the institution of the family and traditional values. the adopted decision protects citizens, adults and children, noted the chairman of the state duma in the united states of america today, according to data for 2022, 1 million 640,000 people over 13 years old and their share is growing. moreover , 340,000 teenagers are growing at a tremendous pace. this is one and a half percent of all children aged 13 to 17 years . they reported about the recognition of invalid ranks,
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acts. i would like to assure you that since the entry into force of the bill, which today we are discussing the relevant acts. a lot of professional opinions will be recognized as invalidated, the work was really very professional on the part of the committee, the ban will affect surgery and hormone therapy. true, for the treatment of congenital anomalies of genetic and endocrine diseases, according to the conclusion of the medical commission , they can make an exception. in addition , it is forbidden to make changes in gender in documents. and if a sex change is proved by one of the partners, the marriage will be annulled, moreover, those who have already changed gender citizens will not be able to become adoptive parents, guardians or trustees of children, the fact that the document has been worked out in detail was confirmed in the kremlin by all these appeals. they were expertly worked out in the house. and there were answers to these questions, so here in this case there are some concerns, probably excessive reservations there, while, as parliamentarians assure
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, there are medical technologies in russia today that allow treating such people not through surgical intervention, but through methods . theater is a method that allows a person overcome the problem, and not irrevocably aggravate his condition dmitry horn, she is pogonina of action. the investigative committee demands a tougher preventive measure for bloggers valery and artyom chekalin, the court received a petition from their house arrest, now the spouses are prohibited from certain actions, but according to the blogger’s department, this preventive measure was violated. in particular. they used the internet and communicated with witnesses in their criminal cases in the spring of valery chekalina. she same easier were charged with tax evasion, her husband is suspected of complicity ; a criminal case has also been initiated against bloggers, and money laundering on an especially large scale.
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here, by repeated violations by the spouses of the chekalins, the preventive measure chosen by the court is the prohibition of the commission of certain actions expressed by the direct use of the internet, as well as communication with witnesses in a criminal case who are not close relatives, the capital investigative committee before the court filed a petition for a change in against them measures of restraint on house arrest. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new edition of the besogon tv author's program, which will be called not all gold, what glitters? i hope it will be interesting. i look forward to seeing you.
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additional measures to protect russia's critical facilities were discussed today at an operational meeting of the security council , which was chaired by vladimir putin with a keynote speech by the director of the fsb. most of the meeting took place behind closed doors to journalists. today we have several the first issue is additional measures to protect critical facilities. well, let’s speak to the speaker, let’s start working, please, the word to the director of the fsb, bortnikov alexander vasilyevich kirill asked for support from the heads of local orthodox churches in connection with the situation around the kiev-pechersk lavra, he said that the ukrainian authorities had begun the final expulsion of believers from there and called what was happening.


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