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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] review of news in the asfatovsk and krasno-limansk directions to the russian military repelled multiple attacks of the armed forces with the support of aviation artillery, our soldiers destroyed several pieces of enemy equipment, and the counter-battery fight brought notable successes about the success of the cents grouping told in its service in the svatov and krasno-limansk directions to the enemy undertook nine, and so the positions of the russian troops as a result of the coordinated actions of the units, as well as with the support of aviation and artillery, the grouping of troops center the forty-second, sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh mechanized brigades of the armed forces were inflicted a fire defeat on manpower and equipment , the tank was destroyed. an infantry fighting vehicle, two armored fighting vehicles, two vehicles, such as a pickup truck, were destroyed as part of the counter-battery fight, a 30 howitzer, a self-propelled artillery howitzer carnation, a combat vehicle, an rszo, a grad, and
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a 120-millimeter crew. mortar in the kherson region, residential buildings or sanations are burning, settlements are covered in thick smoke. all these are the consequences of new attack su, which they throw incendiary shells for the coast of the dnieper, strong fires broke out in the city of alyoshki, several buildings were destroyed by fire reportage. margaret semenilk. the stickleback makutana track is thick with smoke, forests are burning. in the omsk region, in some sections of the road, visibility is no more than 50 m, alyoshkin's skeleton in the city area is burning , the extent of the flame is very difficult to assess, because the windy weather and the fire is rapidly spreading. this is all the result. how the ukrainian armed formations shelled the territory with shells with incendiary elements in order to survive this territory, remember
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the firefighters are fighting on the spot. rescuers are trying to bring down the fire and put out the fire kherson forest , which was planted for generations, are trying to save the forests, our firefighters are on fire, they are making every effort to prevent the spread of fire, but the weather conditions and systematic artillery shelling. including incendiary shells, they do not allow them to finish their work with the same flammable elements. this time there is no burned out. everything looks like this the courtyard is all burned down, this is not the only building on this site that suffered
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after the arrival, which burned down, looks like this. this house is still smoldering after the destruction. specialists of the investigative committee of russia are already examining the place of arrival. investigators will consult with explosives experts regarding fixing traces, shelling and establishing the type of ammunition used . kherson region using not installed ammunition, which, according to eyewitnesses, exploded in the air, and then from this explosion , uninstalled incendiary elements were planned to the surface, from which a number of houses ignited. so at the present moment the annihilation is definitely established. uh, in the fire of two private households and damage. at least three. these hexagons are found throughout the city of the alyoshkino region. uh, as eyewitnesses told us, these are igniting
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elements of ammunition, uh, which were used during shelling on the eve of the territory, the specified locality. e, according to preliminary data. this is what the ignition element looks like. uh, that didn't work. here in the middle of it is the flammable mixture, respectively, during normal operation. she ignites. it is this hexagon that heats up and then when it hits any surface. he burns it and ignites these incendiary elements accordingly. found at the local hospital. doctors refused to evacuate in order to fully provide the necessary medical care to those who are not left the city and put out the violence with buckets, everything, as it were, because the dead grass was burning fireworks was like a holiday only with completely different ones then you understand the investigation, because you see the cassettes flew around the central hospital continues to function as usual public services help residents
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cope with the consequences of shelling by firefighters kherson forests are being saved with all their might. burnt alexander botkin news, kherson region. the governor of the cave lavra was sent to a pre-trial detention center , such a decision was made by the court of the ukrainian capital, but before metropolitan pavel was under house arrest, in order to stay at home, the judge demanded a bail in the astronomical amount of more than 80 million rubles. metropolitan pavel said that he did not have that kind of money. with such a decision. he does not agree, but while the process was underway, dozens of parishioners read a prayer at the walls of the court surrounded by armed security forces , a lawyer representing the interests of the lavra, called the court's decision lawlessness according to him . in addition, vladyka is ill with diabetes; being in the isolation ward will finally undermine his health. i'm throwing this outrage patriarch kirill of kiev also spoke out and is trying to completely expel a believer of the ukrainian orthodox church from kiev of the pechersk lavra
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, according to a widespread statement. the conscription of citizens for military service was reported together with the defense this year for military service, called up 147,000 people, according to the department, most of the conscripts are enrolled in the training units of military units, where in 5 months they will master modern military equipment and receive special attention in military registration specialty. during the course the prizes were given at that time about 500 people were sent to the recruitment of scientific companies, and the ministry of defense was informed, quoting the servicemen , the terms of military service were set. they were fired in a timely manner and sent to their places of residence. india at the mercy of floods, the capital of the country at the epicenter of bad weather, the water level in the rivers in the north of the country has reached record levels over the past 40-odd years , tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes. traditional for south asia, the summer
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monsoon season is becoming more unpredictable every year over the past week in india, a record amount of rain fell , heavy rains and landslides have already claimed the lives of more than 140 people, more. in total , the northern regions of the states of himachal pro dash u trakhan suffered. pijab haryana, rajasthan, territories of jamu and kashmir in the indian capital of new delhi, the main water artery is the emuna river. it overflowed its banks, flooding not only the surrounding areas for the first time in many decades, the water entered city ​​center. this is our shop in the area of ​​him to the bazaar. this is how we survive now. i tried to completely empty the store, but all the goods were damaged, the water comes from the direction of the river, and everything arrives starting from wednesday. the water level in the yamuna is rising inexorably, reaching a record high over the past half century. the outflow of city officials evacuated more than 30,000 people from coastal neighborhoods. old logs. their inhabitants are completely destroyed. and even when the water recedes to return from
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temporary shelters, they will have nowhere to go. water floods our homes every year. we tried to save the utensils, but the water level continued to rise, the shore was flooded. already 2 days. after the flood is over, only rubbish will remain, which will lead to the spread of diseases of mosquitoes, pests and snakes inside our homes in many areas. new delhi closed schools, offices and government agencies chaos on the roads, where hundreds of cars were under water, it was not possible to resolve so far pedestrians are swimming it is reported that three children drowned on one of the streets of the capital the day before, new delhi authorities reassure that the growth of the water level in it has not reached its peak and will not rise. although the rains in the coming days in the north, india will not stop almost 28 m . only now , the rise in the air pressure has stopped and, as expected , the urban
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system will begin to subside in the next few hours. at the russian embassy in india injured
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among tourists no dmitry melnikov vladislav dodonov vesti nedeli, india joe biden found himself in an awkward situation for five before leaving for finland us president decided to greet the embassy staff and their families, at some point he got carried away and tried to bite a little girl on the shoulder. yes, the child was acted upon by the eighty-year-old president, another frightened, and from the kisses that followed, biden, the girl managed to return. and sevica was embarrassed by us president malaya hariz, speaking at a conference on the fight against climate change. she casually called for a reduction in population rather than pollution when we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce more population than our children. maybe breathe clean air and clean water.
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darovskaya will tell how the repair is progressing. from the side , he seems not to move in an hour, overcomes no more than a hundred meters. so slowly but surely, rice eclairs renews for about a kilometer roads a day to remove the old asphalt. this machine does not need to lay a layer of crushed stone and cement on top. the risuikler's teeth go into the ground by 20 centimeters and break and raise the old asphalt in the drum. all the idiosyncratic ingredients for the foundation of a new road are mixed with a small amount of water, resulting in a twenty-centimeter layer. here is a mixture of old asphalt. it's all adding chips-, uh, crushed stone and cement, all this is mixed and it turns out. here, uh, a smooth good base, then it remains to level it and you can tamp the base say ready immediately. after the rollers pass through it, one lane remains for reverse traffic signs and
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traffic lights. they move daily with the workers. after all, several hours are enough for this mixture to harden so that they do not push through and even more cargo in total , they plan to renew almost a hundred kilometers of the luhansk highway of the region in this way, ah. approximately 250.000 m², mortgaged. uh, well, the way we've done is almost half already. i think by the beginning of august. here are the remaining sections we will finish, i will be ready to lay the asphalt will not be less than a week later, when the base will finally harden. the most problematic areas are updated first. but the repair of the route will not end there , regional officials assure. this year , several more sections will be put in order as part of the safe high-quality roads project. this means that already this autumn the way to the center of the country from the new regions will be much faster and
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more comfortable . in the open air at three venues at once , actual music, live performances, new arrangements, and we will ask the main participants of the festival maria ivanovna directly from her studio maria i welcome e. has it been raining in the capital since morning, did the weather affect the program? everything will go strictly on the program, as planned and did not affect. the weather affects the mood of the guests of this festival, there are more and more of them near the main entrance to gorky park. whole families come here with small children. after all , the program of the festival will be very rich here interesting for both adults and children. well, firstly, there will be concerts on three stages on blue, white, purple, famous pop singers, russian
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pop stars will perform, but in the social science lecture hall , popular bloggers will give their lectures and tell the guests of the festival how to lead a healthy lifestyle how important it is, how to eat right and talk about how to properly manage your time and not suffer from procrastination. also. we have talked today with those people who standing here near the entrances of gorky park, they told us that they were waiting for an autograph session. with your favorite performers with your favorite pop stars. well, today a media project will be presented here at the festival. at the behest of a pike, this is a film that will be released in october of this year. i’ll tell you a brief synopsis of the s e s of the plot again on the e russian folk tale about emelya and the pike, but the usual girl vasilisa, who, e, hides under the pike,
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scales, will act as the pike. she will help emel to win the hand of the royal daughter anfisa and together they will to overcome many obstacles to meet, with a cat otherwise find a tablecloth self-assembly and visit the kingdom, koshcheya, this film was, uh, created with the support of the entire russian state television and radio company. well, there will also be another project presented here today based on the story. kera bulycheva of the famous russian and soviet writer one hundred years ago a story about an ordinary moscow schoolboy kolya gerasimov, and a girl from the future alisa selezneva well, also young visitors to the festival today meet cartoon characters. these life-size puppets of cats, dogs and be-be-bears are the main characters of cartoons that are loved by children
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all over the country. uh, the festival site is gorky park, it is huge, so the organizers have developed special vk fest applications for guests, thanks to which it will be possible to navigate here and attend interesting lectures on time and find those places where these scenes will be, where your favorite artists will perform yuri thank you, i will remind you , our correspondent maria was in direct contact, she told the festival vk fest, which is taking place this weekend in gorky park in moscow, he announced to dodon his desire to place a russian military base on his territory , security cooperation is going to be discussed during the second russia africa summit in st. petersburg. where are you planning to go? uh, the president himself is our special correspondent. anna afanasyeva visited a country that is called one of the most unsafe in the world. how life has changed there since the arrival of russian specialists, see special
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the only paved road in the capital of the king is the former lane marking no traffic rules. a liter of diesel fuel here costs a crazy 140 rubles. per litre. enterprising bankers stir it , pour it into plastic bottles and fill motorcycles right on the side of the road. and these guys wash up sand from the bottom of the local river
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near the bangui to hand it over for processing to a cement plant. we have been watching their work for a long time. day i carry almost 150 baskets up to 16 miles. under the scorching central african sun, albert has been carrying heavy baskets of sand seven days a week for the past 15 years in the power of opponents and allies changed in the country, and he still drags sand to earn
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his piece of baguette. and let's hand it to the locals. this is from the colonialists. they withdrew from the country in the sixtieth definitively a military presence.
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on may 9, our instructors raised the banner of victory the average income of a resident of the capital is 400 dollars a year, despite the fact that the country is rich in resources, there are diamonds and oil, gold and uranium, it remains the second in the list of the poorest countries in the world and there are a lot of such products we arrived in banks to understand what lives the capital today and what has changed here over the past few years. the world press continues to multiply the stereotype that the king is the most dangerous place on the planet. how would you characterize the current situation in the country? thank you for the opportunity to talk about the situation in the central african republic
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. since 2013, our country has been going through. well, dmitry is a king in the heart of africa heart, is your king? what were the feelings? when you first came here it was much, much more chaotic. of course i was in i was shocked when i first came here. there were a huge number of armed people, you
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could see the building without windows. now all the buildings here are freshly painted, then they were black mold. dmitry is a well-fed head of the russian house in bangui , he came here on a business trip in 2018, he started. as an interpreter for the national security adviser to the president, the state de facto controlled part of the capital and the road from the capital to cameroon, and that opinion on a permanent basis. it was all government control in this country , which had no area of ​​roads, there were no directions for repairs, no infrastructure was made , there were almost no shops, there were no shops, there really wasn’t the same real
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failed state that the americans


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