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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2023 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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sevastopol and at night repelled a drone attack in the city governor mikhail razvozzhaev said drones spotted balaclavas and sevastopol bay over the sea in the area of ​​cape khersones. the air defense unit and the entire fleet immediately entered. the kiev regime sent six aircraft and 2 surface drones to sevastopol. one drone was shot down over the sea, five disabled a
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surface drone electronic warfare specialist. destroyed objects in the city on the outer roadstead during a long attack the waters were not damaged. explosions thundered tonight in ukraine , local publications report this. in kharkiv and the sumy region, an air alert was announced twice in the country, in addition to the kharkiv sumy regions and sirens sounded in the dnipropetrovsk poltava and kirovograd regions, as well as the areas of the dpr still controlled by the kiev regime, the russian army began to strike at the military critical infrastructure of ukraine on october 10 last year after the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. us sends cluster munitions to kyiv from desperation, elon musk tweeted about this . according to him, washington is unsuccessfully trying to change the outcome of the conflict in ukraine by sending such shells. america humiliates itself considers musk undertook the supply of cluster bombs to the hypocrisy, let me remind you that the states have always condemned those who use such shells,
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but now they send them themselves. the essence of the directors marched through the streets of the german city of heili bronn demonstrators against the policy of the green party, who want to ban the installation of oil and gas heating systems, ostensibly to protect the climate and reduce the cost of electricity, the protesters do not believe this statement. in omsk, the circumstances of a major fire are being investigated at night in a residential five-story building on pobedy boulevard , a roof fire broke out, covered more than a thousand square meters, 60 emergency people were evacuated, three were helped to get out by rescuers so that people would not be poisoned by carbon monoxide. had to use oxygen masks residents of the affected home in the temporary housed in the building of the nearest school of medical care. no one needed
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at the moment the fire was completely extinguished , it took more than four hours. now a short advertisement, further on the investigation of eduard petrov, will tell about the fate and hopes of women convicted of murdering their husbands and for domestic violence. sberbank presents the lowest loan rate of 4% in the first month. this glass of chef ann sommelier can be for a meeting for success for highlights, and better for
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so he loves where did this strange saying come from and why do people still believe in it? hello sila
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think to understand the situation and just overcome it better and find it to the side so as not to stumble. they fell in love, signed, began to raise children, and then everything went downhill, the husband began to drink, mock and dissolve his hands, driven to despair. these women could not stand it and dealt with their husbands, there are about 4,000 of them in our country,
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convicted wives. changed office suit and evening dress, but a prison sweatshirt and a scratchy woolen shawl. we visited several women's colonies where they while away the term. we are murderers in the moscow region and in mordovia than we live, convicted of murdering a spouse. what do they regret and what do they hope for this case. you will go out, i will ask you to give gifts to each other to teach the newlyweds
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a very, very strong family happiness, but sometimes love alone is not enough to build a strong family and so that you hear each other, the most important thing is to be happy that you are. sewing workshop of the mozhaisk women's colony here
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the so-called first-timers are working, ladies convicted for the first time. most of them part of the colony were caught for the distribution of drugs. slightly less for theft robbery. the next category is one of them lilia bogdanova , a resident of solnechnogorsk near moscow, her husband is in a colony
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. what else? well, then i found out that he began to engage in drugs and life went downhill, vladimir began to open his fists, and at the boxer, lily suffered a family quarrel for a long time. it happened more and more often a woman came to the district police officer more than once and asked for help. yes, i tried to apply, but in response to all
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my statements, they told me that you, in marriage , cannot do anything. get divorced, then come. well, or, when bogdanova kills you, she decided to leave her husband, but even after the divorce, the ex- spouses continued to beat them. still living in the same apartment with two children in january 2017. the situation got out of hand. well, it so happened that he came and didn’t break the daughter once she took us that night, even with us, a classmate started her daughter for the second time separated. i had a tantrum what happened next lily remembers with difficulty everything was in a fog. according to the verdict of the court, you killed your husband, struck a blow , then strangled, according to the investigation , with a frying pan and after completion. bogdanova
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is now writing all over the place with a request to reconsider her case, she thinks she will tell the children when she returns home. this is all my daughter brought me. i flip them. here is a little daughter. wow, behind the barbed wire, bogdanov will spend
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almost 3 more years, unless, of course, she is released on parole, it is difficult to explain, but every day she remembers her monster husband. yes edit
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also serving time for murdering roommate. pen. you yourself wanted to adjust these machines. mostly girls sew. or so it just happened you were told you will do it. i agreed and went to this man's risk salary equal responsibility equal salary. yes, they are the same, well, everyone has different responsibilities , of course, because, uh, it happens sometimes with me, if i didn’t make one typewriter, maybe, uh, uh, break away from the dacha, then the brigade. convict valeria papusheva, the philosopher, believes that everything in life is natural, everything needs to be paid for after what happened to me, and i understand that life can change.
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just like that, for just one second, papusheva from reutovo, near moscow, worked as a seller , got along with a man for 2 years, it was like in paradise, but happiness ended in one moment, beloved alexei turned into a demon, lasted almost every day, not every day. well , quite systematically, and usually it all started to resume when i healed and some, when i needed to to go to work, that is, i was a certain hostage of the situation. i could not go to work because i had a broken face of common children. the couple did not have, and valery increasingly thought about parting with her beloved, but she forgave, hoping that everything would work out. when was the last time you went to the theater with alexei?
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valeria remembers that day very well. i was in a great mood. i was in a great mood. i'm sitting on the phone talking. she was talking on the phone on the couch. he jumped out into the corridors and hit me blow to the head. fire i had a pizza. i actually, really wanted to cut the pizza i cut it, the knife, which was the knife in my hand. he hit me from behind. and so, in general, it all happened. and when i realized that this happened after that, i began to save him. the phone began to call an ambulance to take him out of
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the apartment. about this valeria papusheva, as it seemed to us , she really repents and regrets
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what happened. she is one of several thousand husbands of murderers who are now behind barbed wire. we asked valery a direct question. is it really true that if it beats, it means it loves not, in no case does it beat, it means that it loves, you need to find vitality. it's not impossible in the self of a certain recipe, and some women have small children. they can't turn around and walk away, but sometimes sometimes a really, uh, hard decision. can lead to good results, especially if there are small children, they should not suffer. yes, i want to propose to my girlfriend. today you
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are joining the family union now you are calling and all the wishes for you are very, very strong family happiness, and so that you hear each other. most importantly, here's the first rule you need to have a goal, if you listen carefully to each other. the crippled fate of such convicts is not only their misfortune; after committing a crime, a woman is sent to a colony. children in boarding school parents on both sides of the pre-infarction condition. was it possible to prevent such a development of events, for example, to go to the police when we hear from
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the police. here, when they kill, then come, of course, this is a cynical phrase. well she is essentially correct. and what should a police officer do, he cannot live with the victim and protect her physically. yes, and he has no other tools, that is, he watches and waits. when a crime is committed, you perfectly understand that it will be committed by one of the authors of the draft law on the prevention of domestic violence in the russian federation. the lawyer is sure that only police measures. there is no way around the state today does not leave any tools for a woman injured at home violence. and they are forced, that is, either to constantly contact the police, or run away. and this, too, does not always work, because harassment is one of the most constant stories of domestic violence, that is, it’s just that women who end these relationships are faced with
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harassment. and even today there is not a single law prohibiting one person from harassing another, talk about counteracting domestic violence broke out in society after a series of monstrous crimes against women drama by the khachaturian sisters who killed their father. not a human story of margarita gracheva, whose husband chopped off his hands , the fate of elena verba, who was dealt with by a jealous husband, it was she who was told by the police when they were killed, then come. the public discussion resulted in a bill, but it also had opponents, their arguments, just
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a dysfunctional family. the police will no longer save, and the existing laws are already enough , i am absolutely sure that today, as he will carry out with extensive work experience, that today there are quite enough laws to curb e rapist in order to rein in u home boxer? it's just another question how we develop law enforcement, how we develop practice in this area. and if we try to speak now, we will open the door a little bit and right here these laws, because the public is raging, they don’t want to accept this law, i assure you, as soon as we open the door. tomorrow we will open it wide in a year or two, and they will throw it in there, and others. uh, more severe methods, where for sure. eh, the state will
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treacherously invade the family. and here in what a danger. while the theorists are arguing about the need to adopt a new law , let's go to a special colony where he is serving his sentence. we are already killers. in the march colonies, we met a variety of women convicted. if you study the protocols of the investigators, then it becomes clear the crime, they committed the same murdered their spouses, unable to withstand the beatings.
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it turns out heart to heart that no two are alike. three children eldest 23 years silence parental rights serving time for the murder of her husband understandably.
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and you were immediately arrested after that. you know, kuzmina answers all our questions with an icy voice. no emotions until it comes to children at this moment the voice of the iron lady
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trembled. i'm afraid that on the phone why do you think i wrote my card his phone number. so i didn't call her. why would he refuse you a job? which one of you needs a bride here? i love you.
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