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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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[000:00:35;00] we will tell you what this day is remembered for in history right now. hello july 18, 1290, by decree of king edward the first plantagenet , the jews were expelled from england. and 70 years before that , england became the first country where jews were required to wear a distinctive yellow star of the jewish diaspora. there was a small
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number of about 2,000 people there, but among the jews there were many usurers, and most christians, except for the flamences, knightly orders and monasteries were forbidden to lend money to englishwoman singers, debts and hatred for vzaimodovtsam first of all jews the majority of english jews. they obeyed the royal decree for non-fulfillment, they were threatened with execution and emigrated. basically, they were allowed to take with them to poland only what could be brought in their hands, and the property remained for the crown . the ban on jews living in england was canceled only after 3.5 centuries by oliver cromwell during the years of the english revolution. on july 18, 1812 , alexander i signed a manifesto on the convening of the people's militia, this was in the camp. the first western army near polotsk after 4 days printed copies of the documents and sent them to in the cities of the empire, residents were encouraged to participate in the militia to help the regular army, in order to expel the napoleonic troops, the nobles, in
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turn, were called to engage in the formation and supply of the people's strength. aleksey arakcheev led the militia. the head of the department of military affairs of the state council of the unified uniform of the militias, there were no insignia steel cross with an inscription for the faith and the king and the monogram of the emperor on the cap , about 300,000 people responded to the call. it was a serious help to the regular troops after the expulsion of napoleon from russia almost all the militias went on the foreign campaign of the russian army in 1814, the people's formations were growing. on july 18, 1885, the russian inventor nikolai binardos filed an application for the invention of electric arc welding, he patented the method in many countries, including russia, germany and the usa and called it an electrohypette, the scientist was born in the kostroma province, he invented from childhood moved to
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st. petersburg and entered the electric plant of the creator of arc welding lamps. pavel apple. they formed a creative tandem working on improving batteries for electric lighting binardus and made the electro-kifest gold medal at the paris exhibition and patents. they helped spread his method of electric arc welding. all over the world, the scientist became famous. in scientific circles , the binardos technology was introduced to hundreds of factories in europe, the usa and russia, in total, more than 200 different inventions were on his account. after the execution of the royal family, eight people died grand duke sergei mikhailovich together with her manager fedor remez, grand duchess elizaveta feodorovna with her akilenitsa sister martha of the mariinsky convent barbara, the three sons of grand duke konstantin
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konstantinovich ioann igor and konstantin and prince vladimir fields were bolsheviks at first. they tried to introduce the version that all the dead were allegedly kidnapped by the white guards, but the bodies of the dead were found, when the city of alapaevsk was occupied by the troops of alexander kolchak, the remains were taken out and buried in china, almost all the dead were ionized, and elizaveta fedorovna and varvara counted the clique flowers on july 18, 1978, the match for the world chess championship of two grandmasters began. anatoly karpov and viktor karpovichnov match took place in the philippines and then became the longest for the title of world champion, it went on for 3 months, turning into. political confrontation between western countries and the ussr viktor korchnoi was a soviet chess player, but after the tournament in amsterdam he asked karpov for political asylum in the netherlands, then he was 27 years old, he was the youngest world champion of the cortical brain 47 members. their teams were constantly blamed each other in disrespect and provoked
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scandals. in the game, the opponents were level for a long time, there were many draws, and as a result, they reached the score of 5:55, according to the rules, they had to play up to six wins, in the decisive card game , karpov became the winner, the match history was filmed in france 84th and in russia 2021. we will fight the horse and show you silent cones in the forest igor i am silent, i am silent. that was the day in history. as a young man, he joined the ukrainian
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golitsa of saboteurs. well, of course. the volvo holocaust was organized by the ukrainians 6,000 bandera people were destroyed. western intelligence services detained used in anti-soviet activities. i do not make dates.
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in a week even more work by the state duma increased the number of plenary sessions, and the most interesting laws in our review tried to fight back and yelled, barely fought back and dozens of such cases of dog attacks in the regions. who is in charge we left us a balanced solution of the details of the decision made in our program. they said that your banks will return stolen goods to customers, how the new law will protect russians from machinists. in the united states of america today there are 1 million 640,000 transgender people and
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other topics of the week in our program today to do everything after work in the regions is no less a busy, plenary week of bills and meetings with the cabinet until the end of the session. so many that the state duma decides to add more meetings. now there are four of them a week instead of three, and the most interesting laws adopted last week, about which it is important to know, will be told right now. college students will be able to to teach in kindergartens and primary schools, as well as to lead children's circles, such a law was adopted by deputies, that is, having received a diploma, a newly-made teacher. he will already have work experience and a work book. viacheslav volodin noted that this decision will help. fill the staff shortage in schools. and especially in rural areas, where in the event of a vacation or illness of a teacher, it is almost impossible to find a replacement, the change will also affect senior students of higher educational institutions, they will be allowed to occupy the positions of educational
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support staff and workers in the field scientific service at universities. this draft law opens the way for students to practical classes, helps them enter the profession in the most comfortable mode and, ultimately, will allow attracting more and more talented young people . only those polezh students who have successfully completed the intermediate distance in at least two previous years of study, as far as students of higher educational institutions are concerned. uh, they got the opportunity to work with the adoption of this law e in scientific organizations in educational organizations, helping scientists and teachers in their specialty, for example, a laboratory assistant in the baikal natural territory, they can allow logging for certain purposes , the bill has been adopted. in the first reading, the authors of the document emphasize the speech, first of all , about the protection of the unique lake and the inhabitants living in this area, the bill
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is aimed at solving the accumulated problems. this will make it possible to organize fire breaks around settlements and protect people's houses, in case of forest fires. in addition, in the baikal natural area there is an urgent need for the construction of sewage treatment and village protection facilities. there is work to be done on the gray protection, which is necessary so that the subsequent closure of the baikal cylium and paper mill does not harm the lake. baikal decision of the deputies will also allow to build. to construct roads in the baikal natural territory, specific land plots will be determined in which logging will be allowed plantings for these purposes, the adoption of the bill will protect the lake from human impact, given the growing volume of tourist flow annually, more than 2 million tourists come to baikal and of course. uh, this tourist, he must be civilized. it should not be a wild bill allows you to create conditions when there will be high-quality
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environmentally friendly tourism that reduces the anthropogenic load on baikal does not allow its pollution does not allow untreated sewage standing up for the people, the bill also provides for increased requirements for forest restoration instead of every cut tree. 5 new ones will be planted. a new form of the national currency was adopted by a law on the introduction of a digital ruble to be calculated with such money. through the platform, people will be able to ensure the operation of the system and the safety of digital rubles to keep records of such operations digital ruble - this is not a cryptocurrency, the authors of the initiative emphasize, but a new form of the most common money, equal to cash or non-cash national currency we are talking about a digital ruble that will circulate in the information system of the central bank. that is, yes, all persons, both individuals and legal entities, will have only one account. naturally. the central bank
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will monitor the security of all transfers already reliability of transfers and so on. the state duma accepted. in the first reading, the bill of mining activities, gold miners will be able to extract up to 30 kg of precious metal from one site after registration, how to obtain an ip and a license, which, as well as select a site for mining it will be possible to issue an online permit for 3 years with the possibility of extension prospectors will be able to use only a little. well, during the discussion of the bill, the deputies clarified with the authors the degree of pressure on the environment, whether you expect a significant e, that is, a violation of the balance of the surrounding natural environment as a result of this artisanal activity. this logical balance was a key priority. in the development of the bill, and just limiting equipment to extremely low-power and light is the answer to your questions. those illegal methods.
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mining, which is actually carried out today with the help of much more heavy equipment, laws developed by entrepreneurs of the far east to improve employment in the far east, then i propose to give priority to local residents as part of the implementation. e of this mechanism. during the development of by- laws, we will definitely make sure that priority is given to those who live and work in these territories today. but at the same time , for us, the entire far east is one family. and when the residents of yakutia go to magadan on the same kolyma river and legally earn extra money , it will probably also be a little unfair. we want our regions of the far east to be as interconnected as possible, they have the maximum mobility of the population, the president says legal regulation of gold mining to increase the availability of such activities and minimize the illegal circulation of the precious metal, the authors of the document noted, military burials are proposed
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to be attributed to the monuments of the great patriotic war and apply the special procedure for protection and reconstruction works. at such facilities , bills will be approved by the ministry of culture. the deputies adopted in the first reading. now, even for elementary painting of the monument , a long-term coordination of work is necessary. they say the authors of the document. since most memorials are cultural heritage sites, the bill will simplify the procedure. we propose a bill. on a special, that is , simplified repair procedure at such facilities dedicated to events and participants in the great patriotic war. a list of such works will be drawn up by the government. naturally. it will be closed. scroll. what is it, colorful coating plaster coating tiles under paint, and lawn plants and so on and so forth. that is, everything related
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to the current repair. the head of the government apparatus, dmitry grigorenko, came to the duma with a report on the work. by the way, he spoke for the first time at a government hour. yes , so successfully that he returned from okhotny ryad with a large package of proposals on how he managed to reduce the number of checks in business and as a deputy, they were even more involved in the vice-premiers. the legislative process in the report by dmitry oreshkin in 2019, at the initiative of the president, a reform of control and supervision was launched in russia. during this time , the number of inspections in the country has decreased by five times, according to the relevant deputy prime minister, the main goal was to introduce a risk- oriented approach to inspections in order to verification was appointed only in the case when it is really necessary. and when without it it is impossible to correct in another way, a lasting violation or potential violations. during the reform , more than 100
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federal laws were amended to regulate glass from more than 140,000 obsolete business requirements. now the goal of controlling the supervisory activities of the activity is to stimulate conscientious behavior - successful work on the final result, and not at all the number of inspections and fines received. work is being carried out in three directions. the first is the creation of clear norms and rules, the second is the transparency of the procedures themselves. and finally feedback if during checkout a disputable situation has arisen and you do not agree with the decision of the control authorities. it can be appealed on the portal of public services, and in a pre-trial order. the appeal must be considered within 20 working days. at the same time, in fact. everything happens faster almost twice in an average of 11 days. at the same time , the dpr was of the opinion that people should have more information about what to do with a judicial appeal. there is a proposal to create
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an electronic portal where entrepreneurs could see another practice of handling complaints, namely the types of violations and causes of complaints. which decision was successfully or not challenged, what is your vision i would be grateful if you give feedback that we need to complete the idea, we are doing it cool. thanks for the question. all the duma factions held meetings, discussed checks in children's camps and sanatoriums , the implementation of the social gasification program , the implementation of the forty-fourth federal law, did not bypass the issue of regulating pensions. and, of course, the moratorium on inspections for businesses has been in effect since the end of last year, hundreds of thousands people were engaged in documents, yes , they worked quietly at the st. petersburg economic forum, the president noted that, according to entrepreneurs.
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now, instead of the control of the supervisory authorities, this undermines the confidence of business in the entire reform. the issue was also understood at a meeting with the deputy prime minister, how, in your opinion, to effectively resolve the issue of their duplicating powers , solely inventory, existing procedural rules, so that these procedural rules. uh, they were strictly demarcated. a separate check question in in kindergartens and schools, it often happens that they are not allocated funds, so the supervisory authorities cannot come to eliminate the violation and fine the director. it is unfair, it turns out that we really want to protect school directors and directors in kindergartens from unlawful punishments, just like the heads of settlements who do not have a budget, only an estimate from being punished for solving issues that are not financially supported. yes, they have powers, but financially. they are not backed up. viacheslav volodin urged deputies not to pass by
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such cases and correct the actions of control and supervisory authorities, it is necessary to prove those who have not been allocated finances, then it will be both fair and effective. and already further. let's work out a model that would make it possible to orient the control of the supervisory authorities to the implementation of precisely these ones, namely , so that the inspectors would make a decision only if the funds were allocated at the school or kindergarten, and the deputy chairman of the government supported the proposals of the speaker of the state duma. of course, we are ready to work it all out. thank you for another important one. the subject of control in the sphere of housing and communal services, deputy galina khovanskaya, complained to the vice-premier about the inaction of the residential inspection. when applying to citizens and large in her opinion. terms of inspections 20 days, when the prosecutor's office checks despite the fact that the roof is leaking or there was an accident in the basement and flooded with sewage, it requires an immediate response. lived
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oversight, including, give me an invoice. i will personally do it. i would be grateful to you also discussed the issue of the timing of the provision of governments with official reviews and opinions on draft laws. the bill for large families, the order of the president. there is a working group on the decision of the council of the oaks of the chairman, i think they created it, and that bill was sent to you more than a month has already passed work, let's see where it hangs there or, uh, would get stuck quickly to work out the provision of technical means of rehabilitation a question that is on a special the control of deputies earlier on okhotny ryad. we have adopted the corresponding resolution and the relevant ministries and departments have already taken up its implementation. control must to be where there is a threat to the life and health of people, this position of the entire deputies voiced it, vyacheslav volodin concerns it. this is particularly counterfeit. pour in residential buildings
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and the vape trade today, the display of vape outlets and e-smoking outlets of all these devices is not tracked uncontrolled. although there is a direct rule of the federal law on the prohibition of the sale to minors. where there is. uh, harm to the health of citizens, especially children. uh, it is imperative that there be control, the deputies also pay attention on areas where control and supervision. today , russians are overweight. they stopped going on a tour of the entrances, said the chairman of the committees on youth policy for 10 years, the number of tent camps in the country has decreased by 50 times, according to artyom mebeliv. causes include excessive pressure. consumer supervision and other control and supervisory bodies present, and sometimes quite inadequate e requirements for
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the organizers of children's youth tourism. here is one of the situations when a fine was issued for the fact that the broom was not marked, but, it turns out that in the indicators of the effectiveness of the services of rospotrebnadzor it is written that if no violations were found during the inspection, then the inspection is considered ineffective . it helps to quickly discuss and solve problems. such a format as government hours with the participation of ministers and vice-premiers. viacheslav volodin stressed that the dialogue with the government has reached a new level, and only such an approach can be effective, it brings specific results correctly, so that the ministry and department treat their work in the same way as leadership, government deputies of the state duma are representatives. uh, business citizens. you feel more subtle some moments or some questions that arise on the ground. for citizens, i sincerely hope that we will continue to cooperate in the same format, without slowing down, the pace is not slowing down. in addition, now we advise you to be able to make
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a decision on inviting federal ministers to okhotny ryad. they will be present at the meetings to speak and answer questions from the deputies of the relevant changes have been made to the regulations. dmitry oreshkin andrey tarasov mikhail gubarenko parliamentary hour to the law, which caused a lively discussion in society about the responsible treatment of animals in the regions. they now have the right to decide for themselves. what to do with stray dogs, the situation is different everywhere , important accents on them, deputies, especially focus on the need to protect people from attacks and the treatment of animals, it must be humane to comply with the requirements of the law, how all this will be observed elena found out she did not live on the street. i saw that the girl
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was sitting. this is how he sits, does not move , does not say anything, as if oh, i even became scared, my hands are all white in blood. just white whole lips are white scared. i was just shocked by all this, most of all i was shocked by the woman who left here, just left. i don’t know the mother of the story from the republic of mari el and the sverdlovsk region, as if a carbon paper while walking on children was suddenly attacked by a dog in both cases, an animal. not the homeless children of the regions managed to fight back and from fighting, stafford further ambulance, operational bandaging endless injections and memories, which now i hardly erase i tried. fight back and yelled for the owner to help me take away their dogs, but they did not
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get up blood. this is how it went in a stream, so that it dripped straight, if you tamed it, be responsible, the deputies of the state duma raise this topic not for the first time, individual initiatives relate to specific breeds of animals , i propose to ban breeding to throw if the dog is kept in an apartment building permission of neighbors for a fighting dog is a law that was adopted in the state duma to protect people not only from stray dogs walking pets. now, according to the rules , walking in pets is prohibited. this means, uh, that if you're walking down the street with a dog, the dog must be on a leash. it completely excludes the possibility of their free and controlled movement. zones, which will be established by the local authorities of the city where the infrastructure is developed. this is basically easy to do actually. yes, allocate
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such a territory there in the center of the city of yakutsk . unfortunately, there is no such territory and it would be reconsidered, for example, to the same cities. uh, the mayor of cities extreme far north. such territories would protect people from the attacks of homeless animals and the regions will be able to independently decide how to treat them before such powers were not an important condition for the subjects. these measures must comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of animal treatment . in the state duma, there are no initiatives offering euthanasia in such a formulation of the federal legislation and there will not be. we have come up with a balanced solution when citizens are protected from attack. without supervisory animals , their life and health, and animals are cruel. they are treated and this is the golden mean thanks to a three-month discussion that was conducted and an analysis of the 25,000 appeals
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that we received, today we are completing the adoption of bills , shelters and the trapping system, sterilization, return vaccination, regions remain relevant can continue to effectively apply these methods, as well as social advertising indifferently pass by, which is unlikely to happen. elena lived not some khorezkin. anna melikyan lana tsian andrey brumberg. parliamentary hour. in the second part of our program, we will tell you how banks will return stolen goods to customers ; a new law to protect russians from scammers imposed sanctions under pressure anton siluanov reported on the budget execution for
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the past year. we'll take care of this. it will be the honest
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