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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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values ​​and they are ready, they were considered to defend . faiths of the british opposition knows the vein of faradja was closed for friendship with djokovic and trump, as well as for criticizing minorities.
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having turned away from the soviet past, it was necessary to fill this gap with something. bandera's remote control existed after the war. basically, here in the camp they are given 10 as a sign of ukrainian nationalists, these are all azov. these were all residents of mariupol, whose children of the fourteenth year were zombified at school. translated as murder with meaning for russia of a political nature, nationally encouraged by europe yes because it is a product.
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well, now to the news from the uk where a group of parliamentarians, as it became known , turned to the management of kuts bank with a demand to admit responsibility and resign against the backdrop of one of the most high-profile scandals of recent days, namely the closure of accounts. nigel farage, let me remind you of his popular euro skeptic, a little earlier i received a notification from bankers, moreover, as stated initially , he was deleted from the list of clients for allegedly commercial reasons. but the real reason turned out to be completely different and is a vivid example of culture, cancellation, the proof was published by the telegram newspaper, in which it managed to get a copy of the extensive dossier. all the same kutz bank, it’s all the same farage, it’s not the reliability of his personal and political views that is accentuated in black and white, but the style is such that farage himself compared the document with a quote from a note from the stasi, that is, in fact. blamed those who kept it money in totalitarianism and, perhaps, did not lie at all. what was convinced because of this khromtsov or because of this good evening. and
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it turns out to nigel farage simply, and there the style is for friendship with trump and hostility towards the kgb alexei good evening. well, the society is just here on the island. kuts bank needed 40 pages so much paper to explain why , in the opinion of his client management, it can be divided into good and toxic, a racist, a xenophobe , has been friends with trump for a lifetime, he said nothing good to me about lgbt plus. here is an incomplete a list of reasons why the british politician was canceled the beginning of the farage in one separately taken bank, according to the culprit of this triumph of democracy, the word russia occurs 144 times in bank explanations , allegedly the politician has some kind of monetary relationship with moscow, proof, as usual. no, however. why extra formalities? any decent rational sane person can say that there is something fundamentally wrong and bad about this. and if we do not worry about this, we will move to a system in which
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you are not allowed to fully participate in society. i’ve tried this already happened during knockdowns, when anyone who called into question the need for a knockdown was banned on social networks. on the subject of excesses during the pandemic , farage agreed with djokovic's skill. greatest tennis player. in history , let me remind you, i refused to participate in several competitions, including the grand slam tournament and for the mandatory vaccination of the good senoforage , it is mentioned that the politician retweeted djokovic, who wrote that vaccination does not exclude the possibility of infection with coronavirus, and the topic becomes a matter of state control over people, the bank could not survive this. it's like a pandora's box, so you can get to the point that we also start sharing banks according to some political views of people. there is so much intrigue in the story with farage shields that it will take a couple of episodes of a drama series in
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the style of a house of cards or heirs, for example, the bbc at first claimed that kutz made a scandalous decision purely for commercial reasons, and then it turned out that the authors of this publication, on the eve of the release of the material, were at a charity evening, where they sat at the same table as a stop manager. guess which bank. any compromising evidence in politics, as you know, in general, is quite actively used as well as any methods of pressure. and in my opinion. this is one of such vivid examples of pressure on a politician who is not pleasing for various reasons. uh, two leading parties, moreover, somehow an arist , somehow a conservative. and then even the prime minister had to pretend that it would not be wrong if financial services were denied to anyone exercising their right to legitimate free speech. we held a consultation on the rules of payment services, and we are trying to cross this
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practice already in sochi into the rules for closing accounts. although it is not necessary to believe in the sincerity of the drawing, and especially it is not necessary, because farage has never been a comfortable european politician with experience; he led the brexit and independence parties in the united kingdom. political clown, but in fact early had a hand in the resignation of two governments. he is also part of a group that is partially owned by the state, yes, that is, there, in my opinion, 30 or 40%, uh, of the shares of you group yes is under state control. that's why here, too, in general, certain questions arise. from the 40-page attempts to justify themselves, the world learned that banks , it turns out, have values ​​​​and they are protected, and a group of 10,000
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people gathered on social networks, to whom the banking group, including the course, closed their accounts, like faradzhu people are ready to seek more understandable explanations from banks than the current one. we just don't like you. or is it khartsova, but the persecution of dissidents. well, about the unpleasant situations involving the british, following the results of the eu summit with the states of latin america, a declaration was adopted in which, although it is streamlined , it still calls into question the sovereignty of the united kingdom over the falkland islands, and moreover , the name of these islands is recognized as malvinas, which corresponds to the position of argentina and of course, the report of our correspondent in london, alexander khabarov, could not but cause violent indignation among the british, the diplomatic scandal occurred due to the declaration following the summit of the european union and the community of countries of latin america and the caribbean, where a rather cautious wording appeared, and the disputed ownership of the islands, regarding the issue of sovereignty over the malvinas falkland
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islands, the european union took note of the historical position of the villages, based on the importance of dialogue and compliance of international law at the peaceful settlement of disputes in argentina where the islands are called malvinas and owns these few. the cable was perceived as a triumph, and then the most important event in the history of the malvinas occurred. the european union signed the document, actually sharing the position of the latin american states on the malvinas islands that all differences should be resolved peacefully 41 years ago between argentina and great britain broke out into an armed conflict. because of these islands during the fighting, 649 argentines died there and 255 british military personnel. argentina then suffered a defeat, but did not recede from its claims. now, after a joint declaration with the europeans, the argentines took it in spirit, the minister of foreign affairs of this country
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said that london. it's time to start a dialogue. this joint statement is yet another call from the international community for the uk to agree to honor its commitment to restart sovereignty talks with argentina. slightly more than 3,000 people, but also the economic zone surrounding them, as well as oil and gas reserves, were discovered on the adjacent shef. do not forget about the strategically important position of the archipelago in the south atlantic and proximity to antarctica, despite repeated calls for dialogue between countries by the un, any attempts by the argentines to start negotiations are perceived by london with hostility, starting to search for oil fields near the islands in 2010 brie. did not send additional naval forces there, in one the current heir to the throne, prince william, took part in the expeditions. so even a short hint of the disputed territory in
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london was perceived not as an empty phrase, the local press writes that the british foreign minister cloverly asked the european union in advance to avoid such formulations, but brussels remained indifferent to these names. yes, understand that after brexit, the british should not tell their european partners, having boiled up some deputies of the british parliament. this behavior of brussels was called miserable and stupid tv commentators also did not stand aside. we asked the european union to designate the falcland islands by their official name , the falkland islands. futu islands. yeah and they didn't they say well if you just stayed these people are so pathetic limited. yes, they are pathetic. we will punish you for leaving. in london, they appeal to the referendum held on the islands in 2013 in the british government, when they need it , they remember the same about the right of peoples to self-determination, the argentine government
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can lobby anyone, but this is not will change the fact that the falkland islands belong to the uk this is the unequivocal will of their people 10 years ago, 99.8% of the falkland islanders who took part in the referendum said that they wanted to remain part of the british family, all that could be done for london in brussels was to try to distance themselves from the problem, leaving argentina and the uk to deal with their disputes by the member states. have not changed their views of the positions regarding the folkloric malvinas islands of the eu not in able to express any position on the facts of the malinovka islands, since the european council did not discuss and did not take a decision on this issue in london, they used this statement and presented it as confirmation of the position of the european union fixed in the lisbon agreement of 2009, when the distant archipelago was recognized as a british overseas territory, the prime minister, through his representative, expressed regret
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that the argentine name of the islands was used in the brussels declaration, but for the argentine, it is important that the document has already been signed in brussels and is not subject to change alexander khabarov ilya murdyakov and timofey mukhin news, great britain real combat chronicle documentary footage of concerts of novorossia and the heroes of our era, who turned the feat into a profession russian performer yaroslav dronov, also known as shaman, shot a music video for the song my brother in the special operation zone. oh, sorry, my fight was presented to the general public today and already takes first place in the ratings of all the frames that used in the video, documentary filming went on for six months, both at the forefront and during yaroslav dronov’s fertilizing tour of novorossia, the musician visited concerts in mariupol lugansk hygienic krasnodon snezhny, in addition to meeting with the audience, talked with our defenders,
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military units and hospitals in the donbass met such activity with gratitude. well, the generation of the russian federation as shaman said in his new work, he wanted to show the inhabitants of donbass the way he saw them, so the main characters in musically i saw the people who carry out their service at the risk of their lives
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, militia fighters, sisters, military correspondent doctors and volunteers. one of the participants in the filming was the son of the first head of the dpr, alexander zakharchenko sergey, who is now distributing humanitarian aid to refugees. and by the way, the singer shaman is now on the sanctions lists of canada. she took restrictive measures against a number of russians, mainly artists, here are nikita mikhalkov and general director of the hermitage mikhail, pr actor ivan okhlobystin and producer iosif prigogine and many others. in addition, the sanctions apply to several departments and companies. from the ministry of culture and mines of opera science to tinkoff bank , the payment system of the world and the largest domestic mobile operators , commenting on everything, dmitry peskov noted that canadians are in terms of unfriendly steps. all the time they are trying to run ahead of all western countries and today washington announced new anti-russian sanctions, he added several enterprises of the rusatom corporation to his lists at once, the tula patrol plant , the siberian service company, dozens more legal attacks as well as more than 100 individuals, whether they are officials, businessmen or
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scientists. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. hormone therapy laser hair removal at the expense of the us taxpayers on all fronts sponsors the trans military. what are they doing on tiktok? cafe restaurants fly free of charge 599 rub. so quickly booked where to stay it's time
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unscientific and medically harmful position of us health assistant in the biden administration. rachel levin, formerly known as richard , is trying to convince americans of the benefits of hormones for teenagers and in particular declares that doctors must necessarily help schoolchildren to determine gender even during puberty, they say. at this age, everything supposedly can turn out wrong if the person who quote feels that he is a woman suddenly matures, as a man in conservative circles in the united states, such statements caused an expected angry reaction of the official's revelation that a natural biological process. maybe for some reason it doesn't work. well, they just ridiculed, however, it is unlikely that something can stop the ice rink of the trance agenda, especially if
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the narratives are broadcast by leven, a former man and a four-star admiral from the us department of health so it’s not surprising that, already in the us department of defense there are special memos on how to take care of transgender servicemen, why do they need special rules? anastasia ivanova anastasia hello alexey political correctness is above common sense and national security and in order not to forget about it, apparently, the pentagon published a directive literally on the care of the military identifying themselves as transgender care, apparently, they were too shy to add the wording of the content. yes, there are additional cosmetic services, in addition to hormone therapy, ordinary americans pay. that's just look for the correction of the body and face of perverts , laser hair removal, voice surgery , and psychologists pay. or maybe you need to go to the hospital right away no, it’s the armed forces, the usa our army
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some rubbish heap is simply exceeded by absolutely anyone capable of, and it only gets worse, because it was understood that the democratic party was already in power. we are witnessing the complete azazation of the american war, a force very much experienced and capable is leaving here. but more and more often. these are the characters who do not hesitate to talk about their transformations , colitis hormones on camera, brag about how progressive they are. but what about military successes, they are not, but there are privileges for these same transformers, this is from the same directive the pentagon perverts get an indefinite exemption from fitness standards . and they may not take part in combat deployments during hormone therapy. there is also a postscript for life, and this is definitely a service. the question is
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how if this army cannot be redeployed somewhere in the war zone. why maintain such an army at all? moreover, to carry out some kind of plastic surgery or to carry out laser hair removal by this unit. generally. it causes laughter, but for us it's good let it go for god's sake fall apart into an army of democratic american power. everything suits and despite all the efforts of the white house trance. it seems that the authorities do not care enough for them there are many men with whom we work, who were embarrassed with me and it was in the air. you felt it, i feel it. well, looked down enough for the trance of the soldiers gone. gender identity is already qualified in the us army as the status of a hero ; there they rely not on the abilities
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of the military, but on his orientation, many the recruits are unhappy. one of them complains that he had to take a shower trance with women with male genitals in a fight show during water procedures. the guy didn't order. the left has undermined patriotism by defending and supporting this leftist and supposedly progressive ideology instead of defending the interests of the american people. and for that reason, those who could serve no longer want republicans. we do not agree with this approach. they ask not to cover the costs of gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy from the budget for transgender people, the us department of defense conducted about 300 gender reassignment operations, which cost taxpayers more than three million dollars, this is only a small part. and what next, he goes through a fight show at this base there are 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles that are controlled
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by these people from this base. i don't want someone who doesn't know whether he's a man or a woman to have his hand on the rocket launch button. there is a struggle primarily with a conservative worldview, as such, the university, uh conservative and the army, just gets under the common wheels of this car, therefore , such a powerful roll forward already. yes, regardless of what is really. uh, may can make a catastrophic contact on the defense even yes, but uh the changes must be such that it will not be possible to turn back. you will lose face, but make an injection of hormones and get closer to american democracy while the reality of the us armed forces is such or such. anastasia ivanova on the combat transoms
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of the pentagon region, today the ceremony of sending the first technological line to natural gas liquefaction event was attended by vladimir putin, the president visited a unique version, where he builds complexes for the preparation of lng as well as a floating platform ready for work in the fields. and most importantly, all this is produced on domestic equipment from the murmansk report , alexei petrov belokamenka village, the shore of the non-freezing kola bay, here it is a huge structure, which essentially stands on a floating cushion inside the tanks, where liquefied natural gas will be pumped. and now the towing of this huge structure along the northern sea route begins .


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