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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2023 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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zaval kommersant in accordance with anti- corruption legislation. i, as an official, do not carry out supervisory activities of those objects in which or in which my son is engaged, i was suspended from work. uh, with these objects of power, you will start sending the same one. well, to be honest, he’s not afraid, why does artyom romanenko, after high-profile scandals and a series of deaths in his boarding houses, get out of the water every time, so in a criminal case, on the fact of the death of a veteran of the great patriotic war from novosibirsk the accused became, the manager of the boarding house elena naumova and there is no information about kromanenko's claims, the manager of the company was charged with the chosen measure of the suppression of the fairies of house arrest. naumov live in an old five-story panel house on the outskirts. novosibirsk elena naumova is serving house arrest. here in this apartment, journalists do not communicate for that information. it can be found on the bulletin board. so according to
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this paper. naumova owed about two hundred and forty thousand rubles for housing and communal services, but for comparison, the ownership of businessman artyom romanenko in the novokuznetsk district of the kemerovo region on a spacious area next to the forest two two-story cottages. gazebo, playground asphalt road. a flower bed, according to former business partner romanenko, is everything, it is acquired, including at the expense of pensioners who live out their lives in the entrepreneur's rooming houses , 6 million. from the accounts of our organization, our enterprise was spent on the construction and purchase of furniture, expensive real estate construction there. this is an extract from accounts in the company preserved by zyablitsev. here for example, almost 260,000 rubles. listed for the purchase in the novokuznetsk studio of furniture and design, 108 and 126,000 rubles went there. but the former nurse
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of the novosibirsk branch prefers to save money on the wards of pensioners romanenko. natalya smirnova told. in what conditions she had to work in her opinion, the manager of the boarding houses, did the last one, should also be guided by a little responsibility, because if they did not do this, that is, they would take more. e workers, when there are a lot of grandmothers and grandfathers must be. and two nurses, not one, but at least three or four must be our grandmothers, who went there over time turned into just a shadow, because they did not have enough food. the more we dive into the topic of organizing care for the elderly , the time we fly becomes scarier for the pensioners who are there in a frame with a black ribbon. a photograph of a novosibirsk resident, ninety-five-year-old olga orlova. boarding house. after two weeks of living time, she had a blown head and a broken six. reber, jeseniki. they had bruises all over their bodies, then the next day
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, as scheduled. we arrived already damp, she is already lying all over, she breathes dozens of similar death houses only in novosibirsk only in novosibirsk, ramil is not a single such network and went to unscrupulous businessmen. these types are also enough to feed at the expense of the unfortunate, whose relatives shoved the old people into such establishments. here are shots from the so-called pa. nata vera shabby entrance of a residential building, and on the second floor in an ordinary three-room apartment sick old people lie in the apartment. how do we live here? oh it's hard. it is very difficult for me, the regulatory authorities. they don’t even know about the existence of many such shelters after a series of deaths of defenseless pensioners in the state duma began to discuss a new bill. you know there are no rules. there are no important rules to create an all-russian register of respectable organizations so that the family understands that these people in these organizations will really take care of their loved ones, and they will be treated with respect
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, and competently and of high quality. medical services, then licensing is the format that will allow, and not lead to such terrible consequences . now they are in artyom romanenko, an entrepreneur , continues to shamelessly run his business with impunity and enjoy the sweet life, despite the fact that pensioners die one by one in his dirty rooming houses with more than than strange circumstances and unknown. how many more such cynical businessmen throughout the country who make money on helpless old men ksenia klimana sergey soldiers vadim klevanov, maria bukato vesti duty department, the historical maximum rate of detection of murders and attempted murder in russia has reached almost 100% along with this, the number of crimes has decreased by
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2% compared to last year. the latest numbers came out this week as cases of intentional grievous harm, rape and attempted rape, but most importantly, a huge increase in detection of all types of crime statistics confirm the specific facts of the capture of criminals, according to the official representative. in russia, irina volk, the detection rates are very high, despite a significant understaffing of personnel, over the past 10 years , the detection of many of the most dangerous crimes has increased, including murders of grievous bodily harm, robbery, robbery, rape, theft. the number of thefts has become safer on the roads, registered traffic accidents compared to 2013. decreased by more than a third the number of deaths by 47.6%. wounded by 38.2%. escape from
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the scene will not work prime accident in the yaroslavl region, the culprit knocked down three pedestrians and tried to escape he was detained by police cars spun twice. ugh, i couldn't do anything. ensuring security is helped by a video surveillance system in the rostov region. this week , police quickly found the missing six. alice the girl fortunately turned out to be alive her kidnapped 41-year-old ivan grebennikov, previously convicted of robbery, robbery, theft and rape, a resident of the city of shakhty, got into the lens with the child. surveillance cameras. so the operatives solved the crime also thanks to the cameras, the police detained killer alexander mauridius, already convicted of the murder of the so-called sausage king vladimir, a pestilent criminal. the first time i got into the lenses when i bought it, the murder weapon was a crossbow, the second time the cctv camera helped to get on his trail when he escaped from the mavrize prison, i bought
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sausage in the store, the police were able to figure it out thanks to the facial recognition system. even though he changed the appearance of the camera, they help to identify those who are wanted over the past year. there were almost 2.500 of them. also, the police detained more than two thousand people involved in murders, rapes and fraud. all these crimes also turned out to be. that is , these are all factors promptly disclosed, which allow us to hope that everyone who committed a crime will be punished, but most importantly, so that not a single person is rushed to criminal responsibility, solving crimes, police officers, together with colleagues and the investigative committee of the fsb and the national guard, identify all participants in the crime in order to restore the full picture of events, and then they compile a dossier on the detainees in this way, the fate of any criminal case depends on the quality of the work of the police. to improve the crime detection rate will be a young staff of the water division will soon
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be replenished with new employees at krasnaya square, a ceremony of presenting diplomas and badges of a graduate of the moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia named after vladimir kikat congratulated future colleagues, the minister of internal affairs, report karina kharitonova from foot to foot under the walls of the kremlin with a bouquet of flowers and it seems like a sinking heart that he just received a diploma from the moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs and immediately decided to kneel. i want us to walk this path together. i hope forever. marry me. this is the culmination of the graduation ceremony and badges. here on red square there are more than a thousand young officers, they lined up in ceremonial calculations and are waiting for the banner of the moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia named after vladimir kikot to be carried out under the dazzling sun. cadets have been waiting for this
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moment for 5 years, some of them much longer. since i was a child, i wanted to become a police officer and i was lucky. i met my wife here within the walls of this university. here is tatyana, our fourth year has ended. here next year, she will have the same colorful issue of more than 120 people, already marked departmental awards. here is the head of the university, lieutenant general. igor kalinichenko reports to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, vladimir kolokoltsev, the personal composition for the presentation of diplomas is built, you begin to fulfill your official duties, the fate of our country, its sovereignty and national interests, requires maximum dedication from each of us. today, in the zone of the special military operation , police officers perform the task of ensuring law and order and suppressing criminal encroachments. pskov
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university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia named after vladimir kik you the flagship of departmental education 159 graduates graduated from the university with honors 16 with a gold medal, this cadet was the minister of internal affairs, personally presented diplomas, comrade minister of internal affairs of the russian federation will come to treat the diploma and you have already decided to work in the department of migration and continue the family dynasty. mom has been working in the internal affairs bodies since 1991 . currently, he holds the position of the head of the inquiry of the tula region with childhood dreamed of go follow in her footsteps in a single ranks with the star of the grace of a girl the same guys, the future investigators forensic investigators, they received diplomas.
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in the very heart of the country, they promise under no circumstances to drop the honor of the moscow university graduate vladimir yakovlevich a-a kharitonov oleg ivanov alexander zarubov ilya korchuganov spoke about the cooperation between the two countries after the official events , a friendly football match took place, the russian delegation was accompanied on a trip by my colleague alexandra mostovaya and here is her report. the square near the sports palace in minsk has always attracted residents of the city's guests, but this morning it is especially crowded here. this is because, without exaggeration, the important holiday for the republic is celebrating 170 years since the formation of the fire service, the audience, in anticipation of the solemn mars, takes a few seconds and opens the drums at a time or
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lyceum of the ministry of emergency situations of the republic hundreds of representatives of the rescue department of belarus are the main heroes of the celebration, and he is awarded medals and thanks among the guests of honor of the holiday, a delegation from russia led by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov 17 ceremonial calculations are minting a step on the square for the first time cadets of st. petersburg university of the state fire service of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, which now bears the name of the deceased minister. hero of russia yevgeny zinicheva arrived for the first time. and i liked everything very much, they performed worthy of belarusian the rescuers were congratulated by alexander lukashenko in the form of an appeal, they showed on the big screen humanitarian aid in different directions of the world , the action of extinguishing forest fires, overcoming the consequences of natural disasters. you unite countries holiday decoration fire equipment of different times, here and a tanker truck in 19.74 years old rapper car and of course modern models after official receptions
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, friendly football matches in blue t-shirts, representatives of our country in support of the players. fans. deployed flags of the allied states, ministers, alexander kurenkov sinyavsky also watched the match from the stands. very noisy us stadium. and the stands do not stop for a friendly match between the national teams of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the republic of belarus, dozens of spectators are watching a lot of fans from russia, there are fans from belarus, they support the teams as best they can . and now the ball flies into the goal of the rivals belarusians. posed up with something five of the medals were presented to the winner by the heads of rescue departments. sport. here we see it now, it pulls up very strongly. yes, he is upsetting, maybe
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the losers, but uh, these people who lose, they tune in to the next sporting events, much more. stronger. thank you very much to our russian brothers for coming and responding to us. uh, for this friendly match, uh, i really hope that this will become a good good tradition, friendship between russia is only getting stronger, according to the ministers of bilateral cooperation will to develop further for the sake of helping and saving human lives alexander the bridge unit of the cicerons is a duty unit from minsk. the marathon of troubles continues on friday. at the presnensky court of moscow, the term of house arrest for the queen of the empire of deception, elena blinovskaya, life turned out to be completely offline for her, akin to torture, and every visit to court for a blogger, as if this time blinovskaya appeared in a black suit, they were not allowed to film the meeting, and it was to look at what was accused of
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tax evasion for almost a billion rubles. significantly sobbed without tears, asked to let her go to the hairdresser's shop to walk with children and dogs, she assured. what made her sick is vital to take 15,000 steps a day, but the internet storyteller failed to give birth to beat themis blinovskaya will remain under house arrest in her golden cage in a three-story cottage in a gated community under quick steps. nothing, he was upstairs for elena blinovskaya, this meeting was already the second. we this week earlier, too, the court seized the property and accounts of the blogger. judging by an impressive list, the sale of stupid marathons brought ms. blinovskaya a colossal income. so the court arrested 21 real estate objects - elite houses - apartments or residential premises in the capital of the moscow region and the yaroslavl region, as well as two cars - more than 50 accounts of various banks were blocked for 46 million rubles. and also almost 300,000
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dollars and 123. yuan. well, that's not all . it turned out that the pancake real numismatist in the blogger's case arrested a large number of collectible coins, and as experts note, most likely, this is just the tip of the iceberg . rumor has it that the fortune of elena blinovskaya is estimated at $ 2 million, also this week in court. i had to appear as another defendant in the criminal case. they are tax-paying valery chekalina known. new among subscribers, how easier the investigators asked to change her preventive measure of the prohibition of certain actions to house arrest. i continued to communicate with the witnesses in the criminal case, but so far the court took pity on the seller of air and did not forbid her to leave her mansions. conveyor at the fake factory stopped this week, details became known about the arrest of another gang of telegram extortionists, how
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pseudo-journalists built a dirty business on threats and fictitious compromising evidence, from whom millions came from and why some crooks continue to consider themselves invulnerable about the exposure of infa killers olga zhirenkova. seconds and one of the administrators of the telegram channel, the kremlin laundress , is suspected of extortion and is already on the floor. he probably did not even immediately understand what was happening, the investigators who read decision to initiate criminal proceedings. listened to the silence. the third wave of investigators believe that the authors of the telegram channel posted false information about businessmen and politicians for money. and for publications to disappear from the media space , large sums of money were required by the business. on fakes , the security forces brought a good income from the likely owner of the kremlin washerwoman mikhail polyakov, they found a whole mountain of money. experts have calculated that on the bed approximately 15 million rubles. they
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were all hidden in a box and clothes. this factory fake news, as investigators believe, has been working for several years, false news has been created well, worked out patterns in the hall of the tver court during the election of a preventive measure, mikhail polyakov and his alleged accomplice alexander sanin cowardly hid their faces from journalists under a medical mask, apparently used to being in the shadows not only in the network, but also in real life mikhail polyakov, a former intelligence officer surrounded. he was called uncle misha who could solve any issue, as the media previously described, for three years polyakova helped money to the management of a large it-holding for the so-called block to the negative every few months, allegedly received another tranche, the silence was most often transferred to the crypto wallet, and the likely assistants of mikhail polyakov, alexander sanin and denis savinsky, as the investigation believes , were engaged in cashing out funds. here you need to understand, very clearly, that most of
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the people who administer and do not rule. with specialized knowledge in the field of cyber security, cyber hyenas always leave behind so much to hide their digital footprints. called a certain digital footprint to calculate any person on the network. internet is enough. just another person involved in the criminal case, alexander sanin, according to media reports, was in charge of an architectural company. judging by data from open sources, the office of the company is located in this building in the center of moscow, our film crew arrived there in the middle of the working day, but as representatives of the business center of the company’s employees said, for some reason , they were not there, they were on sharindators. according to the lease agreement. they are engaged in the type of architects. small room and there accordingly, now i’ll say one, two, three, four jobs, four became denis savinsky at the time of detention was on vacation from the black sea coast and he was taken straight to the cramped glass box of the tverskoy
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district court of moscow, as it turned out, savinsky was married to mikhail polyakov’s sister anna new knew the familiar image of my wife the detention of the administrator. in telegram channels. the special operation of the employees of the bureau of special technical events of the ministry of internal affairs of russia is one of the activities of this unit combating crimes in the field of computer technology, employees talk about a special operation on condition of anonymity , it was previously established that these persons posted information that discredited their dignity on the popular telegram channels they created. and the reputation of citizens and organizations for not posting this information was extorted large sums of money in recent years, extortion of money from well-known politicians and wealthy businessmen has become a popular criminal
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business. if you want to keep your reputation, pay for the so-called negative block. moreover, this is not a one-time action and the amounts are constantly growing for a long time, these citizens were engaged in this kind of activity. it was no secret to anyone, some produced materials , did an investigation and initially offered to pay people money in order to be an investigation, they didn’t go beyond deleting fakes telegram blackmailers receive millions of rubles from the heroes of the ordered publications. what in general? understandable some have big business or a political career at stake. losing reputation is worth it it is very expensive to create a telegram channel quite easily. to do this, you need a phone and a sim card, then a person registers for a month. and then loud headlines and supposedly insider information of subscribers' hours is growing, but it will not be possible to remain anonymous for a long time. everything secret becomes clear to the security forces in a short time. learned to identify the administrator's identity in
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telegram channels. some extortionists are hiding abroad and while it is problematic for law enforcement officers to reach them, it is not difficult to identify scammers who operate in russian role. in this dirty business, under the guise of journalism, one is clearly divided into fabricating news, the other is negotiating with wealthy people, our special services and law enforcement agencies. and they know how to work their task is to identify. uh, criminals, even if they are wearing masks, or, uh, they try to keep anonymous, but the format, indeed , this is not the first and not the last, i'm sure hmm, but the situation when the authors or administrators of the curators of various telegram channels were identified exposed the fake factory, often people with experience in the media are also drawn in; they, like literary slaves, compose false information for money. last year, it became known about the high-profile detention of media technologist olga arkharova, peppering both nochurilova and
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journalist alexander boyazeva, the latter wrote for the telegram channel. infernal grandmas and despite serious health problems , it is still in season. i am very pleased that i was recognized as a particularly dangerous journalist and put in the custody of especially dangerous criminals. another loud one. the story of the detention of journalists. riana romanovsky and kirill sukhanov they were charged with extortion of 11 million rubles. according to the investigation , the accomplices demanded money for the removal of material from the telegram channel put out the light kirill sukhanov was detained in a restaurant, he came to receive a tranche of 800,000 rubles. such criminal cases are new in legal practice, but there are already the first sentences with impressive terms in may . in may, the khamovnichesky court of moscow sent the administrators of the telegram channels project scanner irill to a colony for 8 years to sentence them to 8 years in prison with serving the sentence. you did well in a strict regime colony. capital lawyers human rights activist nina romanovich herself became
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a victim of such infa killers, unknown people blackmailed her with fictitious compromising evidence. messenger phone hacked. and social networks extorted half a million rubles so that this internet attack would stop romanovich refused to pay, but a serious mistake was made, she did not go to the police, her life turned into hell. these are, uh, photographs of a lawyer. the collar and similar information are distributed everywhere about me on the internet, and it was with my professional activities that they wrote threats. and we will erase you as a lawyer, anonymous telegram channels have nothing to do with the official media, i say to journalists. these people have nothing to do and their activities also have nothing to do with such, uh, criminal communities, as a rule, very highly professional people work. they know how to pack. e your goods. it really looks like a news feed, and therefore
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stuffing and fakes often work because of a few seconds can destroy the reputation of a well-known person three administrators and authors of the kremlin washerwoman are now in a pre-trial detention center, but it is possible that many more people were involved in this criminal business. and soon their names will also become known. how will other factories of lies be brought out of the shadows? who continue to bake, like pies , a fictional story olga zherenkova maria bukata denis novozhilov dmitry manyshev sultan zyganov news the duty unit soon after us do not miss eduard petrov's investigation the film the fall of an afghan an explosion at kotlyakovka tells about one of the bloodiest crimes of the nineties, and then an explosion at the kotlyakovo cemetery in the capital killed 14 people and injured several dozen . who ordered the planting of explosives will tell our investigation colleagues. eduard petrov will continue legal broadcasting on
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russia 24 tv channel. detective, subscribe our issue on this completed happily. the british and french wanted to do everything they could to prevent war. my grandfather always considered an alliance with russia as the main condition for more than 20,000 people on biblo day during the great patriotic war. we are at a very dangerous moment in human history, what is happening now in ukraine is the lessons of goebbels textbook 2018, the june 22 edition is designated
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as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it politicians using speculators from history make a decision on the basis.
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the subdivision of the grouping of russian troops south repelled the attacks of the armed forces in four directions of the special military operation at once , the artillery of the grouping, the east, which operates in the zaporozhye direction , destroyed the reconnaissance groups of the howitzer of the attacking enemy, and managed to stop the armed forces in the area of ​​work. including with the help of our heavy flamethrower system. the enemy lost tanks and infantry fighting vehicles aviation grouping center inflicted 13 hits on vein clusters.


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