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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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favorite food and yes, we will deliver free hot food to the supermarket; we arrange transparent conditions from cafes to restaurants for free; on a gazprombank credit card, the grace period is always 180 days without interest and every 2 months. it starts again. and also free service and cash withdrawal without commission up to 50,000 rubles. per month. a white person in africa is a person who came here, most likely, in order to have super profits, respectively, you can collect a little more money from him and therefore whites and visitors often become victims crimes, what they perceive me as an atm on legs, that is, a source of money.
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you just need to pick the right code cipher the right words. well, i'm used to this attitude towards whites - these are the consequences of the era of colonialism, relations with france with representatives of france of england it was a one-wicket game. it's just that in a solution of resources in many cases, not always, but often they expect from the russians. eh, something else. that is, they have such expectations, somewhere we have their expectations. maybe we'll cheat. it's impossible to cover everything. somewhere we their expectations somewhere even exceed to us a lot, where is treated well? the only thing, probably in ah, if this colony, for example, is a former colony of britain, yes, then , well, they gradually begin to tighten some kind of screws, because relations with the mother country remain, but somewhere they completely not illusory manage entire ministries. sometimes, it gets tricky. for example, open a checking account. if it is an ethnic russian, even if you express this country, where it is not everywhere, but in some countries. well, that's not less always there is this africa, one can agree on the trend of the last few
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years that michael fixes despite all these nuances. many investors from russia began to look more closely at africa, if two or three years ago they were still twisting their fingers and literally saying that it would be better to give money there to the moon sent on a rocket than to myself there, because in africa you have all the theft, bribes, and so on now, well , it has changed dramatically, now there are quite large funds, not small funds, where are they? for 5-10 million dollars, rather large russian funds are interested in investing in the region and directly. they talk about it, large state organizations, large banks. i, too, are talking about this, various large holdings and not just saying, yes, well, they are actually making some attempts, well, they are afraid of course, because i still understand the topography , the geography of the region, they also don’t rummage about geopolitics. well, it's okay with time e will understand to be useful. and what projects can become the basis of our
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economic relations in the near future? only 54% of the population africa has access to electricity. this means that about 700 million people do not have access to electricity at all . in this regard, russia can provide a huge service to africa, because it is in the field of energy development. we occupy leading positions in the world. the second important area is transport. this is the construction of roads, e railway lines. and what is very important for us. uh, hmm also build ports to upgrade them. we have such an opportunity. this will be profitable for us, because we will get new points of entry for our ships, which is extremely important for us. this is what the africans need, and a very important area of ​​our cooperation is agriculture.
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we africans must not, relatively speaking, not give a fish, but a fishing rod, we must pass on to them the technology of growing plants and raising livestock, which we have perfectly used in our country, since the fourteenth year in africa there are all the possibilities to grow three and four crops a year there are completely unique soils there is a unique climate. more than half of the population, movavi, approximately 10 million people live below the poverty line. this is despite the fact that the country has a huge resource. here is a very fertile land from the time of british rule malawi is a traditionally agrarian state. 90% of the country's economy is concentrated on agriculture. sugar cane, esr, tobacco, tapioca corn, they are grown to feed themselves and try to earn money. this is my home. come in. this room of my children the children's bedroom in the
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farmhouse. their shoes are hanging on nails higher , it must be so that the mice do not gnaw two beds above them are mosquito nets instead bedside tables soda box. limane's family of six people all get up early in the morning and go to work in the fields , growing soybean corn and tobacco on a seemingly vast six hectares. meter by meter you have to weed each bed to care for such a large crop, which is literally vital. this is a huge job. the only thing that can help is fertilizer. the amount of fertilizer that is consumed in africa one of the lowest in the world, they have a monotony that consumes 50 million
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tons. the whole of africa consumes a year. this is what i have less than ten million tons, you understand, that is, this market. and we have just this industry is extremely well developed. the other day farmer bili received russian- made fertilizer. these fertilizers from this directly depends on the crop means, and how much my family and the eu. we can earn. you see, without fertilizers , the crop will be less by a third with fertilizers by a third more and faster . we've been waiting here for a long time because the old absolute story about how much of the world's population can be fed naturally.
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and how much with the use of fertilizers africa has long been on the threshold, and a big a-a such a puma associated with uh, high population growth with high fertility and the african population, and especially in poor countries. this specificity is quite young, therefore, in africa the problem of food security and provision, but with its own resources for the production of food. this is a huge problem. with thanks talks about the scale of the russian charitable mission. these fertilizers are intended for 400,000 households and most of them will be used in the fields, but a significant part will also go to irrigation projects. we have many
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farmers. literally in every village. we have farmers and, accordingly, fertilizers will also be used throughout the irrigation projects that minister dali is talking about. is this, perhaps, the most important part of agricultural infrastructure, when you need to water plantations in the hundreds and thousands hectares. in this place, sugar cane is grown. we take water directly from the lake. it is located six kilometers from this place, we fill temporary tanks. and only then we water our fields. fertilizers are immediately mixed with water to pumping stations and further through the pipes they are saturated with essential minerals and vitamins to various crops from here. we control 2,000 hectares of sugar cane. m fields directly from this place, and in total there are 7.000 hectares of land, which are now fully planted.
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russian fertilizers were waiting here for several months. miguel zhanga, the operations director of the port of the city of beira, tells how the unloading is going. unloading is proceeding as planned. we have three positions for unloading and a large number of trucks to transfer them to warehouses, moreover , a batch of 20,000 tons was manually repacked such a load. it was necessary to distribute in bags of 50 kg suitable railways in order to deliver this cargo between beira and the capital. well done no all these bags. it was necessary to send trucks from one point to another almost 2,000 km. by not the best african roads, this warehouse is the final point before being sent by the farmer. we have received
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fertilizer and now we will ship it all over the country from the north to the south, right now we are already shipping more than 8,000 tons, and all of them will end up in farmers. we were preparing to send fertilizers to consumers as soon as possible, of course. so uralchem ​​says that we do not just substitute fertilizers. we are creating special training programs for farmers, including using online technologies for the correct application of these fertilizers. into the soil moreover, they are considering building factories for the production of fertilizers from local raw materials on the territory of the african continent. you see, this is the approach, that is, you need to feed africa, give it electricity. this is the most. the main thing that we can do, of course, is cooperation in the oil and gas sector for us . africa today in the oil and gas sector is, in fact, a competitor, and we need
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to turn africa into our partner. because if we start from common positions formulating their oil policy, and hmm the formation of pricing policy. it will be beneficial both for us and for africa, the sea gates of the republic of the congo here in the city center in the office of lukoil there are 15 employees seven - these are citizens of the congo eight russians a year and a half ago lev vaganov was responsible for designing the development of oil fields in western siberia but marine 12 got used to the specifics of the african project quickly, for example, if we deviate from the production plan, then we analyze the data that we have on the wells. uh, we offer the operator measures to achieve this level of production, for example, last year
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in addition to the planned event, and together with the operator we discussed and implemented a program of acid treatments at the wells, which allowed us to receive an additional increase in, uh, production and compensate. e losses that were caused by delays in drilling from the relocation of drilling platforms and so on, lukoil came to the congo in the nineteenth year, having bought 25% of the marine 12 block in the offshore project from a british company 60% belongs to the operator the italian yen another 10% of the state snps within the offshore area of ​​marine 12 with an area of ​​about 600 m². four deposits have been discovered. over 1 million tons of oil and condensate and more than 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas are produced here. there are plans to increase the figures, including through the construction of
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floating plants for the production of st. petersburg in the process of implementation. uh projects, lng we will commission new deposits new fields. the annual production of liquid hydrocarbons will increase to e-e 1 million 700,000 tons and gas, up to five and a half billion per year will be completely launched khora lng deliveries are planned for december, the second by 2025 lukoil plans to invest almost 2 billion dollars in marin-12 today about 1 billion dollars have already been invested in this project, the interests of the russian company are not limited to the creation of another joint venture that will be engaged in the production of hydrocarbons at another site according to the application that we filed jointly with the company, and it and at marine 24 and marine 31 share of lukoil's participation is 43%,
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and today we are in the discussion stage the final conditions of the commercial terms of these applications, many of the ministers of the current government of the republic of the congo studied at russian universities. this is the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the ministry of defense and the ministry of health. thanks to this, russia is read here as a reliable partner and interested in cooperation. cooperation between ikonga has deep roots and has been going on for a very long time . lukoil is represented here with important projects. we are pleased with this partnership and see many options for joint development in the future, lukoil may become an operator, we are the main company in the consortium, this status will give the russian oil giant new opportunities to work in the congo, the republic is a member of the organization of oil exporting countries, opek and ranks sixth in the export of crude oil, among african states it naturally gives
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an opportunity for growth and acquisition of new competencies for our employees. this gives us the opportunity to position our company on the territory of the republic of the congo as a serious player and also gives us the opportunity to attract, as a service with electricity from outside representatives of the russian federation and some equipment. new projects will expand cooperation between the two countries, which have been actively developing over the past 15 years. let's start from the eighteenth year for several years in a row in that period. our commodity turnover revolved around the figure of 28-30 million . ah dollars, which is not much, but in the nineteenth year there was a qualitative leap, and immediately to millions of dollars and uh in 21. it
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amounted to 100 22, if i'm not mistaken, a million dollars - this is the fourteenth place, and in africa, taking into account the fact that the congo is a relatively small country, the population does not exceed uh six, but millions of people. lukoil is so far the only company from our country that operates on the territory of the congo, this example attracts large russian business, which today is actively looking for new markets, says georgy chepek, ambassador to russia in the republic of the congo. there is a very interesting project in the first place, of course, this is simply the construction of an oil product plant because of the prospects for exporting to the democratic republic of konda. and now, at this stage, we will agree on a draft intergovernmental agreement, which is an important project. now he is working on
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the subsidiaries of the state corporation there, ah. this is the creation of a network of micro-power plants in case of implementation. and can it provide electricity generation, comparable, er, with the current generation volume of about 500? strategic partnership at the state level allows russian companies to work effectively in africa, in our country they trust, therefore complex issues are most often resolved quickly and efficiently lukoil operates in a number of african countries. ah. this is nigeria ghana congo and the camera is also at the moment. and we naturally consider new opportunities and when such opportunities appear. we,
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of course, carry out a technical commercial evaluation of these opportunities, and we are interested in negotiations on the implementation of such plants. in the presence of lukoil, together with partners, the company is now considering the possibility of placing floating lng plants on the shelf of cameroon in plans and developing the hydrocarbon market in other countries of the continents, including those where the place has never been developed before. lukoil is ready to be a pioneer the partnership between russia and african countries has acquired additional dynamics and is reaching a qualitatively new level, president vladimir putin also noted this in his speech at an international parliamentary conference. russia africa in a multipolar world has repeatedly said that our country is firmly set to continue to build with african friends. in the full
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sense of the word, strategic partnership. we are ready to jointly shape the global agenda, work together to strengthen fair and equitable interstate relations and improve mechanisms for mutually beneficial economic cooperation. thanks to our assistance, many industrial enterprises have been built on the continent, entire industries have been created, vital infrastructure and social facilities have been built, while russia canceled the debt of the african state in the amount of more than twenty billion dollars last year trade between russia and the american countries. reached almost $18 billion. in 2030, these figures can be doubled. find out your credit
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9:54 am
here they are the legendary lancets for each nato tank that has not yet been brought to ukraine , several are in store. these are the loitering ammunition, only our calculation during the time of our destruction of almost 90
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armored vehicles. what product destroyed the little leopard, oddly enough, you know the smallest. you have foreign orders under discussion, interested in a sustainable ultra-modern enterprise locates its machines in a former supermarket. this is the best solution for today, working in tandem with a reconnaissance drone. well, ready to go , practically independence from some. this is a real sensation of the product, 53 represent 20 such launchers.
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the british and french wanted to do everything they could to prevent war. my grandfather always considered an alliance with russia as the main condition for more than 20,000 people in biblo day during the great patriotic war. we are at a very dangerous moment in human history, what is happening now in ukraine is the lessons of 2018, the june 22 edition is marked as the beginning
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of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it from history and make a decision on the basis. we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective.
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in ukraine, this night, the
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alarm sounded again twice a night. sirens turned on in nikolaev and odessa, where, according to media reports, a the fire was also restless in the poltava , kharkiv, chernihiv and sumy regions , data on the consequences of the shelling are not yet given, i note that retaliation strikes on strategic targets. russia inflicts after the ukrainian terrorist attack on the crimean bridge , according to the ministry of defense, among the designated targets are fuel depots, port infrastructure and factories for the production of military products. now the footage of the combat work of russian t-72s in the special operation zone of the ministry of defense showed how a tanker from the southern military district was hitting the enemy from closed positions, while the target is far out of line of sight, the coordinates are transmitted by drone operators in the number of targets, strong points, all firing points and ammunition depots.


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