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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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[000:00:23;00] the prosecution demanded for the head of the fund valery radchenkov 12 for his personal driver andrey anokhin 15 for his accomplice mikhail smurov 10 years in prison. however, the evidence base turned out to be very weak, the results of many examinations were incomplete, and the lion's share of the materials rested solely on the testimony of anokhin and smurov , and then they eventually refused recognition in early 2000 by the judge of the moscow district military court. vladimir serdyukov issued
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an acquittal for lack of evidence, right in the courtroom for many it was a shock, nobody expected such a denouement. i was sitting here with my board, clasping my hands behind my head, saying, guys, but we have to endure. we need to think. we must somehow get out of this situation. although everyone who was engaged professionally understood that this was a group of tentacles, which was arranged by the ewka of this backhan. the chief of the afghan anokhin valery rachikova, who happened to him next story on january 31 , 2001, the colonel died without a leg, in a terrible accident it happened on the seventy -ninth kilometer of the minsk highway, the accident
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gave rise to a variety of rumors and speculation put forward various versions that the death of the afghan was rigged in the media, they even called people who wanted the death of rachikov. among them were former business partners and friends. those who died on kotlyakovka and even retired officials are simpler, but today these versions do not stand up to scrutiny. it was a banal situation in the car of muscovites. i went to minsk and the driver drove there , i apparently stayed a little sleep, then the road 700 km returned, and so on, and he fell asleep and listen, the driver of the car got hit by a kamaz blow was such a force that kamaz turned over on its barrel after the scandalous acquittal of the afghans accused of the explosion at the kotlyakovka, the main military prosecutor 's office continued its investigation,
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the investigative team tried to find the customer and perpetrator of the bloody crime of 1996 in the field of view of the security forces. the afghans andrey anokhin and mikhail are severe again. but behind bars was only one person with moore, valery rachikov. an accident died and his personal driver anokhin fled the investigation. i had to answer smoru. smurov at the trial, uh, behaved quite calmly and at the same time depressed. that is, he understood that as a result of his actions, including together with sonokhin, people suffered, that is, 14 people died and among colleagues, those whom he knew, as in the previous trial, the accused mikhail smore claimed that he was innocent and was spinning, as if in a frying pan, nevertheless, the judge of the moscow state court. peter studer showed integrity and sentenced him
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to fourteen years imprisonment in this way. the first person convicted for that period of time is the criminal code of the russian soviet federative socialist republic. uh, the maximum penalty , which was 15 years and snowcrust as an exception. but, for example, uh, the time of the trial there was already a moratorium, eg, the death penalty and, uh, the highest limit remained 15 years. it’s hard to say whether they were lucky or unlucky, but in this case, such a collision, where a very terrible crime was committed, a lot of people died, and therefore the court acted within the framework for that period
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there should be no other law. as for andrey anokhin, he was soon detained in the center of moscow with a pistol , an afghan was convicted precisely for possession of weapons. but soon a new criminal case appeared, and this time anokhin's personal driver valery rachikov could not escape punishment for the explosion at kotlyakovka. in 2006, the moscow city court sentenced andrei anokhin to 15 years in
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prison. years have passed since the explosion at the kotlyakovo cemetery, and andrei anokhin and mikhail smurov served their sentences and returned to moscow now they are ordinary citizens. anokhina leads a hidden lifestyle of that loud criminal case by mikhail smur. we contacted by phone in 2020, he still considers himself
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innocent happened. thus ended the story of the confrontation between the two funds of the invalids of the afghan war. former colleagues ended up on opposite sides of the barricades. some of them could not stand the test of money. from heroes, they turned into sweaty killers. they betrayed their comrades and the military brotherhood today. no, already those funds. no, their leaders are mikhail likhoteya and valery rachikov. who knows what other mysteries they
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took with them? and let fate decide, as it sees fit with these scum. nothing more to add. afghan helicopter pilot vladimir kostyuchenko the only survivor in the epicenter of the explosion at the kotlyakovo cemetery, and even after a quarter of a century, he cannot restrain his emotions. i'm sorry, i spread my hands. what does this mean? why didn't you want to forgive? you what you wanted then you didn't want to kill me. why are you wearing these panties, or what? it's you that couldn't be there, who needs to be there, if you wanted, well please prepare there from around the corner, then there were explosions every day every week in moscow. why are you
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blowing up so many people? these things this is how we saw the high-profile story of the explosion at
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the kotlyakovo cemetery. it was our investigation from moscow , the conclusions of cases only to you union state. we also talked about the losses of opponents in the combat zone. according to our data, i recorded more than 15 leopards destroyed and more than 20 nonsense in one fight , in my opinion, there never was such a thing as foreign, and foreign, please, just don’t read in one day. just over there, uh, on the other side. uh, the unit operated fully equipped with foreign equipment, so you can figure it out.
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unfortunately, how many soldiers died there from the outside? uh, yes, so much equipment was destroyed according to the estimates of the united states of america with the time of the start of the counter-terrorist operation. uh, loss of vsu, irrevocably or whatever they call 26,000. more, with regard to foreign mercenaries, they also suffer significant losses, big stupid things are going on. the people of today's fighting society must also know. russia launched a strike with high-precision long-range sea and air-based weapons on ukrainian facilities where terrorist attacks were being prepared against our country and mercenaries were located, as reported by
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the ministry of defense, we are talking about the places where naval drones were manufactured in the odessa region, let me remind you by information from our military department, it was precisely without a crew boat that kiev used to strike the crimean bridge in the report of the ministry of defense today also information about the work of our units in different areas of the special operation. so the russian air defense forces intercepted another storm shadow cruise missile, a haimars system rocket, and shot down almost 3 dozen apu drones in a day. and now the broadcast of our channel will continue the program of the parliamentary hour.
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hello this is the parliamentary hour program , we will talk about the main decisions of the state thoughts for the week this is a difficult question for me as a doctor. this is incredibly important. minister who always has a lot of questions head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko came to report to the state duma we collected the most socially significant laws of the week in our review. why are flights still pouring imported wine to our citizens? passengers are offered french italian spanish wine ? promote blame from unfriendly countries, suggesting deputies imposed sanctions, how are things with the development of sports in our
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country. what can replace international competitions is ideology. sport is patriotism. and how to motivate to go in for sports even more, parents came and their children could play at open stadiums. architects in samara who were involved in the restoration of destroyed values ​​and labor will return to school, will it be voluntary we have received quite a few letters for
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parents' concern in our program? the minister who traditionally has many questions, the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, came to the state duma with a report on the implementation of state policy in the field of health care. the new format of such speeches is similar to the government hour, but this is not from the one that unites the direct inclusion of regions on the hqs. in the form of a report makes joint work even more productive first, the dialogue in factions is important that the ministry of health does a lot of work closer to the people. we have recorded more than one billion 200 million visits to the pope’s polyclinic alone. the national report of the ministry of health for deputies has been available since june 1. the ministry offered an innovative toolkit where, with one click, one
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could dive into the text of the report itself and explanatory materials. for me as a doctor. it's incredible. important. we must do not only the routine work of saving life, i work in operating rooms to treat covid. but we must know. what directions are determined for us by the ministry of health. where are we growing? what areas of health care will not be improved. and where should we go under tails in the videoconferencing mode , representatives of more than 70 regions of the country take part in the meeting together and discuss the most sensitive issue for the industry of medical personnel. the central problem is achieving the target level of wages and staffing in the health system , the report contains information about increasing from 21 to 23 years of the control figures for admission to medical universities, but in general, the problem of staffing remains alarming , the most acute problem by far. this is
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a problem. everything else and all our other investments in the modernization of equipment will depend on it. they will be useless if the framing problem is not resolved. preparing training for conservation professionals. one of the most complex mechanisms, mr. mikhail murashka emphasizes, doctors stimulate so that as many young people as possible go into medicine, including including rural. temples zemstvo dr. zemsky feldsher work in the districts moved 60,000 specialists in the twentieth year increased the volume of control admissions. and i want to note that during the pandemic. we have increased by 26% admission in e-specialty and by 95% increased the number of admissions of subordination for narrow specialists. i want to note that the positive dynamics will be received by the room-therapist for oncologists. today it goes to anesthetists and resuscitators, still in the spotlight. children with diabetes for
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blood glucose control they have to draw blood up to ten times. no, it is necessary to replace the painful procedure with modern monitoring systems. at us now diabetes come to light even at a newborn. yes, and of course, each time there several times a day to prick. uh, thumbs up for these kids. this, of course, i believe that mockery is yes, and therefore, how would we all of their thoughts now stand for the fact that this issue is resolved in february last year, the chairman of the state duma turned to prime minister mikhail mishustin with a request to take special control, providing children with such a diagnosis with non-invasive monitoring systems. during the report, the minister of health informs the program approved by the domestic development. there are measures on the verge of implementation today, sanctions on monitoring glucose on equipment adopted by the united states in the eleventh package, therefore, in advance. why did it take so long
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to register today ? provided for this. if indeed such a program has been developed, only words of gratitude, mikhalych to you, and i think that colleagues here will all agree, because this is a question. we've been trying for several years now. to decide, so thank you in the state duma support the primary health care program in 2024. it ends the deputies in favor of extending the need to carry out a complete modernization of regional health care, which was carried out 15 years ago. here is the equipment that was delivered to hospital, it becomes obsolete and, of course, is not replenished. here without the support of the federal budget. uh, and hospitals and regional ministries of health. they cannot resolve these issues. the minister talks about innovations. here are the industries in all regions of the emergence of medical products based on
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artificial intelligence 32 regions have already signed contracts sent half a billion rubles, modern high-tech medical equipment. we must actively use pay attention. the first ban of the profile committee in order to shorten the time waiting for a special examination, believing that such a situation has developed due to the fact that the state medical institution works only 8 hours a day, the remaining 16 hours, expensive, expensive medical equipment to stand idle, despite long queues, having studied the national report long before the plenary session , the deputies ask the minister of health for an hour questions they relate to an acute demographic topic, the ministry of health of russia and will strengthen control over sales of drugs for medical abortion. these medicines will our clinics have been added to the list of quantitative records. women's consultation hospitals to maintain such records will not increase or the number of surgical
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abortions. and how do you feel about the proposal to provide assistance to women in the state of reproductive choice exclusively in state clinics, that is, the removal of abortions from the list of services of commercial clinics, there should be a quantitative account, because we see that there is abuse, so the direction is to reduce abortions. this is the key task that we we are working and today the number of abortions for the last. the years have decreased many times, but nevertheless, there is still a reserve for prioritization in state institutions, but in my opinion , your proposal deserves attention in order to discuss this point in the country , they intend to continue the fight against malnutrition, according to our faction of experts. uh, to work more efficiently, therefore , the direction needs to introduce incentives for the sale, and the products of companies that produce healthy, food products. one of such measures can be, for example, the creation of a special sign on the packaging, approved by the ministry of health of the russian federation for labeling products, of course, it must
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be provided in such a way as to inform and support a healthy diet. but, perhaps, all the same, one cannot neglect the issues of pushing to suspend certain types of products that are harmful. well, i think first of all. this alcohol problem lies in the plane of responsibility, not only the federal strange regional departments are sure chairman vyacheslav volodin this is a difficult issue of managing the process of providing quality medical care, when there are, uh, steep at the regional level, there are at the federal level, but we must give credit to you, you cope with this and we would like you to perceive criticism, uh, which does not sound personally to you, but in general as a problem that
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we need to solve together. more than five and a half billion rubles are provided, separate funding is provided for the intensive care hospital in mariupol, the state duma is sure. health issues of the general deputies in 20. 20 laws that relate to medicine this year there will be more than 30 elena did not live on sergey gordeev alena parliamentary hour. there were many fruitful decisions made by the deputies. the most interesting of them are socially significant laws in our review. the state duma adopted a law on a one-time tax on excess profits for a company whose average profit for the last and the year before last exceeded 1 billion rubles. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin noted that this is a fair decision. the funds
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that will go to the budget from the tax will go to support the citizens and the russian economy . for the first time, we make such decisions that relate to the withdrawal, through e, the profit tax is treated normally. they understand this and we have a consensus here too. this is extremely important. there is a lot of talk about windfall profits and the need to tax them. in principle, this is a topic from the same order today. uh, those who supported this draft law have the right to say that we are in favor of fair decision-making, because this excess profit is already deposited through dividends and much more in the same pocket, so i would like this to be remembered by all servicemen who received
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a disability. during the hostilities they will be able to undergo retraining free of charge. there will be no need to wait for five years of experience. in addition, the allowances laid down by the ministry of defense are preserved, this is especially true today, who received the grass while in his received a disability to receive an additional specialty. feixu will continue to work in the system of the ministry of defense for disembarking a disabled person of the first group from the transport will face a fine. now, if a person with disabilities, health, travels alone, does not have a social card with him or cannot buy a ticket, he is forced to leave the bus or trolleybus . the bill was initially aimed at helping precisely the most vulnerable group of the population - this is the first disabled groups, just disabled people of the first group. in case the id they forgot them. uh, most likely, it is possible to identify
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precisely by their physical condition, let me remind you. the state duma has already banned children from transport without tickets if they are traveling alone from january 1, 24 , the right to receive credit holidays becomes indefinite if the borrower's income falls by more than a third. he will be able to apply to the bank with a request to grant a deferral of payments for up to six months. recall the mechanism of credit holidays for consumer loans was introduced in 2020 as a temporary measure to support citizens during the pandemic, a similar decision was previously made regarding credit holidays. mortgage practice has shown that these holidays are effective, as a rule, more than 80% of borrowers. after passing the period of credit holidays, it continues to calmly and normally fulfill its obligations under the loan. information about the grace period will be reflected in the credit history, but will not worsen it. banks will be obliged to inform
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citizens about the full cost of loans, including additional costs for insurance , legal services, sms notifications and so on, the initiative will allow people to more accurately assess their financial capabilities when applying for a loan, a very good bill. especially for older people who, uh, are used to it because of their age. and therefore, they most often suffer from various manipulations. responsible attitudes to work will become part of the educational process . school students will be able to involve them in socially useful work, for example, plant trees on the territory of the institution. help veterans take care of memorial sites. the law has been passed. in the third reading. we have received quite a few letters of concern from parents. regarding the fact that hostility will not lead this law to forced labor , if labor is not provided for by the educational program , the labor code should apply, that is, everything is only according to the law. in addition
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, a career guidance lesson is being introduced for schoolchildren, it will be easier for them to choose a business they like, for example, thanks to excursions to the enterprise, the ministry of education will be obliged to develop a procedure career guidance from the sixth to the eleventh grade order of nearly 8 million children will be involved. here in such work, documents are also fixed that graduates have graduated from schools. with two fours they will receive a silver medal, yet the law changes the name of the school discipline. life safety now the subject will be called the basics of security and defense of the homeland. open qualitative changes in the law on the protection of lake baikal deputies will be discussed by residents of the baikal natural territory. such an instruction was given by the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, together with the baikal inter-factional group, we plan to hold meetings with the population of the irkutsk region and
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the republic of buryatia. discuss with them the legislative initiatives submitted to the state duma of the russian federation. our task is to make the bill as accurate as possible and all decisions should be weighed, aimed at the interests of people. all work will be carried out openly now, citizens can send their proposals to the e-mail address of the profile committee of the state and i think. weapons to kyiv according to this scheme are now operating some unfriendly countries in the state duma drew attention to the fact that he offered french italian and spanish wines on board the plane, a question arose. and where are ours about substitution imports our correspondent maria burkova kuban crimea sevastopol dagestan
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according to experts, the wine geography of russian regions is constantly increasing and the quality of russian wine in the mass price segment is constantly growing and is in no way inferior to foreign producers. a huge number of wineries or within the winery, he is some kind of iconic wine that competes and performs well there year after year. uh, well becomes the best in its category. we are at a very high level of development of winemaking , there are a huge number of styles in russia, there are a huge number of enthusiastic winemakers who make the most of it. honestly, it's probably wine. on board russian airlines, passengers are mainly offered foreign wines, this was noticed in the state duma, in fact, we


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