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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2023 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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infantry is infantry. it's just running in the field. a tank is a tank. this is power, there the heart beats when the armada starts up and starts to go. i entered the settlement, just got up and flew in.
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hello about the main legal events of the day, correspondents of the vesti duty office program will tell and i maxim movchan dismissed his hands without getting to the concert hands up aggressive fan of sergei zhukov who attacked the police at the entrance to luzhniki sent under house arrest rustam valiev before jumping to hits about alyoshka. apparently connoisseurs of songs of the 2000s at the entrance to luzhniki, where the concert was held, relaxed and overdid it with foamy alcohol . guards did not let their hands up. and when meloman refused to leave the inspection zone , the police approached him instead of words, the angry admirer used body language with his fists, attacked the law enforcement officers, the interior ministry officers quickly rounded up the brawlers and sent him to the department. there navaliyev drew up protocols and opened a criminal case. and today the court chose a measure of restraint. now zhukov is the defendant in the case hooliganism and will be able to watch exclusively on tv while under house arrest. in the krasnoyarsk territory, he was arrested, accused of massacring a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl in divnogorsk, according to investigators , this was done by a recidivist who was once again released from the colony only a few days ago,
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alexander cherkash will tell why he does not want to remain at large. ivan , tell me, are you repentant, in response, ivan popenko, who is accused of a brutal murder , a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl only silently covered his face with dirty hands occasionally through fingers, looking towards their journalists in the hall of the central district court. a lot of people gathered in krasnoyarsk ivan you did not have a desire to answer a couple of our questions, his silence was interrupted only by the judge, surprisingly the man began to answer the minister of themis, loudly and clearly ivan was born on 26.08. it's creepy. the story spread all over the regional media and became loud. the topic is already at the federal level, according to the investigation , on the afternoon of july 22, the girl met the sixteen-year-old polina on this deserted viaduct in the center of divnogorsk, the girl was in a hurry on a meeting with a friend and, as luck would have it, her phone ran out of power in the rybkov region, met a girl on an air tug along gidrostroiteley street
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in the city of divnogorsk, using wear and threatening to kill. vaughn took her away. the cost of forces, where he stole property after which he committed an act of a sexual nature and killed volunteers and police combed the neighborhood for more than two days . i was clearly visible, because the blonde and, as it were, without clothes. i saw that she was in a ravine lies e. well, there are bushes, of course. well, that's all. immediately called the police on foam. calculated quickly. he left a lot of evidence and turned out to be a hardened recidivist , they say he spent half his life in prison. in the biography of 34-year-old popenko, there are thefts and thefts, and in 2007 he was sentenced to 10 years for murder. having been released, the man committed rape just 10 days later , he was released on july 14 and again committed a crime, choosing his victim polina, the edition of the central
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district court of the city of krasnoyarsk , to go straight to the pre-trial detention center at least. 23 september, now he is accused of three criminal articles at once, for which he may face life imprisonment, murder, robbery and sexual assault. that's what now he will have to answer for the involvement of a suspect in other crimes committed against an underage girl against a man, two more criminal cases have been initiated. he is suspected of committing violent acts of a sexual nature committed against a minor by robbery. assault and murder in order to cover up other crimes, coupled with violent acts of a sexual nature, according to the lawyer popenko, the decision of the judge satisfied his client. he himself does not want to be free, they say it’s not a fact that alexander cherkashin will not commit a crime again alexander satenko sergey
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larionov androbek ivleev within the framework of the russia africa summit in petersburg, dmitry aristov, director of the federal bailiff service in russia, took part in the discussion. minister of justice konstantin chuichenko, as well as president of the african union of bailiffs alan angon ganxime and heads of delegation dmitry aristov said that even now digital services allow debtors to track progress online executive production. he also spoke about working in a digital bailiff, who issued more than 500 rulings in automatic mode, the robot connects when it is not required. personal participation of the bailiff. a person does not participate in this process and enters in an electronic form of a document, for example, a traffic police fine machine automatically processes it and issues a decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. it is no longer signed by the bailiff's electronic signatures, but by
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the service's electronic signature as a legal entity. the audience also spoke about the work of the robot. polina has been in the service of russian bailiffs for the first year , this digital bot automatically processes calls, informs subscribers about executive productions. in the perovsky court of moscow, a preventive measure was chosen for ilya maklitsov, the deputy director of the capital's car dealership, who, according to the investigation , brutally cracked down on his subordinate after the feast. the chief inflicted more than a dozen live wounds on his colleagues, that the accused said in court knows alexander astakhov ilya maklitsova is being led along the corridor of the perovsky court under escort and in handcuffs the men look lost, disheveled hair and a bandaged finger, traces of the recent struggle that unfolded in one of apartments in the east of moscow and ended in murder. rather than a person
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according to the residents of the house where the crime occurred in the yard. they have a quiet and calm , that's why on that evening many noticed that something was going on, the sound of broken glass. there were screams right after the glass broke. i went out to look and thought, well, maybe someone hits the car. well, i went out and looked, there a man lies first, the windows were defeated. i run to the balcony and look up. well looked down. first, what kind of glass and then i raise my head up and already half the battle is already on the street flew off later. it turned out that before that it was likely that the killers on it were their victims. more than ten stabs in these operational footage shows that the room is a mess, and for no reason it is covered in blood, so it is quite possible that the man died in the apartment, and the attacker decided to hide the evidence , probably the killer tried to get rid of the body of his victim in a rather original way. just threw him off the eleventh floor. why it remains only to guess, because cover up the traces. this did not help the opera. fast
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found the attacker. he was drunk, and did not even try to escape from the scene of the alleged crime. it is known that ilya makreltsov is the deputy director of the moscow motor show, which sells used cars, the dead technical consultant of the company, thirty-five-year-old maxim kolesnikov , celebrated his birthday and men celebrated when there was a conflict between them on the election of moltsov's world flow, parents, wife and friends came to court . the suspect was brought positive references from his colleagues. what caused such a cruel law enforcement officers will have to find out the massacre during the investigation, the perovsky court of moscow sent the probably killer to a pre-trial detention center behind bars. i could spend a person at least 2 months, and, most likely, even more for a man. now threatens a solid term of up to 15 years. imprisonment of the deceased left a wife and a little daughter alexander astakhov alexandrrevich. ivan prince vesti the duty unit is a large-scale corruption scheme uncovered by the national guard’s own security service in close cooperation with the fsb, we are talking about procurement for state needs, which were carried out
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by officials in the main military investigation department of emergency russia where they are investigating, do they think what was done? it's passive, overpriced. as a result, the damage caused to the state is enormous. the damage to the budget amounted to 227 million rubles. at present, under the circumstances of the incident, 12 people have been interrogated in order to seize documents related to the case. about twenty searches have been carried out in an official statement, the names of the suspects are not named. however, deputy alexander khinshtein the saint telegram channel writes that the head of the housing policy department of the construction department became the defendants in the criminal case. rosgvardiy yaroslav, the final ceo of a large company, olegchev, and his deputy alexander belyakov, the deputy emphasizes that i quote the initiation of this case has traditionally been the result of the efforts of the department itself. the inspection of the state security service was organized by the decision of the director. the national guard of viktor zolotov sentenced
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teenagers and their 20-year-old accomplice to murder over a hamburger in the nizhny novgorod region, who brutally dealt with a disabled customer of the store for an allegedly unpaid sandwich with a cutlet to oleg’s word in the gorodets city court, accused of murder, as if in some bad performance , two sixteen-year-old teenagers, accompanied by their parents, seemed outwardly harmless, twenty-year-old defendant maxim ganin also outwardly modesty itself for such acting. they had a good reason and moncriminalized the murder because of a hamburger with completely unprecedented cruelty finale massacre, which happened last fall was caught on the smartphone camera of a teenage girl, judging by the comments. she did not immediately realize what had happened uncle went to bed in the details of the beating of 39-year-old alexei markov, we cannot report on the air for ethical reasons, we will only clarify that the cruelty of juvenile monsters was beyond the limit
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, the cheapest so -called hamburger, foul-smelling cutlets served as the reason for the massacre with bread, they wrote markov took a bite. this is before trying to pay, whether it's twenty. dad is the owner of this store, or that it is for 60 rubles. they beat a man to death for half-death, at least he was taken away from here, and he was in a coma, as they say, those who knew markov had problems with the head of a man. sometimes he could behave not quite standardly. however , those who staged the lynching did not begin to understand this, taking out inhuman hatred on a passer-by who was unable to resist markov was a disability. due to mental illness. he died in the hospital without regaining consciousness, they said of course, i was in such shock. we just don't know, he never took his phone with him, he never had such a disease. uh-huh that is, he
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was not so reserved for us on purpose, but he was kind and loved animals during the process of juvenile fanatics. they tried to shift the blame onto the victim, allegedly. he was drunk, alexei’s relatives didn’t believe in their repentance, which the defendants voiced in their last word , it is very important that the law enforcement officers worked clearly in this case and those who staged the lynching were punished, they were eventually found guilty, speaking in legal language in causing grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of a twenty-year-old nizhny novgorod resident. maxim aganin was sentenced to 8 years in a strict regime colony of one of the teenagers to six years in an educational colony, another court appointed a suspended sentence, the evidence was recognized by the court as sufficient to sentence a twenty-year-old man and two sixteen-year-olds. undergrowth. the verdict did not enter into force, obviously the convicted will not see such hamburgers soon , it is not only that young people are ready
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literally torn to pieces for such nonsense, the beating took place in the park in front of a huge number of passers-by, but none of them even lifted a finger to stop the massacre oleg posobin alexey gorshkov dmitry kamsky various disasters and catastrophes, both natural and man-made, the minister visited. primorye, this region is traditionally covered by floods in the summer in the search and rescue team of vladivostok which is deployed on russky island , more than 60 people are serving in their arsenal, 36 pieces of equipment alexander kurenkov assessed the equipment of the unit and the level of professionalism of rescuers, in addition to a meeting with the governor. primorye , the minister discussed the main issues of prevention of wildfires and flood conditions as part of a working trip by the head of the rescue department. i also visited yuzhno-sakhalinsk and visited the search and rescue squad. named after valery polyakov regional
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rescuers deployed an airmobile group there, consisting of 100 specialists and 17 pieces of equipment. these are tank trucks plast means snowmobiles, as well as a drone. that kamchatka, that sakhalin is a seismically active region, once again i want to check the system of readiness, both technical stability and response to seismic incidents, and possibly a tsunami alexander kurenkov noted the work of sakhalin rescuers also said that one of the important tasks in the far east is the development of an unmanned aviation aircraft type it is able to cover large areas and withstand high wind loads. on the waves at the height of summer, 1,000 boats at full speed set off to plow the waters of the river and lakes, and for many, the only rule is to hold on tight to the helm by unscrewing the gas all the way to such riders, special attention is riveted to
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river police officers, like law enforcement officers. whether the sultan of the zines catches the hachey. samara region, a boat station in the area of ​​the saratov reservoir in the summer heat, the owner of small boats, together with their families and friends, go down to the water. a so it's their time. river police on a speedboat patrol the waters of the volga. here, as on the road , there are also a number of rules that participants in shipping traffic must comply with. we carry out preventive work on water safety with you. all passengers of motor boats must wear life jackets and not swim far from the shore for a large boat . drowned one of the last cases in the city of kronstadt, a company of six people on a small boat entered the waters of the gulf of finland, in fact, gradually began to go under water , one person died, the picture of what happened
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was restored by the investigator. sk is bering elementary recruitment began to arrive. yes, and this boat sank, and he took these shots. one of the participants of the annual festival. ex-waters. while dozens of swimmers competed for speed, the driver of the jet ski raced through them to the floor. nom move ran out to track a special scorcher it was not difficult for a surveillance camera on the pier, located not far from the scene of the incident, to record how the man and his wife, as if nothing had happened, the river police parked the jet ski, detained the owner of the water transport of people, i did not want to knock anyone down in any case for your situation. i ask a big forgiveness. well, an apology was n't enough. and the man became a defendant in a criminal case. and this is the embankment of the northern river station of moscow, a tourist place every day, citizens and guests walk here the capital, and therefore the special attention of the river police officers, so as not to embarrass vacationers
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, the patrol moves in special vehicles. police electric car. develops a speed of no more than 20 km / h. but in principle , this is enough for patrolling, since offenses are quite rare on the territory of the river station, but each case associated with a violation of public order is doubly dangerous, since a vacationer can easily fall into the water. vitaly khramchenko. serves in the river police already 18 years old. and with what just did not have to face over the years. corporate events. some people pass by. uh, well, he drinks and then starts with someone there, this decision happens, someone somewhere left the phone, forgot his handbag, lost, and the water is often climbed. such cases are very rare in such a albeit rare case , the guards will also have to save the drowning man speed boat patrol service is always at a low start. in the area
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of ​​​​responsibility of the river police of moscow is a very vast territory up to the borders of tverskaya area and on the way of law enforcement officers there are various kinds of violators, mainly the owners of ships of little faith neglect the safety rule , when transporting passengers they make dangerous maneuvers should be against the ship's course, if the owner of the ship turns out to be intractable and disobeys the lawful demands of the police, then he is unlikely to be able to hide the attention of the outfits along the edge of the garden passage , a small boat is moving , employees on jet skis come into action. the intruder can only hope for luck and engine power, since on the water to get away from police officers are almost impossible , so hundreds of poachers are among the detainees, and the results of the work over the past 3 months. the head of the main directorate for transport spoke about this priority area at a press conference. mia oleg kalinken. more than 4 tons of bioresources e, obtained by poaching, were seized
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from poachers. it has more than 23 km of nets, 141 units of watercraft, well, and more than 200 different crime weapons. in addition, river police officers are actively involved in mass events. such how scarlet sails is the guardian of order is responsible for the safety of passenger traffic, which is especially important during the holiday period and even in such a rainy summer there is always a lot of work on the water sultan ziganov denis novozhilov mikhail shirin alexander storozhenko dmitry bykov vesti the duty department hid deeper than vnukovo, customs officers found dew of diamonds. in the underwear of passengers , inspectors stopped a 39-year-old citizen who arrived from the united arab emirates while passing through the green corridor, scanning his luggage. customs officers noticed more than ten boxes with various electronic gadgets. and at once 40 certificates for precious stones. it turned out that the passengers equipped themselves in shorts with a cache of diamonds. the jewels
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were packed in tripolymer bags wrapped with adhesive tape . he stated that he was partially familiar with the customs rules, and the value of the goods that he was carrying in the gift, in his opinion, does not exceed 17,000 us dollars. well, experts doubt the words of a man in expensive shorts. 62 large stones, transparent and blue. and also whole dews of small expertise. all this was confirmed by diamonds with their market value of more than 5 million rubles. a criminal case has been initiated, the defendant has already been taken into custody. a loud accident in the center of the capital of bashkiria where the daughter of the deputy regional prime minister iraq sagitov allegedly got into an accident , her crossover collided with a sedan, fortunately. there were no dead who really was the mysterious avtolady understood igor kruchunov. recording personal surveillance cameras
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installed in the historical center of ufa , frightened eyewitnesses shudder from a sharp sound at the intersection, two cars collided, a black sedan, flies into a blue crossover. eyewitnesses recall, fortunately, the drivers are similar, got off with scratches and a strong fright, these shots were taken a few minutes after the accident of an ambulance with flashing beacons, police officers and employees of the ministry of emergency situations. very fast information. about the accident quickly scattered on social networks, when it turned out? those who were driving the blue roofer write that the cars were driven by the daughter of a high-ranking official in the region, the foreign car was taken away on a tow truck, and some other car. in general, an old one, she still stood at the crossroads for quite a decent time. here , right under our windows, our feet stopped and were invited. i understood that. e drivers for parsing a few right, a crowd so
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small gathered, but at the opposite intersection that you were discussing there. that's how time next to this machine is not to say that with a cottage, but it is dressed in a jacket, that is not well, just not just idly walking. there have already appeared details about the identity of the participants in the accident, allegedly the crossovers were driven by diana sagitova, a student at a medical university, a future pediatrician, the daughter of the deputy chairman of the government of bashkortostan, irik sagitov , judging by the press service of the department. one of the participants in the incident did not need inpatient medical care for the victims. here he is next to a black sedan bandaged. witnesses to the accident did not linger. realizing that their help will not be needed. we are working hard enough. and that's all. they no longer delved into it, they understood what they said there. it seemed like an ordinary accident. so much attention from journalists next to the intersection where the accident occurred, for example, the settled two-story wooden barrack , which was chosen by the homeless. this is real news, pensioners are outraged. after all, children are playing nearby, and people
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who suspect that it is at lunchtime. for some reason, almost the entire composition of the government turned out to be at the scene and did refuse to comment on camera black sedan moving down the street. there is no marx in this direction, of course, not a single road sign that would remind the driver of the speed limit, but on the right there is the building of the ufa university of science and technology on the left and there is a children's health center on the territory of the dynamo society, so drivers, as it were, intuitively slow down to this section of the road a minute before the collision, the intuition of the driver of this car, apparently, failed after the accident. he for a long time, did not leave the wheel at all , obviously being in a state of shock. the details of the traffic accident and the nature of the driving of the participants in the accident are being clarified by traffic police inspectors. however, they are in no hurry to comment. it is possible that both drivers were driving, apparently, the green signal of the traffic light will seek mutual compensation for damage from insurance companies igor
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kruchev mikhail shirin denis novozhilov . the boom of a huge crane, which worked on the construction of the sky in a prestigious area of ​​​​manhattan, collapsed after fires in the crane operator's cabin, when it fell, it closed up a neighboring building. while the size of the destruction is specified miraculously managed to avoid casualties, but six people still suffered. these are four firefighters and two civilians. in addition, people from the nearest buildings were evacuated. even more legal news in the telegram channel detective subscribe and our issue is completed in the studio was maksimavchan. see you on tv channel russia 24. the french
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wanted to do everything possible to prevent the war. my grandfather always considered paganism with russia as the main condition of the great patriotic war , a dangerous moment in human history, what is now happening in ukraine then the lessons of the 2018 edition, as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with it. otherwise, we will repeat it from history.
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we'll take care of this. it will be honest detective.
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these are very serious people. you'll have to move out.
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educational programs and a documentary film opens today in st. petersburg delegations from almost fifty countries of the continent arrived in the city vladimir putin will take part in the plenary session in a number of regions of ukraine, including in kiev , powerful explosions thundered in the dnipropetrovsk region , according to local authorities, a major fire broke out, the khmelnytsky strike came at a military airfield. defense minister sergei shoigu


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